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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 340
Thread images: 70

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>pull up to my Barratt new build home with my 25 year fixed rate mortage in my grey Audi A3 on finance after a hard days work as deputy assistant head of sales targeting
>open the boot and take out my River Island and Superdry bags with the new gear I bought on the way home from work
>open the door
>yell hello to my wife of 2-years in the kitchen as she is already home from her work as a Team Leader in a call centre
>sit down on my leather sofa bought on sale at Sofology (haha I love those adverts, what is that sloth like haha, love sloths me)
>put up my feet on the IKEA table
>whap on the telly and tune in just in time to see Bradders going through the rules of the final chase with the contestants who made it through before they face Anne Hegarty
>perfect timing as my wife comes in with the dinner, another one of Jamie Oliver's cracking 30 minute meals
>tuck in as I pretend to listen to my wife's stories from her day at work
>send a cheeky snap to Smithster and Deano to see if they can come round for the champions league match later to watch it on the ol' Sony Bravia, maybe sneak in a few rounds of Fifa '17 on the PS4 first, bloody Smithster ignoring the rule of no tap-ins what a melt haha

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snp campaign manager <-

>How would you describe /brit/ humour?
like perpetually shitting out of your arse hole for all eternity
>lol mortgage
>lol finance

So what? Everyone on /brit/ is a billionaire who buys nice cars and houses outright? You children make me laugh

>Predictable response: t. barratt house owner
you're a moron if you think anyone whose son has just been blown is going to be happy because he get a warm safe bed.

how stupid are you? literally retarded.
Jesus Christ that copypasta + that image is too real
Reminder that the British people overwhelmingly supported the Iraq war
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canals tbqhwy
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>Work in a middle class environment
>All my colleagues love to boast how Labour they are and how much they love corbyn.
>Take class test
>I get working class
>They start berating me for not going to the theatre and unironically saying I'm an embarrassment

I fucking hate middle class liberal elites in this country.
Alri Deano mate
>so why do so many islamic men go to europe and rape women then say they didnt know it was bad?

Well I think I can help you with that:
1 - Islam is shady on the rights of non-believers anyway so there's a big card
2 - alot of middle eastern/indian/pakistani men come from very repressed societies in which they do not associate with women ever. many are virgins
3 - they do however have access to the internet and shit loads of porn
4 - they watch porn in which it LOOKS like you can just approach white women in the street and proposition them for sex and they're always up for it
5 - back to point one, they come from societies where women have no rights or voice so they believe women in short dresses with cleavage on display are literally asking for it

Multiculturalism a shit to be fair
who is the lad in the image?

don't just say deano
fantastic addition to the barratt gimmick

as CEO of the gimmick I give it my stamp of approval
you're probably a 19 year old child who won't be getting a mortgage on fuck all for over a decade
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>wake up in LONDON
>It was all a dream
Deano Smith from Essex

But in all seriousness: https://twitter.com/bringerofrain20/status/753349177401184256
>It's now legal in Northern Ireland to force people to act agaisnt their religious beliefs or face a huge fine
Ah yes, very impressive. Looking forward to forcing muslims to touch bacon and alcohol and support gay marriage.
hebden bridge aka lezzaville

why do gays self segregate?
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absolute god-tier gimmick

are you a sociologist or something? this is too spot on

me irl
i used to read word up magazine
Ahahaha alri Deano, buy yourself a nice new pair of jeans on Jacamo to calm yourself down
Buying a new car on finance is runt-tier.; should be buying a worse car or at least 2nd hand before resorting to finance.

Obviously mortgages are the norm.
Because multiculturalism doesn't work

t. gay rorke
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>the paddies are the only ones doing secularism right
all my old schoolmates have careers, some of them are married with kids. I'm just on the internet and taking drugs everyday. Sound mate.

>tfw a newbuild estate is going up on the plot of land where you used to play sunday league

felt proper sad when I saw it
Watching old episodes of Spitting Image lads
Really is a very good show, wish there was something like it today
man I hate womyn.

i'm so done.
Only Deano would think that is an achievement worth bragging about
The Barratt New Build life actually seems quite comfy desu :x
ah yes...the 190kg master runt.....very impressive...
They're building one where the coal mine used to be in my village lmao couldn't make it up (you could)
Did they get it in Australia mate ha ha
Going to be instituting the same rules that apply to Poleaboo to 190kg master runt lads

Do NOT reply to it
living the dream lad
Why is the average /brit/ poster a child with literally no idea how the real world works?
Would take the rope over the Barratt new build life ngl.
ahhh yes...
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nig nog

should I try fuck hookup?
Both very good gimmicks

oh christ
yeah go for it lad her knockers are on a next level
it's the same guy
>why aren't you impressed with my financed Audi?

Jokes aside, what else do you expect froma board of NEETS and students from middle class backgrounds?
what bitcoin wallets do you lads use
lads what does the outside of a fanny feel like?

not the inside but the around the hole and the flappy thing
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>No hookup
Ah yes, the "I'm a slut but gotta keep up appearances in case anyone I now comes by me" line
A favourite 2bh
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Cool I used to read magazines too we have so much in common haha
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mummy and daddy have gone away for a few days so I will be smoking weed in my room
Deano Strikes Back
maybe if she was 22 and not 29
reminds me of that spacker documentary on the bbc about a year ago
I've never seen a stuck up downie until now
what a cunt
I drive a 10 year old Golf and live in a rented place, as I have for 3 years. Home ownership (even something like a new build) is a pipe dream for the vast majority of people under 30 in this country. Can't wait for all the children who post on /brit/ to enter the real world
hope your gaff burns down with you in it
>not hiding stubs

shan't be passing the spliff round your way
Yes. If she refuses the hookup, threaten her with spoilers.
Once it's done, spoil her anyway for being easy.
we have this conversation every single time

it brings me immense joy seeing his little runt face posting and knowing that it falls on deaf ears
I was teasing lad, I know.

I used to sneer like them too, then I graduated, got a job and realised that at the end of the month my pay packet doesn't really go that far when you need a deposit in 2016.

Bit grim really.
got a tinder date on wednesday lads

she's really cute, I hope she's as nice as she seems

you're doing it all wrong mate.

the greatest victory over him is forgetting he even exists.
THIS IS NOW A GINGER BEAVER THREAD, LADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im stoned as fuck and I can't stop reading and laughing at the OP
literally would have no idea what to talk about on a date or where to go

wouldn't even know how to ask the question Tbh
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yeah, clearly fake tho

doubt she's actually 29 desu
Im working class scum and have 10 grand set aside for me for a house deposit when I want it
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CAN YOU HANDLE THE FIERY RED BEAVER, LADS????????????????????????????
>boring ginger camwhore

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t. proto deano
wow a whole ten grand! really?!
Finally here lads. Now I can become a new level of shitposter
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood
With a ring at the end of her nose,
Her nose,
Her nose,
With a ring at the end of her nose.

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one day mate
fuck off billionaire posh cunt
usually you talk about each and things that you have an interest in. just a conversation but with some more direct questions. if it's meant to be you'll get flirty automatically so don't worry about that.

you can go anywhere but I usually opt for restaurant (nothing fancy, just not mcD) or a cafe
Who is he?
>tfw no tights gf
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CAN'T HANDLE THE GINGER BEAVER, CAN YOU, LADS??????????????????????????????
>It's the all cap spamming autist
Ah yes, what a wonderful gimmick
Fucking spacker
want ALL the /brit/ personalities to reply to this post
notice me senpai
It's ironically female
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>tfw no girls feet on my face
alri it's me
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Are these jeans ugly?
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put me off drugs a bit desu
Opening in another group in work, feel like switching but I'm pretty sure my group would hate my guts and I'd be bottom of the run again.

Literally no reason to do it other than I'm bored with what I do right now.
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>want a girls face on my feet

im here
dunno but your genes are haha
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What the fuck do you want from me you little shit I'll fucking end you in an heartbeat
why weren't people like this ever given fucking braces as a kid? i wore them for like 18 months and it was annoying but at least now i don't look like a fucking idiot with gaps in my teeth
whats he up to these days?
if you're good looking you can just skip the date desu

just ask them what they're doing, if they say they're not doing anything, say you're not doing anything either and ask them to come over and a lot of the time they'll actually say okay then it's fucking easy, you can do whatever you want, maybe order food, drink or just chill for a while then maybe get lucky

literally done this a few time with 8/10s

obviously play it by ear and make jokes in there too, recent girl said she was just doing chores and washing and shit, jokingly asked her to come over to do and she said she would, so I said I won't have any clothes when they're in the wash and it worked
do you fucking faggot brits like this dance at minute 1:54?

haha reply to me on myspsce ed
There are people out there who spend their entire working lives in perpetual net debt
Boggles the mind
only for literal twig legs but theyre alright
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My "natural selection" shirt came today
Having second thoughts about wearing it outside though haha
Breitbart is less biased than the BBC.
I know that mate but that's really not what I want. I'm decently good looking and get 5-10 matches a day but it's too much bullshit to keep faffing around like that.

I'd rather just get a girlfriend 2bh
I'm trying to lose weight and need something to aim for
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Average group of Portugese "people"
what do you mean by this
somebody hat this spazz
Bet she has to get checked for cancer so regularly
The 'dits got to reviewbrah lads
Ah yes. +£700 for a Google Pixel phone.
School: With school, I've had many difficulties. My severe addiction to video games, major lack of sleep, and dozens of bullies made school very difficult to me from grades 3 to 10. I hated school a lot, especially my 5th and 9th grade years which are the worst times of my life. By 10th grade, however, things began to change. They changed so much that I actually began to like school, despite all the difficulties that I had. From grade 10 until the end (grade 12), I finally managed to succeed and graduate and now I frequently get into watching educational TV shows and, recently (as of May 29, 2007), even subscribed to a magazine with a lot of science-related stuff (Scientific American to be precise).
browsing the 'dit lads
lmao, i'm not wearing it because im a fedora. It's the shirt one of the columbine school shooters wore. It's 2edgy.
How fucking slow are these people they literally had reviewbrah on CNN before reddit found him
I wish ginger beaver lad would fuck off.
Jesus Christ reddit comments are retarded.
he has his own sub you fucking spanner he was always reddit
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>"Films? Aha yes mate, love Wolf of Wall Street and The Avengers"
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>lmao, i'm not wearing it because im a fedora. It's the shirt one of the columbine school shooters wore. It's 2edgy.
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>somebody hat this spazz
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>he was always reddit
He browses and posts on 4chan. He's admitted as much.
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>lmao, i'm not wearing it because im a fedora. It's the shirt one of the columbine school shooters wore. It's 2edgy.
*secretly farts*
*it doesn't smell so nobody notices*
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>and then he told me that the BBC is more biased than /pol/
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Halloween costume sorted lads. Going as Igor and I've made a hump out of a little bag, gaffer tape, and a load of cushion feathers. Whack a black cape over the top and some makeup and I'm sorted.
he also posts on reddit you fucking chomp bar
>I'd rather just get a girlfriend 2bh
You will, until you get one and realise they're too much effort
>He's admitted as much.
>go to interview
>they ask about gap on employment history
>oh i had savings so I didn't need to work at that time

is this acceptable and if not why not
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I think reddit is even worse than /brit/ and /brit is the biggest normie wanna-be circlejerk of shitposting this side of the galaxy
literally cannot stand normies or 99.9% of humans in general tbqh
going to work and studying in solitude on my days off is all I have
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britbong mong4.jpg
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the gf
no, shows you're only motivated by money and likely to quit when you have more 'savings'

say you went travelling
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not a very good gimmick ulster
That's true though...
No because it looks like you don't give a shit about sitting on your arse all day. Say you were looking after a disabled relative
not really, you should have made some bullshit up about personal development

you want to appear to be a career animal
Ah yes of course
Bit thick aren't you? I was referring to him being in a front page post with 7000 upvotes, not whether he's been on the 'dit before
Not at all

Just say you had savings and were travelling

Less than a year gap right?
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Ah yes, which category should I begin my masturbation with this evening.
Hope she jolly well stays there
Reddit is awful

Literally everyone just making politically correct snarky jokes for karma

why is the gf so smart lads?

bet u wish she was urs x
made a very bad cup of tea

behind the scenes
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holy shit this thread smells like ass
open the windows at once for fuck sake
>say you went travelling
But that would be a lie...
alri sara?

it's not on the list can you recommend anything?
For Women
In the comments of one of his videos.

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lads, is Breaking Bad worth watching? not sure i can be arsed watching 5 seasons or so
Can never go wrong with a piping hot cup of Lipton black tea lad, give it a shot
that's stupid. Most people would give up work right away if they one the lottery . Same thing

it's also the same thing as only being able to claim benefits when you don't have other income/savings

It's literally not their business whether I was travelling or not
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Woke up at half 4 in the middle of the day again. ahhh yes
>virtual reality

Remember when we thought virtual reality was gonna be years ahead but it's happening already
Chinese gf was teaching me mandarin and said if I do well I get a treat then rubbed my willy

Ah yes, better chance of a job and a blowie, ill take that
horrifying t b h
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>they actually believe this
you MUST go back
alri wee la
No it's shit
We're starting off slowly it seems


Which category next?
literally dictatorial
whats your malfunction
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mate I'm not choosing your fucking porn, get a grip and fuck off
Is this the Chinese e-gf?
Hey it's me ur brother
no employer gives a shit about your rationalisations about why you didn't work. you're not that important or remarkable. you'll be out the door and on to the next candidate
i like my beats hard like 2 day old shit
you're literally making so sense

you act as if him being discussed on reddit is something new DESPITE the fact he's been on Tosh.0 and CNN as a result of his success on Reddit, in part because of the sub dedicated to him
>waaaaah the party I don't like is popular
Irl gf
it's pretty good
just stop at the end of the 4th series because the 5th just starts to get too silly and characters start doing illogical things just to make the plot go on for another few episodes
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the so called "chinese gf" and her friend
yeah best thing I've ever watched
first season is a bit slow but after that it's unreal
you'll be saying 5 seasons wasn't enough after
lads at /lat/ are mean to me
can i stay inside here for a while?
starting to think the ginger beaver poster is a bot
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Unemployed, friends are working. Have literally nothing to do but get stoned and watch the telly
>tfw you're the original author of OP's Barratt pasta
>all those second-hand (You)s

feels good
>no employer gives a shit about your rationalisations about why you didn't work
so why ask and why then would 'travelling / development' suffice . it's all tangential to whether someone can do the job or not
But eventually porn gets boring and you end up on the same videos over and over again.

I need some masturbatory inspriation
9gag and 4chan should merge so we can have double the memes desu
Only if you recognise the British rule over the Falkland Islands
cause you can you gay cunt

could cause a bit of argy bargy waheyyy

People like this will be jumping in front of trains next year due to the brexit economic recession lel
Tim on the front-page of reddit when?
Nah, it's fucking soap opera-tier shit with ludicrous plotlines that don't make any sense and are forgotten when it's convenient.

Watch this scene. Sums up the stupidity of it all.

fucking spacker, you don't deserve a job

autistic mong, try out your method and we'll see what happens

spastic cunt

jobs want people they can keep on for as long as possible, not some fucking layabout who as soon as he earns a few bob is going to sack it off and sit on his arse then get another job
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>tfw want to smoke weed
>tfw too socially awkward to find a dealer
we should combine into 13chag
im sorry but the falklands are clearly peruvian
I'm rather enjoying how it has now become socially acceptable to hunt Poles down in the streets as if they were game

My social life has improved drastically

Sundays are always the best, we gather around the Polish church and get them as they leave, tie up the parents and make the kids watch as we smack their teeth out of their mouths
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argies BTFO.jpg
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>>I need some masturbatory inspriation
got me election by mail ballot, lads

whom should i vote? learning towards #IamWithHer
good post
Just ask someone you know to introduce you to one
Having some mild visual distortions/hallucinations
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>I'm rather enjoying how it has now become socially acceptable to hunt Poles down in the streets as if they were game

>My social life has improved drastically

>Sundays are always the best, we gather around the Polish church and get them as they leave, tie up the parents and make the kids watch as we smack their teeth out of their mouths
How is it ukip -2 when they only have 1 seat now
How's your living siutation? But yourself a nice £500,000 Georgian house outright? Park your fully paid for Jaguar on the drive?

Women are evil lads
but what if it wasn't my fault i didn't stay on at the previous place
that war was pointless
incas are the rigthful owner of those islands
order it online
Not showered since September
absolutely horrendous post
I only have a couple friends and they don't smoke weed.
done talking to you, autistic little swine fuck off
Shan't be opening that
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>Not showered since September
Who /theoffspring/ here?

I'll send some in the post
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Isn't car financing for people who want to switch every 3 years or so?
I smoke a pack of fags a day but I'll never touch weed

NEVER, absolutely terrible drug
I unravelled the contradictions in your argument. You're welcome.
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What's his name, /brit/?
how have people been defending this so far?
milksteak is delicious
ah yes the 90s
ah yes a typo how bizarre and unique
David Cameron
Ever since I learned she shaves her fanny she's been dead to me tb h

Aisha is where it's at
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anyone got that copy pasta about deano with the 24k recruitment job
1 - 2 = 0
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Best thing about the Deano gimmick is how it genuinely triggers aspirational runts

im sorry i cant speak monkey
Why is drake such a britaboo lads?

What's coventry like lads? Considering a job there tee bee haych
looool the OP has really touched a nerve with some runt ITT. Probably has some pleb motor on finance draining his monthly salary.
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u mad? you on the left
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Yes,so many of my friends have over dosed or ended up selling their arses on the street for their next fix
yep but people who post that shite probably don't even drive never mind have houses and mortgages. this is /brit/ for fuck's sake
foetuses aren't "alive", nor are they legally humans
they also don't feel pain

nothing wrong with abortion before ~24 weeks
no you didn't

I can guarantee that if you walked into a job interview and said "I had some savings so I didn't want to work any more but now I'm out of money so I need to work again for a bit" they'd laugh you out of there

you need to make yourself sound interesting, going travelling with your savings is more interesting than sitting on your arse drinking super skol
Because there are occasions when it's necessary
Getting out of bed

La cisplatina che?
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They're quite rare
what do you think, even churchill famously let it get bombed hoping it would be an improvement

good lad

prefer him to the nimr tiger
the oneitis has a new bf and he's kind of a dick
she hasn't text me back in days and she never answers her phone
her boyfriend is a fucking cunt, so i guess i'm never going to see her again
i'm going to miss her sanguine beauty

Watch Fargo instead. It's fucking GOAT, probably the best TV show for ten years.
No, you're thinking of leasing.
apparently there was a bomb or two dropped on it in the war
Fuck off, shitskin.
It's a terrible drug. It might not kill you but it completely fries your brain. Turns it to mush. I know plenty of people who smoke weed and their all barrat new build idiots who talk about weed and weed only.
Can you just get a car by paying monthly though

Just to keep it, not switch every few years
So the lady vicar gambit paid off
I would not word it like that. I am done talking to you now. Build a straw man of someone else
the more telling part is that the place was better after the bombing
Dont read this post

Disobedient little shit, arent you?
pirate scumbags
I wanna take the piss out of deano runts but I can guarantee my life will probably end up more pathetic than satire
dr partizan has good media but its only on kurds
sidorenko is also dece
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>If you stick their backs together with another one they give birth
Ever seen Aussie customs, they're mental? I'll get fucking deported when they inevitably find it in the post.

It's not like living back in England where every man and his dog smoked weed and could find it for you and I ordered a brick of Lebanese hash online and it came within 2 weeks by royal mail.
that deano guy looks a bit like an arsenal player
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>not getting wrath

i wear it to my school that has had a shooting, great banter
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>sorry i can't speak monkey
>official argentina language: spanish

alright then
>being a literal beta-orbiter

Why are black people arguing in /brit/?
What is the colour of night?
enjoy signing on runt
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>US/Canadian/French SOF freely operating around Iraq/Syria
>Turks freely operating in Syria
>US building 2 airbases in Syria

ahh yes
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need a taytay gf
>i'm going to miss her sanguine beauty
regret clicking this
How do you know I read it, you judgmental fuck?
It won't have to go through customs
Surely you can find an Australian vendor?
one of the most common forms of car finance here (because it can be structured as part of a tax efficient salary package)

Except we dont have "barrats new builds" in Ireland you prick
Hello, young lady

Is your mother home?
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what do gooks call their japs eye?

not the setup to a joke, I really want to know
*rates you a 2*

Our SOF are in there too la
El haitiANO
Would love to visit Hong Kong
What kind of stoner who talks about weed all the time has a house worth hundreds of thousands of pounds and a mortgage?
You know the type of self obsessed personality I'm referring to
*stabs you mid-sentence and runs off*
their 3rd eye
Have the swedes finally start to uncuck themselves?
gooks are korean mate

I dont know anybody who smokes weed and has a job, nevermind a car or house
I didn't even do anything!

Go back to ramadam


el sirio?
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>Miss, Anon is eating chewing gum
Looks like its a pretty sarny for me to fill the gap 'til I get home at half 9.
I get quite angry and suicidy when I can't get stoned
syracuse is one of the best, he's also a big map maker

maytham is decent too

the official """journalists""" who write for magazines are almost all shit
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you can filter from where they shop from

plenty of sellers in australia
don't understand the fundamentals of war

can't you just walk into their territory and claim it as their own, its not as if the boundaries on the Syria maps are some sort of magical line of soldiers

*waits outside the school gates at 3*
No boots on the ground was a load of shite then.

Got to love how all middle eastern adventures have been such a disaster with public opinion that they've just decided not to tell us we're involved anymore.
New thread
I know someone who smokes a fuckload everyday and still makes a load of money at a hotel, and has a car
>tfw answered a question in German lessons with the sieg heil and got suspended

not sure why we didnt do French like a normal school
*walks into your house*
*claims it as my own*
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The only reason I'm smoking it is because I don't have a job. I'm so bored, I didn't smoke when i was working
Why are you defending it then? You're reinforcing my argument here. Weed smokers are losers.
you buy cars/houses actually within your price range so your not paying for it your entire life.

my car is over 10 years old and I got it used.
>Obviously mortgages are the norm.
yea but you can get a sensible mortgage instead of some gigarunt tier 50 year mortgage or something insane like that.

even 25 is a lot, 10-15 would be better, or less if possible.
>how the real world works?
getting a mortgage doesn't mean you get a lifetime one

if you're putting something like 5% down then you really shouldn't be buying the house.
i did spanish and my teacher used to give my detention every lunch and she wanked me off once
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