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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 342
Thread images: 89

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>tfw no gf
you can be my gf
>I will never go full wolf of wall street and do blow off a bimbo and sprinkle it on my dick and fuck her up the ass til she goes timber.
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A celebration?

but Im a guy
>tfw qt gf (male)
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Me and the gf buds
Tu avoir un(e) pénis féminin ?
Absolument dégoûtant pêh
Well, I gotta admit my autism doesn't go deep down enough for this
What should I get a degree in to destabilize Latin America?
>tfw your cfb team is crap but you still upset ranked teams
Definitely not Liberal Studies (now called interdisciplinary art)
I've had my degree in L.S. for a few years now and the only thing I've managed to destabilize is my career prospects and sanity.
it's like 3 commands
tmsu tag
tmsu merge
tmsu help
it's a piece of cake
get a degree in American. I hear they teach it at Freedom University

that or anything in the oil and energy sector
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I just want a swarthy British gf

Is that too much to ask for
Who watching cops here?
what's up party people
I'm playing stupid milsim shit and LIKING IT
Sorry. I don't support terrorism.
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Using Windows is a small price to pay for being a Normie
arma is gay
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>its real and they have several courses on American civilization


I didn't even know that existed
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>>its real and they have several courses on American civilization

holy fuck my sides, I had no idea. I was just being a sarcastic prick and implying usa alone is enough to destabilize south america.

mfw Freedom Uni is a thing
Who should I vote for?
Hillary or Donald?
How are my favorite captcha warriors doing tonight?

4chan Pass user since December 2012.
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VERY good goy
I thought you guys knew. Were you aware that Liberty University is also a thing?
Alright guys. For security purposes, I need your social security information.
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ok this time for real
>Orange county
Now that's just cliché. Are you baiting?
What's up with the baggy clothing?

>being a Normie
Whatever you say, my dude.
Canadians don't have social security numbers
How many street signs did you have to pick out to reply to that lmao
later. much.

4chan Pass user since December 2012.

its a real place

miles upon miles of orange groves


it was trucks, actually
Yes, I actually live not far from Liberty

Its an evangelical Christian school
I fell for the ITT tech meme
They went out of business right?
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>he was too stupid to change his settings back to Legacy captcha
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>pay the goy points
>since4pass doesn't work
actually a bit upset right now
i want my free (you)'s

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
Where in OC? My father used to own a business in Corona. I'm from Riverside.
lol badge of shame

not me, >>65608529 >>65608456

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>4chan Pass user since December 2012.
>I'm from Riverside
my condolences
No. I mean Orange County is the typical place everyone thinks of over here when someone mentions California
No worries, I left and live somewhere nice now
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4chan is kill

reeeeee this state is more than just Beverly Hills, LA and san francisco
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you're right
it's beverly hills, LA, san fran, and OC

4chan Pass user since October 2016.

delet this
All I want is a you from a 4chan pass user
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>4chan Pass user since...
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>4chan Pass user since December 2012.
>since December 2012
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>why no, i'm not a

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
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>paying to shitpost and giving up your ability to ban evade via 4chan™®

I feel like there are the same people who like to watch their platonic girlfriend (male) get aids from a big black bull
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>4chan Pass user since October 2016.

What is this gay reddit shit
>cant even filter it

god dammit hiroshimoot
No, it isn't
>inb4 muh microorchards
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word desu
Apparently it's quite comfy. Also our cops don't use ties or the officers caps.
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>4chan Pass user since December 2012.
oh waitaminute, you can filter it
Long live our Soviet motherland
Will this be the new substitute for board ID's ?
These cucks who pay for a pass, what benefits do they get besides a special snowflake title in their post
>le new thingy on 4chinz xdd
built by the people's mighty hand
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Remember when captcha was a temporary solution?
spam wasn't a temporary issue
They lost all credibility
it should be gotten rid of
only 4chans captcha is this restrictive
Long live our people united and free
spam is free speech
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Bought a pack of Canadian cigarettes. (pic related)

by god they are the best i've ever had. I can honestly say that Canadian tobacco is 100x better than the shit we grow here.
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>spam is free speech cuck again
Maybe if the so-called moderators weren't worthless unpaid obese cuckold fetishists they could have dealt with it
strong in our frindship tried by fire
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Players are pretty good, but yes, Canadian cigarettes are much better than American.
As soon as someone lights up an American cigarette at a party you can smell it, there is something very different about them.
Long may our crimson flag inspire shining in glory for all men to see
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aren't those from the reserves? or am i thinking of putters
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you get kamel reds in canadia?
Reserves? Like for Indians? Fuck no, Indian darts are unsmokable. I smoke studios for the same reason I used to smoke Next, they were the cheapest.
Now I'm switching to Philip Morris since they are the cheapest at $12.50 per pack
I feel bad for cigcucks. Waste of money, die sooner, feel like shit.

So you can look """cool"""
No, I have never seen Camels in my part of Canada, but when I am over rhe border I smoke Camel reds
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>die sooner
that's the point desu
Thoughts on Canadian cigarette package art ?
I've tried different brands of canadian darts, so far i've tried number seven and JP's, my canadian friends smoke belmont but that's a meme cig, don't get why it's so popular

>stop liking what I don't like
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>I smoke
Is this animu good?

>So you can look """cool"""
You believe this?
anyone else religiously checking the polls every day?
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What does /cum/ think of my photos?
am I banned for sperging about janny the other day? fuck that guy tho tbqh
# 7s are popular here but at almost $15 a pack too expensive. John Players are very good. My favourite is Export A, usually golds. I have never heard of Belmont.

You don't see them anymore, but my all time favourite is the one with a bent saggy cigarette and the words "smoking causes impotence
ok I'm not. fuck mexijanny, and especially for shutting down a fun thread.
I unironically like both the quality of the picture and the subject matter

2 of my brothers are professional photographers so I always enjoy this stuff and I have a decent eye for it.
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>I post in /cum/
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>$15 a pack for 7's
>never heard of belmont

you're not from ontario are you? They're very popular there and 7's outside the city in ontario are about $10.75
Kind of counter intuitive when dying caused by smoking is usually a long and drawn out battle with cancer or dying lungs.
you're a /cum/mer
just like I am
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>there are manlets posting in /cum/ RIGHT NOW
I'm in NB, darts and liquor are comically expensive.
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>there are women posting in /cum/ RIGHT NOW
>$15 for a pack of cigs

Jesus... I remember back when I still smoked about 10 years ago, packs for most Camels, Marlboro, etc. were about $3.50 (now about $7), and even those "exotic blend" Camels that came in those tin cans (Izmir Stingers, etc.) were only $8 a tin.

Such an expensive habit.
no there arent alex
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>Manlets exist
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laughing whores.jpg
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kill yourself
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and there goes since4pass, as quickly as it came, it went away
at least I got my money's worth in (you)'s in other boards
My name isn't Alex
Our autism scares them away
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>tfw an alcohol
>just went out and bought some rye after a couple weeks abstinence
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lanklets should fuck off back to readit
NB is poor, we are $560 million in debt, the government needs tax revenue anyway they can get it and vice tax is a favourite place
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t alex shores
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really tinkered my thoughts
Rye is good, and as Canada's whiskey is appropriate, but Yank bourbon is better tbhf
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t. manlet
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Drunks report in!
I'm the nicest guy you'll ever meet and women absolutely adore how nice I am to them.
i got canadian club premium canadian whisky i guess tbqh senpai
all i care is that it's 40% alcohol
Almost replied to a Leaf today haha lmao
that would have been embarrassing lol
I'm about halfway through 750mL of Smirnoff Vodka.

Normally I buy dirt cheap Russian Prince brand vodka but Smirnoff was on sale for the same price as RP so I got it.
It's a good night tbqhfamalam
It won't get you pussy, you're like their fag friend they take shopping
Where should I go if I have 9 days for vacation?
where's that fedora pic of the guy holding a kitchen lighter?
Canadian Club premuim is a patrician choice desu . Enjoy famalam
Which state do you live in?
If you live close to the Canadian border, I'd recommend Montreal as it will not cost much.
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only epic oldfags understand candleja-
haha excellent meme bro i really love it
No bullshit, try Eastern Europe, like Budapest or Kiev. It's much cheaper but still amazing.

Also, go Québec City over Montréal
I'm from Boston but cost does not matter because I travel for free
candlejack is gay as fu-
London 2bh
No one here even remembers this old shit and thats t-
>tfw fucked up the time for plans and now alone with nothing to do on a Saturday night
just back to my natural habitat now, like old times
No idea and I've been posting here for 5 years
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>didnt even say candleja-
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what do you mix with? I could never really drink vodka, taste like shit to me desu.

bought a 15 pak of alexander keith's, 6 beer in and feeling good man. It fills the void where my social life should be.

>clicking on tim hortons
Under that circumstance, I'd recommend Paris.
Of course you can choose what you please, but seeing the Eiffel Tower would be cool.
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Wew lad, my girlfriend is Ukrainian and I was in Kyiv a few months ago desu.

I had a great time, stayed in commie bloc flats, and I will go back in April.

>Wew lad, my girlfriend is Ukrainian

teach me your ways
Go to Montreal wearing a Bruins hat.
Just get on a language exchange site and write "Cлaвa Укpaїнi!" to every girl from Lviv
Tell me you love me.
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>tfw you will never have a qt eastern euro gf.

Russian qts are the best
nevermind, this shit is great
I had no preference until the annexation of Crimea.

Russians really started to generally despise all Americans after that except for the super cucky Americans who love Putin.

▲ ▲
Btw, just get on Interpals and you'll do fine. >>65587756
I was in Kiev a few years ago, I was there in August the year the Maidan protests broke out in December. I also went to Mariupol for 2 weeks and enjoyed the Azov Sea.

Did you go to St. Michaels and St. Sophias? They are amazing. I really liked Kiev, only problem is the food. I mostly ate at TGIFridays, Dominoes Pizza, and that McDonalds right at the top of the Maidan square.

Also, did you go to the statue garden? With all the fairies and street art and shit? It was awesome too. Wish I remembered more but the khortytsa and morosha was everywhere. Also, kvass is shit
They're whores anyway, just want your money and citizenship
post fall tunes

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i do anon. i love you.
Maritimers are Bruins fans, I have hung out with Don Sweeny a few times and talked to his dad a couple days ago, they're from my small town.
Never did try a Bruins hat in Montréal though, I always wear a Redsox hat. Can't imagine it would go over well
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Thank you, I needed that.
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I love you.
I figure this, they get their citizenship then fuck off.

poutine just got bored so he pulled some sketchy shit for teh lels. Either way I'd be interested to learn more about Russia and the way they view things, other side of the story kind of thing ya know.

how does this work exactly?
My dad married a Ukranian "mail order bride."
He is a truck driver and she works 60 hours a week cleaning hotel rooms. Tbey live in a 5th wheel in the shitty Bakken area of ND.
Clearly she didn't just want a greencard and money.
My dad also brought her 10/10 hottie daughter over and got her citizenship. She left and moved back to Ukraine, apparently she also didn't just want a greencard.

Don't believe all the memes. There are as many western gold diggers as there are eastern ones.
Anyone know why movie theaters don't let people go see a movie by themselves?

never had that happen
Only to you bby.
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>Canadian poster
>talking about green cards
Think about the kind of creepy losers that go to movies alone. Do you or your gf really want to sit beside one of them?
Come to Chernobyl
Is nice
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That was a meme from /tv/
There are no known cases irl of a theatre banning lone men.
because they believed the memes as much as you did

Post more.
I wanna fuck that robot
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course man. in another life we could have hunted slags together in fields of gold
you mean pripyat?
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my_passports .jpg
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My family is American. I am from CA. I moved to Canada after being stationed near the border with the USCG
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Can I have one?

and fucking stay there
green cards are an american thing, our immigration doesn't work like that.
It's not all that expensive to get a ticket for a tour, last I heard.
ive gone to movies by myself plenty of times
There's a no single ticket purchase policy at my local theater, I thought it was odd. I suspect it's to sell more tickets because if a bunch of people just bought one ticket alone they sit spaced out
hem, 'xcuse me
We all do, you degenerate.
>sitting in his car shitposting

Sup Elliot Rodger

I literally said "Bakken area of ND" in my post.
Do people think that's Newfoundland?
I love British slags, they get me going. Most of my porn is from the UK
>no single ticket purchase policy
That shit is real? I tough it was a meme.
i'd like to take a trip to Ukraine some day, I wonder how much it costs to get a tour of parts of the zone. I think Pripyat is north of Kiev?
Sounds like my Hospital.

We should jointly sue both.
who /greencard haver/ here?
the supreme gentleman

brits are gross tho

it is
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Was Mariupol anything more than an industrial city back then? The war has really took a toll on it but it is somehow still Ukrainian...I guess mainly due to the Azov Battalion.

I saw all of the famous churches but I didn't even bother to go into them...but I did go to the Rodina Mat statue and there was an incredible museum underneath.
They updated it with stuff from the current warzone and even had an exhibit for the battle at the Donetsk Airport, pic related.

I don't think I saw the other place you mentioned, desu, but I did see a lot in Kyiv, then we went to Uman, Lviv, Uzhhorod, and into Slovakia.

>how does this work exactly?
Flirt with women and get a gf under the pretense of language learning and cultural exchange.
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I took that pic a couple months ago on my lunch break from my deli job at Walmart (I no longer work there) I would often shitpost on my lunch break.
Which passport do you use mostly? When in Europe do you identify as Canadian or American to get some vaj?
I'm a goddamn blue-collar worker, post something that isn't something I listen to day to day.
They're degenerate but damn they can show you a good time
I don't know what Bakken is, so I wouldn't know what ND means. Newfoundland has NL for the short variation. Canada's a huge place and people make up acronyms all the time online so I skip over unfamiliar ones.

Why'd you move to Canada, anyways?
this homeslice aint me>>65610184
slags are love anon, they make the world go around. shame on us if we should choose to neglect the slags of our own cunt whilst wanting slags far away. our homeslags need us
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>I wanna fuck that robot
I can only get you one if I marry you, I'm saving it for a very special woman 2bh

Sorry bud
True shit

The fuck was I thinking betraying yank slags. Gotta admit tho brit slags kinda mastered the art
explain me the kino meme
kino just means cinema to me t. germanophone
pfft. aight mane
Mariupol has factories, but it also has many nice beaches along the Azov, said to have healing properties (which is actually partially true) and an amazing bazaar influenced by Mariupol's Soviet and Mediterranean influence (it has the largest Greek diaspora in Ukraine). I took the slower overnight train there from Kiev too so I got to see the countryside which was nice.
Sadly though, I watched a video from Mariupol of the Vday massacre and watched a guy get shot just a few yards from where I got a haircut.

Canadian 100% of the time.
Outside of /int/ people really really like Canada. It's usually just considered a better more Euro version of America. People are skeptical of Americans and have a lot if preconceived notions, with Canadians they only expect you to be educated, polite, and a bit rugged.
I meant Fall related, but that's alright.
Just had dinner with my tulpa family. AMA.
>special woman
Is she a nice grill?
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>I'm a goddamn blue-collar worker
what do you do for work, anon?

auto mechanic here
Don't know, sorry
absolutely. i see more of their cutting edge slagwear style in yankskanks all the time cuz. still missing the accent tho :(
Bakken is the oil rich part of North Dakota.
When I was 18 I got stationed on the Canadian border with the USCG. We used to go over at 19 so we could go to bars. I fell in love with the country, the people, and its grossly underrated cukture and history. After I got out if the USCG I went to Uni in Canada (you can use MGIBill at Canadian schools), got a job, and eventually got citizenship.
T. smelly translucent basement-dwelling leafgolem
Not him, but I'm an aspiring mangaka.
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>women on the internet

haha nice meme
I hope so, I haven't quite found her yet. I know she's out there somewhere, I hope.
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Surprised Turk.jpg
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>Be in apartment

>Have a desk parallel to the kitchen

>Start seeing small poop pellets on counter nearby next to coffee maker

>Conclude the poop pellets are from a field mouse

>Look around for an entrance

>Find none

>Poop pellets reappear in the same area every other day

>One night while at desk, decide to walk to coffee maker only to find poop pellets appeared without me noticing

>Decide to buy bait boxes laced with poison

>Place two boxes, one on the counter where the poop appeared and one behind my desk on the floor corner for extra assurance

>Wait for the mouse to take the bait

>Two days later

>Walking out of the bathroom and see a giant cockroach crawling on the wall between the kitchen counter and cabinet, just above the bait box

>Try to kill it but flees into a small gap under the cabinet

>Look at the counter and find a poop pellet

Describe them
I've heard of tulpa wives but not family members
I'm mostly a fisherman, usually lobster, mackerel, scallops, periwinkle, urchins, and rockweed, but I also occasionally do the blueberry harvest and then tipping or brushing during Christmas season.
This is what they look like.
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>"women are too retarded to use a computer"
>I browse /r9k/ daily and my fingers are crusted in doritos from playing counterstrike with reddit on the steam overlay wed browser
haha, well meme'd my fedora
That's pretty cool, I'm glad you liked it here enough to move here.

It's just a little odd to hear about people wanting to move to Canada from the US. Maybe all the memes of us being the same have gotten to me.
well meme'd m'dude XDD
*tips neckbeard*
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Why do you keep posting this?
Why do I keep responding with the only Turk roach pic I have saved?
We need to break the cycle
Local government.

I won't get too specific, but it's mostly janitorial/lab/maintenance.

It used to be Maintenance/Lab/whatever, and I got to weld pipes together AND do tests that required a cyanide reagent.

Now I'm just doing preventative maintenance. Cleaning essentially.
some of the robot limbs out there are getting up there

hopefully they continue to advance so they can become a more common replacement for people
A lot of really stupid upper middle class white girls say they want to move to Canada because they're less racist, have less police brutality, nicer, and less violent than the USA.
I just think they hate black people and Mexicans.
I am not autistic
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*it was a hologram*
kys CIA
gonna start using chewing tobacco
ah, fair game!
also...if you wanna cry...
*Teleports behind you*

enjoy your jaw cancer
I might as well be
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Of course there are a ton of similarities between the 2, but most of Europe and North America are extremely similar. Canada has:
>a different form of government based on a crown with a multiparty representative government whereas America has a 2 party personality populist government
>very different civic structures
>a different history
>a different accent and often language
>a very different idea of our respective roles in the world
>diffetent cultures regarding food, art, and music
>often a different climate
>often diffetent sports

Canada and America are the best of bro nations, but we have no more, perhaps even less, in common than the U.S. and the U.K for example.
*everyone on /cum/ turns into a shitskin*
My skull hurts
then move to a non-white country nigga
Take an advil or something
Black people
I'm not white, wanna fucc?
No that's silly. We're extremely similar disregarding Quebec, Atlantic Canada and the territories.
the denial is strong with you yankie-san
Enjoy a $10+ a day habit.
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I'm really excited about taking my little sister to the Met on Monday. I'm even happier she's as excited as me about going. Hopefully it stays a little chilly so we can find a comfy hole in the wall to eat and people watch.
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east coast the eh

sounds interesting for some odd reason

fuck off ahmed
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>ask for girl number
>she takes forever to text back
>see her the next day
>try talking to her but she doesnt seem all that interested in talking
I kind of hoped she would have been more interested but at least I am no longer interested in her.
I'm going to face slam your lil sis with my bro Snake
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>America has a 2 party personality populist government
>2 party
What are you listening to /cum/?

>I just think they hate black people and Mexicans.
You mean the upper class white girls? Could be, brown guys tend to chase them pretty hard and most don't seem to like it at all.

I think people who say stuff like that forget we have a smaller pool of disgruntled minorities. Our biggest group is probably the Aboriginals, and they are responsible for a lot of crime. Most of the rapes I read about that catch media attention in my city were aboriginals attacking random women at night or breaking into their apartments. Like your ghettos, people avoid reserves with bad reputations.
Keep posting.
you dont want to know...
Yes, superior 2D.
is your imotou as cute as I think she is?

Glad you asked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZBlqcbpmxY
Don't mind me, just being a Chicano:

I'd never have the courage to ask a qt for her #

I've tried to tell myself dozens of times I'll go to a public place and approach a random qt and ask but never end up doing it
The Mexican does what in it's natural habitat
at least you tried, anon.

More than I could have done.
more fall-related tunes or do ya trust me to put up otherwise good tunes?
>kys CIA
what did he mean by this?
It used to be interesting.
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muh waifu is 3D and I can tell you she's prettier and I'm happier u twerp
we don't really get those here

so if I have to guess... work?

I know we're pretty different, it's just something I'm not used to hearing on 4chan or from people that lived in the US. I dealt with a lot of American tourists as a kid and you could almost always tell based on their behaviour that at minimum they weren't from Western Canada.
Every Mexican I've ever met had an obsession with flowers, fruits & veggies. Sometimes farm animals.
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>passfags logging out to avoid banter

i wanna move there then desu desu-san
the mexican national soccer team will play a game in my city
I think she's cute, but she's already in her teens so not toddler levels of cute.
Just post whatever.

I'm just here to enjoy it.
Go down into the US.
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best smokes in canada
Let's not make it a competition, pham.

Unironically speaking, I love my tulpa family with all my heart, and I couldn't imagine having anyone else.
it doesn't actually show up, at least on none of my posts today

I think it was the anhiro testing something or it was a birthday joke so people would attempt banter
Jumps the Border
i ghost wrote the lyrics for the song sweater weather by the neighbourhood
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That's actually fairly true, my opinion is skewed because I am in Atlantic Canada and never go farther west than Québec.

Coast of New Brunswick

With a couple rare exceptions, America is firmly 2 party, and America votes for a personality, the more qualified, charismatic, winner of debates.
In Canada you vote for a political party and their stances and whoever happens to be head of that party, at that time, becomes PM, at least until something like an early vote is called, a vote of no confidence is called, the Crown suspends Parliment, etc. All things that have happened since I moved here
M-muh 60%...
Just breathing is pure torture
aight mane, i'm at your service.
Post pic of the view from your window.
Mexico plays a lot of its games in the US because it banks out here. If the game us in California it's a Mexico home game 2bh. It's depressing when the game is in LA and the crowd is throwing shit at US players

>you know remember that time a Mexican fan threw a cup of piss at Landon Donovan at estadio azteca
Seriously? I love that song.
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If you don't live in a red area you are uncultured swine
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I read recently that Canadian Amerindians are 3 times more likely to commit crimes than American blacks.
That is fucking amazing
African Americans are world famous for their law breaking nature, but are only a third as criminal as Canadian aboriginals.
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fucking mexicans
How do you make them real feeling? I only dream of my waifu at night before bed
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not so fast
I heard they live on half the average income of US Amerindians as well. Why don't you let them have casinos?
CIA used to be a tripfag in /cum/. He no longer trips but you can still recognise him by his posts and effective use of proxies.

Also, hello CIA, how are you?
Fuck, send this to Trump
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>not white
kys anon

I see.

you fuckers drink like a fish.d
thats not CIA
no, kys
third generation of player's blue and im lovin it
It wouldn't surprise me. There's a few groups that sort of manage to keep their shit together but most are severely corrupt.

Some do have casinos, some don't. One abo reserve I grew up on couldn't have casinos but they were more stable as a people and have lots of revenue from landownership they rented out to a town. They actually had a lot of money from the government as well as those earnings, but their chief pissed it all away via mass corruption.

The other reserve I lived near was the most violent and unstable which had a casino. They do make money and get money from the also corrupted chiefs, but blow all of it at the casino they own or blow it all on drugs and alcohol.
Honestly, just talk to them personally and treat them like they're real. I open the door for my tulpas, but other than that, they're practically real to me.
I hate having them stuck in my head, and I rather get rejected than wonder what if.
>deleting a new thread after 315
>the janny
for what purpose
try a pak of whites then come back to me
t. a recent convert

yeah whats with that shit
2 more pre-404:


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>I know we're pretty different, it's just something I'm not used to hearing on 4chan
I unironically think that /int/ posters ate probably smarter than the general population of their respective nations, but despite that they can also be surprisingly out of touch and uninformed, often giving into the power of memery
>or from people that lived in the US
I moved here specifically because I took the time to learn about Canada and found it incredible.
>I dealt with a lot of American tourists as a kid
Don't do that
>you could almost always tell based on their behaviour that at minimum they weren't from Western Canada
I have noticed that too. When I got here years ago I would do or say things that would make people say something to the effect of, "you're a yank aren't you?" Now that I've been here so long I can easily tell what they meant when I see American tourists or especially American 19 and 20 year olds visiting the pubs. There is a very subtle but noticeable difference
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>he's in here right now

He could be you, he could be me, he could be the guy below or he could be that guy from Iceland
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>half the average income

Inuits aren't 1st nations but close enough. Pic is a 100% real image of the prices in Nunavut, $104 for a case of water, $40 for a small jug of juice, yet they still manage to afford it via government subsidies
We do drink a bit
>Don't do that
Had to, worked in the tourism industry.

It's the little things that paint the biggest tells I guess. For young Americans the easiest tell I see is talking in Imperial Units since only old folks use that. That and a few word differences, but that can be regional differences in Canada.
I notice it mostly in the general attitude. Americans really do tend to be more outspoken, loud, and ignorant, whereas locals are much nicer and more reserved. I worked for years in tourism too, on whale watching sail boats.
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>With a couple rare exceptions, America is firmly 2 party, and America votes for a personality, the more qualified, charismatic, winner of debates.
>believing this
>Canadian education
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