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Thread replies: 356
Thread images: 78

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thiago silva edition
interracial sex
>1-7 (seven)
the architecture in helsinki is minging dunno what that lads on about
well good morning

i am not callum
im unironically here but none of those posts were me
ah yes, I must live in cuckada in order to know some basic facts about it
fuck off leaf
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i don't believe this, from what i've read it's mainly gaijin hunters
Lol anyone else watching the documentary about 40 year old virgins on More4 +1 right now?
I just spend most of my time sat in my room on my computer with my door shut

You'd think that my mum would intervene and make me get a job but she's just very passive about it

though to be honest I probably have mental health problems that need to be sorted first

oh well
only happened because thiago was injured dumb yank
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>In 2008, the French national institute of statistics INSEE, which has a more restrictive definition of immigration than Eurostat, estimated that 5.3 million foreign-born immigrants and 6.5 million direct descendants of immigrants (born in France with at least one immigrant parent) lived in France representing a total of 24 million and 38% of the total population in metropolitan France (62.1 million in 2008). Among them, about 5.5 million are of European origin, 15 million of Maghrebi (either Arabs or Berbers) origin, 8 million of Sub-saharan African origin and 400,000 of Turkish origin.[3][4]
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>australia is leading the way for rock and roll both mainstream and underground, hardcore punk and music in general desu

ey u look to start sum trubble brrro? didn't fink so bruddeh. fucking gouras baka
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you'll sort your mental health problems when you start doing things
AJ Tracey X Santan Dave
where do you save these vocaroos
imagine being a paki

Waiting for Cara lad to show up so I can tell him to fuck off
any frenchmen in here?
I think they were hoping for a relatively peaceful conclusion and were pretty reluctant to just slaughter their fellow Americans
why thiago silva?
he's great not dissin'
my gf

french music is elder god tier btw lads

I don't
probably, but I've never had a job so there's a very large gap on my CV between A levels and the present
and I don't really want to work at mcdonalds as a 23 year old

what else can I do?
security work? warehousing? cleaner?

ah yes very mentally stimulating
blame socialism
even though half of your are bent cunts you're great lads and you're going to fine in life.
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anyone fancy a scrap

come to west birmingham at 7pm on thursday
your mental health problems will sort themselves out mate

t. post former neet

was neet, got a job and mental health sorted itself out, lost job and became autistic neet again
virus do NOT click
wtf, i love my life now!

german music desu
Ahh yes that's why when he came back the next game they got smashed by a Holland who's manager said didn't care about the game beforehand
kev calls vocaroos expired :/
fuck the anglos
france, germany, spain, portugal, denmark, norway, niceland, austria, italy, switzerland are all bro-tier
did you save the mp3s
intend to get 8 and a half hours sleep
vision has gone blurry in one eye

think im having a non-ironic stroke
Hello Thailad, how are you
yeah they're on my home computer
shit gimmick nip it in the bud

meet me at chamberlain clock in the jewellery quarter
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A girl having weeb interests is a major red flag
having an ironic stroke
carrying on my brazilbooâ„¢ gimmick

thailad showing the jews absolute no quarter
good thanks m8, yourself?
i got a cousin in bolton, 1 phone call kiddo..
dont care
I that Floella Benjamin?
She hasn't changed a bit.
>Just b urself CBT meme

quite serious

very bright and clever lads ere

we're all going to be just fine in the end
alright so you've not had a job for 3-4 years, being a leech off society and your parents, you have no skills yet you act like low-skilled work is below you
you sound like a dick to be honest mate
put them on your jewtube channel
Got my favourite Ulster vocaroos saved
I feel tired

but it's good that you're good Thailad.
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rate the gf
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what are these like
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the man said bolton
Good idea
Post em
is that a threat????????

ill belt you, your cousin and >>69159445 this cunt without breaking a sweat...just your bones
googling the chamberlain clock
on my hard drive
hang in there lad

You want Brazillian? Deodato

thailad you fucking nonce
oh you downloaded them
pretty good
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Ah yes, $4.99/month Apple Music 'scrip'

Very happy with this purchase
>running out of alcohol

panicking, wish i wasn't an alcoholic
I think they were hoping for Revolution 2.0 with the Confederacy as the new patriots and Britain as France

Unfortunately for them, Tobacco grown in Turkey and cotton grows in Egypt, and Lincoln was smart enough to make it a slave issue. The Brits couldn't be seen to support a slave state.
if thailad were an animal, what animal would he be?

porcupine for me
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wonder how hard historians will laugh at us 300 years from now when they study our collapse because lefties loved unlimited immigration and thought it was a good thing
business idea: make /s4s/ active again
Colin Price If NZ declared war on the Israelis, then they should be very worried..
NZ declared war on Germany in 1914... Didnt do the Krauts much good...
NZ declared war on the Krauts again a few hours before Great Britain did... look where that left the Krauts...
And it was a Kiwi in the top chair during the Battle of Britain...
Might send them the All Blacks... unless the Israelis are tanked on Guiness, they wont stand a snowballs chance in hell against the All Blacks...
Thailads power level was never in question.
can get kikepple music for free on my jailbroken phone
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>Pablo Honey
>Louis C.K. walks on stage
>"Good evening ladies and gentlemen...you're in for quite the show tonight"
>"Before we go any further...let us turn off these lights, these damned inventions of the white devil. Let us return to out natural state,BLACKness"
>Lights are turned off, but bonfires are being lit on stage and in the audience.
>Meanwhile, Louis has stripped naked, and a huge cauldron is being brought on stage.
>All the blacks in the theatre start chanting "KEK KEK KEK" slowly growing louder.
>"In this cauldron is a sacred Nubian concoction made from the semen carefully extracted from vaginas of wives who have been bred by black bucks. It symbolizes the conquering of the white race.
>Louis lowers his pale, naked body slowly into the cauldren of semen. He rubs himself sensually, and his tiny white dick gets more and more erect. "KEK KEK KEK KEK" the chanting continues to roar on.
>Louis begins moaning and masturbating violently. Some white people in the audience are shocked, but when they try to leave they find the doors locked.
>Louis moans come out in a gasping sputter as his hands are a blur in his slimy crotch.
>Right as Louis reaches his climax, a black buck thrusts a huge horn resembling a BBC in front of Louis face. Louis puts it to his lips and....
>The sound of Louis orgasm echoes around the chamber, competing with the deafening chant of "KEK KEK KEK"
>Zulu warriors emerge from the shadows of the theatre,killing all the white males in the audience with spears. The white women blush with anticipation as they are dragged towards the stage, where dozens of black bucks await with massive, throbbing erections.
>At this point Louis is being spitroasted between the girths of two massive black men.
>He pulls his mouth off of one of the mans cocks with a slluurpp and grabs the mic. Panting, he says:
Drink cough syrup
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>The Chamberlain Clock is an Edwardian, cast-iron, clock tower in the Jewellery Quarter of Birmingham, England. It was erected in 1903 to mark Joseph Chamberlain's tour of South Africa between 26 December 1902 and 25 February 1903, after the end of the Second Boer War.

why does a man going on holiday deserve a big clock?
>kikepple music
a human, because it's the only species known for being pedophilic to my knowledge
how hard did people laugh at the Romans?
they're still talking about them
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Can I just pinch that purple one? Cheers ta.
My grandad died after I did my a levels so I've just been sat on £23,000 I got from him in inheritance
I don't "leech" from anyone, and I pay my mum rent.

Also low-skilled work isn't below me. I just don't think it'd be very enjoyable or mentally stimulating. Throw in a bit of procrastination and self-doubt and you've got a wonderful combo.
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tried watching his show.

it was average.

don't know why so many love it.
very nice lad, gave it a cheeky favourite

on a seperate note, need a solid 7 brasileira skater gf

Lion >:3
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is he autistic?
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45mins: Goal for Chelsea - Demba Ba takes advantage of a slip by Steven Gerrard to run through and put the visitors ahead #LFC 0-1 #CFC
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It will be like this rather than a collapse desu
romans took centuries to collapse
taking us only a few decades
This is an excellent post and it's cheered me up immensely

thanks thailad

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well everything is faster now
and you could argue this has been a while coming

though I only think Europe is collapsing
dunno about the eu one though
the west isn't collapsing, it's already dead. has been since the war. we are living in the ashes
hmmm really got me thinking...
you literally the opposite of an alpha male you sad cunt
couldn't compete in England so you had to fuck off to the 3rd world you nonce
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>songs also have their lyrics attached to them on the 'ple 'sic

QUITE happy right now
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just set it to country & region only
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west birmingham is here to stay lad
lack the commitment to my gimmicks
fuck off cheshire you ain't got a clue
need to find and kill whoever invented reddit flags
On a plane
oh so you leech off your dead grandad's contribution to try to give you a better life?

and yes, boring jobs are boring, if you ever want an interesting job you should start doing a boring one before you become even more unemployable

found the poor CSGO playing NEET
Yeah because it's well easy to move thousands of miles away to a country you couldn't initially speak a word of their language get yourself settled etc.
need to find and kill whoever invented america
feel like I'm missing out on lots of good flags when I do that
Apple Music student subscription for 4.99?
thailad i'm not a fan of reddit flags so far

feels like pseudo-tripfagging to me

need guidance
who are you?
stop saying leech it makes you sound like a selfish tory twat who lives in mortgaged new build
yeah but if you do this i'll just assume you're from some wool shithole like elsmere port or runcorn
Acute biphasia.
Lad, are you taking the piss? Running away to a foreign country is the most beta thing you can do.

four walls they surround me
loneliness has found me
>paying for music
>paying for films
>paying for weed
>paying for sex
>paying for porn
>paying for literally anything
fucking casuals
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>y-you're just poor
How's the new iButtplug with Apple Vibrationâ„¢?
please do not bully Thailad

he is a nice guy.
would rather run away in my own country than a country where the language and culture are completely different to be frank
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My life in a gif
what the fuck is Israel's problem????????

give me one reason that isn't NEET or video-game related on why macbooks are inferior to their ultrabook counter parts
>dissing cs:go
1v1 dust 2 now.
>good flags
so turn them off
y-you too..
the UK is a literal nanny state m8, why do you think life is difficult there?
Every Brummie poster is shit
>The tranny
>The Rorke
Runcorn is probably the least wool place in Cheshire. It is rightful Scouse clay.
mine too.

the kicker is i'm not in the drivers seat. just along for the ride.
they're jewish
next person who tries to anally rape me is going to get a shitty dick
It takes balls to fuck off to unfamiliar lands. It's easy sitting on your arse in your safe space.
>The tranny

non-ironically would HEEM you at p2000 1v1
>not letting them do whatever they want

I blame you guys
>UK set to be 48% white by 2021

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>invest in the housing market
>vote to increase immigration
>advertise to new migrants
>rent houses at exorbitant prices
>literal paki behaviour
>anything but beta
kek. The sheer delusion.
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doing a listen
[0.00 shekels have been deposited to your account]
what rank r u?
>running away to nonceland to nonce kids
ah yes very brave

t. leech
>ROI set to be part of the UK by 2020
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>you wake up in hong kong
Playing battlefield 1: fart arsemany on waheystation 4
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me walking into a kiwi pub


She never posts any but always claims to be passable.
But they're incredibly self-satisfied in that gif.

absolutely shrieking that this attention seeking runt reckons he is brave for moving to thailand
Sort yourself out silly cunt
Business idea: eat some proper food for one instead of takeaways, ready meals, sweets and crisps

NOT entirely sure if I will invest myself
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tube chat?
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i take hong kong back from the invading m*inlanders

What book can I read that will change my life?
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non-ironically am the best haxball player on /brit/
>Extremely Gorgeous Russian Girls Want Real Love

it's cheaper and more nutritious to cook your own food
They cost $1000 more solely because Apple successfully marketed the shit out of their products to be status symbols for simpleton users.
someone who can read between the lines
which you appear to be struggling with
atlas shrugged
Fuck off back home, paki.
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modern macbooks are poor culaity and have lower functionality compared to other laptops at far lower price ranges

even their bodies are not that durable anymore and their design isn't as sexy as it used to be.

they're also losing out to the new bendable touch screen laptops which i'm seeing everywhere now.

a dell or a lenovo is unironically better than a mac and at least its more functional/can be upgraded.

all modern Apple products have been lousy compared to the competition.

all it has is a UNIX based OS but Linux is a better operating system
ok you might then
t. always solo queuing Nova 3
I'm not saying it's brave I just don't understand why people think it's easier than staying in the UK. Getting a work permit alone is an mission.
Does anyone else put plain yogurt on their pasta
>spending money
Pick one.
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they spend money here
Shit player desu
Yeah I know but it's easier and tastes nicer to eat shite desu
don't like it when someone calls me a tory on here lads :( i'm a lib dem through and through

absolute bent cunt
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>went in for annual checkup with new doctor
>5ft kind of cute asian who is always nice to me
>for some fucking reason she needs to do a hernia test on my ballsack
never been so embarrassed in my life. got a tiny uncircumcised willy that was hairy as a forest today. conversation ceased immediately after the exam and she left the room with only a "the nurse will be back in to finish up". why the FUCK do you still have to take off all your pants for a simple ball check?
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need a qt gf to cuddle
who inspired more school shootings, kurt cobain or marilyn manson?
please be real
mate... windows is unix based as well
Our migrants are different than yours

You get paki and pole underclass

We get Chinese and Indian upperclass
Anyone ever done one of those cheap all inclusive to a shit country where you stay in the resort
think it's quite clear 'hayd' migrated from reddit a month or two ago

needs to fuck off back there
no it isn't dummy
Microsoft dropped their UNIX based OS years ago
>annual checkup
Is that a thing for young people in America?
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I'm a student desu

>better looking
>have access to the key programs i need without dual booting
>same price as ultrabook counterparts

and this is even assuming i have the latest $1000000 model, almost all modern mac user's use pre-2013 models to save money

trying to invalidate one completely over the other is retarded, macbooks just edge it in my specific field of use
*hugs you*
haha eeerrrrgghhh gay twat
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>tfw missing gf to sleep naked with in winter
shit feel desu
I swear to god. I can go take a picture of my printout I left with. might do myself in
can't leave the first level of maslows pyramid lads :'(
t. Xiaoping Majendra
>implying your chink immigrants aren't the ones buying properties
yep with the gf
was a laugh, all inclusive so just got wrecked loads and had sex in the room
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>feel completely fine and happy during the day
>feel extremely lonely at night and practice kissing my pillow
Don't enable him
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>my specific field of use
cant stand it i know you planned it
oh. is it unix-like though?
We all just use books in my class tbqh.
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How can i get a doctor gf
don't enable the nonce enablers either
we must cut them off at the source
Ok I believe you..

Not sure if funny or feel bad for you now.
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How 2016 are you lads?
ordem e progresso
I have
Stayed 2 weeks in the Canoa Coral by Hilton in Bayahibe, Dominican Republic.

It was great, I would recommend it. I left the resort once, it was absolutely disgusting.

haven't written anything with pen and paper since 2014

t. creative
What's your favourite Rush song?
Quickly quickly...
too late
Not a true Canadian.
literally just use a chromebook these days lads
cheap as fuck, does everything i do on a computer anyway
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These are our major immigration sources for 2014

Post a similar map
There's similarities but then it's completely different. iirc it's still Windows NT based from MSDOS.
crack pipes, needles, pcp and fast cars kinda mix really well
They definitely are
That's the point. No matter how much money you charge for Vancouver properties, chinks just keep buying them.
t a x p a y e r s m o n e y
AJ Tracey's acne is fucking minging

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yea, but you sacrifice a lot for that
and Macbook Pros are not that light, regular macbooks/airs are complete trash compared to the competition
because its UNIX and windows is blatware, Linux is still faster.
>better looking
maybe 10 years ago, not anymore
and that sonly if you like looking like a wannabe fag
>acsess to programs
this is good about Apple, I won't deny that their software is solid and works well, my issue is that they no longer focus on making things that "just work" and instead make glorified fashion accessories that don't work all that well
>same price as other ultrabooks
not even close if you want something of similar power

unless you want to spend a year paying off your Mac Mortgage
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turning a "lesbian" straight is unironically one of my life goals
lol computers
Come out of Christmas feeling really depressed
Maybe NYE will be better
It's absurdly easy tbqh. The only difficult part is finding one.
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it's like looking into a mirror
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so deep xD
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ah yes
m8, who cares. she's a fucking doctor, she's seen a lot worse.
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desire to breed ngl
>5/20. You talked about Brexit too much and Skepta too little in 2016.
Thank you for rating my state mandated thoughtsphere BBC
is anybody else going to move to aus with me next year?

bit scared going alone
Really liking Toussaint. Don't know where they got their inspiration from but those poles really made a beautiful place.
forget how stupid/ill informed some of you lot are some times
honestly think apple is just testing to see how much anti-consumer bullshit they can get away with at this point
howiling at the state of my life lads

>assuming assumptions

i, and nobody i know has an expensive macbook desu

marginal amounts of power or saving money in exchange for a completely alien machine doesn't out weigh the fact mac's are the only things that have access to the programs i need for university

i've had an acer warbeast, a chromebook, a PC and this macbook, and it's by far my favorite i've used.
opinons on new zealand?
post fucking machines
I'm from a Pakistani background and have had my working visa granted

Nothing you can do to stop me either
Ari Israelilad
Hope you are ready to feel the full force of the New Zealand armed forces you slimy kike
Not with that obese slob I hope
leave us alone alri??????
just put the mangoes on the back seat, cheers matw
this is unirronically awful

like clicking a random video on linkuptv tier
Fuck off away from NZ, you CUNT.
>tfw no booze to numb my thoughts
that's thic
clicked yes by accident on the ed balls question so i just closed the tab
dont go near my nz son ever again

ps: post fuck machines
That's a fucking lardo m8.


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they're just a mess right now
Microsoft and Google are tearing them apart

the Surface line and Chromebook family are on fire right now, and now that Google has its own phone line apple is going to be hit hard.

personally I like my old T520
Bad hanukah?
>posts women getting shagged by handcrafted sex machines on an anonymous anime imageboard during the early hours of the morning
It's amazing in a way
lardo lite
good for producing healthy offspring
hi where do i get #peng shoes like this lad

Is it best to use Plex?
In America people would assume she has anorexia 2bh

machines now
alri jewish lad
*kicks pregnant Israeli woman in the back*
self defense desu
currently on a second hand T500 myself because i'm poor as fuck
what programs do you need for uni that you can only get on mac? what sort of meme degree are you doing?

humans are handcrafted sex machines

put that in your pipe and smoke it
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Days getting on a bit
why is it only fat girls who have anorexia
So what's a decent laptop for about £200 quid? Want something to take into lectures
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>personally I like my old T520
running Arch, I assume
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this is THICC
>Anonymous 12/28/16(Wed)03:40:54

Logic Pro X most prominently

spending on something that isnt a macbook on the basis of not having a macbook is autistic tier
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>ahah why yes, it is indeed true that I have never penetrated a vagina with my penis
the (You) haul has been disappointing this thread

i think i need to step my meme game up
daily reminder that the "thicc" meme is just landwhales trying to sneak fat acceptance into 4chan
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check out my memepad lads
it has an x61s motherboard though
unironically running gentoo
One piece of advice ill give you all tonight:

The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one's negative experience is itself a positive experience.


was tempted to give you several over the last two threads

Just fat
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love the old Lenovo's
I have a really old IBM one which I still use occasionally

have Linux on both and they run beautifully
my T520 is pretty powerful as well, 16gb ram, i7 3rd gen, SSD, dedicated graphics (some nividia card I can't remember)
openSUSE tumbleweed
Need a tall gf
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I guess if you're wasting 27k on a meme music production degree then another 1k on a macbook isn't that much extra haha

state of you la
thats netbook/chromebook money

acer 15 chromebook is good
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>One piece of advice ill give you all tonight:

>The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one's negative experience is itself a positive experience.

ideapad 100s. will do microsoft office and web browsing just fine.
>Anonymous 12/28/16(Wed)03:45:41

barely cost a quarter of that
I was making a fat American joke

You might be thinking of bulimia
Unsure if this is in reference to your meme degree or your meme laptop desu
about to eat an entire strawberry cheesecake by myself
giz a bit
sensing some passive aggressiveness in this thread

*slowly walks backwards towards the door, then runs to the car and drives off*
fat fuck
don't buy new
you'll end up with a shitbook
buy one on liquidation, you can get one only a couple years old that is powerful and cheap

bought mine for just over $300 on a liquidation site
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>apple memebook
>meme degree in music production
>can't even reply properly
already feel sober again and all the shops are shut
every time i read a post here with some pommy complaining about how shit his life is because of some systemic problem like the nhs being inefficient and shit or uni degrees being too expensive or housing prices being ridiculous, i get to giggle to myself about how i have it better here in australia
*rips the leaf off your flag and crushes it under my size 24 Doc Martens*

alri peru
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white """"""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""""""""
el leafANO
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going to HEEM some kikes 2nite boiis

meme laptop, degree will cost the full meme price.

everyone associates macbooks with a $1000 price tag even though almost everyone has one a few years old running the latest OS
would literally heem tina from bob's burgers
she pisses me off
Got any disinfectant?
me on the right having a dance about
Cool it with the anti Semitic remarks
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What does " as if be coming down your chimney and volleying you in the face" mean?
why buy a macbook at all then?
why not get a Thinkpad or Dell that's just a couple years old but far better?

got some superglue but I'm not sure about sniffing it
all greeks should be killed
Death makes angels of us all and gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as ravens claws.
Drank one whole bottle of quite nice whisky since Christmas day
Beats me, that's not written in English
i have never known the touch of a woman lads
what the FUCK did you just say about the CHOSEN PEOPLE, kiwi boy?
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american "comedy" is fucking awful.


just read the thread you spastic

mac has access to the programs i need, i already own an acer laptop and i WANTED a mac
haven't been fully sober since christmas evening 2bh
arabs are semitic too, he was specifically talking about jews, not all semites

although if he has half a brain he probably hates arabs too but that's neither here not there
look at this fucking virgin
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>i WANTED a mac

Why does reddit have to ruin everything? Remember this hilarious gimmick a year ago on /brit/
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bf just sent me this
Which brand? someone gave me a bottle of Ballantines but I haven't tried it yet, I'm assuming it's poor quality
stayed up until 4am last night watching eggman videos
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Britain is a complete shithole desu, too many wogs and pakis. Thinking of moving to America or Australia, somewhere nice.
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>think different
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>paying 30 grand to learn music production

my sides lads
i need to get an asian gf. think that will be the goal for 2017.
i tried drinking whiskey, it gave me a stomach ache

tequila too
I'm a naturally talented musician and if some retards can remix music I'm sure I could give it a shot and be a famous DJ, I got riddim boi

What's the best windows software to pirate for that sort of shite? Remixing/making music?
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ah yes

>doesn't like whisky (foy)

Try semen, it's probably more to your liking
leave NEW ZEALAND alone ok just back off???/?
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