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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 323
Thread images: 82

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Apu edition
Alright, time to fuck you all up.
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the 3 Bs Beer Babes and Bruins
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Canada's Valley.png
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Not our guy.
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Think I'm gonna keep my pubic hair trimmed buds
I don't like it when it gets too long
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Literally the worst form of government tried.
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Whitey BTFO once again
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Stuff like this is kinda true, Spaniards were surprised that the aztecs "showered" everyday.
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I see. Someday it'll be my turn to move there, but it seems like I'm gonna have to work my ass off first
I always keep my nutsac shaved clean and the rest trimmed (gives me pimples and razorburn otherwise but for some reason my nutsac is immune to that, can literally do whatever the fuck I want on it with the razor)

long hair gets stuck under the foreskin LOL not like you jews would know anything about that
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>our guy

Alright, /cum/. Looks like faggots are being faggots again. I predicted this last November, link to video in the description. That's about all, peace out.

aids jesus
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>long hair gets stuck under the foreskin
I hate this desu
Hate when I'm taking a piss and I need to pull a big ol' hair out of my foreskin
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youre not my friend, bud
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I told you i've spoken to styx before, he's either incredibly naive or autistic

>"Yeah, alright so we need to invade China immediately but the legacy media won't let us. That's about all, peace out."
get an electric razor thing that breaks the hair near the surface. shaving causes the razor pimples.
>be Canadian
>lose Stan lee cup for 25 years
>bandwagon American teams

Such is life in the frozen north.

inb4 muh Canadian players
Can one of you amerifats try to justify the phony outrage that libtards have been spewing these last few days? I mean, let's pretend the russians did "hack the election". All they literally did was improve transparency in the Democratic party and show just how scummy and corrupt they are. Why is that so egregious? Are we apparently not meant to know how corrupt they are? Should we be angry that we've been made aware of this information? How fucking dare those dastardly russians!

PLEASE explain the leftard mentality to me. why am I meant to get angry at what the russians have done???
yeah i use an electric shaver to trim down to a few mm

being fully bald down there looks weird anyway
There's no justification beyond "IT WAS HER TURN"
Also the risk of in grown hairs is always shitty
I never claimed I wanted Styx to be our guy. I just think he's funny. Gives me my autism fix every morning.
>in grown hairs
awful desu
>UK flag

um how about you get the fuck out of my /cum/?
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invest in lethbridge
The CIA uses the press to control public opinion. Problem is only lefties read the MSM these days.
Yep. It's a deep state coup
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Truly an image that made me think
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Dude but Putin is literally Hitler and they rigged the entire election, we're living in the USSR currently please send help
All it tells me is that the US intelligence community is so fucking incompetent it literally cannot protect one of the most important parts in a functions democracy. They all failed to protect the election and it all happened under a Democrat government. So either the Democrats are totally throwing the credibility of the CIA/FBI etc. under the bus or they are lying.
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>it's a shitkraut is desperate to post after every cooldown episode
Outstandingly pathetic levels of autism desu
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i work and live in the same place
North America is the most powerful continent in the WORLD
reminder that there is *no* actual evidence Russia was behind the DNC leaks
youre a whore?
Reminder there is literally no evidence Trump has any ties to Russia. Confirmed multiple times by the FBI.
fake news lmao

Really though, the media shilled so hard for Hillary to win and advertised that Trump was modern Hitler. They still lost and now instead of trying to recover from the mess and act less hysterical they've doubled down on it.

It's the era of click bait and taking things out of context to try and click bait. Main stream media is struggling in the time of internet where people don't need them for information so they'd taken to increasingly shitty tactics to stay relevant and that's affecting people who are quick to believe headlines. They stay the world is on fire and Trump has the nuclear codes, and people are freaking out in response. It's the time of manufactured out rage. Lots of younger kids and college kids grew up being taught about protests where people earned the right to vote and the like and want to be a part of something like that. It all comes down to them being manipulated for ad money I think.
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It's over lefties. Trump can't fail with allies like this.
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Who is that guy on the right and why does he look like he could tear everyone else in the room in half?
>Triple H
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“Stone Cold” Steve Austin has stunned 46 percent of the people in the pic, including the president.
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Mexico and America should become one country.

Like this post if you agree.
McMahon looks old
it's TRIPLE H boyo
HHH, wrestler.
But it makes a good story.

What I don't get is why they are acting like it's a bad thing for the countries to be more friendly with each other. They are shilling for cold war. On one hand they say Trump is going to nuke the world, on the other they damn him for not wanting to nuke Russia.

Obama even wanted to fund terrorists in Syria because it would make a proxy war with Russia's ally. The world didn't want that and Obama had to back off. People also don't even give a shit or post updated news about what's happening in Ukraine or do much to help either side in their ongoing war so they can't even use that as an excuse.
he looks cool
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Should I feel insulted?
dad got jailed in canada for being a bruins fan by commie french faggots
He is.
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yeah fucking drop her IMMEDIATELY
I like Star Wars.
>not knowing Triple H
Can you? Cause I can't.
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How do I improve my taste in music and stop listening almost exclusively to electronic music? Used to listen to metal and rock and then some gif on 4chan told me to stop listening to aggressive music, so I started listening to electronic music.
Truth be told the IC has gone unchecked since they murdered JFK and now they're going all in.
my arms hurt
*vapes at you*
Just listen to what you enjoy and stop worrying what people think.
start browsing /mu/
That's how you turn into a high functioning retard.
Went on /mu/ once and bought this album
I like it
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I could need a girlfriend (male)
try blood stain child or prodigys newest album and get there slowly
I might have a gf but I'm terrible at picking up girls desu
>blood stain child
is that vsauce?
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I'm so addicted to cock I might have a problem boys
because a girl has to call you ALPHA and HOT and not CUTE because that's totally BETA
I was making fun of him for taking a compliment as an insult. I'm with you though, way too awkward to be anything close to a pickup artist
well its a mix of electronic and metal
dont look into the newer stuff its shit tho
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it's too late for you
stop masturbating

best poster
I haven't watched wrestling since I was a teenager, and that was mostly just to fap to the women who were fighting each other.
Maybe this hhh was around then, but I wasn't really paying much attention.
Remember to join the /cum/ discord

>best poster
>related to anime in anyway

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMmmmmMMMMMMMM no
>windshield's oppinion
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Dumb schmendrick scum
HHH has been involved in WWE since the 90s, anon
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The whole world has been abducted by aliens and we are living a reality TV series made be much more technologically advanced aliens competing against the other alien words in "Which planet is the weirdest"
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>being a lesbian
take it back
>jew yorker
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>watching wwe for the women

thats pretty gay
What's the worst drug you've tried
so you're just copying one of the rick and morty plots but instead of "which planet has the best music" it's "which planet is the weirdest"

very creative


>it's legal
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>tfw conneticunt is our bitch
At least you can talk, who are you?
show me what you got
I don't like that Mexican who always posts Cara

A Mexican is not deserving of such a privilege
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>does not even move
>not even connected
/mu/ just has too much stuff to sift through
I'd rather sift through video game soundtracks and youtube. 8/10 times I find stuff from posts like yours in different boards/whatever kek
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fucking rude bud
>nASSau County
I'll connect my fist to your holes pal
can i really not enter canada with a dui on my record? my gf is from there

guess i'll never have to meet her family
It doesnt't matter who we are. What matters is our plan.
need to ban interracial relationships NOW
>video game soundtracks

yeah i also like to listen to electric guitar & violin for 100 hours.

because im pretty sure people that listen to vidya ost only do it for japanese games
I think it's Matthew Santoro
>having a dui
You could have killed someone desu
Mate, I crossed the Canadian border in a car with nothing but my drivers license, they stopped me for 5 seconds, asked what I was going to do then told me to have a great time
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*RAPIDly floods your nation*
doom has good soundtrack tho
There was a similar South Park plot. They didn't cancel earth because they had incriminating pictures of the Jewish aliens.
No one cared who I was until I put on the mask
I enjoy the Infamous 2 soudtrack
I want a mute girlfriend

Who uses a qt hello kitty notepad to communicate
i know, it was dumb and a few years ago. i regret it and don't do that shit anymore

cool good to know
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Meth, it's okay in small doses. Getting addicted is the real problem.
my new name what do you guys think
Very original
Shenmue = best video game OST

i didnt ask you
lol having a berry smoothie
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If I took that off would you die?
FF9 has a great soundtrack.
your man tier post
no one likes a rude rodrigo
I saw a nignog walking a petite blonde whitegirl on a leash today
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OFF! has a nice soundtrack
This is Trump's America.
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You don't need to tell /cum/ about what porn you watch anon.
It would be extremely painful
your man tier post
new name guys what do you think
for you
Very original
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>in a class that has mostly freshmen
>topic of some Mexican 13 year old being shit by cops while carrying a realistic looking airsoft AK-47 comes up
>most of the class ends up defending the cop's actions
Wtf is this racism buds

I was hoping, secretly, the blonde petite girl was a Canadian being walked by a stronk African American
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>shit by cops
just realised your regionals are very similar looking to mine haha x

most airsoft guns have an identifier, if they took it out is fine, if not then cops are wrong.

or what do you mean with "shit"
Yeah I guess they are
your man tier post
Very original
I meant shot
And yeah that kid was a retard for taking it off
There were two black girls who brought up the "he dindu nuffins" argument but even the professor agreed that the cops were justified.
They shit on him. These cops are out of control.
he means shot dummy
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>shooting a Mexican
>ever wrong

for a moment i thought "shit" as in idk scolded, who knows.

Yeah is kinda justifiable, but is also kinda weird to just shot at someone because they have a gun, what did the kids do
>welcom to de hüdrolik press chennel

lmao who still gives A FUCK about them?
I love big bad dicks
Did you cut off your penis yet for losing?
I haven't lost yet
Kid was walking with the gun strapped to his back
Two cops pulled up to him
He quickly turned around, which made the gun swing to his side
He grabbed the gun, cops thought he was getting ready to shoot, and shot him
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>Russian spy ship lurking off my coast
shoo shoo
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>Mess up your moves, revise
>Mess it up again
>Concede and say "Yeaaaah I won xd"
Sad that you live in a country where a 13 year old Mexican kid could realistically have an AK47 and fire on cops
i miss your man
too many press channels 2bh arr rook same

It kind of reminds me of those shitty DIY videos where thirdworlders rig up this ghetto looking shit from popsicles and torn batteries

dumb kid i guess.

And also depends on the neighborhood they were patrolling, thats something people never take into account when talking about dindus, they live in shitty neighborhoods where if the cop doubts one second he is fucking gone.
me too
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>coasties will be the first to die in the upcoming Russo-American War
They didn't know he was 13, anon. The cops were behind him, so they didn't see he was a kid.
Also, Mexicans are manlets so a 13 year old CHI is probably as tall as he'll get.
start as a meme die as a meme
hehe funny accent X_Ddd
>implying the government isn't hiding a shit load of subs in acadia
more like conneticaboom
I still haven't lost yet, you foolish cheat
>Stops time, put pieces back together
We've been doing it too each other for years. We need to quit being so tsundere.

More like Gonecticut
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I miss LMM
I don't miss LMM
>implying I won't impress them with my hared of baseball
>implying I won't become the new governor of CT once the take over is finished
>training people not to speak in their local accents
*screaches in english*
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>See this
what do
I have a stutter but only when I perceive the person i'm talking to to be better than me
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You could move you queen and have it taken by mine or move your bishop and have it taken by my king

>Put pieces back together
Nice way of putting "Oh fuck I screwed up my moves time to refer to the manual xd
>Guido has no sense of loyalty
Doesn't surprise me desu
The world is a better place without him around
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I bet you stutter all the time!
That really is the kids fault.
so you have a stutter
first order of buisness will be getting our engineers to develop anti-cali weaponry
*pick up car*
*throw it in canal*
Maybe, but /cum/ is worse
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shovel dog.webm
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Do you ever perceive women as better
>Punches your face into oblivion

What a odd Stand user, good grief
Pretty much.

It's not even a difficult concept. Don't threaten police. Fake or real gun it doesn't matter.
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what part of the world is this?
/cum/ has always been shit and he was the shitposting king
Fuck those police, them crackesr ain't going to get any dick from me
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Think I'm gonna renounce my Ukrainian citizenship, buds
A futuristic Africa
Okay in theory, never successfully executed
The Middle East or Latin America
no dual citizenship in the ukraine?

slava ukraYina
good post
What the hell does this mean?
i'm tripping
All namefags and autism flag posters are terrible
You can have dual citizenship if you get a second citizenship second.
But they don't recognize it when you're in the county. If I go to Ukraine right now, I can be drafted.
If you want to become a Ukrainian citizen, though, you need to renounce all other citizenships.
I agree. Kill all Flaggots.
not sexy at all 2bh
looks like she's waiting for a doctor
it's a meme, like alternative medicine
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It means I have no argument.
If you don't use reddit flags you don't belong in /cum/
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Why won't you fight for Poroshenko?
He makes good chocolate.
What was the original form of life on earth?
Can't get them on my iPhone.
wow look who's jealous lol
I want Canadian citizenship
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kys phoneposter
>a fucking phone poster
no bully
more like ¿iroque?
>cum mountains of blood
>making mountains out of liquid
Really makes me think.
jealous of what bud
you don't have a gf
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too poor to afford one?
have fun with your shitty 80$ samsungs lol
Like Marvin or Matt Damon or what?
>>a fucking ijew poster
I want all Canadians deported immediately starting with their a list singers and comedians.
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What's the matter, scared?
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Phone poster (Android) here. Fite me, niggers
So I can be a member of the prestigious leaf country and so I can officially identify as Canadian
Just don't feel like hooking up the PC when I'm moving in a few weeks. iPhone is sufficient for now.
Would hatefuck her so hard her ancestors remember me

this is cultural apupriation
eligible for canada/us dual citizenship

lol what show is this
shit's gotta be staged
Who /iPad/ posting

Comfy af, posting from in the shower atm
I am a dual Canadian/American citizen.
can you believe iPhones can't play webms
>go to liquor store
>guy is getting arrested outside it
not the first time this has happened
>that will probably be me someday
With today's identity politics you can already identify as a Canadian even if it's not legally true.
um sorry but they can you imbecile
Microsoft Surface Pro is the only good tablet and the only good microsoft product
werent you just trying to stop drinking
When I die bury me in the Gucci store
they can if you download vlc but the process is a pain it the ass since you have to download it and open it in vlc
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Dunno. Stole it from the cu/ck/s
I don't get why they can't. But I'd never buy an iPhone any way.
Was he a bum or just a drunk guy?

Homeless alcoholics hang out near the liquor stores here but cops have started making them stand a block or two away
You have a liquor store in Turkey what the fug
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My S7 is water resistant and has a 4k screen
yeah but i started again and i gotta say it feels amazing
well until i wake up a week from now with now memory and start going through withdrawals

think he was just a drunk guy, probably trying to steal. didn't look hobo.
War with the deep state is necessary to return power to the populace.
whats the point of paper bag covering alcoholic beverages? some dumb law about not drinking in public that does not even work? what le dong? why dont the poulice go around testing people with alcometres
My work has sent us to do AC work in some liquor stores and they all had pictures of guys shoving bottles in their pants on a wanted board lol
Cum cum cummies cum
tfw you are a sleepy peepee
>I may be a virgin, but I got powers beyond all comprehensions
Great question. Because I have no idea either.
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holy shit it's dark outside
The law says you can't drink in public, but if you put a bag or sometimes koozie around it they're supposed to assume it's not alcohol.

I don't get it either though, because you can sit outside at a restaurant and buck long islands like water and that's perfectly legal even though everybody can see you. Think it's really just a law used to harass homeless people, people drink in public while they cut the grass and stuff all the time without issue.
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The good thing about liking bad electronic music is that I like the music my girlfriend wants to listen to in the car
kek i watched an ep of intervention and the guy took a bus to a different town so he wouldn't be recognized shoplifting. made it out with 2 60s of bacardi white and 2 gold. no idea how the madman did it.
Waiting til this thread is reborn to ask my question
she got the d
You gotta hand it to him, that's dedication
i would've answered your question if you asked it in that post but nope

now i'm going to boycott it
more like she got hit with a frying pan in the face, wtf
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Michelle Obama has a penis
That "I'm about to rip you off on trade" look.
life is dark
You won't be able to tell who I am in the next thread anyway boyo
it'sa fack jack
i just won't answer any questions?

also get out of here with that /r9k/ tier picture
All I want for my birthday is a big booty hoe
he had some zipup bag, might have been only 1 of each. probably just shoved them in and ran tbqh
*cums on you*

Answer that
Taking a shit

Posted from iPhone 6.
My dick may not be the biggest but it more than makes up for it in spirit
do not shit on your phone, that's unsanitary
isn't it funny how "crippling depression" has become this new normie joke?

it's funny because it's true, depression is a fucking joke and doesn't exist.
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90KB, 642x495px
Move at 310 accordingly
Cocks don't have souls
Wrong, depression is very real and lefties want to normalize it.
My dick may not be the biggest but's light weight and ideal for the downhill run
>it's funny because it's true, depression is a fucking joke and doesn't exist.
this is true bc all depressed people should kill themselves or be killed by the government
why don't you just wait till 310 to make a new you fuckface
mod needs to start deleting early threads again
*gets leafblower*

No bullying!
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178KB, 641x360px
this guy comes to you and slaps your face what to do?
ah yes

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9KB, 292x257px

>manlet editions are verboten on /int/
I'm fine with this lmao
>got janny'd

didn't even need to report, janny must be lurking
worst girl
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