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/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 85

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the law-edition
*legalizes weed*
good edition
Chile please

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taco pisses itself in fear.webm
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not straining meat
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sub human.webm
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i want to have sex with that anime
I strained my meat earlier
maybe it's from watery salsa

yer mum strained MY meat earlier
if you soak it in stuff for flavour and intend to use it on a breaded surface or something that you don't want to become soggy you need to drain the juice

some pans in for cooking have a strainer on the bottom of the meat.
This thread is off to a good start
>unironically being fat in 2017

You should kill yourself now and save the medical care system your selfishness
my mom used to make something like that except with marmalade
Hi, can you please tell me a German bedtime story
I get you're trying to make things sound sexual but it's how cooking works.
does your mom cook for you?
I'd suggest looking at some recipes. You shouldn't have such a hard time with this.
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get up offa that thing

*fucks you're mouth*
Pssh... nothin personnel
They shouldn't be classified as humans.
Once you become obese you should have your human ""rights"" remove and others should be legally allowed to execute you on sight if they want
Got some terrible news for you, footkraut.

i want to become the american Linkola
NEED a 1980s city pop gf
Shouldn´t be too hard to find an Asian in canada
This wouldn't be a problem if you didn't socialize your medical industry

Looks like commies lose again
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>hurr durr you won't get banned for posting a picture of your ex wife's ass
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i have $10
what should i get at the grocery store for my one meal of the day, or subway since its inside my grocery store
just took a cheeky shower
anyone who has foot fetish should be castrated for being submissive cuckolding lover
>first she cucks you
She never did such a thing
People over 20% bf should be put into labour camps. People between 15 and 20 should have certain rights curtailed, mostly ability to purchase certain types of food and drink.

It wouldnt you're right, but that's the reality we live in. It's easier for fat people to not be fat than to change our Healthcare system.

If I had it my way, fatties would have a grace period of 6 months to get down to a max of 20% bf, and enter that they'd be put into forced labor camps.
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are you really sure about that
Chicken and rice

Shant be replying to you any longer
Connecticut or Massachusetts?
If you only have 10$ you can get enough to make 3 meals.

Bag of rice, bag of frozen veggies, and however much meat you can afford after the fact. Surely you have some form of seasoning at home?

Its how it is spelled in my country you retard, forgive me for not betraying my own nation
100% sure
The average bf% for women is like 25%

me on the left
Trump did another embarrassing thing again

Glad I'm a leaf now
no this is specifically for today i get full grocery money tomorrow
You're probably some bonelord who thinks he's ripped because he weighs 11 pounds at 5'6

Average =/= ideal. You should never aspire to be average.
Post it again.
*gets in giant egg*
wow 13% body fat not bad
if humans had exoskeletons would they yellow like teeth
>head of iceberg lettuce
>softboiled egg

Tasty salad mate, the soft yolk acts as dressing
Get 10 of those little banquet frozen shits
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American Anime.jpg
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Just a reminder that the universe was created by a "Big Bang" which was really a giant virgin alien nutting himself in front of a hot qt
Those are the assholes of New England
i'd rather learn how to make salisbury steak myself desu
This. Better off getting rice and chicken.
Okay but let's make the assumption that the average is also the median, you're saying we should throw at least a quarter of the population into work camps at a perfectly fine bf%?

I don't even disagree with your sentiment that as a whole people need to stop being so fat, but your solution is fucking retarded tbqhwy
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this checks out i think
>tfw no dogface gf
I'm not saying that the average/below average should be camp'd. I'm saying we should actively adjust society so that the lowest on the scale are still okay. Similarly I would prefer if average height was 6'2, doesn't mean I think people who are 5'11-6'1 should be gassed.
>tfw no gf
why does /brit/ always have twice the activity of /cum/?
>tfw no bf

because its an endless race to shitpost harder than anyone else
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Did you get your steam back?
He's not gay
pls stop posting that
>tfw no gf(female)
>tfw no wolf
Don't we mostly shitpost too?

im not gay

all of my posts are of the utmost quality
I am
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Going on patrol
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your guys idea sucked
getting a two liter of pepsi a buffalo chicken on italian herbs and cheese and hot cheetos
could really go for a subway sandwich with some salt and vinegar chips. I think I'm gonna do that before class, fuck you you can't stop me
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>salt and vinegar chips
Excellent taste

You are a waste of skin.

*breaks ur legs*
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I heard that the ones in the states aren't as good as the ones here
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best chips coming through
sour cream and onion is also good
You only had to blur out the muff you dip.
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>70 degrees out today
>In a week it'll be snowing again
weird, why's that
sounds great
BBQ ruffles or git out
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>salt and vinegar
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All dressed.jpg
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GOAT coming through
yeah that is pretty gud

they have these at my local store and Ive been wanting to try them

but theyre like $4+tax each
Not sure. I have distant relatives in the states who would always buy tons of them when they came here, because they said ours were better.
it's basically just vinegary barbecue
>lusting for uncovered whores
Reminder: you will burn in hell
>he says as he posts a whore uncovering herself
she needs a tongue scraper
>SE Asian

Good thing she didn't show her monkey face
how do you scrape your tongue without gagging?
Her head is covered.

Hair is the most sexual part of a woman's body, infidel.
She's lusting for me if she's showing her flesh
stick your tongue out
I'm not even scraping that far back and I gag

I'd be a terrible woman
I got free food from McDonald's today

>be me, go to McDonald's during lunch time
>busy as fuck, there's the new two lane system drive thru where they take 2 orders at a time
>order a mcchicken and mcdouble
>drive up and completely accidents missed the first window, thought it was closed
>a spic hands me my food and says enjoy
two many oregon posters
one is CHI
(not me)
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What do you think of masculine boobs?
Oregon is a good state tho
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>stealing burgers

That's a felony
Just keep doing it until you get used to it. I don't gag anymore
I'm starting to think that Islam is the superior religion
She's probably trying her hardest not to laugh at his baby carrot dick
Islam should be wiped out from the face of the Earth desu
Me haha
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chicanos should be wiped from the face of the earth, desu
Islam is a religion of peace, and rarely used force to gain land. Rarely.
You should keep this a secret...
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True Americans right here.
chicano pride, nation wide
Open wideeeeeeeee
*succs ur penor*
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I'm happy to see you've gotten over your irrational islamophobia
The gf?
eating a girl out is so much fun :3
I have liberated
rejoice with me, brothers
FUCK you so called white poeple
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little cocks deserve to get locked up in chastity and left there to rot for the maggots to eat up, such is the recompense for the tiny dicklets
Honestly nothing irks me more about the de-whitening of the US than seeing many places in New England being majority-non white it kills me
what a friendly yank
Auf wiedersehen faggot
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I want to buy a chastity cage
as long as they don't learn about the undercities, we'll be fine
someone is stealing all my god damn socks
lol...me sorry...

Who is the best California poster?
>Runs away
i hav big dic

yes hello
orange county
I'm undoubtedly the worst Californian poster desu
You're not allowed to vote
Stop or else I'll disqualify you
Why are Californians such prideful people? What do they have to be proud of?
Their state is pretty OK
GDP larger than most countries on earth. Center of much of the world's culture.

I don't really like California tho

CUTE girls

GOAT mountain range

best sports teams

best mexican food in the states
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>been messaging a qt from one of my classes for a few days
>get hammered on bourbon on valentine's day and ask her out
>we're going out in few days

Feels good boyos
nice, describe her
muh gdp
*collapses from water shortage and yearly wildfire*
a bit obese

>leafs still think we have a water shortage
You're a bit behind on your memes kid
>water shortage
Have you not been paying attention for the past 6 months?
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Hillary Was A Alien That Visited earth To tTy To Ruin The Election

Humanity Won, We Are Winners
everybody dance
>drinking alcohol
>conversing with uncovered whores
Your soul can't be saved.
Should I get 1 extra flag or 2

4 flag dicklets please contain yourselves
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Sounds a lot like what happened to me desu
depends on which ones are nicest
get six
There's no prohibition against alcohol in the quran, just against immodesty
little cuck
Invest in Kazakhstan.
2 flag master race
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You can only reply to me if you are boyfriend free girl under the age of twelve
giggled out loud for a few seconds
tell me about dogface

why does she wear the filter?
t. Ohio
Is extra flags the cool kids club?
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>tfw no publix
she deleted her tinder so iunno

just saw her today and we're gonna spend all afternoon/evening saturday going to the movies and general stuff. then the zoo on monday!
She seems nice

It's for redditors and reddit sympathizers
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que triste, chabon.jpg
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>ywn dance the gay tango with a qt argie boy on a sunny afternoon
>Chinese (inb4)
>qt smile
>dark, almost purplish hair
The qt is on his way buds
You gonna fug his butt?
he's a bottom idjet
He's gonna fug my butt
>get a highscore
>asks for a name
>gets changed to cap
wow thx japanese developers
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Remember to leave room for Jesus
threesomes are a little much
I've already turned the cross in my room around
Stupid janny thought he could ban me
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Italian American.png
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How do I cope with dating a Papist, buds?
Are you the one with the Frog gf?
The pope is dope desu
PlASSer doesn't use caps and I always post frogs
decapitate her
It's pretty easy familia
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Southern to the core.jpg
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>South Dakota is a poor excuse of a state. It costs the United States more money to have South Dakota as a state than South Dakota makes worth. They should be considered a territory still...
Wtf I love secession now!
Oh. idk, has it been a problem?
and you have shit taste
Her dad seems to be a hardline Catholic desu
He asked me if I was a Protestant
>yes I am a protestant
Don't be mean

I'd just try to avoid it desu
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>why yes, I am a christian
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>Why yes, I am a member of a specific branch of a religion/an atheist
Daily reminder
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>why yes, I am a Muslim
I'll show you a fucking oyster
*unzips dick*


I was invited to attend service at a protestant church, should I go? I have no interest in converting but I might go if it's not too boring just to be polite. What actually happens in there?

Fishing in empty waters
Gotta go buds
all gays gotta go
Seeya later buddy

You should go, new experiences make you a more rounded person
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if you arent a upholder of christian way and morales you dont belong on cum
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>if you arent a upholder of christian way and morales you dont belong on cum
I have edged for 15 hours now
Im waiting for Arkansas to invite me over
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>What actually happens in there?
You form a real connection with G-d. Something Papist scum would know nothing about.
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This desu
/cum/ is a Christian and radical centrist general
>Yeah I vape, don't freak out about it bro
>Dude chill! It's not a cig, this is way healthier
>mind if I vape brah?
>alright guys, settle down. I vape, now let's just move on.
>there's no secondhand smoke, it's totally safe bruh
>"oosen up, man. It's just a vape pen. Don't call the cops or sumthin'
>hey guy, you got a light? Naaaaaah, I'm just playing. I vape, if you didn't know
>how many ohms you got bro
>what juice strength you runnin?
>what coil you running brah??
>woooah sick clouds lmao
>bro it's just water vapor stop getting mad
>i get my juice sourced from aborigines in the alpines
>it's not addictive, i only go through two bottles of juice a day
"Trump's approval rating drops to 39 percent"

That was quick
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North American Union.png
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Business idea
the only acceptable love is between a man and his waifu
good idea
When will Trump have made America great again?
It's beautiful
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>i inherited a mess but it's also a finely tuned machine
>trust me im the best expert there is on these things
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Cascadia needs Northern California too
not quite large enough yet
>making me share a state with leafs
Get fucked buddy boy
cascadia is a russo-chinese fabrication
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Your mum's a Russo-Chinese fabrication
The Universe is a strand of hair on some aliens nutsack, prove me wrong
>ironically support trump
>/pol/ is autistic and takes the ironic shitposters seriously and sways the election trying to fit in
I play the free-roam in Destiny for a couple of hours each day by myself, just killing infinitely spawning goons
Such is life
A twinks wet dream
fuck you and your trips pal
no bully
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we jamming now boi.png
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Why the FUCK aren't you playing The Sims Online right now /cum/??
I didn't know it existed
How do you cope with your country being a giant confused meme for the next four years?
I don't want to drown in the irony
>four years
with more shitposting
how to play
He wont last four years
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just ordered a french dip and some bread sticks from the local pizzeria
at least
Eating some cheeto cheese puffs
All the best essays I wrote in high school I wrote either drunk or high
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forest park portland.jpg
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Drinking soda is bad
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fucking chess posters.png
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/cum/ mansion in the Sims when?
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big hill
I'll get started right away
lol saved
'nading this general with no survivors
That hill gives me anxiety
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Nerd be gone.png
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pontius pilate can suck my nuts
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t. reddit
*survives and kills you*
t. meganerd
nice memes
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Happy farm man.png
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How can I be a meganerd when I have a job, car, bf, home, and all-around grand life?
>south dakota
More like south dumbkota
because youre a turbonerd
just bought a 1990 hilux lads
lmao that's hilarious
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I'm a meganerd who likes reading about history, looking at maps, and playing grand strategy games buds
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winner gets a melissa debling gf

>melissa debling
No thanks
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*chicken noises*
That's fucking disgusting
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>tfw no Hilux release in NA
Enjoy it mate
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Had to go 5000 ducats into debt and give one province to my fellow Habsburgs in Bohemia, but I finally forced the Magyars to accept the chins as their rightful rulers
But Iceland is in North America
it only has 307k km on it, rustoleum paintjob and it's a non turbo

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>why yes I am a truck enthusiast
>wake up
>its 5:30
>hmm sems kinda bright tout
just fuck my shit up
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that's incredibly rude
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>literal fags don't like big tit brit slag
literally me

Did you buy it just as a daily driver?
Don't like butterfaces dumbass

Suppose you Europeans don't have an eye for beauty

>that's a butterface

Truly mexican-tier taste
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le 56% face.jpg
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new thread
Me on the right
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Fugg pic
Thread posts: 318
Thread images: 85

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