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Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 77

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bold and brash edition
post memes

The Canadian Empire will grow larger
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*throws out corn*
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me on top
greatest ally
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Butts or tits /cum/?
candlelad, get the candle away from your screen
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good afternoon /cum/

And that map makes a lot of sense. Those are the only white states left.

boobs, of course

girls poop from their butts
Small tits and fit ass
depends on the girl
Do you really need that thing off
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b o o b i e s
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holy shit finland says something sane for once
whats happening
Listening to Circa Survive, lads
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how does this graph make you feel?
>Those are the only white States left
That's not true

Very nice
Butts, like a REAL man
What's supposed to make me feel
Why do people like mint flavored ice cream and chocolates
It just tastes like you're eating toothpaste
>That's not true
Look deep inside yourself. You know it to be true.

because it tastes delicious, you simpleton
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no bullyingh.png
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Mint chocolate chip is best cookie ever you stupid bitch
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Brush your teeth and find out
It's not though

I'm not even white
t. swallowed whole tubes of toothpaste as a child and ruined the taste for himself
industrial society will destroy itself and will not come back thanks to resources being depleted

snickerdoodle is the best cookie ever
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Is this fit?
>not even white

We don't deserve to be the dominant species anyways
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>births increases
>population decreases

Why friend :(

We're both Americans
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Se la meto.
we'll still be dominant, just far less dominant.
i cant wait personally.
look at deaths
are you black
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Watching yuri desu.
Wrong. Aerospace engineers will perfect the technology and discipline of mining asteroids. America and/or China will lead the world to a new golden age (except for poor people).
Is you who should leave
2edgy4cum, bud
Only whites are American.
>are you black
Y-yes why?
No one is white here mate.
Nah. You should go back to mexico tho
That's not true you bully

I can confidently say that Im white
That is, in fact, not true.
He's being edgy.
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That may be so, but we're all American inside
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>only whites are American
Is she a sinner, /cum/?
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South Caliphate.jpg
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South Carolina is muslim?????????
Any Americans from Hawaii here?
>there are people who think deleting boards that have very few posters will somehow cut down on costs to run the site
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i like blacks.
the clock's ticking, technophile scum
humanity will either reach for the stars and advance forever or irrevocably go back to hunter gathering, agrarian and pastoralist based societies. there is no other way. or the whole planet gets fucked and we all go extinct. there are no other options.
what a time to be alive.
Makes a lot of sense, I would like to hear your thoughts on this some more.
I don't know. Why do you ask?
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>only whites are American
Get ready for the cyberpunk era.
see >>65652357
this is the biggest turning point in humanity's history since the neolithic revolution. and i am one of the only people in the world aware of this.
i feel extremely powerful now
Thanks mate!
Definitely fit enough
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>I like backs
D-do you really? Why
Boobs are just fake asses.
Not even being a bully. Just a simple fact.
I will maybe grow a beard like you.
Very handsome Mexican

No its not you bully
we're already there fa m, especially in japan. the post cyberpunk world is what decides humanity's future for all time
i get along with non-ghetto blacks more than whites
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>hola i am american si si si
stamptime it
Read the Naturalization Act of 1790. Only white people are American
spics arent american. blacks are
>move to china as white man
>hello yes I am Chinese :)
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I didn't move to America

I was born here
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is this you
What's the deal with black people?
3/5ths of an American.
I try to engage in non degenerate behavior and stay away from giant Jew companies like Walmart and fast-food.
I live in a green, rainy place but try to be conservative with my resource consumption. I recycle and compost. I am aware of the antibiotic crisis. I appreciate people who grow organically, don't waste water etc. But I don't know how the industry giants can be stopped and what exactly needs to be done. I love nature more than anything and want all of it to be preserved. What can I do as an individual? I too, am very worried for the future. I don't want us to kill ourselves.
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>2 days ago: 165 lbs
>Today: 169.5 lbs
>Gut and lovehandles has gotten noticeably bigger
Fucking chinese food and the fast food I get while at work

Most of them act like ghetto Niggers
See a doctor

fatty fat fatty
>Start of September 180
>Start of October 181

Man I love me some macro counting and weight lifting
Why, because of my shitty diet I just had recently?
not enough, make sharpie writing on face

how tall are you
t. misinterpreting that completely.
enslaved (not black) americans represented 3/5 of a normal american citizen IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. this was a compromise between the north (who said if you enslave someone you shouldnt get extra representation for them) and the south (who wanted more representation). nothing to do with their personhood.
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No because gaining 4 pounds in two days is really really fishy
6 feet
the sun will rise again
It's gonna be a boy
unless you literally ate 4500 calories, that's just water weight, bruh

eat less salty foods
Part of it could be water weight I just drank a lot of water while at work. I normally vary +1/-1 pounds at around 164
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It's very possible his first weighing was before eating, after pooping and before drinking a lot of water
I have gained 15 lbs since july but I am still at a healthy bmi
>14th Amendment
t. Ned Ludd

>go back to hunter gathering, agrarian and pastoralist based societies
Lol yeah, that will work out.

>poor people planting crops around their living areas
>government continues to subsidize industrial farming conglomerates who own the majority of land in the midwest
>poor people scavenging for food

We have all this technology and it's somehow lost forever? In the age of computer networking and redundancy? Don't you think the obvious scenario would be that a small group of people will continue to use technology and social influence to control the rest of the population? Even in 800 B.C. society was still highly centralized and stratified.
i will cross the border tomorrow
Actually it was. They didn't consider niggers to be people.
Have fun.
its illegitimate
god speed
>unless you literally ate 4500 calories
Have you ever eaten in this side of the border?
Like you're state
actually t.ed kaczynski tyvm
how will your computers and automobiles and space shuttles work without any resources?
face it kiddo, if we dont start space mining efficiently in the next 100 years, we're going back to the stone age
Don't get raped, don't rape anybody, not even a coyote. Don't pay them too much either guey.
i'm so scared
It's not. The Supreme Court has upheld it.

To where?
maybe they didnt but it has nothing to do with that specific compromise. would it make sense that northerners considered blacks less of a person than southerners? use your head
the supreme court isn't relevant here
When will I get a boring qt gf that doesn't get in the way all the time?
Will somebody in New England or upstate NY please help me find a good drug hookup? I'm interested in coke, mdma, and psychedelics.
Neither are you
black people are never far away.
what do mexicans think of American tacos
Neither is reality, apparently. Go back to pol, please.
In your mom
all my neighbours are black and i feel fine
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Rate my dinner
im a southern constitutional scholar
The same day I get an American gf. Never.
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Is it really all pink on the inside?
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What state are you in?
I personally don't like them but if you don't have anything else to eat it's fine.
is that chocolate spread
More of a red

nth for locally made sasuage

no shit! i thought that thered by a split on this like in politics, w the south/repubs going with tits. im in shock
No, I don't think that's true. I'm a dirtbag in my own right - not a product of my upbringing.
Then you'd realize that the Supreme Court is the branch of the government that interprets laws and determines constitutionality of new or disputed ones based on previous cases and the constitution itself.
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good one
is that american bratwurst?
i like american brats but they taste nothing like swiss ones
I really want to try authentic tacos tbhonest
What's it's composition?
The links are a spicy Italian and the ground is sweet fennel. They have jaegerwuirst and bratwurst there but I'm not a huge fan
there's a place close by me that makes some great ones stuffed with cheeses, cabbage, mushrooms, and other good shit
an amendment to the constitution isn't a law and cannot be subject to review by the supreme court
Would pair nicely with a glass pinot gris
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Are you /cum/fy?
I certaintly am, what are you listening/drinking?
It isn't that hard to get some over there.
Then why does the supreme court's rulings matter to you if the 14th amendment passed?
>how will your computers and automobiles and space shuttles work without any resources?
>All the resources disappear completely
>Nothing to work with forever anymore
Is this what you believe? I mean there's no doubt that if peak oil is real, then civil unrest is a realistic consequence. But what will happen in the intermediate period when industrial demand for resources skyrockets? You don't think we could develop a mining operation with the world's governments and scientists devoting themselves to aerospace research?
how hard is it to take a piece of paper and write the current time and /cum/ on it, god
my sides
Water soon to be malt liquor and studying for exams.

The weather on the best coast is getting so comfy

just drinking water

max comfy
im the one who said it was irrelevant dumbass
>The weather on the best coast is getting so comfy
>the best coast
What did he mean by this?
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>cold and rainy
>snow already falling in the mountains
I am going to the Lordy, I am so glad,
I am going to the Lordy, I am so glad,
I am going to the Lordy,
Glory hallelujah! Glory hallelujah!
I am going to the Lordy.
I love the Lordy with all my soul,
Glory hallelujah!
And that is the reason I am going to the Lord,
Glory hallelujah! Glory hallelujah!
I am going to the Lord.
I saved my party and my land,
Glory hallelujah!
But they have murdered me for it,
And that is the reason I am going to the Lordy,
Glory hallelujah! Glory hallelujah!
I am going to the Lordy!
I wonder what I will do when I get to the Lordy,
I guess that I will weep no more
When I get to the Lordy!
Glory hallelujah!
I wonder what I will see when I get to the Lordy,
I expect to see most glorious things,
Beyond all earthly conception
When I am with the Lordy!
Glory hallelujah! Glory hallelujah!
I am with the Lord.
Except Amendments aren't irrelevant if you don't like them dumbass. If that were the case then liberals would have thrown out the 2nd long ago.
i said it can happen, and it would mean humanity's future would be in space, but if it doesnt happen before resources dry out, tough luck humanity, enjoy your rock cos youre gonna be here a while
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Drinking cold brew, listening to my music backlog
Does smoking weed count?
I just picked up a nice strain called Lemon Cookies.
It's gonna be a good night
it was pat mustard tier
N i c e.
Nice to know another person who enjoys vaporwave.
i never said the amendment was irrelevant i said it was illegitimate you moron
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>I smoke the devil's herb
Same thing
>Amendments I don't like are illegitimate
Fucking retard how is it illegitimate?
I wouldn't mind it desu. Feudalism with energy weapons? At the very least, I could be a court jester.
Rolled a couple joints of these to smoke after dinner
Are 50% of musicians drug traffickers?

>Creative world dominated by drug use

>Your career has you moving around the globe

>Wherever you go you need to carry lots of equipment that can double as smuggling gear
its not the same, you are an idiot who couldn't distinguish two words
Says the retard who calls amendments he doesn't like illegitimate. You should fuck off back to whatever pseudo intellectual Youtube channel you came from.
d-delete this
are you talking about the space scenario?
if so yeah i wouldnt mind that. in frontier worlds we'd have sparcely populated places all over. it'd be like an eternal manifest destiny.
honestly the only "bad" future for humanity is extinction (which is a possibility)
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>has a ton of fedoras
>wears a crucifix
i think this place is too deep for you buddy
No, the other one, with the war and stuff.
Stop deflecting and lets go back to your autistic retardation about amendments you don't like and you can't even back up why you think they're illegitimate.
i ThInK tHiS pLaCe Is ToO dEeP fOr YoU bUdDy
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4MB, 3648x2736px
It's the most
comfiest mooooooonth
of the yeeeeeaaaaaar
Absolutely love Pineapple strains.
Had some Pineapple kush a while back and it was pretty dank.
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What are you gonna dress up as for Halloween, /cum/?
So, about your retarded comments about amendments you don't like being illegitimate. Care to defend your position?
Dylan Klebold
Has there ever been a successful musician who did not know how to play instruments before he was 20?
Wanna take up the piano
Black people
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Yeah, electronic musicians.
Can I be Eric?

y-you dont know what I look like
Sure. Just make sure to meet me at my school :)
I suspected it was autism all along
Sasuage update: Spicy Italian is a REAL SPICY MEATABALLL
MF Doom
Cuz i'm a nigro and i like him
rate my shitty graph
Okay, see you on Halloween bb ;)
wow, you really do have a low reading level
Look we already know you're autistic what else is there to read?
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Are you gonna get to me by horse?
casey tire
nothing. but I'll probably play a spooky board game or two.
What does cum stand for?
People still use int flags even though it was a buttcoin miner?

Cute UberMenches
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As Canada's finest
ignire the haitian
I want a tall Canadian to whip me...
>implying there's a better way to travel
I'm gonna saddle you up big boi ;)
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That's kinda romantic
I stopped using it because it was just soft tripfaggotry

same reason why I only bother coming to these threads once or twice a month
>tfw butthole is chapped because of 1ply scotts
Like my penis in your mouth..
who /should be studying/ here
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B-Be harsh please...

I should be reading a book on Saint Augustine

but instead Ive been watching baseball all day
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Oh I will.
It's gonna hurt, and you're gonna like it.
Wtf is that?
Little Bighorn was neato by the by
Though it was sleeting pretty hard
I took a 3 hour long break and haven't returned
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Look what I just bought lads.
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smug tomato girl.jpg
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Better hurry, or I might not whip you as hard. ;)

an invisibility cloak?
Wow nice purchase bud
The weather has been pretty shitty recently
Hopefully we get a solid winter this year. ;3
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no fuckin' way
White bread, American cheese slice, some Nutella, and some Mexican sauce I put on it after it melts in the microwave
wew lad
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This is sad. Please stop.
>he fell for the dragon dildo meme
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Here's to hoping!
Perfect tutorial on how to get diarrhea
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I shit you not I'm on the toilet right now
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is it possible to hide passfags?

cut your toenails, you heathen
jesus fucking christ cut your fucking toenails you degenerate

/4chan Pass user since /i
Nice nails you cunt
clips your nails, jesus
you look like an extra from a peter jackson movie
Good purchase lad
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Wanted to help with the site's funding mainly. Couldn't care less about the captcha.
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helper communication devices.jpg
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Still my favorite by far.
Are u a girl
Well it allows for better shitposting and also I'd rather pay 15 dollars than get bought out by kikes that want to redditify us.
anyone who buys a 4chan pass should be banned from the site
I hate fantasy football
Pass users are cancer
I like how it actually shows who bought one now, easier to filter their posts.
I know, better way to filter those fags
Don't you have to put something in name field for it to show?

very good
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>answering to passfags
I hate sports in general
Not sure, maybe someone lurking in this thread with a pass could tell us.
How do we summon the pass users?
You have to buy a pass and put "since4pass" to get the symbol
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Aw great. They can camouflage themselves.
Yep, its completely optional
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Okay I just refreshed my page and realized I was talking to pass users.
weebs out
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It's 04:35

If that's you, post more pls

Post girlpenis.
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its only 7:30
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Did your national anthem get changed or something recently so it's gender neutral?
It's going to get changed like that at our next Canada's Day.
I don't like it.
nej för fan


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Best racing game and god tier ost <3
Ok, I'll go to bed now

Alarm is set for 13:30
I wake up at 1 because fuck 12
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Good night Sweden
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You guys are the western hemisphere's Sweden. Voted the guy for the promise of weed only to get ruined.
>the canadian that thinks the jews are in control

I wish I was cool like him
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>That puny neck
this twink boy needs to eat more burgers.
I didn't vote for anyone.
Don't blame me for having that dunce in office.

n e w
>one away from bump limit
Thread posts: 312
Thread images: 77

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