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Korean girls are WELCOMED and APPRECIATED Edition Welcome t

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Korean girls are WELCOMED and APPRECIATED Edition

Welcome to Culture Pals! Find cute girls from all regions of Korea, post cute girls from here and there, talk with them, make some plans to meet them, or not, and link your favourite music.

중동 소녀는 세계에서 가장 추하며 남성처럼 보입니다.


OP pastebin:

Old Thread >>71748879
First for cock.
Second for benis
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>중동 소녀는 세계에서 가장 추하며 남성처럼 보입니다.
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i like korean girls cant say the same for the guys too fuck boi looking
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really fires those neurons
Polish girl wants an American

Reposting for purposes of not forgetting

username, password


Thank you based 'Ukie'
>not Karadzic edition

Gookposters please leave

Autistic how ?
Any fun to talk to ?
I actually regret deleting our conversation
Fuck off with your yellow shit for the millionth time.

I love MENA girls but you don't see me constantly making threads devoted to them and filling threads with their pictures like you and that French dickhead, you gookposters are ruining this general.
no, she doesn't understand jokes (had to explain her 3 times that I was making a self deprecating joke about the portuguese empire yet she kept ranting on how empires are bad), you ask her questions and she just rants about whatever she's thinking, sometimes ignores what you say.
told her both our countries helped science and technology to advance in the past and she kept sending links showing how iran has car brands and that they were produced in iraq and syria.
you're gonna tired quickly because she talks to herself.
she told me she likes to be alone and like solitude, go figure
Ah I see.

I was hoping for conspiracy theorist crazy.
Because that I can work with :)
And compete on that front!
well try it anyway, i had a fun week with her until she told me to stop messaging kek
DJ Serb and Russian

Get your green card. She wants Russian speakers


South Korean girls are the epitome of Western degeneracy.

Kek ?
>all messages sent in the past week were not responded to

This is retarded. Someone give me some slavic or MENA canadaboos.
get with the times grandpa jej

What the fuck is this? Fucking kill it.

I don't understand why people think he's such a great PM
It's at the point where the only people in Canada who still like him are raging SJWs. Most of the people who like Trudeau don't live here, go figure.
Such as ?

I do not think anybody likes him even outside Canada

most people outside canada have no idea who he is.

This is a factual statement.
A lot of girls I talk to on ip say they like Trudeau. He's pretty popular among extreme lefties no matter where you go.
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i don't know.
I would guess all the girls who visit this site are lefties and extreme lefties.

And from Serbia kristina messaged radovan, and say "hahaaha, you're the king"

That said anybody got pics of KristinaRS ?
I have some classmates that like him and some Slovak girl told me she would move to Canada specifically because of him.
she look sick

>tfw keep waking your kqt penpal up
This man speaks the truth. Some see the light though, you just have to put your peepee in that tunnel.
What the fuck..

Why aren't you anons going to Magalluf in Spain? I'm watching this documentary, and they said it's 35€ entry fee to this club for unlimited drinks for 7 hours. They just did the "erection challenge" where girls had to pair up with guys and whoever could get their guy hard first won. All random people. Girls were sucking people off in the middle of the club
Spain is lit AF, Anon. Best time to finish during the summer with the running of the bulls.
so is it a bad idea for a white foreigner to go to korea to get plastic surgery?
I feel the prevalence of plastic surgery means that there are better/more practiced surgeons who won't mess up your face compared to here

Watch at 10:18... shits unreal

Holywood has the best plastic surgeons, but yes, Korean ones have great practice too.
tell her to send you some to make days pass more interesting
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why don't girls have a sense of humour?
>blocked in your country

that third world feel

That's retarded it's blocked... it's a fucking BBC documentary
I don't understand how do you guys struggle with getting girls to respond. What do you type for the first message?
only legitimate autists cant get responses, its keeping it going thats the issue
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I usually message "hi"
Honestly just saying whatever the fuck usually works for me. Half of the girls I wound up teasing about making them my servants, legit found a girl with daddy kink this way lmao. She is from pretty far away though, so it's tough luck, but I'd love to meet up with her for some kinky fugging.

As a rule of thumb, I only put as much effort as the other person does. No use in putting your energy into someone who is lazy as fuck or doesn't really want to talk, just go for the next one. I'm also quick to drop boring girls.
It sometimes works, IMO the most important thing at the beginning is that the girl finds you at least somewhat physically attractive, rest is personality and all that shit.

How are you doing?
not much success, the 5 koreans I messaged yesterday read my messages but didn't respond
Why just Koreans? Never bothered to write Asians, but I have a feeling they are hard to get into regular messaging. Besides most of them are kind of fugly.

Being a Brit is a huge bonus on that website though, so many Britboos, it's crazy.
because I think Koreans are the cutest girls on earth.

Yeah, a lot of Britboos, but sometimes even that is not enough.
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I'm all European plus a sizeable contigent of Southern American qts.

You should diversify though, would give you more practice interacting with people on there.

>not using the halo effect from being a prestigious nationality

Anyways, going for Asians it helps to be more of a tall, blond type IMO. Also works with Southern Americans.
>inb4 swarthy manlet

I am a manlet with dark hair. At least my eyes are grey.

desu I also message Japs, chinks, and Taiwanese, since I regularly run out of new korean profiles to message
Not the best phenotype for Asians tbqh.

What's your response rate?
just keep trying and you will find one for life :)
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Talking with French QT. She tells me

>her- "oh guess what! We've been speaking for a month!"
>me- " wow, it feels like it's been longer!"
>her - "i think the same ;)"
>tell her I enjoy her friendship, and wish we lived closer to date
>she gets all flustered (not in a bad way) and keep asking me questions about it

What did I get myself into.. god dammit.
seems like she's trying to understand how you feel, so tell her how you feel
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I know desu. I'd say it's about 30-40% in total.

Thank you for the encouragement! I will definitely keep trying!

Yeah but I'm sort of irritated at myself now. I feel awkward now.

I ended up telling her that for how I know her now, I like her. But we haven't meet IRL, so I can't be completely sure. And I told her right now we are just friends.

She never gave any negative responses. But I feel awkward af
She likes you. What you want to do is entirely up to you. It's pretty obvious, you should be able to tell.

Yeah well I feel like I fucked up. Fuck.
seems like she was wishing for something more, that ties also with the "american friends :)" shit.
but I guess it's alright to say she's your friend since there's still a lot of time until summer
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>Asian "women"
Do you like her? She likes you, that is why she is asking all those awkward questions. I bet she is also kind of inexperienced, someone else would have a more straight up way of fishing out an answer to that question.

Not sure what do you mean by saying you've fucked up.
I went through the same thing with my qt, that's now my gf and I felt the same way after she told me she liked me. We stayed mainly friends though until we met in person.
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You think so?

well. I'm just going to keep talking to her as a friend. Developing feelings is something I don't need in my life right now. Don't want to experience another thing like what happened with my Italian over again.

I'm just looking forward to watching some Airbus A380s and Boeing 787s do near vertical take offs with this QT in June.
Give me usernames of crazy girls you had talked with before please
i mean, I would have told her that I like her since you can see she likes you, you can always say that you like her but you feel that when you really meet her you'll see how you feel 100%. im sure she'll understand

tfw saw this live

/Kate_1993 Although I think she's disappeared
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Based Russian girls

You talked to someone for a month ?

Like every day ?
I can't speak to my family every day let alone someone else.
User not found =(
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That's pretty much what I said to her actually. That I like what I know about her now, but we haven't met yet. So can't really say. I can tell she's pretty excited to meet. She's never been to an Airshow before, and I've never been to this famous one before. So it'll be tits

>mfw I watched that video and can't wait to see this IRL

Yeah everyday.

The Italian I first met on IP, we literally talked every single day all day for probably... 8 months I think. Another Italian girl I'm friends with we've been talking pretty often since September
>ukranian girl says her dream is to leave the war, she hears explosions almost daily

we don't know how privileged we are, not even memeing

the camera doesnt do it justice, I could feel the blood pumping when it passed like 10 meters from me. also it's like you don't realize how big it is until its right in front of you, like a tsunami wave or something
I've talked to the same girl everyday for over the last 2 years

Looks like you made it and maybe things will turn out better than with your Italian.

I couldn't talk to myself everyday for 8 months.

And I really like myself.

>ukranian girl says her dream is to leave the war, she hears explosions almost daily

tfw, you described my childhood.
But apart from that I remember it nicely.
People laugh when I say I liked when we bought gasoline on the streets in cola bottles. But there was something about that time. At war with the world


I think it had something to do with people not giving a fuck about anything else except surviving.

I'll post pictures here of the Airshow in Paris. Fucking stoked


Maybe. The Italian girl likes me too. But there is 1 major issue....

The Atlantic Ocean.


>Maybe. The Italian girl likes me too. But there is 1 major issue....

>The Atlantic Ocean.

I do not see the issue, you're a pilot.
i see what you mean, I saw once a documentary on the greek resistance during ww2 and 2 old men were telling a story on how they killed they killed 2 german soldiers aand how they had to hide for a few days and you could see something in their eyes, not happiness but like remembering a good memory.
holy kek, you finally made it.
>But there is 1 major issue....
>The Atlantic Ocean.
Brah that's not a big deal, I went half way around the world across two oceans and a continent to be with mine, so there's always a way to make it work.

me ? I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about ;)

take a look here


kek I remember celebrating the show down f117
And visiting the wreck, it was not far.
i need some ameriboos lads. the last one decided to never log in again
No one on this site likes the North American countries except for Asians. Sorry.

Well.. yes. I still have 2 more years of training and hour building before I'm actually working for an airline. Once I'm in the Airlines, I'll have more flexibility.

I do like this French girl. But I know a long term thing wouldn't work with her. She really likes kids. But, that's something I never want.


Right I know. But you also were able to move there for study abroad
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Israelis are all about America. Especially since Trump and Netanyahu are bros.

This Israeli Im talking with loves Trump
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wake me up inside
That's just not true though. I had plenty of Ameriboos message me when I used to go on IP.
That's true but I had to wait for a long time to actually do that so it's still possible for you

The SEA is rising
b-but I live in a very famous city though, the last ameriboo I spoke to was from France
no man, you can't say that. you know that.
Guess I'm just butthurt about no canadaboos existing then. Makes sense though, why would you be a canadaboo when Canada is just a poor imitation of the United States?
and people tell me fucking SEA power hour isnt a thing

What city?

But for real tho, Israelis
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I feel your pain man

kek I was surprised to see there are serbaboos/serboboos
I know some Canadaboos too, you probably just live in a part of Canada that most people don't know about. I used to live in Hawaii so I always had a ton of attention just because of my location.
new york
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My mess for tonight :/

Dude. Why don't you just go to HI Hostel in downtown Manhattan?? That shit is probably flooded with Euro QTs
>you probably just live in a part of Canada that most people don't know about
Basically this. People only know about Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto. Even when I set my location to a nearby city where like 1.2 million people live it didn't help.
You got a couple of lookers there, 39 ain't bad

I used to average around 50 views a day at one point when I was about 16/17, fast forward a few years later and you can see how far I've fallen.
If you are in a giant metropolitan area and not meeting QTs every day, you are wrong senpai.

Set it for Vancouver
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>tfw only one Korean qt
i dont go outside though

Not always true.

I live in the Washington DC metro area (Virginia side) and it sucks here because it's mostly all rich family suburbs. I'd have to go all the way into downtown D.C. (Which is a pain in the ass), but there I'll only find liberals.
Not much you can do about that then except try to do things that will get your profile noticed more.
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>no /cp/
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Wat do?
I mean yeah that would work if it was actually realistic for a white person to live in Vancouver.

He forgets it every time :/
Post more.

We've been texting a lot, that was the only screen cap I took and I'm too lazy to scroll all the way up for that convo

What is it you want to know?
What the fuck?
Any black qts?
How did it end up?
I mean, what did you tell her and what was her reaction? Was she pleased?
Seriously guys, what do I answer? Just something like "thanks" or "you too"?
This was her first message >>71823916
'Ey poes, toerke doen?'
kim? is that you?
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It's insane




Just for you I went and found the last thing she said about it. After I said the whole "we haven't met yet" thing and for now we are friends she said this.

Now we are talking about food.
no thanks you can keep her
Fuck off racist

>fuck off racist

On 4chan
how do you answer a message that says "thanks for viewing my profile" do I just do the normal introductions?

the fuck is the "HI Hostel in downtown Manhattan"?
lived here for 24 years and never heard of it
I don't think she would understand it.
Wtf that spic viewed my profile too.
I don't want that girl either. She also made the point to tell everyone that she left Slovakia because she's bisexual and agnostic and that they don't understand that stuff there so she left and she said most people there are fascists lmao

I guarantee its full of foreign QTs. Americans don't know about Hostels.

so what I gather, its just a hotel? what the fuck am I gonna do there?

It's a hostel. It's a dormitory style hotel with a bar and areas to chill. Lots of tourists will be there. You could go in and chill at the bar and easily meet people. Hell dude, you could even stay the night there if you wanted (depending where you live in NYC).
>hotel with a bar
oh, I've never stepped foot inside a bar before

sounds thirdworld-ish. isn't there some horror movie called hostel
>American in charge of travelling
>Stays in a hotel full of old fucks instead of hanging out and drinking with storied travellers and qts in a hostel
>never left USA
Hostels are one of the best parts about traveling t b h
i've never really traveled outside of America Tbh unless you count Canada
nope, I see no real reason Tbh
Don't laugh at us, North Americans are poor and everything is far away from us unless you want to go to a shit hole like Mexico.
Don't you worry, Australia is isolated also :(
>North Americans are poor
speak for yourself my leaf friend
this is a awful frame of mind m8
dont england have korean immigrants. why dont you go for them.
for what reason? its not like I live in a flyover state Tbh
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Thursday night update

Going to sleep without a Korean gf

Hope I don't wake up
>its another nothing but men view my profile day
fucking hell
Post more attractive pictures. Include a shirtless one
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how do you handle this situation?
no really, how do I stop it? I don't like this at all. Its just a simple face picture, it cant be the cause of this
You should try talking to her, Anon. There's a thought. If you are that autistic, try evoking a positive emotional response by connecting a joke or something to her profile, pics, or name.

That is how. Request only girls and let them know you are attractive and confident.
Is that a Norm joke?

are they just everywhere in cities then?

Yeah in Europe Hostels are in all big cities. Most people who stay there are between 18-29 years old. It's very easy to approach people casually and just say "hey where are you from?"

I'll be staying here when I go to France.

well, i'm clearly out of the loop. never knew about these places, always thought it was just hotels.

That's because Hostels are not very common in the US, so we are used to hotels.

But yeah dude, Hostels are the way to go.
> join interpals
> 2 hours in and i got foreign chicks out the ass
> feels good
>Add girl to facebook so we can chat faster on IM
>For some reason she waits 5-10 mins to reply to each message



She literally just asked me a question, I replied instantly and then about 15 mins later she responded.

I hate this but I can't drop her cause I got lewd pics and now I want the bare booty.

Oh shit. Moving fast! :D
A bunch of muslim chicks though and an azn milf
takes me hours to respond Tbh, I just can't fathom talking to someone all the time


Don't worry. European QTs are asleep right now.

Post your profile btw

Called makeup faggot. Get them titties!
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This girl reminds me of Olivia Hussey, I think it's the hair and the eyes

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> lady boy
>girl from slovakia that i've talked to for about 2 weeks asks how tall I am
kek the fucking memes were true
Tell her 8
Just 8
>talk to qt about pets
>tell I have a cat and dog
>show her pics
>she says they are cute
>then says "I love cat"
fucking cute
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Friday morning without a Korean gf. What a cruel world
Very simple. You thank her and say something to keep the conversation going, like asking something about her or complimenting her as well.

r u autistic lad
Love always finds a way!
>compliment her
>she says thanks and thats it
what do I do then?
She's clearly not worth talking to
good morning/night friendoos
ayyy lads /Tanya997
I rove Korean girls
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AGAIN WITH NO /CP/ TAG!!!!!!!!!!
I wish I was a girl so that I could be welcomed on Cambodian cave painting board. Nobody welcomes me irl..
i never see ONE korean girl, the least i see is THREE korean girl together.

they are always in groups

here in university always in groups.

i cannot approach, there is no chance, no angle.

in my dreams, i stand there with my penis in full extension, and i scream to the fucking girls, "LETT ME FUCK YO" and i am 50 feet tall and they are like 3 feet tall and i smash around the place like King Kong, i grab a big group of korean girl but they all escape from the space between my clench fist giggling like dick-tease whores.

fuck you korea

no more trade for you.

fuck off THAAD.
>no more trade for you.
>fuck off THAAD.
>They are always in groups
Sounds exactly like the scummy Chinese at my university

chinese girls are fucking ugly and dirty

korean girls are.....so nice...so good.
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Honestly mate I just want to send you all back
Fucking kek, you alright Chinks.

all the betas go to UK to study, they were the good kids in school who hook themselves with IVF solutions and study for 20 hours a day to get 0.03% better score than the top 0.05% of the population.

yeah they study hard but they become fucking insular and weird.

i come from shitty local university, but i play basketball and drink beer.

yao ming? is that you?
Chink, you are cool. Can we be inter pals?
The fact you're on /int/ puts you a step above the other rats
>talking with a girl for a while
>she asks if I have line
>I say yeah, start talking on line
>talk for a day or so
>she says her friend wants to talk to me too
>say sure
>start talking with her friend
>she stops replying at around the same time
What did she mean by this?
>girl is able to make dresses and skirts
>ask her to model whatever she makes from now on
>she says yes
huh, didnt expect that to go so easy
>says her friend wants to talk to me too
lol what?
> shitty local university
I thought all the young mainlanders supposed to be smart and very competitive? At least that is what our news tell us.
Free Russian

>young swedish guy messages me
should i fear the worst?
also i feel very bad for not replying to indonesian girls but damn son why you so ugly
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>Tfw ignore indonesian girl to chat with a swede
Holy fuck the qt 3.14's are real.
Ive been treating the girls that message me like you fags i kept asking for hairy man boobs or gtfo
I am really hitting it off with some QTs. I want to ask for Skype but I am worried this will ruin the dynamic (maybe they type better than talk). What are other Anons experience with Skyping their QTs?
>get message
>they delete their account before i could see who it was

ahhh this fucks with my head

Most will type better than they talk. But skyping/calling is a good way to test to see if they actually like talking to you or not. It's actually pretty adorable, because most of the time during the first call, they spaghetti all over because they feel so embarrassed to speak broken English infront of a fluent speaker.

Just let them know you don't expect them to be perfect, and help them as much as you can. Most of the time if you use common sense, you'll be able to figure out what they are trying to say to you. Also, don't be surprised if during the call you're the one doing most of the talking. It's because they are always shy at first. When I first called my French QT, I made a joke about it. On Whatsapp she would flood me with questions, but during that call I asked every question. So i teased her about it on the call and she laughed a lot
Probably a bot that got banned
unusual message for a bot to send though

omo, wish i had a kqt penpal like this.
Dunno lad, she just asked if she could give my number to her friend, cause her friend wanted to talk to me
Don't understand at all
Fuck my flag changed again
I swear >>71843297 is me though
Looks like another day without any girls to talk to. At least my Iranian seems to be talking to me more regularly again though.
So, my penpal is interested in going to hongdae with me, i guess.

Anyways white day is coming up.
Where is she from?
What is the most obscure place you've got a qt from?
Real North Korean?
wow. is this possible?

OH that's interesting. Did she actually believe she was Russian?
Not him and maybe it was the same girl but I was once messaged by a girl that was from Transnistria and she has lived in the Turkish Cypriot republic for some time.
I messaged her
I used to have one from the Faroe Islands
She thinks she's both afaik
Does anyone else feel awkward as fuck when you look at the comments people leave on your profile pictures?
No why would you?

I guess I'm not used to compliments. But I just realized a bunch of people had commented on my photos and I feel weird seeing a bunch of compliments.

what happened to his pictures?? :(

>are you single
okay fuck this i knew i fucking knew it god fucking damn it why is every swede like this.
I need to get PS when i get to korea
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Is this guy spam? He sent this this exact same message 2 weeks ago, and I deleted it. He just sent me this again.
>Turkish blonde qt that's older by 2 years checks my profile again
hmm is she craving the big BULGAR
If anybody wants, this Russian girl is very nice. She like a lot of interesting things, and she wants to travel a lot soon. I think she just wants a good North American or Western European friend. I would continue to talk to her, but it's hard because I have to talk to this Israeli and this French QT. Can't talk to everyone.

so shoulf i only give a white day present to my penpal if she likes me? was gonna do it as a friendship thing

white day(asian valentines day) is coming up and wanted to send a gift to my penpal as a sort of token of frirendship.
The fuck is white day?
That is conspiracy theorist crazy tho
A shame because she is qt
International Women's day is on the 8th.

What's the name of the flowers people give to girls? It's not a celebrated holiday in the US, so I don't know what they are called.
What terrorist code is this?
This guy is not spam he's just a troll being funny lol
INTERPOL and the UN probably got into the account to close it lmao
>day 7 of suddenly no answer
She found a dong. Move on
I didn't even was so delousional to think I wouldbe able to fuck her somedays, but I really liked the conversations and her as a person to talk with.
>I didn't even was
I wasn't even*
>average russian girl

i know that feel krautbro..
The comments on that picture are why I don't bother to talk to Russian girls anymore. With the amount of garbage they're getting, I'm not attractive or interesting enough to stand out.
It took me months to upload a picture and add some info on my profile, i am arkward as fuck aswell
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Things make sense now. The Israeli girl is actually Armenian genes. But she was born in Israel because her parents moved there. So that's why she loves pork so much
>Native Hebrew Speaker
>From Belarus
Is she gonna jew me
Italian QT from a while back just texted me randomly on Whatsapp. Fucking feels
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This finn just sent me a message WTF DO I DO IS THIS REAL LIFE?
100% catfish
Youre probably right, want his/her name?
Soviet jews are the worst kind.

some Israeli jews are alright, but if they are born in Europe/New York you know they are cancer right away.

Though I did find it funny that one Israeli jew girl I used to talk to told me about how I should protect my shekels(money)
sent me the same shit today lol
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>text qt on whatsapp
>they respond a couple seconds later
>text them a day later
>they respond immediately complaining about late answers
Nigga fuck off you're 8 hours off from me and I have a busy schedule
Indonesia, both of them
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For proofs
Give name I want a friend sharing qt
Canadian kebab chaser

Can you get this Iranian off my hands? I have 0 interest

I have enough at the moment, sorry. Just ignore her until she gets the hint.

Btw, shouldn't you be thrilled that Trudeau is taking in a ton of refugees? More QTs for you
Nice. Too bad about the herpes.
I'm seriously doubting there's going to be a high quantity of non-Muslim girls around my age coming in seeing as all the non-Muslims in Syria are either pro-Assad or commies who went to fight with the Kurds. There's Syrian refugee families in my city already, they're all headscarf wearing Muslim shits.

>There's Syrian refugee families in my city already, they're all headscarf wearing Muslim shits

Lol that sucks. And people where I live are protesting saying we should take more in.. its a fucking joke. I hate SJWs

Well, aren't there Christian refugees too?
/candyqueen I belive, I can't guarantee she'll share friends but she's very nice
Thanks bud
>Well, aren't there Christian refugees too?
Probably, I don't think Trudeau gives a fuck about them though. And I imagine the Christians that did get all their shit destroyed have no problem getting resettled in Syria because they were pro-Assad from the beginning. The ones leaving as refugees support the """secular""" opposition.
every time a girl talks to me i feel pathetic and ashamed

Yeah that's probably true.

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Who knew Polish QTs were so based? Kek
This cant be real...
Ask for hairy man boobs

She might be real. She hates Islam
Based waifu tier.
are all those korean girls posted the best cherrypicks or do i have to emigrate right now
>site is showing me offline again
>online 2 days ago
fucking get it together IP
>Romance / Flirting
>A Relationship
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Friday night, still no korean gf, what am I doing wrong?
you probably ugly and boring
i think that's that torpedo'in me at least
Gookposters are just cherrypicking models and kpop "singers"
phug :D
thx for info, delet'd the tickets
That tongue would do miracles in ass.
>another day of only 2 views one of which is some muslim guy
post profile
why would I want to be added to the list?
When's the best time to ask a qt for her whatsapp/ skype? I'm too much of a sperg and don't want to come off as creepy
i only do whatsapp first and then move on the skype later on. just make it like its easier to talk on whatsapp than it is on IP
wew lads this turk has some tig ol bitties
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I need to rethink my strategy

I ask for Whatsapp once it appears that the girl is actually liking our conversation
stop memeing you memelord

>Expecting girls to understand complex humour

They are simple animals, treat them as such
But it's all I know how to do
What was the joke?

before shit gook thread without /cp/ logo appears..

> qt korean girl checks my profile and messages me
> super shy and says i look like a man she made up in her drawings
> check her profile see hand drawn pictures of a guy that looks strikingly similar to me
> see it was posted november 2015
> made my profile last week
> she says that she dreams about this guy alot
> whiteconquestmeme.jpg
Is this what destiny is bros?
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>tfw you'll never be a girl's dream guy
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just gonna put this gun away.jpg
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>tfw tried to get to know someone else because they shared your career and were your target nationality
>tfw she's doing great in her studies, gonna visit her favorite country in the summer
>me, i'm about to fail my program and I don't know what the fuck I'm gonna do
>she's the only French person who bothered engaging me

Wow fuck this gay site, I just wanted to ameliorate my French, not get dealt a crushing blow to my life.
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