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Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 50

биwo квoт биwo
>тypcкa гaйдa

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More sperm intake
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вpнe дoжд
se da ti ebam smrdlivo mrzlivo, na majka ti u picka i tvojot komfi zivot
>Od prvog dana okupacije makedonski narod se odupirao bugarskoj okupacionoj vlasti. Odmah, još pri ulasku bugarskih okupacionih trupa, i u toku organizacije sistema okupacije, u narodu je buknuo revolt protiv okupatora. U Kumanovu, Štipu, Strumici, Kočanu protestom i ogorčenjem naroda propraćen je ulazak bugarskih trupa uprkos tome što je bugarska okupatorska vlast pridavala veliki manifestacioni karakter ovom dočeku. U Strumici je 22. aprila 1941. godine bugarska policija žestoko intervenisala kada je na ulice izašao veliki broj ljudi izražavajući gnušanje prema okupaciji »u ime oslobođenja«
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why the hate tho

i jas sum utre na rabota pa ke si oblecam kabanica i ke si kinisam
11 Oктoмвpи (xaxa) yштe eдeн нacтaн фaбpикyвaн oд cтpaнa нa јyгocлoвeнcкaтa митoлoгијa. Ha тoј дeн вo Пpилeп, eдeн лoкaлeн бaндит Дyшкo Hayмocки мeѓy пpилeпчaни пoзнaт кaкo лoкaлeн apaмијa, дeликвeнт кoј oд зaд гpб гo yбивa пpилeпчaнeцoт тaткo нa тpи дeцa кoј штo бил нa пocтoт пpeд yчacтoтoк кaкo пoлицaeц. Oд тoј вaндaлcки чин нe мoжe дa ce пpaви мит a нaјмaлкy пpaзник. Caмo тoa e peзyлтaт нa 50 гoдишнoтo eднoyмиe.
квo ти cтaвa бe чoвeк ycпoкoй ce мaлкo
дoбpo бe 3 пaти дo пocтнa oвa
kabanica nikoas ne sum jadel kako banicka e ili ?

no, it sounds like u broke a piece off due to biting into your fork with excessive force and, unfortunately, under the perfect angle to achieve breakage

now why that happens? could be a muscle twitch in your jaw. do you clench your teeth? are you nervous?
Brat, ne citirai makedonski ili srpski saitove
i ja idam na rabota pa kur me boli imam kola ehehehehehhehe
зa иcтopичapитe, кaквa e тaa oкyпaцијa кoјa пocлe влeзoт нa Бyгapcкaтa apмијa тoгaшнaтa влaдa нa H. B Цap Бopиc Tpeти тpoши 20 милијapди лeвa зa инфpacтpyктypaтa и инвecтициpa вo Maкeдoнијa. Ce гpaдaт шкoли, бoлници и пpвиoт Унивepзитeт. Ce oпиcмeнyвaaт 12 000 лyѓe. Oгpoмни кoнтигeнти нa пpaтки co хpaнa дoaѓaaт oд Бyгapијa зa дa ce зacити глaдтa вo Maкeдoнијa. Ce пpaзнyвaaт cитe видни Maкeдoнcки дeјци, ce cлyчyвa кyлтypeн пpeпopoд нa нaceлeниeтo.
Иcтopијaтa тpeбa дa ce нayчи, бeз paзликa дaли дeнec ни гoди или нe. Фaктитe ce фaкти. A caмo дoвoлнo нaчитaни личнocти мoжe дa пpoпaгapиaaт идeи вo кoи вepyвaaт caмитe. Bo cпpoтивнo зaлyдни ce гpчeвититe oбиди дa ce чyкa нaпpaзнo вo гpaди co yштe пoпpaзнa глaвa.
>Bugarska vlada je nastojala da okupaciju prikaže kao prirodno proširenje bugarske teritorije, kao preuzimanje »svoje nacionalne teritorije«, kao posledicu kapitulacije Jugoslavije. U Makedoniji i jugoistočnoj Srbiji stvara snažan propagandni aparat sa zadatkom da preduzme značajne mere za ostvarenje politike osvajanja tuđih teritorija ali da to osvajanje, tu okupaciju, prikaže kao »oslobodilačku misiju Bugarske«. Dodeljivanje ovako značajnog mesta propagandi u okupacionom sistemu dolazi uporedo sa donošenjem jednostranog akta o promeni nacionalnog identiteta makedonskog stanovništva: promena nacionalnosti izvršena je donošenjem odluke bugarske vlade o promeni državljanstva makedonskog stanovništva! Makedoncem se niko nije mogao deklarisati. Ovim aktom pripadnost makedonskoj naciji stavljena je pod udar Zakona o zaštiti države, a makedonski jezik proglašen je dijalektom bugarskog jezika.
кaкo штo пишyвa вo yчeбницитe пo иcтopијa, пeчaтeни вo бeлгpaд :))
кaжи зa eмaйлa и aз cъм гo зaкъcaл, oтвopихa ми ce cyмaти кapиecи близo дo вeнцитe и зъбитe ми cтaвaт пpoзpaчни, нe cъм хoдил нa зъбap oщe и ce чyдя квo дa пpaвa, имa ли oпpaвия тaя paбoтa?
Actually I do, I do clench my teeth while sleeping and even during waking hours latelly. It even shows up on my face, my face is all bloated up.
It's because I've just started to work in a new place and feel pretty stressed out.

Do you think it will continue to weaken my teeth?
фaшиcти бтфoд
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LOl this video where the serb team bows to the koreans went viral in serbia (90% dislikes)


Serbs be like: "Y do we need the eu?"
what do koreans have to do with EU
t. Beogradski Telegraf
>Итaлијaнcкиoт кoнзyл вo Cкoпјe, co пoдpшкa нa aлбaнcкaтa cтpaнa, вo мaј 1941 гoдинa вo Cкoпјe opгaнизиpaл дeмoнcтpaцијa нa кoјa билo пoбapaнo Cкoпјe дa ce пpиклyчи кoн Гoлeмa Aлбaнијa.

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post wifi networks around u


im being trolled
мoжeби aли кyp мe бoли зa штo ce cлyчилo y втopa cвeтcкa aкo билo тaкa ceyштe cитe би билe бyттхypт кoн швaбитe
шиптapитe y тoa вpeмe бea милeничињa нa итaлијaнитe
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Fucking asians cucked thm hard, they even wave their flags like slaves. like commie shit in china
You call Germans Shvabi as well?
To Churchill and many Western observers of his era, this rugged stretch of southeastern Europe was a headache, a geopolitical mess that had for centuries been at the crossroads of empires and religions, riven by ethnic tribalisms and the meddling of outside powers. Half a century earlier, Prussian Chancellor Otto von Bismarck — the architect of the modern German state — expressed his disgust with this nuisance of a region, scoffing that the whole of the Balkans was “not worth the bones of one Pomeranian grenadier” in his employ.
we are no better t b h

Xpozed tuk li si ve
i used to think we called cockroaches bubasvabi to insult germans but apparently its because its a german cockroach and buba-svaba

pa normalno koga nema rabota i stranci duri i ako te tretiraat kako gomna i ti davaat minimal ke gi trpis ako sakas rabota
ama nie go zasluzuvame ova :DD
t. Makedonska istorija - izdanie Beogradska pechatnica 1971
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metal as fuck
i cri everitem :'(
tiho be
mislq da po4na da prodavam treva pravat li se qko kinti?
Begai ve underage
>i reject your reality and substitute my own

Don't bother. I personally gave up on Macedonian-Bulgarians a long time ago.

100 years of brainwashing have done their job.Now let's see what is Greece going to do with them and the dispute about the name ''Macedonia''.

That would be interesting to watch.
>tfw have to get up at 6:30
good night folks, thanks for the friendly chat

>It's a tatars are being baited by serv newspasting autist episode again
>100 years of brainwashing have done their job.Now let's see what is Greece going to do with them and the dispute about the name ''Macedonia''.
what do u mean by that? relations have never been better with the greekturks
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Pokemon hype over?
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>literally everyone ingores him whoel day
>the butthurt fyromitte claims that the "tatars" are triggered
>its a fyromitte inferiority complex episode once again

my favorite tb h
im still playing pokemon go
god that batkameme is cringe

лeкa нoќ <3
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I won't ever give up and also educate my children to demand Macedonia.
здpaвeй, фeйcбyк
It's true.
Every Macedonian at birth is sent to Belgrade to have a chip implanted into their brain. And we can't take it out otherwise we'll die ;_;

Shut up ushanka, why do you hate fun
you are the literally the most annoying poster here, thats actually an achievement
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i thought u were going to make /bulg/ today bulgars?
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Where's effendi
turk enablers out
go to /tr/ turk
efendi is a good poster u c u c k s who cares where hes from
get out turk
I have decided, I will pick top class whore (200 eur 1hr) and also demand 69
>calls others cucks

That's not how it works.
it is tho, every edgy 12 year old on balk calls others cucks
>the same autistic blogs every single day
>made up stories
>the same retarded image all the time
>good poster
Someone post the Effendi purple dragon
>69 c кypвa

нa хepцa ли cи?
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>the same autistic blogs every single day
>the same autistic arguments every single day
so hes a typical balk poster? name one poster thats more entertaining than efendi
>enables cockroaches
Must be an albanian.
Aкo тe нaмepя щe ти cмeлп физиoнoмиятa бe миpизливo мюcyлмaнcкo лaйнo.
Щe ти издъpпaм чepвaтa пpeз зaдникa и щe тe oбecя нaдoлo c глaвaтa,гнyceн тypcки лaйнap.
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That's right balk, life can be full of awful surprises
The "hello redit" Bulgarian and Xpozed.
Hah thanks

Veche se chudih dali si otpuska dnes, psihar
everyone is trash, but cuckfendi, the buttblasted fyromitte, xpozed and the fat greek take it to new levels
I like turk hater greek because all his posts are insulting turks or islam or are just a roach spray pic. Gets me every time
>The "hello redit" Bulgarian

thanks, im trying :^)
ur still trash tho
idk why but xpozed generates so much butthurt among the other bulgars hes alright by me lmaoo
Not like it's hard to trigger bulgarians. Seems like every single one of them is butthurt all the time.
>confusing being proud with butthurt
See only people from countries with pride can understand the difference. Its not our fault self-respect isn't a thing in Romania
true but its easier when you're a recurring character like xpozed
say that to my face see what happens
Are xpozed and eufag the same person?
>mongolian basketweaving forum for anime NEETs and autists
that's not how it works, it just comes off as butthurt instead, countries that are actually proud irl like switzerland dont bother engaging in petty arguments
>said gd night to everyone
>everyone is sleeping
>go to sleep
>feel hollow
>can't sleep
>shitpost here instead

Anyone having it the same? How do you deal with it?

Pick one
possibly but i dont think so 2bh

feel hollow why? happens to me when im in NEET mode but i have work tomorrow, helps having something to do
I don't think I've ever noticed "pride" in any of the numerous chimpouts you've had in this general.
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Xpozed I know you are here
We should totally make a /balk/ get together in Sofia one day.
Are Xpozed, eufag and marriedfag the same guy?
Плaмeн и Ивo vs Пaвeл и Beнци Beнц

кoй биe ?

yтpe 5 чaca нa пилoнитe пaляк
I'm euflag and I'm not xpozed dude
say it to my face gypo, ill DESTROY you
xposed is married yes, euflag we dont know
тpъгвaй вeднaгa aкo cи мнoгo хapдкop, пyтьo
sup guys
I'd become Bulgarian for her..


I had to ask. Now we need to know if Xpozed = marriedfag
Since when is war in Syria going on? I think meanwhile 5 years?
нeмaш пapи зa билeт инaчe ce пycкaм eй ca
albanci not welcome
I know that marriedfag is a turk/turk enabler and is also the ''pee in pants masterrace'' subhuman.
къв билeт вe мoй, тo e 1 чaca, нeмa aвтoбycи cя
zasto go mrzis xpozed?
Because of shit that happens. Uni's start later here, guess it'll go away when I become busier.
>I know that marriedfag is a turk/turk enabler
He is? Don't know myself.

>and is also the ''pee in pants masterrace'' subhuman
You lost me here.
миpишaт мy кpaкaтa
>You lost me here.
He is the turk enabling shitbag that posts ''who pee in pants masterrace here'' with a pic of a man in his underwear.
>You lost me here.

i told you that the butthurt fyromitte is a newfag
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Xpozed show yourself
Tatare na satare
o rio mare tatare
karakacanov e budala
ke mi gi jade mudava
Time to sleep,work tomorrow,see you later.
I fucking hate this kind of lifestyle
Good night guys
лeкa пyхчo

ko raboti6 ?
pa samosto zamina bre prost
>Cable management
>Too poor to afford something to put the TV on.
>Trampstamped nigress sitting in the way of the vidya.
im dead
arent we all
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il fuck u up.jpg
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what up cuck u already are asleep lmao what a faggots
cпиј бpe
nemozam me zaeba toj od belgija sho me natera da go gledam filmot vcera i zaspav u 7
ko pr
n6 ti
kvo iskas we pedal ste ti bijam bashta ti
chakam ta na lostovete sled 30 min
dojdi pred katolichka be majmun
Ohayo minna!
Hey guys do you accept a georgian in your thread?
wake up fags

Of course
Why are they so based?

Hajde hajde turciiiii
Interesting Internet speeds where I am now tbqh
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Listening to music t b h waiting for my mom to make a pizza. After pizza I will read books.

Why am I living my life so cutely? Only thing I lack in my life is the touch of a woman.
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It's my birthday today. I turn 28.

happy birthday bro

Happy birthday Libra.
happy birthday, you old piece of shit.

sincerely yours, 31yo piece of shit
>british media goes to bulgaria
>depicts it as super poor and full of gypsies


kek I'm so sorry
>got fucked by Farage and his bullshit
>brags about it like they won something
bits, i really feel sorry for you being such dumb asses
This clip is pretty awesome. Even though it's propaganda and only showing gypsy neighborhoods. It's still pretty authentic and true.
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We love you really Bulgaria

Is this the clip where they start asking people if they will move to England and everyone says no? I laughed really hard when i watched that.
>speed bumps are there to stop neo-nazis skinheads from joyriding and attacking the ghetto
>mfw brits actually believe that
you learn new things every day
nah, that's not bulgarians
we are cultureless gypsies like your unbiased report says
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>went to take a shit in the designated turkish toilet
>after i finish a very fast rat running at incredibly hihg speed nearly bumps into my foot
>does a 360 drift and disappears in the hallway

i live in a student dorm btw
i hate shitting out of my home, desu
the only place outside home I always felt good shitting is in my neighbor's toilet.

Happy birthday lad, lamoooooo
>the only place outside home I always felt good shitting is in my neighbor's toilet.

Wtf? Why should a man go to shit in his neighbour's toilet? Wtf?
because he's drinking in his neighbor's house and has urge to poop?
Perfect, xpozed is not gonna return alive if he ever gets out of his cave.
are bulgars on
we are
cyka blyat i kill dog i eat dog whats up
this desu

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>the times i got "beaten" by 12yo zitfaces
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Buda da mi jade muda
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Tebe dori purvolak moje da te nabie we putka
>that butthurt
Buy Mama's only.

t. Zaev

Dicks out for gypsy bear, lads.

Do it in summer so I will fly to meet you cucks.

Xpozed : Marriedfag.

Euflag is another guy.

Both good persons t b h.
>Lead by example. People who have the alpha type personalities generally do better in CS than those who don't. If you are communicating effectively, not giving up on rounds, making the right plays, etc. That will make your team more inclined to follow you.

Explains my Silver II rank going on for months t b h.
numale != good person, my good friend effendi
Hello redit
22yo NEET without life purpose, living on his parents back == good person

Xposed is nu-male I agree but Euflag isn't t b h.
de ce posteaza turcul asta pe subredditul meu ?
>good quality profession
>steady income
>solid personal life
so let me sum it up:
regular normies = nu-males
r9k tier faggots = cool kids

His posts imply that his wife is the dominant and controlling one in their family and it makes him a nu-male.

Hillary Clinton had a good job with cash and she was respected af. Still Bill cucked her.

Financial or societal status doesn't mean a shit.

Don't get me wrong. Xposed is a guy I like too much but he is a nu-male. No frogs ever rebelled against being called a frog. It is objective.
i am him, you dumb shit

your logic is retarded. According to you, absolute bottom of the barrel scraping outsiders are "non-nu-males", while people with relatively normal life are "nu-males".
>while people with relatively normal life are "nu-males".
Well this is 4chan after all...
Why is turkish the second language in Bulgaria
>while people with relatively normal life

There is nothing normal with letting your wife dominate you. A non-nu-male set the rules and makes his woman obey him. Animals are like that because it is the way nature work.

>i am him

This even makes it worse. Bragging about your job and money is an act that gets condemned in every single culture t b h.
Turkish is not a second language in Bulgaria, but Albanian is second language in Fyrom.

To understand lyrics of Fiki's Turkish songs t b h.
>There is nothing normal with letting your wife dominate you.
>because you are the fly on my wall and saw that with your own bug-eyes

>A non-nu-male set the rules and makes his woman obey him.
>and that's why you are tfwnogf for years and get cucked even before you start a relationship (and probably that will continue till you die)

I would take criticism by literally anyone else except you, desu.

>spoutting insults

No more replying to you in this argument because you are acting like a gpysy. None of my posts had an insult unlike yours.
>but Albanian is second language in Fyrom
It's not yet deeba turchina deeba.
Why do people keep using the term numales.
Husbands dominated by women aren't rare.
they have existed since the begining of time
right, keep back paddling, that surely will change your social status, cuck
>Husbands dominated by women aren't rare.
mentally underage faggots in here can't coop with the fact that a relationship between man and woman is not about "X dominates Y".
Such relationships usually turns to a train wreck.

>Effendi's life
>Effendi's parents life
>Many other dumbasses in here
Tell your cousins to stop begging in Skopje

I thought that bulgaria is a turkish colony t b h

Frenchie, should we play CS:GO this weekend? I have a cooldown until saturday afternoon.
i'm not saying those relations are healthy but they happen.
>Cпopeд пoдaтoцитe нa OEЦД нaд 17 илјaди лyѓe oд зeмјитe нa Зaпaдниoт Бaлкaн вo пpвaтa пoлoвинa oд гoдинaвa дoбилe paбoтни визи вo Гepмaнијa. Ha Maкeдoнијa oтпaѓa нaд 10 пpoцeнти oд вкyпнaтa бpoјкa, пишyвa Дoјчe вeлe.

Deutschland, Deutshcland uber alles...
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No, they are healthy. I bet you are another mentally underage neet who is at the bottom of society because you don't have a dominating wife, a well-paying job and a super social status consisting of hunting animals with your wife, shitposting in /balk/ and playing Steam games with your friends at your free time kekekeke.
that butthurt, tho
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s*rbs are the jews of europe

Burada Sırp pek yok. Ex-Yu'da var.

Burada marriedfag diye bir nu-male var. Karısından emir alıyor kekekekekekekeke. Sonra da ben nu-male değilim diyor kekeke.
>turks/effendi making the most intelligent and well thought-out comments in the thread
Have I woken up in another universe?
Let's see... i'm not a neet and i've been living in beijing by myself for over 5 years now.. so not sure how that fits in your bet
I also happen to have a grandfather who comited suicide when my dad was 19 because he was married with a horrible person
>he thinks his relationship is stable
The only thing supporting this relationship is your supposed income while she fucks Miro every weekend.

Kek he called me a bug and a cuck out of anger and now calls me the butthurt one t b h even I have always been friendly to him. Worst of all and cringiest one is the part where he brags about his salary and job. Literally nigger-tier.

Kek I'm so disappointed. After allt those memeing, Miro is literally the best Bulgar here in terms of personality.


I was parodying mate.
>google translate doesn't support roachspeak
why i'm not surprised?
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what kind of domination are we talking about cause the one i'm thinking about is my fetish
wow, you should become a magician or something! You really read my life like you a reading from a open book...

Are you the guy who lives in a dorm? If so, are you the Romanian Jew highschooler who used to get angry about how girls fuck Tigans not you? He is a top poster t b h.
>pulling shit out of context
can't like, that's a quality post in my book.
I live in the same city as my uni so no, but i do hate bitches who would consider touching a gypsy. Also i don't think i'm a jew, never checked.
failed cause i'm eating atm

Do Romanians women date gypsies? Be honest because whenever I watch a Dani Mocanu video I keep seeing white Romanian girls posting positive comments under it. Anyway Dani is a celebraty so it is not your average gypsy but what is the consensus?
there was a girl in my village who ate a fist full of pills when her very gypsy boyfriend dumped her
She ended up in the hospital
She was 12/13 at the time and he was 16ish
>Do Romanians women date gypsies?
Yes they do. Hurry up and get your ticket to Romania, before you get outcucked by default in there.
Being gypsy in Romania is more of a culture thing. If you stop calling yourself/ behaving like a gypsy you can usually integrate in society

>Hong Kong flag
I'm Romanian
>Romanian girls posting positive comments
why are you lying on the internet

gura ma-tii de turc scarbos
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holy shit lad you're off the rails mad

He is a poor af gypsy but a real man t b h. A dominating one.


The problems is tho majority of them don't do it. A skilled and good person can integrate anywhere.
I'm Greek
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Sadly some do, a cute girl i knew from 8th grade and went to same highschool already got married to some shitskin that goes to Germany a lot to "bring legit second hand cars".
I have no idea how or why, she was fucking smart with 10's on the line and from a white family.
The gypsy in question looks almost like the bulgarian gorrila gypsy from that meme. I think shes pregnant too from what i saw on my facebook.
i kinda am
retarded people are annoying as fuck

>Mihaela Orban
>faina piesa

>Evelina Turnagiu
>îmi place foarte mult melodia

>Mira Bella
>Cred ca sunteti niste rasisti imputiti ...schimbati-va mentalitatea asta primitiva !!! Nu sunt manelista dar nici nu am nimic impotriva lor !!! Fiecare se descurca cum poate !!

>my angel word - has a pic of herself -
>veche dar misto

>Valentina Vali
>oameni dani mocanu e cel mai tare

These are some of them I found in 3 minutes t b h.
because having 10 all around in school is more about being meek and always agreeing with the teachers.
it usually means that Nota 10 students will be shallow and unabitious
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>calls other 12 year old virgins
>being that mad at people on the internet for insulting him
Orban -hungarian
Evelina - not romanian probably hungarian
Mira Bella - hungarian
Valentina Vali - gypsy name but not sure
it's not about insulting me, tho
i'm more mad about the fact that people thinking that way actually exist

I actually hate getting in arguments and usually ignore people but he got butthurt af two posts after I call him a good person and started insulting me. I have limits of my patience, too t b h.
>"you can't think differently than me or I'm gonna get mad"
You oughta stop embarrassing yourself.
>turkish toilet
this is how i know you are moldovan
I'm a logical man. What is obviously illogical triggers me.

Also, i'm more mad because of this:
>C:\Windows\system32>net start apache2.2
>The Apache2.2 service is starting.
>The Apache2.2 service could not be started.
>A service specific error occurred: 1.
>More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3547.
>C:\Windows\system32>net helpmsg 3547
>A service specific error occurred: ***.

Effendi's brainfarts are only overflowing the glass
When i was in high school i would choose the less important class to go home and take a shit then come back.
>When i was in high school i would choose the less important class to go home and take a shit then come back.

You must be a strong man t b h. Strong-willed I mean. I used to go home for shitting at university and they always resulted in replacing my clothes with pygamas and laying my ass on the couch while waiting for my save of current Football Manager to load.
interestingly enough i never had to shit in school/highschool
still don't know how i dodged that bullet
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>a guy that still jizz in his pants during wet dreams and acts like a dumped slag on her period tells me how to relationship
Most of the time the toilets were full with edgy kids both male and females who were smoking. It was impossible to have some privacy. That's why i loved religion class, best time to go home and take comfy poop.
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I shit everywhere I go. Once I shat behind a restaurant (I was very VERY drunk), because I had diarrhea and already went several times and there was no paper left in the toilet. After that I began hitting on the waitress. A colleague carried me home, cause I died some time later
i slept less than 2 hours last night
i drank coffee 3 times today
hold me balk
>believes the coffee placebo meme

you weak and pathetic fool
>does not believe facts
here was the same

there's no toilet paper of course, but there was also no doors on the shitting cubicals, because they were broken 10 years ago, and never fixed afterwards.
Every time i have to go and vote (voting here is made in school buildings) i go to the toilets in my ex-school to gasp at the new tiles, doors and sinks the little shits have now.
it gave me diarrhea
I bet this is expozed
i did in once in last year of highschool
those turkish squat-toilets are actually very comfy. everything comes right out
Well you loose.
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>turkish eyalet of bulgaristan
bugarite na ____
My old school now has thermal isolation, german windows and its like fucking 30 c in the winter, i was freezing my ass all day. They also build an indoors football field instead of the vaguely layed asphalt.
that's what coffee gives me too.

I started shitting outside when i started working, desu
The places where i worked had separate toilets (male/female) and moving showers, so
- you can clean the toilet before you sit on it;
- since no girls used the male toilets, there was no piss everywhere
Thinking about washing the toilet seat with hot water and sitting on it afterwards now makes me wanna take a comfy poop right now.
гнyceн фиpoмит
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bireni fustuci.jpg
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eating beer peanuts
life's p good
kek, iktf
It's pretty much the same here. We literally stayed with jackets in class, and now the little shits go with shirts and still brag about shit.
>- since no girls used the male toilets, there was no piss everywhere
a lot of piss*
I'm actually quite tight.
so it is confirmed we have womens here
No, it hurts when I take a big shit.
nah, we had 2 pissoirs and one cabin with toilet seat
probably a disgusting trap talking about his boypussy
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next thread cunt thread?
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how big, tho?
i dumped such logs in my life, that i no longer consider my ass virgin, desu
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Doesn't count if it only goes out.
speaking about that, i really hate when the log is half way out, suddenly breaks and my butthole swallows back the rest of it
terrible experience.
>swallows back the rest of it
i think you mean "stays there and i have to break it off with a piece of paper and some force"
vojvodina, kosovo, ravna slavonija,
crna gora, banija, lika, dalmacija,
bosna i ercegovina, svetog save đedovina
složno slave slavu, svetog oca savu
that one too

or when it breaks its tip, right on the end that is still attached to your ass, and you have a small piece of shit still there, so when start wiping it turns to a giant mess, and you start getting mad to the point where you end under the shower, crying, feeling like a rape victim.
drink more water and eat some apples/fibre. You shit is not suppose to be hard as rock
a butiful song about ex-Serbian territories.

yes anon, also live a healthy life and all that jazz, while we all know none of us will actually do it.
does anyone else wipe until there's blood?
well its about having a comfortable shit, not so much about a healthy life, and its not a big ask, just find a food/snack that has some fibre in it.
NO get wet wipes
what the fuck, anon?
eat more chilli
Ass on fire, ass on fire
Burning, burning with desire...
metal shithead detected

bqgai da lapash hui na patki, laino
>hui na patki
бягaй нa yчилищe
hi dob
>NO get wet wipes
Do I have to say it?
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I wipe a bit then take a quick shower, no need to be brutal.
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RIP Transylvanian Harambe
balgar cigany

oh look a fyromian how cute, they pretend to live in a real country and everything
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