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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 327
Thread images: 127

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Shhh, Chen is sleeping - edition
Fuck you Chen.
I hate you so much you stupid bitch.
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noisy monkey.gif
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hee ho!
a-wakey-wakey!!! sleepy time's a-ovaa starfox!
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the night is young, do not give in to such primordial cognitions of sleepiness
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but its cold
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*runs at you*
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*drifts away*
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The night is young and so are you.
Bedtime. Now.
a bit of cold is good for the soul. Also I think that futon just raped Chen by forcing her to sleep with it, please delet
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wikihow naruto austism.jpg
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*dashes behind you*
*throws a kunai into your head*
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h-he's fast
Anyone got a nickel
piss off bum
You're gonna have to earn it.
Show me what you got.
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Looks like Winter's finally here.
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wikihow trap.jpg
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How do I look?
I have 48 hours to cram a quarter-semester of differential equations. Should I jerk off or watch netflix?
jerk off then think about it
a noose around your neck may make for a good accessory :^)

the world needs more /cum/ if you catch my dift
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>tfw wasted my entire day perfecting my plant collection notes, labels, and online bullshit and didn't study at all for my tests

Why I am I so slow at this meticulous bullshit?
Shut up, you'll probably still pass.
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thanks buds, you guys always know what to do
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why is eurobeat so good, buds?
>pissed away hours upon hours upon fucking hours

I really do hate myself. I'm just sitting there at the computer and I don't know what the hell happens, I mean theoretically I'm "working" on the paper but I'm also sort of not, I don't know. The end result is that now, I have fuckall done and it's due in like 16 or so hours, it's supposed to be 8 pages, and I feel absolutely fucking burnt out despite doing NOTHING somehow. Seriously I don't know where all the time went.
is NorthAmericanbeat not good enough for you or something pinko?
it's even better on adderall (may cause palpitations)

get your balls outta your asshole and write that paper
Gonna play some MKX. Not sure who I wanna play as
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unfortunately not
Take like a 4 hour nap and get to work like a madman.
Don't stop for any bumps and return to them later to tie up loose ends.
Keep notes on the side for said obstacles.
That's what I've done.

But I agree.
I'm so sick of myself procrastinating my college life away. I never learn.
US navy aircraft-carrier will be an assemble in the pearl-harbor at December 8.

its a Big Chance!!

my head is dead, i gotta go to bed,
night /cum/
is trump the greatest president in US history?
Not yet.
A national embarrassment more like it.
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Good morning /cum/
I hate myself
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AKIRA 6.gif
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I have no penis and I must /cum/
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Grateful Deadhead.jpg
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goodnight deadhead
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It's 2:50 AM. What are you, some kinda time traveler?
sleepy time
Good morning /cum/
rest well legend
go back to sleep
I miss the neet life.
I don't want to go to work
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Who up af and woke af
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It's time to pass on the heritage
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It all started with a black man.
>go to https://quickdraw.withgoogle.com/
>it tells me to draw "Leaf"
>draw the Canadian flag
>I don't know what this is
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I am a juvenile man.jpg
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whoa, I just nearly ate through a whole new jar of pickles. I also learned that pickles cure brain freeze
pickles are a gift to man from above
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>be muslim
>live in muslim country
>still get islam'd
There's no escape
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>religion of peace
are you sleeping, lads?
but I will be in about 20 minutes
Back to work Ivan you don't want to make mama disappointed again
saudi arabia is garbage

they've caused more unrest in the islamic world than the US and euros together

and that's saying a lot
it's too late to work, lad.
And at the same time they've long been the only reliable ally of the western powers in the area

It's a complicated relationship to say the least
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the god emperor welcomes a citizen of his bro vladimir
its because they've tied theirs and every OPEC member's oil to the US dollar through OPEC

it gives them, and us, a shitload of control over the entirety of the world oil economy
Compared to how unstable the rest of the region has been, yes. Plus they were an ally against the gommies in egypt, iran, and elsewhere so there's that as well
t-thanks. I hope we'll save the white rce together...
Help us btfo the eternal chink Ivan, God demands it
The Soviets were a reliable ally when the Nazis were around so there's that as well.
y-yeah, first I'll learn proper English then we'll save the world from subhumans like niggers, chinks, spics, etc. just u and me. forever ^^
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best allies.png
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Hispanic isn't a race
>Opening second morning in a row
I need some sleep ;_;
tfw you realize /cum/ is your safe space
Daily reminder that cumskinned, round-eye, milk-drinkers are the worst, most useless race on the planet.
t. James Smith
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>tfw two smart too be white
Because he's superior
To what, a gorilla?
To cumskins

enjoy your skin cancer
Tell you what

Y'all cuckolds
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Well we are the most intelligent general on /int/
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I want to pound a sissy Canadian's boipussi
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>enjoy your skin cancer
Faggots aren't allowed in /cum/
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captcha: STOP
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Prepare for your pounding sissy
This tbqh
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Good morning, /cum/
fuck off

this is my thread now
Morning Baja
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joe ligotti.jpg
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How can I get an American friend?

t. american friend wanter
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>snow outside
I will be your friend
I'm not american, but I can be your friend.
you're american

we all are
>leave for 30 minutes
>come back
>still no new posts.
Can't wait to get home amd smoke some green
We're all in siesta desu.
i am busy procrastinating
Or in classroom, mr wageslave
special guest just arrived
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here's your complementary leaf, sir
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who /cozy/ in here
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>sitting in my room in my massive, cozy sweatshirt drinking coffee and watching the snow outside
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>there won't be any snow here this winter
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>buy salmon from store
>Ingredients on back assume we don't know that

"Contains: Salmon"

No shit Sherlock

Pic related
They're required to list that by law
so glad this election is finally over
shit is like cancer. it spreads fucking everywhere and i cant get a moment without seeing someone spouting bullshit
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dont know how to think
idea: start lifting so i can eat an absolute fucking ton
Yes, i can see from the ingredients. No need to tell me what it already "contains"
they still keep babbling about it, but it's slightly dying down at least

did the protesting finally stop?
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>be a mexican
>suck a god dam cock
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next 4 years are going to be fun
>get out of school just in time to go to war with the chinks
Tell me more.
should i play oldschool runescape
I'm going to skip classes today on favor of writing an 8 page paper due at 12 AM, meaning I have just less than 12 hours.

Logistically, how should I handle this? I mean when should I take breaks, like 20 minutes every hour perhaps? I think the first step is to fuck off those website though.

Kill me btw
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new kyary.jpg
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look what kyary pamyu pamyu posted (〃 ̄ω ̄)

she is in LA (*´-`) and was excited to meet stevie wonder (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)

very cute~
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cute (1793).png
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i was considering it but i can't be bothered to redo everything i already did on rs3 desu
>Logistically, how should I handle this?
Have you already done your research? Writing the paper itself shouldn't take you more than 3 hours
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new kyary.jpg
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her eyes are crossed \(>_<)/
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weebs were a mistake
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post your results boys
college liberals XDD haha

take the test
got 0%
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>almost 26
>I've been on this site for over a fucking decade
0% - Literally who made this?
I started playing at the start of the year and quit a few months ago. I enjoyed it a lot but quit shortly after I got a quest cape and there was nothing else to work towards other than skill capes

working towards all those goals is literally 95% of the fun in the game. When you already have everything the game becomes less of a game and more of a chore
There was no such thing as "Sexual Revolution"

The "rights" of homosexual and nudists - it's not a sexual revolution.

Even in the US has not been legalized yet what was legal in the early 20th century - "brothels", "pedophilia", marriage from 11 years old.

The US did not legalized polygamy, despite the fact that there is a large group of Mormons the United States . Didn't legalised "pedophilia" . Instead, pedohysteria and the struggle for the "right" of schizophrenics and feminists.
Didn't legalized prostitution (there was even a TV series "Vice squad", about how US police struggling with "brothels").

All that was allowed in a patriarchal society, is prohibited in the feminist community. Therefore, don't use the phrase "sexual revolution" - it was nothing like that.

Instead of "patriarchal" values there were legalized "values" of schizophrenics and feminists (you can speculate of course about who is behind all those feminists) ..
good luck
what did he mean by this?
i'm 27 in a few months
Also, the Romans identified the degeneracies we know associate with them as Greek customs. First to be despised, then to be admired, then to be adopted.

The Greeks at the time constituting, of course, a dying empire before the advent of Rome. These Greeks did not "invent" degeneracy any more than Rome did. They happened to them towards the end of their apex.

Now you know that "time" is cyclical. Empires, indeed most societies, have life cycles.

Hence it does not bode well for the West, with our "Roman" customs.
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apparently my CS final is today

haha, whoops
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>tfw my dad banned me from the table because i called him a cuckold because he dont like trump
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I didn't even attend university this semester
submitting a medical withdrawal tomorrow to avoid getting Fs
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Close call.png
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>talking with Vietnamese friend
>We're playing chess
>first game, we tie
>second I win
>third we tie
>whole time, she's complaining about my knights
>fourth game, she pulls brilliant trap at beginning that makes me focus on her pawn (as a lure for her queen) and then shifts a piece to surround my knight

>fear she might be smarter than me
>ask her to go to iqtest.dk/main.swf
>she gets 133
>the last time I took the test, I got 130
>"Haha, you got the same as me!"
>quickly hurry to iqtest.dk and retake it
>get 135

That was close, lads.
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80KB, 413x395px

>concerned with Intelligence
>takes an online IQ test
>tfw did the same
>$3000 down the drain just like that
ebin :-DDDD
pretty sure this is set up so 130 reads as average
literally never seen someone get below 100
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I keep having severe depression cycles and my psychiatrist doesn't know why, I'll be fine for a few months then barely able to bathe myself for a month or so
i got 90 from randomly clicking buttons
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if my Uni cafeteria isnt open during winter break Im kinda fucked
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>tfw north indy
>we were scheduled to have snow this weekend
>all we got was 0 degree(c) temps and rain
Who /atwork/ here?
Just three moee hours and then I can spend the rest of the day jerking off and getting high
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>He fell for the mathematical jew
You know where else everything is equal?
not used to this fahrenheit shit yet so I just use celsius
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>she is ignoring me again
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>not used to Farenheit
He's probably a CHI or worse, a Canadian
I came here like 2 years ago, I was sick of dudeweedlmao man
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you just know.png
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Where are you from?
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>there are leafs posting under american flags RIGHT NOW
Oh nevermind, you have to go back
east alberta
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nico hurt.jpg
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you're dead

will you join them?
too bad, I'm here to stay, I have permanent residence, can't get rid of me now
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I'll find you
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>there are americans posting under leaf flags RIGHT NOW
>east alberta
worst part of this province tbqh
can confirm

who would give up the beauty of the stars and stripes for A FUCKING LEAF?
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Really makes you think.
for shitposting purposes without worrying about shartinmart memes?
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Hello :3
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how is your day going /cum/?
mine is going pretty average

>cant handle europoor """""banter"""

unfit to even be a burger, desu
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hello finnish friend
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How are you, American?
I'm doing well, how are you?
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Hi Finland!

Hello Chile!

It feels boring, but I'm ok with it.
If you live close on the border you get no choice sadly.
Broke my hand at work and I'm on sick leave
Bajachaaan <3 My favorite weed :3
almost forgot i have a pointless dr appointment
then im going to go visit my mummy on the farm
That sucks. My best wishes to you kind sir
Thank you. But luckily it was a work place accident so it's insurance covered.
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its time for you to end it all /cum/
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Pretty average as well.
Fuck you, I have a massive backlog to get through
should have been following the safety rules funlanon
But I did! Though paid sick leave is always nice :3 more time for funposting
A lighter and a razor, eh:? What are you up to?
ban guns?
ban guns
ban brits desu
yeah you're a cunt
Cease walking upon the serpent.
this 2bh

good post
Brits, aussies, finns, argies and canadians need to be ragebanned one week to see if their is an imporvement boardwise.
brits don't kill people
""people"" with guns kill people
only canadian poster with a good head on his shoulders
>tfw waking up from a 2 month kush coma just in time for finals

2 weeks is more than enough time to study
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t. Ahmed
this is an armed confrontation, you'd need guns here silly
luckily thanks to our demographic make up british cities aren't equivalent to a warzone
gonna cook dinner

should i make penne and sausage or an omelette?

pls respond
t. """man""" who is ok being beheaded with a butter knife
penne and sausage

>cooking dinner at 11:30 in the morning


>firing on innocent civilians
>we dindu nuffn
>latest time in us
>making supper this early
for what purpose
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>tfw that's what i'm having for supper tonight too
t. """man"""" who can't even heem a mere moslem

>innocent civilians
rebel scum must be crushed, shame the french won your war for you, kinda cute though
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It's actually 2:33. Still kinda early thoug
wtf I love Canada now.
All Californians should be murdered desu

dinner isn't supper

t. pseudo-yankee
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>lying on the internet


t. Proxy
reminder that you're all yanks except for the 45% of your country that isn't white
Virginia isn't part of Dixie anymore, you yank.
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I, uh, yes?
Nice photoshop faggot
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haha look at this dumbass on my ip range
reminder that 55% of our country are anglos and slavs

>purple background
>being a girl


t. Muhammed ben Akhmin
California isn't America anymore you Mexican
>ont enjoying the manliness color
nu male
i know american education isn't great lad but please try and realise these numbers are very different
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t. pseudo-Dixie Hillary-voting fagit
>implying violet isnt the most masculine of colours
Your post has nothing to do with the one you replied to, Nigel.
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>California isnt America anymore


whod you steal that from, nerd
jesus i didn't know americans were this stupid irl
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how is everyone today?
If you arent living in Pacific Standard time, you're basically a nonentity
Reminder that Virginia did not vote for Hillary. DC voted for Hillary

The current system in which Virginia is both disconnected from its western counties and connected with the suburbs of DC (who already has been unjustly given three electoral votes and now Virginia's votes too) must be ended
If you live outside of the original colonies you are essentially a non-American, a nu-american perhaps.
>be virginia
>be blue
you're mum
There is no fucking reason to own guns when guard dogs exist
Kentucky and West Virginia must be returned to Virginia

Tennessee must rejoin North Carolina

Or these five states, plus South Carolina, must secede from the Union
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until they shoot your dog, a la ATF style
There's no reason own guard dogs if guns exist
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>Loving Day is an annual celebration held on June 12, the anniversary of the 1967 United States Supreme Court decision Loving v. Virginia which struck down all anti-miscegenation laws remaining in sixteen U.S. states. In the United States, anti-miscegenation laws were U.S. state laws banning interracial marriage, mainly forbidding marriage between non-whites and whites.

>Loving Day is not an officially recognized holiday by the U.S. government, but there is a movement to persuade U.S. President Barack Obama to make it so. Loving Day is the biggest multiracial celebration in the United States.
There is no reason to own guard dogs when seals exist. Seals are louder, bigger, stronger, more intimidating, cuter, and capable of combat in land and water.
Weak bait, family

I dont have to feed my guns, idiot
The United States is an illegitimate nation

Once Trump leaves office we should break apart into six to eight different countries
And then they'll be partitioned between New York, California, and Texas.
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You feed them bullets retard
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>the United States of FUCKING America should break unity

then you shoot the bullets, dumbdumb
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still have to feed them
I had to watch a propaganda film about this once

The literally went to DC to get a lawyer who was literally Jewish to overturn it

Kikes and DC are ruining everything
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never mind then
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how about I feed your face
*unhooks you and throws you back into the runt pond*
that was a biggun, must have been a yank
what about if you like to collect guns, or hunt, or shoot recreationally?

or what if you're not allowed dogs where you live or they would be impractical
Hello Canada. I feel fine today.

How bout you?
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No thanks, I'm not hungry

what did he think the job was going to be?
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what the fuck
Jewish lawyers made race mixing legal in the US

Jews are major players in the media and porn industry that pushes race mixing

Jews are major proponents of multiculturalism

Fact is Jews hate white people and they want to see us destroyed

History has proven that the white man and the jew cannot coexist in the same nation
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not bad, it started snowing here today

why do you have a star in your name?
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What's /cum/ listening too?
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>not bad, it started snowing here today
Sounds good.

>why do you have a star in your name?
Why not? It's just a star after all.
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More brown qties for us
anyone else like /int/ because of the diversity of opinion?

no one agrees on anything, theres no "majority opinion", makes it better than circlejerks like reddit or /pol/

theres still really extreme views people are able to voice without censorship, but in a way having people who disagree with you around can strengthen your own opinion

we're like a modern day version of Plato's Academy
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>we're like a modern day version of Plato's Academy
>we're like a modern day version of platos academy
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>he doesn't listen to metal
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>I don't have a state flag next to my American flag
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>we're like a modern day version of platos academy
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>[Post a Reply][Shitposting] [VapeMemes] [Fedoras] 301 / 111 / 68 / 1 [Upd XDDDD so fanny XDDDD
point proven clearly
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Fuck Ontario
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u 2 sweet cheeks now come over here and lets cuddle
hi :(
>24 hour clock
got 1500 rounds of 7.62x39 for $260 and a case of match grade bird shot for $60 buds

these yearly sales are great
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>I use the 24 hour clock, Celsius, and don't charge my phone
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>Purdue Federal
>24 hour clock
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>I post people in fedoras on a mongolian image board for fun

mexifornia, "la reconquista" is working.
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Canadian genocide.jpg
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REEEEEEE my shop at work is so drafty once winter kicks in
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>why yes i always keep my phone fully charged, cant live without it
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>a fucking leaf
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>Why yes, I use my phone so often that I don't have time to charge it. I've got to know exactly how many degrees Celsius it is at 21:00.
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>be a least coaster
>Wagecuck monday rolls around while BEST coasters can still enjoy 3 more hours of the weekend
>least coaster
you mean the West Coast, right?

If I had meant west coast, I wouldve said BEST coast
>lying on the internet
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