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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 350
Thread images: 53

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leeds edition
Industrial beats

Fuck me
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Why is Trump pushing for a war with North Korea and Iran?


Makes me think...
>4chan mark
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I am a real American
Fight for the rights of every man
>One in 500 people in Leeds has HIV, latest figures show.
Absolute state of Leeds and Yorkshire as a whole.
Iran recently started dumping the petrodollar too.
the whistles you get on lollypops never work
t. third_eye_dreamer.blogspot.net
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Channel 4 is moving it's headquarters to Birmingham

The Midlands Engine is booming
dont think its a whistle lad
I can understand North Korea, someone needs to deal with them sooner or later and China is refusing to.

Iran seems basically because Israel and Saudi Arabia want war.
what is it
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>tfw had some gay experiences

went through a strange period 2014-2016 2bh
do you kiss your friends on the cheek when greeting them?
don't care for moeshit
No president can be dumped in a case of ongoing war
what happens in rural scotland (far up north)
is it nice?
Literally wank each one of my mates off as a greeting when the lads link up
not my english ones, but my spanish friends always go in for the kiss so i've sort of become used to it
tell us what happened lad
Which Hitchens?
girls yes
lads no
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always greet my friends with a hard bumming
Ari lads needs to go cycle a bit and then romantic date with this chick who sells fake boobs for a plastic surgery clinic. Enjoy making memories to tell the gradkids about.x
bit gay
Wouldn't mind a fit girlfriend
go for a long, hard kiss on the lips
my best mates and i use tongues
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going to unironically start writing a dystopian alternate future novel about the possibility of a Labour Party victory in 2020 and Jeremy Corbyn becoming Prime Minister.

the context of such an event would have been an utter failure in polling systems to calculate the sheer amount of immigrants, students and old workers unionists that showed up to vote for Corbyn while the smug self confidence of Tory voters meant many failed to show up to vote.

this would also overlap with the United Kingdom having left the EU, Northern Ireland reunified with the Republic of Ireland, and Scotland having left the United Kingdom, essentially killing it. England and Wales are now a destabilised, economically ruined rump nation, and Tories and Blairites are publicly vilified.

The Corbyn regime would begin benign, but slowly become like many Student Unions today- extremely censorious, politically correct to the max, stifling free speech and then no-platforming politicians, activists and writers. The right-wing tabloid newspapers would be banned publications. It wouldn't become a full blown Stalinist state, but the novel would see England move closer and closer to the far-left as Corbyn begins adopting Cuban and other South American style policies. The monarchy would be abolished without a vote offered to the people, and British Army coups would be attempted but thwarted. Far-right militias like a resurrected National Front based in Wales would spring up and violence would be rampant on the streets along with hyperinflation and poverty. A purposely weakened border would give way to more mass immigration and terrorist attacks.

I think a setting like this could be very interesting for a story tbqh
two men sucked me off in separate incidents after getting with them at clubs

one in barcelona and one on some Thai island

basically alcohol and a bad breakup happened. sent me off the rails a bit
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>pass user

fucking crying
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just text the ex gf
everyone does that here
girls get 1 kiss on both cheeks and boys get a handshake
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>captcha cucks
Anyone got any spare reasons to live?

Asking for a mate.
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>cant ask the meaning of "alri" because everyone will make fun of me
haha baldy paki really hates being ignored doesn't he
sort yourself out mate
bet you think 4chans running out of money
it means fuck off nip
Ah yes telling people about your projects so you get the dopamine rewards of achieving something without having to do shit. Howling currently

don't reply to it
Short for "alright?" which is short for "are you alright?" which really means "how are you doing?".

t. expert
just a hole to increase friction between the 'candy' (inb4 FOY) and the stick
french society in general is rather bent
it's short for "alright" which is in itself a shortening of "are you alright?". We use it as a greeting.
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i love my nmds though
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why would a hole help increase fiction :thinkingemoji:
louis deserves to be shot
you would fit perfectly here then haha
What difference does it make, you'll virgin walk in them either way
do you like chips
hot chips or cold chips
a bad poster

a normal poster

good posters
do you like burgers
business idea: become a sexy grill reporter, tease everyone with newly acquired goods, ???, file a lawsuit and make bank

I like putting custard on chips
how can they draw at 2/1 if one side gets 2 and one side gets 1 isn't it not a draw?
Not a massive fan of chips. I keep it basic with walkers and the odd packet of quavers.
The food? Yeah really enjoy them. Nothing better to order when out in a restaurant in my opinion.
For me, it's McChicken® Sandwich
yeah same except some of the close lads get a little kissy too
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can't wait for the games later. haven't been able to watch a premier league games in months thanks to work and my gf

tonight i can just sit back with some whiskey and enjoy it
McDonalds marketer spotted
should be ihatenormies.jpg

normie """men""" do the same sort of shit
yeah the very close ones but most lads just get a hand
based Vonnegut reduced to shoddy, 2-bit memes. SAD!
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no. nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
gayest experience of mine was probably when I was in a gay porno for $300
>rating Puma
alri African
fuck off normie
finally figured out this "vegetarianism" malarkey lads
*eats delicious spicy bean burger with tomato, mayo, lettuce and spinach"
She's going to get BLACKED when she's older
Yank and Brit bombers could have burnt him in Dresden 1945. SAD!
didn't you pretend to get laid? fuck off fake normie
the grapes of wrath is the only good american book
rest is shite
>tfw spanish
>tfw kiss everyone i meet
>tfw btfoing embarrassed normies
my farts reek tonight
wtf are you on about soba-noodle boi?
Is that Kim Kardashian?
Isn't she meant to be a super attractive sex icon, she just looks like a fat cunt
*gets brain damage*
woah wtf i love infowars now
skinny girls feel shit though what are you on about
>not rating faulkner and cormac mccarthy
would much rather shag kim
Name one (1) french book
gf un-broke up with me lads
don't mind being whipped, i have a gf
Can someone point me in the direction of 'the lads'?
steinbeck is shit
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She was pregnant with North at the time.
so here we are then
the so-called "lads"
i let that happen once, then she re-broke up with me again a few months later. nothing worse than getting double dumped and that's what you've inevitably got coming lad
>cormac mccarthy
>authors who are still alive

Voyage au bout de la nuit
What an unoriginal post, clearly a copy of >>73166876
refer to:
a gf who doesn't respect you. pitiful.
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>Gibraltar accuses EU of behaving like a 'cuckolded husband'
The older order changeth, yielding place to new. God fulfils himself in many ways. And soon, I suppose, I shall be swept away by some vulgar little tumour. Oh, my boys, my boys, we're at the end of an age. We live in a land of weather forecasts and breakfasts that set in. Shat on by Tories, shovelled up by Labour. And here we are, we three, perhaps the last island of beauty in the world.
Weirdly don't feel as guilty when I wank to twinks and pretty lads as much as I do when I wank to traps and trannies
Quite amusing that even in grime the white man is the best (devlin)
>5/10 or above girl talks to me
>i get a boner and drizzle a bit of cum
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>He was then deployed to Europe to fight in World War II, and was captured by the Germans during the Battle of the Bulge. He was interned in Dresden and survived the Allied bombing of the city by taking refuge in a meat locker of the slaughterhouse where he was imprisoned.

Brits should have bombed Dresden into atoms
this has been posted 20-25 you squeeky little fucking beta nonce
I get this with all girls but it has to be some sort of contact not just talking. This chubby girl at work touched me yesterday and when I went to the toilet my bellend was sticky with precum.
Always wanted to post this myself haha very relatable
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>this has been posted 20-25
Kurt Vonnegut: utter hack
hmm..why the hate for Vonnegut is what I want to know
ummm check the archives i posted it about 6 months ago

she has sex with me though
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I've been thinking this for a while now
cumeatingcuckolds > BLACKED > cuckoldsessions > blacksonblondes
He's literally "reddit", whatever that means.
how come americans cant make good books lads
>relationships end
really stimulated the synapses...
because his works totally have created this hack called haruki murakami

no hard feeling to himself tho
20-25 times
>has only just learned how to not shit herself
>can already say 'stethoscope'

sort your priorities out Sophia you fucking waste of time
oh, wuu2? x
but here's your (You) anyway
>what is Walden
I've been thinking about adding some filters but I have a fear of missing out
Don't see why anyone's having a pop at her. We all immigrated here at some point whether it be 5 years ago or 500 years ago. We're not eternally thankful, why should she have to be?
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every murakami book is the same but i've read like 4 or 5 of his books all the same

they're comfy but not very good

how big is he in japan
this happened to a friend and it turned out she spent the time lining up a new man, lest she be single for one day
it's more the fact that she will be the one ending it, not him. and her doing it twice
but the EU isn't a tyrannical distatorship
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FUCK lads something really weird going on
>look up a specific porn vid on fav porn website
>not there
>find somewhere else
>hours later pops on fav porn site
>same thing happened today
based EU
ryu murakami = good
haruki murakami = shit
Christopher Hitchens, a student of the prestigious University of Oxford.

Peter Hitchens, a student of the University of
glad that the internet wasn't around for my parents to post embarrassing shit about me as a child for all to see
>haha yeah we'll take all the good stuff, cheers for the remittances and the massive economic opportunity
>you want BROWN PEOPLE to come HERE? nah we'll just take the good stuff thanks
t. poland
don't understand this post
york's pretty decent
hahah I want that szechuan sauce for my nuggets now
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Reagan was such a based presi-
thats it boys. im moving to scotland and no one can stop me.
Christopher Hitchens: Fat alcoholic that supported the Iraq war and died because he thought he looked good smoking.

Peter Hitchens: Frogfaced mong that wants to live in the 1920s and doesn't support anything.
I like how you're implying brown people are bad whilst trying to sound progressive.
bye x
Fuck off we voted brexit
mad, was gonna buy in the miso soup yesterday but bought uzumaki volumes 1-3 instead
can't get over how smoky this scotch is lads
it's straight forward, I keep searching for specific porn vids on my fav porn website, they aren't there, then within a few hours they're uploaded by someone
America is an immigrant nation.
Did 110mg of Ritalin today - feels fucking incredible lads. Did 5 hours of revision and had an amazing wank
>i don't understand what pretending to be poland is
>Gary Lineker is living in a literal cuckshed
Fuck me lads, I'm not sure how much I enjoy this timeline.
havent had a beeriod in almost a week lads
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>tfw unironically scottish and in scotland right this second
>the 1920s
Why pick a degenerate modernist decade?

Peter's an 1890s kind of man
I haven't seen you unclog a single toilet. 2/10
*ties your shoe laces together*
Can't stop farting eggy farts.
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>/leftypol/ is still down
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this whole hipster trap business is quite good
christopher hitchens: based, anti islam intellectual

peter hitchens: boring, unironic godsquad anti-intellectual
isnt that because theyre new videos and take a little time to get around
good la'

if you ever get the opportunity to try 4F-MPH then try it, it's just ritalin except it lasts longer
>using and abusing your child for internet likes
Bank holiday on Thursday btw
reddit is up m8
you monster
very, very big
no, they weren't new at all
woah bit racist there thailad don't appreciate that kind of so-called "banter"

Howling at this image
fun fact: interstellar made $130,117 in vietnam
reply to this post or you're gay
Christopher Hitchens: wee

Peter Hitchens: poo
they're both very clever but Christopher actually has points to make while Peter is just a contrarian whiner
His ex-wife is now living in his house while pregnant with her new boyfriend's child.
That is not a fun fact at all
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the left wing subreddits are not good for shitposting at all
wish i was in a relationship
>by Charles Paul Hoffman

hm ye
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>ywn EVER see a new moonglove ASMR video in your lifetime

wake me up
lol x
northern ireland
>muh german surnames are jewish

7 billion peopled turned gay by not responding to a post on 4chan. so this is the power of the internet...
>Pop culture is left wing
>High culture is right wing

this makes sense
just go
>getting mad about black people being in your comics
ahaha alri autismo
i think you mean 6,999,999,999 because u were already gay
not for me
literally shaking rn
>2 bank holidays coming up
>working both of them
>double pay

weeey lads i'm in the money this month
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Name a More Iconic Duo
no u

about to hit the big 7.5 bil
Used to have this up until about 13
>You cannot blackmail the EU, unity has a price
sounding a bit totalitarian here
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How the fuck do you still get cucked when you're famous and rich
50,000 people used to post here

Now it's a ghost thread
did you end up seeing that ladyboy
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rock paper scissors?

I choose rock
ASOS is quite handy
>But what America did was a basic human obligation. It is the obligation of every person born in a safer room to open the door when someone in danger knocks. It is your duty to answer us, even if we don’t give you sugary success stories. Even if we remain a bunch of ordinary Iranians, sometimes bitter or confused. Even if the country gets overcrowded and you have to give up your luxuries, and we set up ugly little lives around the corner, marring your view. If we need a lot of help and local services, if your taxes rise and your street begins to look and feel strange and everything smells like turmeric and tamarind paste, and your favourite shop is replaced by a halal butcher, your schoolyard chatter becoming ching-chongese and phlegmy “kh”s and “gh”s, and even if, after all that, we don’t spend the rest of our days in grateful ecstasy, atoning for our need.
wanted to defend her or say it was more nuanced but i think she's just legitimately trying to piss off rorkes
This is quite handy too
*slips my hand down your boxers*
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what is your opinion about those who use anime pics to try to show themselves or his/her posts cute?
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member this
Keep forgetting how populous Mexico is
holy shit. interstellar is literally one of the best pieces of art that has ever been created

people 50 years from now will be amazed at how little of credit it received for being the closest thing we've seen to a perfect piece of film

tears were streaming down my face by the end. fucking brilliant
No, if I'm really bored one evening have nothing else going on I'll probably pop over hers and see what all the fuss is about. Will Inspect her arsehole and if it's not hairy and is a nice clean bp I might go for it desu
some had her at 98%
not sure what you look like so cannot roleplay back in good jest sorry
how many times can you sign up to netflix/amazon prime for a free trial?
end was fucking shit

rest was good though
talking to some foreign bint who asked me for some lesser known British music and i literally havent got a clue so I said Elton John and now she's laughing at me
>racists care about skin colour
Same mate, I cried about 4 times during it proper sobbing tears.

Only watched it once, don't wait to spoil what an amazing experience it was by watching it again
don't forget your arsehole inspecting glasses
walked past someone wearing a hijab in belfast today. fucking england.
>with dad in Barca for second time last friday
>get in tourbus for north route of the city (last time took South route)
>Recognize qt catalan tour guide from last year
>Dont say shit because she obviously wouldnt remember cause she sees faces daily
>No two seats available
>give dad Seat and stand next to him
>QT catalan tourguide tells me I have to sit
>Shrug and sit where Im standing, get a few laughs from other Passengers and tour guide
>Tell her I need parential guidance as a joke and cant leave my dads side
>She giggles and points me to a Seat next to An older Aussie lady like one Seat behind hers
>Proceed bants with tourguide and old Aussie lady, tour guide keeps making cracks at me
>Tell old Aussie lady she was mean to me last year too (a joke)
>Tour guide asks what she did last year
>Dad is older and I wanted to club but had no one to go with
>Told her Ill share and forgive if shes willing to give me a tour of the city at night
>She agrees
>Exchange numbers
>meet when shes off shift and go clubbing with her Friends
>Nice people
>Mad flirting with tour guide, text dad Ill be back at the hotel early in the morning
>She takes me to her place
>We fug :DD, arms back and chest constantly catching her nails
>Passionate sex, lots of movement, use functional strength to toss her around a bit
>Shes loving it
>Afterwards says all guys here are either Skinny or fat (true) and that Im built and strong AF (Im not) and is constantly still touching me
>Spend the rest of the night sharing stories and bashing Spanish people while cuddling
>Go back to hotel next morning
>Dad high fives me
>Prepare for flight back
>Never kept to my end of the deal
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There's a whole fucking website to discuss your noncey cartoons, why are you here?

This is a thread dedicated to the discussion of British culture so FUCK OFF you chinky eyed freak
bit uncultured lad
flatmate's food looks dire
yeah i know
please give me recs
quorn is actually an alright substitute
have you heard what Guy Verhofstadt keeps saying? He wants to end the way every country must agree to something before it happens because thats "not democratic" and instead wants a majority rules type thing as if we're one big country
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fun fact: iceland built a long road into the sea just so the interstellar crew could use it
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dunno who won lol
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.. Yeah man, like, I knew this one guy who was like REAL into hunting and shit, and he said that this one time he was out camping in the middle of the fuckin woods somwehere, a fucking bear came into his tent and tried to fucking eat the dude man! I mean like, wooah, could you imagine that? A fuckin bear literally trying to eat you in your sleep and shit. Imagine the power those things have man. That's like, what 600 pounds. And them fuckin claws man...

Jamie pull up that video of that baby getting eaten by a bear..
shant desu
Oh my god I made the mistake of watching women eat food on YouTube and now I'm all horny again

Someone come over and suqq my dick please
Tell her some grime
thats not fun at all
bought some by mistake and cooked it like Chicken. Literally turned to coal
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Captain Karen.png
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>not british culture
shant be doing that
which club did you go to then

i've clubbed in barcelona a lot so be quick and accurate with your information lest you come across as a liar
winning doesn't matter its the taking part that counts~
not really quorn's fault, read the instructions
oh fuck off
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will always love drumpf for that election cycle even if he is a terrible president
>havent had sex in a month
>literally leak pre-cum when I hug hot girls
>always around hot girls because the lads have hot gfs and their friends are hot
Well I feel better, I don't know about you.
no fuck quorn for not being chicken
1-8 do it

9 0 - dont
nice one lad

but FOY
Well I would've impressed her with my knowledge of the underground scene whilst she thinks you're a wetwipe

anti grime rorkes btfo

all the pakis downstairs with their personal hookah station blowing rings are laughable
>see this article encouraging americans to get married to random people without health insurance or to get married to illegal immigrants so they don't get deported
>check the name
>Nona Willis Aronowitz

alri callum
The one with the big bar and the dj
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i will defend anime to my last breath
thats a coincidence idiot
so... you be sayin... that jews
jews be sayin that
they hate america and sheeit?
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>>with dad in Barca for second time last friday
>>get in tourbus for north route of the city (last time took South route)
>>Recognize qt catalan tour guide from last year
>>Dont say shit because she obviously wouldnt remember cause she sees faces daily
>>No two seats available
>>give dad Seat and stand next to him
>>QT catalan tourguide tells me I have to sit
>>Shrug and sit where Im standing, get a few laughs from other Passengers and tour guide
>>Tell her I need parential guidance as a joke and cant leave my dads side
>>She giggles and points me to a Seat next to An older Aussie lady like one Seat behind hers
>>Proceed bants with tourguide and old Aussie lady, tour guide keeps making cracks at me
>>Tell old Aussie lady she was mean to me last year too (a joke)
>>Tour guide asks what she did last year
>>Dad is older and I wanted to club but had no one to go with
>>Told her Ill share and forgive if shes willing to give me a tour of the city at night
>>She agrees
>>Exchange numbers
>>meet when shes off shift and go clubbing with her Friends
>>Nice people
>>Mad flirting with tour guide, text dad Ill be back at the hotel early in the morning
>>She takes me to her place
>>We fug :DD, arms back and chest constantly catching her nails
>>Passionate sex, lots of movement, use functional strength to toss her around a bit
>>Shes loving it
>>Afterwards says all guys here are either Skinny or fat (true) and that Im built and strong AF (Im not) and is constantly still touching me
>>Spend the rest of the night sharing stories and bashing Spanish people while cuddling
>>Go back to hotel next morning
>>Dad high fives me
>>Prepare for flight back
>>Never kept to my end of the deal
fair play never been there
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not sure how i feel about it now because every time you mention polls about anything people screech "b-but trump"
v. annoying
>that nose
definitely one of the (((chosen people)))
cool it with the anti semitism ok?
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>Nate Silver is Jewish


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heard posting anime here will always get you at least one (You)
never really minded jews until i talked to a group of them about palestine in a lecture
very bluepilled lot they are
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>when you're gonna reply to a post, but then don't but forget to clear the number and use it in the next completely unrelated reply.
was rolling to quit smoking desu

got some filters at the mall on a tindz date

that baccy is rank though this is the perfect time to do a quit
Bluepilled for others

Redpilled and right wing among themselves
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sweating pepe.jpg
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>when you reply to a post thinking it's mean't for you but it infact wasn't at all
you mean the state of israel mate?
i wasnt the lad you were responding to tbf. just wanted to mention the only club ive been to in barcelona
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>that baccy is rank though
I expected as much. I feel bilked that it was in a goldy V box.
nah i mean palestine...?
Just shat out a fat poo
nate silver is a top tier statistician and was still the most accurate poll aggregator
Marriage as a concept is outdated and and pointless.
big vagina?
just looked at the map
it was called israel
u ok mate?
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All all fannys like that? Never seen one irl.
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giving this one a wide berth during real janny hours
i mean i appreciate you supporting the jewish occupation lad but we both know what i mean when i say palestine :^)
I imagine that would feel amazing to put my willy inside
>jewish occupation
no such thing you antisemite
so, all the rich people left hackney?
thank you based dianne
>have a gay bloke as a friend
>he keeps pushing to get me to go to gay bars with him
>because 'its not fair I always have to go to straight bars"
>its his birthday this weekend and hes desperate enough that he's made his own plans for it
>says if were his mates we should join him out at the gay bars this weekend and celebrate his birthday
>i literally have absolutely 0 intention of doing this

Do i just end the friendship? These gay bars are REALLY fucking gay. Im talking dudes dancing on each other and making out and smacking your arse
>i can't read a legend: the post
good bait, i'm biting
other way round
does this shrink back down
dont see any blue bits on the right
maybe just deal with it, enjoy the free drinks and support your friend on his birthday
>Spend 2 hours on omegle
>dont find a signle chick
what is a horny guy supposed 2 do??
oh I've seen the video this is from
it's pretty good

are you so closeted and insecure that you're afraid you'll have your inner gay revealed?

So other places got worse? Not sure what the point of this image really is x
>oh I've seen the video this is from
>"straight bars"
This is my problem with faggots. Normal bars aren't "straight bars". They're just fucking bars. You're the mentally ill one that needs to go somewhere full of faggots fucking each other in public in order to feel like you belong.
it's a cartographic depiction of the lessening deprivation in the borough of hackney
Why are there braindead retards trawling /brit/?
least deprived is blue. dont see any blue on that map
sounds like it's you that has the problem
balti tiger prawn
Nah dont even care when the gay dudes do that, its just no fun at all and a total waste of a fucking weekend

Ive done it before and I hated it. Supposed to be nice weather so was hoping to be drinking outside all day and night, not sitting inside some hot steamy gay club

We always tell him this and he says "theres clearly a vibe difference and you're being purposely ignorant if you say otherwise"

I live in a pretty gay city, so these "straight bars" always have a decent amount of gay blokes anyway
t. a fucking faggot that should be gassed IMMEDIATELY
why would some of the poorest areas of the country become some of the richest? use your head
there's a new thread you spackers

Always remember that pakis are closet benders
Yeah the "different vibe" is that everyone is wearing clothes and not exchanging AIDS right there on the fucking dance floor.

There is nothing more disgusting on God's green Earth than a gay bar. Avoid at all costs.
Just go you daft cunt
yeah and its a shit one that will get deleted
>imfuckingplying I'm going anywhere near a queer thread with porn in the OP
Not wasting my great posts on a soon-to-be-deleted thread.
Mong these places could no longer be in the top 10% for deprivation if other places got worse elsewhere. They could potentially have worsened but not at as high a rate as other places and thus be only in the top 20% deprived or whatever.

Honestly how do you even function in daily life
fuck lads im pretty sure there isn't a single real girl using omgelge
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