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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 74

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first for russian MRE
smoking weed
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really like this normie song
let's play

>watching anyone other than Steve1989 from MREinfo
NOT nice
fuck off
All those countries you mentioned would be shit with any government.

Some countries, cultures, and races can handle any form of government. Mostly European. There's something about them, that they can be successful with a monarchy or a republic, socialism, or anything

Some countries are just born loser who cant handle any government, beyond tribalism
checkin it now
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we know

>Australian cuisine
just doing a quick browse of atheistrepublic.com lads, feeling enlightened
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your country is *literally* a colony of the united states and third world shithole

please leave
Solidarity with Rojava
so's yours
>tfw you match a slutty 16 year old on tinder who's desperate for the attention of a fully grown man
HSPs are GOAT drunk food 2bh
t r u e
pair of runts were made for each other
that's not even noncey
Got off the nicotine, lads.

It fucking sucked, desu. Like, my body hurts if I don't inhale a bolus of cancer every 2 hours? WTF?

Nope, not getting Jewed by the tobacco Jew. Suffered through a week of debilitating withdrawal, and now I'm free from the demon Nick O'Teen, the Irish bastard.
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do they have indian kebabs where you're at? naan bread, tandoori chicken fillet, yoghurt/butter chicken sauce and veges, gnerally around the seven dollar mark

really tasty and comparably priced alternative to a vietnamese roll
16 is legal, nice try tho
Bet you have tomato sauce with yours, you haram dingo
hahahahahahaha don't be cruel
*whips out IHDI*
nothing personnel... kid
how does a fwb relationship even happen
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>Why yes I do indeed think a grown man having sex with a 16 year old girl is acceptable! Laws SHOULD dictate your person morals, 'tis something only one of higher intellect such as myself would understand
sex is weird
Good for you mate. I'm 3 weeks off it. Was easy, dunno what all the fuss is about. Just get a bit antsy when I've finished eating and I can feel a cigarette shaped hole between my fingers/lips. I just have a drink of water instead.
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Idk why people pretend like its acceptable. If you're in your 20s and dating literal teenagers you need to reevaluate your life. Normies aren't okay with that shit and consider it creepy
>less than a hundred pages
got caught cheating in a game of chess again
ngl i LOVE the smell of my balls after ive gone a couple of days without a shower
You really want to play the (I)HDI game mate?
89 pages of drivel
it feels amazing especially when you're in love
one person has or will develop romantic feelings that're nt reciprocated

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> when you're not a colony anymore but you're country is less than 100 years old and 90% of your population is from an island on the other side of the world and you're basically still a colony so you keep another country's flag on your flag
That's a spicy dingo.
me too. why is this?
*strays too far into the wrong neighbourhood*
ok great, but HOW DO THEY EVEN START
Made that I can shag a 16 year old bird silly over here but if a yank did it he'd go prison and be persecuted as a paedo for the rest of his life

Is there a better index? I'm kinda curious
AHAHAHAHAAH don't be bad
>Lauren Southern's magnum opus
The Unlawful Games Act 1541 (33 Hen 8 c 9), sometimes referred to as the Suppression of Unlawful Games Act 1541,[3] was an Act of the Parliament of England, designed to prohibit "Several new devised Games" that caused "the Decay of Archery".[4] All Men under the Age of sixty Years "shall have Bows and Arrows for shooting". Men-Children between Seven "Years and Seventeen shall have a Bow and 2 Shafts". Men about Seventeen "Years of Age shall keep a Bow and 4 Arrows". The penalty for nonobservance was set at 6s.8d.

The Act forbade all sport on Christmas Day with the exception of archery practice, meaning that footballers who played on Christmas Day before 1960, when the Football League routinely scheduled fixtures for 25 December, had technically broken the law.
its like 110 years old show some fucking respect
not really. you guys just score high on HDI because you have nice highways going everywhere. IHDI does a better job of assessing what life is like for your average joe in a country
Actually the AoC is 16 in most states
A country populated by mostly British people tends to be influenced by Britain culturally and have similar values.

Not that you would know that leaf
Not currently, it isn't perfect but it's probably the best we've got ATM
australians never shut up about how they hate "poms" most tsundere cunts on the planet
Got an 81 page assignment to do by Monday what do?
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*whips out cock*
>poverty is sexy

what did he mean by this?
That's because lots of British people immigrate there mate
oh its the leaf is an expert on everything hour
Some Dutch anon was talking about another index developed by Boston consulting group, is it any good?
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la hoja le dio un buen descanso a la pekeña colonia de mierda jajja
>The Highways Act 1562 (5 Eliz.1 c.13), sometimes the Second Statute of Highways, was an Act of Parliament of the Parliament of England passed in 1563. The Act extended the provisions of the Highways Act 1555, by which every householder of a parish had to provide four days labour in a year on the highways, for a further twenty years

This is basically Communism
I don't know, but that's what he said. Go on, suck the poor willy
australians are expert on abo wrangling and shagging 'roos
The ABSOLUTE state of Canadians
No understanding of even the most basic forms of friendly banter
kek hate that cunt
My dad visited the anzac memorial in turkey and he said the aussies there unironically complained about british people for 2 hours and he had to pretend he was canadian so they wouldn't be embarrassed they ragged on about poms for hours in front of a british man

dollarydoos is my favourite gimmick
Eye contact, alone time, and an honest and open conversation about sex, during which neither guy nor girl get uncomfortable.

I remember once, some random girl was telling me how much she loved to have sex on ecstasy. At the time I just kind of nodded and shrugged (having never had sex on ecstasy myself), but looking back I think she was saying she would fuck me if I got her some ecstasy.

She was hot but a bit young 2bh.
The Rebellion Act 1572 (14 Eliz. I c.1), full title An Act for the punishment of such as shall rebelliously take or detain or conspire to take or detain from the Queen's Majesty any of her castles, towers, fortresses, holds, &c., was an Act of Parliament of the Parliament of England enacted during the reign of Elizabeth I. It provided that if any person was convicted of conspiring to seize or destroy any castle or fortification held or garrisoned by the Queen's forces, then they and any associates were to be judged felons and suffer the death penalty without benefit of clergy or sanctuary. If any person was to prevent the use of any royal castle or ordnance by the crown, destroy any of the Queen's ships, or prevent the use of a harbour within the realm, then they were to be considered guilty of high treason and sentenced accordingly. The Act was formally repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act 1863.
there are allegedly people posting on pol who're in their forties

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Wish I didn't have to be depressed all the time
my uncle works for Nintendo
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The first English colony in Canada was 1583, and our settler population wasn't solely from the British Isles.

Australia was first colonised 1770, and throughout its history it's settler population came almost exclusively from the British isles, first as convicts, later as colonists.

Australia is just warm Britain.

Arrogant pricks.
do puerto ricans only travel to NYC or something?
literally don't understand how someone can get addicted to something

do people just not have self control?
am I too smart to get addicted?
yes, the part where it makes everything expensive is my favourite
I like this one. It shows the difference punishments for gender

>The Escape of Traitors Act 1572 (14 Eliz. I c.2), full title "An Act against such as shall conspire or practice the enlargement of any prisoner committed for high treason". was an Act of Parliament of the Parliament of England enacted during the reign of Elizabeth I.

> if the prisoner was convicted, the conspirator was guilty of high treason and would be hanged, drawn and quartered (if male) or burned at the stake (if female).
me in 10 years
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Let this be the end of it. I haven't been here long but I've discovered that /brit/ and "political discussion" don't mix. It ruins the light-hearted banter with genuine anger and frustration.
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>it's a canada episode
*everyone groans*
me 10 years ago
Sounds like a sensible act for the time frame
Canada's national animal is the beaver haha
hes right you know
The reason the Canadians on /brit/ hate Australia is because English people like Australians more
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>I haven't been here long

I have been here a long time, don't talk to me as though we're equals x
post picardias
your entire country's economy is based off selling rocks to china, it's best that your currency is weak
>stares at the zero component on a dft plot
>wondering wtf could it be

silly me
These Tudor laws sound a lot like Communism desu

>The Vagabonds Act of 1572 was a law passed in England under Queen Elizabeth I

>The 1572 act provided that justices of the peace were to register the names of the "aged, decayed, and impotent" poor to determine how much money was required to care for them.

>Those refusing to contribute to poor relief would be confined to the gaol (prison).
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I dont hate australia
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jesus christ
If that's communism then 21st century America is communiet because your taxis help the poor and you will be imprisoned for tax avoidance
i don't understand economocs, can i have cheaper consumer goods and a shit economy?
ah yes we should certainly let these people into our country
he is angry ;)))))))
Learn self-hypnosis and NLP.

These links should get you started:

Well Pirate Bay is being a cunt, but when it's working, torrent "Silva Method - Complete" or something along those lines. It's good for learning deep self-hypnosis.

For quick and easy (but less deep) self-hypnosis:

A decent intro to NLP:
Really love blonde little slutty girls, only reason you'd dislike them is you don't get to shag any desu
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I didn't even notice that before

Thought she was like 40
I never implied that we are equals.
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nah we live there
no one cares about your trash anecdotes
Business idea: Chinese prozzies on the NHS for virgin sadcases so they dont top themselves or go on killing sprees
imagine actually trying to banter a white first world nation from the confines of your fucking cinder block hut in which youre stealing internet from a local resort meant for white westerners
this post >>71053863 reeks of jamal
love this image
This would word for these two >>71053874
That's because Australians are literally just English people on a bigger, hotter island. Canada isn't just a copy paste of your shitty island. We're a real country, not just a colony.

We may have been a colony hundreds of years ago, but the English, the French, the First Nations, and other European immigrants coalesced and created a unique Canadian identity.

All Australia is is a bunch of Nigels and Bruces in a hot desert.

Fuck AUS.
I have good healthcare.
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Jesus that as hard to read. Mad people usually forget to use punctuation. Seems like you're projecting Pedro
ah yes the ol'

>he has standards unlike me, must be a virgin lol!

must suck being a fucking bottom feeding runt
I haven't bothered going to a doctor in almost 18 years
real african american hours
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>We're a real country
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>the First Nations
I never meet hispanic people here wtf this isn't america
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King Edward I was campaigning against the French in Flanders when he learned of the defeat of his northern army at the Battle of Stirling Bridge. After concluding a truce with Philip the Fair, he returned to England in March 1298 and immediately began organising an army for his second invasion of Scotland.

The force he gathered was impressive: over 2,000 men-at-arms (armoured cavalry) and 12,000 infantry. Most served for pay, forgiveness of debts to the crown, criminal pardons or just for adventure.

As he was on the point of falling back on Edinburgh he received intelligence that Wallace had taken up position in the wood of Callendar near Falkirk,[8] only thirteen miles away, ready to pursue the retreating English. Edward was delighted, saying:
>As God lives... they need not pursue me, for I will meet them this day.

Once in sight of the enemy, Norfolk and his colleagues began an immediate attack, but on encountering a small marsh to the front of the Scots position, made a long detour to the west before being able to make contact with the right of Wallace's army. King Edward arrived in time to witness the discomfiture of his cavalry and quickly restored discipline. he knights were ordered to withdraw and Edward prepared to employ the tactics that the Earl of Warwick had used to defeat the Welsh spearmen at the Battle of Maes Moydog in 1295.

Edward's longbowmen were brought into place. The hail of arrows was supplemented by crossbow and slingshot. The survivors, Wallace included, escaped as best they could.
so since birth?
Australians managed to get their own identity without abandoning British values and becoming discount Americans mate

Canada may as well be an American state or two lad
Australia is literally turbonormie the country that's why it sucks

I couldn't stand living in a country where every lad is zyzz mode and every lass has a porn star body
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yeah, I'm gonna hit the proverbial hay

since I was 12
Check out this spotty virgin lads LOL! >>71053956
income tax is theft
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> French: Cela c'est vrai correctement ça.
> English: Ayo, hol' up.
is he ok?
ah yes we totally abandoned british values and became americans when they asked/tried to force us multiple times...
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>I never meet hispanic people here
but you are one aren't you
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he'll be alright
Australians are closer to Americans in attitude than Canadians. They just don't have the accent.
that is literally what happened








una vela
canacucks going full retard itt
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smart pirate frogposter
Not really mate

The Canadians in 1812 were either Yanks or Britons
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>not wanting to shag this

virgin confirmed
I searched Google Images for "Australia" and this was the first picture of people that I came across.

Not saying Aussies aren't generally fitter and taller and more attractive and more confident and easy going than everyone else, but not all of them are "bonza blokes" or whatever they say.
It's true buds a paki cab driver told me.
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holy shit it's happening almost exactly like in the image
cackling real loud
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I forgot my pic.
If you wouldn't slip her one you're gay
just because we have beaches does NOT mean we all have beach bods
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Canada is really closer to México and other Mestizo countries in temperament.

I'm 1/16th Cree, and I identify with my fellow Bronze brothers. Fuck Anglos.
hahahahahahahahaha jesus
kind of funny how everyone hates canadians on 4chan
me on the left
how did none of that go to his legs
Feel like Aussies are people of extremes

They're more likely to be hench/shredded sick cunts when young but also more likely to me cheeky beer belly blokes when old
why is he wearing a hat to go swimming
no thanks
would prefer ISIS
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most Canadians live along the border with New York
no hat no play
To stop his scalp from getting Melanoma.
oh they're just normal
So that your women don't have to travel far for Canadian cock chubbo.
she looks pretty beat up but I agree
would never get in a long-term relationship with a blonde girl since they're all fucked
Might shag a tranny off Craigslist to scratch that itch
tfw scottish boyfriend
Woman ends her 22 year marriage after finding out her husband voted for President Cheeto. #PresidentCheeto
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Edward was born at the Palace of Westminster on the night of 17–18 June 1239. Edward is an Anglo-Saxon name, as was not commonly given among the aristocracy of England after the Norman Conquest, but Henry was devoted to the veneration of Edward the Confessor, and decided to name his firstborn son after the saint.

Edward I was a tall man for his era ( 6 feet 2 inches (1.88 m), hence the nickname "Longshanks". He was temperamental, and this, along with his height, made him an intimidating man, and he often instilled fear in his contemporaries.

After suppressing a minor rebellion in Wales in 1276–77, Edward responded to a second rebellion in 1282–83 with a full-scale war of conquest. After a successful campaign, Edward subjected Wales to English rule.

In 1278 King Alexander III of Scotland paid homage to Edward I. Even after Balliol's accession, Edward still continued to assert his authority over Scotland. Edward responded by invading Scotland in 1296. dward confiscated the Stone of Destiny – the Scottish coronation stone – and brought it to Westminster placing it in what became known as King Edward's Chair; he deposed Balliol and placed him in the Tower of London, and installed Englishmen to govern the country.
Actually there's no good ones it's just manly looking twats
Remember that time when the Yanks nearly had a Canadian president?

Funny times.
our news are talking about why drumpf is evil and deport people who break the laws
business idea: dont respond to leafs
It protects his head from sharks, jellyfish, stingrays, giant octopus, barracuda, lobsters, sea urchins, stonefish, giant crabs, crocodiles, sea snakes, electric eels, filipino migrants and flying surfboards.
Truly Hitler reincarnated.
read approximately half of this post
youre blind
stop responding to the autismo yank's weak ass bait, he just spams constantly
now our politicians are taking more care of people who live in america
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Edward had a reputation for a fierce temper, and he could be intimidating; one story tells of how the Dean of St Paul's, wishing to confront Edward over the high level of taxation in 1295, fell down and died once he was in the King's presence. ome of his contemporaries considered Edward frightening, particularly in his early days. The Song of Lewes in 1264 described him as a leopard, an animal regarded as particularly powerful and unpredictable.

Edward took a keen interest in the stories of King Arthur, which were highly popular in Europe during his reign. In 1278 he visited Glastonbury Abbey to open what was then believed to be the tomb of Arthur and Guinevere, recovering "Arthur's crown". He held "Round Table" events in 1284 and 1302, involving tournaments and feasting, and chroniclers compared him and the events at his court to Arthur.
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Real Canadian Hour
stop responding to leafs. they'll go away and with them so will autismo yank
>In 1278 he visited Glastonbury Abbey to open what was then believed to be the tomb of Arthur and Guinevere
Edward Scottorum Malleus was the best
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I like to think autismo Yank is just tsundere for us leafs :3
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The delegates
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ahh the memories https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5JNMTazkGY
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>tfw someone from my year just started working for the same company as my brother
quit responding to it you fucking stupid cunt. fuck off dickhead.

for fucks sake
why wouldnt you be tsundere about a country that is apparently a carbon copy but whiter and safer
>korean oneitis was listening to a song called "sex metal barbie"
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Now that the dust has settled, what's /brit/'s opinion on the Barebone parliament?
Good video
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lets be nice to each other for the rest of this thread
I bareboned ur mum
nice numbers
dad pls why did u go to britain to shitpost me

come back we miss u
BAD start >>71054455
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Had a deliterious effect on the colonies in the Americas, don't yah think?
why are ms fields cookies so good
Why are there so many leafs?
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Praise-God "Unless-Jesus-Christ-Had-Died-For-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damned" Barebone
woah haha
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Truly the philosophical question of our age...
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> why are there so many leafs?
Inner-city youth violence.
On Monsieur’s Departure

By Queen Elizabeth I (1533–1603)

I grieve and dare not show my discontent,
I love and yet am forced to seem to hate,
I do, yet dare not say I ever meant,
I seem stark mute but inwardly do prate.
I am and not, I freeze and yet am burned,
Since from myself another self I turned.

My care is like my shadow in the sun,
Follows me flying, flies when I pursue it,
Stands and lies by me, doth what I have done.
His too familiar care doth make me rue it.
No means I find to rid him from my breast,
Till by the end of things it be supprest.

Some gentler passion slide into my mind,
For I am soft and made of melting snow;
Or be more cruel, love, and so be kind.
Let me or float or sink, be high or low.
Or let me live with some more sweet content,
Or die and so forget what love ere meant.
roundheads OUT
Any you lads got a mate who's a cunt almost 24/7
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> why are there so many leafs?
I suppose we dump this tea into the harbour. And we rename the harbour a harbor.

And thus Canada and the Thirteen Colonies parted in twain.
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thx bb
calm down
good post
Royalists are the biggest sheeds
yeah, you
Kek is pleased

He will be more pleased if you report illegal immigrants to ICE they have a tip line setup on their webpage
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I probably am that mate
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can't find any pet sweaters that fit my dogs
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i know like two people who live ilegally in america
"Green Groweth the Holly"
by King Henry VIII

FROM the British Library

Green groweth the holly, so doth the ivy.
Though winter blasts blow never so high,
Green groweth the holly.

As the holly groweth green
And never changeth hue,
So I am, and ever hath been,
Unto my lady true.
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I have a really cushy job, but I have this one workmate who's such a passive-aggressive prick. Everyday I have to work with him, he makes what's usually a really chill day unbearable.

I want to get him fired.
what does he do
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good thread
I got a mate who never listened to non-videogame music until he was 27 and now he thinks he has better taste than me despite only listening to weird shitty Jazz and dad rock.
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Have an autist friend like this
"If you would like to report illegal aliens, please call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at 1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423). They will need to know names, locations (either work place or residence) and any other specific information you can provide. Visit www.ice.gov for more information."

You need to report them
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Everything man. Everything.

He's always making my job harder.

He calls me "Sam", when he knows that's not my name.

One of these days....
I know a guy like this except he still listens to videogame music and "classical"
I specifically requested that the page doesn't scroll to new posts
GOOD post
don't know where they exactly live
do you lads think there's gonna be a war with russia
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i remember once i was stuck to the wall like a faggot at a party and i heard these girls saying "i bet he thinks hes too cool to talk to anyone"

like no im a fucking sperg and i cant dance or chat up women
The world of these people is very intriguing.

How can he possibly be okay with this.
hoper they can wait a few months
You should call them and just ask where they work that will be enough for the ICE agents to find them
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Do not respond to SEMITES!

They are SNAKES!
Iran will be first.
ahh no ((((((he))))))) wants a war against russia
Henry VIII's private letter to Anne Boleyn

[ 1533 ]

Myne awne Sweetheart, this shall be to advertise you of the great ellingness1 that I find here since your departing, for I ensure you, me thinketh the Tyme longer since your departing now last than I was wont to do a whole Fortnight. wishing my self (specially an Evening) in my Sweethearts Armes whose pritty Duckys I trust shortly to kysse. Writne with the Hand of him that was, is, and shall be yours by his will, Henry

Duckys = Breasts
>no I'm just a little nervous. I'm not really good at social intercations
>relax anon, come with us ;)
>the most extroverted one "teaches you" and you end up fucking her
what could've happened if you just talked man.
this chubby black girl wants to fuck but I'm not sure about it
she's not terribly fat, its mostly all in her and as GIGANTIC tits which are pretty nice and somehow fairly perky.
the big issue is while she looks alright with makeup I've seen pics of her without it and its pretty dire.

idk if I should dive in for the whale hunt
kk, it's pretty good

Bit rude to post someone's PRIVATE correspondence.
not a virgin, that was like when i was 15 i think
this post reeks of virginity
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I don't know how the Jews plan it, but it seems they've decided there's going to be a war with Russia now.

History's script-writers.
ok sweetie
leaf overload
just have a wank. unless you're in a drought and it will help your mental state

pretty tired of no-strings-attached sex myself. just have to talk and deal with a girl i dont even like that much just to cum
As my father would say: If the rumpus is sumptuous, pumpus the humpus.
checked, sam
she's completely dreary to talk to but cute in a weird sort of skanky black way
I imagine a few drinks would make her easier to deal with
>cold af
>feel lazy
>just cover meself with talcum powder
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getting involved

guy on the right looks like an umpire
honestly wouldn't a nuclear Holocaust affect northern usa as well
I want to break free
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Do you know this man?
*brake ftfy xx
> Yanks and Aussies bully us because they secretly like us
Sibling rivalry is so cute.
He doesn't strike me as a man who is concerned about northern USA.
you monumental cunt flap
Can I get a quick rundown, have seent his posted alot
just studying people on here la...always useful when doxxing them tbqh
hey mate, i like the flag
minimum wage in Ozzy land is $18-20 dollarydoos?
Up nice and early for Saturday to get the morning gym session in. Gonna hit the trilaterals hard, work on my delts, and fix some solid progress for the summer. Ahahahahhahahhahaha
any of you lads shagged a prozzy
No. I'm only into females of legal age.
Is that like a professional Aussie?
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the current gf
i'm autistic as fuck but my best friend is an alpha chad

the state of my life
Don't have any friends mate.
Just woke up for the day. Consumed 10mg of Adderall. Flight in 9 hours.
what do i get her for valentines
I'll be your alpha friend to the autistic you?
Wouldn't have it any other way
a stuffed animal
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I'm a slut for fortified wines.

Always lived in my own flat ever since I got out of uni but lived in a cheap city. Now I moving to an expensive one for a new job

>Live with mate whos only kind of my mate, in his really nice 2br flat for cheap
>dedicate more of my monthly income to higher expensive rent for less nice place, but have it to myself

Having trouble deciding this lads. On the one hand the mates place is really nice. On the other hand I absolutely love living alone
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Better than a friend who is an autist that thinks he's a chad and looks down on you despite being more socially retarded than you.
have you ever seen a kangaroo?
yeah m8
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A robin.jpg
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You lads got birds living at your local big Tesco???

My local one has robins that run across the aisle when people aren't about. Like a little safari 2bh
Third eye wide open tonight lads.

The earth is flat.
This Canadophobia is kind of fucked up.

Yesterday, I saw a post insinuating that Canadians should be lynched.

I was shaking.
>been on a dry spell for 8 months
>only £50 for a decent look lady of the night for 30 mins

Should i just do it
You can't beat living alone, I could never go back.
go for the second one
dunno if its my anxiety talking but id rather live in a 2 room apartment than in a penthouse with a bunch of loud normes
fuck this is my worry. living with him would make things quite easy though

he literally lives in a condo with a doorman and an amazing view

would feel weird bringing my gf back to his place though
GOOD post
she once said she wanted a manatee plush but I can't find any here
I guess I'll have to find one online and get fucked in the arse with shipping
> expensive?
Hahahaha! Oh man.

It's $20. It's as cheap as regular red wine, but it's sweeter and has more alcohol.

I'm a 22 year old man, but port/sherry are D-Vine. If I was a chick, it's all I would ever drink.

The major brands of Sherry and Port are as expensive as red wine.
I'll look into it, maybe to set the mood. I know absolutely nothing about wine but I am kinda interested in it. Hate beer
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