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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 369
Thread images: 74

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I love being white.jpg
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white supremacy edition
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white person here

This edition? Nah, not a fan.
might unironically penetrate a prostitute

Wonder what he meant by this
kind of

but i had been meaning to get one anyway since my last one expired and they're on offer atm so probably the best time to get a new one 2bh

wish it knew that i've been using them for a while though. dont like looking like a newpasscunt

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
Somehow, this number is not sufficient. Hopefully, England will experience a Rotherham daily. This is what they deserve for their acceptance of multiculturalism
yes a pdf file of every tactics used by ranieri
give me a movie to watch

requirements: must be good
what is multiculturalism? what is the opposite of multiculturalism?
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having a drag
got any chewing gum?
runtish hands
Wouldn't he be better to just use his knowledge of Ranieri's tactics to dominate Leicester with City and let Ranieri go own dominating everyone else?
barry lyndon

multiculturalism can be defined as having multiple cultures

hope this helps,

>t. THE multicultural nation
think I might do a .hack emulate
Imagine being a black cripple and still having a better life then you?

the uk has 4 indigenous cultures
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There is literally nothing wrong with having pale skeletal hands. Girls love a lad with bony pointers.
Quite liked 10 Cloverfield Lane if you haven't seen it yet desu
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t. non-white person
fan of this thread

idk the pdf file joke was funnier when Pep was at bayern and Dortmund was last in the bundes table. Because of the rivalry. Guess it's not a fun in that case
>there are is at least one regular /brit/ poster that's in a wheelchair

bit mental when you think about the potential demographics of /brit/
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multiculturalism means lots of people with brown skin, brown hair and brown eyes.
>It is statistically likely that any poster from London is not of White British stock
Crazy stuff
strong sign of autism
How about an invite to that discord then lads?
>there are is at least one regular /brit/ poster that's a virgin

bit mental when you think about the potential demographics of /brit/
my life probably wouldn't be any different even if there was no people who arent white in the uk

if im being honest
Greater London is black
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got some new tats
>not being from white british stock

Bit embarrassing for them.
>contract ends
>don't renew it
>"hurr durr must be coz i iz white"
i would still rather be non-disabled.

wheelchair users and other such people encounter enormous difficulties doing things that you dont even think twice about doing.
hugh mungus what?
Not true though is it, non whites are 100x less likely to post here

That's like saying 50% of us are females
After careful consideration I have decided I will watch Kwaidan

Thank you to all who entered
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A lot of spergs do seem to have long pale hands for some reason, I think you may be on to something.
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George V.jpg
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good lad
Did You Know!
In wet weather the House of Lords smells faintly of wee because tweed traditionally has the fibres softened and dyes set using human urine
Coming to london next week
What are some great ethnic food places to try there?
(i'm fine with non-kosher non-halal)
What's the patrician physical disability? I'd say below-knee leg amputation.
what's wrong with google maps in south korea?

why is it so shitty and low quality?
Honestly gutted that you didn't give my suggestion more consideration

You're a prick bruv
statistically half of you are girls

but that's not true now is it
sounds like something a 52 year old would share on facebook
my play through bioshock again lads

still can't work out if i liked infinite or not
wondering that myself
If 87% of the British population is white why doesn't the BBC reflect that?
whats wrong with you you fucking gookweab?

London has it all so literally take your pick
Which one?

I've seen most of the others that were suggested
Naseeb's Perfect Chicken
because that when your third eye really opens
After we stop immigrants we definitely need to stop hand posting
cultural marxism and jews basically
Looks fine to me.
None of the media does, it's not exclusive to the BBC.
Having a cheeky nandos in the Arndale lads
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>As confirmed in @owenjbennett's book, @DouglasCarswell joined UKIP to split the party.

shots fucking fired boys
Think I'd neck myself if I went blind. I really, really fucking LOVE looking at things.
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Shan't be opening this
it does
It's the same with the ABC in Australia, a state-run channel

fuck sakes, how did this level of subversion seep into the government so easily
Chubby fingered lads are almost as insecure as manlets.
looks strangely comfy
BBC thinks London is the UK
Really makes you worry
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The sunday papers are exclusively white & racist and have to be counterbalanced.
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well he obviously fucking failed didn't he the sneaking little runt

pride-less cunt
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>tfw to smart to support Farage
shit i've forgotten, whats that thing deaf people use to read?
Sorry lad, that was very inconsiderate of me.
Forgot to take my tranny meds this morning
the vast majority of people on the bbc are white

how is that failing to reflect the majority population?
Good man
listen if u watch shows about rural locales (of which there are few because rural areas are proper boring) youll just see white ppl

but if you watch shows in an urban context then obv its gonna be like 40% not white
i assume you mean blind and the answer is braille
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Ain't got long left to live, I got the man flu.
It's been a pleasure
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the so called gf
we need more grime on the BBC
thanks for the warning
IS this from the sugar film
creaming myself to techno again lads
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>when the gf brakes up with you and you start masturbating into crisp packets while crying
Dating a stoner girl, it's kinda weird actually
>Pippa and Christoph are looking to buy their first home together
>their budget is a modest £800,000 which is helped by an additional £400,000 from Pippa's inheritance from her grandmother
nobody listens to techno
>the british sunday papers were a rare joy

you're getting them once a week haha how's that rare
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do you shag high?
except pretentious twats nodding their head to 4/4 techno in berlin hahahah
What's she into? Just weed or heavier stuff?

Probably wouldn't mind dating a girl who enjoyed drugs 2bh; shows she has an open mind and isn't a drone runt.
yeah of course, it's fucking great
me and my m8s do haha got you there cunt
Just done the first online tests for the civil service grad scheme, waiting for my results
Reckon I did pretty well, the situational judgment test was piss easy apart from a couple of questions

now do a grand designs one
EAGERLY awaiting a remake of Zulu with neither side being white.
>not going to sweatbox techno nights
*gets dragged out the thread kicking and screaming by the janny*
>the one show
>escape to the country
>the archers
>all overwhelmingly white

>asian radio channel

oy vey it's a white genocide

lel sucking that Jewish cock
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she placed the brakes on my heart, if you will
Wouldn't a runt drone be the one taking drugs?
high shags are GOAT
I nice drop of cold Dandelion & Burdock
Good post
been trying to get my first date recently lads

i tried tinder but girls always chicken out when i start bringing up actually going out, even sometmes they agree and then chicken out and stop replying or like change their mind

I tried approaching random girls, striking up conversations innocently, getting numbers (i was good at doing this) and then later asking them out via text. Again whilst some would initially agree, they always flake in some way or another.

How do people have sex? I cannot even get a girl to come on a date she agreed she would come on.
White people are fucking evil
did she find your bite point mate
no, drone runts will just follow the all drugs and bad shit spouted by the government, their teachers, and parents

never bothered doing research themselves, just following the system because that's what everyone else does
couldnt imagine something more undesirable, except perhaps a non-white
GOOD post
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>overly white
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i've been to a couple of semi-legal techno nights organised by my city's hells angels chapter.

surreal stuff.

top notch techno though.
>they always flake in some way or another.
you have to be convincing enuff
got my willy out under the covers whilst other people are in the room

might start stroking it
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>Sandy and Penelope are looking to relocate to a more rural setting in order to build their dream home so that their two children - Isaac and Tabitha - have a chance to grow up around nature in the country
>it is important that the plot of land be within at least 4 hours of the city by train so that Sandy can still commute to his finance job in London every day
>Penelope has given up her job as an art gallery curator in order to take the reigns managing the project
superb post
marvellous digits
>black character on a white soap
oy vey it's a white genocide

anyway east enders is london which we freely admit is significantly nonwhite

and yet the show is still majority white
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>i've been to a couple of semi-legal techno nights organised by my city's hells angels chapter.
>surreal stuff.
>top notch techno though.
Been looking for this picture 4 a while cheers m8
It's half one already where does the weekend go

Lucky I'm unemployed
Post a pic bud
Who is the best butterface and why is it Emily Ratajkowski?
i know it does my friend, that's why i'm asking for something that's very recommended, i'm going to be there for three days, i wanna try something exotic and not found easily anywhere else you feel me
dont be jealous. its ugly.

almost like our culture is being eroded everywhere around us and the (((media))) is pretending nothing has changed and its all fine
>half one
Easily the most stupid britism around, it's approaching "could care less" levels of stupid tbqh
me in a month
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Any healthy-weight girl between the ages of 16-19. You'd be surprised the bodies these girls hide under their clothes, no matter how butterface they are.
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Holy fuck repetitive numbers!
was just dancing in my room to techno then my dog looked at my really funny and i got self conscious and stopped
i almost dated a girl who was a bit of a stoner. it was already weird because she was a frequent user of weed and drinking and i didnt drink nor smoke weed.

didn't end up dating but yeah. it was pretty grim when she called me one night and i ignored it then found out she had called my friend asking for my number because she'd done crack or meth or some fucked up shit and was wigging out hahaha shant be dealing with that
mostly weed, shrooms. used to take mdma

she got me really high for the first time in ages (she knew i used to be a massive stoner) so i didnt feel like i was "on form" as i usually am, but still seemed to find me funny and attractive and was always horny... even though i was just like "huh huh im stoned blerhghh" and this was after i went on a night out on friday and stayed up til stupid o clock on some sort of drug binge with mates (which she knew about and found funny)

cant tell if shes 100% genuine really.. surely being somewhat irresponsible and mongy is a turn off? or do stoner girls really not give a shit?
Shan't be reading a word of this
Jog on
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astounding post
shut the fuck up paki
would like to be unemployed
i don't like going to work, i really enjoy it, but getting up early is SHIT
>shows is significantly nonwhite
oy vey it's a white genocide
>show is significantly white
oy vey they covering up the white genocide

nice unfalsifiable theory, you mong
How fucking autistic are you?
>to those leading in fields such as business
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>surely being somewhat irresponsible and mongy is a turn off?

Depends what your sensibilities in life are I suppose. I work in a call centre and spend my weekends on drugs alone in my bedroom browsing the chon. I wouldn't mind doing the exact same except with a cute girl in the room who occasionally wanted to have sex.
go do the test http://www.rdos.net/eng/
reminder that she isn't british shes just a yank anglophile who's muh heritage is english
just got a peter rabbit 50p in my change

feels fake af
Shanah Tovah
What's autistic about saying 16-19 year old girls have attractive bodies?
yeah both work desu :^)

if they made eastenders majority muslim people around the country might have something to say about it and wonder what the fuck is going on for the first time in their lives

at the same time though they slowly shill in more and more amounts of non-whites discretely into shows to normalise it, same with basically any other cultural marxist issue, like homosexuality, transgenderism etc.
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>I work in a call centre
tfw all I do on tinder is drop bait and try get girls to take it and ask me to shag them but they never do

don't like being direct desu, would like them to be
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the leaves are going to fall lads
doing a cook
interesting theory
making out with a girl who's wearing a winter jacket like a peacoat or sum is the apex of erotic and arouse me a lot
You w-won't be so cavalier when you have to call a contact centre and come through to m-me! Well see who's laughing then!
london isn't majority muslim
10 minute walk to the shop and I saw a pair of poofters holding hands and a pair of dykes holding hands, what the fuck is wrong with this country, for fucks sake?
why is /pol/ boycotting Mafia 3
Planning to get on Grand Designs one of these days tbqh.

My great-grandparents have a very nice Art Nouveau villa back in Eastern Europe which got torched in WW2. We have lots of photos and even some of the plans of the building, would be cool to rebuild it in the UK.

It had a sculpture of a group frogs dressed like 19th century dandies and smoking opium over the main entrance.
I wish I could carry myself like Marcello tbf

so temperate and level-headed, even how he sits and smokes is cool

why isn't life movies baka
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>I work in a call centre and spend my weekends on drugs alone in my bedroom browsing the chon.


Just imagine being that much of a runt

I can't fathom it personally
parts of the east end are, i wasnt on about the whole of london you melt
It's majority non-white.
And another anime recommendation already! Great Teacher Onizuka tells the story of a former gang member who becomes a teacher for... various reasons. Some good, some idiotic, and some fairly horrific. He ends up put in charge of the worst class in all of Holy Grove academy, having to deal with nightmarish bullying, insane plots to get him fired, and other such madness. Onizuka is a fun character; reckless, crass, perverted, greedy and lacking both academic talent and common sense, but making up for it with persistence and hot-bloodedness, as well as a conscience that typically surfaces at exactly the right time. The jokes in this show are spot on for the main part, although you will find yourself cringing on occasion. The schemes at play, both those levelled against him, and those he uses to save the day, are delightfully inventive and varied, and the English dub's voice acting varies from good to hilariously bad. All in all, a laugh and a half; just try not to think about how it's actually a fairly accurate depiction of Japanese schools in the 80's and 90's.
*gets you to deviate from your script*
*reports you to your manager*
i live opposite a public park, this time of year is great as all the squirrels and birds engage in a Royal Rumble and I can just sit and watch them wrapped in a comfy blanket sipping a brew.
bit sorry for you mate
but as long as you get paid.
Because the lead is a n.........
It is majority white actually.

Just not majority white British.
fuck sakes this was meant for: >>65622569
I could believe that 2bqh

She looks like a Yank
*group of frogs
>hurrr im so hungover LOOK AT ALL THIS FOOD I'M GOING TO EAT

if you can eat, that's not a hangover and you've clearly never had one
should be legal to marry your cousin
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>rasheed casts jubilee 2000
>no effect
>rasheed casts make poverty history
>no effect
>rasheed casts occupy wall street
>no effect
>rasheed casts scottish independence
>no effect

>rorke casts referendum

what did he do right
based co-op opening till 11pm on a sunday
Don't actually have a script; it's more of an advisory sort of role. Most of the time I just make stuff up then let other people deal with the problems it creates.

It's a grim existence but it keeps my family off my back. As a NEET they were on my case every day.
that's a small shop
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Eating some chicken dippers

it is, rasheed
dont get big co-ops
it's all a game of pretend
you basically have to bullshit your way into fucking them
>why yes I live with my parents and I'm 24 years old, I have no interests except shitposting on 4chan and I work minimum wage
gets them begging for the dick
he's the ideal alpha lad
just confident and doesn't care about SHIT
ok thanks for the advice
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Shan't be opening this image
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rock bottom
shagged a girl with the same surname as me last night, it's not a particularly common one

didn't find out until the morning

we're probably not related r-right
for you
Love Fridays man, get paid, see bae, getting a takeaway then watchin, Ex on the Beach, big brother, Containment on E4, then Power
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was it your sister?
Reckon that are nige thinks trumps a fucking pleb
shagged my brother last night . think he was too pissed to know it was me lol
>I could have easily disarmed him and fired all rounds
Not if I teleport behind him first hehe
Mine shuts at 4pm ;_;
no, random club slag
hahaha you never know.

guy i know matched with this girl on tinder and met up with her and they started kissing and he said something just felt weird about it so he left. 6 months later there was a big family reunion and she was there and ended up being some cousin or something he'd never met hahahahaha
how would a women end up with the same surname as you

think it through
Mummy's making beans on toast for my breakfast x
angry at yanks
going out farewell x
Wish Nige could be his VP
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so it was your sister then?
how do i achieve this carry-on
saved this pepe
don't sweat it lad, existence is what you make of it x

(read Marcus Aurelius)
>breakfast at 2pm

fuck off abnormie twat
hoho hehe
Can the phrase "it's more like~" be followed by any clause?
>making tomorrow's breakfast at 13:42 the day before

bit odd
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adventurous x
so I guess one could say you were yankgry
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Hangovers Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Have A Glass Of Water Before Bed Like Nigga Take A Swig Haha
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Yank Rorkes would go mental if Trump died 2bqh
VERY good post
Give us some examples which you are unsure of.
ummm I'm only having it so late because I was out with the lads all night
think you're the abnormie here
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>tfw ordering periodic glasses of water at the bar on the night in between alcoholic beverages and knowing internally that you will be thanking yourself tomorrow morning

feels intellectually superior
all me mates are sound
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Pic related, side entrance.

The main one had a larger arrangement with five or six frogs, don't have a photo on hand (dad has the physical photos).
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People on escape to the country have only got a budget of 650,000 pounds

Must suck being that poor!
Benzo consumption:

2 of the past 7 days
5 of the past 14
13 of the past 30
do nurses have to wipe poo off of new borns if the mum shits at the same time??
tbf the only good thing that could come of the US election is if Trump is assassinated

the Right would fucking SWOOP while the left would sit immobilized by their own morals
almost there x
doing a walkers smoky bacon lads
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>tfw ordering periodic glasses of water at the bar on the night in between alcoholic beverages and knowing internally that you will be thanking yourself tomorrow morning
take a sip of vodka, take a sip of water
you don't end up completely fucked up, spewing your guys up or feel like shit in the morning

only problem is, most people go out mainly TO get fucked up
When the baby comes out it comes out straight into the doctor's hands. It doesn't splash down into the poo below. The vagina is above the arsehole.
Angeleyesblue25 is quite sexy for a chubby
A:Japan is hated everywhere.
B:it's more like Japs are hated everywhere, not the country itself.
You realize they're a parody band?
been in bed since 4am saturday morning
too depressed to move
a glass of water water half hour to hour is usually a good standard + 1L prior to bed with a berocca and aspirin or nurofen

that's my routine and it works every time.
bought my dog 8 iphones haha
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>You realize they're a parody band?

Who let the dirty slavic animal into the thread?
what if poo is protruding at the same time as the baby
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>tfw ordering glasses of water at the bar on the night with no alcoholic beverages and knowing internally that you will be thanking yourself tomorrow morning

feels intellectually superior
Just burnt the top of my mouth on boiling pizza cheese

How do I fix this pain
Yes that is 100% accurate and OK.

Try some more examples of ones you may not be sure about to make sure you properly get it.
>only one glass of water

how much do you fuckers drink lmao

I HAVE to chug litres and even then my brain is swill the next day
cold water
Eat an ice cube to cancel it out
me on the left in the back x
Break a leg
runt life
Poo comes out the arsehole, babies come out the vagina. The vagina is above the arsehole so unless the woman somehow shits upward, it won't make contact.
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When most people die they're so old that they grow incontinent as well

>tfw born into a pile of shit
>tfw die in a pile of your own shit

Nature is beautiful
>Order no glasses of water whilst drinking the most in the group and still not having a hangover the next day
You are all runts if you do anything but this
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i'm perpetually dehydrated lads
>people who need exterminating
>wears skinny cut jeans
>Wears chinos
>wears vests
>has an undercut
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> Ahh yes I'll just put all my clothes in this washing machine, do a wash, and leave them sitting there all day
god I fucking HATE normies

going back to the laundry room in half an hour and if the machines are all still full, someone's getting their washing chucked on the floor

fucking dumb normie scum
>even then my brain is swill the next day

Because hangovers aren't just about dehydration. Drinking water on the night does help but it doesn't completely eliminate a hangover.
>why yes, I do post fedora pictures
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I'll have you know I DID NOT get a semi at that episode where the bitchy privileged student forced her tutor to lick feet and stuff
that's a handsome lad tbf

he deserves 5 birds

fat bastard
there are no hangover cures, drinking water is a meme
Envying that lads facial structure
Wahey lads I drank two jaegerbombs and 4 pints last night and I'm not hungover at all haha! hangovers don't exist! hahahaha! wweeww! XDD Just have a sip of water! haha!

fuck off children
probably friendzoned all 5 of them 8bh
It's their loss. Leaving wet clothes in a damp heap inside the machine isn't good for them/
>doesn't know what protruding means
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>leave my phone in a cab last night
>taxi driver drops it round this morning

gave him 20 squid for his troubles

what a result boys and girls
good looking fella desu
it'll be even more their loss when I "accidentally" throw one of their socks in the bin while I'm moving their clothes out of the machine

fucking normies need to be put on a farm
hahaha lads did i ever tell you about the time i drunk so much i woke up on a river bed with a sunburned face 45 minutes from home

shan't be drink negronis ever again haha
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>>why yes, I do post fedora pictures
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>tipping the taxi drier
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>there are no survivalr cures, eating food is a meme
4 pints and 2 jaegers would legitimately fuck me.
so here we are
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Imagine being so much of a normie runt you drink alcohol.
>minimum wage pay cheque comes through
>better whack it on a bottle of grey goose which costs 5x more in a club than what it does in a shop
>m-maybe birds will come up to our table and shag us this time instead of just taking the drinks and leaving

very impressive
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Which British celebrity do you utterly despise, lads?
Nicked some drunk wankers phone last night while I was driving him home in my cab. He gave me 20 squid when I dropped it round the next day out of gratitude. Every time, haha
good post
I once woke up collapsed on the floor in a bus stop. Have no idea how I got there
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>gave him 20 squid for his troubles
>le £500 minimum spend club
remember going through this phase
was like 19
it's a piss won't stop dripping from my cock episode
>gave him 20 squid for his troubles
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sopranos laughing.webm
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>bonsoir m'barlady, no more alcoholic beverages for me, I'll have a fine glass of tap water!
bare grim

at least mine was scenic (i was splattered with vomit)
pics x
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The Queen.

haha just doing a joke lads watch out
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was it a paki?
Found a phone in a taxi once. It was before smartphones were a thing. It was one of those Sony Ericsson walkman ones, a decent enough phone. It stank of smoke though.

I scanned through the pictures; it belong to some late-20s / early-30s chavy girl. There were pictures of her baby. Before the taxi even got to my house texts started coming in from the girl as she had realised she'd lost her phone.

I pocketed the microSD card, popped out the battery, snapped the SIM and then chucked the phone into a hedge. Dunno why.
What I wondered was whether the phrase can only be followed by a noun.
(my dictionary shows me no such usage.)
But anyway the problem is solved. thanks anon!
i like cooking but dont know how to cook a roast dinner
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I feel as though Kim K is really trying to push her tits on the general public recently. She's already got the most famous arse in the world, I imagine she's trying to stay fresh hip and relevant by taking photos of her cleavage now instead of her arse. Such a clever business woman
Train ride hom coked off my head lads fuck
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safe love, can you fill me bottle up please

thanks have a sick night
nah, white bloke
who you laughing at fat man, you're dead
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So I met this girl back in 1971...
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shopped pic or bad day but he looks great
>I pocketed the microSD card, popped out the battery, snapped the SIM and then chucked the phone into a hedge. Dunno why.

hmm, not very nice
ugly people shouldn't be allowed in clubs 9bh
me last night
is that a security tag?
Robbed a girls blackberry 8520 curve at a house party in 6th form and sold it for 50 quid
yeah, looks amazing mate :-)
>I pocketed the microSD card
Did you find/keep any pics/nudes?
I don't think I know a single girl who HASN'T been felt up by some creepy Paki in a club. They're really brazen about it as well, one girl I know said that once this fresh off the boat Indian just walked up to get and honked her right on the tits, like he was in a trance and couldn't stop himself. No wonder there are so many Indian rapists with that level of culture shock

so you can't throw the bottle at someone
My mum just went on a rant about how you can't criticise people who earn more money than you.

Just because I called Ed Sheerans music pop drivel.

The joke is I earn more money than her.
Piers Morgan
John Oliver
JK Rowling
Emma Watson

Just off the top of my head
Shallow frying some sausages for brunch lads.
called the rozzers m8
>8520 curve
wake me up inside

I imagine it's to stop other people nicking it off the table
doinga Feasters
You look amazing Bill, keep it up :)
i prefer grilling my sausages 2bh. less greasy.
Don't know or care about celebrities enough to form an opinion on them as I'm not a lower class runt.
Piers Morgan is a cheat answer. Everyone hates Piers Morgan
How is /pol/ these days, mate?
saw some glass botles smashed in the road
jumped on my bicycle, went into a nearby pub
asked for a broom and started sweeping the glass off the road
the lads who smashed glass were laughing at me
i went up to them and said 'don't smash glass in the road, its not funny, there is an ambulance there imagine if it's tires got fucked, don't be a fucking waste'
handed the broom back to the guy from spoons
jumped on my bike and went home
Me every time I'm on the mandy. Some bar staff really hate us drug users and refuse to refill our water bottles. Sad twats
No idea, i don't browse /pol/
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>tfw white but act like a creepy paki touching every girls arse
Alri, paki?
Nah nothing risque at all surprisingly, just boring pictures of her kid. Formatted it and kept it.
Of course you don't, laddie ;)
clubs I go to love it, some fit bar staff girl came up to us in the smoking area, she said she comes to the club on her nights off and pings her face off

good lass
cloudy with a chance of rasheeds
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