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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 328
Thread images: 90

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Real Yank Hours edition
Got called a racist in breggzit lads
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first for hope the engagemet rumours are false
Fuck off randy
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Fuck off
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who /oldschool/sp// here
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as soon as i have a place of my own im scouring the internet for trap sex slaves
why do porn actresses in the year 2016 still get those gross round unnatural looking breast implants? how have we net progressed further in the industry of implants? should be undetectable by now but they look the same as they did 30 years ago
yes I remember you lid hi.
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*flying barges you*
Nah my GP is a lass

She just said they were very big and firm as a result of me being fat my entire life so I had a lack of testosterone. See of you only become fat later in life your tits will be quite regular now like >>69162131
I'm only as big as him but I can fit my hands under my moobs while standing. She said I will also suffer from stretch marks and my tits will be big even if I was a normal weight and they'd be saggy
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will be opting-out of this thread to play farcry and drink my Christmas beer
Dont go on /sp/ anymore but bout 2-3 years ago he was apparently a relatively succesful dj in miami

Wonder what ol' 'nake is doing now
fuck off randy
Lay off the burgers
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Solid choice.

Think I'll play some videogames too.
>been on 4chan for half of my life
cat has got bad breath
who said that, him?

tensnake actually defined "runt". i've never come across a more pathetic person on 4chan than him ever.
Whose dick do you have to suck to get a (You) around here?
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Just cut my nails and flushed them down the toilet. Can't imagine father will to too pleased there's more than just poo, pee and paper going down there.
He posted pictures and other people from the Miami area confirmed they were pretty popular clubs
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unironically have
or close to half
off to work then lads

lads I say, I'm off to w-LADS, I'M...ah, forget it
*walks out the fire exit*
I've been here for a third of my life and it just keeps going up haha
see you guys on the far side
so 5 out of 15 years?
i wouldn't believe a word he says desu. the things that cunt would do for attention were insane.
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The Somalian who posted here

All these personalities in /brit/ history will be forgotten.

Perhaps in the far off future, an old man who once browsed this place as a young kid, thinking of this place, and taking the very last memories with him.
How come people dislike Gary Lineker all of a sudden? Is it because he's exposed himself as a bit of an immature smug self-satisfied lefty tit?
I was unironically posting in /brit/ when I was 15

>literal children could be in this thread right now
>went to a scientology protest with my brother at age 14 because of 4chan
He presented the first MotD in his undies this season

How disrespectful to all of the brave men who hosted it before him
still no matches on the 'der

must be fucking android reeeee
8 out of 23 years haha
Is this you? lel

>@GaryLineker ...Merry Shatmas you jug eared cunt. How many refugees are having their Christmas dinner with you today...? Tit.
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>several years ago friend wore a Guy Fawke's mask out in public
he was anonymouse
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mum is up in arms about Scientology because of some special they have on tv
did a laugh when she was talking about how they're some religious cabal full of elites who control the media and try to influence everyone

I just said sounds familiar then retreated to the kitchen before she could follow up
yeah we wore them at the protest

this was when 4chan thought it was cool
feel like destroying something
People have already forgotten about zoey, skeleton, brum, henk, tom etc
how about your liver
Fuck off, don't reply to me
yeah I know
still don't know if I feel good about it
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ahhhh, it's been a while since I heard those names
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>back in highschool
>guy in my classes finds out (somehow) that i browse /fit/
>he goes on /b/
>would answer questions in class with /b/ memes and then look at me with a "haha u know what i mean bro" look
>try not to die of cringe
apparently loads of celebrities join it coz it fulfills a similar role to the old studios in that it looks after them
chanology was cringe but if you were a literal teenager at the time it was just harmless fun really
I also got no matches on tinder and blamed it on >windows phone

Are we just a couple of ugly cunts rationalising here?
He was never as good as Des Lynam.
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ah yes
the post-uni life
>christianity is the most popular religion in the world
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>would answer questions in class with /b/ memes


>did a laugh when she was talking about how they're some religious cabal full of elites who control the media and try to influence everyone
each mobile OS has its own tinder user base? that's retarded
been coming to /brit/ for 3 years now desu
longest i've ever posted in one spot on this website

not a model meself but I can't even get matches with bots

iphone normies having the last laugh AGAIN
>there will be a very last Thailad post

>there will be a very last 90kg Pasta Bake post
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>1997 immediately takes the lead

What gender are you, lads?
Thailad is already posting less than before
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>Trigender is a gender identity which can be literally translated as 'three genders' or 'triple gender'. Trigender people experience exactly three gender identities, either simultaneously or varying between them. These three gender identities can be male, female and/or any non-binary identities.

its like choosing your race/class in an RPG
Final Fantasy 1. Worth playing?
Ah, yes. I am both a top and a bottom.
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Oh fuck off you shit eating twats
Any extensive /int/ archive? Desustorage is shit, earliest /brit/ thread there is last year
just play 4 and 6
I remember finding cravens last ever post in the archive

1997 children show yourselves
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I am everything and nothing
>1997 is the most common birth year on /int/

Im out
Please link
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Hope /brit/ had a nice holiday season
Remember, it's not a good deed if you don't post it on facebook
old archive.moe went back to before /brit/ when there was only the rare /anglo/ but it died
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>most people that took the poll are atheist
yeah atheists are fantastic
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>you will never be 19 again
>you will never be 16 again
thank fuck for that
Good, fuck off leaf
Which song shall I listen to on my new Apple Music subscription?

So much to choose from
i was born in 1987 haha

kill me
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I wish I could go back and be less of a sad piece of shit
tell me about the war again gramps
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'88 here
did you start posting in 2003?
some of my favourite old memes:
seeing moot post in threads
'needs moar pooper'
sidenote, as foul bachelor frog the predecessor to the creation known as 'pee pee'???
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Listen to some Madchild mang

Rapper from Surrey aka "Little India".
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I think y'all might enjoy this song:

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i wish boomers would be executed
think I might be developing an alcohol dependency lads

can't help thinking about all the shitty things that have happened in my life and alcohol is the only way to make it bearable

don't get drunk or anything, just tipsy enough to dull the mind
did a saline irrigation lads
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started posting in like 2007 when i was like fourteen on slash beeee slash
Dude weed lmao

Shit the bed again, lads.

Fucking hate this life
so I've always disliked dogs, don't understand why they are so popular.

But this morning I fancied a walk so I went for a walk and decided to take my mums dog with me. Well I took 2 bags and he did 2 shits.
But then he did a 3rd shit right outside someones house, and people were starting to wake up now and head to work so I had no choice but to use the outside of the already used bag. Well theres no bins about and the shit is starting to fall of the bag and really smells so while no ones looking I try to put the 2 bags of dog shit down a drain pipe but they get stuck so I just drag my dog home who this whole time is whimpering and barking because he saw a bird or something

fuck dogs.
i went to /b/ recently and let me tell you, i cant believe i ever unironically posted there

find it very strange seeing people write edgy racist/sexist posts with proper capitalization and punctuation
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>tfw have a relatively easy job that pays enough for me to drink regularly and doesn't require me to think
I've accepted that the next 20 years of my life are probably going to be like this after which I'll likely die from liver failure
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>Needing a license to watch TV
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I knew I saw this somewhere before now.
just came so hard it was like i had a fucking vacuum cooked to my balls
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>tell gf im depressed after hiding it for months
>she dumps me a couple of weeks later
not a single yank post you racist
haha look at this mentally disabled lad who just got dumped
lol what how?
to be fair we really don't like the Irish
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My wife and I are swingers and the term 'cuckolding' is a misnomer used by people who do not understand that cuckolding is never a good thing for the person being cheated on without their knowledge or permission. If the spouse knows about it, it is swinging. There is some perception that these 'bulls' are bad asses. They aren't.

Bulls are selected primarily by the wife with the husband having 'veto power'. The bulls are almost always single or in shitty marriages. For us the bulls are used for the sexual satisfaction of fantasies my wife and I have. They mean nothing emotionally and are literally used and thrown away, never to be seen or heard from again. Often, they fall in love and sometimes try to reconnect but they have to live with that hurt because he was just there to satisfy a fantasy... a sexual urge. My wife and I will relive the experience over and over again during our sexual time together. The bull sits at home, jerks off remembering everything and wishes he could have her but he never can. Beta as fuck.

Me personally, I always feel bad for the 'bull'. He never had a chance and was used and thrown away just like the condom we make him use.
fucking lol mate when you swing you get fuck the other guys wife

youre a cuck
good you deserve it normie twat
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Was ein drecksfaden.
/deutsch/ über alles
oh here we fucking go
what le about le posting le fuckfuck magines xD
whats your situation? Im NEET right now, dont have the motivation to change it

living in my parents house with heating, electricity and internet paid for

have to arrange my own food

Do you live with your parents too?
Dumb anime twat
Made a thread on /pol/ that got deleted lads
dont shit talk yotsuba faggot
trains going by choo choo!
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Was the "ribbit" text referring to the song by Chaz 'n' Dave?
fucking hell i need to shit so bad, its touching cloth and feels like a knife is poking out of my arsehole

dont want mummy to know im awake though
Merry Christmas Icelad
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chris evans dying.jpg
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Though 97% of Argentina's population self-identify as of European descent[37][38]
saw this post on /gif/
no one cares
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greatest ally.gif
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>the term melting pot was invented by a jew
fucking hate kikes 2bh
How's the pornographic business going, Yossi ben-Fickelstein?
Lad no need to be so hostile now be nice and I'll give ya some in the nose
leave NZ alone, post fucking machines
bit antisemitic
so was 4chan
cunt get it together
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are you an actual ukrainian poster
moot is a man of science and reason
[sees flag]
yup, t'be expected really.
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Do you lads appreciate the fact that you can converse fluently with your fellow Anglobros in countries you've never even been to before because we all share a language? I do
been holding it in for nearly two hours
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why dont you want mommy to know?
whilst unlikely, do you think that theoretically there is more than one israeli poster?
i think the japanese posters with the broken english are super cute
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bet you're a girl
piss off out of my country you russian bastard
Not a rorke but the Nazis were aesthetic af
closeted rorke
could you define girl to clarify
>says the jew kulak
Whats a rorke
>infested with leaf shitposters
>entire countries culture is being corrupted and Americanised
Yeah nah
>watching an eggman video
>hes ranting about how he cant get a job
>"you fucking google my name and it just comes up with all eggman videos"
>"i wonder why i can't get a job anymore"
my jaw hurts so much from laughing at this poor spacker
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finishing off my christmas candy
HAHAHAH fuckin hell the pooor cunt
why anyone would want to be famous is beyond me

suppose he was probably more reaching out online out of lonliness though
seems maisie's changed her hairstyle a bit, nice
Antisemitism is pretty runtish

I'm a failure in life, but all my problems are because of da j00z xD
posters that try to force /brit/ personalities have fucking annoying ever since fatcam and craven

the only funny one was pakiboo and that's because of hilarity of the absolute state he's in
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t. Jew
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been here for like 6 months

i like it
Alright lads, for my New Years Resolution I have two options:

>to quite 4chan
>become a famous /brit/ tripfag
my new years resolutions are to win the lotto and kill myself
quit 4chan, it's an addiction that does nothing but bad in the long run
i feel incredibly sorry for him
its like whenever his luck is about to change for the better, life just takes a shit on him
have had 3 wanks to trannys in the last 24 hours
there is no leaving the chon so may as well accept that and become a chon e-celeb
How can you wank so often
good lad tranny knob is incredibly hot
ended up going to the toilet and nw i physically cannot shit yet i can still feel the log lodged inside my bowels
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just ordered pic related

can't wait to read it x
literally me
life is, all at once, impossibly dogshit but also very comfy and amusing
lemme loosen it up for you x
All women are attention whores
fuck i bet she is just loving being the centre of attention for a bunch of nerds
must be pretty shit if some 4chan shitposter can spot this lowball attempt at publicity
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>The House of Lords is like a glass of champagne that has stood for five days.
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umm no we're not xx
I don't get it. Is that a compliment or an insult? I don't know what champagne that has stood for 5 days is like. I don't know what champagne is like.
but you made this post for attention
cant believe australians are soon eating dinner december 28
class society at work
sublime post
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she's an absolute memelord

i'm in love xx
can't believe I'm still on the chon at nearly 7am again after I told myself I'd go to sleep normally
it's almost quarter to 5 in the evening haha
Have you ever had a beer or something sitting half full in your window and taken a sip?
Did it taste like shit or?




i remember seeing this exact post a few threads ago
Post more angry quips about leafs you pathetic bastard
>americans like guns
>90% of the american civilian gun industry consists of ar15s
Glad I'm not the only one who sleeps all day and chons all night
Dont think I have ever been to a party in the past year that dint play that russian meme dubstep song
Fuck off you maple cunt don't tell me what to do

Chonnin' it
bit sad i do this

literally have no friends either, apart from you lads
>Glad I'm not the only one who sleeps all day and chons all night
that's the standard neet day
very fulfilling
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>Australians like guns
>turbo spastic shoots up noonga boonga island
>Australians no longer like guns
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that's because i got oneitis for her when i realized she actually spends hours everyday browsing /pol/ and isn't just another airhead out there looking to profit off her good looks
hmm ok sweetie
*walks away to talk to someone else*
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>isn't just another airhead out there looking to profit off her good looks
oh i bet she's a real catch
>he thinks he can approach random people and talk to them confidently
righto sperg
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it's not just that la'
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Britain is a shithole
>nearly 8 pm in new zealand
AAAAAHH my brain cant handle this
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*teleports behind you*
psh, nothin personnel kid.
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>isn't just another airhead out there looking to profit off her good looks
God Save our Gracious Queen
go back to ireland then mate
alri' grandad, putting that new PC to good use aye?
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>when the runts buy another shiny peice of crap
the state of these yanks
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>she actually spends hours everyday browsing /pol/
>isn't just another airhead
grandpa insults are the best
just saying fuck and shit is dull and meaningless now
>isn't just another airhead out there looking to profit off her good looks

Howling and screaming
*commits sudokai before you can stab me*
heil hitler!
everyone is an airhead but me
fuck off you english wanker
my runt o meter is going mad from some of the posts here
this 2bh
thanks sweetie xx :)
*resurrects you with my tome of the undead, only to cut you down before you realize whats happened*

Heh, thought it would be that easy to escape ME? psh...
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are any of you published authors and renown political pundits and cultural commentators at the age of 21?

didn't think so
you can fuck right off
t. airhead
*i was actually observing from far away with binoculars and you just killed my twin brother*
ah yes excellent
*orders an atomic bomb on my position*
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>are any of you published authors and renown political pundits and cultural commentators at the age of 21?
>didn't think so
>you can fuck right off
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>isn't just another airhead out there looking to profit off her good looks
t. airhead lauren
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>are any of you published authors and renown political pundits and cultural commentators at the age of 21?
>didn't think so
>you can fuck right off
she's 100% profiting off her looks. as is that tomi lahren girl or whatever the fuck her name is. you think some fugly trog would get the same amount of support for saying edgy things?
>blonde bimbo writes some dumb Ann Coulter shit and gets /pol/tards to jerk off over her
ah yes, very accomplished
made a SHITTY ass thread so i can get banned to lower my 4chan intake and thats my new years resolution lads

*makes a conscious decision to stop replying to you so i can focus on my microwave'd runto-meal*

Until we meet again, farewell.
business idea: hire a pretty girl to read /pol/ threads back to themselves the publish a book of /pol/ posts
what sort of meal is it
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delet this.png
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>WHOREn Southern
half chicken tendies half macaroni n cheese :)
Why do brits look down on yanks?
faggots who adventure outside of /cum/ need to know they aren't welcome here. its all a ruse to only get the BEST yanks/leafs. and thats what i am, a great poster.

and no i will NOT fuck off.
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What does /brit/ think of Lindybeige?
Think I have cancer
Think I have lupus
Lmao that's a classic Friday night meal for me
>sort hair out
>look like a 17 year old
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she's well liked because she's articulate and intelligent and isn't some old foagie just being contrarian

she's a very valuable part of our movement
Been playing warhammer vermintide, shouldn't have gotten this game.

Cant help but get addicted to every autism simulator, and its happened again.
don't think he's as smart as he thinks but otherwise alri
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>our movement
runts in my /brit/? it's more likely than you think....
t. airhead
now you're getting the hang of it
nah mate, she's well liked because people want to fuck her. you dont have to be intelligent to regurgitate the same old rhetoric every other cunt says.
She's liked because she's white, blonde and, most importantly, a woman for you autists to circlejerk over la

No one is buying your bullshit
me too

had a tissue graft in my mouth a few years ago and it never healed properly and now i have some sort of growth on the scar hmmm :\ hope i dont die but sort of do lol
what are some things that are impossible for average/thick people to do? bored as fuck and want to know if it's just because I'm too thick to do anything worthwhile
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am I weird for feeling nothing special about blondes?
honestly way prefer a darker girl than a pale nordic one
like an Italian
Fantaastic posts, Bruces
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dont cook your chicken strips in the microwave
what were you even trying to say in this post.

>tfw too thick two understand
get a hobby
maybe learn to code
took me like 2 months to learn python
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>hope i dont die but sort of do lol
had that feel when I got meningitis

>tfw full recovery
who the fuck does that
i just did that about 30min ago aha, they were pretty good!
coding doesn't require intelligence lad

I'm thinking maybe try to learn some advanced maths or something but I'm not where to start on that
me cause mummy never taught me to use the oven an i wouldnt want to wait anyway
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all me.png
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all me
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you're refusing to give credit where credit is due
I know

do you even own an oven?
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I've had breathing issues for a few years now, first surfaced during what felt like a major weed panic attack (first time it ever happened) where I felt like I was having a heart attack.

since then it feels like my chest is constantly full of phlegm and my breathing becomes hard sometimes, I thought it might be emphysema but I can work out and exercise with little issue and in fact it often feels better when I do, like my airways are opening up.
also i'm not autistic
yes but like my post said it was a pre-cooked MACARONI AND TENDERS COMBO MEANT FOR THE MICROWAVE. SO I MICROWAVED IT.
VERY impressed
credit for what? attracting attention to a website?
>also i'm not autistic
i cant believe some of you pathetic animals dont even know how to operate an oven or do laundry

jesus christ
look at these dire posts

you lot are turning /brit/ into just another fucking /cum/
mummy does those things for me :))))))))
all me
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Burger egg.jpg
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>not knowing how to cook
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for redpilling people

her book is gonna be a massive best seller
Here we go, it's the time of the morning where /brit/ reverts from nighttime comfiness to regular shitpostic wankery.

Shan't be here much longer.
who are quoting

also that looks disgusting
alri' bye, we'll miss you! (we wont)
business idea: bring back rage comics
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all me tbhbnh.jpg
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more like booklet 2bh
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>I thought it might be emphysema

is the cough productive
Fuck off you belly aching cunt

Why are you even awake? Autistic trash
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looks like I'm not sleeping tonight then
Not him obvs but same symptoms and yes the cough is productive
but I don;t really cough much
I just constantly feel like I have phlegm in my throat so i try to get it out and spit
might be asthma
I had it as a kid but it went away
would fuck 2/4 of my cousins, right in the feet
It's not asthma I know that much

Worried it might be emphysema or COPD
move thither for the new one.
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