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the best part about North America are towns such as this

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the best part about North America are towns such as this
10/10 would live there
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how can one town be this perfect
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Don't get ahead of yourself, that town is probably full of chugs.
are they bad people?
The natives are the niggers of Canada, and there are a lot of them in northern BC. Drunk, violent degenerates all.
though its actually in southern BC east of vancouver
love towns like that
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1000% correct, tiny mountain towns are the only places worth living in, max comfy
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Bend, Oregon is nice but it's starting to get a little crowded and pricey
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post more
Bend is too dry, Eugene a best.
Most people think my state (Arizona) is only a desert, but it's actually home to the largest ponderosa pine tree forest in the WORLD and gets lots of snow
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>tfw you will never live in Flagstaff and have an excuse to own your own UTV with a snow plow mounted on it to get those nine fucking feet of snow each winter out of your driveway
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Are UTV's street legal in Germany? Here, some people drive them like normal cars on the roads around town and its legal.
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Yes, they are, as are ATVs. That's one of the things I don't understand about US vehicle regulations. You can build the worst fucking redneckmobile in your shed in most places and it'll be street legal, but you won't get plates for your stock ATV or UTV in most states even when you put DOT approved tires and all necessary lights on it. You can count the states permitting them on one hand I think.
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My town
Downtown during winter
so great, idk why maybe its muh nostalgia because i watched so many american shows which portray such small mountain towns back in the day but something about em is just beautiful
ur a lucky guy
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small towns are just better looking than gross big cities like Phoenix or LA.
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And by redneckmobile I mean modifying an existing vehicle in terrible ways which should make it road unworthy but for some reason don't.
> Yukon

But whatever, truly comfy desu.
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That's some Red-Green tier ingenuity.
still north america 2bh
The best part is nature, the worst part are people
Canada barely has any people. The farther North you go, the less people you see, and the more beautiful the nature gets.

Truly God's country.
Fucking in the eyes, thought it's was "United States".
I can already hear it. "Am I being detained?"
It's funny given that the Indians in the US keep to themselves on rural reservations and don't live in cities.

Here's my neighborhood of Chicago.
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>not living in a quaint little village in the Alps
Can't beat it
My town of Abilene, Texas in the winter
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Oops forgot the pic
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>he isnt coastal
newfoundland is pretty isolated its cool
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>tfw mountain towns
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>You will never live in a place where it snows every winter.
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truly the worst feel
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Its pretty comfy, imagine iceland except majority irish and minority english, and slightly more alcoholism
Snow's only good when it's falling, after that, it's just an annoyance.
Would you live in new england?

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Libertyville, Illinois my hometown
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It sometimes snows around where I live and I always go outside and walk around in it. Get weird looks from people because I wear a ski mask ang goggles.
Snow is annoying when you have to shovel it, but it does look good falling.

Deadwood, SD is the best, but I don't have any pic of it. It's too bad more and more Americans are living in the metro areas of big cities.
>The Cat's Meow
I chuckled
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>You will never live in a comfy suburban town in north america
>It's too bad more and more Americans are living in the metro areas of big cities.
No, that's great. That way, these quaint mountain towns won't get flooded with faggot hipsters.
Can't afford it either, unless you're a Mountain Jew.
Jesus, there is no where to go in this world
where do you live?
Just don't make weed legal and you'll be fine.
Ours live on reserves too but the difference is we have a much higher ratio of them because we didn`t genocide them,we just took them form their families and molested them a bunch
Fair enough, I just thought that since they're relatively shrinking they'd die out.

Or better yet, have enough states make it legal such that it's no longer special and thus no longer a reason for stoner tourists to visit.

>we just took them form their families and molested them a bunch
That's what we did with the survivors 2bh.

Interesting. I bet the American government doesn't give their indians shit, so they have no choice but to sink or swim on the reserves. Our indians get on oppression bux, refuse to work, and spend their time drinking, fighting, fucking, and causing trouble.
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Ireland is beautiful too
I spent 6 months in this town. comfy sight but I was bored out of my fucking mind after 2 weeks.

Snow is terrible. People from other parts of the US also bitch about this and I honestly hate them. Once you are older than 6 snow is horrible (except for days off when you are older and in school)
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>the best part about North America
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fuck off nigger snow is the comfiest thing in nature

Try having near tropical level summers then having near Siberian style winters (I live in Pennsylvania). It's fucking awful.
this is where I live. population of 900.
That's what vidya games are for
the only thing awful about that are the summers. your winters are noticably warmer than even our southernmost point.
>playing vidya with shit american internet connection
I agree, the summers are awful, but the winters are too, by the end the snow is usually up to your waist. The only real enjoyable part of the year is around September/October and April/may
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>The only real enjoyable part of the year is
>the worst part of the year
Whaaatttt? It is 60 (15.5) to 70 (21.1) degrees, it's short sleeve weather without it being disgustingly hot and humid.
it's wet and windy. summer and winter are the only real seasons, the inbetween parts are just shit
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Deadwood is nice
whoa dude you really like the cold

look at how white you are i am IMPRESSED
We must have pretty different climates, 2bh.
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oh look it's the american who thinks everyone that likes things he doesn't like is just trying to "be different"
You sound like an ass
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Since someone mentioned SD I'm gonna post some winter SD
Of the 28 Koppen Climates, 25 are in the United States. Truly God's country.
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>hope, British Columbia
Its nice there. The mountains that surround the town remind me of Skyrim.
Flagstaff and Northern Arizona seem very good
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whats a chug
o m g incredible
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It's pretty nice

>went to the ski area to take pictures of fall colors yesterday, going back in a week or two when they're further along.
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Eh tired of spamming SD already

Someone else keep this thread alive please
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For having lived in Quebec City, in Winter it'S fucking amazing.
That snow looks a little deep 2bh
>tfw even if I had the money to move to Quebec the frog faggots would never accept me and I would forever be an outsider
The very thought of Arabs shitting up our comfy American towns makes me want to vomit.
Mostly because small towns haven't had the money to knock down all their old buildings and build office buildings and huge parking lots. You can bet they would if they could, too
North American towns don't look like that anymore and they haven't for a long time.

American architects completely abandoned traditional layouts such as this for suburban sprawl and auto-centric development.

The ones from before are mostly empty and decaying and filled with parking lots and cars, but no people.
It's the same here, except the ones that don't want to be like that are the ones leaving the reservations to a make a productive life for themselves and their families. These are the ones that most people usually meet, so most people (that I've met) have a positive or neutral view of them.

t. Indian
>tfw no friends in the city
>could move to a mountain town without a problem
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thats how I always imagined the US, long as fuck straight roads, cozy towns with christmas decorations up north, and dirtier but still cozy towns down south with cowboy hats and all, and with those weird caffes were they cook greasy stuff on a huge wide surface

probably a naive view, since most of the people likely live in giant cities, but whatever, a man can dream
This. A lot of old towns that had those Main Streets bristling with shops and small businesses have fallen on hard times and most of those buildings are vacant. Small shops have been replaced by Walmarts and other similar scale businesses that can offer lower prices and more product variety in one place.

Industrial towns that used to sell manufactured products in shops in town have collapsed when the industry moved overseas.

The classic American small town is dead.

There have been some attempts to revive. Some old Main Streets have been given a second chance at life by redeveloping them to cater to a more artsy hipster crowd. You see small local restaurants and cafes along with various small shops selling locally made good from artisans, anything from clothes to crafts. These are reasonably successful in touristy areas.

This holds for most of the USA. Canada may be different, especially in the really rural parts.
It's sad how systemic the poverty is, but Natives don't really cause any problems here.

We just complain because there's no blacks outside a few cities.
You can come to flagstaff but only if you make good kebab and shawarma, the only arabs here are foreign exchange students so there's no good food
the mountains are fucking beautiful

but no jobs, stuck here

i'll move to the sierra nevada eventually, just got to get good enough to justify remote pay
>since most of the people likely live in giant cities

Actually the vast majority of people don't live in cities here. America has a population of roughly 300 million people. The most populous city is New York which I believe has a population of roughly 8 million. By the time you get to the 10th most populous city in the US you're already under 1 million people. If you added the population of every major city over 100,000 residents you'd probably get a combined city dwelling population of about 30 million or so which is only 1/10th of the entire US population.
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thats reassuring, it means my view of the US might actually be true
>dwelling population of about 30 million or so which is only 1/10th of the entire US population.
Considering those living in urban areas of 50,000 you have 8/10 of the entire US population

NYC has 23 million in the area
LA has 18 million in the area
LA is something like 30 seperate cities of over 100k.
There are towns where that stuff happens, usually more rural towns with relatively small populations but your view is a bit idealistic.

Most Americans live in suburban sprawl. They don't live in a big cities but live in the towns on its outskirts in large communities.

Now you're factoring suburban towns and communities near a city into the cities' population though. Cities themselves have small populations relative to the total. The entire metropolitan area for a given city may have a significantly larger population than the city itself however.
Most suburban towns are nothing more than an artificial divider away from the rest of the city. If you live within one hour of the downtown of a city, you really aren't very remote.
>suburban sprawl

>The classic American small town is dead.

Wow this is sad. Can you post what a stereotypical suburban sprawl looks like?
Yeah but let me put it this way. The NYC metropolitan statistical area consists of a combined population of ~20 million people spread across parts of four different states (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut).

It would be really weird to say that someone from Pennsylvania or Connecticut is a resident of New York City just because they exist within the urban sprawl within a 100mi radius of NYC.

Indeed I am from the NYC statistical area but I live in Connecticut. I'm about an hour and twenty minutes away from NYC and 10 minutes away from Waterbury, CT a city of just over 100,000. It wouldn't be accurate to say I'm a New Yorker.
I agree, it looks so comfy
Imagine being a trucker and driving through these kind of towns, sitting at a local restaurant, get coffee, eat the local grub.
Comfy life
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>Can you post what a stereotypical suburban sprawl looks like?

They are made by developers, not a central planner. You can have your backyard neighbor be a 15 km drive away.
Also too, in addition to my earlier comment I'd like to point out that suburban communities can look urban and even be right next to a major city and still have very small populations.

A good case would be Edgewater, NJ which is directly across the George Washington bridge from Manhattan. It has a population of 12,000.

My town over 100mi away and next to a much smaller city has a population of over 40,000.
>It would be really weird to say that someone from Pennsylvania or Connecticut is a resident of New York City just because they exist within the urban sprawl within a 100mi radius of NYC.

but it would be weird to say people in CT or NJ weren't in NYC because they're within 20 mi of NYC
look at the pictures at the top
This isn't about suburban vs urban
It's about urban vs rural
If your town is home to a building over 10 stories tall it is NOT a small town
Just look at an aerial of view of Las Vegas, or Orange Country CA.

These are places pretty much entirely built after the automobile.

Uses are all separated. There will be miles of detached single family homes of curved roads and cult-a-sacs with intermediate nodes with chain stores and gas stations. There might be some multi-family apartments here and there but they're organized to be auto-centric as well.

There is likely a big free way going through they these neighborhoods funnel into going to the downtown city for people to work.

And because these people all have cars out of necessity they demand these downtown cities have obscene amounts of parking space and wide roads for their cars, ruining the city for people who want to live there.

That's not to mention the psychological effects suburban living has had upon America. Besides sedentary lifestyles from always driving you are completely isolated from the world. You don' know your neighbors because you never have to interact with them. You get in your car isolated from everyone else and never talk to people or bump into people like you would if you walked or used massed transport.

Many experts believe that this is what is causing the high levels of depression and loneliness in America. Kids who grow up in these socially dead places become stunted and anti-social which leads to those school shootings to you see or shut in NEETs.

The worst part is though now that several generations have known only auto-centric lifestyle they can't conceive a of a city where you get everywhere by walking and mass transport and the streets are filled with people.

They are scared and resistant to what sounds like a scary change as well as NIMBY's who care only for their property values.
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>NIMBY's who care only for their property values
the bane of my existence
>cowboy-duel-at-noon-guitar-sounds start playing in head
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