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/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General

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Thread replies: 37
Thread images: 11

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This thread is for the discussion of NyaaPantsu (nyaa.pantsu.cat), a free (FOSS) torrent indexer.
The aim of this project is to write a fully featured nyaa.se replacement in golang that anyone will be able to deploy locally or remotely.


>Why is Pantsu down/error 502?
Most likely because the team is deploying changes. Wait for a bit and refresh the page. It should be mostly stable now.

>Nyaa works!
>Sukebei is in the process of being fixed
>Categories and searching works on master
>Filelists are implemented but need to be made hideable and tree view
>People are working on improving search and making it faster.
>Sukebei and nyaa accounts will be the same.
>New theme will be added.
>Daily db dumps possibly later today/tomorrow.
>Gravatar will be removed and replaced.
>Mascots will be customizable.
>Site status page has been added!

Links --
Nyaa clones:
*nyaa.si (most reliable since devs previously worked on nyaa.se)
*nyaa.pantsu.cat (/g/+/a/ project; db is up to date)
*sukebei.pantsu.cat (porn version of the above; db is up to date, but close to 1 year of JAV was lost)
*nyoo.moe (redirects to nyaa.pantsu.cat)
*nyaa.rip (uses old nyaa DB, unknown owner)
*sukebei.nyaa.rip (same as above)

Nyaa alternatives:

Local Client:
>An anon made a local client in case the online sources are down: instructions and download at
qBittorrent plugin for Pantsu.

Development roadmap:

NyaaPantsu Status:

Development and discussion channel:
>#nyaapantsu on Rizon
First for bears.
fuck off herkz
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who would win?
A bear or Bear?
>makes a thread when the old one is still on page 3
>nyaa.si in the op
saged and reported
neck yourself, dumb cuck
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weeeeeeew OP you really triggered the pantsufags this time

Good job lmao
How can you guys convince me that pantsu is good when every time I go there it's always down??
Pantsu are best when they are down around the kneecaps.


Good joke fellow re:d:d:t:or
Off topic post.

We're here to talk about nyaa.
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>they still haven't switched over to the superior site
I know right? I can't believe they STILL use that unreliable pantsu thing.
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>offtopic post
>in an offtopic thread
>pantsuposters desperately trying to convince themselves that everyone who disagrees with them is "le cartel shill"

I feel sorry for these kids and their autism
>nyaa.si doesn't even have comments
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the legend of amm.png
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reminder that nyaa.si devs spy on users
reminder that nyaa.si is run by the cartel who are only in it for the sheckels
they need a monopoly because they don't want to loose that precious ad revenue
>post something totally UNRELATED
>claim an open source site spies on users

Didn't think pantsu could stoop any lower than shilling lies on 2ch but here we go once more
>nyaa.si (most reliable since devs previously worked on nyaa.se)
Thank you for this information, pantsu.cat was going down all the time.
Maybe you should stop going to 4chan as well!
Thread IDs when?
reminder that nyaa.si is run by SJW's and mentally ill trannies
What are you on about?
reminder that Jaka is herkz's cum dumpster
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reminder that these are actual nyaa.si shills
Stop giving ((((((them))))))) attention
Are finns to blame for the shitposting in these threads?
No, it is the kebabs.
Well I did my part. Now let's hope the mods and hiro listen.
nyaa.si doesn't have this problem
they CAN'T use it because the most part of the day that shit is always offline kek, pantsufags are really pathetic
Don't post in this shill thread

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tomoko confused.jpg
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Why does this picture look like it has chromatic aberration?

Fuck off desu.
Why? Scared to be caught samefagging?
Thread posts: 37
Thread images: 11

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