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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 371
Thread images: 66

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Cheeky splash of red edition
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>be uneducated bong
>get influenced by FSB propaganda about " muh europe is doome "
>actually believe putin is a saviour
>vote brexit
>lose precious walkers

yeah okay
i looked for this today and couldnt find it
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the 0121
fucking do one
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>Imprisoned in Portlaoise Prison, McCaughey refused to wear prison clothes and spent nearly five years naked except for a blanket. He commenced a hunger strike on 19 April 1946. After 10 days, he stopped taking water and died on 11 May, the twenty-third day of his protest.
I think they've stopped selling it, I can't find it on the website anymore
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>brits will now have to eat walkers manafactured by poo in the loo hands
Hawaii should be independent
Have we had another dumb blem law passed in scotland? I suddenly can't find full-strength fags anywhere for fuck's sake
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you see dem man dere dem man are some dem man dere
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so called bf.png
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theyve also stopped selling this
wouldn't mind the 'mies getting out of the fucking kitchen for once so i can make the ol 'ancakes in peace
There's not been a moment it's free since 2 days ago so i went hungry with no pancakes on pancake day thanks to this shit
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the (ex) gf just sent me this
clearly not meant for me
this just reminded me of the cuckio meme
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looks like the type of body another man would enjoy more so than a woman
youre some twat
*grabs your bollocks*
what now, huh big boy?
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>normies stealing 4chan posts ofr retweets

We have truly come full circle.
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Feel like this is relevant to the general
Remember the good old days where it was perfectly acceptable to beat your wife to death if she did this.
had some gin at lunch lads and feeling thoroughly unmotivated
Send it to her parents, lad.
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they've been doing this for time

and that one is nicked, the original one has 120k rts
dont know how to take screenshots eh? moron
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This makes me irrationally angry

They've even stolen our ironic "meme production/meme farming" jokes.

Fucking hate normies.
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bloody puny military
It's a brum ting
Moonlight's win is historic and should be treated as such but instead, we have to hear about white grace
france will be leaving the ew-poo soon too
Half of /brit/ is people stealing twitter memes for (You)s you fucking autists
example: >>71768116
NAH fuck off you are def a proxy
Already proven I'm not, but who the fuck doesnt listen to grime m8?
ah yes, because one iphone screenshot is a meme
lot of the stuff these cunts call /brit/ gimmicks are taken from other places anyway
people with taste
employed white people
what game?
I bought a box of lion bars off amazon once and noticed they were manufactured in Poland, turned me right off eating them haha
>proven you're not
you posted a picture of yourself proving you're black, that doesn't prove you live in fucking ethiopia m8

you could just be a man from brum
Saw some gopniks for the first time at my local tesco the other day lads. Adidas jacket, black suit trousers, socks and sandals. The real deal
i allways preffered mccoys
i drink a glass of olive oil every morning
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tfw there's a huge storm heading my way but i can't say anything about it because it's doxxable info
and what does SHE want?
but I post screenshots from twitter all the time and you cunts always fall for it
yeah and then the autists see it elsewhere and think they stole it from us lmao
our memes are super secret though
The funny thing is that Walkers would refuse to employ Brits anyway because 'brits don't want to do the dirty jobs' or some shit

these aren't British jobs being lost
told the group chat that i was doing a poo but it was the first time ive spoken in it for like 5 months so i ended up dodging a bunch of questions about my life. normies can have their group chat memes
must just love diarrhea
Hope you get died
link to the tweet?
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Does this look like brum m8
doesn't make them a meme you twat

love these polandball histories
oily poo
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Might cop these

Good speech tbf
nice weak baby stomach you've got there mate.
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a man from a place FIRMLY on the map
the local population does
Civ 5
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>1 hour long
>Sugar free
looks like solihull to me la
Good patter
got baked last night lads
thought you're rich? looks like a slum
Yes that's the reason I'd be getting them

I don't willingly consume sugary sweets
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>The first iphone was released 10 years ago
Hahahah why do you live in ethiopia m8?
I'm baked now
Finishing up breakfast

Plate of scrambled, bacon, sausage, and french toast
got deep fried last night lads
Ricky Tomlinson has claimed late Countdown presenter Richard Whiteley was a member of the security services.

Ricky made the bombshell claims after relaunching a pub in Chester where back in 1972 he helped organise the first national building workers’ strike.
>ricketty scaffolding
makes me VERY nervous
what happened to your puppy
Welcome to Africa m8
i was baffled by the concept
an ipod that can do phone calls? impossible
safe la
Gave him back. I can barely wipe my own ass
Hey l'
It's an hour long because americlaps keep clapping after every fucking sentence Trump says

post what your'e listening to RIGHT THIS SECOND

Hate French toast now that I think about it
Reality has a leftist bias. t/f?

Leftism is a mental illness.t/f?

Still not sure what leaving the EU does for the common person in this country.
Banking bonusers
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*Flies in through your window*
speeds up the demise of the imperialist-capitalist EU
Reality has a LIBERAL bias

Liberal =/= leftist

Leftism is a mental disease
>speeds up the demise of the imperialist-capitalist EU
what does this do for the common person in this country?
imagine being a stingless bee
imogen *poots*
Leftist = liberal
get wid ov duh immuhgwunts
nothing really it's just the first time the common person's opinion has actually been listened to
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No Bee Left Behind.webm
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raises class consciousness
There were 16,141,241 remain voters, which is 5 million more than the Tories got in 2015. They win by a landslide.
Finish work for good on friday and font know where i will end up

Dubs and i go to china
The case for free trade making everyone richer requires large wealth redistribution from the upper class to the lower class

It's true that free trade does definitely create more wealth overall but it enriches the undeveloped world and the developed rich while leaving out the developed middle

Because of this free trade is a bad thing for the average brit (remember no free trade doesn't mean no trade)
no bee left BEEhind haha
Wasps are a pest through and through

If they all died off tomorrow no one would care

ACTUALLY shed a tear at the display of bee humanity
started watching rich piana vids because i was fascinated by his life for some reason. bit of an odd but interesting character.
but then i realised he offers some pretty good tips and advice regarding lifting and stuff.
The middle get richer too

don't go around killing things because they're pests
*Does an 8 hour arm workout*
*Gets tendonitis*
Mao was a great military leader/theorist but a fucking retarded leader
why did it do that?
were those wasps huge or those bees small?
>tfw might actually get to bring up kids in England and not Brown European State #3
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*cartwheels into /brit/*
haha alright lads!!!!!
*sends you flying*
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>was a great theorist
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liverpool fans 2.webm
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aha no

leaving the EU just discourages white europeans from moving here
we're still going to have a lot of non-white immigrants

don't assume that that tory government is going to close our borders
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not even similar, but reminded me of this message I got on bumble today lel

bit autistic
You only want to socialize (but I don't think we should)
Okay those pests served a purpose and it wasn't a smart idea to kill them

But in the case of the Wasp, what does it even do except kill bees?
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Really makes you think.
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>The live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast will feature Disney's first ever gay character and love scene.

>US actor Josh Gad plays LeFou, a sidekick of the film's main antagonist Gaston.

>LeFou tries to come to terms with feelings for Gaston that swing between lust and admiration, as a side-plot to the main story.


this is SO important

thank you BASED disney
had this fucking song stuck in my head for weeks

>Paedophile who hid girl in cavity behind his fridge jailed for 27 years

just bring back hanging desu
ugh, vegetarians

they're not even human
Who cares lol?
Glass the huns lads
wish one of those map nerds would make one which showed what regions would be what if ethnic religions were still in place
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I don't know

but they should be thoroughly researched to make sure they're not vital to their ecosystems before we decide to destroy them
is it really paedophilia if it goes on for 27 years
Might start a mosh pit in my local Tesco
so STRONG! dont let them get you down girl x
ah yes, "white europeans" like those tanned germans and, eventually, turks
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a load of pagan shit?
They're not even that deep
are you thick

are you genuinely a mong
>leave prefer their steak well done

that's a bit rude
It's only 10AM and I'm going to take a nap

Fuck the rules
reply to this post or your mother dies tonight
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how will history remember him?
yes it would be interesting
Remain once again proving themselves to be of a better stock than leave chav scum
I will not plead for (You)s. I simply ask you respect me.
bit racist
Who is he?
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>he's not eating a yummy scrummy rustlers burger for lunch
What excuse could you possibly have
*respects you*
Medium steak is objectively the best lads
humans are the real pests

see: holocene extinction for further information
>not sure
me spotted
*disrespects you*
you're a plumber don't concern yourself with such matters
*(You)'s respectfully towards you*
>make $2.2 million in gross income
>take home $427 thousand after taxes

The best 'zas have 'shrooms and 'penos on them desu lads
>argument against brexit is it scares away white people and encourages brown people, and that this is a bad thing
>not racist
>suggesting that so-called "white people" are not so white as you think
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The assassin.jpg
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A prophet before his time.
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just wiped out a load of spics, niggers, commies and irish. bit disappointed i missed the mudslimes, but i'll get them next
Reckon we should reenslave blacks lads
What's so bad about Obamacare?
This post proves racism/prejudice is associated with autism
im a thermonuclear physicist who moonlights as a secret agent in my spare time actually
had a pancake
They were lazy then and they're lazy now

We should reenslave the Irish instead
Just want a moderately comfy job I can do fuck all at and browse the internet all day every day

It's always been my dream
what game's this
I was gonna say cos they're not on special in my local supermarket but they actually are haha

might get 10 later (they're on special for £1.20 per burger)
>4k shit and not grand strategy

babby tier
grand strategy is equally baby tier
it's a corporate giveaway

doesn't go far enough in providing healthcare to all. but usually the opposition comes from the Christian Right, capitalists, and other reactionaries who think it's tyranny

they're right that it's flawed, but their solution is to completely dismantle all government healthcare
literally me
Obamacare is absolute fucking shite, Yanks end up spending more per capita than most developed nations that actually have full free at the point of use healthcare

Yank healthcare is just a big fat mess that needs cleaning up
yes massa
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Anybody going to watch this gem on channel 4?
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>when a leaf tries to insult you
How the fuck did I get a payslip from my old job I left 8 months ago? It literally just said "back payments" in it and I got £200
has he not been used for enough first dances already
Civ VI
end of tax year innit

they may have recalculated their payroll, found a fuck up and then paid u
might go for a walk and then just.... not come back
hate that the map is hidden when not immediately within range of a unit or city
t. that penguin
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not so tough now are ya
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>photo shows gender segregation typical of muslims

hmm yes
need to spaff on her eyeballs
Potato famine is unironically because of free market capitalism
need to spaff on her appendix
cafe nero made 25 million last year but paid 0 tax.
still not quite sure where heem comes from but the mystery behind it's quite appealing if im being honest
Al Qaeda got an Oscar lads, absolute madness
I hate Aussies
Corporate tax is an inefficient and outdated tax anyway

They would have paid a large amount through combined sales and income taxes for their transactions and employees which are better and more efficient taxes
the oneitis basically admitted she's wanked while thinking about me today, in a non-jokey way

it's only a matter of time now lads
can some man sort me a fiver? i only need a 10-deck of mayfairs ill get paid tomorrow i swaaaaare down
hmm yeah, don't care
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>cancer sticks
girls don't wank mate they just masturbate
what the bloomin eck did she say? i cannot imagine someone that isn't already in a sexual relationship saying that
>leavers like well done steak
typical of the uncultured leaver swine
i'd rather eat plywood than coal-like well done "steak"
Business idea: Put salt AND pepper into the same grinder
awrite, awrite? ill just get some silk cuts then theyre more 'eawfy anyway
In a dilemma of whether I should pay £15 for 3 months xbox live or pay £37 for 12 months

12 months is obviously cheaper per month, but costs more upfront and I think I'm too cheap to spend £37 for something I won't even notice just to play BF1 haha
in what category?
Well-done with ketchup is the ONLY way to eat a steak.
*got heemed
it's how trump has them, the utter fucking urchin
excellent post
if they'd stop breeding like rats this wouldn't be a problem lmao
would there be any point in playing it after playing Civ 5?
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that first crunch of the day
surely you'll bored of BF1 in 3 months
I only get it when the free games are good 2bh
eww spice mixing
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no It wasn't
Just fucked my girlfriend, AMA
>why yes, I do voluntarily put nuts in my mouth
That "urchin" is worth billions and is the fucking leader of the free world. He's had fine dining all his life, he's eaten all kinds of steaks, the best steaks. And after all of that he has determined that well-done with ketchup is the best way to eat it.
Can I have next?
did she cum?
how big is your benis?
what an utter dishcloth
sick of this perpetual light headedness lads im at work right now and i feel like im going to faint. i have slept, drank and eaten enough yet i still feel completely fucked up
>And after all of that he has determined that well-done with ketchup is the best way to eat it.
it might just be because he's old and dumb
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How big is her benis?
is it true they're going to redefine the pico-second as the time it takes you to spaff?
how did she become your gf?

a hot girl double checked me yesterday so wondering how do I approach her
what a stupid name for a gf
im also dying for a shit which doesnt help things
need to rip open that top and spaff on her not so humble mounds

>communism killed millions of people
>yeh well so did capitalism
repeat ad nauseam

what these naive ideologues haven't realised is that its humans that are pretty cuntish. not whatever bullshit ideology the masses of fanatics subscribe to.

anyway, capitalism may not be great but its the best we've come up with so far and has presided over the greatest growth of innovation, living standards, global wealth and life expectancy that humanity as ever seen. thats more than anyone can say about communism which proudly embraces stagnation.
How do britbongs live knowing that their once great empire has dwindled down so much that the only subjects they have are Highland mongs and bogtrotters that will both declare independence within our lifetimes?
all empires fall mate. America's will too one day. its already happening.
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We don't get shot desu
I don't really care, and the mongs and bogtrotters won't have independence.
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Kp Dry Roasted Peanuts 300G.jpg
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superior nuts
it's quite amusing because the same will happen to the USA
wrestling with whether to pay for GTAV or torrent since i don't care about online
Yeah right. We're gearing up to annex Canada pretty soon. Might even forego the wall and take Mexico too, we need a place to vacation desu.
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why has human progress stalled so much since the late 20th century? it's the fucking late 2010s and we live in basically a shittier version of the 1990s

werent we meant to have moon colonies and flying cars bt now?
Might order tonight laddies what should I get?
>paki pizza
>why has human progress stalled so much since the late 20th century?
it hasn't

>werent we meant to have moon colonies and flying cars bt now?
the moon's pointless and flying cars are impossible
we've gone in a different direction
Nah mate she just left the flat
Yep, twice. 6" but I know how to use it ;)
Funny thing is I'm actually quite quick to go but I can usually keep going afterwards anyway so it's no problem. The trick is to have confidence ;)
Spoke for a couple weeks in person and in messages after meeting her through a friend on a night out. One day I made the move and here we are. It's all about confidence mate :)
I am the lord of cringe, hear me rawwwwr
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>6" but I know how to use it ;)
and what is that different direction? all of our current technology is just a superset of what we had 20 years ago, albiet more advanced. innovation is non-existent
innovation stopped around 2010

since they smartphones and PCs have not changed at all
Got one of these on offer and it's the best oven pizza I've ever had
capitalism holds back most technologies but people think because there is a new Iphone every 2 years it goes full pelt
hurr hurr amuricans get shot lmao XDDD

Maybe if you guys had guns you wouldn't have lost both the Revolution and the War of 1812.
Wow, 0 - 2, how does that feel? I'm almost getting tired of all this winning.
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>oven pizza
as opposed to saucepan pizza?

Just trying to add a bit of emotion to this lifeless board! haha! :D
yeah I've had that before, very nice

Dr Oetker is qualla
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Did you see that ludicrous display last night?

>letting an old WI slag and 3 literally whos walk away with 60 grand
fucking state of the governess
partial to micropizza myself
cars and planes are going in a more energy efficient and pedestrian safe direction
making them fly is silly

there's plenty of technology being discovered, it's just not much of it has found a mainstream use yet
though stuff like graphene will eventually (probably) make it into the mainstream

do some research before you say something so outlandishly stupid
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That's not wine, this is wine!
quite a nice watch even from black science guy
Foreigner detected. Oven pizza is a common phrase used to describe pizzas you buy at supermarket then heat up in the oven
You can do pizza in a pan
steaming a pizza as we speak
pop that p
REALLY like this girl and want to take her out, but she said she's only here visiting and will be leaving on Monday

What do?
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streaming a pizza as we speak

just posting this while it buffers
authentic italian pizza from DR. OETKER

Got any steamed hams?

alright I've got my (You)'s now i'm out of here
>maya jama

no thanks

she's fit, but I can't fucking stand her
Shut it, normie
print this out by the palletload and drop them over Aleppo
>salami AND pepperoni

pleb tier
genuinely don't understand how people can read on tablets/kindles, drives me mad

much prefer having a nice paper book in my hands
nice, name?

dunno why people go mad for blonde women, much prefer the darker Latin look
Quality German pizzamaking.
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le tip.jpg
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>no thanks
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>genuinely don't understand
>dunno why
prefer syrians to africans and pakistanis 2bh.
Been reading books on electronic devices for so long now that physical books feel uncomfortable and annoying
Just be confident la
is lacking empathy a part of autism?
Yeah nah get fucked aye
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wankers poooooooo
they sure do, catyank
they sure do
I'm open to suggestion if you've had a better oven pizza

Reading in a Kindle/ebook device is much better and pretty different to reading on a tablet
This desu, once I converted to tablet devices I never looked back, it's just so much better now. Still buy paper books sometimes though.
i can't get into e-books
need a 14-16 year old girl to poo on me
Think it's difficulty understanding emotions
More like every Moslem area that isn't Syria
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David Walliams BTFO

>Just 1.3million people tuned in last night, compared to 3million on Monday

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shall be reporting this post to gchq
3 different answers
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8=====D - - - (__o__)
since the new /brit/ is going to get janny'd, im staying here
oh yes! i agree
and FUCK the american dream! capitalism is so stupid!

the fact 3 million people watched it in the first place says a lot

Owen Jones revealing himself to be a petty bourgeois collaborator again
ITV at 10pm is a big slot. I bet they expected more.

Fact is Walliams isn't as liked as he, or the media like to think.
really rubbish post
american things don't work in this country
does anyone liek david walliams?
thought little britain was a fair shriek
Not really. I liked Rock Profile, but mainly cos Matt Lucas nailed everything, Walliams just couldn't master any impressions at all.

Pretty much anything else he's been in has been shit.
boggles the mind at how big a 10+ inch willy actually is
File: 943.jpg (34KB, 285x242px) Image search: [Google]
34KB, 285x242px
ah yes, totally worth doing after we got to 184 posts
called it
File: mark.png (991KB, 1146x650px) Image search: [Google]
991KB, 1146x650px
File: 1419109557441.png (1MB, 2190x1673px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 2190x1673px
There was a picture of a big shit in the OP

What were you expecting to happen?
fucking stupid strayans just rangeban them already
File: 1484952998098.png (21KB, 420x420px) Image search: [Google]
21KB, 420x420px
Complaining about 4chan (its policies, moderation, etc) on the imageboards may result in post deletion and a ban.
why cant he just delete the picture
delete the offending picture, perhaps?
do your job when it first gets posted instead of letting it stay up for 184 posts?
Someone make a new
knew He wouldn't like the faecal thread
>the janitor flushes poo and cleans the toilet

cannot fabricate
make sure it has a black man as OP
cannot defecate
literally doing his job
New: >>71771662.
never understood this rule 2bh
Thread posts: 371
Thread images: 66

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