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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 323
Thread images: 45

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/brit/ is for brits edition
QUITE fond of this thread
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Careful we're nearing real janny hours
I like this thread
VERY good thread
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doing a poo
fuck oiff

we are here

until recently i had sweden filtered

wonder what i would be doing now
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Rate my OC
fuck off JF
get a load of this guy
Going to do an autism and post in here. Really strongly dislike Swedish posters.
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Sweden is shit m8
Why is a prossie on tinder?
exceptional post
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I'll always be with you.
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*goes on a day trip*
Theresa May will formally begin the Brexit process by the end of March 2017, she has told the BBC.
My daughter took a taxi from her work to go home. The taxi ran through a red light and hit a 4x4, sending it onto its roof. At the time of the collision my daughter was speaking to her boyfriend on her phone and he could hear everything. As soon as the collision happened, the taxi driver got out of his car and rang not the emergency services but a friend, asking him to come and pick him up. We know this because the daughters phone was still on and her boyfriend could hear the driver talking. The driver then took all of his stickers from the taxi and managed to hide something in the boot. At no time did he check on my daughter. He then tried to run away but witnesses held him till the police arrived. All this time there was screaming coming from the other car. A young mother was screaming for someone to save her baby.

There were four people in the other car. Emergency services were quickly on the scene and were brilliant. My daughter was given morphine because it was feared that she had broken her pelvis and was placed on a body board before being cut out of the taxi.She was taken to the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield where the staff were marvellous.
After a MRI scan it was found that she had no serious injuries. Whilst in the hospital she managed to speak to the mother of the baby, and saw the baby, who were in the other car and it transpired that they too, had not received any serious injuries thank goodness.

My daughter is in shock and everytime she closes her eyes she is back in the taxi and hearing those screams.

The cost?- well there were six police cars, four ambulances,two fire engines, Sheffield Parkway was closed and diversions put in place, so causing delays, doctors, nurses and radiographers. My daughter will be off work for a little while and no doubt so will be the passengers and driver of the other vehicle.
And all because a fkin idiot wanted to shave a few seconds off his journey.
have sex that is actually good I imagine
reckon I'll go for it
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>poorthern direland
The op of this thread must be the Janny
*excellently posts*

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
Wish there were a monthly gimmick recap
The other thread was deleted hahahaha
reckon this poster is the jannyy
this bitch is too fucking slow
>janny mad his edition wasn't first
yeah m8 said it in the other thread, just dont fall in love
yeah just gonna repeat this:

>tfw I immigrated from turkey this week
u mad, brexiteers?
We can reveal that an anonymous sourced has informed the BBC that he does not rate Pogba.
wow sweden getting absolutely shat on
So Labour have said that the Jeremy Corbyn membership should fight poverty not Labour MP's.

I'm sorry but that's exactly what we are doing. We are turning away from New Labour. The Labour Party that started the privatisation of the NHS, the Labour Party that followed in Maragret Thatchers footsteps and sold off council and social housing to the middle class and elite, the Labour Party that started an illegal war in Iraq that killed thousands of innocent people, a Labour Party that made millions of people suffer under austerity and neoliberalism and a Labour Party that was no better than the Tories.

That's the exact Party I don't want and that's the reason I didn't support Labour until Jeremy Corbyn got in last September.

Jeremy Corbyn is making Labour into the left wing caring socialist Party it should be and he's making it a Party with real Labour policies.
What he said >>65619226
fuck off yank
Turkey isn't in the EU and never will be, so it won't make a difference anyway.
who /comedown/ here
You sure it's not Jordans sister?
starving, gonna have lunch now lmao

peace out bitches

i'll come down your throat you fucking bender
can someone explain british patriotism to me
I'll come down and kick your teeth in m8
Dunno I'm pretty much back to normal by now
Still haven't ate in over 24 hours though
Alri lads

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
>swede thread got deleted

fuck off paki
licking American's asses
wahheyy get fucked normie cunt

Going to do the same thing next weekend I hope? Good, good. Fry those receptors good and proper. You don't need them anyway, little normie.
delusion that we're still a good country
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*me mate drives us past /brit/ slowly, and i wind my window down, yelling out*


*me made Dazza quickly drives away*
huh, so what do brits say?

and I still managed to come here, how about that...
"What we need is not more learning, not more eloquence, not more persuasion, not more organization, but more power from the Holy Spirit." John Stott.
Alri fellow 4chan pass user
Every politics program ever:
>confrontational presenter repeatedly pushes politician for a concrete answer on a question
>politician repeatedly answers an entirely different, unasked question which he has been told by his spin doctor to reiterate
>presenter continues in an increasingly confrontational and loud manner
>politician holds firm and continues to answer unasked questions while ignoring the question
>time eventually runs out
>nothing of any sort of substance has been gained or exchanged

ah yes, very informative and intellectual programming
Rate my jaw aesthetics
*looks sadly at my mates*
just ignore it lads
*under my breath*
*sips pint*
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My kot
*get on my pushie*
*see you at the servo*


*pedals off*
bit rude boys

good to hear mate x

nah I'm fairly sensible about it, once a month at the max
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I love being white.jpg
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So you picked mostly white not-so-Great Britain instead of Pakistan or Algeria? Are you racist or something? Or are we just too advanced and attractive for you subhumans?
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*calls your phone*
*you answer*

*hangs up on you*
fuck shit arse
shitty day
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top lad
747 just flew over FUCK OFF
why did you finish at 4:45pm instead of your allocated 5:00pm time, Fritz?
my German gf just arrived in manchester airport from frankfurt and I'm going shag the POO out of her this afternoon

good day for me
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lost my phone last night
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*writes down your car make, model, colour and licence plate number in my phone's notes app*

*waits months until a high profile child abduction, rape and murder story appears on the news*

*parents hold a tearful press conference and appeal for any witnesses*

*I call crimestoppers anonymously and report that I saw the child get into your car on the night they went missing*
howling at this australian actionposter's posts
[muffled "wankeeerrr" in the distance]
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got ur phone hahahaha
lost my house keys and had to wake mummy and daddy up at 2am
I've got an army base right near my fucking house and you get those bastard Chinooks at all hours

God bless the Queen

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
*it was a stolen car*
ahahaha get uckedfay aggot
you seem buttmad. also, they picked me, not the other way around. and that's because unlike you, i'm a contributing member of society.

get a job.
need a choker gf
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the, so called, gf
give it back bls

good lad
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*i am sent to jail*

*years later, you have a wife and children*

*you wake up one night to your small 10 year old daughter crying*
*run to her room, see her tied up on the ground with her bare arse in the air*

*written across the arse..."WAANKAAAAHHH"*
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<<<This was Andrew Neil in 1995

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
wtf why would hiro do that, it's just like a tripcode
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>tfw your train into work goes by the airport
>tfw you get to see one of the last remaining Vulcan bombers every day
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Thoroughly enjoying these Australian shitposts.
always get mixed up between Cardiff and Carlisle

literally cannot untangle the two in my head
It's a meme you dip

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
probably gonna put people off buying/using them though
you're a fucking spacker mate
They're like the polar opposite of each other
having a dried apricot

it's just occured to me that i've never had a wet apricot
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still haven't had my wank from last night
not sure I had one on Friday either
think I'm going mad


nobody works on sunday
*puts anime in bin*
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> tfw most of your country besides normies work on sundays

it hurts
necked a bloke last night

not even gay haha
don't get /r9k/ at all
99/100 posts aren't even funny or interesting
never been to either and I know nothing about them

it's just the names I cannot untangle
>tfw janny is trying to get you banned for ban evasion

What the actual fuck are you fucking doing janny i havent done anything ban worthy this entire year. Fuck off you insipid power hungry cunt, im glad the mods denied your fat arse
was watching my jaw in the mirror whilst pinging last night and it was literally going sideways

dunno how it does that, cannot for the life of me do it sober
Sounds pretty gay to me

4chan Pass user since June 2016.

once misaligned my jaw and gurned it back into place
What did you do? Post kpop?

Sad cunts can't even triforce
I've never been to either but I still know which one is which
Glad to see the kshit faggots aren't around
watching the soccer
Good normie.
No i've never posted kpop, honestly have no idea what the mad cunt is doing
Currently in Manchester Piccadilly train station if any of you lads are around

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
Watching the golf desu lads, americans are a bit cheeky

4chan Pass user since February 2013.
fuck off yank
>February 2013


getting sick of the sight of you tbqh
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bit a small chunk from the inside of my cheek last night from gurning so hard
Please refrain

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
lol im actually in the cafe nero there, mate come say hi. I'm the big bloke in the hoodie.
Literally going to be there in a couple of minutes lmao, mental

My train's going to the airport though
Just went on that /lgbt/ board

Would not recommend.

always wear a mouthguard lads hahaha
Rather not tbqh

Going anywhere nice?

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
might renew my 2012 pass so I can shitpost with it
done MDMA a couple of times and only had mild jaw clenching - usually when I wasn't paying attention

can't imagine how much of the stuff you twats are taking to gurn and proper lock your jaw up

MDMA is fucking toxic, enjoy your brain damage
I'm just in the national football museum at the minute but I'd be up for a pint in around 30-45 minutes?

I'm with the missus but don't mind her she won't bother you
*becomes a yank*
*wears a rave dummy*
I'm picking the german gf up from the airport x
I'm actually meeting with some of the lads tbf, soz la
on my way now to manchester piccadilly station lads

should be there soon
I'm like 5 mins from Manny Piccadilly, where we meeting? Bringing my pet parakeet but he won't bother you hehe.
Watching Dawn of Justice. Does tiny sinister asian lady die?
Going to York uni library today and I'm going to find the beanbags and fucking sit on them
lmao what the fuck
might buy another pass
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>tfw no pass for the chon
>have paid for reddit gold twice
I'm like 10 mins from Manny Picca, where we meeting? Bringing my pet parrot but she won't bother you hehe.
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>>reddit pass user telling me what to do
Best meme in a while
on my way to the york library beanbags lads

should be there soon
German gf said she wants to come to the man pic meetup we're having and she says you can all have a go on her if you like x
>Bog Sim was on a £3,000,000 contract for the English national side

Imagine how much money cunts like Pep and or Mou must be on.
Rebrand is that you?
really hoping this is just a prank bro, if not, hiro has gone too far and we need mootles back to put him into line

have a feeling this is another of hiro's ideas that he never thought about the consequences of
Wish I could go to Manchester
Love getting the train and flying lads, but I almost never do it
Last time I flew was in June and that was the first time in almost 8 years, and the last time I got the train was also in June and that was the first time in almost 7 months

Haven't done it since
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Me right now

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
it's fucking shite iih
this sty will be the death of me
alri, just bought my reddit pass, hope this works?

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
I want her to squeez my head between those thighs
You've gotta put since4pass in the options field

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
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In Manny boys, where we meeting?
live besides a house that is conveted into an upstairs and a downstairs flat

in the downstairs flat there is a somali family, they moved in with 2 kids, now they have 5 or so all in a tiny flat. i don't think the parents work or even speak very good english, and the flat is council owned or whatever.

don't cause any troubel or anything, the kids play out but i can't complain cuz i did the same growing up, their parents really make me think though.
alri alri alri
Holy shit I'm actually heading to the arndale now

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
Meet me in the food court?
Might put the radiator on lads

It's a bit nippy

his sargon
trains are poo, they make my bum go numb
How autistic are you?

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
white christmas black mirror is so fucking good lads holy fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Guarantee one of you mongs is meeting Poleaboo.
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>all those nonwhites
Britain isn't this bad, right?

market street and picadilly gardens are incredibly awful
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family of syrian refugees has moved into my house and assumed ownership of the wife lads what do i do
>/brit/ thinks that thats a low number of white people
Where I live I'm the only white person
0161 manny on the map
why is since4pass not working.... hmmm

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
Downloaded a tonne of high-quality rachel riley pics but now have no desire to wank to her

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
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you a Northerner by any chance?

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
Autist in discord
hmm indeed
fucking hell
take a look at this newfag

Bloody hell Bruce where do you live? An Abo village?
gonna sing a song for you lot give me a few minutes to record it

Springvale, 99% Asian
delet this
gf doesn't like olives

might take her into the toilets and give her a good slapping for being a plem
hold her head under the water for me lad
Woah I didn't know this until today lads
Turns out that the train companies like Virgin and Northern don't actually own their own trains

All trains in the UK are owned by like 4 companies and they lease the trains out to the operators
Only kids don't like olives you fucking nonce
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>mfw the since4pass shit is just normal text on 4chanx

You lads could be typing that in manually for all I know
me when I win on the fobties

need this tinder bird to shag me right now desu
>The 2011 Census found that 69% of Springvale residents were born overseas
Coming up market street, there's a lot of pakis here
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thanks for this

really got the neurons firing
So 69+ plus their offspring
test lol
Trust me, I'm not

4chan Pass user since January 1970.
ha ha

4chan Pass user since October 2014.
Using autismx is infinitely worse than (You) baiting with since4pass tbqh desu
I use 4chanx and the text is green with a clover at the start
finna have a bombay bad boy
>Not wanting to live in one of the best cities in the world
Commence the killing of ones self
Some daft bint almost got twatted by the tram haha

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
what's his name?
Anyone want to watch Deepwater Horizon with me at the Printworks
>t-they said we wuz a good city tho!
I'll take some shithole, Northern Territory over Melbourne any day of the week my man
Neck yourself
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4chan Pass user since June 2016.
I've been to Manc a few times and it always seems to be JF's who get beeped at by the tram
Let me guess, you live in Australias Shithole (AKA Brisbane)
goodness me
Sitting on a table near the subway in the food court

Come say hi to me
never, EVER, dog your mates
I make around 55k, where should I live (alone) in London?
The Asian food is good though 100% authetic
Plus dem Korean girls
Nope, not even a city lel. Country town
Tower Hamlets
South Ken
What do you look like?

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
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That's half of the average London wage
we don't want your kind here

go to some shithole like Birmingham, Manchester, Belfast, Glasgow or Cardiff
excellent post
If I go there, will it hurt?
you'll probably know when you see me
only person around that looks like they'd probably post on 4chan
woa what the fuck is this shit right here nigga thats some crazy nigga shit right here nigga
ar Robbie


>The BBC was at the centre of a damaging diversity row last night after one of its top radio stars was sacked for being 'white and male'. Bafta award-winning comedian Jon Holmes was axed from The Now Show – the hit Radio 4 programme he has appeared on for 18 years – when bosses told him 'we're recasting it with more women and diversity'.

>Last night, leading figures from the world of entertainment and across the political spectrum reacted with fury to the BBC instigating a policy in which it was now choosing performers based on their gender or skin colour, instead of their talent.

laughing my arse off
how FUCKING dare you?!?!?!?
I am not ashamed to say I have a big willy

4chan Pass user since January 2014.
also, I work near king's cross.

yeah ok
fucks sake

got drunk last night and posted my willy on /brit/

hope none of you cheeky buggers saved it
What fucking tool designed the Manchester rail lines?
Ah yes, lets have two terminus stations which are also through stations but lets not connect them, and while we're at it, lets make them elevated!
playing elite dangerous
ah yes, the unbiased bbc
>questioning the infrastructure of the world renowned northern powerhouse
>Lets go out and have fun...
>Oh wait, all the good stuff is on the gold coast
>Why don't we just build two Eb games next to eachother and call them fun

The girls are cute though
don't know what any of this means
>And just like that, after 18 years on the long-running show, I was out.
fucking hell
live in Sydney aka the best city in the world
Why is forced cuckoldry so hot? Not even meme-ing, the pent up frustration and sexual restriction and helplessness, humiliation and desperation is just insanely hot.


(excuse the anime imagery)
what's up with blacks? what is their problem
Good luck finding your way around mate

Typical daily Fail bullshit. he wasn't sacked, he was on a fixed term contract and they didn't renew it.
birmingham > machester
live in Birmingham aka the best city in the world
live in Shropshire aka the best county in the UK
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dead cunt.jpg
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Have you ever noticed that Australia's non-natural tourist attractions are absolutely shit-tier.

>A shit opera house
>A zoo that used to be owned by that twat who got killed by a sting ray

That is literally it. There are better opera houses and zoos in this country. Their cities are generic and boring shitholes filled with /fa/ wankers about five years behind Europe and the US and chinks.

The only thing Australia has going for it is the Great Barrier Reef and a fucking rock in the desert.
0121 brummy on the map
They purposely designed it to be inefficient as possible, and to be incredibly expensive and complex for the poor sods who have to redesign it, and that doesn't even take into account that it's in the middle of one of Britain most populated cities
t. Rasheed
Looking for a job with the BBC are we?
Currently in Next, be a sec la

4chan Pass user since June 2016.
Business idea: all the big teams in the EPL always play on Saturdays and the diddy teams play on Sundays so I can watch all the decent games on Saturday MOTD.
brum mandem meeting when
>all the good stuff is on the gold coast

i am thankful brisbane has segregated that runt night life away so we can travel down there, experience the meth heads and juiced up bikers then come back up and live slightly better.
>4chan pass user since

what is this
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>car in front doing 15mph
>light ahead is green
>turns amber
>they floor it
>I'm stuck on the red
wouldn't mind living in aus desu

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
uggggghhhhh it's mad
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speak of the devil
link man at the maccys on the ramp
just ate the leftovers of last nights couscous. going out soon but first I am doing a listen
left some twat waiting at the lights earlier lads

should have seen the rage on his face, i waited until it was amber then floored it
Reckon the last two weeks have been the best of my life lads
just ate the leftovers of last night's standard fuck party
Still waiting mate
see me smacking up them £1 scrans at eat4less still
Callum Cronin
>white ''''''people'''''''
>literally just bought a pass
kuk :^)
>99% asian
I don't believe you.
hiro being a fucking moron
Copy and paste this into your custom CSS box on the 4chan extension to get rid of it completely:

t. somali
It's Melbourne, it's probably closer to 100%
Hey, I saw a white person, once
lets give this a go then eh

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
hate southerners nad hate northerners 2bh
are you white
t. Midlands poof
think the semi-ex-gf has lost it and deleted all of her social media
putting my jeans in the freezer
Half Papua New Guinean Half white
Midlands? Nah, doesn't exist.
southerners are massive benders with gelled hair

northerners are poor and stupid wearing shellsuits
>Leicester win the league
>suddenly become shit the following season

How does this happen?
good lad

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
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soaking my jeans in piss
pep sent PDFs to every other managers in the league
did you literally just buy a pass to post that??

Mercia independance soon
why is it so fucking cold
>paying money to pseudo-tripfag

hmm yes
do you think he meant this lads

>since4pass was just a way to get more people to buy 4chan passes

she seems reasonable
>captcha cucks

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
Don't know what you mean by PDF. Not being rude, genuinely just don't know.

Do you mean like a .pdf file?
>haha lad going down chippy for a pint did you see the football what a display you fucking bastard nah only just a bit of banter just a bit of a laugh

if you speak like this i will personally destroy you with my two fists
homeless guy asked me for some money so he can get a bag of smack

gave him half an md pill instead


id suck on the gusset of those leather pants
BBC have had a policy for years that all panel shows have to have a woman on them hence all the unfunny women in QI over the years
Did You Know!
In wet weather the House of Lords smells faintly of wee because tweed traditionally has the fibres softened and dyes set using human urine
Oh wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>he wasn't sacked, he was on a fixed term contract and they didn't renew it.

Thread posts: 323
Thread images: 45

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