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Thread replies: 289
Thread images: 71

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London edition
Completely out of hand
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get the london look
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h-h-h-h-help me
Death To Pakistan!
any one know if passing a buffer to a process through its argv passes it by a reference, or if it gives it a personal copy?
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the correct answer was: 1, 2, 5, 4, 3
Did anyone else see that tweet President Trump posted of President Trump's face eclipsing president nigger faeces' face?
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which one? reference or personal copy?
really looking forward to my evening wank
oh didnt even notice the old thread isnt even at 250, im goin gback
I thought I had reached maximum offence part way through your post but I was mistaken
the first one
northern monkeys literally have to invent fake news to make their mudhuts look less shit
Thread theme:
if you go back you're not welcome back here again
it would depend on the language no?
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incredible post
Is there a habbening right now??
big gay cunt
image isn't loading lad
can't stop wanking to aletta ocean

she's not even hot ffs
it's all written in C
shit gimmick
Imagine if Michelle Obongo ran for office and america had a president nigger sheboon
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any footy man in?
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eating a burger
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You think Villalad and Hayd are watching the footy together?
>passes it by a reference
what do you think bla
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Jess Southern.jpg
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found out that Lauren Southern became a grumpy right-winger because she was jealous of her hot left-wing sister, pretty sad desu lol
*shoots you*
i know that pub, just popping down
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When I whip my driving licence out as ID when I go out in London the locals gather around, wide-eyed and in awe, like I've just pulled out the ark of the covenant or something.

>What is this... strange document? Why does it glitter and change as I turn it from side to side?

I explain that it means I have permission from the state to operate a motor vehicle.

Their eyes glaze over and it's clear they can't quite understand, so I motion for them to step outside and point towards one of the large red buses filled with Asian and African people.

>it's like one of those, except smaller and it's only used by me and a small number of passengers. And rather than follow a predetermined route I can drive it wherever I want whenever I want.

They marvel at how someone could be so wealthy as to own their own personal bus, and so intelligent as to be able to operate one. I'm about to explain that car ownership is actually rather normal outside the capital but there is suddenly an acid and shooting attack so we have to run back inside and take cover and I lose my train of thought.
look in the top left hand corner
may need to zoom in
got detained on the austrian border lads

not sure i like the austrians too much

thought the EU had no borders ffs

released without issue however
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woah a block of wood so trendy and hip and cool!

not so fast
What is it with meme restaurants and their inability to provide plates
>wooden table
>wooden floor
>wooden plate
>wooden magic potato jar
>wooden counter
>wooden walls
VERY classy
plates are for old cunts m8
*checks your passport*

Hmm Slovenia eh? Never heard of it
>poortherners can't keep their train of thought during an every day acid attack
fuck off tarquin
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Eaten too many carbs today lads
fuck off
the only londoners who have driving licences are niggers in moped gangs
hahahaha alri?
im a bong on holiday you degenerate kraut

anyway, austrian women are very nice

austrian men are horrible
we're simply not used to such things
draw a cute boy
ah yes the shills have now came to /brit/ to slander lauren
fuck off sinead/moarpheus followers
utter state of /brit/ I've been here since the creation and I've finally gave it up because it's overran by unfunny; meme-spouting virgins that think they're funny.
Literally the kid at school that used to steal peoples jokes and no one would laugh cause everyone knew he was an unoriginal cunt.
Used to be such banter in this place years ago.
What happened? Why is there an infestation of NEET scum that can't form a coherent conversation in real life?
Are they just using this as an outlet because it;'s the only social interaction they have? Certainly, you can tell by the pure awkward levels of cringe.
Seek help.
I'm off to /out/ you're reddit tier plebs
succumbing to a wank
(((Lauren Southern)))
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just bought a nice sandwich here, it was only 99 euros but the place is very classy look at all that wood
>leftypol antifa raid
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ummm...more like gimmick-squirting sweaty xx
Bruce Foreskin lmao
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You have to go back
Former first lady michael obama is a tranny

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>austrian men are horrible

*shoots you*

leftypol OUT
rightypol OUT
based centypol IN
Strongly suspect my gf is emotionally if not physically cheating on me, this is literally the worst i've felt in my entire life

And there's nothing I can do
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the future of design.jpg
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mmmh soo fancy
>you have to go back
hello zedder
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GOOD post
identifying wood
>I'm off to /out/ you're reddit tier plebs
mate, i hid there last year for the summerteen frenzy. cya there.
had to sell it sorry :/

>im too passive aggresive to have an opinion and want to virtue signal: The Post
regardless of whatever michelle obongo really is it has the test levels of a bloke
I think you mean Austriapol IN

fuck off leftypol/pol
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guess this would depend on the function you're talking about
// passes a pointer (called reference in java) to an integer
void call_by_value(int *p) { // :1
p = NULL;
(from here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/373419/whats-the-difference-between-passing-by-reference-vs-passing-by-value)
this is passing by reference
so you need to know the original function
but then again, i dont know if CALLING the function with the * in the first place regardless of the function is defined would pass by reference in either case
>judging testosterone levels by appearance

hello fucktard
leftists can't meme
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>leftists can't meme
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alri' /r/lelbour
Reminder Hitler was unironically a radical centrist
I can't believe you people moved when the last thread was only at 260 posts
probably those extremist athiests again LOL!!
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>leftists can't meme
it's not a function, it's a different process. the string is being passed through its argument vector
no one cares
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>why yes we should waste one of the most precious resources to build shit for hipsters
post some good leftists meme
can't think of one desu
I care

I might apply to be a janitor next time they open applications. This is doing my nut in
ah yes stealing the rights maymays and slapping poorly paint overlays over them is creative and intelligent
nice crescent moon face
Mum literally just described the BBC as a "neutral" news site lol
>elite memers
imagine being 13
made some brownies today
Why aren't you at school Beto?
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that's what woodwankers crave for, that's the future they chose, they're stealing our oxygen to look cool in front of their gay friends
Watching Reading festival and it looks like the kind of thing I should have gone to when I was 16
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>Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)13:54:14 No.78726505>>78726471
>I care
>I might apply to be a janitor next time they open applications. This is doing my nut in Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)13:54:28 No.78726516>>78726466(You)
>ah yes stealing the rights maymays and slapping poorly paint overlays over them is creative and intelligent Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)13:54:30 No.78726518>>78726466(You)
>nice crescent moon face Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)13:54:37 No.78726522Mum literally just described the BBC as a "neutral" news site lol Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)13:54:39 No.78726524POST TOOT
no one important cares
business idea: shawarma shop
should I go the gym tonight or in the morning?
Cracked open a Glenlivet 15
not too fond of Speysides, normally prefer Islay, but this is rather good. Gentle smokiness and a light bit of sharpness while being very smooth
i understand, but that process will have a function (main or whatever) to which youre passing the arguments to
you need to see that process' code to be able to tell
i would think however that something that does not explicitly say it is being passed by reference, it is being passed by value, otherwise you'd run into trouble with your other program if the value is changed i guess

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kane did nothing wrong

>"go down the road to the kebab shop and get some chips then I'll reconsider mate"
Woah just got the Asda logo as my captcha
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>leftists can't mem-
it's not really a music festival any more it's more like a fashion festival with some music on the side
and to add, i don't even know if processes can even pass things by references between one another anyway
honestly filtered every flag except for mexico
In the morning I'd say, I always train better if I go mid-morning
she probably knows nothing, she has only lived much longer than you and has a fully developed adult mind. you on the other hand are a supreme intellect. plus 50% of your genes are hers, 50% of you is at least as stupid as she is.
Kate > Lily

what? black women are uglier than every other race because they are high test
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Sargon of Akkad? Sargon...of Akkad. Sargon...

Never heard of him. Oh you must mean Carl of Swindon.
>leftists can only plagiarise original memes
Hate that fat cunt, I'm alt-left but I just can't look at him.
His face makes me angry, most punchable face on the planet
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blumphf and the rest of the klan are finished
brits... such a... CUTE ~w~
boomers are mostly low IQ cunts 2bh

they destroyed the world
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literally nah
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8 out of 10 cats with john cooper clarke shud be good
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Ah yeah bruh
I get those gains during the morning too bruh
That's when my test is highest bruh
I wake up and I take my raging morning wood to go hit those reps bruh
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>>leftists can only plagiarise original me-
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Europe used to be so beautiful.
she is such a qt
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>I'm alt-left
>still watching the jewish brainwashing machine in 2017
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do you ever get on a huge hill and look into the distance and think fuking hell britain must be huge
The BBC was made to fool easily led boomers, not me.
she's a left wing pig, Kate is way fitter

want to marry her
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>tfw I've been told I sound like this guy
what are using to create the other process? fork? then use shared memory with semaphores
any cytube syncs on tonight lads
I'll have you know I am a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire

I consider that pretty fucking important
Ol' triple nipple
What is alt-left
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>put some chicken nuggets in the oven
>dad comes into the kitchen with someone immediately afterwards
fuck me
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don't recognise the majority of these bands and the ones I do are shite
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BIG hurricane approaching the US slightly worried for any yanks. I know we joke but let's all hope they're safe
Is he with your gf?
would anyone like to zuck on my zipple?
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>I'm not alt-left
but everything is so boring without poc
anyone from swansea online?
Business Idea: Drill to the centre of the earth and build a utopia for Radical Centrists
Fuck Texas and fuck the South
fuck me day three is revolting
*kisses Finland*
he's a disgusting communist
>tfwwn hold her hair back as she empties the contents of her stomach including a cocktail of drugs she's taken that night into my toilet

yeah i don't really care for whatever silly political comments she makes (since i can't really call them affiliations) but Alright, Still and It's Not Me are choc full of bangers
miss the days when you could murder prozzies without getting bad looks from people
Want to defend London because so much of it is so beautiful and amazing but then again there are large parts of it which are just shit
what positive things have black people contributed to the west?
/tv/ sucks cock these days, just full of rick and morty and game of thrones shit, nothing funny anymore
predator on film4 right now lads then predator 2

time for arnie kino
long weekend for the wage cucks

watching Predator on Film4

jungle kino
>girl power

been to london and can confirm this
t. knower
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/GoT/ can be pretty good from time to time
tried to rob a prossie's laptop once and got chased down the road by her big bald slav pimp
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a few of them made some good music and one invented peanut butter so that absolves the hugely disproportionate amount of crime they commit on average.
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>have small bowl of ice crea
>leave ice cream in freezer for two weeks
>go back to it
>hasn't been touched
>have another small bowl
>another week
>still hasn't been touched by anyone but me
>have a few big bowls over the next few days
>tonight mum has a go at me for eating all the ice cream
just to add to this post I have been several times in the north, south, east and west of the city
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Had a right go at the son for eating all the ice cream. Fat fucking bastard.
>nonintellectual drivel
>good music
selfish fat cunt

and i'm racist
dick hardner ting
what are you talking about
take the fucking piss
sporting greats
jazz and soul music
normie bf's at the pub again
>Man shot after attacking Brussels troops with machetes
>music is supposed to be intellectual
plebbiest shite i've ever read
We're living day by day and we both know that this world can make no sense when you jumped everybody's fence.
probably a wallonian separatist
hooting at this one
I'll have you know I have a BMI of 19
brexit means brexit
absolutely LOVE pointy nipples like milla jovovich's

ahhhhhhhhh yes
yelping at this one
absolutely LOVE pointy willies

gets the noodle stirring
screaming at this one
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good fuck Brussels
I'll let her know that la
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Ok rorkes don't ask what problems the far right causes ok??
mumble rap is so comfy, i never understand what they're saying but the voices are comforting
don't you DARE go making any assumptions now

you know what I'm talking about
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>Defend Belgium to the death from being invaded by German troops thereby starting WW1
>Allow Belgium to be invaded by millions upon millions of immigrants and transformed beyond recognition
first good post you've ever made
>mumble rap
need examples
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bit racist
lil uzi vert, lil yaughty and the rest with the same names and same flows and same bars
for brexit death to traitors
any party rockers in the house tonight?
can't say they don't deserve it wearing that muslim shit in public

should be banned
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next silly question?
how do you show proof of being a muzzie
do they let shias in even though they're kuffar?
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Has an image ever captured Britain better than this?
Sounds like shit
if lefties need clear evidence of muslim intolerance then there it is. they still wont acknowledge it though.
why arent you drinking with your mates you nerds
>policemen in brussels are build like brick shithouses and have several weapons
>someone thinks attacking them with a dull blade is a good idea
honestly people this retarded should be culled no matter how dangerous they actually are
show em your muzzie card innit
... it's those damn jews again
What's your favourite song from Saturation II?
its a really good picture
you lift up your dress and show them the goat on the end of your knob
I don't listen to the new ones, I like Future and Rae Sremmurd
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Still at work

i am drinking and speaking to my mates on /brit/ and /sp/ match thread
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Drinking martinis alone

Was going to go to the cinema alone to see Dunkirk but missed the last showing

Might watch some 007
>Well Street

*shows solidarity*
show them pictures of all the infidel heads you have decapitated
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it's like a painting from some dutch master
rorkes always get what they deserve in the end
rest in poo
I put a tenner on lol
im well street m8
what's your favourite song from the venga boys?
we all know mayweather's gonna win in 2 rounds tops, it's a meme fight
prefer annie clark 2bh
don't give a shit about boxing but really hope mcgregor wins now
/pol/ is such a disappointment. Filled with interesting topics and yet the posters are utter pillocks with only buzzwords knocking around their heads.
can't wait for all these clueless mugs to lose their money
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friday night on the brit
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>Paddy Power
thats most of 4chan since around 2012
/pol/ and to some extent all of 4chan is basicly a peformance art piece. If anyone comes here for actual proper discussion on stuff they are a fool
new qotsa album isn't great, few good tracks
feels fake, artificial most of the time
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Did you not see the thread where a bunch of high school kids were posting their gcse results (all shit too)?
Pol is a fucking joke
evening assortment of anglo saxon menaces


Doing a Lebensraum lads.

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Imagine being a brown Muslim who considers himself just as "British" as a white person whose family ancestry is from here. Praying to Mecca 5 times a day, believing in a religion totally alien to these shores, having your mum wrapped in a fucking towel, marrying your cousin and not eating pork or drinking beer. You literally couldn't be any LESS British. The cognitive dissonace is astounding
is this a joke?
business idea: bomb mecca
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How is Christianity any less alien a religion? Our ancestors didn't follow it
maybe yours didn't rasheed but mine did
good post
new bread >>78727420
The English state didn't exist in any real form before Christianity you autistic fuck. The entire of our civilisation has been based on it
glad to see that londoners will be able to read the news now
pay up piggy
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peng tits
kek, these professional victims never stop
Thread posts: 289
Thread images: 71

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