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Thread replies: 309
Thread images: 96

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Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises.
Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.

AVOID asking unrelated questions, there is a question thread for that.


>screenshot the image and post that instead (I recommend ShareX)

>change camera capture settings to something smaller

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ →
There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


>Thread study: Try to draw/paint the opening or any other following images.
Feel free to post your original works as well if you're trash.

TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

OLD THREAD: >>2819114
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Actually studying values, am I on the right path? If not, what's wrong?
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I'm procrastinating on reading Bargue. I'll get to it later today, right now I want to focus on fun drawing before I get serious.
dude make shading lines in one direction
"checkboard" is wrong and amateurish
Checkboard is not 'wrong' nor is it 'amateurish'. You just need practice to execute it well, just like straight hatching. Keep the contours in mind and hatch in that direction.

Your studies are decent, but its at a 0-65% value range with sudden jumps to 90%. Some of them can have smoother transitions.
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well this didn't turn out -so- bad at least. lines still awful but the shape feels OK. I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of ways I didn't do so well.
Where's the construction?
pretty impressive for a drawing without construction
I've seen this kind of shading in many books like Guptill's one, Bamme's one, in a russian academic book etc

Thanks for the feedback. For better transitions, I think I should try with bigger drawings first. I'll also make more gradient exercises
>I've seen this kind of shading in many books like Guptill's one, Bamme's one, in a russian academic book etc
was for
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i cant seem to stomach through ugly stages in traditional
don't shoot me
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I'm still terrible
but its a hell of a lot better compared to half a year ago-ish when I first started out
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You're a Normie Harry
did you use construction?
for the head/skull part

I think I was more of trying to copy lines for the parts like the mouth.

I need to draw bigger I guess.
show your construction next time you post
Drawing a nice circle and ellipses for construction is more intimidating to me than just doing the whole thing without it. Others have recommended doing Bargue, so I'll be trying that in a bit.

thanks anon
Going through keys to drawing and I don't understand the whole "draw without looking at your paper" thing. I just find it too difficult, what am I doing wrong? How should it be done?
You are supposed to draw it with your hand by going around the contour of the object. You have to do it slowly, like five minutes slow, moving your hand only as you move your eyes. It's super unnatural for most people so obviously you'll find it difficult.
And sorry for my dumb question but what's the point of doing contours? From my experience here I've seen that breaking the object into simple 3d shapes is better.
Because it doesn't matter how much you break down the object, at the end of the day, you still have to draw all the little intricacies like the curves and dips. It's not really just the contour, you can do the whole thing without looking, but that's a little different. It wouldn't make much sense to ask someone to do it without showing them a video to do it. A contour is easier to explain.
You actually made him less ugly.

underrated post
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goddammit I rubbed the eraser into the paper too hard and I gave this bitch a mustache
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Fixed here and there stuff.
Is it better?

Looking for input please.
>6 days later
>still the same drawing
move on nugga holy shit
Feels like her mouth is too low
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why do you make these threads? how long have you been making them? are you a beginner yourself? how long have you been at it? has it become a discipline/habit to make these threads?
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Losing interest in this shit fast...

Can barely bring myself to draw daily anymore, ugh.
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you can make it anon!
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I don't completely hate it, which is new. Crit pls.
you should try petulantly complaining on /beg/ instead of motivating yourself or practising. that might help.
I suck pretty bad too, I don't really like any of my drawings, but I know that if I keep practicing and reading I can get better, at least to the point where I'll be able to make a satisfactory drawing once in a while. I started "seriously" a couple years ago, and didn't get far because I didn't find the fun in it. I quit about a month in. As of three weeks ago I've got the urge to draw again, and I really wish I hadn't wasted my time doing other things. You might give up now, but there will probably be times in your life you'll look back and wish you kept at it. I'm not going to tell you what to do, that's just how I feel.
Eyes are flat, head isn't tilted, need to go darker in tones.
I feel you
>try drawing all the photo refs
>some turn out half decent some turn out complete shit
>I know exactly what I'm doing wrong and what I need to work on but I get demotivated fast

I can draw shitty fucking anime fanart for hours, polishing turds fixing the same shit, but when I do studies I hate myself for every mistake, throw that shit and start over, then throw the other shit too. It's like I don't want to move to the next level.
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Decided to try something a little more fast and lose.


>but when I do studies I hate myself for every mistake, throw that shit and start over, then throw the other shit too. It's like I don't want to move to the next level.

>It's like I don't want to move to the next level.

Oh I really wanna get to the next level, I am just getting burned out from all of the grinding.
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This post motivated me because it's right. I've already gone through many periods of wanting to draw, failing, quitting, and coming back. I'm just gonna get the fuck out of here and draw some shit.

I wish I could enjoy the grind. But I'm trying.

You got anything to show atm, kinda curious where other people are atm.
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A critique would be great, thanks.
accuracy is more important than your fast loose shit. Also clean up your damn lines and try to shade or render it. You're here for critique aren't you? Doesn't matter if it's shit. You're here to learn. Do it properly and you'll get proper critique or get insult. It's 4chan prepare for the worst.

Just line art right now. That's another thing I don't know- when to move on to colored stuff. Or how to stop chicken scratching. Or really what to do at all.

I'm trying to take some motivation from that anon who improved 1000000% over the last year, but it feels monumentally impossible. Anyhow, sorry for the blog.
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>switch gesture drawing to pen
>it's ugly
What should I do?
dont switch to pen. why would you do that anyway?
also beginner gestures are ugly, thats just how it is
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had to rush this a bit since I got to go to work now
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Does this look about right?
>going through practice poses
>see this

Holy shit
Definitely see the curve in this one...
Bounced lighting mate
where it at
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Rate my phone
Where is the neck senpai?

Also symbol drawing on the nose and eyes.
'F am' is changed to senpai. I did not realise this.
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not really feeling this one. Crit?
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How do I get good at the overhand grip? Tripod isn't much better, but I think I need some beginner tips.
Like, how exactly do I hold my arm, elbow, and how to position this sketch book, how far away from me and such
>this shit at drawing
It's like you aren't even trying. Or maybe there are people who are just this bad. But this is worse than a five year old.
t-thanks anon, i guess i should give up and kill myself
Maybe, if you're weak shit, anon. You fucking faggot, you better work at this shit and git gud. Once you're here, you're here forever. I know you can do it because you didn't read the OP nor used google. So you better not quit.
Real fucking question coming up:
How the fuck do you convince newbies and beginners to stop focusing on shading so much?

Every single time it's some guy who has been "drawing" for years trying to show off by doing nothing but shading his shit, while the linework and anatomy looks like some toddler got ahold of a pencil and went bam ham city on the piece of processed wood

>Influence trough motivation and cool stuff, they focus on the shading of it
>Show lineart, they show no interest
>Don't do anything, get yelled at by shitty parents for not being a good teacher
like what kind of fucking magic spell do I have to cast to make people focus on their fucking lines
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How old are you?
Do you have a disability?

I'm sorry, but I'm not trying to be rude. I'm genuinely curious.
I just want to know how to not have such shaky lines. I want to be able to draw straight lines and squares and triangles! I can construct a face with wobbly lines and do okayish, but I feel like I have even less control when I hold my pencil overhand. It's got to be some really basic mistake I'm missing, right? I can't really be this bad at keeping lines straight?

18, no disability. Unless ADD counts
You don't, that's dumb. Rendering takes the longest, it's obvious why they would be better at it than their line work.

Anyways, it just means they either don't care or they haven't drawn long enough to be able to see correctly. Measuring is a trained ability, by the time a beginner has trained it, he would be good already anyways.

Why do you ask? Are you a teacher or something? Teachers 9/10 give rendering work and know you'll mess it up, so it doesn't matter if the line work is off because it will be off no matter what.
There is no basic mistake you're missing and yes, you really are this bad. That's just how being a beginner is. Just because you're old doesn't mean you can draw well, it just means you're old. In terms of drawing though, you're age five. All you have to do is draw more and then your lines will magically become better. Draw five to six hours every single day including weekends for a week, and I guarantee you will see better results. Do it for a year and you'll be way ahead of every one here.

Here, I'll even give you an assignment to make it easy.

Do five drawing from life or photograph every week in any medium. It must be from life or from a photograph, no imagination. You will improve. No doubt about it.
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Working on it
the first two are pretty good, but the third one looks off. why did you compress the value range on the third one to the point where your lights don't look like they're lit anymore? don't listen to the other guy, your bounce light is reading fairly well and you didn't overdo it which is a good thing.
Thanks for posting this, it makes me feel better about my lines that look like they were done by a 10 year old
to add on to that, do at least 1 drawing from imagination a week. drawing from references is a great way to practice, but its all meaningless if you cant form a image clearly in your mind.
Hey man
I'm not this guy, but I've got a question
I draw kind of like a 5 year old right now
I'm reading the sticky and the big thing I think I'm awful at is drawing anatomy
How do I do that? I've gone to some of the pose sites and tried to draw the poses there, but again, it just looks like a 5 year old drew the poses. Will I get a better understanding of how anatomy works if I keep doing this?
Or is there a certain way I've gotta practice anatomy (or anything really)
Also, people talk about construction drawing but when I look that up I just find stuff about building homes and stuff. What is construction drawing, how do I do it, and do I need to do it?
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A sketch I did today
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I really liked how this one turned out.
It took me 2 days to figure out how to do it. Doing hair in watercolor is not easy. was worth it tho.
Is a cow btw.
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If you draw like a five year old, anatomy is like the least of your problems, you're just awful in general, so it weights down in every area. Even if you drew cars, it would be bad, but yeah, no doubt that if you keep drawing poses, you'll get better at anatomy.

There's no certain way per se, everyone sort of just figures it out as they go. What it boils down to is knowing the muscular structure and how it works. Where the muscle is inserted, where does it origin, how it only pulls and doesn't push, etc. Knowing anatomy isn't just knowing where it is, but how it works.

Construction is simple stuff, but it can get really complex.

They're just a guide for you to draw details over.

Like for example, the second column is head construction.
I'm not even really sure what I'm looking at even though you told me it's a cow. Is this the head?
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here is the reference.

Would have made it more accurate but I didn't think it would take me 2 days rendering it.
Still, really liked the texture, the way it looks.

No regrets.
Oh my fuck.
>How to draw by Scott Robertson
Source? or how can i find this kind of info? (about head construction adn protraiture) Thanks in advance!
Crit please
Now they are going to make fun of you, but try not to put the pencil down please.
You can only go up from here and giving up would be a mistake.
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First drawing I've done since I was 9 years old. Be brutal.

I also went and bought "Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain" because I heard it was good, as well as downloaded a digital class by Peter Han. Good Choices?
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So much bait
It's alright.
Yeah, if those books don't work for you, get dodson keys to drawing
this is what an absolute beginner looks like without chicken scratch. clean line fags btfo.
It's not very representational, but it has a certain energy to it that I find appealing. Normally the objects that you draw are supposed to have the most detail and pull the most attention from the viewer. You've reversed the dynamic and shown us some barely there, feathery looking objects, and then these heavy, scribbly, noisy shadows that demand attention. I feel like this could be the inspirational spark for some fine art stuff, but if you're looking to learn representational drawing, keep the focal points on the object instead of the shadow or background.
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this was a mistake
They're both good and will last you months, so stick with them.
Keys to Drawing or Right Side of the Brain?
tl;dr Draw from Life
When I go outside and try to draw trees it looks like shit
Do I keep grinding until I get better? I thought the general idea was "if just drawing made you better then cavemen would've made masterpieces"
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Some drawings I made, mostly gesture drawing.


I think I'm starting to get what gesture drawing is, so sometimes you need to exaggerate a pose to really draw the expression? Or am I memeing?

After finishing this course on gesture drawing I'll start on perspective and then anatomy.

At the same time I'm learning construction with and digital art.

Hopefully by the end of next month I'm not absolute shit anymore.
Ether or will work. I recomend Right Side for the absolute beginner never touched a pencil tier.
Cavemen were retarded, you aren't. But no, you don't just grind, it's actually shooting for making it realistic if we're being straight. Also, trees have so much information, a beginner's brain wouldn't even be able to take it all in so they fail more often than not. It's easier to draw portraits since at least you're used to seeing faces. But if you want to draw trees, go for it. Nothing wrong with drawing as long as you draw. You need to draw a lot though, like three hours or more a day if you want to get better.
Anyone know how artmentors is?
It's a good price and looks like they got great teachers.
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Eh. This is my second serious drawing ever.
Finished yesterday. Criticizm helps.

Not bad.
>playing team fortress 2 while posting this
I like it, it's cute. It's nothing great though. How about instead of criticism, you just tell me what you want and I tell you how to get there. Make it easy for me and post an artwork that you really like and want to reach the level of too.
J-just stop it m8.
Go for something new. Maybe redo the drawing, but don't continue on it.

Keep going!
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Not him, I'm >>2822362

I want to draw like http://static.zerochan.net/Chiya.(Urara.Meirochou).full.1987410.jpg

What do I do to get there?
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Rate and critique pls
This was the best laugh I had all day ty
That's from a head construction class on CGMA.

And this info is everywhere. Hard to say really, you'll just have to check them all out. There's all the books in the sticky, there's Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching which teaches more so for animals and objects, but it applies all across.

But, just google about body construction/head construction etc. look for tutorials on devaintart, gumroad, etc.


You can check out the works for anatomy here too. There's examples of construction there and muscle lay ins.
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rate this circle lads
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Can someone make edits to this? I want to know im missing or if i am making any blatant mistakes I can't see.
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heh nice, we should collaborate on more circles sometime in the future fellow artist
nose angle is off, left corner of right eye should be over the right edge of the nose. Just rotate it a little bit
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Super sleepy. I'm relying on my willpower to sketch something for the day. 30 minutes fast sketching time.

Top 2 is just eyeing shit. The last one is using some kind of head construction. Messy and shaky as fuck.
Cool, I'll check it out if things go south.

That is ten times more insightful a reply than I'd ever anticipated. Thank you for caring so much to actually explain and help.

Awesome. Hopefully I burn through them quicker than that since I have a lot of free time.
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ok actual attempt on this one, give me some advice please.
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Tried my hand at this.
It depends.
Are you trying to make an exact copy?, or you are studying the form or what
Do you have problem with the feet?
try foreshortening using spirals/circles.
read the sticky
i want to study the forms in order to be able to draw from scratch really, i cant seem to get this good without a ref
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Fixed this up a bit since I'm home now. I think her mouth might be too low. Whatever, I enjoyed this, even if it didn't come out well.
Draw a lot, it may look like it's not that high of a level and it's not, but it's nothing to underestimate for a beginner.

First, you need to have good taste in cute anime girls. If you have good taste, you'll at least know what makes them look cute.

Second, google a random anime body tutorial so you see how to construct a body, it's like Loomis but even easier.

Now that you can now copy-paste bodies like nothing, draw a ton of cute anime girls in this generic pose. It doesn't matter if it sucks, just get their clothes and details down onto this pose, make sure to use many references if one doesn't cut it and show you their whole body. If you can't, then make your best guess.

Got that? Alright, time for some fun. Or at least in my opinion, the fun part. Painting. Use your references and add color to the cute anime girl you just drew. No color picking though, you have to use your eye. It'll take you a while because you might have not done it before. Anyways, get that done, doesn't have to be perfect since you're a beginner, it won't be perfect. Probably won't even be good, but finish it. It's important that you finish it.

Look and glamour and your hard work and the result of it. This is telling you that it's possible to get to that level that you want. You just need to put in the effort and time.

Depending on your results, you'll see what you need to improve because you've actually drawn the thing you want to draw and now see what you lack.

Facial features are probably the most important aspect, so constantly redo them and get them as best as you can.

The body though. If you want variation, look at figures, quickposes, etc. Draw the contours of them and try to adapt your generic anime body construction inside of that contour. Once, you get better, actually draw the figure and repeat the same steps after. Clothes and details, color. It's a lot of guesswork depending on the pose, but that's the point. You just have to actually think a bit
For painting, your colors probably sucked and it's something that'll take you time, it just has to do with your eye just not being used to actually picking out color So, learn value, draw a long rectangle, learn the gradients from black to white. Then render still lifes, until you're somewhat competent. Still lifes are easy, but they also take time which is all you need, so perfect for learning how to render at a basic level.

After that get onto the color wheel, and just experiment with colors. Learn what makes a certain color darker or brighter, etc. There's lighting and other stuff too, which you can go ahead onto, but it's just important to know how color works that way you can learn on your own how to fix skin and other details.

I'm sure you get what I'm getting at, study up on clothes movement, etc. Rinse, wash and repeat until at level you want. For increased complexity, just refer back to the sticky and see what's missing out of the fundamentals.

At the end of the day, it just takes time to get to that level. Nothing too special. It's basically a cycle of study, apply, and failure until you get to the level you want.

>have good taste in girls
>actually draw girls
>learn the fundamentals
>apply the fundamentals
idk, Haven't done this myself.
Try different methods of constructing the head. Mess around with it until it doesn't feel off to you.
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Anyone know a channel with videos like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_Dr9Nh-hsM

but where the artist explains each step he does? not every line, but each step... I just want to see and understand the workflow, there are some steps they do on these speedpaintings I have no clue what they are doing.

Is there at least one channel like that?
who are you quoting?
>Tfw working 12 hours a day.
>No time at all for practice.

Am I fucked if I draw for only about an hour on the weekdays? ;_;
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Good ol ol
What do you do with the rest of the 11 hours

I usually draw for about 2 hours a day if I can, any amount is better than nothing, I've burnt myself out a bit from doing more and work.
try using your phone >>2819127
>B-But that's bollocks!.
I do it.
If not, get an sketchpad.
Playing a ball game naked must take huge balls
what is this?
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How do I get good at gesture drawing?
Do a lot of them.
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I want to relearn how to draw.

what am I doing wrong? I don't remember drawing being hard and frustrating
K thx
Do more. It will refresh your memory. Go also through your old drawings.
If you don't want to forget, do some tutorials on youtube or something.
For a beginner an hour to two is a great start. Long enough to focus but short enough to not burn yourself out.

Keep at it.
how do you know you're getting better or doing it right?
You won't, at least not for a while. That's why you have to do a lot of them. It just makes sense after you do a few thousand.
Which one did you watch first?
try doing a drawing book on the subject matter.
Or any where you have to copy a lot.
I've made enough to hate the fucking thing.
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Derp Gently
symbol drawing
darn. how long does it usually take a beginner to stop symbol drawing? I've been practicing for a few weeks now trying to draw what I see instead of drawing what I know but apparently it's not sticking.
see >>2819706
Have you read either Keys to drawing or Drawing on the right side of the brain? If not, I would reccomend that you do.
Symbol drawing is a meme, once you already know what it is. you're not symbol drawing anymore. You just suck.
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Nothing really about anatomy today. Just a bunch of tree, shading, and stroke studies.
Also, I already know it's shit. I'm working on it. I just really needed to start understanding how to use certain strokes to convey texture and how to shade with a pen.
Cool progress, got anything else interesting?
I usually do worse somehow when I do lots of measuring out at the beginning. The measurements aren't ever accurate enough.

I read up to negative spaces in Right Side and the measurements chapter in KTD. I feel like knowing what I know I should be doing better.

Yeah. Feels bad man
>I read up to negative spaces in Right Side and the measurements chapter in KTD. I feel like knowing what I know I should be doing better.
Do the fucking exercises you lazy piece of shit.
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Is it just me or are her arms disproportionate to each other?
What can I do to help with proportion?
reading the sticky
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Measure out one arm and the other, make sure they're the same length considering foreshortening of course. The right arm is the one that's longer by the way. The one on the right.
I know that feeling. But don't be too hard on your self, this stuff takes time. Now I would highly recommend, that you do as this anon says >>2822617

And keep on drawing.
Am I no longer allowed to draw my autism of choice in my leisure time when I start serious grinding?
In what way?
I'm just trying to get advice.
You wont have the stamina to do it
OK I'll do them tomorrow. In my defense, the exercises seem kinda boring.
Nah, just some shitty doodles as I was listening to music. Like I said, it's mostly just a lot of "uh, how do I shade this thing". My eyes turned out okay but I actually had to look at a professional.
>In my defense, the exercises seem kinda boring.
Learning is not fun to anyone but is part of improving.
The exercises can be a bit boring but you learn a lot.
A professional's take on eyes, I mean. I did one myself and it completely shat the bed. Now it actually has a gradient and doesn't look like shit.
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Hey, so, I'm doing this Peter Han thing, and he wants me to do all these lines, and that's cool, but I had a question:

Should I be doing it with the paper right side up? Or can I move it around at all? Because it's way easier to do a straight line at an angle than it is with the paper straight up.
Thank you very much!
Do it the way Peter Han does it.
You have to tape your paper to the ceiling and draw from there.
Well, I'm just asking since the lines I'm drawing initially really aren't straight. They're kind of bendy. So I didn't want to be going over said lines eight times if they aren't straight, right?
Peter Han talks about that though and tells you to go opposite of your bend.
>tfw trying to do detailed work with charcoal
Holy shit, I wouldn't make it at Art Center if this is what they have to do all the time.
I've watched through this video like three times and I haven't seen anything about that. Does it come up later? To be honest I'm not really even sure what you mean "opposite of your bend". Maybe I'm retarded.
post it
cuz im applying there right now and I'm quaking in my boots
Do you mean bendy or wavy, there's like a difference.
How do I stop sucking? My art is better than it's ever been before but I hate it even more than I used to! WHAT GIVES?
You got better, and realize just how much you suck. So just draw more.
I'm saying the straight lines that I put down with the intention of later going over them 8x, they are not straight. They're always at an angle and kind of lightly bent. If that's not clear enough, I'll take a picture for you.
Don't go over it then and aim for a straight line regardless.
How is it bait? I just feel like I have no control of my lines. My handwriting has always been shit because of it too

Am I just fucked? Did my genetics screw me over again?
>Draw something from imagination and it fucking sucks
>Google a picture of what it would look like and then copy that picture
>go back a few hours later and try to draw the same thing again from imagination
>it still sucks dick but it looks miles closer to how it should look compared to before
Ah holy shit I've figured it out
Next I'm going to find out Loomis and the sticky aren't actually a meme, aren't I?
this board is too serious for memes
I use that trick too.
Just use a collage of references to create what I want to do.
Try it, is fun and legit and looks good !!
that's how all of the pros do it, except kim jung gi
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There is only so much us non-make-it peasants can do...
>tfw imagination is so dead that have to find a reference before drawing
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Hey beginner-tards

Why dont you queers learn to draw mechs first before drawing the figure?

The human body has more gray areas and varying proportions, while a gundman figure has a more concrete proportion and simple forms while still being as complex and cool looking as the human body and anime girls. Plus you can learn how to render basic metal.
Some of us, don't like mechs, anon.

You're just trading human anatomy for mech anatomy. While mech anatomy offers more leeway, you still need the same fundamentals of 3d form sketching to draw them well as you do with human figures. So I wouldn't say it's easier
That's a dumb opinion to have.
i drew a cardboard gundam to learn anatomy
it was great
cardboard gundam evolved over every day and by last year, had became a real human bean
What the fuck is wrong with me, everytime I draw a square the first line is always off, but the rest of the lines always come out just as I want them.
Loomis or drawabox first, or both at the same time?
Anyone know a good digital painting video tutorial? I was trying to do that technique where you draw a black and white image and then you color it, but in the end my art just ends up looking just dirty and badly colored.
ctrl + paint
Is Vilppu any good for a guy trying to get back into drawing?
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Wake me up
vilppu is who people should scream at new people instead of loomis
First exercise in keys to drawing is to create an accurate contour of my feet

I'm trying to take my time but I can't get the contour to look right at all. If I'm stuck on the first exercise I should probably kill myself, right?
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>I'm a beginner at a craft and I'm bad, I should probably kill myself, right?

If you think like this, you probably should.
His books seem much more friendly towards people who want to draw cartoon/anime/comic style from what I've read. Teaches shapes, contours, gestures, etc. although didn't the guy work at Disney?
There's bad and then there's stuck on lesson 1 of a beginner book bad. if they meant for it to be alright for it not to look OK, there should be a disclaimer like "don't worry about it looking accurate" or something. it just seems to expect me to do a good job
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suhhhhhhh dude
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crits for this wip? also whbdoes my camera change the colors so much, they look a lot more vibrant on paper than in pics
I agree
I couldn't figure out gesture at all while reading Loomis, and his blocks seemed stiff, the heads confused me, and I didn't even like the 'ol cartoonish style. Tried Proko too but I couldn't get the "feel for it", tried drawing many thinking it would get easier the more I draw, but it still didn't click.
Then I watched some Vilppu and everything made sense. Felt like I was actually FEELIN' THE FORM. I'm not saying I'm amazing now, but my gestures look fantastic compared to the shit I tried to do before watching Vilppu.
It's definitely the lighting in your room. Glad to see you're enjoying gouache though, Eric.
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There was an attempt. I feel the photo has a somewhat wider face than what my ball and plane set me up to make.
It doesn't have to be perfect yet. Where do you think does your problem lie?

If you know how it's supposed to look but your lines simply don't turn out like what you want them to be, you could try to practise a bit of line control first.
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Upped the contrast on the sketch.
Put the reference over as an overlay.
Seems like I made the nose and neck a bit too long.
Other than that the promortions are surprisingly accurate for what I consider my level.
Admittedly it took a bit of guesswork, but I think I need to reflect on what lead me to make the decisions I did.
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how to shade? its harder with color ref image.
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Tried doing this on /v/ drawthread, [spoiler]one of my biggest frustrations is my inability to do straight, clean lines although that might be mostly because of the brushes I use on SAI, and my inability to shade and color[/spoiler]
you just can't draw mate
mixing colors is both interesting and frustrating since you can get away with less accurate colors. but yeah i noticed all my lights are yellow and not white
Should I do loomis or drawabox first?
I'd suggest at least doing the initial Drawabox exercises first. They will help you with your line confidence so you don't chicken scratch as much when you start Loomis.
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another study
when you say Loomis, which book from him are you refering to?

>doot doot
You're probably starting to notice all your mistakes.
top of the skull looks too flat and pushed back. almost looks neanderthal tier.
>use traditional material most of the time
>too lazy to edit a picture with a mouse keyboard
>let me just use this shitty 4 x 5 graphics tablet
>arm immediately falls off because it's so small
>am constantly getting annoyed with brushes because they don't work like the real life counterpart

Digital art seems to be suffering but I know I'll have to eventually move towards it and man, I'm depressed.
turn the paper upside down, helps to spot all kinds of things
>implying their eyes won't bleed at the sight of all their mistakes
I want to get good enough to participate in LAS. How long until an absolute beginner could get to that level?
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Messed around with some perspective grids today. Need to experiment with diminishment Guides a bit more, feel like I did not fully get how they work.
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I want to do this as well and I feel like they would be okay with a beginner joining since there's no rules about skill level. I'm just a bit embarrassed by my level, though.
dang I wish I worked as hard as you. putting that amount of effort in is great, I hope you never quit
If you can work for 30 min per day, you are ready anon.
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Drew this, with reference.
Don't kick your self too much, I am a neet, so I have the time to but in the work.

Thank you for the kind words, no worries I'll keep going until the day I die.
I'm in med school and since we started our clinical we don't get much free time until we finishgraduating ...
Is 2 hours a day enough to get good?
yes, just draw that 2 hours instead of browsing internet while "drawing"

NICE underboob
any critics?
Keys to Drawing or Loomis? What Loomis book should I start with?
Also, do I have to read the inbetween stuff or can I just do the exercises?
Proportion above shoulder seems quite disconnected.

I'm not qualified to critique as I'm a noob who only started hanging around here about 2 weeks ago, I like her underboob, though. I hope one day I can draw underboob like that.
post reference.
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>animeme reference
The shoulder looks off in the reference no wonder. This is why you shouldn't reference animu if you are a beginner
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no, i just draw for fun

should ref look something like this?
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Anime is a perfectly good source of anatomical references.
you can learn right away what to do and what not to do.
I started drawing recently. How do you guys usually deal with (autistic) frustration?
>(autistic) frustration

I get too easily annoyed by the small stuff and can't focus. Should I give up drawing?
I'm the anon who drew this and >>2822475 and what I can see looking at them hours later:
>those lines showing no confidence and having too much pressure
>that lack of construction
>no sense of depth or proportion
>all that symbol drawing
I'm definitely going to go into doing a lot of Vilppu exercises now, especially for animals.
why stop when you could just do it until it's perfect?
ayy, rescue shot was the best. Thanks for that inspiration.

I find it helps to shout "reeee" and throw things
Should I
>tilt my sketch book
>use overhand grip
or can i get good drawing flat with tripod?
I imagine myself as one of those anime girls that get raped in my favorite doujins. At first they hate it, but after a while it starts hurting so good that I don't want it to stop. Then I ahegao on paper. Or at least I try.

Really though. I'm 24, I'm not very good. I've been drawing on and off for about 7 years and fallen off the path of improvement several times, only to have to get back up and start over again.

My hands are shaky. I can't into colors and values. I probably don't spend the time necessary when I draw stuff. There are however these little pockets of time where I finally start to "feel it". Those moments make it all worth it, and the only way to have them is to push through the frustration and get after it.

Also, disciplined HONEST exercise means you'll build up the skill to be FREE when you draw later on, because you'll already have built up the framework to draw what you want.

Last of all. Don't let fear control you. Your next work does not necessarily have to be better than your previous best work. There are people out there that are and will ALWAYS be better than you, your duty is not to be better than them, but rather to be the best that YOU can be. There are also ideas in your head alone that are exclusive to you only. The only way for them to breach the barrier between the idea world and the physical world is for you to give them physical form on paper, digital, or otherwise.
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You shouldn't reference anime at all because it's literally a style. Once you know how things work in real life you can leave out/add things in while still being both anatomically correct and appealing. For your own good, don't fall into the style trap too early. Anime is fun to draw (and probably for you more fun to draw than in a realistic/study manner) but you'll get lost in the sauce if you do it too much without having your fundamentals squared away.
>tfw i'm too stupid that the sticky confuses me
>don't even know what "fundamentals" means
cant i just draw poses and from life for like 3 hours a day until I get good
Do I really have to read these books
I've just been drawing portraits for 3 weeks and I'm hardly any better than when I started. If I had sat down and read through the books and did the exercises I'd be much better, I think. They're boring, yes, but apparently we'll just keep sucking if we don't do that.
Yeah my hands shake like a motherfucker. Is something wrong with me? I literally can't keep my hands still, so I tend to let my pinkie rest on the paper to have some semblance of support, but even then I jitter.

Is this normal? Or do I have early onset parkinsons?
Aw shit, somebody else knows that game. Played the fuck out of it as a kid.

No problem my man, do something great with that inspiration.
Excellent reference right here

>holy shit how do I chair
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Tried to shade by hatching but I'm so undisciplined that I got lazy and kinda scribbled it in. This is why I don't like shading, if you fuck it up there's no going back
>Your next work does not necessarily have to be better than your previous best
>be the best that YOU can be
Honestly I will try getting this mindstate. But somehow those are conflicting ideas, consciously trying increase the likehood of failure (like leeping at night).
Same here actually
Proko please
That's why you plan first by lightly sketching the shadow lines. Everything is shapes within shapes.

look at some sketches you'll see how they map out the shadow area.
>I'm good except for my linework, shading and colour

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Why are they all arched? Am I beyond saving?
Run for half an hour and try again. It worked for me
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Vertical lines
First take a deep breath and steady your hands. Get into a more concentrated state.

Start with a shorter for the first one you make. try that five or so times.
Then try one twice as long. Five times.
Continue until you're across the paper.

Drawing straight lines is a fine balance between speed and accuracy. If you go too fast you will weer off without thinking, if you go too slow, the natural quivers in your nerves will make the lines squiggly.

After you are done, think about how you felt when drawing those lines and what/when you did right/wrong.
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Probably, but drawing is fun when you don't take it too seriously.

Okay, so... What is the purpose of posting a drawing you drew from a stylized reference with no purpose in learning or expanding on a fundamental art subject in a beginner thread?

Not to mention, what is the purpose of posting it at all? To get praise from sight drawing someone else's work? You slightly modified the work of another person for your own enjoyment, but it's not an achievement.

Beginner threads aren't about showing off for some kind of attention. It's for people who don't know what they're doing to be lead in the right direction.

Which, again, is not the place for what you've posted.
>posting gigantic pictures of absolutely beginner exercises
Have you ever heard about something called "common sense"?
It definitely is. But personally I can't take the fact that I'm not as good as where I want to be yet. This is why I practice and do the things that nobody wants to do to get better - which is a better feeling in the long run.
It's a beginner thread. Don't be a cunt to the lad. Also, what's the problem with big pictures?

I've been in the exact same place as him and it's a perfectly reasonable question: you're being asked to draw a straight line and then go over it eight times, but what do you do if you can't even draw a straight line to begin with? It's a fine question and you're being a douche.
>slightly modified the work of another person

That's 100% of my own work drawn with reference, just like any other work of art that's not drawn from imagination.

I asked for critics and got feedback and managed to fix few beginner problems, there are still some but I keep it at that.

Also, you seem upset for some reason.

I don't draw that much, maybe 5-10 simple drawings per year.
>drawn with reference
You can't reference an already stylized drawing. That's not how it works. You're supposed to reference the real world, and physical objects, and then tweak them to your own design.

If you literally draw an image that already exists verbatim, what's the point when I could just look at the original drawing?
Why draw at all when you can just take a photograph and call it a day?

By your definition of "reference" any photo is not valid ref.

Thanks for laughs..
I didn't know photos references counted as "already stylized drawings".

You're an idiot.
>there is a style I hope to go for
>deliberately not look at that style because some faggot on /ic/ told me I can only base my drawing on approved photographs or real life refs
>wonder why I can't do that style later on

Like, I agree that life references will teach you the fundamentals better, but if you have very specific goals you are going for then deviating every once in a while is beneficial. Noticing how certain artists do lineweight and warp proportions is valuable too.
if you don't want critique don't come to the board for art critique, dumbass.
you mad kid?
If it's 5-10. then it really doesn't matter. Compared to those in the thread that actually want to make legitimate progress it's next to nothing, but that means you'll have way more fun with it, though. I guess in some sort of ignorant view of things you're better off.
And you've critiqued the reference without even addressing the piece itself. It's like you don't even give it a second look because you are so convinced you know how things should be done. You don't even mention that the guys lines are all messy, which they are.
pretty good anon. great taste too.
This 100%
Loomis vs Keys to drawing for beginners? Multiple sources have both as start points but I can't even draw shapes yet
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Sorry for low quality
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I am having a bit of trouble recognizing what are the flaws so any help would really be appreciated
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