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Thread replies: 373
Thread images: 83

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tube chat? edition
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british girls
2nd for based Hamas and Hezbollah
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you lot are fucking worthless scummy runts that should all be killed for being a drain on society

despise each and every one of you pathetic loser cuntholes
>visit germany
>get off the plane
>walk out of lockstep with pedestrians when i exit the airport onto the sidewalk
>get heckled and thrown in prison
>cell is a comfy room with a desk and computer and is actually a beer hall
>get brought pork and beer
Whoops you're all accidentally in the Yank edition haha

Here you go lads





i want to heem her so bad

ruin my star wars with political correctness, will you?
>thread war

not nice mate.
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Any of you fucks applying for law school?

What kind of grade do you need on the LNAT to get into the UCL/KCL/etc.-tier unis? I'm fucking paranoid about this and the '28 for Oxford' shit seems way too low given that you're supposed to ace the US equivalent of the LNAT to get into top American law schools
going to post here because i don't appreciate anti-yank sentiment when it's not deserved, and plus i've already made a post so i'm invested
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Fucking cunt thread maker Janny needs to enforce universal standardised post creations ffs one /brit/ in the catalog has FIFTY (50! FIVE OH!!) more posts fucking cretins
Ardbeg. Never tried Ballantine's but if it's horrible just drink it with a mixer. c:
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i have kissed AND had sex with a woman before

whether i paid for the pleasure of doing so or not is for me to know only
>sperging out because of a female protagonist
alri /pol/
>two non brits RACING to make /brit/ threads

shan't be posting again tonight
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>why yes, I have indeed performed the deed that is formally denoted as "sexual intercourse with a female adult of the human species*
why are there no blue vegetables or fruits?
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You are now thinking about that girl you regret not asking out
nah nah it's not solely because she's female but because she has to be utterly flawless and strong to demonstrate the power of womyn
>white people who act black

Not a fan

fuck off.
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I don't think non Irish flags who use the word HEEM understand the true meaning and spiritual connection associated with the word.
you absolute plum
uno dem1s when u DONT know dem1s
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I'm a naturally talented musician and if some retards can remix music I'm sure I could give it a shot and be a famous DJ, I got riddim boi

What's the best windows software to pirate for that sort of shite? Remixing/making music??

Laughed heartily at this post
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>tfw she has a boyfriend now
plants that want to be eaten usually colour themselves red or yellow because apparently it gets the appetite primed or something

same reason mcdonalds uses red and yellow for its branding
*loudly scratches on the /brit/ chalkboard*

Y'all know me.
Know how I earn a livin'.
I'll catch this paddy for you, but it ain't gonna be easy.
Bad Mick. Not like going down the way chasin' rasheeds and the welsh. This Irishman, will heem you with one blow. Little shakin', little tenderizin', an' down you go.
And we gotta do it quick, that'll bring back your tax dodgers, put all your businesses on a payin' basis.
But it's not gonna be pleasant. I value my jaw a lot more than three (You)s, chief. I'll find him for three, but I'll catch him, and kill him, for ten. But you've gotta make up your minds. If you want /brit/ to stay alive, then ante up. If you want to play it cheap, be on the dole the whole winter. I don't want no volunteers, I don't want no mates, there's just too many runts in this thread.
10 (You)s for me by myself. For that you get the head, the bullocks, the whole damn thing.
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The Anglosphere is unironically the best grouping of nations in the world desu lads
not sure what that is as I don't drink whisky much, best one I've tried is 12 year red breast. If I don't like it, it could go well with tea or something
>sister has her friend over
>hot day
>sister's inside cooking, friend is reading in the backyard on her front
>I'm doing some yardwork
>watching that sweet ass in short-shorts

Good holiday lads yes it is
I didn't see it that way but I respect your opinion
yeah you wish you were a part of it
she's only wearing shorts when cooking? hot
yeah but america is the shittiest one in the group (australia is the best)

quality is directly proportionate to how much of its population has anglo blood and since canadians are french and kiwis are maori and britain are pakis and americans are german australia wins out
reminder that joe "welsh joe" "son of glyndwr" "tom jones' bastard son" duffy made mcgregor squeal like a pig
Yank and leaf posts are so out of place 99% of the time. Why do they even bother posting? They try way to hard to fit in.

Aussie posts are hit and miss most of the time good. Still there's a common thing among Irish and UK /brit/ posters that's hard to put a finger on that isn't shared by other posters. Special type of humour? Miserable weather? Shares cynical outlook? Anyway I think /brit/ would be better if it were limited to brits, Irish and the occasional aussie, FOY.
Australia is about 40% Irish heritage
>/brit/ would be better if it were limited to brits, Irish and the occasional aussie, FOY.

>there's a common thing among Irish and UK /brit/ posters
prep the zyklon
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What does " as if be coming down your chimney and volleying you in the face" mean?
so is britain

The difference in lifestyles and humour between the UK and the US.

It's like the difference between The Office US and the Office or Skins or Skins US
told daddy there was a mouse outside and he killed it :o

now it's corpse adorns my back door
eyarr brrro any youns want any of dat pukka bud yah?
>prep the zyklon
Can't you just confiscate all the potatoes like last time?

makes you wonder how he managed to become successful when he can be baited into making grammatically incoherent threats on twitter

guess he piggybacked off his brothers talent
brother posted a picture of me on the 'book

hair looks shit in it

not happy
You got amber leaf? 10gs of it?
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>haha, what are you looking at anon? :3
tranny porn
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Britain is a complete shithole desu, too many wogs and pakis. Thinking of moving to America or Australia, somewhere nice.
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In terms of cultural influence in relation to population, the UK has the rest of the Anglosphere beat hands down.

I mean, here you all are in our thread, using our slang, discussing our culture and politics, and generally acting like wannabe Brits.
will fookin batter u
I hear about Americans being britaboos but I never hear the opposite desu.
Thought Liam was the talented one? Saw Noel live, he was good but seemed to be in it for the money and not making music
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Haven't had a wank in 4 or 5 days lads
Beanbags seem like a really good thing to have sex on now that I think about it
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>Still there's a common thing among Irish and UK /brit/ posters that's hard to put a finger on that isn't shared by other posters. Special type of humour? Miserable weather? Shares cynical outlook? Anyway I think /brit/ would be better if it were limited to brits, Irish and the occasional aussie, FOY.
Anglosphere is a non existent meme and you copied most of your """"culture'""" from the Irish
irish posters (me) are the most influential /brit/ posters
>but I never hear the opposite desu.
In Americanized world, ameriboos don't stand out as much.
fuck off
wish you could cum in girls without them getting pregnant
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>group of friends had a get together and watched pic related

>"Anon, why don't you watch it with us?"

>"Oh I'm sorry I can't, I'm busy"

The the truth is I can't stand to watch it because it represents something deeply wrong with this country. We are not America, and yet they are slowly but surely infiltrating every aspect of our national identity and denigrating our once unique culture. I mean, wtf this is Britain and people are starting to believe this is some sort of fucking "classic". FUCKS SAKE. These people even had a cunting 4th July Party, yet they don't care about the Queens speech. There are children who literally think we're a US state.

The only solution is to blow up the internet and cleanse the country of any Yank culture.
cannot WAIT for an Israeli heatseeker to lock on to my left nad
fuck off you paddy
>ordered NES classic for $160 from scalper on eBay
>said it never arrived
>free NES classic
To: [email protected]

Subject: RE: your post

you posted this in the last thread
i was unimpressed with it then and i'm unimpressed with it now
>he probably actually believes this
Runtatos smdh
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designing a gf
business idea: some sort of wrapper for your penis so you can have sex without getting the girl pregnant
losing my virginity has turned to have just removed one of the few things that were stopping me topping myself haha
Your friends sound great!
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been lying in bed for 4 hours and have simply not been able to fall asleep

i have to be up for work at 7
can cum in their bums
NES classic is a ripoff
can't even add more games to it
better to buy an emulator or flashdrive
my sister's name is brooke but my mum calls her chook
It's going to be a long day, anon.
the pill la
What if it drips out into her fanny
really cobsidering calling in sick
yeah but then you have to take her word for it that she's on the pill and sometimes she's not and it's bullshit
Why does the sky turn gray every night
Sun rise again in time
Why do you think of the first love you had
Somethings just stick in your mind
Why does the rain fall down on the earth
Why do the clouds keep crying
Why do you sleep curled up like a child
Some things just stick in your mind
Why when the children grow up and leave
Still remember their nursery rhymes
Why must there be so much hate in their lives
Some things just stick in their minds
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told my mate I was busy

I'm not
Pull out and cum on her face
Just ordered my British and irish lions top lads
bad feel
>spend half my life looking forward to sex and obsessing over it
>it's not that good
then you get a black baby

(sorry for racism!!!)
Have you called in sick much before?
ate a brick of xanax and slept for hours last night uninterrupted, best night of sleep i've had in months and i am fucking feelng excellent

smashing through the housework
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do that heaps la
joined a british slow cooking group on facebook xx
literally not once

dont think they'll mind desu
well, her parents are stinking rich and would kill her if they knew she was seeing me neverminds if I knocked her up

reckon she's trustworthy enough 2bh
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My mate's mum forced me to ask the loser next door whether he wanted to come to my party

Thank God he said he was busy with his bloody videogames or something haha
but i like cumming inside her fanny, it's my fetish (although it's not really a fetish because it's what i'm programmed to want to do)
>having a nice comfy cry in bed
>nose gets so stuffy I can't breathe
every fucking time ffs
willy (lol) john is the greatest lion of all time
>Pull out and cum on her face
I guess I'll never know
Currently holed up in some todger's nose

Willy gets hard when he tries to blow me out x
Treat yourself mate its(was) christmas
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Canuck what the fuck is this?!:


>Majority of Canadians say ties to monarchy should be cut when Queen dies: poll
got asked to a party by some bender i don't like, so i made up an excuse that i'll be playing videogames but actually i'll be having a threesome with his mum and sister
Business idea: UK and Ireland become one country
>going into a boys nose
gaylord nonce
What's /brit/ listening to?
most of them are surprised they have a queen 2bh
Can't accuse you of abusing then.
as an anglo-irish individual i agree
Neutral Milk Hotel
Your mum whimpering in my ear

Fancy name for a west brit
Listening to binaural beats in an attempt to open my third eye
Last time that happened there was some shitty empire created and we were genocides don't fancy it too much work
i am genetically, culturally and morally superior to you
well good afternoon

bit warm out

australian weather
Lefty poofter
want to read but i can't concentrate because of this fucking headache
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Nonsense, for some reason every foreigner in the world has a massive hard-on for NYC, including Brits.

>spoilers: black people ruin it.
I had a headache earlier but I took some paracetamol and now I'm fine.
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This man is a hero.
Youve convinced me, gonna call in sick tomorrow and have a comfy day on the chon
On my way now from bondi

Sixth time this week

Going to see can I get some food

Alri then. Dunno what the rest of the day I'll do. Just see how it goes. Talk t'yi agen, bye.
Just got two matches on bumble
>thanks donald

bit masturbatory
very interesting
Tell me, what book are you reading?
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>something seriously fucked up will happen in the next 4 years
It's impossible for something not to happen
jesus christ carrie fisher actually did die

i was joking with that post the other day
I hope you didnt make one about liz
he's a narcissist what do you expect
Bono wanking himself off over muh Irish were oppressed le Drumpf is awful xD on television rn
reminding you of this sage prediction
I hope he did
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one of my lies is close to discovery
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They're here
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>he's never hugged a girl
>he's never held hands and walked in the park with a girl
>he's never kissed a girl
>he's never had sex with a girl
>he's never had a gf
>he's never had a fuck buddy
Who is your favourite camgirl, you fat virgin wankers?
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You don't happen to be studying music production, do you?
all me
nothing will happen and I don't trust polls like this
When the Queen inevitably dies there's going to be a lot of American "britaboos" coming out of the woodwork
and I think it's important that the yanks who have been here the whole time are recognized for their commitment to British culture
bit of a virgin post that
what is the lie lol
Tata_Latina (dat ass)
a Scottish professor here did a profile of trump and came to the conclusion he was a narcissist

but then again a book written about obama said he was a narcissist too
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He's talking to me isn't he?
desperate dan is the only yank i respect
>/brit/ has high traffic 24/7
get your lives together you utter spackers
>being fat
alri Autismo
eee me minge is reyt stinking again 2nite lads x
shut your pussy hole lad, banter doesn't have a bedtime
Who dat?
I can only hope.

When is based Turnbull finally going to get rid of the Queen? She's nothing but a shameful reminder of white Australia's terrible colonial legacy with white Britain.

You lads should lead the charge of Republicanism in the Commonwealth, saving us all from evil monarchy. And once the old inbred fucks are gone, diverse Australia and diverse Britain can have a strong friendship.

I hope not.

When is based Trudeau finally going to get rid of the Queen? She's nothing but a shameful reminder of white Canada's terrible colonial legacy with white Britain.

Trudeau should lead the charge with Republicanism in the Commonwealth, saving us all from evil monarchy. And once the old inbred fucks are gone, diverse Canada and diverse Britain can have a strong friendship.
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Jesus, I didn't even think of that

Not just on /brit/ but fucking EVERYWHERE
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starting to think i won't accomplish /asiangf2016/
neither does your mam wahey
that I got the snip lad
Joke's on you. I've hugged several girls.
Where can I get a cracked copy of the latest Photoshop, lads?
/brit/ is for robots desu normies get out
Wish someone would tell that to all the drugposters and girlposters
/brit/ is the most diverse 4chan colony
Literally everywhere online and IRL
That's why I'll be wearing my official /brit/ gear
that's britfeel you obese yank
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Me too lad. Problem is, we have NO East Asian people here in the UK. Only Asians here are pakis and wogs.
excuse me

*tries to squeeze through*
just picked up a slab of beer

know what i'm going to be doing for the next week
hate it when modern republicans hijack the image of cromwell for their own purposes 2bh
not true

got an east asian gf myself
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Who's the girl, I want to have a cheeky wank later
my state's most spoken language after english and spanish is korean :banter hand:
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>lasting a week

it would appear that the jews have been preparing for this for SOME TIME
>When is based Trudeau finally going to get rid of the Queen?
he's pro monarchy and getting rid of the Queen would be such a political/bureaucratic nightmare that it will never ever happen.

plus things are generally good here and the will to change is pretty low
people are honestly apathetic and the republicans lack any enthusiastic support at all.
>go up to bandwagoner
>Oh, so you're a britboo too, huh? Complete this lyric then: She wants a man from ____
>Uhhh, I don't--
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So fucking lonely hahahaha
>Only Asians here are pakis

>Foreign Minister Shalom


Wait, what kind? The only good ones are Koreans and Japanese. Chinks are ugly and spotty
I'm picturing a giant slab of concrete but it's frozen beer and you break off a piece and eat it like a popsicle on a hot day

does ISRAEL have NO DIGNITY in their attempts to TARNISH the GOOD NAME of NEW ZEALAND?
me too hahahahHAHAHAHAHAh

>Chinks are ugly and spotty

My qt Chinese gf who I've been railing for the past few years would beg to differ
is this about the israeli who died in the Christchurch quake? I remember heaps of people thought he was a mossad agent lmoa
just go outside and talk to a girl
what's your method lads
What are the objectively BEST crisps lads?
not going to help, I already have a gf haha
usually firmly grasp my cock with my right hand and my phone or laptop in my left, pull up some good porn and have at it. every now and then I'll slip a cheeky finger up the arse for a wank
>brits refer to Indians as "asians"
Extra flaming hot cheetos

Actually jealous. Britain could have 5 million East Asians instead of 5 million Muslims
pretend to be a confident good looking player type

nb: don't try pretending unless you're good looking, it won't work
I like to just be myself

cheese savouries

I just tell the truth about myself and usually I seem foreign and exotic and mysterious (expat fag). An odd accent helps too.

Plus I'm just tall and handsome so w/e
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need a Victor Charlie gf to bayonet my ballsack
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Doing a listen to The National lads
have come to terms with being a manlet
How dear you
oh dare
Politically correct name for people in Asia:

Middle easterners = Arabs
Far Easterners = orientals
Indian subcontinent = Asians
how tall are you?
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>How dear you

>oh dare
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*tater tots behind you*
172 cm or thereabouts
Post fedora1
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>society is literally crumbling in attempt to provide gender equality
like watching a scrawny kid trying to squat 4 times his bodyweight
technically Turks and Arabs and Greeks are Orientals
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>*tater tots behind you*

>Post fedora1

>>society is literally crumbling in attempt to provide gender equality
need to poo+wee
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morning lads
Fuck the Uk, anti-Semitic Muslim country, I hope all your children are raped by Muslims.
>minecraft in 2016
though having a /brit/ raiding party would be fun
would be hot if not for being a gook
need to wee*poo
fuck you cut dick kike cunt
Post fucking machines

morning la
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Love the Jews lads
hope NZ kicks your arse
the holocaust never happened (but i wish it did)
soon my dude>>69159950
They gave you your country, have some respect
my university is 20% jewish
how do you wank at uni? never went
They voted against us at the UN. I lost any respect for Britain then.
imagine being 172cm tall
>tfw black hair and brown eyes
who else /bottomofthewhitebarrel/ here?
Ah yes, the Jews.
pull on the end for 5-15 mins

preferably whilst watching videos of naked ladies

black hair isn't bottom of barrel aesthetics wise
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just been upgraded
i'm 187cm and consider myself a manlet

most lads i see are taller than me
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>he's here
>after getting bantered out of his own thread
Lads, I truly, honestly, actually, 100% seriously, with all my mind, body and soul, and every fibre of my person and part of my being, absolutely NEED a qt3.14 Korean gf.
>tfw blonde hair green eyes
/nordic/ master race 2bh
stop talking in centimetres you fucking earthworms
Lads, I truly, honestly, actually, 100% seriously, with all my mind, body and soul, and every fibre of my person and part of my being, absolutely HATE you all and wish you would just FUCKING DIE.

You are all nothing but krill and I am the whale
black hair green eyes master race over here
i'm only talking in centimetres because i'm 187cm which is about 6'1.6" and fuck writing that (even though i just did)
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But how many Jews enlisted? How many compared to the general population?

Mother of fuck
just write 6'1 you insecure manlet
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>You are all nothing but krill and I am the whale

>I am the whale
having a margarita
way more than canadians pal
saw in an actual article (by reuters) describing the berlin truck guy "178cm (5'8'')" haha had a laugh at that one
Sincerely doubt it laddo.
but i'm closer to 6'2" than i am to 6'1" and i can't call myself 6'2" because that would be a lie
A slap on the wrist, nothing more.
very offensive
more Canadians served per capita than sissy english bois
shoutout to my eggs
true aesthetics rank:
1. Black hair/blue eyes
2. Black hair/green eyes
3. Black eyes/any colour other than brown
<semi power-gap>
4. Brown hair/blue eyes
5. Blonde hair/blue eyes
6. Brown hair/green eyes
7. Blonde hair/green eyes
8. Blond hair/any other colour other than brown
9. Brown hair/any colour other than brown
9001. Brown hair/Brown eyes
9002. Black hair/Brown eyes
9003. Blonde hair/Brown eyes
90000000000001. Dyed hair colour/any eyes
90000000000000000000000000001. Bald/any colour eyes
who /brownhairblueyes/ here
devising a new 'thod lads
I'm that me
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>brown eyes

>British generals would send Canadian troops on impossible battles just to intimidate the enemy by showing that their numbers and loyalty was endless
i'm brown/brown myself but my mum tells me that i had blue eyes when i was a baby (although i think that's true of all babies)
business idea: get a mind numbing job during the day to pay for alcohol at night so that I never have to think
>Black eyes
a milky brown or some other visible variant is much better than solid black

also a shaved head looks way better than balding, looks more masculine if you can grow your beard out
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>blonde hair green eyes
got a packet of rare 10g amber leaf for christmas
>tfw brown hair green eyes
bit gay
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but why.png
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I have extremely dark brown hair and brown eyes
Siblings have light brown hair and blue eyes
I lost the lottery of the runts
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Brown hair, green eyes
And I could aesthetically heem all of you
maybe they just really hated canadians
as expected it's fucking snowyank giving 190kg attention
>curly brown hair, brown eyes but girls love both
I've had girls fawn over my eyes/eyelashes before
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>dark hair
>dark eyes
im a wog btw
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Maybe they didn't trust sissy brit boys to get shit done.
they used british soldiers like cannon fodder as well
yeah pretty sure that's common. i had near platinum blonde hair until i was 10, then in about 6 months it went to this light brown hahaha
You didn't see Australia and Canada helping in the napoleonic wars
Best post in this thread.
cronulla, cunt. remember the name
Lads isn't it hilarious to think that some people have skin the same colour as poo haha
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You can tell that /brit/ is literally 90% newfags because it was only a year ago threads wold be dead during this time.

2014 /brit/ was max comfy.

>mfw I will never experience it again
Which celebrity death have you enjoyed the most in 2016?
and eyes the same colour as poo ahaha
yeah i was beating up the other wogs :^)
2013 /brit/ was better
It's because loads of Aussies and Leafs have been bullied off their own general so they migrated here and started shitposting.
a year ago the place still had runts like you bitching about it
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nobody posts in our general it's so fucking dead
>it was only a year ago threads wold be dead during this time
maybe two or three years
can you pull some threads from the archive to show us how much better it was
i came here because /cum/ is super narrow in scope, and filled with politically illiterate americans that think obama is a socialist
They didn't exist at the time.

/cum/ is just homosexuals talking about doing each other up the bum now, can't be bothered associating myself with that business.
m8 i've been here since the start of 2014 so watch yourself
been posting here since the beginning near daily
How do I get rid of these hiccups lads
2's face on 1's body
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epileptic land whale.gif
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Eat shit and die JFs. No one wants you here.
/cum/ is nothing but gay posting

which would be fine if they were cute British boys (uncut)
have a wank

not even kidding either, it will get rid of them
/lay/ when

*glasses everyone in a 1km radius with brown skin including you*
>with brown skin including you
i am as white as paper homie
Why can't we just nuke isis
how old is lisicki? i'm willing to bet he's underage or just barely 18
3rd year uni
are you a european?
This 2bh

The months before Lisicki showed up were the halcyon days of /brit/
Because of all the moderate Islamists they hide amongst. :^)
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he's come so far
I remember when he was just a little pup musing about how he'd for sure lose his virginity in the first week of uni
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my parents are slavs
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he's a pisspoor replacement for the old "personalities" except he wont just die off.
fuck I remember this too

been here way too long
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would buy this desu
got testicular cancer but don't want to go to the GP
slavs are not wogs mate dont let the blonde femboys tell you that
>90% of /brit/ doesn't remember craven
>July 2014
Yeah ok kid
Any of you boys seen a feller named Thailad round these parts
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Oh wow, so the telescreen... I mean these AI boxes are now helping solve crimes, how cool is that! What would be even better if they could prevent crime! Or even bad thoughts!

Why haven't you goys... I mean guys invested in a AI device yet? It can even order you a pizza if you tell it to. How futuristic is that? Instead of picking up the phone like some sort of caveman, you can tell Alexa to do it.
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t. wog
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I have all these spots on my dick and nutsack but I have the same problem as you don't like going to the gp because you have to take your shirt off and the last time I went she commented on my mantits and I was so embarrassed I don't want to go back
He hasn't posted since spring 2014

He seldom posted after Christmas 2013

Only real niggas remember the days of craven, fatcam and delumo

>tfw only 19 and been here for 3 and a half years
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is there any way to fight the botnet
Who the fuck uses a phone to order a pizza
thought it has to be a man who inspects it
what did she say about your chebs lmao

just do body weight exercises at home if youre fat jesus christ mate

i remember my days at 19 on 4chan. it was peak costanza and ironic meme posting on /sp/ plus olympics. i'd get home from uni and just shitpost hahaha actually a fond memory
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its not a phone
its a home "assistant"
I was here for craven but not fatcam
when will the /sp/ outlaws reclaim their homeland
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>been on 4chan for a decade now
Anyone remember this real nigga hours gimmick from last year?

Fortunately I've sorted my life out to some extent so I've not been around to post it.
yes I remember you lid hi
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