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Romanians are not gypsies! Get informed and learn the difference

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Thread replies: 275
Thread images: 91

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Romanians are not gypsies!
Get informed and learn the difference you racists.
De asemenea hajde un fir /ro/ fratii mei albi
haules baules tocma ham rehalizat ca-s tzigan bagamiash pula. mersi frate!
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portofelu la control
Rona Hartner e romanca coae!!!!
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razvratire impotriva invadatorilor imperialisti care ne fura laserele dacice cand?
Real heroes don't wear capes.
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chanon e aici
autobaza e aici
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scuze dar nu primim autobarzisti in cercul nostru select de ceaunisti bazati
Is it true that you can't mail anything valuable in Romania?
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Yes, that's true but only because there isn't anything valuable in Romania to mail.
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traiasca victoria
Romania language looks like Latin and it makes sense to me because Latin it was spoken in Rome (ancient Italy)
Rome -> Romania
Latin -> Romanian (variant of Latin)
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9gag e aici
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tu-ti ceapa ma-tii de mongol neobrazat
I heard these is a lot of people in Romania mixed with Gypsies.
Not baiting, I've seen pictures too.
Race traitors!

Nihil Sine Deo
not true, I'm 100% straight outta the camp gyppo, we don't mix with r*manians
Did you know that the real Rome was built in Romania but in the 3rd century AD the Moors (modern-day Italians) destroyed it, stole all of its riches and constructed a copy of it in Al'Italya with the help of romanian architects that were kidnapped during their invasion?
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you don't learn this in school unfortunately thanks Soros
fucking wops man always keeping the roman man down
i would say a lot, but some are
wouldn't *****
surely romanian women visit the camp to get superior gypsy seed?
they steal our kids and try to educate them and shit so we don't let any r*manians near our camps
nah man, romanian women are not like swedish women and gypsy seed is not as tasty as somali seed
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stai, sunteti 2 tigani la furat sau doar unu care scrie mult?
cred ca suntem chiar 3
eu sunt la cersit
culeg căpșune
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facem mare smecherie aratam pula la straini las ca vede ei cine-i sefu

sa-mi aduci si mie ceva te rog
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tot ce vrei boss
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parfum mancatias sa am ce sa dau si io la copi siun leptop pt piranda ca sti cum e pana nare pe ce sa stea sa proiecteze cladiri in stil baroc nu le tace gura
inca n-ai omorato pe vaca aceia
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da ce om sanatos la cap poate sa-si omoare mama
Pretty accurate. I've got romanian friends who are nice hardworking people. Gypsies (romanians or not) are just "human" trash.
un om inteligent
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Please tell Ion I miss him very much
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leddit meet-up, doar poponarii vechi isi vor aminti cand rockeh a violat o tanara cu bestialitate
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leddit are irc kek
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ceplm citesc
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irc-ul fedoristilor
de ce au toti 3 nasul stricat
asta, ce pula mea
suboamenii care au autism au sanse mari sa aiba probleme la tesutul conjunctiv, comorbiditatea este foarte mare
probleme la tesut conjunctiv = cacanari lanky, slabanogi cu deviere de sept (nas stramb), au nevoie de ochelari, au voce nazala pt ca au cerul gurii si dintii diformi
ala in mijloc e destul de dragut btw
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ce cuplu fromos
wow cat de urat
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care din ei?
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bucuresteni, ce te astepti
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supposely there are a shitload of gypsies in washington state, but I've never seen one in my life.
They're in Houston
Maybe because you're the gipsy?
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No, we aren't swedish!
Do you guys still listen to Ozone?
all day every day
not really, they've been irrelevant for a decade since they split up
I don't see the difference
That's cuz ur a Finn n ur mongloid genes made your eyes be very little slits.
Just open them wider.
Are you kidding? They both look gypsy
finland with the awareness ladies and gentlemen!
Are you implying that Latins look like gipsys? Cuz that's offensive.
Tbqh Portugese people in my country might get mistaken for gypsies a lot. Your people are just way too short (~170-175cm at best), swarty, nobody has blue eyes, but black hair is fairly common.

No offense meant by the way, I actually like you guys. But you do look kinda... tawny.
Nu puteai sa alegi o poza si mai cocalara la dreapta?
crede-ma ca am cautat
Ba ce ai ma cu Cabral?
I don't think a normal romanian would want to touch a gypsy girl with a 10 feet pole.
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>nu ar fute-o pe loredana
You're right, gypsies have way better music
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>implying you wouldn't

curva vopsita
curva batrana si zbarcita
Nu mai posta poze cu nevasta-mea ca te iau la pumni fututi curu tau de jeg
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Nu uitati sa vizitati chanon punct ro, cel mai bun imageboard romanesc (singurul)
scuze Andrei nu mai fac
Si din pacate, foarte nepopulat :(
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>Pula mea mare
>Banii mei multi
>Va furam femeile albe
>cum va puteti intrece cu asa ceva?
De ce ne arati creaturi desfigurate, credeam ca suntem prieteni.
postam cringe
galațeno imbecille
curvescu romanescu
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Fara reclama populatia doar scade treptat, n-are cum sa creasca.

Faceti reclama anoni! Faceti ceaunul maret din nou!
kurwa gregrozowyczszw
nu e chiar cringe, dar mi-am amintit de el acum
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italiano putano
why is this a thing
Stop stealing our shit please.
I'm only here to steal your heart
If your a girl that is
And no girl (male) either
i stole a german guy's heart
stop trying to steal my lines you fucking gypsi
that was my line you faggot
because something somewhere went horribly wrong
Is it true that Romanian karate masters give up on learning how to speak to have more time to practice karate?
fuck you leatherman, I bet you're that crossdressing faggot too
Da cine ii italianu asta din acest minunat thread?
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>pic related
nu există așa ceva
Aratosu pulii
sunt vreo 4 cred, inca merge bine cu culesu in italia vad
*mananca broasca*
*pierde razboiul schimba partea*
*omorat de mafie*
pe threadul de /ita/ suntem:
1 oltean
1 brăilean
1 moldoveancă jumate italiancă
1 brașovean
și 1 poponar care se îmbracă în femeie dar încă nu se știe de unde e
>1 moldoveancă jumate italiancă
Chiar asa, baga unghiuri
a postat anu trecut o poză timestamp dar nu am salvat-o, dar cineva pe /ita/ sigur o are
>1 brasovean
coaie nu stii si tu pe cineva cu iarba ca e seceta in orasu asta baga-mi-as ketamina'n pula

era grasa
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Era bucata macar sau ne pierdem timpul?
nu sunt brașoveanu, sunt brăileanu
nu era grasă, la corp arăta chiar ok, dar nu și-a arătat fața
irlandez imbecil
>1 moldoveancă jumate italiancă
deci era THICC?
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Intrerupem acest fir pentru a face reclama la chanon punct ro cel mai bun imageboard romanesc
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>1 moldoveancă jumate italiancă
asta necesita explicatii aditionale
nu anorexică, se ține în formă
E de tot rahatu, nici 5 minute nu m-am uitat pe el si deja mi-a scazut IQ-ul. E plin de rahat si "dank maymays XDDD"
era urata ca o italianca si betiva ca o moldoveanca
imi bag pula-n voi de sarmani ati ajuns sa va faceti reclama pe /int/ hahahahah
Chanon e caca lol
fratii mei alb
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>munceste ca sclav in depozit
>crede ca exista cineva caruia sa-i pese de opinia lui de muncitor necalificat
'napoi la ridicat cutii boss
fratele meu libertate
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Londonezule, tu esti?
Ai scris gresit 'saracule'
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Fratele meu negri
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Ti-am facut unghi la poza ca sa rada lumea de tine cat esti de patut.
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>unghi la poza
Unghi la post voiam sa scriu
Autismul bate patutismul.
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Ajut si eu cu unghiuri?
>fain caine ba
despre ce vorbeste autistu asta?
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sunt frumos
fetele ma vrea
cui nu-i place de mine
sa se duca-n sange
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Nu mai spama poze cu lipoveni ca ne strici firu

tot nu inteleg despre ce vorbesti
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>pune poza de pe Ceaun
>nu stie despre filtrul de cuvinte al site-ului
Asta-i momeala, nu?
chanon este cel mai bun chan romanesc

gasiti si cepe acolo

intrati acum

La ce-ai facut unghi futu-ti mortii ma-tii de autist batut in cap
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ceaunu e aici!
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să moro famelea me daca nu te gasesc si te tai
This is true romanian.


-My half Romanian half Greek friend-
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acest anon are drepate, intrati pe ceaun si postati-va pozele cu drogurile, toti baietii cool o fac!

chanon este cel mai legitim chan romanesc

postati pe chanon
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C H A N O N . RO
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puteti vinde droguri lejer pe chanon punct ro nu va deranjeaza nimeni

vinderi droguri pe chanon va rog
>/balk a ajuns un subreddit plin de nationalisti ieftini, shitposteri si autisti
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/balk/ e un gunoi plictisitor
de acum hai sa avem si noi un fir /ro/ in fiecare zi, pot bozgorii si nu putem noi?
what are those for
majoritatea romanilor sunt "normies"
I used to have that exact same hatchet.
E trusa de vanat vampiri futu-ti mortii ma-tii de parca n-ai fi roman
Traim in era facebook din pacate
colaboratori chanon
De parca ar fi stat pe 4chan daca nu era facebook lol
normie te rog stau pe 4chan de inainte sa existe facebook
Orice normie ar zice asta.
demonstreaza ca esti fagot batran
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intrati hajde
haha nu mersi
n-ai nimic de ce sa te temi goy
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2/10 capcaun du-te inapoi pe leddit te rog
Puneti melodii clasice ale patriei noastre mandre:
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ce are reddit?
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intra cu incredere Alexe
ce trip avea ?
Ma asteptam ca fata sa primeasca un bun BTFO, ceva roast, dar nope, direct beta male.
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leddit are unele suleddituri super ok, cel romanesc in schimb e supersida
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>asc incornorat
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ce dezordine
nu folosește trip, dar lumea o recunoștea că posta destul de des un webcomic, meg mog and owl sau ceva de genu
doar fute-mi cacatu sus familie
Cum gasim solutia pentru problema moldoveneasca
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Megg Mogg and Owl is pretty top tier sfs
sud de dunare = miniturci
test la limba romana pentru studii in romania/cetatenie
va zic ca moldovean ca aduceti prea multi rusnaci ce nu stiu o boaba romana si doar sifonizeaza bani pe degeaba
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>inb4 te saluta 2001
le schimbam spirtu cu alcofarm
îi aducem pe toți în Italia
statul roman e ridicol de pasiv cand vine vorba de problema cetateniei

era o poza cu un cacat din transnistria care avea pasaport romanesc
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Bine ca a murit nebunu, asta nu avea ce cauta in parlamentul european, defapt nu avea ce cauta liber pe strada
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intrati pe chanon punct ro ca sa va invat cum sa fiti mafioti bazati sa futeti ca mine
primul pentru sex homosexual cu prietenii mei romani :3
moldova afara
nu sunt din moldova sunt din olt :3
curvă de atenție imbecilă
negrule, sunt pe chanon de doi ani si nu am futut nimic.
nici aici nu ma lasi in pace? :(
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posteaza o tzatza cu timestamp
ești un poponar infect căutător de atenție care vorbește ca un autist și folosește un nume
tripfag fără trip, sinucide-te
postez pula(masculin), e bine la fel?
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Sa fie cu capsuni langa
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>moldovenia in a nutshell
Ma-ta te lasa sa sugi pula sau ea te-a invatat?
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m-a invatat ea :3
aici :*
bravo moldova

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sfanta fecioara...
gata am cautat pe google cum se face e bine acum? :3
Intrerupem aceasta poponareala ordinara pentru a face reclama la chanon punct ro
Sper sa mori

Sper sa mori in chinuri
măcar acum lumea poate să te filtreze
amintire zilnica ca cfdl e salvatorul ceaunului
dece sunteti asa de nesimtiti? >:c
mori falsule :3 cauta tentie in alta parte :3
sunt eu adevaratul!
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cfdl aducatorul de ploaie pe chanon
diaspora romana a fost o greseala
Gypsy girls are hot and fuck like madwomen.

Don't be a retard and fall asleep after fucking them though
>fucking a gipsy
I'd rather suck superaids off a thai hooker's dick.
>gypsies in uruguay
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turcia in europa
That's because you're a faggot

They're literally everywhere m8. Well nowadays there's less gypsies living in their communities and all that weird shit but you can still find them around quite easily, a lot of them just more civilized. In Argentina there's a bunch too

A couple months ago they had a wedding and some guys crashed and stole everything from the gypsies, it was in the news
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>Having sex with a gypsy

Might as well stick your dick in shit
But it's a woman dick bitch, that's not gay.
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un exercițiu de gândire

te-ai pomenit între mă-ta și taică-tu.. goi.. erecți și horny
ești cu pula în mă-ta și taică-tu își are pula în tine
singura ta șansă să scapi este:
a) să vâri pula în măta
b) să miști curul înapoi și să vâre taică-tu pula în tine

NB: moartea nu e o opțiune

Pick your choice
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diicot, acum pe facebook!
e simplu, i-o vâr lu mama, oricum ii place la zdreanta
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si eu tot lu maica-sa i-o vâr ca am auzit ca-i place

apropo, mai isi aminteste cineva cand ohh snap de pe chanon.ro i-a supt pula unui mos live pe tinychat?
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There's always been a lot, mainly because Argentina is a shithole that brings inmigrants from all over the places. Though we did have a law back then that prohibited asians, blacks and gypsies from coming to the country

For some reason our government nowadays wants inmigrants too but thankfully a lot of them leave, majority because they're lazy fucks that come from central america or Peru and think they're going to dance all day or do whatever shit they do around those places, then cry about not having money. Indians fuck off because we eat cow and apparently they like our women but they're not interested in marrying them
they might have been spanish gypsies now that I think about it
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care mai bate femei e un criminal!
nu vreu
t. moldovean pro
care e faza cu patentu?
stau pe chanon de 4 ani si n-am inteles mema aia
ce pula mea, ungaria?
de pe irc

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Nigger I just told you that Gypsies were forbidden to come into the country like Blacks and Asians.

I mean we had slaves but there's no chinks over here.
Ce muzica ascultati baietii mei albi?
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Cand si ce ati futut ultima data?

Acum vreo 5 ani pe fosta-mea
>se simte rau omule
iunie 2016, o italiancă care am cunoscut-o la ziua unui prieten. Foarte drăguță fata, chiar îmi placea mult de ea, dar din păcate nu a durat, în august cât eram în România mi-a spus că nu era gata pentru o relație serioasă și mi-a propus să rămânem prieteni. N-am mai vorbit cu ea de atunci
simte destul de rău omule
august 2016
Thread posts: 275
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