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Thread replies: 225
Thread images: 78

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Comfy Sicily edtion
Do you like Sicily?
fuck white people
every tunisians like sicily
our neighbors
most euro countries liked by poonisians:
1: italy
huge power gap
huge power gap
Shut up whitey
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Good thread
Pretty dicey with all the refugees but like most of Italy it looks fantastic.

Ah yes, the eternal American, how typical.
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Why Tunisia like Italy so much?
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they are same people, divided by cruel sea
I really dislike most of the Greek people
I have something to confess

I've never seen the mediterranean
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Are you sure?
I used to want to be a Sicilian, until.... fuck I hate them, they act like niggers when they come here you can literally FEEL the terrone every Sicilian I've ever met was an uncivilized baboon, screaming with their huge families, fucking throwing trash around in our streets, broken bottles anywhere, I was there with my friends taking an ice cream and those TERRONI, yes, because that's what they are, let's not fool ourselves, skipped the queue and got them before us screaming like madmen with their extended TERRONIAN family spreading chaos I was speechless

They then proceeded to sit in the square and throw their fucking trash including glass bottles in the ground, now I get what they say when they say terroni, I'm glad I'm not one, thank God.
t. Cucked by a swarthy Napolitano bull
i don't know but for me
many of my cousins are married to italiens (men and women) so i had contact with many italien people
second aunt been working in italy (as an engineer and uni professor) for 25 years now
and she told me a lot about Italy
about how kind and welcoming south italien people are
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Maybe it's just you then?
2018 will be the year of the nordic gf for every med boy and man
Why is it that Med supremacists always want white women? Seem's contradictory.
read the first sentences and i figured it would be this right???
>my humour is ironic my depression is chronic and i drink 10 litres of gatorade every day in order to destroy all mental barriers towards my long term goals
ⵜⵀⴰⵜ'ⵙ ⵎⵢ ⵃⵀⵔⴰⵙⴻ ⵙⵜⵄⴱ ⵙⵜⴻⴰⵍⵉⵏⴳ ⵔⵄⵄⵄⵄ
I want to punch up. My kids will be Nord/med which is the most powerful race ever
ⴱⵓⵜ ⵉⵣⵣⴰⵜ ⵎⴻⵎⴻⵙ ⴱⴻⵙⵜ ⵎⴻⵎⴻⵙ
Why can't I see it?
>med supremacists

where did you even find such a thing? that's a wh*te thing
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2018 will also be the year of sicilian gfs for all tunisian boys and men
ⴷⵄⵏ'ⵜ ⵛⴰⵍⵍⵍ ⵎⴻ ⵉⵣⵣⴰⵜ ⴰⵍ-ⴽⵓⵙⵙ ⴰⵀⴰⵀⵀ ;3
bs invented by you and your son
we fuck what we want
Your even using the same picture from the last thread

My god this is reddit tier shitposting, at least try a little.

>find such a thing

I think there was like another thread which was saying how it's no longer cool to be white and about the rise of a med identity, which I believe to be the latest /int/ meme.

fucking YES I would
phone poster
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Go forth tunisian bull and take what is yours
so a joke thread on the internet is 'med supremacy' comparable to the white supremacy that's resulted in a genocide and all those weird white power movements?

typical wh*te
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There's nothing wrong with white supremacists. They just want to protect Thier quickly diminishing culture and customs in the face of globalization and third world immigration
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half tunisian half italien
shut up wh*tey, this is a med thread
I was using white supremacy as a generic term, it has no meaning outside of the U.S.

Also is a Greek really literally defining himself as a Non-white European? Literally Turk tier kek
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>North African "language"
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full tunisian
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Italian pussies and tunisian dicks go together like peanut butter and jelly, like yin and yang. Post more of this GOAT interracial paring
cant protect much from your basement you scum
we will impregnate your women, tremble in fear
yes, it has. the Nazi genocides were based on white ('Aryan') supremacy

the British treated their 'white' subjects better than the non-white ones. Herzl got shot down by Joseph Chamberlain when he wanted to establish a Jewish state on Cyprus because Chamberlain told him he couldn't approve that happening on a white christian country
>Implying I'm a snownigger
It's the truth and you don't have to be white to see it
I'm mediterranean and proud.
you're a wh*te shill and infiltrator
ⵛⵀⴰⴷ ⵔⴻⴻⴻ ⵄⵓⵜ ⵄⴼ ⵎⵢ ⴱⵄⴰⵔⴷ ⴱⵍⴻⴰⵙⴻ
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post your favourite movies /med/
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ⵙⵜⵄⵒ ⵀⴰⵜⵉⵏⴳ ⵜⴰⵡⵯⴻⵔⵡⵯⴻⵔⵙ
who's that cutie, dude, she only appears in your threads
only whites come here to whine about muh racial genocide, normal people are out there impregnating all your turbosluts
now get out
We don't have to be enemies. Meds and Nordics Should at least be friendly.
t. snowburner
I don't think the average Greek has seen a black or asian person in his lifetime so he obviously considers himself white. don't believe everything you see on an imageboard full of a handful virgins you knobhead
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I'm doing the same thing, Nordic pussies were made for med dick
i finished tut today
bitch of a movie
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lmao nice try pig skins
Guilty as charged
fuck off G*rman tourist

I'm friendly only to wh*te women
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True. All med men should OLIVE as many Nordic women as possible
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wh*Te subhumans BTFO
i'm brown with white swimsuit tanlines to highlight my dick
she is a new model
you won't find anything about her for now some local radio station posted about her
she is now participating in face beauty contest in ghana
leon the professional / requiem for a dream
Why mafia dont do their fucking job?
It's not their job
This map indicates that they have tho
they leech gibs on refugees business
it's not like they keep them in their homes
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can we all agree that's the perfect skin tone??
that's nothing, 75k in the whole of Italy, guess the Italian bros pushed them over to G*rmany
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No this is
>leon the professional
patrician taste, even with the pedo stuff
All this shilling for this pan-mediterranean bullshit was suspicious from the beginning and I knew it was just a matter of time until all the mena cunts started to try to inject themselves into it, now I know it's actually North Africans larpers and their diaspora shitposting all over int.
Not only is it old but it only counts asylum applicants, there are many who are just squatting there without papers or visa
>med thread
>all posts about whites
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I literally said this before anyone else and you all laughed and mocked me. Mediterranean is a word used by north Africans, Arabs, and Turks to justify third world muslim immigration
I overlooked the date, I haven't bothered to keep up to date with immigrant numbers either. if it's just asylum applicants then I guess it does severely underestimate it too since most ask for asylum further north

i checked her insta and my heart hurts now

chill out, fag, calling a 4chan thread that's going to die in less than a day 'suspicious'
Their job is protect italians
True mafia hate inmigrants
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why so rood
>Being this retarded
Most are in northern Italy
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Wow this will truly affect the world the we live in
lol no
they just do business
their job is to protect their business
if that means they have to kill niggers for it they will do so, but if they can leech on it they wont
t. Just watched the godfather and took it seriously
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>my heart hurts now
She will never be your gf
but she is the gf of some lucky guy you must be jelly
>Most are in northern Italy

good, fuck wh*tes
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>I look just like you, now please let me into your country and let me fuck your daughters and sisters
>Spaniards same as north africans
Before it was
no jelly ever but she's amazingly beautiful in a next-door way
This is because mafia is not old school mafia
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t. Bologna
wtf are you talking about
you read too much conspiracy novels
no one thinks the way you think
lol no one's gonna be influenced by a 4chan thread on the issue of immigration, what the fuck are you on about

just relax a bit or fuck off to /cum/
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post amazingly beautiful girls greek anon
no such thing
they dont esitate to kill italians if they are damaging their business and that has always been
of course they are the one that can give you help when you cant go to the cops
but that doesn mean they are good
That happens when half of the posts are from Americans
Ok, stay in your country
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my friends

I need oud music
Greeks are white. I have fair skin and my lineage traces back to Charlemagne.
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Governments Should be forced to supply one qt med gf for all males ages 18-35
don't have any man, ask Fulgrim in /balk/, he has the biggest collection :^)

fr*ngos scum
Is that Mount Aetna?
Tunisians dislike Greece or you just don't have an opinion on it?
to be med is to be a normie
we don't have any opinion
greece is irrelevant here unlike italy
but we still cheer for you if you don't play against one of those 3 countries
especially if you play against t*rkey or f*ance or uk
hey that's my last name
Why you dislike Turkey? Weren't the countries best buddies before or something?
>ever cool
Looks epic.
turkey is responsible for what's happening in syria and was helping isis for a period of time
in my family everyone especially dad hate turkey
what does tunisia think about egypt and egyptians
we don't like egyptians
literally indians of mena
Tunisian hates almost everybody
except algeria morocco and some med countries
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Ni tanto ni tan poco
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wtf i love tunisia now
fucking turks i dont get why we havent invaded them
why not algeria morocco
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i want to fap to mako from initial d
it's surprising such an anime like initial d has great fanservice
your father falls for menes and you are 80 iq underage :/
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literally same people
the borders are artificial made by the french
literally some families where divided between algeria and tunisia after Independence
also pic related :dddd
Oh I see.
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Why Italians like Tunisians so much?
Is your cunt getting little Algerian kids ged 12~18? A fuckton started coming some years ago and I don't know if they escaped their homes or if they simply have no fathers
what makes you think so???
So why haven't you made greater maghreb?
yeah, north african crime in europe is something, you need to cleanse yourselves of Islam and niggerdom
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Why Tunisia and Algeria rape so much?
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That's something they can't do
out n*rdick
tunisian libyan conflict during bourguiba era
algerian moroccan conflict
sahara occidental
that's our community in germany
our community in french is a bit better
french people consider us best maghreb
Why the fuck is the US so high
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It's true and you Know it
hi Doruntina, my name is Constantine
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ofc immigrants are low class people and ex criminals what do you expect
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Not let then Immigrate to European countries?
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how do you know that legend?
Post Albanian songs like this
I fucking hate you kansas retard, you are an ugly annoying motherfucker

don't come to /ita/ nevermore
I am Greek
What did he do?
I'll be back posting BLACKED and polentone hate and there's nothing you can do to stop me
first time in a dozen posts on different boards i've actually gotten a response, thank you
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forgot my med woman
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>No qt lil turk gf
What's the point of Living?
try this

nothing beats kanonaki (qanun) though
the music starter is too long
the song start at 1:40
fucking nice
the american dog insults my ROMANian fratri, by Allah this is unforgivable
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We meet again rumeno di merda, let's settle this once and for all
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tfw Sicilian master race
If you were born in the US you're not Sicilian
I am a pure italian (tuscan) and I want a romanian gf tbqhwy

Fuck shitaly and especially shitcily though
My grandparents were
Typical t*scano commie cornuto
Salam akhi
bounjourno amigo moi parlato italiano mia good ma ma mia
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How do we solve the northern "Italian" problem?
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They say that israelites are the problem.

They say jews are trying to eliminate europeans. Jews orchestrate this, and that, everything is a hoax and white people are oppressed.

They say many things.

But I've seen the truth.
Who constantly blame the jews for every single things? Whites. And when you see the people who are actually in charge, they are white. Not ashkenazi or all that fairy bullshit, fucking white people.

Wake up, you, reading this very post. Know who is your real enemy. The jews showed me things I'd have never imagine. Open your eyes, exit the cavern of false shadows. Fuck white people.
prej redit i more kto?
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>it was just a matter of time until all the mena cunts started to try to inject themselves into it
What? It's been years since the /med/ general comes and goes sporadically, and /mena/ posters always posted in it, fuck off summerfag

>Mediterranean is a word used by north Africans, Arabs, and Turks to justify third world muslim immigration
No it's a word we use to attract white tourists, "mediteranean" sounds better than "african" or "arabic" to the average white
te paren jo.
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>tfw shortage of olive oil
What is white? You use it to justify moving from your third world shithole.
don't ever respond with tw*tter pics to me or my wife sons ever again, kafir
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i ri je ktej?
ok, post a pic and I'll chose one to start a shitpost thread
North Africans love to LARP as Southern Europeans
kam ca
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Italian women are the most qt med women
He isn't LARPing as a Southern European. He is saying that Mediterranean countries share similar things.
Not really, Islam pretty much divided the Mediterranean
i knew this one girl from milano who was here with some work agency
real qt tb h
You SHIPD her right? Italian pussies need illyrian seed
my nose is bleeding :^-(
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get well popper
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For shame tonibler
>You use it to justify moving from your third world shithole
No, watch all the french documentaries and tv spots about Tunisia, they always go on and on about the "mediteranean" aspects of our culture, it's used to lure tourists in.
Turkey does this too, in reality you export the most isis fighters and your government pays to keep the facade of tunisia being a secular Country
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Need a big Mediterranean booty to put my dick in tbqhwyf
>wh*Te boi gets triggered for the 12345th time
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>you export the most isis fighters
yes, true
>your government pays to keep the facade of tunisia being a secular Country
kek, I hope one day we'll have a government as powerful as you assume it is

A "country" is an abstract idea, muslim or not, secular or not, I can talk freely about all my opinions, religious, political, etc, I can fuck slags, whores or a pure muslimah and I can shove anything I want down my throat, I also have less of a chance to get 50$ fines for every little fuck up I make while driving.
who tf are you
poonisian flag
you are not me
pls leave
I'm only like a quarter Sicilian but I demand a thicc Sicilian qt
lé yaatik elf bachoula
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They are reserved for tunisian bulls sorry
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>A "country" is an abstract idea, muslim or not, secular or not, I can talk freely about all my opinions, religious, political, etc, I can fuck slags, whores or a pure muslimah and I can shove anything I want down my throat, I also have less of a chance to get 50$ fines for every little fuck up I make while driving.
>doesn't have anything to add
>wishes me death
truly the champion of the wh*Te race
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This could have been a nice thread and a nice general filled with nice Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean people, but Amerifat has to ruin everything.
He's here because he thinks just because his grandparents are Sicilian, he is.
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this general moves faster than i expected
just what i was looking for though my man, thanks for those
I am
I own this general now, much like isreal owns your "Country"
We don't care

Just stop being rude
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Okay. Giv Arab gf and I'll play nice
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this was pretty cool but i'd have preferred it just as an instrumental personally
Real Italians don't, Tunisians diaspora shitposting on int do.
you're not allowed to be called a Med if you haven't deported every muslim and arab back to Saudi Arabia
Why let them come to your glorious sunny peninsula?
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If you want an Ar*p gf then you should go for Christian ones cuz muslim girls only date muslim guys

At least that's how it works in here
bellow average post
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Yeah give Christian arap gf
you're not allowed to be called a Med if your country doesn't have coasts in the mediteranean

Fuck off atlantinigger
EU + commies forcing this shit-tier immigration on us.
that actually makes sense, goodbye
i apologize portuagel san ignore my rude countryman shhh what an embarrassment
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evil pepe.jpg
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I lied, I said goodbye but I didn't actually leave
and I was wondering what oud was
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Not your fault huh?
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portugal is cute c-cutee
Very true
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I just realized that UK has a land in the Mediterranean
Thread posts: 225
Thread images: 78

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I'm aware that Imgur.com will stop allowing adult images since 15th of May. I'm taking actions to backup as much data as possible.
Read more on this topic here - https://archived.moe/talk/thread/1694/

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