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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 35

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Draw your own fedora edition!
Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees.
thinking about a career in competitive vaping
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think I might try to marry a moron
You are now thinking about that girl you regret not asking out
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If you're rich marry me
could have been the next Messi if I applied myself
no im not
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That's a pretty low-tier women regret, step up your game virgin
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I actually painted it.
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found out i was dreaming while i was dreaming and thought 'fuck now i need to lucid dream and become god' but nothing happened
are you an autistic manlet?
Hmmm, even Thai sauce is expensive, they are quite easy to found but because of the taxes and and a overprice that stores usually does makes thinks difficult of afford.
A good Sriracha is $10 to $12 for 482g

you've said this before and I DON'T want to have to write another effort post explaining how silly you are
Link? Struggling to believe that's real.
>Emily Goldstein

Also seconding link request.

1. Not gay.
2. Not a fan of Canadians.
3. Never watched anime.
why didnt you fucking cunts tell me to buy eth coins last year
Are you jelly of the Brazilian soft porn clips? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntAX1r50aPY
fuck you
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>Draw your own fedora

buy eth coins last year
*gets schwifty*
>Certainly wouldn't describe myself (or anyone) as perfectly normal. I think I read that what I do is a sign that I'd be very good at learning foreign languages.

that's cool. have you ever given it a go at learning another language? i tried german once, but didn't really get too interested in it.

besides that i know how to ask "Does you sister do anal" in 5 languages.
>eth coins
>eth coins
lol, dumb nocoiner
FUCK OFF you don't know me

would marry in a heartbeat. don't care if I get the flick later on
hey buddy I think you've got the wrong board
>>>/b/ is two categories down
>knowyourmeme has a community

absolute state of people who are a part of that
>the flick
what's that?
Yeah, I did German at school and was put in the top class. Didn't really try and scored a B+. Learned a little Norwegian via Pimsleur a few years ago when I wanted to move there. Looking at Spanish now, got the Pimsleur, flash cards and stuff. Everything but the motivation.
not a fan of how 1 corporation owns about 50 popular food brands
who is this child?
it's ether you mong
how is bitcoin legal considering transactions aren't taxed
They are not legal but not traced.
They are at least in the US. Unless they're private transactions which don't need to be taxed.
fuck you yank bastard, you're a nocoiner too
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desu she seems really depressed in that video. makes me a bit sad. reminds me of myself. goes to show even if you're really really good looking, that doesn't mean that you'll be happy. but i guess attractive and depressed is still better than ugly and depressed.

>Everything but the motivation.
iktf i've been an unmotivated piece of shit my entire life.
Is English the ultimate language? I don't feel the need to learn any others.
broken up with in that context
why is nasa trying so hard to cover up flat earth?
On reddit UKlegaladvice I read about a guy who got arrested just for buying bitcoins
imagine being privileged enough to where this thought even enters your head
Cold stormy night lads. Think I've hsd it. Walking to my favorite bridge atm. Am gonna say a prayer and jump off. Peace.
why is nasa trying so hard to cover up fat earth?
Don't fuck with eth but I trade btc
the exchanges aren't reported to the IRS. if you are a pussy you can report them as capital gains though
my family are poor

yeah seemed quite shy as well. would have thought she could have just modelled as a career. disappointing in a sense but maybe she wont regret it
>family are
fucking RETARD
what's the point of the prayer?
you'll go to hell anyways
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>all these dumb nocoiners who didn't listen
I hope you all learned your lesson
>You've exceeded the maximum number of attempts for today. Please wait 24 hours before adding a new card.

wtf? i literally just made the account
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doing 1 (one) poo
Apology. Hell is where i belong anyway lad
Because the people on the other side of the flat earth are paying them big nega-bucks to hide it.
aways lost my sides with the sry senpai
the sentence is correct
heaven is lost to me.... i only see hell
Some YouTuber who does reviews of fast food.
ah,. so I see you too have an interest in tech, and epic sciencse. Get this, i just read that each bitcoin is now worth, over 100 bitcoins
doing 3 (three) poos and 91723519263 (ninety-one billion seven-hundred-and-twenty-three million five-hundred-and-nineteen thousand two hundred and sixty-three) wees
still can't believe are drumpf is president
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>heaven is lost to me.... i only see hell
He's a fucking retard. I LOVE his immigration policies but that's all.
would empty two shots of salt shot right onto your beady eyed anthropoid face, runt
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Bush Jr. ran TWO terms, and Trump winning surprises you?
is that filthy frank? based hahaha kek. based as fuck
Changed my mind lads. I think dying will hurt very much and I'm too scared. Am just gonna sit here and do a cry for awhile
need the lad who posts his blockfolio here to redpill me on cryptocurrency
Bush Jr wasn't a retard though. Had a few gaffes but seemed intelligent enough
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Czech them.gif
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Business idea: wait til I'm old to have a kid so that he'll be autistic
*takes a drag on my cigar as I sit by the pool wearing my shades*
*without looking at you*
what do you want to know kid
No it's a facebook friend but his name is coincidentally frank
saint peter denied my visa

i am being deported.....TO HELL! i can't say i didnt vote for this.
George Bush is unironically more retarded than donald. He's a nice person but he probably had no clue what he was doing
im a brit living in burgerland but nobody on this board believes me
you'd need to shag an older bird for it to be autistic
does anyone else not have the ability to visualize things in their mind? i didn't realise it was something normal people could do until recently.
Try and have more so that you'll make moar bennies
Well I'll just fuck your mum and she can have two autistic kids
oh...? the abortionist is supposed to screen for that.
Trump isn't a retard either; he's probably smarter than Bush, just lacking the dopey charisma he had.

I believe you but I don't care.
post your portfolio
Ah fuck. Here I am stuck on the toilet with no toilet paper. What a messy predicament. What started as a cozy poo and post has become a disaster
good lad
mum's menopausal mate ;)
the redpill on cryptocurrency is that the window for making any significant amount of money with it has closed

you're too late

best advice i can give you now is to be on the lookout for the next big opportunity
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Thanks for the (You)
pineal gland status: circumcised
I don't follow my investments on blockfolio (no smartphone). I use the exchanges and my wallets.
mummy doesn't believe in abortion unfortunately
yw boo
Lol I'm sure everyone in manchester is having a blast celebrating the europa league title haha
You watching Books of Colour right now? Good show.
Think of all the filth you generate just by sitting somewhere

Disgusting, molting creatures we are
Good. Abortion is murder
fuck off

hmmm.....how much did you start off with? how much do you have now? which coins?

I've read up quite a bit on dubya. Anyone who's ever worked with him has said he's highly intelligent. Definitely not the case with Donny 'hire New York jews to make me rich' Drumpf

yee-a yee-a


check it out, this guy right here drops some TRUTH bombs on george dubya
Just recalled the moment and combined with /brit/

Good show though ye
rredpill me on brisbane, perth, and melbourne
He's smarter than me because I flunked out of community college while he graduated from ivy league
reckon me bedsheets are filthy after a week or two

dead skin and sweat and whatever else
*crosses the line*
>ISIS are losers

kek, only an american leader would say that
I'm a Yale boy.
Quaint story there.
Putting on some anime
He might sound a bit silly, but I love the way Trump phrases things. I can imagine him coming to Australia:

"Scorching! Honored to be here with America's best friends! Very effective boat sinking policy! The best!"

It's almost as though English is his second language or something
I think his (first) wife engineered a lot of his early success lel
dust is dead skin
*gets shot by a Loyalist guerrilla*
Dylan Moran's latest stand up show is up to scratch. Couple of years old now but you might've missed it. Off The Hook (2015). Not on YouTube but is on Pirate Bay.

shan't be redpilling the public so willy nilly without being spanked

Haven't seen anything that recent, I'll check it out. Cheers.

You should check out rarbg for torrents if you don't already.
Watch Ben-To
Brisbane: bogan maniacs and phimosis-ridden /brit/men.
Perth: most isolated city in the world I think. A bit boring but good beaches, good-looking people and warm most the year.
Melbourne: called Cuckbourne on the chan but I think it's alright. Has everything you would need in a big city. Bit cold during the winter.
his speeches are like off-brand broken english versions of them
can't tell if my mate is ignoring me or sleeping
hmmm are you suggesting they aren't losers, nigel?
>salty nocoiner

why am i not surprised
Maybe you're so boring that he fell asleep while ignoring you
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yanks have no filter
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Struggle to watch a full stand-up show these days. Think I fucked myself by just watching every comedians best bits and not their whole show.

I woke up at 5.20am today just to get into work on time


Saw it back when it was airing, not as funny as you'd expect
He's American so it fits in with his character
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Is it just me or have I spotted a giant red skin on this building?
got called a loser and i'm livid - doubt i'll bomb anything every again
>Bit cold during the winter
imo that's one of the defining features of american english, most people's grandparents learnt it as a second language and couldn't completely express themselves with it, passing on this kind of ignorance to their children
lmao gayboii
Nice one, added to bookmarks
filthy paki runt
Watch these best bits mate
*unzips my dick*
what's wrong with piratebay?
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started with $150 a year ago and put $100 in btc and $25 in eth and ltc each. I've invested about $5k more in various memecoins since starting out and now have $~25k worth of investment in crypto.
>look at markets with volume between 300-400 btc
>check markets with negative 24h change between 5-20%
>buy healthy looking ones with a bid of 1% below last trade
>set sell order with a 2-4% markup
simple as.
>how can i make this video as clickbait as possible
>ah yes of course i'll put "white man's country" in the title because most drumpf supports are racists of course

hmm indeed very good
actually my family, except for a few great-great-grandparents, have been in this country since the 1700s.
I'm a Yale boy. Feels great to be a grape on the ol' Ivy (League).
Had gay sex today, don't think I am gay but it was an interesting experience
To get to work today, I had to take a rail replacement bus service, it took almost 2 hours to arrive, I’ll have to depart before 7am if I want to even attempt to arrive on time tomorrow. Today however, I was late, arrived 40 minutes into my shift, I didn’t say anything, just sat down, stamped in and got on with it.

About another 40 minutes into my shift I was asked if I’d be OK with someone listening in to my calls, one of the new trainees, he’s from a village 5 miles away from my town, he asked where I was from, I told him, he said “nice”, I told him it wasn’t. But since we were from the same borough he called us “Brothers in Arms”, he’s a decent person, initially he also commented on my Godzilla t-shirt, he said he was a fan, I didn’t think responding was the right thing to do at the time, I was his sensei and I tried to impart some knowledge onto him. Our time together only lasted around 30 minutes before his break, my quality assessment and then my break.

I didn’t pack a lunch due to having no yoghurts. So I left the building during my lunch period as usual, planning on maybe buying a sandwich until I realised I left my wallet back at my desk. I wasn’t overly hungry anyway and welcomed the opportunity to dodge some calories. I went back to work and then onto another break around an hour later.

During break I played Hearthstone again. Still stuck at rank 2, playing Quest Rogue now. Made some awkward eye contact with the transgender person, I just have a habit of turning my head whenever someone enters my peripheral vision, I should stop doing it. I overheard her conversation again, such an interesting person, all her housemates are transgender too and one of them is apparently insane and attacked a GP.

When posting on 4chan about the above observation, I began to feel faint, I was dizzy, I couldn’t focus, I couldn’t keep my head up straight, I kinda wanted to go to sleep but also throw up.
Aussie cold not actual cold
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My Great-Great-Grandmum from Camborne.

Hello, fellow Brits!
Why, we had plenty of experiences like this at Yale. Don't feel too queer.
oh and somewhere in there you need to get good at analyzing chart patterns before buying
not a fraction of a latter
My great grandpa was from Nottingham.
I tried to walk it off by leaving the break room and heading back into the work area, not long after beginning my walk, I collapsed, it was along the desk where my manager sits. I don’t remember it, but after hitting the ground, I think I near immediately regained consciousness, though I was still dizzy and couldn’t see clearly, there was a green, blurry tint obscuring my vision. The new guy from about a month ago who I helped a little was the one to lift me up, he and my manager took me to a small room a few metres away. I sat down and tried to gather my bearings, my manager showed sympathy and asked some questions, such as if I was on any medication, I denied it at first but the next time I admitted the only new addition were antidepressants. I was asked if I wanted an ambulance, I declined, she got my 2 glasses of water, I eventually felt better, my head stopped spinning, my vision cleared, it was sudden, I just felt better. I think it was 5-10 minutes.

Another woman entered the room later and asked how I was, she seemed to understand my fainting, we agreed it was probably just because I hadn’t eaten anything during lunch. They both offered me food, repeatedly but I declined this also, I honestly just wasn’t hungry. I took 5 minutes to wash my face as I had sweated heavier than I ever had in recent memory. My manager also noted I became pale and my lips turned white.

A few people during the final hour of work asked if I was alright, I gave a lot of thumbs up. I felt stupid this one time though when I said I was fine when I thought someone was asking me how I was, he was just on the phone. Mumbled to myself a lot after that, even after leaving work.

Took a 90 minute bus back home. Felt a little car sick.

Told my family I fainted. They think I need to eat more.

Going to buy Iron tomorrow.

Wondering if Magnesium+Sertaline was a trick.
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Her childhood street.

Looks like shit desu.
Ah yes an Australia is of course qualified to judge another's form of dialect
don't think i'd be able to do that
had anal sex with the gf a few times and the anal juice and horrid smell has put me off- but at least she's a soft and sweet girl so i can focus on normal vaginal sex

meanwhile, a guy only has his bum, and guys are usually more smelly and less sweet
Nah. Being fucked in the bum is not very pleasant at all. Can't do it ever again.
We don't have people like you at Yale.
fucks sake whats with all the yanks this afternoon

usually they've fucked off by now. is there a bunch of freshies that just started posting?
Cornwall is shit
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And her childhood home.

One day I hope to visit and buy some alcohol from there.
Is it nice?
post an archive link where at this time there's been no americans posting in /brit/
oh wait you can't
fuck off
Image boards are very popular at Yale ATM, but it's mostly /sp/. I do not post there myself.
could ionise the chin of any Yank ITT
pay the call centre phone operators footballer's wages
was this him
you're on an american website :^)
is coinbase the best website for buying bitcoins? what about storing them?
it was a mining town so no
Generally prefer them to Ozzies and Zealanders
it's japanese
like to see you try kiwi

I can tell. Too bad, but I'm a Cornish boy, it's in my blood. Gotta support my homeland, you know?
I'm just happy to be making a difference and helping people
No he stayed here and became a Mountie in the Yukon.

Heard he fucked off to Canada over an argument with his family lol.
I'm going to finish by graduate studies at Princeton. Hear that? Prince, he-he! Like a king or some other archaic European fancy.
usually by this time MOST have fucked off
jap now fatboy
dont mind this gimmick. dont really understand it but I'lll allow it

the Guardian really despises whitey
you'd need to put down the meth pipe first
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wish I worked in an ice-cream or chocolate factory. wonder if every job involves them all dancing and shit. surely it must
still though you're brought up in a schooling environment with mostly kids like germans and nordics who weren't taught their native language
just notice a lot of incomplete sentences in american english, a lot of "uh like" and incomplete phrases
our dialect is a natural continuation of southeast-english tbf
I'm cut
We call it P actually
anyone remember the cuckio meme
Think I'm addicted to xanax lads
no but it is good for beginners. the web wallet on coinbase is fine for a beginner too. I bought a hardware wallet when I made $~10k and was getting serious about it but you don't need one.
desu for the past 4 months since i got laid off i've been posting in /brit/ between the hours of 6PM-EST and 6AM-EST consistently monday-friday.
I'll give you a (You) but I don't know what else to say
what is this massive shilling on mooncoin? did you buy any?
yeah but anyone else remember the cuckio meme?
Yes actually. Not fond of it. If you used "cuck" on campus you'd be written up.
next door's dog won't shut up
>just notice a lot of incomplete sentences in american english, a lot of "uh like" and incomplete phrases

websites are just for people buying bitcoin for the darknet markets at a more expensive rate

use a proper trading platform if you seriously want to profit off them
Going to sleep lads, hope you have a good night for the americans, a good morning to Brits and a good evening to aussies, kiwis can fuck off
which one are you? liam? vocaroolad? drunklad?
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Night lads.
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funny you should mention...>>75250120
keep thumping my dog so he'll keep barking and pissing off the chubby autist next door
yeah but i need an initial medium to buy btc right?

btw any experiences with bitcoin atms? there's one near me that buys and sells and operates 24/7
post kangawoo fucker. forgot to save it last time
Think I might have ADD lads
looks really bad. it's probably like posw, which the devs shilled on /biz/ all the time, but I haven't been on /biz/ in a while so I don't know. but looking at the graph (and just the name of it), it looks like a pump and dump coin by the devs to make money.
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/brit/ classic
make sure to ask for vyvanse
do you see yourself still trading crypto in 5 years?
do you think you have the most /brit/ hours clocked up?

wonder who else is here all the time
The last thread is still at 309 replys
Not me, I have a job but I was during my NEET days
yep. crypto is NOT a "bubble". it's not a bubble the way people use the term anyway. for a market to be in a bubble, it would need stupid amounts of mainstream attention. blockchain tech is clunky and at the moment is barely usable (some transfers take literally hours). right now cryptos market cap is at like $60 billion or something. thats literally less than a lot of companies in the stock markets easily valued at over $100 billion each. you'll know when were in a bubble when your broke retard neighbor joe starts talking about crypto and give advice. that is when you sell everything and get out.
copypasta'd from something I posted the other day if this sounds familiar
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>Not me, I have a job but I was during my NEET days

>not posting the promised selfie
How about you fuck off over there and go down with the ship then
How about you stop breaking the rules
isn't bitcoin completely resistant to inflation though
great kiwi singer
It's coming

Told you it'll be this weekend or Tuesday

Really just waiting for some free time and my new glasses to arrive
hate that style of female singing
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>Caring about the rules
nah, i doubt it. thailad and oxfordaussie also post in the same shift. besides, i only started posted since i got laid-off. who knows how many people have been posting here for years.
really needs a donk on it
oh fuck off you're "waiting for free time"
yeah you're working SOOOO hard
>UKIP's Paul Nuttall says the launch of his party's general election manifesto will be "an act of defiance" against terrorism after the Manchester bombing.
Looking forward to seeing this.
actually, come to think of it. when were /brit/ threads started?
Greatest Kiwi musician coming through


what do you know about oxfordaussie?
Ah yes (brit lads only)

Check out @SkyFootball's Tweet: https://twitter.com/SkyFootball/status/867621340743962624?s=09
how would you describe that? i hear it alot in pop music. i almost wanna call it like mouthy or nasally.
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need a job lads
As if a filthy NEETrunt like you knows anything about working, never mind working hard

I woke up at 5.20am today just to get to work on time
no idea t b h, it was alright back when amy winehouse did it but now they all fucking do it
use your normal voice reeeeeeeeeeee
nothing? it's just nice to be able to narrow down the australian flags without tripcodes. he's always quick to let people know he's only on vacation.
You don't count
Also, I'm sticking to the original date for the pic that I set

haven't seen him around. should introduce myself
listening to the so called "the smiths"
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im sad now.jpg
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Who told you I am innumerate?
You got fired for maccas and spent the best part of two years as a NEET whilst willingly chemically castrating yourself

>immediately accusing me of being a NEET
pathetic and incorrect
it's immune to monetary (m0) inflation (after mining halts completely), yes. but it can still be susceptible to m1 or m2 and beyond inflation, affected by long term holders and banks or whatever it is. there is always going to be other coins anyway
>willingly chemically castrating yourself
who here browsed /anglo/?
300,000 muslims marched against ISIS yesterday but of course no one heard about it
don't usually enable freshcunts but he's a tranny
do not engage foys especially new ones
where did that happen?
>thread going good, having some bantz with the lads, talking about the footy
>thailad shows up
>thread descends in to rorke central

really wish he'd just fuck off, he fled his home country so his opinion doesnt even count
>no link or source

If people don't trust Muslims it's not our fault, it's the terrorists ruining it for the good muslims
Fuck sake, I'm going to arrive at work over an hour early
probably shouldn't wear moccasins then
aha x
the free syrian army?
is there any sites that don't charge like 10% transaction fee
you should hurry up, he's only on vacation for a few more weeks. if you want to get a date with him, you've got to act quick.
Agree with this post

Hate that Man U won yesterday but it was big for the City and desperately needed
isn't coinbase like 2% if you use your bank account
No one is falling for this crocodile tears crap any more. Union flag headscarves and marches can all be put in the bin.
I'm sure those dead kids will really be chuffed that Muslims did a march though
their payment system is fucked right now

any experience with kraken?

>If you are buying less than $50,000 of bitcoins per month expect to pay between 0.16-0.26% in fees per buy.
thanks aha x
prll), six mollollllllhs ot fOol MelltloolO
poloniex, bittrex, localbitcoins are all okay but a bit more complicated than coinbase
8TRATED - - - OR - yTOLEN BttMr,Whlt 33vJk
sorry lads accidentally smashed me keyboard
dumb abo
>sperging out about nothing
>poleaboo agrees with you
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>this is dangerously underweight
broken britain
Rom TeDtftenhamvxReari 334(Wo'flSt 4 SelratoesVMWAM' 3690ifordSt Tel ...
are you delcaring this stuff on your taxes?

canadian revenue agency says gains made on cryptocurrency need to be added to capital gains
would rather have a mentally ill tranny paki agree with me than a nonce who fled his home country and earns less than the national minimum full time wage
no because it is somewhat of a grey area in the law here. haven't researched it as much as I should tbqh. I don't take a lot out at a time anyway
>canadian revenue agency says gains made on cryptocurrency need to be added to capital gains
you probably should then
Are you ok?
tbf thairorke is better than than the paki hobgoblin
Me pa is quite high up in the police so got to sit in on the cobra meeting. Apparently when Mummy May decided to raise the threat level, she said "this oughta show these fucking peasants what strong and stable leadership is"
roaring at all the arrogant students turning on Morrissey
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File: 714.jpg (176KB, 1126x1091px) Image search: [Google]
176KB, 1126x1091px
that's why i don't want to attach my name to any of this

fuck sakes hate the government
Thaimincer BTFO
spotify needs more 90's house reeeeeeee
Business idea; buy seeds ready for when the world's economies collapse
chinese gf just said she'd love some "snails mails"
Get your tinfoil hats on
Morning lads

Morning nonce
Business idea: headbutt my bedroom wall again
Thread posts: 311
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