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>you spend all day drawing beautiful and interesting people

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>you spend all day drawing beautiful and interesting people
>whereas you are not only unattractive but also devoid of any physical character
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Don't remind me.
The time I spend holed up drawing has also made me socially inept.
Daily reminder that time spent socializing or improving your image (its as easily as jogging 3 days a week) not only improves your productivity and all the chemical shit that make you develop new learnings and retain information, but also your quality of life.
Please take care of yourself anon, your art should be one of your top priorities but your health is quite important too.
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>you spend all day drawing ug;y and boring figures
>whereas you are not only attractive but also single
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A feels thread? This may be the fermented alcohol from the Tea I drank talking but just know that I find each and every one of you dear to me you're all like some kind of dysfunctional second family.

Drawing (or any productive hobby you are passionate about) makes you more attractive to other people. As much as /r9k/ type folk would deny it, women much prefer someone who is interesting and cares deeply about something, anything really, than someone who wastes his time and is apathetic to the world and his very short life.

Keep drawing and be happy anon. Most people aren't particularly attractive so you've got the edge with your interest in improving yourself, something Western culture only superficially embraces.
>spend the day drawing porn
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now that hits me
me too m8 , i love everyone on here even though half the time we shit on eachother but can also come across lots of helpful people.

I'm in art school right now and I'm surrounded by girls but every time I start talking to a girl and arranging dates they flake every time.

I never really had trouble getting a girlfriend back in middle/high school. But lately since I started taking my studies seriously I've lost my connection with humans. I'm even loosing connection with my friends. Shit is rough, I feel pretty alone.

and my art is still not even close to where i want it to be.
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I have never not been flaked on

I dont get it
even the ones I make a great connection with
its always the same

I took a train to Chicago (about an hour and half ride) to go to a museum with this girl. After I am already there for 2 hours I get a text, oh actually I'm not going till tomorrow sorry I didn't text you. Went to the museum alone.

Its so fucked man.
single handy obliterated my confidence.

And she still has the nerve to be cute, laugh at my jokes, and act interested in everything I ever talk about.
you know what you have to do. Draw porn of her and print it all over the school unnoticed.
Fuck that bitch. Make art gains.
I'm a 10/10 alpha male with an 11 inch cawk and I never leave my flat ever.

Sex and female companionship is massively overrated. But that's just something you learn after you've had a bit of it, so I can kinda feel your pain op.
>Tfw no f
>tfw no gf
>tfw shit art
>tfw ugly
>tfw shit voice
>tfw shit social skills
>tfw short
It's like God was trying to sprinkle in some negative characteristics when making me but the fucker accidentally threw in an entire barrel of the stuff.
Chemical Eh

im sorry
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you know what you have to do

museums with other people suck in my experience. Taking a train to a museum sounds cozy as fuck. I drive to our local museum after work sometimes and it's nowhere near the level of the Art Institute of Chicago or the Museum of Contemporary art, but I still love it.
I don't care what I look like in my physical form (and it ain't that bad tbqbhwyfampai), the future is virtual.
Actually, most of us aren't women.
Do some bodyweights
Am I the only one not interested at all in getting a girlfriend? I just don't feel like bothering being so much with someone else while I can just draw instead. And for sex I can just fap on my own, it's like going to the toilet or washing yourself.

I'm totally fine with being alone, that's a choice even.
>you have such an impressive skill
>it's only worth shit if you're also charismatic and good looking
>your impressive hobby only serves to compliment your good looks, otherwise you're an ugly nerd with too much time
that's good for you anon
you've lost your humanity
maybe we'll all reach that point one day.
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don't let flakes put a dent in your confidence anons, this is just a weird thing that all girls do for some reason. they flake more on eachother than guys.

i'm a girl and i've rarely ever been able to get other ladies to hang out with me outside of school/work. most of them even have the audacity to INSIST that we hang out, only to change their mind after i've gone through the trouble of moving my schedule around for them.

the key is to not give them too much time to think about it. girls have an attention span of a fucking fly. if it's spur of the moment and includes alcohol, your chances of being flaked on go way down.
Lmfao you think masturbation is comparable to fucking a real live woman. You're a virgin who's trying to rationalize why you haven't had sex yet but face it, you just can't get any. Go buy a prostitute at least, faggot.
I like to talk online like here, wouldn't go that far. I have tastes far off from anyone I know, that's also why, most people don't know any of my favorite artists.

But meh, socializing is overrated too. Between talking about random shit with people, chatting with them while doing coop games and drawing, latter is way more satisfying. I'm enjoying myself, isn't that the point of life?
I don't really care. Each time I have a sex urge I just fap and done. Not like there is any point for it, sex is for making babies in the first place and I'm not interested into making a family.

Getting trough all the bother of getting a girlfriend just for sex seems like a terrible deal.
I see that you have too reached enlightenment.
My art supplies are my waifu(s) so you are obviously not the only one
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Heheheh......Goooooooood goy never reproduce think of all that money you can spend on me-I mean yourself don't forget to buy the latest figma figure of your waifu you wouldn't want to upset her now would you?

Having a girlfriend is not required for regular sex.
Are you aware of the term fuck buddy? You can actually just see a woman for sex and then have her leave when you're done. It's not complicated at all.
>being a degenerate


>being a sexless beta

your choice anon
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> be me
> want draw amazing hentai shit
> Factory worker who working all day
> comeback from home and start drawing
> tire as crap, study going like shit It's 7pm but can't stand anymore
> sleep, wake up 7am
> go to work
>settling for a fuck buddy aka the town bicycle
>calling others a beta

Don't be silly anon. Most attractive women in big cities have a fuck buddy these days.
meh... sex is fleeting. Take it from the 32 year old married guy. I get sex maybe 4, 5 times a year at best... and a blowjob or two a month. It's ridiculously better than fapping... but the effort to output ratio is goddamn low.

I'm not saying relationships aren't worth it. But don't do it for the sex alone... gotta like the person a lot or its not worth it.
virgins telling virgins how to get some...
Ah so you're completely fine with screwing a girl who fucking god knows how many other men. Gotcha.
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I try to get better at drawing so I can disregard females and draw my waifu, 24/7.
No matter how much you draw her she will never step out of the computer screen. I'm sorry anon.
maybe it will be so great, some fangirl will cosplay her... a man can dream right?
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Live2D and AI technology are the future
May I ask what happened anon?

I'm sort of going through something similar. Funny thing is, she is somewhat the reason why I started drawing more. She does art stuff as well and I really liked her work at first but now looking at it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Well, maybe more like mixed feelings. Essentially I asked her out on a date and she said she was busy because of uni, so I asked her if we could go out after the term is over and she just gave me a maybe. I was confused for the longest time until I sorta brought it up again and she just told me "she didn't know me well enough" even though I was talking to her for a couple months and took my time with it. She still acts all cute and shit and it's fucking annoying. We still talk and hang out but I don't know. I kinda want to get good at art so I can surpass her. I'm only 20 and she's 26 so I really want to be so much better soon or by the time I'm her age.

I just wish she just straight up told me she doesn't see me that way instead of pussyfooting around the idea. It's painful to still act super friendly but just "being friends" and not being honest about it. It's insulting that I don't get a proper rejection. Just false hope until I realized what's going on. It's fucking dumb.

TL;DR : I'm just confused about a whole situation with my artist friend who I have a crush on. She can't properly give me a fucking no.

Yep. But if you prefer to be alone with your hand good for you I guess.
Either that or having a loyal gf is preferable to your scenario.
But I digress, different strokes. If it works for you then have at it.

It's not about me though. That anon complained that getting a girlfriend in order to get laid was a lot of work. I simply explained that you don't need a girlfriend to get laid.
You're just reading into it too much m8, and your feelings for her are influencing how you see her actions towards you.

Many women aren't direct when it comes to this. I have a co-worker, hot little Asian chick and this guy in another department is always asking her out and hitting on her. She's always nice to him, and answers his requests with "maybe". Soon as he leaves I get an earful about how she doesn't like him at all and how he's a creep... I'm not saying your situation is this extreme... but woman will be like that. I just flat out told the guy in front of her that the reason she keeps brushing off his requests is she doesn't want to date him. She thanked me about 50 times... didn't want to be rude or mean.
You shut your whore mouth.
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>Funny thing is, she is somewhat the reason why I started drawing more
No anon. NO.
Don't ever let a woman be your reason for drawing more.
YOU have to be your reason for drawing more.
Also move on for fucks sake.
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At least he is happy and content.
Let's not kid ourselves, deep down he's miserable.
The absolute best waifufags can hope for is fully realized VR similar to what we see in the matrix. Everything else will just pour salt in the wound.
>not using the peak of japanese engineering with glorious rubber vaginas folded over 2000 times
disgusting casuals

You anons are right.

This whole experience just adds fuel to my fire. I just can't deal with women if they do stupid nonsensical shit like this.

It is not very hard to politely say "No, sorry I don't really see you that way". I understand that if someone is not attracted, they are simply not attracted and knowing that just helps me move on that much faster, but you know what. This whole experience was pretty much the last straw and made me lose hope in finding any woman with a sane fucking mind. I've really tried to stay optimistic but all my interactions with women have proven to me that they are just immature brats with no fucking insight on anything. They are devoid of any deep thought or analysis.

I really hope to become like this anon
and just forget about women and work on the things that I love. Work so goddamn fucking hard that women will be nothing more than a disgusting pile of shit while my art fucking flourishes and grows.

Mark my fucking words. I will do this.

Dude that is some Elliot Rodger shit right there. Please don't go shoot strangers or something

Nope, that be idiotic.

What's the point of killing people like a dunce when you can become way better than them? Show them that they are fucking insignificant shit compared to the things that can be accomplished. It's more satisfying that way. If they just die then that's it. They can't see how much better you are then them, or how your goals and achievements are bigger than anything they can ever hope to be.
> implying I have a waifu and buy figures
So you spend a couple of months befriending a fellow artist from your school. Well, she thinks you are befriending her, but really you are feeling her out, pretending to be friends in the hopes that eventually she will fall in love with you. Then, after months of completely platonic “friendship” you ask her out.
Since you've spent a couple of months building this pseudofriendship, she is hesitant to reject you outright to spare your feelings, so she brushes you off with a hesitant “maybe”, but only after her initial excuse has failed to convince you.

Now, someone with self confidence and tact would realize that, if you asked her out and she brushed you off twice, then never mentioned it again, she wasn't interested in you romantically.

You, however, do not push the matter, and decide that since she didn't spell it out in bold letters that she wasn't interested, you will just slip chameleon-like back into the guise of her platonic friend from art school. After even more time passes, you finally come to grips with the reality of the situation. She does not want to date you. You can't admit that maybe its your fault that you aren't confident enough to just ask a woman out, so you respond with anger towards her and all other women for “leading you on”

I bet you still talk to her frequently, and you smile to her face while inside you boil with fury that she has the audacity to be “cute” around you.
fuck all of you you whiny cunts. I bet half of you are fucking fat ( a choice), unwilling to dress clean brush teeth exercise put perfume, etc.

Most of you can easily be 7/10 if you fucking tried.
there are perfectly reasonable/pretty women out there. If not, go to taiwan or some third world shit hole and import one. God.
> implying
This guy >>2403323 here, I've worked a few times as a fashion model in a magazine.
>work in a bakery from 7am till 3pm
>have amazing ideas to draw but can't draw because I'm working
>go home and start drawing
>neck hurt for working in bad position
>can't draw
>get depressed
>play vidya and go to sleep
>wake up
>go to work
I also got approached once to work as a fashion model, 22 virgin and still counting

I also get asked a lot why I don't have a gf yet, but I just got other stuffs I want to put my effort into. if any girl is gonna fall in my arms good, if not, there is still time for it later
if you got a tablet, your hand can draw while your head is looking forward at the monitor, and do some exercises to make your neck and back muscles

I have tried being straight forward with women and just asked them out right of the bat. One of those times also involved an artist girl coincidentally. She proceeded to say "Sure" and gave me her number. Then when I texted her she would give me short answer responses or seem uninterested. I was confused, so later I talked to her about it and she told me she was uninterested and proceed to walk away laughing at me with her friends.

So yeah, even though that event fucked me up I still decided to try. So with the current girl I thought maybe getting to know each other as friends and seeing if we have a lot in common would work. I also just wanted to know what kind of person she is and all of that. I guess I was just being cautious due to previous experiences.

The thing that really fucks me up about this one though is that we have a lot in common, we like the same stuff, and browse the same websites (i.e 4chan) so I just thought maybe it could work. I'll admit I'm not super knowledgeable on dating and women, but I just tried to use a bit of common sense, but I just feel like a complete idiot right now.
just get a practice girlfriend for a month or 2.
Wow, this seems like the perfect thread to write something for you guys that I've been thinking about.

I frequently travel to a different town to see a childhood friend. Every time I'm there I see this girl who is friends with him.
Now since I'm no longer quite as retarded or terrified of people as I used to be, I always chat with her and sometimes at parties flirt a lot, just for fun, without thinking anything. Especially since she seems to like it a lot.
Now last time I was there was something else. I said I wanted to draw her again as we were playing some games, I had done it before, just for fun and practice as always.
So I kept telling her how her hand positions looked cool for the picture, how the head tilt was nice at cetera as I was drawing. And moved her legs and arms back if they moved.
The thing is, she was really into it. She is kind of shy, but it was really, really obvious what kind of looks she was giving me, touching me, even hinting about sex. I don't want to sound like an autist but you get the picture.

Point being, I brushed her off totally and didn't do anything. Because I genuinely didn't care this time. I am the stereotypical ugly hick who got played by all his past crushes, never experienced and interest from girls. After enough years I got used to it, and it's funny. I would have jumped on that opportunity in the past, she really is beautiful and all. I realized then I'm too far gone.

Drawing and my artbros is all I have left now. Thanks if you read this shit.
Very well written although I may not agree with the moral and ending. I've hence taken the liberty to redact your comment.

>I am the stereotypical ugly hick who got played by all his past crushes, never experienced and interest from girls. After enough years I got used to it, and it's funny. I would have jumped on that opportunity in the past, she really is beautiful and all. I realized then I'm too far gone. At least, that's what I used to think, we've been married for 20 years and our 3 children have read and mastered loomis and my career as a pro illustrator has been very successful thanks to her modelling.
Thanks for that. At least laughing still warms my heart, it seems.
Think about it this way, if you're a guy.

There's a chance if you have sex, it will be with a crazy chick. Not crazy insane, but 'drag your name in the mud' crazy and 'ruin you if you slight her' crazy. factor in the chances of stds, infidelity, and, in for myself as a black male, being called the father of someone's baby and having to pay child support for a child that isn't yours, falsified charges where the courts are against you, sex isn't in your best interests.

Maybe you could hire an escort, or get lucky and find the right person, but risks like these make such an escapade questionable in its execution. It's not a big fucking deal, everyone's shit stinks, don't hang up on it and etc.

Shit, just remember that greentext about the guy who fucked his ex after she broke up with her current bf, and when he didn't want to get back with her she made up a story about him raping her. Luckily he caught the entire thing on webcam.
>true story bro, it's from a greentext on 4chins
Better to take something to heart instead of write it off, and bemoan your actions when something similar happens to you. There is nothing wrong with erring on the side of caution. I can understand your point of view, but I have my own.

I like the image though. That's the rotoscoping anime right? What is it called?
>mfw I'm gonna be a wizard soon

see you guys at wizardland
>just get a practice girlfriend

This is insulting to the rest of us who aren't attractive

Stop being a neckbeard and improve yourself then.
Nothing sans surgery can fix a genetically ugly face anon
Post face or self portrait of face. Odds are you're undervaluing yourself.

Ugly guys get laid if they are funny and confident. Looks aren't everything
If you have a good body and some confidence, the face is very easily forgivable. Instead of being "ugly", you'll have a cool "distinct" look.
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this sums up 2010 as the worst decade yet.
>21 years old
>looks like that
>draws like that

Might as well kill myself
thank god is isnt actually a 4C.
based google search.
but ... did she a portrait of him?
but ... did she DO a portrait of him?
age doesnt matter
looks dont matter
human photocopiers are not impressive

But still do kill yourself, why not/
I love big people more after drawing. Big people are fun to draw and curvy figures are so much nicer than boney or perfectly muscular.

Note: big. Not obese. That's still gross.
I live in Chicago wanna meet up anon? I need friends that draw
> I need friends
We`re all friends here anon. Proof being the very succesful and respectful discord chat.


That dude is probably dull as fuck- spending that much time copying a photo? Might as well be posting a jigsaw puzzle he finished. And he has to stick his beautiful face in front of it as if to say that he's more than just a pretty face. look at his sketches and you'll know what I mean.
I guess that's good enough
I would do a portrait of him

Well he is a popular model.

I'm surprised he doesn't dabble in conceptual art. People would probably call him a genius if he did.
i'm not cute or beautiful at all but i consider myself pretty cool. and i like to draw cool shit as well.
as for the relationship part, well... it was the first time that i felt love and sexual desire about someone, but he that lives far away from me. it's okay though, if we meant each other maybe someday we can cross paths again.
now it's me and my art and nothing more.
>never reproduce
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