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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 319
Thread images: 78

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Ireland edition
first for cornetto
VERY good edition
just had a disappointing wank
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How do we improve the British genetic stock?
stupid fucking yank edition
taking a girl's virginity is shit but every so often I get the urge to do it
too old for that malarkey now though
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>Steven Gerrard to manage MK Dons

literally don't live in the city

I was commenting on the fact that yanks, albertans and aussies have cringy as fuck cowboy culture in their rural areas.
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*cums on you*
going to the cornetto shop. anyone want anything?
milton keynes is so horrible to look at

looks like a bizarro yank town
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best house parties have dub rooms desu
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>tfw never got to experience Sasha and Digweed at their prime in the early 1990s up north
all these SJW types need to be exposed to the real world, preferably via warfare
>too old for that malarkey now though
because every girl over 16 has already had theirs taken so you'd have to be a turbononce to even consider it

never post here again you disgusting animal
by getting me a qt brit gf

someone's just come into the toilets at work so I'm sucking in the poo that was already half out until they turn the hand dryer on

don't want them to hear the splosh
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>circle the invader in each family

Romania NO
just remembered a video I saw on /brit/ of a terminally ill child dying in bed, next to her family. Really got the ol' feels going.
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by giving me a british gf
known attractive girls that were still virgins at 20 tbqh
>but they were lying
yh get us a chip butty m8 cheers
thought that was maisie and sophie haha
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which one would you prefer to get pregnant?
they literally printed and shipped out thousands of these to stores and then she lost. they never bothered to print out a single trump magazine or ship a single one to a store
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That's exactly what it is. This is a satellite town of Toronto.

"The city built around a mall"
Women are 47% more likely to be injured in car crashes b/c for decades only male crash dummies were used
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why are people still saying mean things about trump

he's the president after all
is it the one where they carry her to the car aferwards and put her in? that one made do a very long and sad think. not very glad you reminded me of it 2bh
Think of it like this, what would you rather hear?

>Yeah I'm a kissless, handholdless virgin
>I've been fucked so many times it's going to feel ike riding a bike through the channel tunnel.
Imagine genuinly picking this ugly pig as the celeb you obsess over

Every SINGLE time this nasty hog of a """""woman""""" is posted I throw up a bit in my miuth
fuck that illuminati whore
no he's not
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Is there ever problems with parking in these places? Wouldn't it be practically free?
"I've had an appropriate amount of sexual partners for my age" tbqh
Is this the memest meme city in Britain?
so you won't mind me having her then, not sure how it works in england but i think i'm supposed to offer 3 goats lol x
Milton Keynes aint a city
>tfw i'm a fucking manlet
>caralad is dutch, and they're all tall as fuck
>could move to britain and woo qts using his elongated stature

gonna have to go with left
Did a new:

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the SJWfu
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>fuck that illuminati whore
yes he is
these are girls I've known for years and they told me when they did eventually lose it
That is actually tragic
me on the left
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Looks so sterile
absolutely disgusting, I'm sure she loves h*llary cl*nton
>this is the only "hot woman in the UK
it's layed out like a video game

Something out of sim city.
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>get home after a long day and see this in your bedroom
what do?
do they even have goats in netherlands
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>tfw never got to go to Orbital raves around the M25 in the mid-1990s
most of the condos are built with underground parking


everybody hates it, don't worry. its just a landing pad for poo-in-loos that want to immigrate to canada but can't afford to live in toronto
would leave her in a wheelchair tbqh

ye quite possibly
just filtered the yanks

no he's not. he's president elect
why don't they have nipples
fuck sake been in the old thread for ages
caralad is the GOAT
She's French
>womens vaginas get looser the more sex they have

ah yes
because they themselves are nips
wonder who the fuck has been printing off noncey anime shite

then i'd find htem

then they'd be in for the heeming of a life time
kys cuck
but he will be the president in a few months so it really makes no sense to pretend like he isn't
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the nipples are covered by umi's torso or arm
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>start new salaried job at the end of the month
>wont get paid before christmas
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doing a draw x
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the janny deleted the old thread

i'm a bit worried he'll delete this one soon
President Trump will not last a year. He'll retire early or be impeached. Pence will be president for the remainder
>doesn't have at least 10k stashed at all times
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>tfw never got to experience underground soviet synthwave parties
wow beautiful xx
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turns out it was her

you wouldn't hit such a cute girl now would you
Mike 'Suck cock get a shock' Pence will be a great President.
going to dox and then chin any cunt who posts anime below me
>have 50k in savings
>have never worked a full time job in my life

feels good man
>Isis: London and Portsmouth among Europe's most notorious recruitment hubs for foreign fighters, report reveals

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He sounds like any other typical neocon runt desu


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you sound just like trump supporters who were saying hillary will be impeached if she wins which to be fair to them was far more likely than trump resigning from the presidency
Poll time:


hit cuter desu
t. gay fag
>tfw never got the feeling of coming up on a penger just as Sasha was dropping this

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>wake up
>still no Finnish gf
fucking state of belgium
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Give me Umi any day.
Feeling lightheaded
Nearly shit myself lads

Made it back home in time though
watching a documentary called tickled. It's getting sinister
Whenever I speak and laugh too much, I go light headed and close to passing out

Why does this happen?
Why are the white terries ALWAYS rangas?
Before those airport attacks I never even though Belgium had many Muslims

Assumed all their immigrants would be from the Congo
getting bullied too hard by FOBs so they lash out
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>tfw came up just as zed bias dropped this

absolutely murdered a 7 inch pizza, 10 mozzarella sticks and a box of wedges just now

feel like a right fat git ngl

used to think id never get tired of dubstep but here we are :\
getting difficult to type with left hand
its because >we being belgium germany and the netherlands imported loads of foreign workers in 60s and 70s from all over europe turkey and morocco
everyone fucked off home but the turks and moroccans

aren't those usually chechens?
Portsmouth mentioned
/brit/ absolutely btfo with no survivors
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fucking choon mate

fuck off
it is the God-given duty of any upright Anglo man to fight socialism wherever it lies, lest it encroach upon his people
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good taste
Never talk to an Australian like that in /brit/ again.
GOOD poll tb h lad
god isnt real
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t. Muhammad pablo von braveheart
>being anything but an assured atheist
do you literally have no shame
new a finnish girl off /soc/ once upon a time
she was an alcoholic, and a smoker, and only ate one meal a day so she wouldn't get fat
she was amazingly beautiful though and had great taste in music
shame i live on the opposite side of the world tbf desu , she always said i looked like peter steele, who she liked

Never met a leb ranga?
>implying there's a difference between the places where brown people come from
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>Labour's official position is they want to keep free movement with the EU but also leave the single market

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>>being anything but an assured atheist
>do you literally have no shame
those pesky argentinian mexicans amirite
It's weird to realise that is a real place.
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Vision getting blurry
>tfw will never hear this live

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Cheers lad.

Know if the new Love Live! is any good by the way? havent watched any with the new cast, also are any related to the old cast like the sisters?
Argentina is white
>last thread actually got deleted
it is the God-given duty of any upright Anglo man to fight protectionism wherever it lies, lest it encroach upon his people
cannot believe there are people on here who presumably can operate a computer that think god might be real
sort of realised I'm friends with the wrong people
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I really love anime lads ngl

Would never admit this IRL ofc haha
Sounds fucking perfect ngl lad.
visibly cringe whenever someone tells me they believe in god desu
>Russia is planning to send people to the moon
>America is planning to send people to mexico

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>cannot believe there are people on here who presumably can operate a computer that think god might be real
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>Russia is planning to send people to the moon
>America has sent people to the moon
>Sending people to Mexico is a crazy ridiculous idea that they just cannot achieve

Lads this picture is unironically real

The absolute STATE of Clinton
god is real but in a way that most of us can never comprehend

Does anyone else like trolling daft cunts on eBay by sending them offers for their items massively under the Buy It Now price?
Would leave you in a wheelchair if I met you and you looked like this
>it's an atheist doesn't understand the logical conclusion of atheism episode
she was a good lass, but she removed me from skype one day for no reason
still think about her every now and again, but i do that with lots of girls tbf

Is that Steve buscemi
prefer a girl with some meat on her bones
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evil kike.jpg
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Reaching her final form.
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Where did it all go so wrong
she lost and she's still under found investigations LMAO
wonder if she looks like this intentionally
Do the fedora tippers in this thread irrationally hate all religions, or are eastern and pagan ones okay??
obviest trap ever
Anyone here used a penis pump? Does it make your willy big?
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i had similar hair at the time, i've since cut it, i look nothing like him facially
>hating religion
pick one you absolute cuck
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Should I move to milan or not lads? VERY big decision.

Itd only be for 6 months. I hear bad things about the city, but it might be a nice adventure
they aren't traps, its just ordinary cd
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no idea how found got there

my fingers might be retarded
absolutely love pale thick girls
had one for a little bit but she was a sket
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>eastern and pagan
need me a gf(male)
>splitting hairs
Just consumed:

2x Bacon & Cheese Wraps
2x Steak & Cheese Rolls
6x Cherry Tomatos
2x Caramel & Custard Doughnuts
2x Kinder Bueno Dark
4x Cups of Coffee
fuck off you utter normalfag
I hate all religions.

I long for the day when people realise the one true thing closest to god is a the creature that slumbers in the centre of this hollow earth, and when he awakens the earth will tear apart and we will all ascend to the ethereal plane.
Apparently she got completely blotto election night once it came back that it was mathematically impossible for her to win and she started throwing things and called John Podesta a greasy wop

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*snuggles into blanket*
Oh hey wagies, welcome home.
How was the weather out there today?
Don't hurt yourself on that edge, you've got school tomorrow
dipping custard creams into my coffee
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Playing Pokemon Moon and I'm gunna get a Donald Trump pokemon.
Last time I fell in love with a sket. But trust me, I will never do that again
According to british statistics a few of you are complete fat fucks.

Come out and admit it if you are fatty
fat and lazy fuck
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>tfw will never be Australian
>tfw will never chase after Sheilas
>tfw will never get drunk with Bruce and the mates
>tfw will never live in a country that has actual fucking sunshine for more than a week a year
>tfw will never live in the least cucked anglo country
She will do just fine
Need a bf
put your diaper on and link me to your webcam haha
then send me the diaper after a few hous ahah
Makes her seem more relatable desu
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Yeah but I still don't have any friends
had that lyric in mind tbqh
definitely will not be opening up to a girl again
This is lies.
well shes my gf so back off bud
Need to be a bf
youd still be an autist there, surrounded by even more normies and happy people
dipping the bollocks in my tea
Mate there's about a million brit twats like you already moved there why not take their lead and fuck off
What's lazy about it? I had to go to the fucking shop to buy if, you hairy cunt.
Need a bf
australia is a turbo normie country. the brazil of the anglosphere. here in montreal its great because no one knows what language a stranger speaks so we just dont engage each other in conversation. its like england or a nordic country.
(You) bait
>autist in a muslim infested shithole surrounded by grey clouds 99% of the year
>autist in a chink infested shithole surrounded by sun 99% of the year

hmm, tough choice
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The so called car lads

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could wring any of your necks
*dips your balls in boiling tar*

whoops hehe
i realised today i would suck most mens cocks, i just love doing it
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>montreal is like England

You can't genuinely believe this and be capable of using a keyboard without adult guidance you utter retard
>tfw will never be british
>tfw will never chase after slags
>tfw will never get drunk with nige and the lads
>tfw will never trudge along a lonely cobble road through the morning mist and emerge at the local pub
>tfw will never live in the motherland
*slaps knob onto desk*
bet youd rather ring my finger you bent cunt
genuinely cannot fathom how shitty it'd feel it your child killed themselves
I made a comparison because people in montreal queue up for things properly and dont chat each other up like yank and aussie mongs. Same as in norway or finland.
Going on my gap year backpacking around magaluf and Sheffield
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if you wouldn't pound this bp into oblivion you're gay af
>poofs on every corner of the world
very impressive
It's boring though?

One of those things that's only sounds good when you're on the vinegar strokes
listening to coltrane lads
this thread is turning me gay, stop

The girl who lodged the fake rape accusation needs to be executed.
Sunni Muslim lad here, AMA.

I'll let you lads in on a secret, we always gloat about outbreeding you non-Muslims at the mosque.
any1 want to do some ironic/semi-ironic gay roleplaying? :3
it is what it is
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what's the point of new zealand when australia exists
isn't it
I'm not prison-gay, so no, I wouldn't
Good banter.

S-s-so c-c-cold out-t-t here lad-d-ds

*shivers violently*
is the Aussie twink with the big willy here?
What I wanna know is why NZ isnt a state in the australian confederation lmao it has fewer people than victoria and NSW
What's the point of new England when england exists

I'll do completely unironic kicking your head in mate
inshallah brother

at least traps could put in some effort and go full anorexic
Know how every major anglo country has to have that retarded neighbour country who is a liberal cuck?

England has Scotland
USA has Canada

Well, Australia has Canada
im an aussie twink with a 7inch cock but ive never posted about it before
*offers my jacket*
I think you need this more than I do, sweetie.
*smiles as the warmth returns to your frail body*
none of that "food" required any cooking whatsoever
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>when you get sad but then remember the opium wars were a thing that happened
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>Well, Australia has Canada

you fucked that right up lad
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this lad posted a picture of his when he was in the tub
that's not a secret at all
I wonder if there are any actual unironic Muslims here on /brit/.
Learn how to read maps you morons
gonna start listening to the knife lads
ahead of their time
yeah me actually
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whos ready to get pummeled?
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>unironically saving pictures of black people on your computer
That doesn't make a person lazy, you fucking Kraut faggot.
twink with an above average willy here but I have definitely not posted it
Is there no punishment for false rape accusations in the UK? it quite literally fucking destroys peoples lives.

It's fucking disgusting.
If you were doing anal with a girl and got her poo on your dick, how would you react??
Would you just carry on or what???
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Genuinely no idea what I'm supposed to say to this

Had a girl tell me yesterday she was "low key crushing" now I'm fucking "pretty", genuinely insulted by this bollocks
Hmm, I think I might be straight after all
deleted all mine after 2 months of /pol/
Sunshine is okay. They're supposed to be fans of mu's and one girl is a transfer from the original school

worth watching imo
sorry its been on there for years from when before i took the red pill
only for normies though so its all good
go straight to the willy pic
Just say 'cheers' or something you absolute mong
Fuck donald trump, yeah nigga fuck donald trump
>People not from Britain actually have a positive view of British women

Just consumed:

Load of bread dipped in gravy (after work snack)

Cooking soon: lamb shank
"Not as pretty as you x"

Only proper response lad now get to it
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>unironically being religious in the current year
i would carry on and then wipe it in her hair x
The 'accusation was simply withdrawn' and he killed himself before anything else could have been done about it. Worst part is that woman had a daughter, she lost her brother and mother to a false rape accusation.

Absolutely cannot even start to understand what that must be like and I lost 1 parent and very nearly the other to suicide, but there was nobody else to blame with that. There is very clearly someone to blame here. If I was that daughter/sister I'd probably end up killing myself too and trying to take that lying bitch who caused it with me.
Holy fuck. There's a robot on Pointless!
Literally the only good British women are young, council estate chavs who haven't popped out their first kid yet.

Proper tasty chav slags
"wow you too"
"we should be pretty together over drinks"
Cheers lad will give it a go.

Does it matter what you are?
3 days without a wank
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Just gonna meme it
nah its hot being completely dominated by a proper man, on your knees pleasuring him, swallowing all his cum
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>genuinely insulted by this bollocks

sure you are normie, fuck off with your fishing for attention
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Back from the store, lads.
smack your head against a wall mate
Not really tbqh

Felt like nothing every time I tried it.

Then again, I think I may have contracted the prison gay and don't like men at all, but women are so fucking horrible

Eh, whatever
wtf walking by himself what a creep
would completely split anzu in half
Kek, they said "Mesopotamian refugee" instead of Iraqi/Syrian

Made me think
The guy on the right looks like the kind of person who argues on twitter about white males
>sucked cock multiple times
>don't like men
pick one, gaylord
looks like an anglo diego costa
I'll have her number within 4 messages, guarantee it
guy on the right looks like a PRAISE KEK poster
new one
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how is she 21?
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She's skinny and caked in so much makeup she looks 2.5Dimensional.
just ate a blueberry crepe

it was disgusting
are jeb


How big should a boot be?

My foot's not moving around or anything but there's definitely quite a bit more space in shoe part of it than I'm used to
holy shit i can just imagine jeberino muttering the delegates, donald.. to himself walking in downtown boston at night wondering how it all came to this, how his retarded brother had 2 terms and he was trump'd
little janny jan jan
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jayy pig.png
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post you're movies
bit late lad
Thread posts: 319
Thread images: 78

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