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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 323
Thread images: 59

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Catholic edition
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swedes BTFO
kill yourselves fucking scumbags
FIFA Ultimate Team web app not loading for anyone else?
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George V.jpg
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aaaaaaah... ah YES... ah YES

You really disappointed that Swede and crushed his dreams. You sick fuck.
WONT forget this

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ahaha btfo
and now they're outside ready to bust

it looks like you might be one of us
Always private landlords

this tbqhwyl
fucking hate penguins 2bh
the bankers = the jews so bankers
what if i wanted to break

laugh it all off in your face

what would you do
Want to watch a film, but oddly enough have FOMO over posting in /brit/.

Weird desu. Its not like anybody ever posts anything good in these threads
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>not social landlords

they solve like 0.25% of the housing crisis and award themselves double council salaries
just want to seay these posts are my favourites of brit/ all time

(old thread)
what you planning on watching? watched the revenant the other day personally, was good xx
they're all equally bad

how do I tick all the boxes?
alll 3 are me
>god told me to tell you....

the fuckin raiders in this bitch wearing all black
13th piint gone

am tapping out an dgoing to bed

goodnight lladdies
you can't

because strawpoll posters are actually the worst >:)
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quiero ver tu cuerpo y toda tu virtud
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Is anyone here actually Catholic?

Hoping for at least one brother. :^)
where is this

if you don't relate to those lyrics, you're a normie
much preferred fox's classics myself 2bh
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mormons are swagged the fuck out w2c whole fit
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stare at this first
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*walks towards you*

Only care about Crispin because of Henry V
Going to read As I Lay Dying
Cock so big I need to wank with both hands

Left hand to grip the base of the cock and keep it steady, right hand to move up and down the cock to wank
fuck off

decent tune, makes me wanna follow my dreams man haha

woooaaah haha im so drunk
factoring has to be the most bullshit job.

>the law says you have to give me £30 and I'll cut the grass you don't own

don't think it's a thing in england though.

why are scots such jews.

regular reminder edinburgh fat cats sold their country for a pittance
*reverses away from you*



maccers mentioned
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Master and Commander. Great film, romanticises being a sailor at their height of the Empire. In reality it was a god awful existence at sea but its still a cool af film and I enjoy anything that involves killing French
That's great, God bless you both.


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a literal (attractive) female is going to the trouble of flying over from another country to visit me lads

feeling pretty good about myself

Heavy as mate
>from another country

Tell her to fuck off, we're full
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me right now
theres so many slags out there
cant believe I've never got any haha
visa seeker
EXCELLENT edition. I hope for more of this in future.
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Back the fuck off!?!?
she's an EU citizen m8
no ;)
fuck off /brit/ is full
fuck off /brit/ is full
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>tfw no qt slag hipster gf

Unironically considering suicide.
wrote a really mean response to someone in another thread but deleted it because i didn't want to hurt their feelings
>she's a continental

Guarantee you she's a cunt
might post a picture of my knob haha i am quite drunk
go on :)
do it lad haha it'll be funny
I'm proud of you :)
she's south american by origin and she's lovely :)
irish flag = comedian
american flat = thick cunt
canadian flag = postironic thick cunt
australian flag = bent cunt
sweden flag = somalian

british flag = intelligent human being
I'll hack you if you do
>might post a picture of my knob
Alright lads bear with me

want music that sounds similar to the backing track of this


(2:28s in if the time mark doesn't work)
going to watch motd brb
i would 100% do this but the janny would do his nut in
do it lad for banter haha
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excellent post
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the gf's dildo collection
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It's well established that Britain is the best country on here. But what's the second best? Personally, I quite like poo in loos. They seem to take the banter quite well.
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still have QUITE the headache
hahaha hang on i'll take a picture now
>You will never have a threesome with Cara Delevinge and Natalie Dormer

Why live????
Hows the NRM doing anyway? I never hear anything about them
what cunt is she from tho

post bumhole too
Stoned and drunk as fuck lads sand ive never felt better desu
im just hanging around to see if we get better fried chicken in the future

Despite the whole Falklands thing Argies are pretty cool
ecuador originally
irish flag = argues about anything
omania pls
i mean now
>that one
>a knob
too big for me
would suck no homo

do i actually have a nice willy?
nice lad
I'd suck it too
deceptive angle. probably quite small
fucked on drugs and derealized as fucked
lord help
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posted my dick on some random board years ago and everyone said I had an ugly dick :(
Good luck Sven, you'll need it
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on the bus
it's 6.5 inches

thanks i wamt yo to suck you too
fuck off
go to bed
bet shes a 6/10 tops
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>tfw big willy
>tfw Fordyce Spots
need some good tv lads
bit thick haha
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the /blackgf/
shit foreskin
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where can you been, janny


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>implying you wouldn't
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>tfw 6'4 and built like a brick shithouse

if everyone on /brit/ was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely

i sit here sometimes looking at the smart arse posts you little students and neets make and just chuckle to myself because if you ever said anything like that to my face (as if you would dare) you could literally be eating pavement in under a second

think on

benders should be permabanned desu
same might get some very expensive dominos
you'll be first then
only got a small weinee desu

should have transitioned when I was 12
tripping tf out desu
>cuckolic edition
shit thread
prawn cocktail lads
on what?
i have about 1 beer 3 nights a week. and can only handle about 4 max in 1 sitting. anymore and I'm feeling sick
and you????
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am already pissed and have just remembered i've got a fuck load of tramadol left over that i could've taken tonight

no way i'm mixing tram with booze. bollocks. will have to wait til tomorrow then i guess
>tfw I don't have any friends that live in my area so I can't talk to them about the goings on that have been happening
Fuck sake. Itching to talk about this stuff.
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original and best
Are you a woman?
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What is your favorite muslim newspaper?

Mine is the Guardian. Its a moderate muslim paper from the UK
what happened la
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poo bum willy wank
i did some of my nans tramadol when i was about 16

fucked me up good and proper
sad now
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Drinking sharter stuff lads.
Going to cut my own hair tonight.
Bloody Loyalists and bloody Republicans both being utter fucking twats. Same as usual, except the Republicans started having a go at an absolute legend of a priest on his last day at the parish.
what's the word for a regroupement of Isles ?
What does it do?
So apparently the guy that wiped Clinton's email for her had apparently just heard that the Benghazi investigation committee had requested the emails so he made posts on Reddit asking how to wipe them.

Not that it matters because Bill Clinton met with the FBI and 3 days later everyone involved was granted immunity. This is the government that supposedly represents my country.
on the forth is when I get that bloated feeling like I don't want to do more. don't see how i could get blootered on beer it's so gassy i couldn't drink enough of it. the air would make me vomit it all back up before it had any extreme effect
What are you lads drinking tonight?
most doctors will give it out like chewing gum if you tell them you have back trouble. car accident a year ago has served me very well so far
arent republicans catholic. >>65600779
thank you, is atoll correct too ?
coke zero vanilla
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>tfw just recovered from being addicted to tramadol and pregabalin for like 2 years

It gets to the point where you don't get high, you just need to keep taking it just to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Don't know why doctors don't just prescribe marijuana for pain instead of these painkillers which just fuck you up so much worse than weed.

Trust me. Quit while you're ahead. That shit is poison. I do kind of miss the effect of it though...
biere d'or
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"Special Reserve"
opiate painkiller. trying to get to sleep on it is pure bliss, vivid hallucinations that seem to go on all night
Yes. The priest was asking everyone to accept what had happened and move on, to ensure peace, you know because he's a fucking priest. So they started chanting "shame shame shame" at him because he disagreed with them. It was fucking disgusting desu.
disgusting desu

it's blatant corruption. congress is doing everything they can do fix it but they aren't obeying them
yes but atolls are made of coral
need some more background
i literally only did it once, just layed on my sofa staring at my ceiling for ages in pure bliss

then i was like yeaaaah never doing that again since i could see myself easily getting addicted to it
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Don't care for football bust looked at the Premiership and Championship tables and realised that half the clubs in the Championship are bigger clubs than half those in the Premiership. Is this the effect of TV money? Gate size doesn't really matter any more?
*strokes your hair*
good boy
it's all ok now
the £2, 2L bottle of cider that Tesco sells
>It was fucking disgusting
chanting the word chame is disgusting to you?
fuck off, you histrionic wanker
Sippin on that Kickin Chicken
Is it any good? I've been meaning to try that.
look at where aston villa are. it's hilarious.

they've won 4 of their last 47 games. one of the biggest clubs in english football reduced to this
oh, ok thank you britanon
amaretto & coke
How is it?
No worse than Strongbow
not really, poocastle, villa etc were all just fucking wank
Can people stop posting cocks please? Making me realise mine's a bit thin
most NEET/shut-ins seem to despair in their situation. they WANT to be social, but can't

I'd happily live out the rest of my life without meeting another human being if I could. I don't care what my 'friends' from childhood or school are doing

>no I DON'T want to go to your stupid 'humanist' wedding cause your wife is some Murkin SJW who needs 2 safe spaces cause 1 won't suffice her fat fucking arse
Villa haven't been big since
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I had a really bad dream this morning, just before waking. I was out shopping and had three bags of shopping and suddenly I didn't have them. It was night and everything was closed and I was anxiously running around trying to find my shopping. I was genuinely upset and anxious when I woke up. It was a shit dream but it really disturbed me to the point that I feel slightly anxious just typing this. Am I fucking mental?
Loyalists have been protesting and REEEEEEEEEing about not being allowed to march through the Republican area for about 3 years now and it's cost the taxpayer 21 million squid. The other day, Sinn Fein supposedly met with the UVF and organised a deal that would allow the Loyalists to march through the area, on the condition that they tear down all their protest camps and never try to march through the area again. The priest came out and said "Some people don't like the deal, but we must take the positive from it and move forward to build peace in Northern Ireland. If we can broker peace like this in such a place as this, then that bodes well for the rest of Northern Ireland". An organisation of the residents of the area (largely dissident Republicans) opposed the deal and did their own protest. The priest asked them not to because he wanted peace, so they rounded on him and started shouting shit like "gangster priest", I think in an attempt to equate him to the UVF or someone willing to take bribes to go against his own people and a lot worse shit than that. They were like rabid dogs. He's been our priest for 15 years and he's so incredibly loved, that it genuinely baffled and angered me that they'd round on him like that.

They said a lot worse, but the chanting is something that stuck out among the garbled mess of insults.
haha lads look at ol' billy pencil dick here
expressed a few of my thoughts in a video lads

It really is. I mean I know the FBI is well known for breaking the law but you would think with so much publicity they would realize the entire country sees their corruption and they're burning their credibility.
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When you first start taking it you feel really happy and sociable and calm. It also makes boring tasks repetitive work much more easy to complete. Just sort of puts you in the zone. But after a few months you need a higher and higher dose to get any positive effect. Eventually you end up really irritable and a shitty person to be around if you've not had a high enough dose and then if you get REALLY addicted (like me) you get lots of physical and mental withdrawal symptoms if you go so long as half a day without taking it.

Also, even when you're not addicted there are lots of shitty side effects. I was constipated all the time and when I finally managed to take a shit it was a fucking ordeal. Also, I couldn't orgasm and generally lost a lot of sex drive and function. It's really frustrating especially when you're with a girl and you have to keep explaining why you can't cum and she takes it personally. Also, couldn't pee when I was on a high dose even when I really needed it.
how long ? mine is 16 cm
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mines 16 and a half ;)
Getting the daily dose in lad? x
mine's 17 cm, that means i get to be the one to fuck you in the ass :vD
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Don't touch me. Nonce!
>northern direland
fuck off
me on the left
alt-right cult hero and white nationalist icon Alexander Jahans gives a cryptic speech to his followers.
i'm 90% certain it's a massive coverup because obama is directly involved with it
Outright ignore any post that doesn't have proper grammar on the go. Yours is no exception.
The FBI is a criminal organisation just like the rest of government. They do what they fucking well please, just as in this country where child molesting by the powerful is endemic and state-protected. Our countries are just oligarchies, not democracies.
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oh dear
Northern Ireland is so far removed from English civilisation it's baffling there are loyalists at all.

This desu. dont understand why doctors give out something so addictive as tramadol at the slightest complaint of pain
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>The FBI is a criminal organisation just like the rest of government. They do what they fucking well please, just as in this country where child molesting by the powerful is endemic and state-protected. Our countries are just oligarchies, not democracies.
Cats ignoring me lads
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Had a really weird dream last night. Basically a bunch of my friends and coworkers were chasing me around a small town trying to kill me and I had to hide or fight my way out. So I would run somewhere and hide and eventually a couple of them would find me and I would have to fight them off or stab them and run away again. That worked a couple times, but then I was hiding behind a desk thinking I was lucky nobody had shot me yet, then I heard a noise and looked up and my buddy Cole shot me in the chest and I woke up
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the only drug I take is life
The bloody Scottish ruin everything.
>Northern Ireland is so far removed from English civilisation it's baffling there are loyalists at all.
Think I'll give it a miss. Can you take it just occasionally to mellow out without getting addicted?
euphoric post
Hey its Cat!
Lol. What a fat catto.
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Can someone find some english fault in the text please ?
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Our saviour will inflict his rage upon the world
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*turns over*
goodnight honey
Back at uni and I want to do a suicide
It would be a coverup if anything were being covered up. One of the main issues I have with this load of bullshit is they don't bother pretending it didn't happen anymore, but they let everybody off anyway. It's basically saying "Yea we're above the law so fuck you we're gonna do it anyway."
after watching ip man and house of flying daggers im craving some chinese fight kino

anyone know any good films?
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They really cocked it all up and the whole idea had so much potential.
>that photo
Jeeze kids these days really like to push the no bullying policy.
Somebody please obliterate me
mum has been on the toilet for an hour
what the fuck is she doing?
Legend of the Drunken Master is the greatest chinese fight movie of all time.
pet the kot in the back
7 inches long (maybe just slightly under), 5 inches thick. Never looks as big as these ones I see posted though
Lads does it really rain more in the summer in the rest of the world?

Never noticed it in the UK
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nice dubs but can you talk in metric system ?
Tits on the left
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She's not fat
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>dad randomly asking me if I'm alright
>mum actually believing I've turned my life around
>brother ceasing to care about my life

I think the stage is set for my suicide lads.

so is the one on the right a man or does she just have a bad case of man face
trying to take a shit but someone's listening at the door
>he enjoy gardening
>he mainly use his fist
>he have been gifted
>who supress pain
>he used to lived
nice cat
fuck off runt

*sprays with the runt hose*
I REALLY wish my penis was longer than 4 inches
how mental must you be to be a yankee police officer
no. come here and be my bf
dont believe you
doopin mental
17.5cm x 12.5cm
*sucks it*
well the good thing is congress is going to grill comey at least six more times about this along with some other people who are involved. they're trying to reopen the investigation. if they do, you can guarantee hillary will need to sit before them to explain herself. at the very least that would look terrible for her campaign

hopefully the american public isn't stupid enough to elect a corrupt old hag to commander in chief of the executive branch and control our foreign policy. she'll go after our 2nd amendment, and also the 1st amendment(at least on the internet), and probably start another war in the middle east and import millions of refugees which will lead to more terrorism. and of course her tax and healthcare plans are also terrible
I guess. Some people are more prone to addiction than others. I was using it as self-medication for anxiety and depression which is why I got addicted. If you're just using it to get high occasionally then you might not get addicted but it's a slippery slope. If you take it regularly enough you'll end up dependent on it before you even realize it.

One positive thing I will say is that coming off it cold turkey really wasn't that hard. Pregabalin on the other hand is like on the level of heroin when you're going cold turkey. I'd advise everyone here to never take pregabalin. It'll fuck you up worse than opiates. It's not even a proper painkiller, it's like an anti-epileptic gabapentoid medicine... whatever the fuck that is
>A friend of the main character, he is short-tempered, he enjoys gardening and cooking, he mainly uses his fists to fight. He has been gifted the Mask of Endless Fury, an ancient relic which supresses pain and increases strength. He used to live on his home isle of Talankah.

That's what it should say. Personally, I'd put the "he used to live on his home isle of Talankah" before the part about being gifted the mask.
1. he *enjoyS gardening
2. he mainly *useS his fists
3. he *HAS been
4. an ancient relic *THAT *SURPRESSES pain and *increaseS strength
5. He used to *live
can you tell me what is wrong with those words, thank in advance
Hero, starring Jet Li.
alpha as fuck
shan't be reading a word of these posts
jackie chan eh

i'll get right on it lad
so degenerate
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Been finding it difficult to be turned on enough to even get a bonray recently haha

Lost all motivation since I broke up with the long term gf
daily reminder americans mutilate their babies cocks as a sign of their servitude to israel
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Tiger on the Beat.
>80s Hong Kong cop action movie
>Gun fights interspersed with lots of kung fu
>If memory serves, I'm almost certain two guys get into a chainsaw fight at some stage
>Based Chow Yun Fat
>He gives some woman a hiding and puts her through a glass table when she's getting too whiney and lippey for his liking
>Most ridiculous sounding theme song from any movie ever:
Seriously, watch that movie.
this must be what sodom looked like
After you watch it, I look forward to you coming to /brit/ and gushing about how you've just seen the greatest fight sequence ever put to film.
wonder how many people would ask to take a photo of me if I went to some small chinese town
Thank you all
Need hitler back asap
It leaves the kids so scarred both physically and mentally that they end up trying to justify the practice when it's challenged. Weird people those yanks
i've never seen brit this dead
quite a lot
>serpent tongue
genuine vision of hell . someone should paint it
>that suppresses
snug it by force
No they do it because it's customary to tip the doctor.

call the cops im off me chops haha
you're a big guy
ah yes, every woman I meet has depression, anorexia, been raped, or all three
happened to me twice in major cities in vietnam and cambodia
Sucks bro

How have you been handling it?
Gonna do a wank anybody wanna watch?
Jannys gonna blow a gasket
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whats some essential Yun Fat kino, aside from Crouching Tiger?
you meeting the locals

Hardboiled is the first Chow Yun Fat movie you should watch. Look for anything he's been in that's been directed by John Woo and you can't go wrong. Hardboiled is the best of the bunch though.
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the smile she gives it

thats it. thats all i want.
It's been so long since I've seen any of it that it's difficult to remember, but Hard Boiled is usually a favourite with fans. I remember seeing The Replacement Killers, which is one of the movies he did in America back in the 90s/early 2000s I believe. Corny as horseshit, but it's got Chow Yun, Danny Trejo and Michael Rooker. So anything less would have been disappointing.
>not taking of a vow of silence, doing no fap, fasting, and signing the pledge all at the same time
that smile at the end
thats the good you get from girls that are into you
Thread posts: 323
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