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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 337
Thread images: 71

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The janitorial staff endure constant bullying and harassment 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for as little as £0.00 an hour in order to keep us safe from ourselves.
As we get nearer and nearer still to Easter it's time to reflect on our past conduct and, if you have the means to do so, consider donating to the Penny for a Janny foundation. For as little as 1p you could help feed a malnourished and valuable member of staff for an entire week.
Keeping the other thread open in another tab

Just in case
just had a proper wank
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the bf
Made sure the last thread was on page 4 first, we'll see whether autismo can follow his own arbitrary rules
dont know if he'll be happy about the mocking tone of this thread
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All you do is delete other people’s posts. But what have you done? What's your claim to fame? You think moot has ever (You)’d one of your posts? He doesn't even know you exist, and you did free work for him. Take that samurai sword off the mantle and slit your wrists. I know you've thought about it. On holidays, your birthday. How about New Year's, when you're sitting there, hand down your pants, playing with your knob, and everyone else out there having fun. Go ahead Janny. Do it. Make the pain go away.
>no edition
shit thread
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>page 4

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Plans for tomorrow:
>walk down t'shop
>buy some rolls
>make some bacon rolls for lunch
>25µg of 1P straight up the mouth hole
>watch the rugby
>do a wank

Might also play some habbo hotel at some point.
Doing a poo
ITV now
Something wrong with your browser's "back" button?
He changes it constantly but page 4 seems to be adequate for him most of the time
>penny for a janny foundation
honestly i'd donate to this. the janjans do important work and deserve at least a little compensation for their efforts.
guys what if the janny was a grill?
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i haven't had one of those in years
hope this thread gets obliterated by the jannys hammer of justice
wish i had banterous parents
didn't know habbo hotel still exited lol
Absolutely howling
friday friday gotta get down on friday
im in traffic with these poles yellin free my bro d rose
It does but it's a ghost town and complete shite. Only people on it are lifers in their 20s and 10 year olds.
blues fans are getting on my fucking nerves I'm the pub, won one game and think they're the shit

also a bloke just tried to rob my pint whilst typing this
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what's going on here.jpg
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gotta have my bowl
gotta have cereal
If janny sets up a crowdfunding campaign for his salary then I will gladly donate, I used this site 370+ days per year and I'd gladly pay for a few pints for the kind staff who moderate it desu.
Why do pakis love cats so much?
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t. furniture stacking autist
big fan of your gimmick though

p.s that's a cob
fuck off rorke
literally me in uni
>mfw I see a cute brit boy
got bad flu or something and feel like I have extreme face cancer
Why don't takeaways deliver cigs any more?
love a musky fanny 2bh
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I'm off out lads
Forgot pic
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me at school
me at uni
me at work
bum musk > fanny mush honestly
Took dick pills now I've got a hard willy
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>funnyjunk filename
post qt boy bums or spooky ayy lmaos
and nowhere to put it
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he's fucking scrawny
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squee squee im a runt
lots of weird irish people in London
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Had a good session with the therapist today
last two words are redundant
where'd you get em
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It's Friday, let's share some funny or interesting images you think /brit/ might like!
>Had a good session with the therapist today
did you cry?
Just Amazon, nothing too special
good night x
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>Brooklyn Beckham: Model 'Totally Smitten' With Chloe Moretz
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>no brit bf
why even live?

why the fuck is mental illnesses so prevalent on 4chan

do i have some sort of undiagnosed mental illness as well if i've been here for 7 years
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No I never cry
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most likely
Blackwake seems like a fun game. Does sound like you'd need mates to play with though. randomers could be very unreliable for the type of game it is.
sure thing la

if you're paid on the 25th of the month, every month, are you paid for that months work or the previous months?

i.e. are you paid basically a week in advance, or are you paid 3 weeks "late"?
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what did you talk about
you're paid for the 4 weeks you worked since the last payday you absolute tit
99.9% of salaried jobs pay a month in arrears. Meaning you work and then at the end of the period, you're paid for that work.

They don't pay you for work you will/might complete over the coming weeks
previous month
Just ate some salted microwave popcorn

Shit was cash, feels like an anachronism from the 90s though hehe
previous 30 day period
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social anxiety
I talked through several social interactions I had recently and I feel very reassured about the now
Wouldn't mind playing Sniper Elite 4 but I'm not paying £40 for it
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my mind is blown lads

i'm gonna get an extra pay check

I was always paid "in arrears," which means you get paid for time you've done, after you've done it. I've only had shitty jobs though and other jobs might do it differently.
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Lads... should I do it?
reckon I could become a really really famous and successful stand up comedian by just playing clips of different comedians over the sound system and just lip-sync them on stage easily tricking everyone into thinking its ME making those hilarious observational jokes and not chris rock or george carlin or billy connolly or sarah silverman etc

*drops out of law school*
>and other jobs might do it differently.

They don't
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That's entirely up to you anon
get the sweet and salty kind next. really good.
>CNN and other news organizations were blocked Friday from a White House press briefing.

oy vey
fuck off
you CLEARLY don't have social anxiety since you didn't feel anxious talking to your therapist

they you are, now you're cured
wish i could do some mandy but my tolerance and serotonin are fucked
The only reason you should vote Tory is if you have a net worth of £1m+
you know you want to shag her, go on lad no one wil judge you
dolan trunks is bullying trans kids now
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>Claudio Ranieri says his "dream died" when he was sacked as Leicester manager nine months after winning the Premier League.
But le Denuvo
good. lefty rags.
>the real reason men won't date me isn't because I'm fucking 40 other blokes a week, it's because they're insecure
Proofs? I voted Tory in the last election and I was a student then.
More qt boy bums
Haven't been on /brit/ since the tuba lad doxxed himself, any new gimmicks since then lads?
Business idea: gather up all cyclists, place them in a black bin liner and leave it in the Thames overnight
Theresa May looks like a Disney witch.
I want to wank while she watches me
it sounds like she actually wants someone to date her. i have to think with these women, if a semi decent good looking guy came along, and offered to look after them, most of them would do it. but then fuck it uo with their emotional baggage. sad really.
Conked out for an hour after feeling tired all of a sudden after eating my dinner and missed the entire last thread while I was at it, feel all sweaty and disgusting now. In a mood where I just want to lie down and slip into an eternal slumber and not sure why.
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you're free now Claudio
nah none
Who wants £20 off £40 spend at Dominos?
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I get paid on the 15th and get paid two weeks in advance
I think it's shit knowing that once I get paid that I still 'owe' them work
I prefer people to be in debt to me than the other way round
>Eye keeps bulging again due to my thyroid condition

What horrible deformities do you have lads?
Digimon is here
>media destroying pewdiepie

imagine how redpilled he is getting during this hahaha
there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish
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>be famous
>gain wealth from Jewish companies
>publicly insult Jews

It's like he learned nothing from Mel Gibson
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If you give the other £20 too got about 30p lmao. x
what thyroid condition do you have?

i have a pretty debilitating one i cant get my doctor to give me medication for
>lazy eye
>awful skin covered in moles
>bad facial symmetry

Not too bad I guess but I'm past caring now anyway.
And by extension, his 50+ million fans.
business idea: print sexy 'shopped posters of Theresa for the naughty boys
the digimon is from puerto rico
Not a very good one clearly (see 'should').
What are they saying about him? doubt the media has much effect outside of hugboxes anymore desu.
Mel Gibson is doing really well now though,
destroyed? pretty sure he only got more popular because of this entire ordeal
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Wish I had a Cocker Spaniel puppy.

Saw one today and it was really cute.
still don't know who pewdepie is
>pewdiepie pretends to be a nazi
>becomes an actual nazi once he realises whats happening

cannot fabricate
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Thyroid Eye Disease, was diagnosed with it in September after my throat closed up and I couldn't eat or drink anything. My right eye occasionally becomes bigger than my left.
He should just host his own site away from Youtube, got the capital and fanbase for it.
Pewds is fucking funny tbbh

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This man gets to see it with his own eyes

Lucky cunt
/brit/? Completed it mate.
haha you posted it again
should I add the fact I'm able to work in a non-eu country without a visa on my linkedin?
If so, how do I do it?
Stop reposting /pol/ shit you vile slug
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are you all 13?
Hhmmm could do with a bevvy but don't really want to open a bottle of wine for a glass or two.
Don't give a shit about him, but I know who he is and what I'd do if I were him.
hes a lot funnier than some moaning canadian
was born without a soft spot in my head, had to have an operation to remove a bit of skull and now have a very noticeable "dip" on the top of my head. absolutely dreading the idea of going bald

By my calculations he's currently getting 65 more subscribers to his YouTube every minute.
beto uses proxy now

no one is getting redpilled and no one is getting destroyed, the only ones who believe that he's a nazi already hated him
saw them all in the pictures, bit shit
no idea what you're on about you bottom feeder
look at that massive spike at the bottom from new subs wew
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my brain is too big for my head
had a tasty wrap (chicken, spinach, smoked cheddar and HP sauce) after work

now knocking back some lidl beers
are you the /sp/ lid?
any cure or treatment?

Man don't give a fuck.
Shan't be bombing london
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My dick is too big
no I post in brit/pol/ and /britfeel/. Haven't been here since 2015.
>look good in a mirror
>look fucking horrific and deformed in real life

ahhhh mirrors .y es hm
>that hairline that young
is it really so uncommon for an australian not to be soft in the head they force you to undergo surgery to correct it?
Haha what a wally
Eating an entire tub of Ben and Jerrys ice cream haha
hmm VERY interesting
giz a scoop
Please do

t. Londoner
you could fit his face on his forehead as well as his current face
literally don't get it
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that fucking ending.
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But that's a war crime
Just like the Dresden bombings
Also,are you suicidal anon?
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haha NO its all for me!
somebody needs to shop him even more lmao.

Eye surgery if it gets to be too much of a bother but no real serious cure I think.
It's comics by a prossie about their clients
It's astounding how judgemental they are considering they're paid to just lay on a bed and let some ugly old bloke fuck them
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the state
from what I can see they're extremely high-energy and maintenance and you shouldn't get one unless you can provide it with a LOT of exercise. see plenty people with them when out walking/running and they literally tear about the place non-stop rummaging through every hedge and bush trying to sniff out any sort of quarry they get a whiff of
>now just picture them doing that all day in your house/garden


This one is literally just him going through a thread on Adult GIF here on 4chan, including a bunch of Alex Jones clips. He's slowly but surely redpilling his viewers.
>Flatmates leave the kitchen in a fucking state with dirty dishes left on the side for days
>Do all of their washing up and also clean the whole room in the hope that it will guilt them into cleaning up after themselves in future
>Go back to bedroom
>Return one hour later
>Kitchen's in a fucking state again, dirty dishes left on the side, and crumbs and spilled food on the floor and table

Ahhhhh yes, the """joys""" of flatsharing in your mid-20s
he lost his Disney sponsorship and (((Youtube))) tried to demonetise all his videos
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Ah yes the old linking of parks.

Don't do it next time then, don't even complain just tidy up after yourself.
>>>/pol/114117246 really makes you think
watched all of the pewdiepie clip unironically and enjoyed it (unironically) and none of you can do anything that will make me ashamed of that
is that still going on?
They didn't try to demonetise all of his videos, but they've demonetised the ones that allegedly had "antisemitic" content.
Bogdanoffs really doing a number on /pol/
What's wrong with that?

Are you autistic?
>Samsung to begin super-fast 5G internet trials in London in 2017

meanwhile in the north...."allahuuuuuu akkkkhbarrrrrrrr"
Who you think you are?
Fucks like, "Do you know who I am?"
Fucks fail to understand
I’m like eh
Who you think you are?
Fucks like, "Do you know who I am?"
Fucks fail to understand
I’m like eh
I know you're browsing a /pol/ thread and reposting the images here you asinine little reprobate
more like "allaahuuuuuu blublublublublub" haha x
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m o s h
Well the mod is right but why single out those threads instead of deleting all the non politics related threads as well?
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Flexcity 2.jpg
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The Northern Powerhouse
post the one where she has no clients and ends up dying in poverty
bit silly
I've done the sex with a girl or two in my time and they like it when I ask them if I'm doing OK or not
what the fuck
Northern Poorhouse more like!

Is that white guy kissing that black guy behind the guy with the larger forehead?
>tfw too intelligent for the gravity jew
there is literally nothing wrong with being muslim or jewish
I've been doing that for weeks desu, but getting fed up in living in a dirty shithole that stinks. Exactly the same thing happened when I lived in an all-blokes house at uni desu - I did everyone else's washing up (they left dirty dishes out that started to grow mould) to make them feel guilty, instead they just took it for granted. Should just move to a girl's flat, they're far more clean.
Yeah dude the janny is in top form today
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it's friday night /brit/ let's do some dancing
In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit.
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*does an absolutetly sick dab*
Who /Newcastle/ here?
so many questions
someone post Kent U18s
>they like it when I ask them if I'm doing OK or not


You should learn not to believe everything people tell you, m8.
absolutely hate the uni gym. Full of skeletor 60kg runts using up benches and curling everywhere with little babby legs. Howling at people who claim others at the gym aren't judging you-I am 24/7 and it's rarely positive.
more like POOcastle!
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Class 313 Silverlink.jpg
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while in the south....
because the mods are aliens
Going to eat what is by all accounts the best Fry Up in London tomorrow....That's right, E. Pelicci in Bethnal Green.
Oh no
just tried watching suicide squad

couldn't do it
imagine wanting to go to a hot sweaty shithole on a weekend with loud music playing in poor lighting with a bunch of drunken spastics.
>This is a board about politics.

>All threads should be about politics.

>If you're posting bullshit that isn't about politics, you're probably going to get banned.

We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Did your internet die?
aka /Jewcastle/ aka /Geordieland/
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cara (107).webm
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best scene right here for you
a loser runt britposter is judging me
some guy keeps looking at me work out at the gym lads

think he's gay
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I'm not overtly racist or extremist in public. Not really that active in my views either. I only really express "Alt right" views on 4chan, and I wouldn't say too often.

But if a big HAPPENING happened irl, I'd probably join the Rorke militias. Am I a sleeper agent?
Why are the DC films so fucking poo? their heroes are so much better as well.
dreadful film
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They replaced those with this almost 10 years ago :)
the digimon is insecure LOL
>Haven't seen a single Capeshit film since Iron Man and Watchmen came out

I could make it through Watchmen since I actually love the source material but I think I fell asleep at Iron Man. Any actually worth seeing or is it all as terrible /tv/ makes it out to be?
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I only moved to liverpool for uni this year desu. Was posting under a cheshire flag before.
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and they still have these in the Poorth
DC is the worst but Marvel is shit too
If your opinions of those two are genuine, then no. Don't bother watching anything else.
give me your lewdest cara, need a wank
she's nice
pay up piggies x

lads post absolute bangers
Lad looks pretty intense

Deadpool has me curious but I hate the normie fanbase.
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my mates make me watch capeshit all the time and I have no idea what goes on in them, usually terrible too

there were some ok films though, every now and then
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Drink up piggies
good for you

stand up to the bullies
Yes and?

If you enjoy mindless fun with simple formulas then just try any of them.
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Well i assume you have already watched the Bale Batman trilogy?
>express an interest in capeshit

All opinions into the bin.
If you slept through Iron Man watching anymore capeshit will just aggravate you

Not everyone can enjoy everything, if popular franchises made accessible to people not familiar with them bothers you, capestuff will make you suicidal
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fucking hell it's kicked off
roommate eats an entire frozen pizza every day when he gets home from work
would hate to see what he does for lunch
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how exactly did david mitchell become synonymous with mocking the janitor?


watching the leaf tory debate
only saw the batman films since watchmen and suicide squad obviously
honestly don't think I should open that link
t. the janny
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>how to get added to the register in one easy step
>step one, click that link
Janny was doxxed as a Mark Corrigan from Quebec.
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Lost a £20 note in the pub

feel like crying
This japanese lad used to post a picture of david mitchell laughing with >the janitory
A cryptic Japanese poster with broken English (probably a brit poster) kept posting something along the lines of >THE JANITOR with a picture of david mitchell a thousand times until his gimmick caught on
jesus christ they're ugly as fuck
I can tell you have autism
>not appreciating UK slags
haven't invented any gimmicks
>green shoes wanker
Would a Japanese women let me become a househusband?
ah yes, the ol' replying-to-the-wrong-post gimmick. classic.
Literally who gives a shit

Sometimes when I'm walking past a fat person or an ugly person I think "you're a vile ugly fat little shit" just to remind myself how completely irrelevant it actually is if people are thinking that about me.
So.../brit/ is a fan of the Vajrayana school of Buddhism

*scribbles down notes*
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never thought i'd hear this band again in my life
absolutely shite
just sounds like they threw in a load of random noises

alri grime man

ok for a parody i suppose
normal rac is better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn_VqDdR-rU
british island monkeys
never thought i'd see someone in /brit/ who'd even heard of them desu
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Actually unironically like this cunt now, he's tearing the MSM a new one

Literally don't even understand why they went for him, are they retarded?
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Name my band
just blocking it all out

don't want to know
walk walk fashion baby work it move that bitch crazy
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tell me about the pose
Why are you outside lad?
i just got here and i unironically am, yes
my much older brother listened to them about 20 years ago
Post your school stories lads, I'm feeling nostalgic.

>That time in Year seven while giving a presentation in English and I fuck up half way through by accidentally saying the American pronunciation for tomato rather than ours
>make anti-semitic "jokes"
>surprised when people call you a nazi
*smacks their hands into their faces*
one on the left looks like she went straight there from netball club after school
Little Peachy and the Oranges
yeah he's not too bad, he seems to have matured a bit recently
Finished the entire tub of Ben and Jerry's
feel a bit sick now aha
one time i almost kissed a lass. didn't happen and it took another 7 years before i finally did.


I just ate an entire chocolate orange. I haven't had Ben and Jerry's in a good while but I remember really liking the cookie dough flavour, do they still do it?
Was going to post but there's not much point this close to the end of the thread.

I'll save it for the next thread.
One time we managed to nearly kill this guy who was allergic to bananas and made him have a mental breakdown and leave the school
still loved and relevant in the spacky and irrelevant punk rock scene desu. they did this cheeky number telling yanks to fuck off though which can never be a bad thing, even if it's a leaf saying it
>remember really liking the cookie dough flavour, do they still do it?

Yeah just had a whole tub of it x
So it's like a leafyank posting FOY irl
good post
Scratching myself all over and stretching again. x
are you a cat lol!
towels in the wash so i just sat naked by the radiator to dry off
quite meditative
Sat in the school hall for PE and I told my mate a snarky joke about another lad in class:

"I heard Jamie went to see The Elephant Man in the theatre over the weekend. Was stuck for half an hour afterwards signing autographs."

The idiot only went and immediately told Jamie the joke, to his face, without changing the victim of the joke (ie. "I heard YOU went to see The Elephant Man..."). Jamie was 6'+ and trained in boxing. One punch, my mate was out.
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and nothing just sayin mano
One time one of the popular girls I vaguely knew but not really waved at me while I was waiting in line so I tentatively waved back at her, only to realise she'd been waving at another guy near me. Then I went bright red and pretended I hadn't been waving.
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