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/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 341
Thread images: 52

Well-written and completely reasonable questions thread.

Rather than creating threads for questions that can be answered in max a few replies, post them here.

-take at least 10 seconds to check your problem with a search engine
-post any relevant information (example: if wifi doesn't work in your laptop, post your model, wifi card model and OS) to speed up replies
-don't just bump the thread
-be sure to check /g/ generals for questions in certain topics like gnu/linux, video cards, PC building, headphones etc.
-feel free to cross-link/repost your unanswered questions from the previous thread

old >>60741666
How long is 10 seconds?
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razer naga 2012
Is there a way to set qbitorrent to download torrents in a specific order
isn't there like a queue or priority you can set for each torrent?
Should I compare the files by file size or by content?
I think file content would take too long, it's like 900 GBs
Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-J14fyar5ns

Measure your hands, pick a good mouse that'll fit your hand size.
VERY specific to your hand size, grip, and to a lesser degree what types of games you play

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I can't choose a monitor size. I know I want 1080p and somewhere between 20 and 24 inches but I can't select one.
You can go up to 25 and still be ok with 1080. The price difference is sufficiently small that I'd go with the 24. Also consider IPS unless you absolutely need really good response times.
I know i'm a huge sucker but I'm really hoping someone can help me. I feel like i'm going crazy

So I factory reset my Galaxy S4 after having it rooted, and now it gets stuck on "checking for updates" forever. So i'm trying to flash firmware through Odin, but I can't for the life of me get it to work. I either get stuck on SetupConnection or Get PIT for mapping.

I know i'm a huge idiot but can someone please help? i'll get any info you need, I'd just really like some reassurance that i'm not going crazy. please
I'm thinking two or three of these 21.5" ones right now right now. https://www.asus.com/us/Commercial-Monitors/C622AQ/ There's also a C624AQ which is 23.8". It's ~$40 more. My filters are IPS, <=5ms response time, fully adjustable, and DisplayPort. Does not leave me with a whole lot of wiggle room.
1. You didn't specify what provider it's for. Their models are generally very different

2. Because every phone/tablet has different ways of handling shit, general knowledge probably wont help you here. You should go to the relevant xda page, and lurk till you've got what you need. Post there if you have to.

3. Find out if you should avoid factory resets in the future. Depending on how you achieved root, you may need to avoid all future updates, or take special steps beforehand
I wouldn't bother with displayport at 1080p. There's really no advantage. Even if you got a card that lacked HDMI you could just buy a $3 adapter. Also the G2G response time listed on IPS monitors is more or less marketing bullshit. If you can find something with an overdrive mode though, that's helpful. Might have to go digging around in manuals to find out.
21.5" or 24".
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Oh, so everything I know about monitors is a lie. Wonderful. I don't know how to proceed.
Shorter than a minute, longer than your battery life.
They can feel longer while in a waiting period though.
Are there any better options than VirtualBox for Windows, or is it jus gud enuf
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I need to get an external hdd for my pc. I only have usb 2 connectors though. Going to use it to store, mostly lossless music, visual novels, bluray rips, and roms/isos for emulation. So it needs to be at least 2tb.

Should I buy an internal hdd and buy a shell for it or buy a WD passport? Don't want to overspend here, budget is around $100 us. Also thinking about getting a usb 3 pci card, but idk if there is one that'll fit in my Lenovo ThinkCentre M90p.
sorry if this immediately seems dumb, because I'm pretty sure I know the answer but

the i5 7500 has integrated graphics, right?
like every resource I've seen says it does, and yet my build won't output a display at all.
I was testing out a new build before I got my GPU, and every thing seems fine, but no video.
Fans and lights are on, I've re-seated the RAM in every available port, tried different PSUs, the debug lights on my motherboard aren't lit.
I've more than triple checked every cable and they're all plugged in correctly.
I've also tried using HDMI and VGA on different monitors.

motherboard is MSI Z170A SLI Plus

is there something incredibly obvious that I'm just not doing or is one of my parts just fucked?
Is there any way to hide a drive from Windows when I'm not using it, besides the obvious unplugging it? I'd like to just use an internal drive for backups but I know that's not traditionally safe against anything but drive failure. I don't want to rummage around in my case every day though.
It's good enough. VMWare Player has better performance for Windows virtual machines, but if you've got power to spare, VirtualBox is the shit.

VirtualBox VM's on my R7 1700X feel like they're running at native performance with the guest additions installed.
I'd say that every well rated IPS from a good brand is going to be about the same, within a given price bracket and age range. Some form of "overdrive" is a nice option to have. You can go digging around in enthusiast sites if you want more specifics, but they mostly talk about monitors with features that cost 2-5 times as much. Also slickdeals.net is good for shaving some $$$ off and getting model specific feedback.

Get a motherboard speaker, your motherboard is POSTing.
That will tell you your problem.
Just install Hyper-V, it's included on every version of windows above "Home"
Try a single RAM module in the first slot.
Try reseating the CPU.
gone through this about ten times, actually following through with each one individually if I have the tools.

done both of these, still no result.

guess I'll have to bite the bullet and get one. was hoping I was just making a super dumb mistake that wasn't on that list.

thanks guys.
It should be $1 tops, theyre not expensive.

Its literally a 3cm black speaker with 2 cables.
Note that it needs to be a internal speaker, not a headset or 3.5 or USB speaker.
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So just to be sure, the cyka ransomware won't be able to figure this out?
It's not a defense mechanism that is expected, so it's not worth it for malware to put in the extra effort to scan for that kind of thing and work around it
Considering they use NSA backdoors built into your OS, not bloody likely. Just cough up a little extra for an enclosure. USB 3.0 is almost as fast as SATA 3.
Common malware uses other kind of workaround.
are you me?
srsly what the fuck
>be me switch windows start up and shut down to custom noises
>noises dont ever pop up even resetting the computer and shutting it down
>disable fast boot in this process
anyone know why it isnt working
Do I need UASP support to take advantage of USB 3.1 Gen 2 (10 Gbps) speeds?
No. It's not even a bandwidth thing, just a random read/write boost.
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nvm Just found a usb 3 card that should fit my pc, and wd 2tb usb 3 external drive for $80 all together.
My galaxy S6 is stuck in a boot loop, I'm trying to reflash original firmware in ODIN but every time I plug my phone in I get "USB device not recognized" and nothing shows up in ODIN. I just took it to a repair shop and they replaced the charging port for me, and I still get this error. Is this a software thing or did the shop fuck me over and my port is still broken?
(btw I looked at the port inside and it looks brand new. maybe they fucked up the installation?)
Also its not an FRP lock. On ODIN mode, it says "FRP LOCK: OFF"
I figured I'd have a better chance here than in /o/ so here we go...

If I wanted to add a second aux input for the backseat in my car, would a simple y splitter suffice? I already have an aux port in the front which I added so I figured I would add the splitter to the back of the radio and route both wires into it having everything nice and hidden. Completely unnecessary but I like it better than having a long cable floating around from front to back. There would never be 1 input at a time but I figure I'd ask just to be safe.
After looking into this more I'd likely have to use the proper audio switch which would be a pain in the ass so I guess I'll have to rethink it.
if you're are after the speed of internal, perhaps instead you could look at an eSATA card/bracket and enclosure
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After waking up my w10 laptop from hibernation from overnight, the network list on the taskbar won't load. I click it, and the small window opens, but nothing shows up and it just shows the loading animation.

I tried killing the explorer process and restarting it and that didn't help. Help?
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You're not allowed to use that image anymore, anon.
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Hey guys, so I was using these old computers as servers, and all I basically do with them is back up files, and use one as a torrent seed box, I have future plan to make apache site for local openwrt repository.

To save on electricity, and heat output I was thinking of doing small cluster of raspberry pi.
>something similar to pic related

I am not sure if newer model still has this but I know the ethernet and usb are on the same bus, did they happen to separate that in the newer model or no?

My main question is, how was the play back? Was it in 720 or 1080p, and also if you don't mind list your setup, or take a pic.

Pi 3B's ethernet is still over USB. Wi-Fi seems to reach higher speeds because the wired is 100Mbps. Unsure if Wi-Fi is also over USB or separate.
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Just installed finger replayer on my phone which doesn't have a working power button
(Repair places tried to fix the power button but couldn't, so I'm using Button Saviour to get around that)
I didn't find out until now that in order to stop and save a recording, i need to be able to press the power button on my phone
Is there any way to replicate the effect of pressing the power button?
finger replayer isn't registering button saviour's stuff as part of its stuff

Any way to get around this?
There's gotta be at least some other way to press stop/save
I recently installed a photovoltaic system in my house, and i basically have electricity for free (about 70% of my consumption, to be precise).
There's no downside in mining cryptocoins under these conditions, right?
My rig is an i5 3570k + amd rx 480.
How much money can i expect?
What currency should i "invest" into?
What pool should i join?
As far as i understand its a pretty good choice for ethereum coin, but i don't know much else
Hmm, I was looking at putting osmc on there, maybe keep using my seed box, and then use osmc as media playback, since I also want to throw twitch plugin (which quick google showed kodi) so idk, im not working on this project right this second so I have time.
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Got this error when usb connecting my galaxy s7 to a galaxy tab 4
Shouldn't they be compatible?
I've had no trouble connecting either device to my pc
What's a good UML program? I saw StarUML but I want a 2nd opinion.
Excluding microphones, what are some machines that can detect/read vibrations and sound waves?

I'm trying to research this for a story I'm writing. It's a weird thing to google.
any phone around 300usd that has decent camera?
Seismometers, possibly accelerometers
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by definition, anything that converts sound into electricity is a microphone, so i suppose you'd have to be looking for non-electrical machines
(to clarify, the machine doesn't have to be completely non-electrical, just the part that "detects/reads" vibration/sound, though i'm not sure what could count under this)
I feel very retarded for asking this, but is there a way to properly copy and paste all selected files at once without any issues? On Windows or Linux, whenever I try to copy and paste files to another drive to back it up, I will get errors that says "could not copy file" with reasons ranging from the filename apparently being too long to the file apparently being missing. I will even get errors using the terminal. The main issue with these errors is that I want to make the backing up an overnight job, but the errors popping up freezes the backup process wherever the file error occurs until I respond to the prompt.

Are there any alternate methods I should consider for this? I don't know why this is giving me so many problems.
Does the Opera VPN allow you to set it to Australia?

My gf is overseas right now and we are trying to find a way for both of us to watch something on websites that block users outside Australia.
am I getting banned for ASCII Porn on /g/?
what's the difference between 5400 and 7200 rpms
1800 rpms
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Waiting for my replacement RN4G from China (warranty for RN3P)

>had to use my Moto G 2015 meanwhile but it fell and cracked the screen. First time I broke a phone

>Ok no probs, i'll use my old Nexus 4 until the new phone arrives. Memory corruption and random failures

So these are my options for this month:

- Repair Moto G at a local pajeet shop (could do it myself but screen would arrive later than RN4G)
- Get a cheap (about 60€) temporary phone. Whatsapp support is mandatory
- Use an even older device from the collection:
Nokia E71
Xperia Neo V
iPhone 4 (not 4s, the one with iOS 7)
Vodafone Smart Chat (pick related, got it from a raffle)
Original Nexus One
but. like. real difference wise. is it "faster" or "safer"
how to activate adobe software without turning my computer into a botnet? is painter's adobe emulator safe?
generally speaking, 5400 rpm drives are;
- quieter
- use less power
- have poorer seek times/contiguous access speed
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Alright lads so this right here is how i plan to transfer the OS on my current build (win 7 x64, amd phenom cpu + amd gpu) to my planned new build (ryzen 5, i plan to keep the gpu from the old build at first and then later upgrade it):

> Update the BIOS from the R5 board right at the beginning
> Install win7 on the new build, slap on language paket
> Install truecrypt and encrypt the hdd
> Do the sysprep thing to prepare for the transfer, then do it via the belkin cable
> After the transfer is done, run the github script to manually re-enable windows update on my ryzen machine again which now has the OS from the "old" build running on it with no problems whatsoever (maybe i'd have to retroactively install some drivers though, i should probably make a folder of those before i get the build)

Basically only the RAM would be from a different manufacturer than before i think. Even the mainboard and HDD manufacturers will be the same as before so there should not be any problems if the sysprep is done right, no?

Yes i know it's always better to just reinstall the OS altogether but i have some important licensed programs on the current build which i cannot reinstall so i would have to transfer them and that's why i'm asking

... How foolproof is all of this and how likely is the OS migration to suceed?
do a fresh install
Is there anything I can delete here?


For example, there seems to be a lot of Microsoft Visual C++, do the other programms there really need all of them?
Also if anyone else here has done the sysprep thing before and could comment on whether or not such a migration affects stability/performance at any rate or causes BSOD's then please let me know, i'm thankful for every bit of information because there's not too much to be found elsewhere on the net desu
Razer Grow The Fuck Up, some say the Logitech Get A Fucking Job is better
>> Install win7 on the new build, slap on language paket
>> Install truecrypt and encrypt the hdd
this is just a waste of time if you plan to sysprep/transfer your previous installation

>belkin cable
DP is a better connector than HDMI. I would definitely go for it. There are clips to hold it in. HDMI can get pulled out on accident.
>visual c++
Some programs can rely on older redists. Nuke them all and see if anything stops working.
You can also remove everything ASUS related and Winflash.
>... How foolproof is all of this and how likely is the OS migration to suceed?
99% of the time people have problems moving windows to new hardware, is because the didn't sysprep
it's a critical step barely any home user knows about, since most home users don't install windows themselves at all

if your machine will work with a fresh install, it'll also work with a sysprep/generalized install, since the part that matters (specialization is set to occur) is the same for both
I can't seem to load a site with Firefox or Chrome but it works fine with IE. If I delete the cookies of the site then I can load the page one time only and anything after that doesn't load (eg: load the page, click on something on the site, thing I clicked on doesn't load nor does the original place I went to anymore).

I've tried searching for a solution but mostly all I can find is people having problems with the CSS or outdated browsers which isn't my problem at all. I've also flushed my DNS and tried using Google's but that didn't work either. Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening? I never had this problem a week or so ago.

Site in question is nicovideo.jp
How can I delete all fonts accept the default ones? Restoring default font settings doesn't do anything.
might help if we knew what you're using
what's the pros and cons between PHP, javascript, ruby?
Windows 10
So basically i shouldn't run into any problems if i do this?

I mean of course i could reinstall if it fails anyways but i might just try this at first and see if it works heh
What's the normal temperature range for a 2.5" HDD when idling?
Mine's sitting around 48-52 degree celsius.
Let's say I want to install Debian on my spare external drive. It will be the only system on there. I can boot to it from UEFI. Do I need GRUB? It just adds a couple of seconds of latency to booting.
That's a bit high for newer HDDs but within safety margins, I suppose. Any ventilation around it?
It's in an old laptop and i removed the cover just to be sure.
should be fine
after all, it is the official/supported way to move windows to new hardware, and is common practise outside of home usage

how do you think companies setup hundreds of machines with custom software and settings?
they install windows on a non-production machine, switch it to audit mode with sysprep, install and configure whatever they want to, then generalize it with sysprep, then capture it into a wim image with imagex, which can be used as an installation media just like how the official dvd is done
(audit mode isn't relevant to your use-case, fyi. it's just there so one can use the system without creating any permanent user accounts)
my g400 from 2012 is dying, what should i replace it with?
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What is the best way to install Gentoo?

I've tried the LiveDVD, net-install .iso, and SystemRescueCD images before, but had mild success with UEFI only recently.
Is booting from a different distro then starting up the Gentoo installation from within the recommended path?

Only managed to install and set-up Gentoo twice before. 3rd time, here we come.
(Looking up the handbook on a small phone screen was not super fun)
why are you reinstalling?

and yes, you can install it from any distro's live environment, as long as the kernel is new enough
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Any Youtube experts out there?
Everything on Youtube works perfectly fine for me, UNLESS i try to watch a pewdiepie video. I'm not even joking. Every time i click a pewdiepie video, the entire website resets to default, meaning the screen goes from theater mode back to the small mode, the Autoplay gets turned back on, i get this "You're viewing Youtube in English" message, etc
And when i try to switch it back to Theater Mode, pic related happens (below is normal, above is what happens in a pewdiepie video). I cannot load the comments section either.
It doesn't matter how often i refresh the page, clear my cache, clear my cookies, restart the browser, nothing helps.
Literally wtf
do you have any userscripts or something installed?
can selenium IDE do assign array elements like
with n = 0:2

or do you have to have separate manual variables like

I tried concatenating for a pseudo array but then it will only read as a strict string instead of the variable name
I dont understand why you want to read youtube comments anyway
No. And the only add-ons i have are adblock plus and https everywhere
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Do all sub $1000 laptops have 5400 rpm HDDs?
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I noticed that when I put external hard drive/phone on certain spot, computer goes to sleep mode. You can press any buttons all you want, nothing happens. But as soon as I lift hdd/phone it turns on by itself.

It's not really a problem or anything, I'm just interested what parts are involved here.

The spot is somewhere in marked area

Laptop: ACER Aspire E5-575G
Can I convert ALAC to FLAC (and back) with 0 quality loss? (If I were to then convert the flac back to alac, would it still be exactly the same, md5 perfect, as alac before conversion?). Also, ALAC does sound identical to flac, because they're both fully lossless, right?
The computer uses a hall effect sensor in the palmrest in conjunction with a magnet in the lid to tell when it's closed. You're just activating that sensor.
out of curiosity why do you want to do that?
Thanks anon.
I can only find an album I wanted to download in alac, I just wanted to make sure that there isn't any quality loss from changing it to flac. I don't really need alac>flac>alac again, but I don't want to lose any quality (compared to wav>flac or just flac in the first place)
the only possibly information change will be metadata, the actual audio will not change
after all, that is what makes them lossless formats
also, is there really any difference between different flac qualities? Or between flac and wav? I can never tell 320kbps mp3 from flac 90% of the time, but like flac anyway because it's better for archiving, and lossy to lossy encodes suck.
I'm using windows 10 and I'm not sure if I understand the purpose of the D:Recovery partition. Can't I just use
A) a recovery disc and copy my files from a backup external hard drive
B) a full system image
Is it just in case I don't have these two options? Can I just delete it then?
Why the fuck is GNOME 3 the default for Debian Stable? I really can't see what they were going for with that, does anyone even like GNOME 3?
>is there really any difference between different flac qualities?
flac doesn't have "qualities"
the 1-8 you can set is just a compression level, that is, how much effort it is to put into encoding
a higher number means slower encoding, but possibly smaller filesize
they're all lossless though, so just use 8 unless you know you need one of the others
>Or between flac and wav?
technically wav is a container format, not a codec, so it's not directly comparable, but assuming you're placing uncompressed PCM in the wav file (common thing to do), then the audio will still be lossless, only metadata will change
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I was given a custom CSS here to increase the popup posting screen up in size. But I recently cleared my temp files, and it got rid of that. I didnt have it saved, and not being able to find one online.

Can anyone help me out with this please.
popup posting screen up?
whats the best FREE website hoster?.I want to make a really small web program and upload it online.Just gonna be a stopwatch and like a small message board.If something similar already exists I can just use that instead of writing my own
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you want to increase the font size or just the size of the text box?
on the bottom right of the textbox is an indicator that you can drag it bigger.
Just sign in, it will fix this issue.
most free hosters are awful, you're better off paying a few dollars for a year.
have a look at bplaced.net, it was pretty decent 10 years ago.
Hey I asked this question in another thread too but I forgot what was answered.
I will write it down this time.

My sister gave me her old computer because she got a new one, I want to use this computer because it's a lot better than mine but she isn't very careful when it comes to computers.

She has tons of virusses on it because of things she downloads and just not being careful on the internet in general.

What can I do to clean this pc completely, restore it to a state as if it were completely new fresh from the factory?

Would it be best to buy a new Motherboard / HDD (I will probably go with SSD then because it's faster) / RAM or anything else?

Sorry for my stupid question, I hope someone can help though, I don't really know that well what damage could be done to a computer this way.

Additional infromation;
She used a pirated version of Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (Activated with some dodgey activator, I'm not sure if it was Daz but it surely wasn't from the mydigitallife official forums)

She pirated a lot, never used any virus scanners besides Microsoft Security Essentials (which was disabled for most of it's tasks)

She downloaded all kind of weird programs on the computer and ran them, never bothered to delete them properly

She deleted registery files without exactly knowing what effect it would have ''because a friend of her told her to do so'', surprisingly though, it still runs more or less.
(She complained about some bugs and blue screens happening though)

Any help would be appreciated, I plan on installing Windows 10 Home 64bit from USB-stick (purchased, legit version) on this but I don't want to run into any bugs or glitches or issues later on.

Please help
Does anyone know of good system overview tools for android?
My father just got an android phone and within a week, it is riddled with malware.
I don't know what exactly is wrong as it never happened to me and it never happened for me on other android devices I have seen.
I suspect he installed an application which serves ads and he clicked on one of these ads and now he gets more ads, but it could also be from one of the applications that came with the system, I don't know.

Is there good tools to get rid of this?
I can recommend him software through the play store I know is on fdroid as well to limit the exposure, but maybe there should be some anti advertisement tool as well.
Which tool is great for is if I don't ever want to hear or see the tool?
I fear I may have to factory reset his device next time I see him.
>reddit spacing
format the hard drive. you may have to re-install the operating system though. install gentoo
What are some books covering category theory/abstract algebra good for someone mainly interested in understanding functional programming languages better?
Just bought a domain name and acquired a static ip and a spare computer

How do i do this? wordpress at port 80, email client at 81, and torrent gui at 82

please guide me to the right path /g/.
laptop or desktop?

SSD is the cheapest way to increase performance and it is a nobrainer to do if it is a laptop.
If it is a desktop, you have more options.
As for getting it into a decent state, nuke and pave is the best option.
Take an external media, store the files you want to store and make a fresh install of whatever OS you want.
If it is a laptop and you insist on using windows, go to digital river and find an ISO and then register it with the code on the back of the laptop.
Select the version the license works with obviously.

If it still doesn't perform as new, take it apart and clean it.
Apply new paste to the CPU and make sure the cooling works.

If it is really old, I would suggest that you try to replicate your workflow on gnu/linux.
There is a lot of people who are willing to help you do so and it will give you a lot more help as you are helping yourself defining what tasks you do and how you want to do them.
DNS is spread out on a lot of servers.
For my server, I wrote the address of a DNS server in the record held by the people I bought my domain from.
In the DNS server, I point different domains to specific ip addresses and ports.

You should also use the dig tool to find out information about DNS and how it is routed.
Thank you very much for your very helpful and detailed advice, much appreciated!
It's a dekstop, I'll go with the dekstop option.
It's just normal spacing, I made it that way because I find it nicer to read that way.
point domain name to the ip, open the ports in your servers firewall/router.
run a web server that listens to port 80, 81 and 82.
get a letsencrypt certificate to enable tls.
I want to have two power buttons for my desktop. Keep the one built into the case, as well as one thats easier to access from my actual desk.

Would someone with more actual technical knowledge on this stuff know if something like this would work. This is the only website I could find anything like it.

Has he installed anything other than via the playstore/fdroid? What version of android is he running? Unfortunately antiviruses are severely neutered under android. If uninstalling the problem apps doesn't resolve it, that indicates the malware got root access, and you pretty much have to go for a factory reset. I would make sure you have the latest update, and maybe consider a custom rom if it's an older phone that's stopped receiving updates.

I thought that was a vanilla pod from the thumbnail.
Is it safe to place a subwoofer on top of the PC? Speaker cables are awfully short.
just wipe the hard drive and install gentoo on it.
no need to buy anything new if you don't actually need it.
SSD can be a good thing if you want it to be a little bit faster.
RAM won't matter if you got 4 or more GB (8 start to be a standard)

as said, you might want to clean the computer and apply new thermal paste.
Thank both of you once again, I have one more final question
Would the motherboard (BIOS) or RAM (buffer memory) also possibly be at risk?
When I buy a SSD, is there a risk it will get infected by leftovers in the BIOS memory or RAM or anywhere else?
Ram, no. Bios, very unlikely. It'll probably start being a problem in a couple of years, but bios malware hasn't really made it big yet. A reformat of the drives should still do the trick.
In C: > NVIDIA > DisplayDriver is it alright to delete nvidia display drivers version 364.72 and 372.90? According to the program itself I have version 382.33 installed, so I'm guessing I don't need the older versions taking up space?

The only thing is, I only see folders for the older versions, and not the current version. What is up with that?
So I'm trying to boot an arch linux iso from a usb drive on an HP laptop. When I try to boot it, it says that the bootable device is not authenticated. So google shows me that basically HPs have problem with booting in UEFI mode and to change to legacy mode, but when I do this my usb drive is no longer a boot option. Terribly confused by this.

I currently have xubuntu installed.
He only installed apps through the apps store and I doubt the apps have root access.
He gets full screen advertisement popups every 10 second with links which will install applications through the play store.
The advertisement does not come from the browser or any other application as far as I could tell.
you can delete the entire C:\NVIDIA directory.
It's just the unpacked installer which doesn't clean up after itself.
It is possible to receive malware through the browser or a malicious text. The more out of date your OS is, the more likely. When I say root access, I mean any software that has broken out of its containment and is able to affect other parts of the system. Remove all the shady apps, and see if you're still having these problems.
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Very stupid question here.

I'm looking at this build:

But I don't know how to build it. I'm literally retarded so please explain it to me as such.

I downloaded the .dll, but I don't know what to do with it and I don't know what to do with the rest of this stuff. How the fuck do I compile this shit? Do I have to download every one of these things individually and then compile them all together via the command line? I'm "your grandma trying to use the computer" level retarded when it comes to this. Please save me from my own ignorance, /g/

I'm on 64-bit pirated windows. Doubt that is relevant or helps much, but there you go.
How do you clean a monitor properly?
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My motherboard has 2 USB 3.1 headers and 4 USB 2.0 headers.
My case has 2 USB 3.0 ports and 2 USB 2.0 ports.
What do?
Soft cloth, rubbing alchohol or monitor cleaner. They sell kits, or you could repurpose an eyeglasses cleaning kit
Asking here because nobody replied in spg

I have the factory screen protector on my OP3T and it's a grease magnet. Does the curved glass protector have an oleophobic coating? If not is there a screen protector that does?

This is not rocket science.
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How do I set the MinGW installation folder in Eclipse (From C:\MinGW to C:\MinGW32 [I wanna keep both installations]). And how to install that MinGW GCC toolchain.


How to make a text editor (recommendations welcome) have some features eclipse has:
Autocomplete with Ctrl + space and, mainly, Ctrl + left_click on a include opens the file, on a variable takes me to its declaration...
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I thought the 3.1 might have to much... USB stuff for the 3.0 ports.
I always got the impression that "autism" on 4chan meant someone who knows too much tech and not enough human
I was sitting at my friends house the other day, and I was hit with an epiphany. While I was sitting in hit rocking chair, I had both my legs bent up with my feet on the seat of the chair. My right knee was down again the arm and my left knee was straight up. I noticed that just by rocking my upward knee left to right in counter balance with the rocking (left moved with the return, right propelled with the forward), I could build up and sustain momentum.
I believe somewhere in here is an idea for perpetual motion using either either two magnetic rings suspended by rocking posts. Or a sort of sphere with a magnetic ring inside which again, is suspended by rocking posts. The rings themselves, if designed well, could create a powerful magnetic field, and, if the rockers are hooked to generators, the perpetual motion could theoretically generate infinitely supplied energy. Just not a large amount.

Does any of that make sense or seem plausible to someone who has more technological knowledge than me? Has this been designed before?
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There are many different kinds of autism. It's more of a class of disorders charatcerized by a lack of certain neurotypical functions than any specific symptom or cause.

For example, I don't know what this bird means.
I know what autism is. I was talking about the vocabulary on this board. Words like autism, meme and botnet have non-literal meanings here.
That bird means business.

Not him but its just a fucking reaction image you sperglord.
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Explaining "autism" to someone with autism.
It's a reaction. Just look at its face. That's not autism, that's lack of basic analysis/over-thinking on your end.
>For example, I don't know what this bird means.
He thinks you're stupid. This is shown by the head being tilted forward resulting in the pupils being close to the eyelids, the upper eyelids being drawn to the bottom, the upper eyelids being straight, the lower eyelids being open, and the mouth being slightly open at the end and curved down.
Mostly the eyelids being straight I think though. It's an expression of being dumbfounded, seeing something extremely dumb.
By the way, I have "autism".
It's aus-ception. Which incidentally is also what happens when you visit little Australia.
Would it be wrong if I paired up Setsuna with Ryoma? Setsuna seems like a proper slut and Ryoma seems like the type who likes some disgusting shit in bed. They seem perfect for each other.
Is it weird being on this board/site? I always wondered what it was like to visit this degenerate hellhole if you're one of the minority groups it likes to bad-mouth.
>lack of basic analysis
>not "a lack of certain neurotypical functions"
Really revs up my WD Greens.
I don't give a fuck, they're just jokes really. And most of the time it's said when somebody overanalyzes something, which to me just sounds like a compliment.
Maybe that's the advantage of actually being autistic. I'd kill to really not give a fuck.
Thinking of upgrading my GPU but unsure whether go get a 1070 or a 980TI (Buying used btw) I have a 500w power supply currently and after using a calculator the most power draw with the 980ti would be 460W. Would this be safe or would it require a new PSU for overhead? The 1070 obviously uses less power but costs more
We're on a technology board, not an anatomy board.
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Is something like this an option in 4chanx?
Don't be dumb, don't buy a pi.

There are plenty of other ARM boards (Cubieboards, Banana PI etc etc) with
-faster processors
-more RAM
-integrated storage (usually with android preinstalled. Boot order starts with the SD card so you can install an OS on the card and leave the android alone should you need it later)
-SATA ports
-USB-independent gigabit ethernet (even if you cannot fully utilize the gigabit bandwidth if you can go to 150-200 Mbit/sec and above, it was already worth it)
-free and libre boot loader (raspi required broadcom-supplies proprietary crapware to boot)
-some boards have integrated bluetooth and/or wifi
No, only USA, NL, leafland, Germoney and Singapore.
in advanced options add this to the custom css.
.post {
max-width: 75%;
Did that, but I didn't have a lot of time with his phone.
The OS is 6.something so it is not that old.
I did not root his phone to so he could get 7.
The phone was bought last weekend, so the amount of sites he had visited is limited.
He only installed a handful of applications, so I assume the attack vector is the advertisement or one of the preinstalled applications.
I only run free software on my own phone, so I don't get advertisement and the software on the play store is not the same as the software on fdroid.
I thought it would be easier to just let him keep the stock OS and use the play store, but android is a steaming mess these days.
For some software blocking adobes activation servers in HOSTS file and then entering a "valid" CD key works.
It does seem like autism is one of those mental categories that is more likely to come with enhanced analytical intelligence/savant-ism. Like a redistribution of intellect. The less social bullshit distracts you, the more energy you have to focus on other shit
I'm probably not much less retarded than you but you probably want either the release or the nightly build

the dll is just a library which contains stuff in it

try libav-11.3-win64.7z, extract it and see what you've got
Is there a way to get two-finger scrolling on a Windows 7 laptop? I only see guides for Windows XP and Windows 8/8.1/10.
If you bough it used it's possible the previous owner could have fucked it up. If it's some pre-installed bloatware you could try disabling it. If lineageOS is available for that phone it would be a good way to go. If you root you could put adaway on there, although it would probably be better to look for the underlying problem.
Did you check the Synaptics driver program?
I want to set a custom css to always have the reply box be bigger in size. I had it this way, but lost the code.
#quickReply #qrForm input[type="text"], #quickReply #qrForm textarea {
width: 500px;
#quickReply #qrForm textarea {
height: 200px;
much obliged
If I copy my C: drive to a partition on another hard drive, wipe the original disk and change the type to GPT, and copy it back, will anything break?
It was bought in a store and if there was a previous owner, the factory reset was used.
I tried disable some of the preinstalled software, but the adware is not an app, so it is not listed anywhere I know where to look.
Which license should I use for my GitHub projects if I want:
1) people to say where they took their code from (i.e. my github)
2) force people to also make their code open source when using my snippet or w/e
My final year dissertation is going to be about autonomous mapping using drones. I know how I plan to develop the software, but I have no idea about the hardware. Can someone who knows the quadcopter market recommend me something that's:
>hackable - I need to be able to write my own software to control movement
>strong and stable
I read that already.

If I were to choose one based on my second point alone I'd go with AGPLv3, but I don't see in any of them anything about attribution.
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However retarded you think you are, you're significantly less retarded than I. It worked. Thanks.
Tried it. No visible effect or installation.
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Why /g/ is a completely useless POS?
Does Disk Recovery software exist that can recover .cs files?
I just assembled my first PC and it won't boot.
I got a b150m-d3h ddr4, an i5 7400, and 2 sticks of 8gb hyperx ram.

The CPU fan spins then stops after 15 seconds, and it doesn't have any display, what did I do wrong?
>2k watt
nigger I have a 1080 and an i7 and I use a 450w
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If I want to build a new PC today, from the ground up, am I better of picking up a 1700X or a 7700k? All I want to do is play video games and watch streams, probably at the same time. I'm really tempted by not buying into a dead socket and not having a chip that runs hot, but I don't really want to give up any noticeable performance or deal with the RAM issue.

Is there an obvious choice?
A 700 watt one
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I just rebuilt an old computer and need to know a couple of things.

>It is a Dell build, would a HP wireless card work for the motherboard attachment?

>What would be a good wireless AC adaptor for windows 10 use on a dell build, given the parts are an intel duo processor and DDr2 ram
I got a 700watt one, and tried to boot it with one stick of ram but it always ends up the same
model of your PSU? How much did you pay for it?
1. Make sure that your ram is plugged in all the way
2. Make sure that your CPU is properly seated
3. Make sure that you actually plugged in the 4-6 pin CPU power connector that's on the motherboard
This looks like it. Thank you.
Why do people here know so much about processors? Why do we need to know?
A Huntley PSU, I also have the 500 watt PWU that came with the case
>>60750468 (OP)
Why do people here know so much about processors? Why do we need to know?
What is the purpose of the RFID being put into new Intel chips being used to sell consumers and investors on the idea?
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>Why do people know/want to know a lot about the central and one of the most important part of a computer?

(((you))) tell me doc.
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So I'm going to move my shit from GitHub somewhere else. What should I choose? I know that GitLab and BitBucket are pretty popular, but maybe there's another option, preferably with free private repos?
I have an old IBM Thinkcentre S50 that I've recently started up again so I can play some windows 95/98 games. The problem is that there are no available drivers for it online. I went to Lenovos website to access the legacy support page, but they removed it, and Archive.org doesn't have any files. So my question is, is there ANY program out there that detects what drivers I need and downloads them? I know that there are all these adware ridden driver doctor things, but I know those won't help in the slightest.
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Vibration can damage my laptop or the hard disk?

I'm asking because on my desktop I have my laptop and a small stereo, and I usually like listen music with a high vibration in a way that I even can feel on my hand the vibration produced by sound waves.
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What monitor should I get and when?
Thinking of a 4k 32" G-sync monitor. Can't go to under 32" now after having a 32". Ideally I would get 1440p 144hz gsync but they are all small/super expensive/don't exist. Waiting until the end of the yer for new releases is a possibility.

Pic related.
Boot up any small, live linux distro, do an lspci and write down/save the output.

protip: if the machine cannot boot from USB/CD, you can use the PLOP boot floppy to boot from those mediums.
So I took my old IBM NetVista from my basement and I'm planning to put modern hardware inside. I found a matching board (ITX) and some nice beige drive bays.

All I'm struggling with is to find a tiny PSU fitting into that case. I measured it. It's 75 x 127 x 148 mm (height, width, length)
The most critical is the 75 x 127. It could go deeper (170 mm) because I will use no optical drive.

Does anyone know this standard or a PSU that could fit into the chassis?
if the vibration is not at this levels:

then it is probably harmless. If you are however pounding niggerbass at max volume then either stop that or move your laptop.
If I buy Kaspersky Total Security for three devices for three months, can I use the three-devices on my ONE computer, protecting myself for nine months? Or am I missing something?
Linux Mint 18.1, using a dark as my soul theme. How do I fix this eyesore in Firefox?

Google is not helping, tried a bunch of userstyles but it doesn't fully fix the problem, if anything it makes it even uglier because some parts remain black.
you could try disabling system colors in options -> content -> colors
Can anyone post that pastbin with the uncucked windows 7 and daz?
My lumia 1020 is not being recognized, not even acknowledged by no computer of mine.
There isn't even any entry to the device manager.
Any ideas? I'm on windows 7.

>inb4 get a real phone
no u
Should I give a fuck about Active Directory for my small company ?

We have to buy a Windows for a software, and we're wondering if we buy a Pro or Server editions.
The only relevant thing we could need on the Server version is AD (everything else is moslty on Linux servers).

Should we invest in a real NAS if we have Seafile deploy on 10 laptops and a backup ?
It was already disabled, but anyway, toggling the options in that page doesn't make any difference.
>for my small company ?

No. Use enterprise on your machine, leave the rest for linux server.

NAS sounds like a good idea too.
Try a different usb port / a different computer
Check if cable works correctly
How do i download all the pics from a board in archived.moe? I'm on windows btw.
i had a similiar problem back in the day, there should be a "Windows host for interface" thing or something like that, it has a grey icon?, in the task manager's processes tab.
Can't remember the name. but try killing that instead
We'll probably end with a LTSB but I can't find where we can buy a license.
I guess we'll have to call Microsoft ...

A small NAS (2 bay RAID1) for the Seafile server would be enough ?

>>for my small company ?
What's the point of AD ? The only thing I've seen is for deploying printer with GPO.
Download Them All
Pick your botnet
>replace system32 with dolphin porn
>windows 7 fixes it in 30 minutes
it's not even fun anymore

about the NAS: you should know the amount of storage space your company needs. If you plan to store large CAD projects, videos, every single version of files for the past 5 years you need a lot of space. If you just need something like a network folder for docs less space with redundancy (R1 as you said) should be enough

AD is for large companies where they need all kinds of weird and complex access control and there are dozens of roles, user groups, workgroups, departments etc.
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How feasible is it to clone an android system into an image and just copy the whole thing into an Android virtual machine?
My computer doesn't turn on. I hit the power button, a fan whirrs for 2 seconds, stops, and starts again in a continuous loop. Nothing on screen. After some googling, people were saying it's probably the power supply. Does that sound right? Should I just do the paperclip test and if it doesn't work, just get a new one?
Usually the way these packs work is that all the licenses start when you activate one of them.
Whats the best (or lightest) open source software for changing video/music formats (like extracting sound from mp4/avi to mp3) that works under Windows?

Mother asked lately for some music to listen on her car radio but it only accept mp3 files.
>The literal thing that computes
>Primary brain of computer
>Stats make massive difference in performance
>Different features are critical for different things
>Knowing exactly what features you need can save you hundreds
>Improvements are made across the board whenever possible, so no one stat can tell the whole story
You don't have to know, you just need to know someone who does.
ffmpeg. For flac to mp3 use LAME instead at V0 or 256kbps
Virtually impossible, no pun intended.
I tried multiple usb ports, cables, and computers. I made sure all the drivers were installed too.
I got a simple python script from someone to move Hearthstone screenshots from the desktop, convert them to a high quality .jpg and store them in a certain folder.

I want to modify it to have it automatically make it store screenshots in the folder corresponding to the current season. Where april 2014 = season 1.

I'd also like to have it name the folder Season n [full month name] [ year].

After copying some stuff off the internet I get a weird error message and I obviously don't know what I'm doing.

require 'FileUtils'
require 'rubygems'
require 'RMagick'

from datetime import datetime

def diff_month(d1, d2)
return (d1.year - d2.year) * 12 + d1.month - d2.month

currentseason = assert diff_month(date.today(), datetime(2014,4,1))


png_dir = Dir["D:/Libraries/Desktop/Hearthstone*.png"]
png_dir.each do |filename|
name = File.basename(filename, ".png")

xname = name[0..22]
yr = name[29..30]
mn = name[23..24]
dy = name[26..27]
yname = name[31..39]
newname = xname + yr +"-"+ mn +"-"+ dy + yname
dest_folder = "J:/Libraries/internet_archive/games/hearthstone/converted_screenshots/ungoro/currentseason/#{newname}"

img = Magick::Image.read(filename).first
# puts img.format
img.write(dest_folder + ".jpg")
img = Magick::Image.read(dest_folder + ".jpg").first
# puts img.format
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Hey /g/,

My in-laws need a new PC so I've been looking for something as cheap as possible. All they do is check emails and go on YouTube so they just need the bare minimum.

I've noticed this Workstation is on sale for 230 shekels on Newegg. Would this be good for just browsing with the price in consideration?

Can I setup a VM in an external hard drive?
>there: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/WindowsForBusiness/buy
So if I understand correctly, we have to pay montly if we go with their "Cloud Solution Provider Program (CSP)", or we have to find a retailer in our area that will sell us one license ?
Why the fuck is this so difficult to buy something than pirating ....

We have less than 500 GB of vital data at the moment, so 1 TB R1 should be enough for the moment.
If I want a cheaper raspberry pi 3 alternative, what should I go for?
Don't need built-in wireless or bluetooth
I know I should probably ask this on /biz/ but they don't seem to have a running thread similar to /sqt/

With the price of Bitcoin going up right now, let's say at a steady rate of 5% per week, if I invest $1,000 in coins does that mean I'll make $50 profit just like that or is there some hidden agenda that I fail to see?
This is overkill for checking emails and jewtube
If you feel like you may want to start learning and shit then go for it, else get a netbook.
No vm client doesn't allow you
So yes.
What do you run? Hyper-V? VMWare? VBox? qemu-kvm? ...pocketdos for windows mobile?
Haven't set it up anything yet. I have to clean up my hard drive.
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can anyone tell me how much dedicated video RAM does an i3 6100 have?

i want to know if i can run a game that needs 2048MB of video RAM.
Should I be worried if my GPU fan just randomly got really damn loud for a few second then calmed down?
Just a quick rundown on how to:
VMWare: Save the VM folder in the drive and open the VM file from the computer you try to virtualize on, or set it up on a shared folder
Hyper-V: Shared folders? (Haven't really used hyper-v too much), or just get Windows Server and set up a Hyper-V RDP machine
Vbox: Should be the same as vmware
qemu: Just place the hard disk file and a text document which contains the command to run the machine with the right settings.
I can recommend cubieboards.

-real ethernet, not USB based
-has SATA port for file server or light workstation with HDD purposes
-has integrated storage, preloaded with android but usable as generic storage.
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I've got a crazy question that I've spent ~7 hours trying to search/figure out.

How do you overlay a scrollbar onto an image?

I'm designing a desktop application (using Electron) that needs to display a full-sized image, but still allow the user to scroll it.
Pic related on the left is what the scrollbar looks like now. On the right is the scrollbar completely disabled. I want to display thinner, grayish mac-style scrollbars onto the image.
Right now, the track automatically creates an extra ~20 pixels outside of the DOM to allocate for the scrollbar. Because it's outside the DOM, I can do fuck-all to place it onto the image.

I've found a couple dozen stackoverflow questions somewhat related to this answer, but none of them are specifically about this problem.

FYI, Electron is the chromium engine stripped down heavily to create desktop apps using NodeJS and standard web tech (HTML, CSS, etc).
Is it normal for a laptop CPU to have a really high temperature?
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>Electron is the chromium engine stripped down heavily
What temperature we're talking about?
But yeah, mobile CPUs usually run hotter than desktop counterparts due to physical constraints of the cooling.
>Why the fuck is this so difficult to buy something than pirating ....

If they sold Enterprise in stores, a lot of people would just buy it because that's one of the few win10 editions that at least pretends to not fuck you up with ads and forced mememetry.
M8, I really don't want to start a flamewar over this.
It's shit, but the last GUI framework I tried using was JavaFX.
I feel like I got AIDS from that. Anything is better.
>using Electron
You don't deserve to get an answer.
It's fine.
It's a lose/lose.
I could tell you I'm using Electron, or I could tell you I'm trying to re-style website toolbars.
I'm the only one in my company with a Pro version, I had to bullshit the RDP component for my job on some server yada yada.
I did not find any customers with a Pro version, no one know the differences (at least in France).
I don't understand why I can't just go to Microsoft shop to buy this fuckin Entreprise license ...
I have dyslexia, and incredibly poor math skills. Does this make coding impossible? I can barely work HTML well.
is this site safe to download windows from? anyone use it before?
Current system is an athlon x4 860k @ 4.6GHz (1.36v) & GTX 660
I found a listing on crayygslist for an i7 950 system, and I'm considering the following option
>sell current system
>buy i7 950 system
>buy Xeon X5650
>fill it with as much ram as the motherboard supports

Would it really be worth it to try? As a much cheaper alternative to something like Ryzen, would this be worth it?
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Do you guys use a tablet/laptop alongside your desktop PC? Which one should I get if I want it to be small, cheap and capable of browsing the web, watching youtube, etc. ? But still able to hold at least 50gb of files...

I was looking at chrome books, specifically the C201 (https://www.amazon.ca/Chromebook-11-6-Inch-Rockchip-Quad-Core-Processor/dp/B00VUV0MG0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1496691242&sr=8-1&keywords=c201), and then realized they don't have a HDD. ayylmaoo what do i do.
I want to sell the computer I've had for over a year, as I plan on going for a low-power 6/7th gen NUC or something, would anyone be able to give realistic values on roughly how much it'd be worth buying used?
My computer is pretty much this - https://pcpartpicker.com/list/sMTxKZ
Looking at prices, it's not worth much, but I bought it for $650 (including shipping) over a year ago if it helps, and I've kept it in good condition other than a little dust in the back corner on the bottom, which is a simple spray/brush out.
Thanks for any help
I forgot about the 1TB 7200RPM 32MB Hitachi drive, and some cheap shitty case.
Sure. If you look a little harder though, you can find a better Xeon for dirt cheap on ebay. Although, obviously the craigslist build won't support it.

Hi tech support, I'm having some troubles with the chans. Replies aren't showing up on posts, and when I hover over a reply, it highlights the reply as deleted, but I can click on it just fine. It worked fine two days ago, using Pale Moon (or Firefox, fuck off)
Some roudy looking nigs just moved in a few houses down. What are some good security camera setups that can spot them at night and and has hd quality in the day?
Should hopefully support the Xeon, but that's a matter of trying it. Also I mainly said X5650 as an example, as it's a cheap enough 6-core with still viable performance for ghetto media server (7 people in the house on it often)
If the Xeon turns out incompatible, I'd probably jump to i7 970
Thanks for the response, anon. Not sure how to help with your question, as I use vanilla Opera
>i7-2760QM 2.40GHz
>2GB Nvidia GT540M
>Fan constantly running
I only use it for browsing, movies, music and pictures. Do I need an upgrade /g/?
If it's just for a media server, it should be fine. In fact, the i7 might be good enough. How much are you paying? If you look on ebay and sort by price, you can find some xeons for $2. Obviously they aren't powerful enough for what you need, but this is just an example.

>$35 shipped

Of course, use the i7 if it works.
Open it and dust it, then replace CPU/GPU paste
Fuck sorry I forgot to mention that it's a laptop Dell XPS 15 that's 6 years old. I'm torn between buying a new one and keeping the same laptop.
How do I get the internet from my external hard drive to work from another computer?
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>the internet from my external hard drive
I don't know what you want me to say. Idk about computers.
I plug it in and it doesn't work.
Try harder. You are using words that don't mean things.
When I try to SSH into my team's remote dev host, I do
>ssh myname@ourhost1
and enter my own password when prompted. It authenticates me and signs me into my home directory (/home/myname/), but it signs me in as otherguy@ourhost1. Googling is getting me nowhere and our helpdesk doesn't know what's going on. Is there anything I can do to fix this myself this without changing the host's configuration, or do I just need to wait on someone else on that end of things to figure out what they've done wrong?
Try harder how? I don't know what other words to use. I said exactly what was wrong.

I have an external hard drive.
I plug it into another computer and try to connect to internet. Internet does not work.
Unplug the hard drive and try to use the internet.
If it still doesnt work, do you think it has anything to do with a hard drive?
Don't be stupid.
how can i get this symbol to show in firefox on arch?

what font includes it and where do i add it in /etc/fonts/ ?
Okay, let me understand...

You have a networked computer with an external hard drive plugged into it.
You have another networked computer somewhere else, and want to access the files on the original external hard drive.

Is that right?
I can access all the files from both computers. The only thing I am unable to access from the other computer is the internet, that is what I'm looking to fix.
Are third party defragglers better than the W7 built in? Im trying Auslogics Disk Defrags, it says one of my hard drives has 19% fragmentation while the built in one says its 0%.

Using the contig.exe tool it says many of my vdi files are fragmented too.
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For reference, here's an example scrollbar design that works fine. However, as you scroll to the far right, the ugly white trackbar has created some extra space past the image.
Connecting the hard drive to computer A disconnects you from browsing websites like amazon on computer B?
The internet is not stored on your external hard drive.
Not a fan of my current wifi card. Should I try a power line adapter or try a new pcie wifi card?
You don't need to worry about it. Windows built in is fine. Minor splits in files is no problem. There's no reason to get nitpicky, 3rd party programs are just looking for a reason to appear worth while.
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Maybe it is...
I can access internet on computer A but on computer B when I plug the drive in I have never been able to access the internet such as amazon.
Which computer are you attaching the hard drive to?
Computer B.
how the fuck do i make neodownloader grab all the images from the folder above and below?
Then "A" has nothing to do with this. How does B connect to the internet? Built in wifi? Usb wifi stick? Ethernet cable?
Built in to the computer, or with a USB stick you plug in like a flashdrive?
It's built in to the computer.
Does anyone know good Word, Excel tutorials, books? Tired of helping my parents with that crap
Software need to be compiled because of the specific hardware a user might has.

If that's the case, why don't developer put a compiler into the installer ?
Do you have some USB ports that are blue, and others that are not?

It doesn't seem to make a difference except for my aspect ratio.
Is using my Thinkpad 420 for a Win7 machine a bad idea, and if so, should I install a linux distro to use instead?

>get a thinkpad off Ebay from some guy that buys old business laptops and sells em for ~100, in great condition
>battery is shit, get a new one
>buy a decent SSD, remove the useless optical drive
>laptop runs great, but has about 2-2.5 hours of battery life from a full charge unless I set the brightness to like 1 and set the processor to some ungodly shit speed

I just had windows to use the laptop as a work machine while I finished my degree up, now that I'm graduated I don't really need it for anything other than a comfy shitposting machine
Start telling people you don't help others with computer problems. Life will improve dramatically.
Is it beneficial to get an R5 1600x instead of R5 1600 if I'm overclocking and already have a hyper 212 evo?
Already doing that senpai, just want my dad to learn something.
It is possible that plugging the drive into a blue port disables your internet. You should try the other ones. Also if your hard drive came with a cable that has an extra USB on one end (called a Y cable), try using that. If the drive came with a power cord to plug into the wall make sure and use that.

Alas, I have been somewhat suspicious that you are bait, and that 'aspect ratio' comment pushed me over the edge. So this is where we part ways. If you do have a real problem (other than boredom) I wish you the best of luck.
How come the appdata folder doesn't show up under my user file? I can navigate to it just fine by typing it directly into the address bar but when I go to my User folder it doesn't show.
How do you execute a command line .exe tool in a drive other than C: as admin?
My ISP is literally costing me money right now (over $10 an hour). Their upload servers are so shit that I can't even upload a 400 kb file without the server timing out.

Is there a way to bypass this? I can download files just fine, in fact I'm watching a Youtube video right now, but I can't upload anything at all until its fixed.
By default Windows hides the things you can't be trusted with from you. A quick web search will tell you how to make those hidden files visible.
You can start the command line as an admin and just drag and drop the .exe in.

Alternatively you can "cd" unto the other drive (e.g cd /d E:\ will change directory to "E:\").

If want to start it by typing the name without changing directory you need to add it to the environmental variables.
Thanks, what does /d do?
I guess it stands for drive.
You have to specify it though, otherwise you won't be able to hop over.
I see, thanks senpai.
Anyone have experience with typing Japanese characters with an ANSI keyboard? Especially compared to JIS, but just in general is good too.
If you never had a job as programmer, how do you know when are you ready to apply for a job?
Can someone post that pic of the /g/ phone? I remember it had a guitar amp, a gentoo/arch switch and maybe a hotpocket cooker.
When you stop laughing at /dpt/ and feel depressed when looking at it.
How do you properly equalize your audio? I've installed an equalizer and messed around a bit but how do i know what is really "good"?
I think you need special equipment to measure your speakers or headphones actual analog sound output, when they are actually neutral you can say that's when they're properly equalized.

Or simply when you like the sound but I suppose you're referring to having a neutral sound as it's meant to be.
yea, that'll work
modern power buttons are just momentary switches, that is, the circuit is closed only while the button is held in
so you can split it up as much as you like, and any (momentary) button will work
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If all the ISPs blocked port 80 and port 443 then would no one be able to access websites over a wide area network?
Is there any good open source torrent client?
Thanks anon!
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I used qBittorrent and my internet access turned off? Anyone else have this happen? Is my ISP doing it?
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Over past years I received two mails (one a letter, on an email) about pirating stuff. Will this work: https://youtube.com/watch?v=-b2cAEOtZ2Q - "How to hide your Torrents from your ISP"
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Can archive.is archive more than 1000 web pages from a domain? I've never seen than. (close: http://archive.is/www.scribd.com)

for example;
ffmpeg -i <anything> -c:a libmp3lame -q:a 2 output.mp3
Bought a pair of stereo speakers (micca mb42) to use for my television and game console/Blu-ray player. What amp/reciever can I get for cheap to get them to work? Also any useful vids on how to set them up. First result on YouTube is a dude immediately saying he doesn't know what he's doing.
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