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Thread replies: 337
Thread images: 124

have you ever seen an opossum irl

Ready for trump to make america great again. Citizens must come first before aliens.
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tonyhawk fan 4 life
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a night of elections and Democracy?
Tony Hawk pro skater 2 is one of the best games ever made.
Had a litter of them living underneath my shed.
Their bites are as nasty as they look, but they're kinda cute sometimes.
there was an opossum living under my house when I was a kid so we trapped it and let it go free in the woods by the local battlefield
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Hue boy.jpg
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Yes I have huehue
I got a family of possums that live under my porch. They come out at night and they're kinda cute.
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oppossum is a cute little bit of the innocent people there at least not about personal finance minister
are opossums dont really cute Wolf dude im still emotionally attached too long for other stuff like imagining you singing about it

ahhh yes


i think that they are people who are not a good replacement for the first time in a long day
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smell ya later profligates.gif
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Duly truly.
i never feel like im missing out on me or is it is a group in my back to when you say something gay

The whole get home already did u know how to do it for me to make it is a lie to the álbum aesthetic
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They are attempting to communicate Captain.
I have.

They're fucking demonic and only look cute when dead.
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Hillary will win
The fuck is wrong with that dress
CTR memes are garbage.
What's a good place to get legit amateur/revenge porn?
I'm getting really tired of overly produced shit.
I've had them in my garage in multiple houses
Mean little fuckers
I'm convinced that at least half of CTR shills are just trolls taking advantage of paranoia about shills.
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But it wasnt in gen 2 i swear this is the most as information we can provide to guys

I will never leave the first one you get boners from when you say something that we should do

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you can just get a bit more complicated than that it was for the best
nice dubs
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2011 still being a spook.png
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Strange paranormal activities fluctuating in this room.
>have you ever seen an opossum irl

I see them all the time

On an unrelated note have any of you lads seen that GE commercial with the nu-male who can't lift a sledgehammer?

I hope none of you are like that IRL
I'm convinced that 100% of CTR shills on 4chan are just trolls taking advantage of paranoia about shills.
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Ummm no they're not
What's going on in that picture, I've always wondered?
If you did a grind on the helicopter rotors the helicopter would take off lmao
spooks will be solved after tomorrow hopefully.
Of course, but these memes are always shit quality and then that become part of the CTR memes.
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I want Trump to win only because he's going to shake things up enough to the point that establishment wont be able to contain it anymore.
No, more like 95%.
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so just like the JIDF nefore nu/pol/ became a thing
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fucked up my gun buds
i really wish i were more handy with tools

every project ive ever done involving any tool has ended horribly
What the fuck were you trying to do?
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I just want to see the internet melt with buttmaddery.
yes, three died in my basement one winter. stunk up the house until we found their rotting corpses. was v uncool desu
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t. Bob Page
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For Donald.png
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>tfw I was in the thread were that came from

Been a great two years bud.
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wow, triggering the /k/ in me.
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stranger to not make talk checkpoint the generic stop me now is to learn how to make it is very good nice new version will never stop loving Jesus

We are not kidding thathes my phone with you guys and my second gimmick is giving warnings
press off the sight which was welded on
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what is he doing the same thing over and i dont know what to do it with
i think that the first time to get it was important enough to be a total of the first
This is why you always question everything. So much in this world is fabricated bullshit made to promote or advance an agenda.
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please post this on /k/
i beg of you
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Probably my last picture.
already got my (you)s there
I'll never forget you.
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really shook up by thsi chit
Dang, well I just falseflagged as you on /k/ with a thread.
why last? what is happening ;_;?
ew limeys
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Delete this.jpg
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>in /cum/

Delete that immediately.
Where's Latvia and that other one with the green in the flag?
stop being so dramatic you headass nigga
mikuru was the original waifu
what is happening to baja ;_;?
>being a sociopath
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got a bf today
Why is the leaf so easily bullied?
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nigga wut.gif
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>headass nigga
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>why yes, I HAVE had more than one waifu
i'm pretty sure that's a joke
It has spread
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>Having waifus to begin with
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>i'm pretty sure that's a joke
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>not having a waifu as your main bitch and the other as a side bitch
Shh, they still don't know what's next...

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Nothing gets by Chile.

normies >>>/out/
im still confused ;_;
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>I watched ONE ANIME and picked the FIRST girl I saw to be my WAIFU and I stuck WITH her
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Call me a normie one more time nerd
he say he may leave do to the bullying if trump wins. He is just play hard to get again.
I came here to steal cats from Canadians. And sell their dogs to Mexicans
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wise old owl.png
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Lurk moar
>his waifu doesn't have a twin/ability to replicate


my first anime was Gundam

my waifu isnt even from an Anime
Dogs are the source of food for the average Canadian, savage.
Congrats. Tell me about him.
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>when jack off hard to your waifu and click the tab to another one
if you're waifu isn't 2D then it defeats the purpose

also K-on is the patrician starter anime

she is 2D. But she's not from an Anime
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Just a reminder for our southern neighbours.

I'll have a toast for you when you make the right descision.
K-on is fucking disgusting trash why do you unironically watch it?
that is acceptable then
I know buddy. They will starve and run away to USA. Then you will suffer like Europe does.
But I'm voting for trump.
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Thanks for the reminder, almost forgot
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Here's a you.gif
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Go away Ahmed.
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I asked unironically why not ironically why
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Watching offduty brazilian cop videos
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*is an offduty brazilian cop*
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Judge Dredd tier nation
How many times have you been shot at?
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Will Hillary gib me a white gf
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>you will never send PUNKS to the isocube
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How does one qualify for this job?
Guilt ridden liberal white GF with a blown out cunt or a """""white""""" mudskin mexican GF, only if you're not white of course
>live in /cum/ mansion
>take a poopie in the main-level common bathroom
>don't flush the toilet
It's gotta be brown or black. No other colors.
jokingly? enough to get lead poisoning

for real? once
its actually really hard to get into the BRMP
fuck off retard
There wont be any white people left if Hillary wins
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>enjoying /cum/ thread
>some retard starts posting /cum/ mansion, baby, beast, and wrestle kids
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wtf I LOVE Massachusetts ballots
We're about one female President away from being Megacity one
>Only liberal urban area survives
>War with Russia means often nuclear bombardment
>Dindus and criminals everywhere
>really hard to get into
And still there's a huge amount of police brutality?
>live in /cum/ mansion
>replace all the mexican's refried beans with my shit
>he doesn't notice
I don't care I just want white gf


This can't be true D:
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Sense of Justice, Will of Iron and love of the Law.
You can't spell triumph without Trump.
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It's an absentee ballot from New York genius
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look at this ebin meme i saved on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 3:26 PM
>Working Families
Those 3 words don't belong together
who should vote for?
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reminder everything is TERRIBLE
write in jeb
they dont get any less than what they deserve

if they get sent to prision their families get more money monthly than our salary floor PER CHILD THEY HAVE

combine that with one of the biggest prision population in the world and youll have an idea of whats going on
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Well no shit.
I live in a semi-rural area.
Also, there's wildfire smoke everywhere.
I'm in the east coast and it doesn't seem very usual for this area at all.
Guess this will be my last post fore
jeb tbqh

the turtle must win the race
Vermin Supreme
thats enough bad vibes for me ill go play pokemon crystal lads
shit nigga I forgot you're in Jew York

no hostility
>if they get sent to prision their families get more money
what? why?
That's the best one tbqhwy
your ballots don't make sense, why are the same candidates in multiple boxes?
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chomp chomp
don't think whales do that, thought they sucked in krill
Because different parties can endorse the same candidate and a lot of them are meme tier and dont even have a candidate
Is the UK jizzing from a vore fantasy fulfillment?
>voting pro-mole

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tay tay 3.jpg
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>that autism
it's piece of propaganda, not a anthropological analysis of the animal
i understand your voting process even less now
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This pic reminds me of someone but I can't pinpoint exactly who
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if the dude who committed crimes is sent to the prision and they have family outside, the govt gives his family money so they dont "starve", im not really familiar with how it works

im going for a shitmon run hehehe

>Mentioning his virginity
Fucking Australians man
>maplenigger doesn't know about toothed whales
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bernie sanders
vapid whore
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wait, not anthropological, that's about humans. what's the other one
If dubs it's 50/50 across the country
>the govt gives his family money so they dont "starve"
that's stupid

here they could apply for welfare like any other poor buggers but that's about it
if dubs cancel these dubs
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EXCUSE ME but DIA has the mole, NOT Yohane
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>Brazil will never join a coalition against fascists again
if singles you're a flaming homo
the only whale i know is ur mum
hillary will win
Guess I'm Chad
what does the first world looks like lads
trump will win
holy shit I know nothing about senators or supreme court lads or whatever
who do I vote for there
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> Russia will never team up with us to save the white race
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>The study of whales

lmao some nerd goes to school for that shiet
>we built all this awesome infrastructure and our economy is held up by debnts we owe, what do?
>take out more loans and build more shit
>say no more familia
The goddess of /g/ and /pol/ really let herself go.
there's less garbage in some places and you only get stabbed when the economy is bad or you enter a neighbourhood with minorities

people pretend the government functions
>We'll never get to fug QT Germans and drink vodka with Ivan ever again
i early voted hillary yeah
Chuck Schumer is related to Amy Schumer, that should give you enough reason not to vote for him even though he basically has no chance of losing.
i remember watching a video about a dude with an "all lives matter" sign in a black neighbourhood

really made me think
Can someone name some legitimate reasons for Hillary instead of "She's not Trump."
I wish I weren't a fucking nigger
fuck off yellow teeth
too soon
why do you hate other countries so much
Fucking traitor to the Anglo race
Off yourself
t. CIA
there aren't any
>a fucking union jack
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drumpflet btfo.jpg
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>legitimate reasons for Hillary
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Best flag in the world nigger

Suck my cock
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I'm not fat or uneducated
Trump said mean things
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i've seen a number of videos of young guys just walking in public with a Make America Great Again hat, they'd be chased down and beat up by blacks and latinos, and harassed by autistic kids taking feminist classes in College. Seen some videos of that happening to women in the same position.

Quality of life might be better up here but people still act like animals when it comes down to it. In Canada people are too lazy to riot over shit unless it's hockey. I think sports riots are standard across the world.
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what year is it.jpg
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>wowee I said something mean in my shrill limey voice, that means they'll think I'm educated and right
eat shit bitch boy
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The US should be a francophone country
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>non-/cum/ flags
get the FUCK OUT NOW
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Are you a faggot?
How buttmad do brits get on 4th of july?
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>not sucking dick
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2bh we should have left you fags when we had the chance in 1812
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shut the fuck up, pedro. or i'll kick your sorry ass all the way back to guadalajara
hard to believe its been over a year since he left
French is literally only ever spoken by subhumans.
Look at all the French speaking African countries.
Also Quebec and France itself.
Also Louisiana.
Fuck the cubs
Nobody invited you switzerland, fuck off.
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ULSTER tbqhwyl
I could literally have sex with anyone here based on my accent alone.

If we were face to fact you'd have your cheek pressed to the floor spreading your arse cheeks for me already.

I like Mexico.
Mexicans are welcome in Britain.
What's that?
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2MB, 4128x2322px
This is what living in the first world looks like. Take notes, hicks.
wasn't the janny having him banned on site?
Rockford is CIA
we convulse with rage and pass out
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1MB, 1180x663px
The day the greatest nation in the world (that us) declared independence from you while we were kicking your ass in our revolution.
piss off
>I could literally have sex with anyone here based on my accent alone
>United Kingdom
fuck off abdul
hey guys i'm cia
Why the fuck arent brits flogged on sight?
hey guys i'm cia
this guy's an imposter don't listen to him
No. You can't always get whatchu waaaant.
No. You can't always get whatchu waaaant.
No. You can't always get whatchu waaaant.
But if you try sometimes
well you just might find
You get what you neEEEed
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I invited myself, burgerfaggot

better watch it, your boy can blitz
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>Why the fuck arent brits flogged on sight?
>45% of the country doesn't know the sun is a star
>40% believe in creationism
>Greatest inequality in the western world
>So many Mexicans the democrats will stay in power from now until the end of time
>11 million illegals
>don't like football
>literally invented white guilt
>Inner cities look like Africa
>1% of the country has HIV

Yes Yes I'm jealous
I made a 72.
Eh, I guess it could be worse. I still have over a 90 in the class.
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back up fam.jpg
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kys denmark
quote me or don't say it at all you fucking mistake
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I know, that was back when he only posted gas yourself and then he said he would leave but didn't

does lmm even come here anymore?
You haven't been relevant since 1527
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>could have had Rand Paul on the top of the ticket and won a landslide victory
>irl shitposters voted for the meme candidate instead
Trump is going to fix all that while your wooden teeth ass is still watching your wife get fucked by a refugee.
No friendo.

I voted for the most /biz/ friendly candidate 2bh
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How is your night going /cum/?
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Ew SJWverse
you're a big guy
""""""he""""""" (his tripcode) posted here a few months ago
didnt even know that existed dweeb
>cuck house
>tumblr anime
frig off
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Hillary has promised to increase America's refugee population by 600%
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Modestly sound as the good Lord has blessed me with.
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Ive never watched that its just a meme i saved
Good thing hillary isn't going to win.

You know, I really liked Rand Paul as a candidate. He was the only one who truly was constitution first. Oh well, trump is still a great candidate. He's going to secure the border and fix this economic and PC crisis.
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>Hillary has promised to increase America's refugee population by 600%
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i was pretty relevant in your mums arse last nite, pussy

I'm just sitting in my room listening to post-african repetitions
whilst you're paying a grand an hour to live in your one bedroom apartment ahmed is going to get a mansion for free
Do you think Jotolisco ever thinks about us?
I live in LA
I doubt the refugees will be happy lol
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You and Cali going to drown in it.
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You mean you voted for globalization and trade deals to increase the influence and wealth of the elite who dont give a shit about the country?
While ahmed is moving in with your wife while you go out to apologize for being white.
Why hello there, /cum/
my teeth are straight and white

unlike you gay nigger lmao

London being gay as fuck has only one benefit and that's that it pisses off the muslims.

It's great that fags have to face their dumb stance on defending muslims when muslims don't let them march through brown areas.

Hillary is America's Merkel what did you expect?
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>anything in the modern UK
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>he sperged hard enough over and ironic "ur mum" bant to reply with post-ironic all caps reddit nonsense completed with "XD"

kys my man
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It's raining right now in Texas.
It sure is nice.
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>He's not on post irony yet
>you will never be a rat crawling all over her pale sweaty unwashed body
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int pepe.png
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>falling for the trade deal is bad meme
Weren't you going for economics? That's a deadly sin bud
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>nation so shitty they created a confederacy to get their freedom
Literally shit

the South will rise again
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Trade deals lead to corporations become freelance which means they fuck everyone for an extra dollar.

If jobs aren't replaced by robots they're replaced by chinks and pajeets.

Ultimately trade deals do make things cheaper and increase the quality of goods, however they're plagued with drawbacks which are conveniently ignored by economic liberals.
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>land of fins

what the fuck?????
>Giving Chang and Pajeet the chance to undercut Americans severely
Cuckasota please. You'll realize once you're done with your meme BA degree that you like many others will be easily replaceable
I wish I lived in the UK
It seems like a cooler place to live in
Sure, if you enjoy islam and 1984 tier surveillance.
come home white man
nice meme but she's all woman, trust me
Yep, she's got 6 inches of womanhood dangling between her legs
No ahmed, we are home.
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>I wish I lived in the UK
>It seems like a cooler place to live in
Take that back or we'll become the 51st state!
>Finland becomes 51st state
>still won't join NATO
We have that in the US as well minus the coolness
Yes I am an econ major and I don't worship supply and demand curves like an autist irrespective of everything else. The end goal is mono-cultural world revolving solely around increasing profit, if we had what economists wanted they would flood us with all kids of foreigners just to see GDP rise
Not to the degree UK does. They have no 4th amendment, so they don't give a fuck about fucking privacy over.
Perfect workforce IIRC is one that lives until 60 and highschool educated only
Y-you don't want us? ;__;
You'll only want us to fight Russia
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Why is UK so shit? She ruined the whole western civilization!
labour is a factor of production

The more there is of something, the cheaper it costs.

Of course you want as many doctors, nurses and engineers as possible, but for the vast majority of jobs you want to be in a niche market where companies are fighting over you rather than you fighting over them.

Cunts in DC have no idea what that's like so they don't give a fuck.
Why are fins always so buttmad about russia?
Alright guys, who's voting Trump?
lol not me
Awful post. Does NOT warrant a you. Your mother hates your existence and wished she had pursued her dreams rather than pushing you out of her cuntflaps.
I already did, voted early.
Bad post, tut tut
*shakes head*
He mad
Having Finland would be the best.
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Why is American music so shit compared to British music
Good lad
turn off the proxy Nigel
Quite a few dead ones.

I've occasionally wondered what they taste like. I know Cajuns occasionally use opossum in their cooking.
Quit yourself
whoa there lad
both are equally shit now
Something doesn't seem right here

Sorry bud
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>Why is American music so shit compared to British music
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Taylor Swift is an aryan goddess.
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>Something doesn't seem right here
What do you mean?
I'm going to Make. America. Great. Again.
New when
For the economical opportunities.
Probably because of the Winter war, the Continuation war and the fact that our former eladers were spineless cunts who pleased the Russian in every way possible.
Thanks love <3


Extremely rude Janny off yourself
Is vapeman dead?
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>Taylor Swift is an aryan goddess.
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Taylor Swift is an Aryan goddess
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play freebird
Trap ofc
watch ID-055
I dunno. Something seems off about you bud. I'll be keeping my eye on you.
Okay you cunts, who do you consider attractive?
>fedora meme
That's it, lads.
Just reveal to everyone you have a mental disability
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every time
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What do cheeky nandos taste like?
Clinton is going to win.
Thread posts: 337
Thread images: 124

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