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Thread replies: 342
Thread images: 48

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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland edition
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first for jewesses
Casual sex with men is underrated.
yeah giz one lad
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Where should I go for lunch?
Booking my plane tickets to yankland so I can have my bollocks inside Yellowstone when it goes off
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Let Northern Ireland go
This is probably a good example
ronald pump

Just got the internet installed lads
What are some 'must bookmark' sites?
>Dmitri Chostakovitch is a good composer
his second cello concerto is fucking harrowing
love willies.
*Rates or a solid 8/10*

How about now
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Nth for communism
mentioned it before but that flag for britain is literally just hungary pre-1956 revolution

what did he mean by this?
pornstar with the best arse?
That's about the right rating honestly.
Pros: Male bonding, no strings attached
Cons: AIDS
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Japanese dog jumping through EIGHT hoops
many hoop
such grace
receiving death threats from a certain someone in the /brit/ skype group again

might just kill myself before he gets to me
Male or Female?
How come the Americans didn't intervene in northern Ireland against the communist ira
communism is extremely atheistic meaning the crosses on the flags would have to go
/brit/ skype group??? you made a skype group?? you fucking autists

literally disgusted. never visiting this thread again
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female (no willy)
find it baffling how admitting you're homosexual or mentally ill in public only gets you good treatment
bye then you fucking nonce
fly straight and true doggo
best HUMAN pornstar?
why would the british flag turn that colour
Rachel starr
The British people are tired of experts
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What would the core tenets of Cummunism be?
Margaret Thatcher was the best prime minister this country has ever had
find it baffling how you can admit to being french *in public* and not get lynched instantly
fuck off homophobe
Dunno anyone who follows rugby
any with natural tits?
threw up in my mouth a little bit at the alderney, guernsey and sark flags
why would you mix thirds and quarters
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In 'sta lads
Margaret Thatcher was the best runt minister this runtry has ever had
best years of my life are being ruined by acne
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Umm sorry but no
wtf why are french men so gay
From each according to his willy size
To each according to his thirst
Marion le Pen is the best prime minister this country never had
heylo, I am le French, an' I zink za-
*gets hit by thrown baguette*
Tory Bliar
the goyim must be enslaved
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Typing Tony.jpg
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>Umm sorry but no
>going outside
FONT. you best be going out solely to commit an incel blaze of glory
it's from the Spa Fields riots of 1816
well we could just use the red flag but that might be a bit boring
a gf for every man, woman and child
Jada stevens
Favourite historical period?
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last wednesday
Crisis of the turd century
aranchno-communism is the future
rise up spiders of the world
spin a web of freedom
Tony Blair in Kosovo, 9 July 2010, meeting children named after him
the decade between first world war and the second one
exceptional post
i shouldn't have started looking into 4x/grand strategy games
theres far too many i want to try
refugees IN

white men OUT
0/10 line. fucking horrendous. cringing just at the sight of it. you have no game, virginal runt
I remember we suggested that

did she never reply? That was days ago
you don't pronounce sorcha like that
Fuck off nigger
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>Fuck off nigger
>""nigger"" xDD edgy!!!!
oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear
Going to the shops to buy some Blu-ray
You lads want anything?
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The grime marketers are here

wow racist
interwar period
Nigger is only a naughty word in USA
lads why are there so many chinese students in our unis? it's fucking mental. How do they get in and in such numbers?

sometimes get on the bus and there's literally me and one other English person and the rest are chinese
the power of golden retrievers is unquestionable
good lad

don't let the alt-right melts win
kmt ireland is full of wet yutes
Bloody foreigners
These days if you say you're English they throw you in jail!
will never be fooled by black girls hair again. its all weaves and extensions!
wh-which wars
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Me in the middle
7 years war and Napoleonic
t.palest faggot in the UK aka stormzys #1 fan
china has a gigantic population, a lot of new money, and really bad universities, so they send loads of kids to the US/UK/Europe to get good degrees and bring knowledge home
I'll cum on your denim
fuck off yank
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can't stand racists or niggers
still in bed lads
/brit/ has to be the most active thread on /int/
we own this site
snorting my dandruff and pretending it's cocaine

mad buzz lads
seems reasonable but I still don't like it

maybe I'm subconsciously a massive racist but I felt genuinely out of place and alone on the bus home surrounded by massive shoals of chinese last night
It's the most active thread on the entirety of 4chan
umm maybe dont be so racist
"the Americans" told me that brit might be the most active thread but cum has to most quality posts.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm something seems a little off hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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World Wars

Weimar, Spanish Civil War, Anglo-Irish War, rise of fascism, Stalin etc

Fascinating period
>Created by US.
the majority of /pol/ threads are as fast or faster as /brit/ during peak times
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Someone has autism.
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>quality posts
The Cucknited Cuckdom of Cucked Cucktain and Cucked Cuckland.
far too active
doubt that, surely Trump General on /pol/ or one of the vidya board threads is faster
>on 4chan
That's the key word there
/pol/ is just an outpost for underage redditors looking to partake in some ebin casual racism without mummy finding out
but the quality is so low they don't count
Asian feet aren't erotic -_-
>but cum has to most quality posts.
nice bait
/int/ has more opinions that you'll see on reddit desu
I know you are but what am I
/brit/ is definitely the most consistently active thread on 4chan, it's open 24/7.

I sometimes stumble in here at 4am when off my face on drugs and there's still a few dopey brits posting with the yanks and aussies and other dross
PJW thread

Always assumed Niko Bellic was Russian but apparently he's Serbian
True my friend. I will try to live with your disabilities.
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*wobbles into thread*

Waaaaaaaaaaahey lads. Oi-ee, oi!

fuck off
>/brit/ is definitely the most consistently active thread on 4chan, it's open 24/7.
so are plenty of threads on here and /pol/
Thank you. My 'tism usually flares up on Thursdays, so be aware of that.
Should I catch John Wick tonight?
im so used to /brit/'s speed that i cant enjoy other threads because they're so slow
wish i had friends to enjoy things with
Why? Don't eat much cookies they will trigger your autism.
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>12 (twelve) more days until Shaun Keaveny comes back from his break
This. I want to enjoy my adhd and I don't want to be depressed because of slow threads.
no you don't
Hey friend let's enjoy some classic Max Hardcore movies together :0
its not racist to notice unusual demographic shifts.
they're weird people mate

one time after a night out me and #thelads were sat at a bus stop eating takeaway and these two little chink cunts run up to us, they fucking steal our drinks off the bench and run off giggling

we chased them down the road and took turns spinning their little manlet bodies round until one of them threw up and cried
Greatest website ever tbqh

280 posts per hour

The ol' 'ddit standing up for nonces.
Australia don't be so sad. There's enough land for you around :-)
Mental how popular Skyrim still is
do not care
But the famines got worse until the Russians were given access to the Haber Process, which had been developed in a capitalist Germany
hahaha yeah

*wanders off to talk to someone else*
Yeh, YOU!!!!
*awakens from my slumber*
heknarf. he's here.
>progress is bad
>communism stifles progress
>communism is bad
wtf rorke?
Say something really, really smart
Business idea: independent Quebec, Catalunya, Basque country, Scotland, Wales and a united Ireland
*follows you*
where you going big boy
*vice grips your bollocks*
beware the man of one book
the lib dems
i am a radical centrist
The world is a book and those who don't travel read only a page.
The fill lines on detergent caps are 20 percent higher than they need to be
OK :-)
>top comment is by a pedo
you're listening to bbc radio 4
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Good post
people keep saying i'm intelligent but i think i might be stupid
who is correct
i am a love worm
He sounds like he saw that video by the "Good pedo", can't remember the name. Looks like a massive autist and quite clearly a pedo but he says he doesn't touch kids so he's fine
I don't rate Koreans, and I'm not afraid to say it
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im awake
Business idea: 'accidentally' nuke Ireland
Reminder that Americans were the primary funders of the IRA
every time im in the street i hear YAK YAK YAK YAK
wonder if you lads realise low-risk paedophiles are you lads who willingly seek out pictures of "slags" aka underage girls in tiny amounts of clothing
Why is there a star of David of this when neither of them are Jewish
How can we stop them before they commit their crimes???
>low risk paedophiles are you lads
is english not your first language?
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Learn to spot a jew m8
Have to do something about my virgin walk and other virgin mannerisms. It's the only time I care about losing my viriginity
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Libyans and other communist states too. The terrorists really had good company.
favourite tea lads?

partial to some early grey, no milk no sugar myself

history classes really underrate how effective the Nazis' use of propaganda was in the 1930s. it's potentially the most powerful type of propaganda invented since people still fall for it today
russian caravan
in its early years, then gadaffi got really into them for some reason
mornin' lads what's new
korean poo tea
Fuck off back to your comfy bed cunt
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Don't drink tea actually
only if you fuck off into yours
earl grey too, but with some milk and sugar x
roibus is also VERY good
not really, the PIRA weren't really communist
they got support off Gaddafi because Britain embargoed Libyan oil and they got weapons and stuff off the south american rebel groups but they paid for them in one form or another
*hisses at you and rattles the bars of my cage as you walk past*
>in one form or another
with political alleigance?
lol what a shit decoy
she is blatantly of age
'he 'f
milk no sugar
Ireland je Britain!

enjoying some gay brazilian porn
what a time to be alive
ok mum
will you tuck me in
nah like cash or training etc. They trained Colombian rebels on guerrilla warfare
Sounds like organised religion...heh
Falklands je Argentina





Fucking hell
>burka refers to the gown, not the face covering
>the daily mail reeing about face covering
how do you take this newspaper seriously? cant you see you're being goy'd?
if it pisses off other muslims then i support it
I personally think this is a good idea. Police these days are lazy and fat. How many knife wielding youths do you think can outrun a fucking ninja?!?!?!?! Crime rates are going to go down now that they know we have ninjas on our side.
I could sodomise anyone here
FUCK off
*pours a pint of nyquil down your throat*

nothing personnel kid
Piping hot cup of Lipton black tea for me
you're a catamite
man a keep talk 'bout big man, big man where? lickle man sit down
Bit gay
aren't there rules about female mussies not being allowed to touch male strangers or something though
the only thing worse than a RACIST is an IGNORANT one
isnt the gown the hijab? burka is the full covering
britain je srbija
Don't think so but I can see it the other way round.
how do you lads not see that you're being whipped up into an anti-muslim frenzy by the muslims oldest and most powerful enemy
the one that controls the media
the one that sets the public agenda
the one that you lads constantly whine about
Flanders je Holland imo
in a few years british police will be patrolling london on the backs of elephants
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you FUKING idiots
The Polish??
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Ban the bloody burqa I say

They already do it on horses so this would be a good idea
ahahhaha xDDDDD
gah! i was tricked into learning the difference between a burka, niqab and hijab!
enjoying a cup of Douwe Egbertsâ„¢ coffee
education is key
There's nothing wrong with banning the burka

Only people who are bothered about it are lefties who think the burka is any kind of headscarf
it's up to you to retain that information though, I've already forgotten
my dad got attacked by a police dog during some riot in manchester when he was a student
ok lads, why the FUCK has the 'flat earth' theory become part of the mainstream? when the FUCK did it become a normie joke and why is it so popular now?
arrogant students BTFO
because its so absurd
Americans classify potatoes as a vegetable. the absolute mongs.
All part of my social experiment to determine just how retarded normbletons are
Shut UP
not even the most retarded inbred anti-intellectual goat-fucking child-raping muslim thinks the earth is flat.
dogs are filthy, bestial creatures
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national headline news in the UK is about some trash bins being blown about
those dastardly bankers eh
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>tfw to smart to think the Earth isn't flat
*Collects my banker bonus*
yeah i think he probably deserved it
i reckon if me and him knew eachother at age 19 we would've hated eachother
>Following centuries of selective breeding, there are now over a thousand different types of potatoes.Over 99% of the presently cultivated potatoes worldwide descended from varieties that originated in the lowlands of south-central Chile

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This is the front page of bbc news lad

more like british brainwashing conglomerate
ah yes... the authoritarian right
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>tfw regularly lie about my qualifications or other parts of my life to win arguments on /brit/
everyone does that.
dumb lying racist frogposter
Everyone in /brit/ is a 6'4 millionaire with a qt gf and a 8 inch penis. d
Get used to it
Who fucks girls like this baka
only if you get used to modern britain
>tfw 5'7 (by some measurements 5'6) broke NEET on welfare who has never even held hands with a female outside of my immediate family and with a 5'' willy
>tfw Thom will never be Prime Minister
having your umbilical cord cut before the placenta is discharged causes autism
so far there are about 3 people in this thread who id utterly batter
today my lecturer was using my phone to demonstrate something to the class and I got a new match on Tinder as he did it and it popped up on the screen

was quite embarresing thbf
you mean everyone in this general doesnt earn 50k+ a year or goes to a russell group???
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surely it would be more embarrassing to not get a match
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Just had this in the post
Tinder once woke me up at 4am notifying me that I do not have any matches
I'm quietly confident I could batter anyone who comes here desu

do you have the webm of the women in hijabs eating spaghetti
>a rustle group
you say this like it's hard to get into a jimmy rustler
it's about the course
What are you selling in your shop, Ahmed?
cowardly irish.
Rich nerds. Not even joking my sister knew someone that dated her.and brought her to a small party.
That famed Irish intellect
>northern irish (british)
Cringing at you fucking LadBible paki freaks that say this
and having to do legitimate twice
and herebye
capitalising volunteers
and misspelling signed
fuck me the irish are stupid
So what are you selling in your shop, Ahmed?
Can't imagine your uncles intellect then since they managed to kill him
t. man met
Fuckers are spying for technological secrets. It is known.
Don't trust them for a hair.
This is pretty racist 2bf
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posting a picture of the united kingdom
new girl at work has a fit voice but looks like she could eat an apple through a fence
should do a sex line or something
off to b&q
anyone want owt?
Disgusting outdated colonial relic of a forgotten empire
Cheeky Yugoslavia took over Northern Ireland
hijabs are cute
t. /r/unitedkingdom
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>Disgusting outdated colonial relic of a forgotten empire
tbf northern ireland and yugoslavia are extremely similar in many ways so its pretty accurate
why are ginger nuts such a god tier biscuit lads?
are whales related to sharks
would say they can have it due to it being shit but it's actually sovereign british clay so we can't just give it to some communists
if you go back far enough then yes
ANZAC bikkies are by far the best 2bh
i mean are they the same species now
>get voicemail
>"please give us a call :DDDD"

>"sorry the GP's closed"
what did they mean by this?
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is google broken?
Britain is a take country

England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland are real countries tries and deserve independence
what is that
countries tries
I think I'm fucking retarded
"countries tries"
Doing a difficult poo
what's that thing in her compass?

good for the ol cam recordings haha

what's her name
But seriously, it's disgraceful they northern Ireland is still 'british' in this day and age

All it would take is a country like China or America to recognise it as part of ireland to sort all of this stupid crap out
wow same haha
Mbutu Mbongo*click*wongo
would immediately fly to yankland or chinkland and heem every single person i see if they tried anything

New xxxxxx
And Hawaii?
Thread posts: 342
Thread images: 48

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