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AKB General 748

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Thread replies: 1287
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Previous thread: >>15934474

All AKB sub-groups and related *48/*46 groups welcome.
FAQ: http://pastebin.com/y0xcf3Pt

(10/05) SKE48 10th Anniversary LIVE at SUNSHINE Sakae
(10/10) AKB48 Janken Taikai 2016 in Kobe World hall, Top7 will form a new unit, JKT Janken winner to take part.
(10/11) NOGIBINGO! 7 Start
(10/17) Keishichou Nasi Goreng ka drama starring Shimazaki Haruka
(10/18-19) NMB 6th Anniversary Live at Kobe World Hall.
(10/26) Yamamoto Sayaka 1st solo album "Rainbow".
(11/09) Nogizaka46 16th Single (Title TBA).
(11/16) AKB48 46th Single (Title TBA). Shimazaki Haruka center.
(11/30) Keyakizaka46 3rd Single (Title TBA).
(TBA) NGT48 1st single
(TBA) HKT48 9th single (Bagutte Iijan) Sasshihara Rino center
(TBA) SKE48 2nd Album

>Useful Links
LODs and Live Shows: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JnKp_AEeGUNTNePfY3C3AO4veiVi7frza82lRo44ejQ
48/46 Group Masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B1HFVF5iQBgvjDrPnmwfbq0Iz6VvaOmDep0C2x8yoMo
AKB48 Masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dUAcADxd9BOvJGXXQdPTZ6L7co5N2GhWFiTnpFz68qk
HKT48 Masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13WO-YcaJkph2yu75SwCjEu5DCMC50mZhccureCnwQQA
Nogizaka46 Masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17eKIpPGgBA1YUV5bI3yyKyQYcW9hqM9iLaFZcZP3mLA
AKB H/S: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oATy7ZX78NxKUr3WVNbg4eZ8sfKDZKCpBT61p0RAsrA
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Terrible photo
>that URL
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Antiosocial idols will not scandal
Members like Nishino did the boyfriend thing before they joined, so they manage.
Girls who joined at an older age seem to scandal less.
I'm not in it.
The only thing more cringey than watching KTK, is watching people trying to interact with KTK.
They've already learned that tiny nip dick isn't worth it.
Brilliant photo.
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So much hate

we will ganbare.
Maybe they realize more how sweet a gig idoling is compared to what they were doing so they don't want to fuck it up.
Indeed. Never oshi a girl who joined younger than 16.

Unless it's Satone, she'll be fine I'm sure.
I always assumed mascots in Japan had a rule against doing that.






joining at young age is fine if they're brainwashed into /u/, just like best haruka did to mk1
Great... Which one do I watch?
They started already? Thanks.
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how much do you love your oshi ?
3's stream quality is shit, 12 isn't much better, 21 isn't showing her face.

about 15 minutes ago.
29 has video.
Watching 49 for two minutes and the thought of her not passing the audition already kills me. I can't do this.
Fuck, I thought it would start late at night. This is crazy. What is this I don't even.
49 is pretty cute. She just accidentally knocked over her camera. Voice is like pouring sugar into your ears.
Correction: The only girls showing their faces are 12, 29, and 49.

Looks like 3 already gave up?

First streams were scheduled for 09:00
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A lot.
>Voice is like pouring sugar into your ears

That's exactly what I was thinking.
69 candidates is just way too much. They should have focused on quality over quantity.
29 and 49 looks cute
They are. They're sorting out the ones who can't handle talking to an audience.
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What the fuck is the point of going live without showing yourself?
meh, I am not watching any stream, I don't want to be disappointed
I'm not going to watch the candidates at all this time. So many of these cuties are gonna get eliminated, no reason to get attached.
That's Nogis thing, not AKBs.
Come on anon, don't be like that. They need your support.
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>not going all in and oshiing one of the candidates
Her voice is nice.
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16th Gen - #29.png
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I have a feeling she's going to make it lads. You can trust me on this one.
she has a manly voice, I like it
Decent enough age, good height, lovely voice. Okay looks. Speaks a bit too familiarly.
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I'm mostly watching to see if the midget on the right applied.
It's like watching old SKE thing
>I really like this girl
>gone years ago
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Taiga faiba yaiba ...

They already found a Naanya replacement.
Yeah, her name is Kayoyon.
Madoka + Mion
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16th Gen - #3.png
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I like 3 and 29 so far. Not sure about:
But she does have potential as well.
49 is killing it.
I wonder if these girls watched the nogi third gen girls stream and picked up tips from that or if management is telling them to do the same things.
Senpai wants DAT omanko
I love Kayoyon but Naanya is beautiful and I don't think AKB will ever find someone like her again.
I do approve of all this streaming. Nice having something to watch.
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I can't be bothered to watch all of these. Help me anons and tell me which ones are the cutest and by that I mean the youngest.
They can always hire Hashimoto Kanna.
It's overwhelming when they're all streaming at once. I didn't bother with the ones not showing themselves.
Senpai wants that ktk manko
good choice!
I'm just sticking with 49 since she captured my attention first. No point in overextending.
>zero ass
y u do this to my ears 3
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49 looks promising. Even seem genki as well.
Yeah, I have all of them about 30 seconds, the ones not showing themselves less. 49 is actually entertaining to watch.
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>people mentioning owada and miki in 49's chat
Who's this woman in this PV?
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how would you rate this ass?
29 is rich.
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holy shit there's a lot of cuties
too small but cute
49 is young Milky
ok, I will have this one
fucking nihonjins doing this shit again
Thankfully she's blissfully unaware.
29 looks cuter in that picture than she does in her stream.

41 a hafu to replace Hirari?
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>"Yes, hello? I've just received your catalogue and I was wondering if I could order some samples today..."
otona AKB, Tsukamoto-san
haruppi's mom
54 looks like an old sakae who graduated
45 is a yankee
Manatsu is so cute.
>showing her legs
I'll have 3, 32, 33, 41, 49 and 66.
Did she show her waki?
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We only have this in stock.
#3 with shit internet connection is somehow getting more views than #49 and #29.
But that interior color looks like shit.
#27 dead eyes
#31 is a boy
#33 lewd potential
>there are 40 girls whose faces we still haven't seen
I'll wait for you, 49.
How old is she?
46 looks like a slightly chubbier Sakiko.
Holy shit. I think AKB actually had the first pick on the auditions instead of the other way around.
I like 17,19,33,41 and 51
I just asked her and she said she's 15.
17 is the only good one
Are you guys being ironic? Because Nogi 3rd gen was way better.
30 looks more like a hafu to me.
Kill yourself, nogicuck
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While true, these girls look to be more homely, compared to the proper Nogi candidates. AKB fans probably like that.
Is this for AKB? Or 48G Draft?
Three more incoming to go live.
66 is my type
Is Naanya going to jump in the ocean after her scandal?
I like that this is less than half of all the candidates, yet you could easily fill a gen with them.
She'll probably ignore it and nothing will happen.
AKB 16th generation.
Just AKB. I don't think they'll do a draft next year as NMB, HKT and AKB all got a new gen this year, and SKE got their latest not too long ago and I think they already announced a new one.
It's for Akb 16th gen
It's just AKBfags trying to pretend these girls are interesting instead of acknowledging Nogi 3rd gen superiority.
>being this insecure
She's going back home?
>falling for low tier bait
Imagine if you found your oshi before she was even an idol

>I really like this girl
>She never does anything because SKE
No, she's going hunting for her successor.
I noticed this too. Like how they would purposely ignore 46 posts and try to spam 48 whenever a 46 discussion is going on.
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16th Gen - #65.png
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She looks cute too.
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Did Iwahara Shino decided to abandon HKT and try her luck with AKB?
66 future centre
41 /u/
33 Mayubait
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This. I remember reading somewhere that GM helps decide what happens to a member when they scandal. Yuiham is not going to fire anyone. She's too beta and it's fucking adorable but it's still what it is.

3 looks like Marina
Did 29 just leak her real name?
Are these all in or will be like the showroom thingy with Nogi 3rd gen?
>33 Mayubait
How can you know that she have big boobs from that pic?
Looks like the three that were scheduled to go live at 6PM PST, one of them didn't make it. She's rescheduled for the next day.
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Wow, 29 has a tokyo tower already.
There's 69 candidates so no, they won't make it all.
I agree but there is definitely some qts.
i'm betting on 33
For reference:
That guy is rich. He always gives at least 3 of those to Jurina in every one of her streams.
29 just accidentally said her real name while introducing herself in English.

>My name is Moeka
Fuck, i'll wait then, i don't enjoy watching streams of someone that could disappear tomorrow.
Hold the phone, how old is she?
I see Sayanee did a LINE stream. Anyone watch it? Is it good? Or just some shilling?
it's another mion
That's what I thought an hour ago and here I am in love with 49 and 29 already.
I consider it a gift
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16th Gen - Showroom Ranking.png
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>she has tokyo tower sized rack
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Based perverts
14. Pretty big rack.
Tokyo Tower. That costs like what? $100?
Holy shit.
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tani 4koma.jpg
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Someone tweet Mayuyu the screen shots.
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Let's be frank here, nothing will happen regarding Owada and Nishino's scandal. They won't graduate or be punished of any kind and management will act like this never happened right?
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no need for new gens in a dying idol group

this is the future. picture related
#65 is also 14 sai. I just asked her a moment ago.
Komi scandal when
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>Owada and Nishino's scandal
never heard about it
Didn't you watch her documentary? She would never do that. She's not like Naanya.
poor shadow effect photoshop, what's flat should be left flat
Flat is Justice
Komi is a good girl unlike those two sluts.
#65 seems to have ambition. #3 is cute as well. I won't bother with #29, she just got a frickin' Tokyo Tower ffs.
Her doc was full of shit, just like her.

I don't picture her scandaling with an ikemen, though. She just wants status, so a rich/powerful ojiichan sound more like her. Probably staff, even.
What's wrong with her getting a Tokyo Tower?
Nothing. She's soaring. 10k viewers already. She's really cute.
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As in no need to throw konpeitos at her since she already got herself a showroom sugar daddy.
This Moeka is a top cutie.
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you're absolutely right anon
How come some of them aren't showing their faces?
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okappa 1.jpg
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I don't know the context of this screenshot but it's making me angry.
they might not make it / they don't want to be recognized / their parents didn't allow them / they're shy / they don't want to / something else
I love this mushroom girl
What the fuck? Is this the same guy? He just gave Towers to #65.
Embarrassed, haven't mastered the art of makeup, bad hair day, too easily recognisable, something else.
Getting exposed early on and in case they never make it no one has to know.
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ktk must be afraid of her
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2020 Shuffle: Ichikawa Team K
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Well, she did repeatedly try to fish BichaO with dynamite and apparently does it regularly with other staff. She might have gotten better at it, given her push.
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Best girl so far.
Ayyy isn't that the girl with the meme name? Mega Yako? Also hopping off stream after getting towers, this bitch.
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33's camerawork is giving me ptsd.
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Switch to 68.
her forehead must be huge though

29 is pretty cute.
I love how they intentionally made her head bigger than BichaO's.
She has stubby arms.
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This guy is giving Tokyo Towers. But gave a teddy bear to #46.
Excellent Oshi sir.
she'll need to grow taller or she'll be the next naanya
Is he still working on the show? I miss his segments with Aja Kong.
Showroom depression incoming. These girls are pretty cute btw. I want to see 17, 69, 10 and 31. Did you guys notice the haffu looking one?
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She's so cute it hurts.
>It's been almost two hours already

What the fuck. Time flies when you're watching cute girls.
Naachan apparently said that she thinks 29 is cute?
If I remember correctly, he was called for help by Muramoto when all girls started eating cakes and neglected him, so yeah.

Well, she's not wrong.
Naachan is a girl with good taste.
what the fuck happened this time?
Already started the grooming process I see.
You shouldn't skip threads, anon. You'll miss the good stuff.
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16th gen - #52.png
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I'll oshi Moeka, I think she's a safe bet to pass the audition.
Mikichan and Naanya were busted on a late night double date.
I hear she's already 20?
Yes that's her, got snubbed in the last draft but she's taking another shot.
29 and 49 were naturals.
too soon and too young to go full on waki exposure.
she's ready to grope, though.
I find her face displeasing. Too... soft? Round?
Send one copy to HKT please
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>too soft
No such thing, my friend
I'm thirsty for some variety. I guess I'll have to finally watch geinin... sigh
Do it, Geinin 1 and 2 are great.
Same as Non.
I agree.
As if we couldn't tell already.
Was she the one with the fashion model or the ex-Johnny or whatever? I think Naanya had the fashion model.
Naanya was the fashion model, yes.
Don't bother with that one. NMB just doesn't have good variety. Some Genkai Toppa episodes are alright, same with Meccha Baito, Naniwa Nadeshiko and Manabukun, even YNN gets it right sometimes, but they're too scarce.
Soft-looking. Poorly-defined. Chubby.
How do they know he's a fashion model when there's no pictures?
There is a picture.
I really appreciate the subs, but there are some subs comming out that are worse than half assed's. at least you knew that half's subs were half assed and intentionally half bad.
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Daily Forehead
29's a pro.
Juri's such a hottie
>B:87cm W:63cm H:86cm
nice stats
sounds made up, specially at her height and age.
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That was fast. It doesn't seem like she was in a group or something, so she shouldn't have any trouble.
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some people don't like this

It's not like they can't have been in entertainment before. One of the KKK girls was in an underground idol group before being selected.
She giggled when I said Okappa 2.0.
What specifically?

Nogis as well.
Who is she?
my di*k likes her
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Hot damn, #46 just went from 6th to 2nd place. And I just took a shower.
I hate when sassy forgets stuff that she has done while she was in akb
I really like 33. 19 is pretty good. 21 is fucking killing it, even without showing her face. That girl can talk.
I'd clean her toejam with my mouth.
46 is very ugly
>Ikegami Kai, Aso Ririko, Kawai Hina
Yahagi Moeka could be a stage name
Is it because of her teeth?
Someone will save these audition videos right? I dont really want to watch them right now.
Now that's what I call fun
Check 2ch.

and weird shaped face. she's very unfortunate looking. i'm sure she's a nice girl, but she's not pretty or cute at all.

Yeah. Just plug AKB48 第16期受験生 into youtube. The first ones are already up.
worst chihiro is blatantly showing her manko. what a slut.
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Her hair looks really good.
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Just watching #19 now.

She's really cute.
46 streaming for three hours so far.
21 has been on since 09:00 with only about a ~10 minute break.
Their future depends on it.
akb4 is full of shit, better oshi t8
Yep. Thanks for the security, Toyota.

... except when it comes to graduations from Chubu ;_;. The only 3 original Chubus left are 2 with many oshis in /akbg/ (Yokomichi and Cho), and Harupyon.

I'm so scared... and sad, too. I loved Aipon, Nachu, Renana and Moeri.

By the way, is the Renana and Moeri graduation concert going to be streamed?
Surely someone will stream the LOD, right?
wait wat. there is lots of new content that wasn't on the show.
I hope someone fully rips this. it's the best idol show in the last years.

I hope so, but that's why I'm asking.
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>in the ___ last years
You need a qualifier here. "few" is a good all-rounder.
Check the OP. Got about 2 hours till the first performance starts.
i want to hug bibian
Oh. Right, I'm retarded.

Thanks. Time to get ready to cry like a little bitch for hours. Again.
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the woman at 1:32, is she shinobu?

How did you even?
I thought it was okappa.
damn it, anon. you made me happy for an instance.
I'd be more stoked if she had an Instagram account but Twitter would suffice.
I hate instagram.
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oh dang
I hate them both but idols, okay?

Here we go again.
I hate everything that's not twitter.
twitter is very nice.
doesn't work with 4chan embed. no need to repost it.
So you hate Google+ and official idol blogs too?
God dammit, anon...

Blame it on Sasshi. If it hadn't been for Sasshikita Gassen, you'd still be going strong.
Yeah, I'm not even remotely ready for this.

Have to work for the afternoon one but I'll be around for the evening one to suffer along with you.
how is she so cute
The blood of her enemies.

Also, sex toys. Dem ears.

>captcha: rawhide subway
yes. they should move to twitter.
if they want to write a something long, they should at least post a link to each new blog post at twitter.
>something long*
I mean, don't get me wrong. I should be working too. But I work from home, and I own the company to boot, so I'm only affecting the lives of a few freelance salesmen by not quickly finishing the projects I should, so fuck them, I'm taking the day off to wallow in misery.
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49 is a fucking pro
Who's the semen demon on the right?
One of my least favorite 3rd gen. What are they thinking?
16th gen is not a mistake. Hopefully.
who will be the first one to scandal?
there is always one who scandals before/just after debut.

No joke. AKB is desperately in need of some fresh non-trash members. T8 does that, but people hate them for some reason. Hopefully 16th gen will get in quick, show up on Bingo, and displace some of the garbage ugly sluts that we've been stuck with for so long.
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I only like her serious face.
(is there something wrong with me?)
Totally understandable. Her smile is so pure but her body is so lewd. It messes with your head.
her smile is ugly indeed
She probably has the best tummy in 48g.
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>T8 does that, but people hate them for some reason

Nobody hates T8, just the fans.
>T8 does that, but people hate them
People don't hate t8 just ignorant at them since most their activities are local focused.
What /akbg/ hate is delusional t8 spammer
last time I checked, only underdogs were using google+, and it was because google had given money to akip.

>tfw sassy created a vine only to promote nako.
Our Filipino and Latin American posters make their best efforts to give attention to their events by posting high resolution pictures of their sold out exciting events.
It should have been obvious I was talking about translation engines, not social media platforms, though
>sakura is an underdog
News to me.
they should create t8 thread at /hr/
>delusional t8 spammer
Based Team 8 is for loving aand protecting.
>Even electronic brain pancake crystal elderly
SEA pls
I'm sick of their uniforms.
There you are.
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Only underdogs using g+ DAILY
Potential neck injury.
how new is that picture? I've never seen hayasaka with that short hair
But they did anon >>2738508
They also created a separate thread here in /jp/ it lasted without any shitposting tho.
>>/hr/2738508 and don't come back
Look at that fatty.
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Hajimari no Yuki on AKB48 SHOW tonight.

Show starts at 23:15
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I think she cut her hair like two weeks ago already.
The new one sucks. Makes the girls look fat and wide.
>kashiwagi looking at fatty anon

I still love her but this is bad news for my future interest in Keyaki
Fatty? Where? Or did you mean they're looking at one >>15938725
Lovetoxic uniforms are the best
Kashiwagi has always been plump, not fat.
toxic stuff is bad for your body
I love T8 t b h
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Those uniforms were so good, Shinobu rehashed them a couple of singles later for the normal AKB unders.

I got into T8 because I saw a concert where Yokomichi was wearing it.
lewd clothes d e s u
Anyone here watching the Girls Awards?

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She's fat now.
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T-minus 25 for the beginning of the end.

How does this showroom event work? Is it only the girls high in the rankings that will move on?
This one is Oonishi's seitansai though, right?

We should try to be happy for a short time, anyway
>implying there won't be waterworks like mad throughout the first one
Please no. I'm supposed to spend the next hour recording a speech. Now I'm already feeling it...
HNNNG. Lovetoxic ones are so well made that you'll mistake them as college uniforms except for the really short skirts.
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Ofc and also expensive as fuck.
Its cherry on top that the assocciated PV for it and song are amazing.
I know this is bait but Naniwa Nadeshiko was their prime time. It was the perfect mix of idol and variety, where they didn't have enough status to refuse doing stupid shit and where the girls knew they were literally whos so they gave it their all.
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We're on.

Naru is doing Nagisa no Cherry for some reason.
Moeri and Renana are on. Moeri centering.
>Tanao molesting Oonishi
Alright. Nice way to uplift my spirit.
It's hard to say. Nogizaka46 3rd gens and Hiragana Keyakis didn't have that many girls in the final Showroom audition, but apparently the Showroom ranking won't matter in the end, it's just something that the management will take into consideration when they are doing the final selection.

Also, the reason why some of them won't show their faces is quite simple; some schools in Japan have pretty strict rules against being a student and part of the entertainment business at the same time. Applying to AKB and taking part in these Showroom auditions might be against the rules, so those girls will try to play safe and stay as Anonymous as possible until they are officially selected and then transfer to some other school in Tokyo that allows entertainment jobs.

With Nogis and Keyakis those faceless girls usually ranked at the bottom of the rankings, but some of them still managed to get selected if the management was otherwise satisfied with them (based on their earlier private auditions etc.).


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>JESUS time
And time to relive bullying camp traumas too.
wtf 29 looks like shit 3 is way better. the way you were talking about her made it seem like she was some goddess or something
>49s hehe
it's >48g, they only care about boobs
#29 and #3 are ranked high. So it's okay, anon.


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Why isn't Nako more popular in /akbg/?
Hah, I knew it. #49 just soared big time. Second place right now. Kinda surprised that #46 is still ranking high.

Streaming right now: 68, 49, 16, 41, 15, and 33.

it's not that I prefer 3, it's that 29 looks bad. she has no appeal
why are eitos doing vaginas with their hands?
Just, no.
I think she's incredibly talented.
which one is supposed to not have boobs

Better question: what the fuck was that with Hama's clothes?
>Gyoten dancing Sakura no Hanabiratachi
miyawaki is so popular that akip even made a song for her, and akb sings that song since 2006
>that cameraman reminding us how Rinrin has some nice assets too
Based cameraman.
Truly a talented idol. Can't wait for Sakura and Mayuyu Mk9 battle for first place: coming to a theater near you.
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16th Gen - #41.png
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not with that teeth
Dear My Teacher?

>captcha: itchenside close bonita
Itchenside Close es muy bonita
why isn't yokomichi in the front row?
They always have her 50% in the front row/center, and 50% at the back, in the corner position. To make the back row light up, I suppose.
>why isn't an irrelevant member occupying the position of a relevant member
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Am I the only one getting stutter?
no. taiwan club must be downloading some javs and shitting with the streaming
No, I am too. This sucks.
Nice ass, Oonishi. Thanks for the closeup, cameraman.

... and we're stuttering again.
>that close on her ass
I went to check it myself. Stutter stream is stuttering. Taiwanese can't even.
It was running perfectly 'til a song ago.

They better not fuck up the grad concert.
And that was that.

Next one in two hours, at 18:30. They better not fuck it up.
If I remember correctly, they try to live feed with the 10th Anniversary performances. Only it was just pixelated most of the time.
29 back at it

where are you guys streaming from?
What did #29 say? Her oshi is Yukirin?
Okay, I did heard her say that her Nogi oshi is HoshiMina.
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last time i'm posting this, I feel like this webm deserves more love
Good taste.

how about an actual answer?
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Come on stream cops, you can do better than this
How about reading the OP
Agree, Meru deserves more love.
Your webm sucks. You shoould feel bad that you decided to make it.

odekake 186
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16th Gen - #60.png
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Yuihan and Yukirin.
What happened with that Naanya scandal?
Who cares?
Korean streamer might pick it up, but I'll probably be sleeping when it starts so hopefully someone else remembers the url.
I do.

not like they can do anything to shut down the taiwanese. the taiwanese are not exactly known for respecting copyright claims
Fuzz is over. You either decided that Naanya is shit for maybe going on a double date or is shit by association.
Miki was just trying to find a way to motivate Naanya to lose weight.
What's the id?
>Caring about scandal sluts
No sympathy

I really wish 4chan x hadn't forgotten how to post timers
Nothing until more photos are released or management/Naanya responds.
*More panpan
Did they ever so Naanya with the guy in the same photo?
Would be a good webm without meru

or you knew she was shit all along and this changed nothing
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Even worse.
There's a picture taken with three of them together. The double date is just speculation. I wish they get a lot of shit though.
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best girl coming through.webm
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Everyone's too busy oogling at the big boobed Cuckirin oshi, no one will notice me posting best girl.
We're waiting. When are you going to post her?
Where's your favorite "literal who" word?
There is a big boob Yukirin oshi?
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Remind me to never piss her off
What is SKE Festival?
Why is /akbg/ so chatty when it comes to Naanya?
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this is a good one
She just had a scandal
We like to talk shit.
are you watching Team E?
what about girls' award?
Yes, never seen them perform this. I was expecting that mango song.
Funny how quickly the thread has forgotten Miki's part in this
Ugly as fuck.
They will probably act like nothing happened.
skes are so unknown that they give me chinese idol vibes
Naanya fans are easily baited.
No one cares about Miki even though she's the one who got caught redhanded.
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Oh, I see
SKE's AKB Festival version
No one would care about Naanya either if her fans weren't the stupidest most delusional people you'll ever meet in this thread. Do you need to be reminded about the cringy lesbian fanfictions they fill the thread with? Those weren't jokes or them pretending to be retarded, they actually think their little rejected degrassi subplot fantasies are real.
Actually I enjoy those fanfics. You just sound like someone who don't want other people to enjoy and have fun. They're not disruptive and certainly not spamming.
I liked Naanya because she's cute and /u/ shitters should die
How long have they been doing this stage? I thought they were still doing "Te wo Tsunaginagara"
I'm telling you what kind of people you're dealing with if you wish to deal with people who like Naanya. You have to be somewhat mentally ill to like a fat girl to begin with but these people go one step further.
None of that has anything to do with what I'm talking about.
she was cute when she joined the group. now she is just fat
Bad vibes
A month already
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Damn it Oba, get your hands off her!
It wasn't updated on the studio48 Team E stage page or on their wiki so I didn't know. Haven't watched them in a long time.
That bird can be sexually attractive sometimes.
Mogi is too strong.

who's the other one with the dark coat
Shinozaki Ayana

Marriageability ranking:
I really hope 49 makes it. Her voice is lovely.
>she's a HKT hako

Literally perfect.
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>korean streamer is streaming TV

Anyway, Renana's and Moeri's graduation concert will be on any time now.
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Guys. Is 49 the new thread oshi?
It's a toss up between 29 and 49.
And we're live.
29 is just gravure enthusiast bait.49 is the real deal.
I'm not ;_;
no, only hkts can be thread oshi, like sassy and sakura
>thread oshi
49 is weird looking, and 29 is boobs and a baby face. Neither my cup of tea.

3 might have potential but it's hard to tell with her shit stream quality.

Anyway, I'm on #Team19 now.
aipon etc were made to graduate to punish chubu prefectures for not meeting their toyota sales quotas
Has 66 streamed already?
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Post some pics of 49 and let me check.
And they're out. For the last time.

Fuck everything. I love you, Renana and Moeri.
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Naru-chan injured her foot?
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48 is dead
wow it's like they're arranged from ugliest to prettiest
How long is /akbg/ going to pretend to be excited about this audition? Just admit that 46 is better.
Last one, the megami.
I am not excited
90% won't make it they might be Izurinas
Yes, and whenever someone tries to talk about 46g they just start spamming and posting gravure to try to derail the discussion.
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And Harupyon is the first one to lose it. Makes sense, but still.

How come she never caught on as an idol? She's stunning.
neck too long
Same reason as Bossu. To tall for Japanese betas.
That never stopped Yu-kirin
I feel sorry for her now.
She's probably a slut too. It would explain why she's gotten uglier.
Now we know why she got fat.
Woah woah calm your tits, anon. Ryoka is a good girl.
she was just used by a schemer so she could get away with dating. she has been messing around with the failed pushes in team b anyway, and there's always bisu.
She associates with bad women she must be bad herself to tolerate it. Birds of a feather and all that.
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Yuiri get a load of this guy.webm
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Meanwhile Yuiri seems genki as fuck on twitter. Looks like she dodged a bullet.
Fucking Rinrin.
Last "cinderella".

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Time to find a new gf.
Thanks for another one for my collection.
Not sure that complete silence on all platforms qualifies as "genki as fuck" but okay.
*Time to find a gf.
Pretty sure Ryoka's actually gay.
She will never get over Naanya. She'll fuck other girls definitely but you don't forget someone like Naanya.
A thousand times girls have been called most certainly gay and a thousand times it's been proven not to be the case. It's comforting to think your oshi is gay I guess, but it's not true.
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annie 50s.jpg
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Naanya is totally silent on all platforms not Yuiri.

pic related mfw she's guilty af
YuriAnnin resurrection out of nowhere.

Truly the thread couple.
>out of nowhere
Everyone knew things would go back to normal as soon as Annin got some free time from her play.
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Miki said we were only getting bento boxes from 7/11.
>last tweet at 6 am on the morning of the 7th
>scandal broke about 14 hours later
>not silent
Which part are you still confused about?
That sounds like a fucking shitty date
Meant to reply to >>15939447
You forgot an AKB on girls award
based hage
Anon prefers the droopy eyes and lopsided smiles of 46s.
Come on anon. I understand the nogiroaches but you should know better.
Whatever amount ShowRoom paid Aki-P is worth it. Now everyone is using SR even non-AKB idol groups.
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They should use the money to upgrade to 480p streams.
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he's still a genius after all
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this is a bad one
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Expecting another "I slept for 14 hrs" tweet from Mayuyu soon.
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Good grief she's so cute
Already better looking than Ikoma.
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I compromise Fuuko.
And there goes Hattori. And Harupyon. And Yokomichi.

Not me, somehow.
Anyone watching the streams? The ones without pictures are only doing voices?
Only stream I'm watching is the graduation concert.
Thank you but that's not very helpful.
Yes, some of them only do voices.
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Thanks. Is that by choice? Will they be showing their faces soon?
They can choose to not show their faces
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Hey I found an old picture in my computer.
Hinachima is very eroi for her age and she is becoming quite a rezzu.
I hope she never gets her teeth fixed. And I hope she gains about 10 more pounds.
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best smile in 48g
>suddenly, a suppin Kurenyan
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I want her to bully me because of my small size
Hello guys, did Naanya respond to the scandal??? It's fake right?
No to both.
So what was the deal with Cho suddenly showing up for the picture just to leave again?
It's ok, canines aren't big enough
What?? How about AKS?? She's underage, but fat, they should at least deny Bunshun's report.
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They wanted the girls from the Chubu area to be at the front. But Cho wasn't scheduled for today's stage. So I guess she was backstage or something, most likely to say goodbye to the girls or something. So when they started discussing how Cho wouldn't be in the picture, she came out.
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Another one. She was quite sexy.
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Sorry anon, that is not sexy at all.
Fucking Maria.

... Fucking Tsumugi.
There's photos. Denying it would just piss people off more because they would feel like they are being taken for fools.
What the fuck was that?
How do you feel now? Naanya's oshimen huh!?
>Sotsugyou omedetou. Kusobaba.
kek. Fucking Hama.
>tfw just tuned into the stage
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You're only 2 hours late.

... fuck. What happened to Ranrii's hair?
What? I'm not watching.
Went to the gym instead because I knew I wouldn't be able to handle this. I know I'm a terrible fan.

I only heard the laughter after Maria was finish, didn't caught what she said?
They were showing a recording of goodbyes, and Yokomichi's was bizarre as fuck. Maybe she broke down in the middle or something.

Wait for some webms tomorrow when I download it in a proper size.

I thought it would hit me much harder. But I still haven't cried. Which sucks, because this isn't cathartic at all.

>I'll be the next oshaberi cinderella
Referencing both Renana's and Moeri's introductions at the same time. Pena did something similar later.

Tsumugi just asked for them to bring her some food.
Fuck I missed Moerin/Renana stage ;_;

Sometimes I hate being normie
great girls everywhere you look.
>Rinrin crying in the background
>I love Renana, haven't been able to cry, and won't get closure like this
Jelly as fuck of Rinrin right now.
Know the feeling, but the stage was luckly on a saturday so I could just say fuck it to normie stuff
And that was that.

Thank you for shining like the sun, Moeri. And for being gorgeous in your LoGiRLs.

Thank you for being beautiful and fluffy, Renana. I might've started following the group due to Yokomichi, but you were one of the reasons I stayed. Just seeing your face was enough to calm my heart. Hearing your voice made the world be great.

I'll miss you so much... but I still can't register the fact you're gone, somehow. Someone, fix this...
Who is this ugly girl?
Time to drink ourselves into oblivion, eh?

I never was able to have a 2-shot with Moeri or get anything signed, so instead here's some subpar USJ OC. She was right there, and now she's gone...
So now that that's over even though it doesn't feel like it is, here's today's LoGiRL shifuku gravure.

Terada Misaki:

Nanase (I believe this makes her the one with the most shifuku gravures, that being 3, after Moeri, who had 5. But Moeri won't have any more...):


She was right there for you though.

Sometimes, you make me want to leave my house, to the point of traveling to the opposite side of the world. But I'd most likely just become a shut-in there too, and the cost of living is way lower here, so there's that.

But yeah. I think knowingly-induced cirrhosis is the answer here...
Eat shit anon,
you should.
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I've grown so much attachment to T8 that it really hurts to see them go even though its for their own good and to pursue their own dream. I can't imagine myself again to see my T8 oshi she's from Chubu graduate in the future.
Ditto. >>15938471
>pursue their own dream
Do you honestly believe this shit?
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Aipon is doing just that.

Moeri is leaving for a reason similar to SKE's Nannan, and Nannan even went on to write a book/study course.
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She's so hurt

it cutes
Of course since they're T8 and Toyota will do everything to fend off ex-T8 into venturing the JAV route or anything that would hurt Toyota's reputation.
is that a KKK girl?
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Nyu-faggu mitsuketa yo!
recommended for you: 今田美奈
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>mfw these p8dos are pretending to be sad
Why wouldn't AKS provide their idols a proper custom in ear monitors? Since they do a lot of big concert events.
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>picture of Nogi
What did he mean by this?
AKS is cheap as fuck. Who makes employees share hotel rooms on business trips?
I've only been here for 10 months and always ignored anything that looks nogi related
Idols with big chins tend to scandal
They lipsync all their songs anon what would be the point?
idols only need dummy IEM & microphone
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2MB, 3022x4030px
You should make a short trip sometime to catch an event or two. I think that's the best way to go about it. The combo of the high cost of living and the price of idol goods/tickets is pretty brutal. I'll be getting out of here before long, accepted a much better paying job back home to rebuild my finances.
I posted a Nogis because all them are using FitEar CIEM, unlike in 48G only Mayu (FitEar), Yukirin (UE), and Sayanee (FitEar) are using CIEM.

Ex-48G who also uses CIEM
Takamina (UE)
Rena (FitEar)
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Datts fain Anon- kun!
We a waitin fo yu!
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our little demon
The news so far:
>Paruru announced graduation
>Nanase PB huge success
>Naanya Miki scandaled
>Sasaki Kotoko announced graduation on mobame
>Team 8 graduation
What's next?
NMB should use etymotic for their deep insertion
Maybe I should.

Or maybe I should try find some japanese customers to get a reason to visit Japan without feeling pathetic, and then catch some events. There's always the toyota-team8 page to keep me informed...

So what's the name of the girl who might get me into 46?
Mayuyu PB flop.
"death by snoo-snoo!" - yuihan
Sasaki Kotoko
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3MB, 480x270px
Kotoko. Sasaki Kotoko. AKA Love, Patience, Warmth and Ganbare.
Beware: Pizza Cuck's love/hate oshi.

But yeah, Sasaki Kotoko.
Good luck Moerin on your studies, hope you become a professional someday.

Good luck Renana on becoming such a loving girlfriend on your boyfriend if you ever find one on the following weeks.
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I don't know what those names are but I've always thought that Mayu's earpiece looked rather pretty. Not gay or anything.
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mayu future scandal.jpg
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mayuyu scandal with that gackt wannabe
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Welcome to the family
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If you want a real answer, Kitano Hinako.

Ooohhhh... So that's KTK!

I've actually started getting my feet wet with KKK and Techi after Silent Majority but haven't checked out too much yet besides the TIF KKK performance

Do I just start by watching Nogi-/Keyabingo?
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How can the vanillas even compete?
Who did the make up? Reachel?
Nogidoko for Nogi.

Keyakitte Kakenai for KKK.
She's not famous, and she's not active, can't even clean mushroom or help out during the Sayuringo session, usually seen loafing around at the background during shooting doing nothing but looking at the ceiling/sky, so good luck to you anon.
Yeah, Nogibingo is really fun, Nogi under construction is another one. I actually envy you can watch those varieties for a first time!
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That's because her ciem is modded with stones. Pic related.
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Next market when
with half dead 1st gen >>15939488
all those fashion shows and next gen fashion leader segment in akbingo are meaningless
Oh that's pretty. Do they come free or something?
t. Tomiyoshi
I wonder if they were washed before she handed them out.
Is this the last time we saw Nozarena?
Why is she poor?
Probably not. We know there's GPS trackers in those dresses.
Well my spare time for the next few weeks has been decided now
ありがとう, 先輩!

> can't even clean mushroom
That's okay, I don't even like mushrooms
Gonna be interesting whether we'll see her on Monday at the Janken.
>Janken event starts
>TGSK dressed up as a school girl shows up
>Hi, Nozawa Rena desu
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>there are anons in this thread who can't name all these girls
Some makers offer for custom faceplate design, I believe FitEar doesn't offer custom faceplate so the user have to mod her own ciem. Btw pic are Perfume's ciem, also FitEar brand since fitear is Japan's Ciem pride.
Tomiyoshi is not poor, she owns an iPhone 6 and an expensive necklace
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Mostly memeing, since that pic is... apparently from February. Still makes for a funny story.

Well, that's Miorin on the right... and ... uh... oh there's Mayu... uh... well that's all of them.
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Techi, Risasama, Habu, and Yuipon are the only KKK walked the runway?
>iPhone 6
You can buy Apple products on loan, they have a whole page dedicated to this at their site.

>expensive necklace
Nah, that plastic thing probably cost her a few hundred yen tops.
yupe, 4 KKKs, 9 nogis, 1 half dead AKB
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How much would a used Mayo dress sell online? These girls could make some money out of it tbqh. I remember a time when a used Mayuyu raincoat fetched 18000yen on yahoo japan.
Management probably helped her out with the phone. You can't do proper social media with a shitty flip phone.
Sounds balanced.
4 KKKs == 9 Nogis == 1 half dead AKB
I see Mion.
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no. 4 KKKs, 8 nogis, 1 half dead AKB, 1 HKT
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They should fire the makeup artists tbqh.
Best Hinata.
How the crowd will receive naanya and miki in janken?
What's wrong? It gives them a youthful pastel look
I'd be more worried about the HS tomorrow.
The fuck is wrong with her face? is this some ske?
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I wanna kiss
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People are speculating that 19 might be Tomu sister
>youthful pastel
That's the first time I've seen this used as a euphemism for wasted.

This is terrible >>15939375

This is okay >>15939380 but that's just because Ashu always look like that.

There's a worse one of Kiichan that I'm not going to post.
Doesn't look as ugly as Tomu though.
Lots of girls do that frown-smile thing but otherwise she doesn't resemble Tomu at all visually, does she sound like her?
Wow, your taste is fucking horrible
She's an avant-garde idol.
Mostly people in her 2ch thread. They're probably onto something.
>watched Show Fight! lots of times
>loves Disney and Ghibli
>idolizes Tomu

19's face is more rectangular but otherwise they share several very similar features.

Either way she's cute and I like her personality.
What makes that first one terrible and the other okay? It's similar to the style of makeup Paruru would do that made her look sick, but this is more towards doll-like which is always good. It also isn't too whacky, just using one color (pink) and lightening everything else up. It's nice, but I will say those pictures probably aren't the best quality to get a good viewing
Her eyes.
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Our princess
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Thank God we got past CuM
Speaking of which, I wanna kiss Miku too.
Second one has more pink. Might be the picture quality the first one seems like it was brightened up or something which might be washing out the pink she has but who knows for sure.
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#29 will make it isn't it?
29 and 49 are already safe.
29 looks like the type that Aki-p like so yeah she will probably make it

Ignore their checks and jawlines, compare their noses, lips, and eyes.

>~3:17 in the second video
I noticed some similar facial movements with her mouth and other similarities like when her mouth is closed. Does Tomu have a sister? Oh and when she looks down her nose does look similar as well.
She has a younger sister and a younger brother >>15937813

And yeah, their nostrils are practically identical.
Her mannerism are what is convincing me. Not betting any shoes but if that's not her sister I'd be surprised at this point.
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AKB48SHOW is on x468vop

NGT + Best Yui's Room + Full version of Hajimari no Yuki
>takamina didn't even bother to clean her office out when she left
Now Yuihan is the conselour in Show! She talks with a fellow same gen member to ease the things this first time. This is good.
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Tano looks like some kinda mexican halfie.
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>resemblance implies kinship
I hope you aren't comparing that monster on the right to Mio.
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Pretty hot huh.

>Not a cry baby
>Best variety than Mio
>Best body than Mio Ok, this one has no merit
>Sing better than Mio Ok, this one has no merit too

Who is the monster here, again?
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>This in denial
If her head didn't look two sizes too big for her body then yea.
Noepii is great, looks like Meru and Mio, is a Meru oshi, genki as fuck, oshimen material.
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>head too big
Big heads make girls naturally cute. You remember Thumper, of course.
I wish there was some subbed NGT variety out there to see if I should love these girls or not.
HKT vs NGT didn't get subbed?

What languages can you speak?
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Misa likes them cute, genki and willing
I think GEES subbed the first episode and that's it.

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>come back home
>find this at your front door
What do?

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Not him but many websites make the distinction between english (US) and english (gb)
This is a highly underrated idol
Offer her a nice warm meal and treat her like a princess.

I would torture her psychologially flying a RC plane around her head.
burn burn burn
Ikuchan's hat would most likely say something like "Make Germany Great Again" in german.
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trade it with best okada
That's it? Damn. One day I'll get around to subbing something. You should do your reps in the meantime, though.
I will force her to give me all of Mako personal information and then kick her out
that's amber from fx, right?
>the joke
>your head
>Best variety than
>Best body than

SEA please.
If Naachan is truly a boi why she paints her nails
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Mio Plus
She's gender fluid
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Call in the experts
business gay, just like her business majime
Basically this >>15940129

And struggle to resist temptations.
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GEES subbed them all
and no fuck was given
Yuiri is so cute.
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>GEES subbed them all
Are there still up though? I think a lot of his videos have been removed.
My future wife. Happy birthday cutie.
Happy birthday you cute little muffin.
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You just described 3/4 of HKT
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To be fair to Myao, that was a dark time for gravure.
Just checked, they are still there.
Thanks for not replying with the hentai webm
Can't wait to see her janken costume.
I debated adding that, actually. I never gave HKT a chance until not so long ago and it turns out they're really damn good
I had a hard time getting into hkt because I can't stand sasshi,sakura, merumio and nakomiku
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What's wrong with NakoMiku? They're two of my favorites.
HKT taught me to hate pushes not pushed members as I saw Sakura, someone I liked and knew well, being mega pushed into relevancy.
HKT has lots of potentials but people mostly see sassy, sakura, harpy, mio even with the latest senbantsu
More private instagrams coming to light, miki and yukirin.
Same pretty much, I've loved Hana since her debut and now everyone here hates her.
2ch hates her and they know better.
I still love Hanachan. She'll always be my daughter.
Post please.
searching through the photos of today's T8 event and wow... tsucchan looks sad. wonder what happened
Um, maybe a double graduation?
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Talent, hardwork and cuteness don't mean shit in HKT
Two girls graduated. That might have played a role.
>they know better.
Not really.
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i hope that's the reason why. well, not really sad. just that, something feels off about her.
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And? You realise having a personal life isn't a scandal right?
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>It's not a scandal if I say it isn't
Good thing it isn't for you to decide since you seem wholly out of touch
>it is a scandal if i say it is
Good thing it isn't for you to decide since you seem wholly out of touch
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T8 performing Birth next week.
Sadly there are people in this thread who sincerely believe that you are wrong.
Depends on what's there.
she's so boring. even on TV
>Implying unei gives a fuck
Simply having a private instagram is a scandal
miki? mikichan? Nishino Miki?
only if you're a johnny
Don't worry, she's fine. Saying goodbye is hard. Tsucchan will bounce back.
The day johnny's are held to a higher standard than our girls is the day I kill die
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yamete kudasai
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Right which is why I posted what's there.

The standard is the same in both cases: Obey their contracts.
Johnny's can't even drink, can they?
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I would hang out with these rice farmers.


Hiwatashi Yui
Fukushi Nao
Yamada Noe
Shimoguchi Hinana
Hama Sayuna
Sato Kiara
Goto Moe


You heard it first here.
She can't wink
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That's what makes it so damn cute
hey, i recognize that costume https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw_OLmy41IA
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Miru dressed up in her finest curtains for the hs.
Not Kami 7 enough.

>Hiwatashi Yui
>one team8: prolly Tsumugi, I could smell her push
>Sato Kiara
>Takahashi Juri
>one SKE: prolly yunana/rara/uha
>one NMB: dont even care
>one HKT: ofc it would be Hanachan
you'd love MNL48 then
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It has to go back further than that
Breaking their contract is not the only way to scandal. Bullying is an example of something that isn't proscribed yet would be scandalous for a member to be found doing
Miru is unconsciously s*xy
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I trusted you, Seichan ;_;
You're going to trust the word of that scandal whore? Shame
Because bullying is socially unacceptable. Private instagrams are socially unacceptable now?
Can we just say it? She's hot.
That's because bullying is heavily looked down upon in any civilized society. There's nothing wrong with them having a private life. The only thing that would matter is the contents and they seem to be ok.
t. naanyafag
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Now that naanya is dead that writter should make some fanfics about Meru not wearing underwear in public, raping people in the alleys and shits like that.
Really unlikely but does anyone here subscribe to Miki and Naanya's mobame? Apparently Miki sent one that completely ignored the whole situation and it pissed off people even more. Naanya sent one apologizing profusely and making excuses, which pissed off people even more.
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My point exactly.
No, I could but it'd probably be too late now. Didn't these posters copy the text?

Uha is awkward and it's adorable. I want her to break out of her shell because I think that would help her but it's still really cute how she is now.
Secret things of this nature, which aren't private, but rather selective, since they're obviously following people and being followed, is never a good thing. If they wanted to do something privately, why use a public platform like instagram? And if they wanted to do something publicly why not use one of their public SNS's? There's no reason to have accounts like the ones they have unless they were doing something they weren't supposed to

Having a private instagram is not a prerequisite to having a private life. Lets not pretend that it's necessary and that not being allowed to have an account means they aren't allowed to have a life
>that guy who doesn't understand what private means
Yeah no not having this "argument" with you again.
Not this shit again. Please just fuck off.
I guess not. I've just been looking around different areas about this and saw it on Stage48. I don't have an account so I can't ask.
What don't you understand because you had this problem last time or are you content just to shitpost and never learn anything
I will say this and leave it because you seem to think that everything they post in secret must be horrible. Maybe they had a bad hair day or wanted to post themselves without any makeup on for example. Just because it's private and meant for their real life non-idol friends doesn't mean it's something heinous. Maybe they got together with an old friend from elementary school but she didn't want her face shown to millions of people. Things like that. LOADS of celebrities have private accounts on social media. I will leave you with that.
It's a lost cause, not worth the trouble really.
shizuoka is for genki not for sexy
I don't see why we can't have both
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No one wants to see this old hag
Idols aren't loads of other celebrities they're idols and if she had a bad hair day what's to prevent her from sending the photo in an actual private way from her phone to another phone? If it's for her irl friends what does she need instagram for instead of a text message? You seem to be ignoring these things and just assuming an instagram account is the only way to send a photo to your friends when that isn't so. I also never suggested everything they post there is horrible, I just pointed out, using the reasoning in this post and in the one you replied to, that there is no good reason to have accounts like the ones they have unless they were to use them for bad purposes
That old hag is one of best girls in the entire 48 group.
>one would ignore
>one would apologize
AKB Management people.

>mfw both didn't work
She's not even good enough to be a T8 backdancer
>Idols aren't loads of other celebrities they're idols
Oh I bet you also think Idols do not poop don't you?
Pizzacuck can't comprehend that public accounts are just promotional accounts while private accounts are just real life accounts. He thinks that since they're public figures they must make everything about their family, friends and life public. He probably also thinks they should make their address public for fans to come over at any hour of the day, or else he'll think they have something to hide.
God, you're creepy!
So you do just want to shitpost instead of explaining why you think instagram is the only platform with which you can share a photo
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No way. I'll eat my hat if that's him. Style isn't the same at all.
they can do it offline, meet friends irl directly, write their bad day on a physical death note etc
He also apparently thinks that being able to invite or accept selected people to view what you post on your private account makes it not private.
I'm just saying she's super cute.
Thanks for the reply anon, I think you confused me from someone else. I just want you to know I totally agree with you. You've enlightened me. Private instagram really is fishy.
>If it's for her irl friends what does she need instagram for instead of a text message?

I mean come one, have you seen owarai geinins having private instagrams and private twitters? Look at Downtown's Hamada and Matsumoto. You're not seeing any news about them having private social media accounts. Right?
I don't get what point you're trying to make but you're doing a bad job of it by comparing idols to fat old married comedians
Not him. Although, I would probably guess that it's the same Fedora guy who hates taking videos of T8 while they're right in front of the wotas.
She's good enough to be T8 center though.
You don't need to use instagram to converse with your family. There are hundreds of other, better ways to do that without inviting scandal
Yeah anon you're right, they're really different. Like what I said on my previous post, fat old married comedians piss and poops.
Idols don't
imagine all that genki sex. you've already cum but she's still riding like crazy
Nah this isn't pizzacuck, it's straw-sequitur-kun.
You're confusing your thread personalities once again.
I am glad she survived that murder attempt
It's super easy to just throw a pic up on Instagram and leave it. That's all there is to it. There's no reason for any social media to exist when there's text messages but it does anyway. Just blame first world countries. You're vastly overthinking it.
Anon, you've made me see the light. We don't need *any* of this technological crap. It's all totally unnecessary, we should just toss it and go back to communicating by smoke signals.
>You don't need to use instagram to converse with your family.
Me too. Sometimes people DM each other on twitter when they could always publicly tweet with each other.
This is so fucking stupid.
ur stupid
You didn't hide the reply chain yet?
Alright, maybe I couldn't satisfy her after all...
You can do that in hundreds of other ways that don't invite scandal

This is hurting your case since you're naming yet another alternative that wouldn't raise suspicions. There isn't a good reason to have accounts like they do, and since there isn't a good reason it must be a bad one
Any examples of his arguments on other subjects?
>There isn't a good reason to have accounts like they do, and since there isn't a good reason it must be a bad one
>best girls in 48g
>pretends to be straight because she can't get a girlfriend
>i get to decide what is good and what is bad
lava or spikes?
I'm not certain but he might have been involved in several of the "Nogi doesn't belong in this thread" arguments. If it wasn't him it was someone with a similar love of haranguing positions that were never advocated, switching definitions mid-sentence, and positively asserting that A = B thus D.

I feel like there were a couple others since then but I don't recall what they were about.
bikinis, dildos, braces
Numerous other topics. First one I remember is age of consent.
I can't think of one and you haven't named one that doesn't assume instagram is the sole platform used to share pictures. No one has given a reason why sharing them privately to their family, assuming it is their family they're sharing pics to and not selected boys or premium fans or whatever, is not a better option than an account that screams scandal
>instagram is the sole platform used to share pictures
And you've yet to explain why that matters one whit.
>there are other platforms for sharing pictures
FINALLY. ANON TELLING THE TRUTH. I told you I'm completely behind you with this.

Why are we even having new threads when we've reached the image limit? We could always share images here with IMGUR. Just fucking post the links, simple as that.
So they can follow their friends and families instas without broadcasting those accounts to their fans with their public insta accounts.
Which thread personality is the one who always got mad when someone criticize an idol's body part?
That's just the thread in general.
Team P8do fag.
Most of the thread desu. "girls shouldn't have X" is more of a meme than a thread personality.
I only remember someone getting completely triggered by posters criticizing the ugly nose of that one Nogi with the ugly nose.
We have a winner.
we had a positive-kun once, didn't really catch on since this general is pretty hostile.
Don't you dare.
I already did but I'll reiterate. If you want to share things privately with family, then you can directly send them the picture you want or if its a message you can text message them directly. All completely private. If you want to share something publicly, they can use their public accounts. Why they would need a private instagram account to share privately or publicly is beyond me, if it isn't for giving it out to boys and having private conversations with them or having the option to do that in the future if they chose. If that LINE group was a scandal, then these instagrams are too

This thread isn't an idol. You're being stupid

But these aren't accounts just made to follow their family, they're following other people, sometimes johnnys and boys and who knows what else. You're pretending its just their family, when it isn't. They're using it for more than just that. Their friends can also make their accounts so not just anyone can follow them
KTK? Yeah I've no idea why she hasn't fixed that bulbous eyesore yet.
>This thread isn't an idol
Hirari lurks he-ohh... ;_;.
Actually, he brought up the nose by himself.
>Why they would need a private instagram account to share privately or publicly is beyond me
Ah so you're just anti-social.
It's the opposite. You have one anon repeatedly saying navels, noses, chins, and whatever else is ugly.
I'm not an idol, you're also still pretending instagram is the only way you can share a photo with your family
Instagram is a super popular social media platform. You keep asking why they use it when there are other ways? Well why wouldn't they use it? Millions of people use it. Why can't they use it for their private lives? Because you said so? You are incredibly paranoid. Who hurt you?
>you're also still pretending instagram is the only way you can share a photo with your family
Someone help me out here, is this a straw man or a non-sequitur?

Also, why does he keep leaving out "friends"?
I can't believe you guys are still arguing with this idiot. His whole aim is to be as obtuse as possible and waste your time. He will never quit.
Why wouldn't they use? Maybe because it's seen as scandalous for the reasons I've been saying this whole time. If there are other ways of sharing a photo that doesn't raise suspicion of ill behavior then they would be well advised to use those methods otherwise it could go badly for them if it's found out. Which then raises the question, how could it get found out if they were only following and using it for their family like they suggest? But that isn't what's going on. Why do you keep acting like they are only following their family?
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>be in team4/teamk/teamA
>something embarassing happened to a fellow team mate
>want to upload it to IG so we in the team can have a good laff and joke about it
>dont want to post it publicly because it might humiliate the member
>only want it to be an inside joke

>but i cant because im not allowed to have a private insta
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His floundering around is giving me a sensible chuckle.
Is it time to forgive her? She and Seichan might have actually done nothing wrong.
What if it was a private Twitter? They have those too you know. How can you be sure your oshi isn't sexting through text messages right this moment? Just because it's a private instagram doesn't mean it's something bad, and just because they're texting doesn't mean it isn't something scandalous.
You've just proved my point that the only reason you'd have private accounts is for bad reasons. Your scenario is bad, you do realize that, right? That a girl would make fun of their teammate like that does not reflect well on the girl
"The very use of Instagram is scandalous"

- Pseudopizzacuck
It's hard to forgive when there was nothing to forgive in the first place.
>having private life
>not being an idol 24/7
If akb is a part time job for you maybe I should be a part time oshi, -50% votes for you bitch.
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Putting in half a vote isn't possible, anon.
>bad reasons
SO FUCKING WHAT? Idols are not allowed to make mistakes? Or even to make fun of their fellow members
Jesus fucking christ did you even experience laughing at your friend because he/she fell down face first? Or sharing a fucking embarassing photo of your friend in your own LINE group or own kekbook group?

Anon is right, you're fucking anti-social. It's like you haven't had any friends at all.
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i'm a fucking NEET who lurks and post here for 30 hours and sleep like a fucking lamb for 14 hours

you gotta understand that some people really do want some (You)s. and me saying Idols don't poop, actually got a (You).
I need it anon.
A private twitter would be the same deal, but they weren't caught with private twitters they were caught with instagrams so we're talking about instagram. I've said it hundreds of times already, but I'll say it again. There's no reason to have private accounts if they aren't doing something they aren't supposed to, like this anon suggested where one girl wants to laugh at and bully another girl >>15940519 or in the actual example of one of the girls following and talking to johnnys. If you're using a platform (private instagrams) that other girls are using and have used to chat up boys, then it's a scandal and if there are girls, as you say, who have one that aren't doing those things they should get rid of it as soon as possible unless people rightly assume she's doing the same thing with her private account

Read my reasoning for why that is the case. I do mean private instagram accounts of course

They are allowed to make mistakes and when they do in unforgivable ways that show themselves to be bad women it's called a scandal
>Well, you work part-time. How many days of the week?
>Every day.. but just part of the day. From 9 to 5.
>So, you work a full day?
>I wouldn't say that. There are huge chunks of time.. at night.. where I'm just asleep. For hours. It's ridiculous.
Sakurai Reika is ugly to be honest.
>Anon is right, you're fucking anti-social. It's like you haven't had any friends at all.

It's more likely he did have friends but then they did one of these very trivial actions and he couldn't handle it so he stopped being friends with those people. Now he sees the idols that he used to fill that void doing the same thing and that feeling of betrayal is surfacing again and he still can't handle it.

Dudes just straight up broken.
>There's no reason to have private accounts if they aren't doing something they aren't supposed to, like this anon suggested where one girl wants to laugh at and bully another girl
Here's the twist. The girl youre """""bullying""""" is also part of the little circle where you uploaded her embarassing photo.

You're not fully grasping what I'm saying anon. It's too hard to explain it to someone who didn't really have a circle of friends.
You're describing a cabal of witches but even then they would still be better off sending the pics via group text. But then they aren't just following eachother, they're following other guys and letting them in on it too and having a nice little chat. Even without the fact of a girl talking to johnnys on her private account, the simple possibility of that happening would be enough for it to be a scandal
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Why are you always adding that JOHNNY thing? Did your oshimen cuck you? Can't a "private IG to circlejerk with your fellow team mates" be reason enough to have one?
Johnny's aren't allowed to have instagram. Check and mate.
I'm adding it because that's what it was used for and if other girls are using private instagram accounts it will be justly assumed they are doing the same thing no matter if they're merely using it to bully one of their friends as you suggest
recommended for you: 樋口裕太
Takayama Kazumi.
Idols shouldn't be allowed to have LINE accounts, or even phones for that matter. They just'll just use them to talk to Johnnies. In fact they probably shouldn't even be allowed to leave the house without staff escorting them.
You fucker.
What is Hori's cute nickname? What do fans call her at handshake events and the likes?
yappari aidoru desu ne.
they arent normal human beans. they're AIDORU
You keep saying that word, do you even know what it means?
Female staff, of course.
Better yet they should all live in the same idol-only housing complex, no boys allowed, guarded 24/7.

Of course. Or eunuchs.
A beautiful, classy, intelligent lady like Nanamin would never hang around with a gutter slut like ringo, but she has to give the appearance of being friends with her on stage so I will let it slide.
Wasn't really interested in Nambas for quite a while but that Taneida English episode sold me on Miru. What a cutie.
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NERDS. Beautiful nerds.
During concerts they just seem to shout out Miona. I've never heard wotas call her anything else.
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What you're failing to get though is that these girls aren't video game characters. When the cameras go off they continue, because they're real people with real lives and people in those lives that have nothing to do with their work. There are so many things to see and do in this world and many of them are not bad. Having an Instagram allows you to document those memories and have them shown to those you want for the foreseeable future. It's nothing bad. MANY young people use Instagram these days so it's just much more convenient if they all use it. It is a bit disturbing that you can't understand this though so I believe I'm done replying to you.
If private texts between them and boys or even polaroids of them in a bad light were revealed that too would be a scandal. I don't see how that wouldn't be the case or how the private instagrams differ from those scenarios
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>falling for a semen demon
Good taste.

There are other great Nambas though. I'm looking forward to this episode.
I love Nao
>unpopular opinion
>i like miyu more than miru
>even polaroids
Holy shit you're right. They shouldn't have cameras either.

I'll miss #FUJIEFILM ...
This is a metaphor for the control idols have over us
I would gladly submit to being carted around by Reinyan in a bag.
who is 29?
this desu. look what happened to that racist HKT girl
14 year old tits waki girl
akb's asakawa nana
Carted around by the nutsack
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Text messages or polaroids indeed have the potential to create scandals. However, Idols having mere access to text messages is not a scandal, it's only a scandal if they use them to flirt with boys. The same goes for private SNS accounts. How does DMing on Insta or Twitter differ from writing a text message? It doesn't, so in your world every idol with a phone that can send text messages and therefore could potentially talk to boys has scandaled. Which is every idol.
Not paying attention to YNN before was a mistake.
Well I was going to link you her profile at her old agency but looks like they deleted it. CLEARLY UP TO NO GOOD!!!!
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Are you trying to derail the thread like me?
Why don't we leave this board together for good.
Yahagi Moeka
Would it be a scandal if she suddenly revealed that she actually likes Bananas?
Apparently she had been out of contract for a while and they just hadn't updated their site to reflect that. Since she's practically a lock to get through the audition unless something really bad happens they might as well delete it now.
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It'll be a scandal if she likes pikachu
Anyone have the clip of 29 accidently revealing her name? I know she was introducing herself in English.
I'll stop posting for today since Anchu appeared, so i'll dedicate my last message to all the SummerFag, you got cucked!!! Gratz!!! This guy here is two timing with Miki and Naanya!!! WoohooO!!!
Creating a SNS account whose main use as far as I can see is to upload things, or message people they aren't supposed to is a scandal. Talking to a boy isn't a scandal, but talking to one at night in a back room is. And that's more what these private instagrams are. It's not the same as DM'ing on a public twitter since that has another use that is acceptable but having a private instagram, as I've said hundreds of times to my mind can really only be used for bad things so even having one would be a scandal

The family angle doesn't hold up, since they can post things to them in other ways or follow them on a blank account which even if revealed wouldn't even look like it was theirs. If there's any other reason to have a private instagram account besides uploading photos they shouldn't and doing things they shouldn't, then I'd like to hear what that is. Until then, it'll be assumed they have it for one of the numerous bad reasons. Even if you could name a good reason, it still wouldn't outweigh the suspicion raised by simply having one
>the family angle doesn't hold up
There you go again leaving out the "friends" part.
You know that human can also write using their own blood, right?
See >>15938004 and >>15938118
>to my mind can really only be used for bad things
>Even if you could name a good reason, it still wouldn't outweigh the suspicion raised by simply having one

Seems like you're getting tired of your own discussion.
Who would win in a fight? Sayanee or Haruna?
>it is a scandal if i say it is
Good thing it isn't for you to decide since you seem wholly out of touch
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JRFZ25d0Kj95rghfT4URF37Fzi2SaVRL7et1rc5Emvw/edit#gid=0 …
Here's all the information people have gathered so far on the 16th gen candidates
>mfw I found my oshi's private instagram because a fan account linked to it but I didnt care at all

wew didn't realize this was tantamount to human sacrifice
>wasting your time gathering info about girls who wouldn't make it
So include it, it changes nothing

There's nothing contradictory I can't think of a good reason, but if you could think of something I haven't it still wouldn't change the whole suspicious nature of private instagrams and what they're most likely to be used for
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Finally, an anon that contributes quality post, i'm ashamed of myself, thanks you anon!!
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Techi, WIN!
I wouldn't go that far
Is that the 'wall-that-idols-take-photos-in-front-of-when-they-want-to-show-off-what-they-are-wearing' behind that fence? Why would they do that?
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Interesting to see how many of these girls have auditioned multiple times. Feel bad for 63 hopefully she gets the support she needs to finally make it.
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Trimmed eyebrows Hinatan, y/n?
That is ugly.
>likes yuko, mayu and hebiro
Literally the new maho, fucking casuals.
She's keeps up the semen demon act while also being a real goof about it, so it's quite enjoyable.
Amazing how one scandal can still affect how I view someone. I used to think Naanya is the prettiest in AKB48. Now I only see an average face. Fuck.
It just broke the illusion. I mean, she is cute I'll grant, but prettiest?
You should be sold on Airi instead
That's what you get for being fished so easily and living in your shitty illusion.
Honestly, I always expected the whale to scandal, but not this early. Pleasant surprise either way.
69 looks like a fatter Hiichan.
Naanya is just fat, and Miki looks like a potato. Shame on the guy for being a potato chaser, even though it was actually Naachan with a cap.
>naachan with a cap
Naachan currently has black hair and isn't that tall.
17 has potential.
>not Emichi
seichan 4.0
Bad news, anon. At least 3 who streamed listed down Mayu as one of their faves. Better avoid them.
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I never thought of her cute, actually. Cute for me is Seichan or loli Mayu. Naanya is more KojiHaru kind of pretty.
did someone say Sashihara Rino?
bet your ass mayu's watching these girls and writing the girls' names who likes her.

>are you new? 16th generation?
>you see there's a ritual for newfags here
>well.. you come to my house and.. we shower together. simple as that, girls your age do that with friends right?
Not in the streams I've watched so I can't tell.

So that's why she's out 14 hours yesterday.
>talking to new gens
Mayo is the type who stalk for a year or so and then kidnap her
I love how you can see the "Shit I just fucked up" look in her face.

She's like a boi version of Miku!
45 and 34
something tells me that she will pass the auditions
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That ZR...
I feel like you'd have to be turbo gay to oshi this one.
Sararan vs. Yuuri

Is Sararan ever going to face Fujie for real?
Ooohhh... Miyumiyu's in this one
Thanks, senpai!
Maybe the other 2 are the real mayu oshis, just don't say you like sasshi and mayu to get some easy vote from the biggest pools, maho ain't fooling no one.
what about naachan? are her oshis turbi gay? what about that NGT?
Very cute.
>what about naachan?
Naachan doesn't look like a boy.

>What about that NGT?
This one looks even more like a boy than Naachan, Riripon or Otaki.
She's cute, the only thing even slightly masculine about her is her short hair.
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When you feel in your skin in your bones and the hollow
Of your heart, there's no way you can wait 'til tomorrow.
When there isn't any doubt about it once you come this close
'Cause you know and you know that you know
Meru fucked her
Kidnap me, Mayu-senpai!
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this is way worse than punching her real face d e s u
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Fujie is one of the most underrated beauties in all of 48/46G.
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thank you t8 photographers
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I don't appreciate your smear campaign on Mahohon.
Hinata a cute.
I like how she refers to her momma with hahaue. Very polite and kind. Have a feeling she'll be quite popular in year or two.
Indeed. She's lovely.

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Why do they look so uncomfortable?
Because they were paid to pose with her.
Oh you know why.
is there any onyanko club variety?
Erii Erii ERII. She looks so tiny.
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threadly reminder that female wotas are scarier than male wotas
Yuuyake Nyannyan, it aired every day on evening. Onyanko was a tv-based group more than anyone else, it was owned by Fuji TV after all.
i just want my oshi to be happy
Twitter """wotas""" are the plebbest of all, however
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i bet her secretions taste delightful :3
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nope. EOPs are.
Same to be quite honest.

But a scandal would invite harassment and lost fans so I also want her to make wise decisions. Thankfully she does.
They are straight.
I kek at number 30
Mayu had an IG anon.
Not talking about Mayu
Do you think they fired the programmer who put that in her software?
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They obviously didn't. Look at Moeka. That programmer is still fucking up.
So do I.
... this is moe
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Satone was froced
Erii... it's her normal face
A beautiful woman
>i just want my oshi to be happy
She won't with a jhonny. There is not a single man on earth good for her
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this is lewd
>There is not a single man on earth good for her
it's ok if he is a married man.
Obama is married, so... yes
Oh, lolMatsui streamed again.
4 hours to go. Best get your sleep while you can.
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I was cheerful, bright and gay
Looking forward to who wouldn't do
The role I was about to play
But as if to knock me down
Reality came around
And without so much as a mere touch
Cut me into little pieces
Leaving me to doubt
Talk about, God in His mercy
Oh, if he really does exist
Why did he desert me
In my hour of need
I truly am indeed
Alone again, naturally
It seems to me that
There are more hearts broken in the world
That can't be mended
What an incredible amount of pushup
>1am here
just JUST
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17 is OUR girl.
Holy shit. I woke up, grabbed something to eat, drink a nice cold water and then when I come here, you anons are it again to this one single labeled anon.
That was like, 3 hours ago.
Just how I like it.
looks like a ransom video.
Well, I just caught up with what's going on with the thread so far and anons spent 3 hours with an idiot who somehow suffers attention seeking disorder.
Someone stole Nako's bike, 2ch says it was to sniff the seat.
2 of my fav girls. Satone can fuck off if she's uncomfortable being with Komi.
That's nothing compared to the guy who broke into Ueki's home to steal her school uniform.


You got me excited. Fuck you.
She's a sad lass, she deserves to be happy. Good for her.
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The real victim.
mayu scandaling would probably be the end of akb. she's like the poster girl for "pure, unattainable idol"
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Someone finally put her out of her misery.
>the guy is an uggo
Dumb Ogasawara kek
Her graduation was long overdue anyways. Dumb bitch.
i really want to see more collaborations like the 46&48 performance of silent majority.
Damn. Even more scandals.
I will miss seeing her on variety shows, wait, that was 2 years ago, when she was demoted
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i understand why sashi is so popular now
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Gonna be fun times at today's handshake for all these scandal whores.
Sasshi was and still is pretty hot.
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She's so cute it hurts.
Maachun's lane will be empty as always tho
mediocre body but she has undeniable s*x appeal
not the end but it's going to be hard to trust other girls if even mayu scandaled.
>be unpopular
>out of bunshun radar
>leake your own scandal posting pics taken in the house of your lover
Someone teach this bird infosec
Worked for Misa.
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Nakanishi Chiyori scandal when?
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Maybe the rules need to be tweaked somewhat. I don't know. All I know is it's seeming more and more like the members don't actually care about the love ban and the staff won't do anything above a slap on the wrist to enforce it. Probably too many high profile scandals and accusations of favoritism. This is going to lead to more paranoia like that no Instagram guy and it's just an all around bad situation.
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Scandals used to mean something. Now they don't even care. It's not about the rule, it's about the girls
The love ban is a delusional thing to believe in. They just need to stop being idiots and learn to disguise better and learn about internet safety. Frankly the members don't care anymore seeing how Sasshit's the phoenix of scandals.
Why should they care when Sasshi who scandaled is the number 1 idol in 48G?
Even if they publicly announce that love ban would be removed. Once the pictures of the girls dating men surface online, their fans would still drop them.
Feels like the last real idols we're ever going to see are already in the group and once they graduate there'll never be another like them. The new girls just don't seem to have what it takes.

I don't think it's that they don't care it's more of they're getting bolder and bolder. And maybe stupider. For me personally, the most important effect of the recent Owada/Nishino scandal is I'm now thinking their mentality is "if X member can do it, maybe I can do it too". Which leads me to thinking...who else are doing this shit? It should be someone they're close to, 15th gen? Or teammates? The paranoia starts to sink in.
sasshi is the epitome of either live as a hero or die as a villain.

just look at the 69 girls auditioning for 16th gen, still haven't seen a girl saying she look up to Sasshi
Because they aren't Sasshi and are gonna lose a large part of their fans over a scandal.
the UN is behind all this.
It doesn't matter anymore. Buunshun treat it like it's a big deal but then again, they're a bias news company. As far as I know, the love ban is somewhat an unspoken rule but then again 48g is built upon pure idols. That long forgotten slogan has deteriorated.
She's not that popular.
There were three candidates so far who named Sasshi as idols they look up to.
really? mustve missed them. good for sasshi then.
One of them named Miichan too. And Yukirin is a favorite for #29 which this thread loves.
We've talked about this. Sasshi apologized, redeemed herself in HKT. She is a rare case and probably the only one lucky enough to get a great comeback. The rest will fail. Look at Yukirin and the votes she lost. If Naanya and Miki thought they woulld be in the same situation as Sassh, then they're fucking stupid because they are expendable. Sasshi, isn't and to an extend, Yukirin by virtue of them having a solid fanbase.
Miichan anon, Miichan.
This. Sasshi is an outlier.
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If Owada and Miki apologizes they will graduate, if they don't they will lose fans and drop senbatsu. This is how 48g works now
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Holy shit Jimmy was there.
No one loves 29. They just like her big rack.
No other idol has an image or reputation such as sasshi before the scandal. Her shit image was what saved her.
I'll help you with that:
Minegisi Minami
Kojima Mako
Don't forget also, Sasshi is Ohta Pro. Most other girls aren't.
>If Owada and Miki apologizes they will graduate
>This is how 48g works now

What makes you think that? There's no example of that actually happening.
They will lose fans no matter what happens. Thats how 48G always worked. They'll be unranked next year.
tsuji nozomi :3
my heart
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I hate her so much.
To be fair a good amount of those lost votes came from the brilliant idea of making her go on a solo concert tour shortly before SSK. Not a good idea to drain your fans' money with solo activities right before the big pay to win event.
>hemp's friend
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That too. Her hetare character was brilliant. I have to give it to her. I'm a Mayufag but I love Sasshi's career trajectory so much. Classic underdog story. It's actually inspiring but I can understand if young ones would rather name Mayu as their fave.
That is what Watanabe Pro wants you to think.
Tell that to Mayu in 2015.
No. Mayu didn't lose any votes 2015 even if she had an album released a few days later the SSK. Yukirin lost 70k votes. You can't make that shit up.
Blame the chinese. Always blame the chinese, my 'murican folks.
It was one guy, a rich Tegoshi wota who didn't vote
Yuria looking bad
ever since 2015
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Check this Ayanee
>she's brown better call her ugly!
>It was all the fault of those Chinese wotas who got scammed

>They were all really voting for Yukirin
best 山本 best 彩
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Not updating your twitter for a week is a scandal.
Sasshi is a great success story. But saying you want to be like her probably entails you want to suffer the same shit she suffered before she reached the top. Casuals would always choose Mayuyu because her path was paved for her. It's like a self-made man vs some royal who had the title to begin with.
Deleting your IG for the second 2 times is a scandal.
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Damn cant wait to watch. I love these Mechaike tests.
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You're making it sound like Mayuyu didn't have to work hard for her career. Otherwise I agree.
Wu Zhehan
>First SNH ssk - #1
>Second SNH ssk - Unranked

The chinese don't like scandals it seems.
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I miss her TT
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only Yuria
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Only ganbare!
>First SNH ssk - #1
>Wu ZheHan (Team SII) (19,281 votes)

Damn, even if she got 0 votes in the second SSK, she would have still lost fewer votes than Yukirin did.
Honestly asking here, when has Mayu EVER worked hard for anything she has gotten in AKB?
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Erii just got a bunch taller. I think.
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All the time. Sasshi just shows up on variety shows and talks her ass off, Mayuyu auditions for dramas, learns the script, gets little sleep and much more.
feed erii
IV drip. All I'm saying.
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Keeping your legs closed seems like a hard work these days.
what would you do if moeka scandaled?
when takamina was cool

Okay, I'll give you my two cents.

She has to work hard to make sure management push is not a failure. By being godly at HS, by not getting caught in scandals, by showing up on time and being professional, by not complaining when practice is hard (according to her so this is up to you), by pushing herself to do better, etc... You should know by now that a push doesn't guarantee success if the idol herself doesn't work hard. Look at Naanya - Sailor Zombie and all and what did she do? Waste it by alienating a good part of her future fanbase by being lazy and bitch at HS. Paruru is another outlier in this part because she has that Salty chara copyrighted.
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She's not programmed to scandal.
Come on, now. We're having another decent discussion.
I'm not sure why you're pulling Sasshi back into this, but it doesn't help your case. We can easily see the amount of shows she appears in every week and how much work she puts in. How would you know for how many dramas Mayuyu auditions, and how many scripts she learns? Aside from that, the question was about Mayuyu's achievements in AKB, not outside work.

I'm not the guy who said Mayuyu doesn't work hard, by the way. I'm just saying your argument is bad and that you're dragging down Sasshi for no reason.
Janny just deleted thew new thread
yuiham is so bad at talking...
watching her talking with takeuchi at akbshow is very cringy
Sasshi has been part of the fucking discussion you dumbass.
>When Mario Met Moeka
Mario: The first time we met, we hated each other.

Moeka: No, you didn't hate me, I hated you. The second time we met, you didn't even remember me.

Mario: I did too, I remembered you. The third time we met, we became friends.

Moeka: We were friends for a long time.

Mario: And then we weren't.

Moeka: And then we fell in love.
Only AKB Yuria. SKE Yuria was alright.
But not part of the question at all.
She should stick to eating
SKE Yuria is dead and buried
But variety is easy! They just have to show up and talk their ass off, no hard work or skill involved. If even Sasshi can do it then it must be easy.
Its all related
That's how variety shows work, don't they?
The amount of work Mayuyu put into AKB is completely unrelated to Sasshi.
You're replying to a bait post though.

>Mayuyu's achievements in AKB
I'm confused at this. What do you mean by achievements? Give me an example of what you think is an achievement. Possibly, not Sasshi's because her case is different being HKT manager and all.
nah, you just need to be funny and read the atmosphere
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Being in every Kami 7, for instance?
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You're a fucking idiot aren't you

your post is a bait post
That sounds like an achievement, yes. I'm just curious as to what that anon meant when he said "achievement". I had the impression that he meant Mayuyu should be like Sasshi and manage AKB or something. Be involved in decision makings. When in fact, she's just any other member with no power over management.
S-stop making sense, faggot.
expecting mayu to be involved in decision making is too much. she doesn't even help her kouhais.
Because "hard work will definitely be rewarded", right?
give her time, the lolis will know what is attention from a dai-senpai
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Miichan helped her kouhais and looked where that got them.
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t. Juri
Minegisi Team 4 is tainted as fuck, just saying
New thread:

Any kind anon has the webm(with sound) of Manattan being kawaii with a tarantula? I lost it and I really need it right now.
The point of the discussion wasn't if Mayu is a successful AKB member or not (she definitely is), it was whether she had to work hard to achieve that status.
Juri is the only natural leader inAKB though. She just inherited a mess.
Am I being trolled? Didn't that T8 qties just said Mayuyu was a caring senpai in AKBingo?
That was just their mankos talking.
I'd bet she is, but those girls really didn't give good examples
Mayu carried Sayaya.
not all her kohais are lolis anon
No, Young Champion, Young Animal, etc. carried Sayaya.
do you mean an actual tarantula or a japanese hairy pubic area?
Because I don't have the webm with an actual tarantula.
I just read the post again, it definitely asked her achievements within AKB. Was that you or someone else? Either way I've already answered it here >>15941742

Thanks for the delivery!
Why does she need two microphones?
this carried Sayaya
Anon's definition of caring for kouhai is taking them out to dinner or worse, mixers like Miichan.

You know it's true.
>what is mayu marketo
>gps tracked clothes

>using your kouhai as a garbage dump
a publicity stunt that also let's her clear out her closet
It's just to attract the lolies.
Truly an angel.

t. Tomiyoshi
literally ripped off the first kojharu market
and her sense in fashion isn't as good
>the simple possibility of that happening would be enough for it to be a scandal

They could use their phone to text johnnys so they should all get rid of their phones too!

They could go and meet up with johnnys when they go out so they should be locked up whenever they aren't performing!
Are you actually retarded?
So when they go out with their non-celebrity friends they can share photos of their interactions without sharing them with crazy wota such as yourself who would instantly think they're up to no good.
Waaaaahh, comrade!

It's not that they're getting bolder or stupider. The number of scandals hasn't changed from 10 years ago. What has changed is that management is no longer severely punishing them. Management used to immediately fire idols upon hint of any scandal - no graduation in many cases. Now, there are scandaled girls who were blatantly breaking their contract, caught red handed, and it gets completely ignored or at worst a slap on the wrist.

Why has it changed? Nothing to do with the girls. The girls haven't changed at all. Nobody is bolder. Nobody is stupider. The number and nature of scandals is the same as before. What has changed is that management realized that there is more to gain financially by keeping these girls than firing them. Idoling is a business, and in the end the fans (or the idols) feelings don't mean shit. It's all about $$$$$$
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