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Previous thread: >>59478933

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>What distro should I choose?

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What is the most retardproof distro? Need it for my mom's computer, she'll be using it for browsing faceberg and doing menial elementary teacher work.
Debian, Ubuntu or Mint. Personally I'd go with debian, as it's the most stable of the three and is very easy to upgrade (it also only gets updated less than once a year). It should work on most hardware. Ubuntu may be a little easier if she needs to install any extra software without your help after you install it.
ubuntu LTS
elementary os
/for elementary needs/
Just go for Ubuntu/Fedora.
Good morning chaps, does anyone know of any good resources for configuring AppArmor/SELinux? I want to secure my system as much as i can but both of these are so complex, I currently have Debian Sid w/GrSec patched kernel, but would like some form of MAC aswell
>GrSec patched kernel
>would like some form of MAC aswell

gradm? There are tutorials on arch and gentoo wikis as per usual
And this ofc https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Grsecurity/The_RBAC_System
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type this into a terminal to get comfy:
curl -Ls git.io/hotcoffee | sh
>suppressing messages
>blindly following redirects
>directly piping into shell without inspecting the source
>executing code with a bunch of non-ASCII chars and an infinite loop
Yeah nah.
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>posting cool terminal commands before I post pic related
inspect the source all you like my friend.
oops i forgot to post that image first and samefag it
>this isn't a webm
boycot redhat
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Is there a raisin to use grub2 when syslinux exists?
>randomurl | sh
yeah no kys
here is you (You) now fuck off back to sucksmore.org
mpv is the best music player.
Prove me wrong.
no. ncmpcpp is.
>mpd, mopidy and local files
>sensible, customisable cli interface
Can't. That said, it's also the best image viewer. Sadly I've still feh installed because it's the only program that somehow draws the wallpaper over the root window, even when compositors are enabled. Is there any better alternative?
Why does imagemagicks display -window root not work when compton is enabled?
What are the benefits over mpv, other than having a interface that shows the current playlist? I used mpd/ncmpcpp before, but to be honest, do you really watch a player playing playlists all the time?
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imagemagick draws on the root window, feh draws above the root window
mpv is nice because it supports literally everything, inclusive my tracker chiptunes music, but a music related interface like ncmpccp would be nice.
Not even trollang.

Swiched yesterday, and syslinux is fucking awesome compaired to grub. Want to know if it has any niggers to it.
this isn't the 80s
deadbeef master race
see >>59493383
You listen to music, you don't watch music playing. You hit play and do other things. Interfaces are bloat and useless.

mpv shows you stats, tags, everything you need to know and you can move on with whatever you're doing.
ncmpcpp lets you queue files more conveniently, meaning you fuck about for less time when you want to listen to different stuff.
why are there so many trannies in the FOSS world?
there really aren't that many just in free software it's just her and the tranny that the fsf fired. There do seem to be a fair amount in tech/software in total because of the culture of silicon valley etc enabling it.
>the leah drama
I still don't know who to trust.
A tranny who talks in third person on the website about gnu being transphobic or rms who said that all this shit is fud.
Are there any news about the libreboot/gnu drama?
I just use mpd without ncmpcpp
echo 'listall\nclose' | nc localhost 6600
echo 'addid "Bleach_-_Life_is_Like_a_Boat.mp3"\nclose' | nc localhost 6600
echo 'playlist\nclose' | nc localhost 6600
echo 'play 0\nclose' | nc localhost 6600
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>Ello, me name is Leah
Why cant we have hot traps?
Being hot costs money and you need to start early with dem medics.
I use this and can confirm
Try this, bash only.
mpdc() { 
exec 3<> /dev/tcp/localhost/6600;
printf "${@:-currentsong}\nclose\n" 1>&3;
cat 0<&3 | sed '1d;$d'
Whoever keeps changing the subject to avoid filters deserves a slow and painful death, fuck you.
wew, I always forget that "type function" adds these semicolons; they're not needed here.
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>censoring yourself instead of telling shit to fuck off
you filterfags deserve it
Install Windows 8.1
Anything else would be immediately regretted
Not that much. Guys working for libreboot told leah to not speak in their names and to not take decisions alone

We probably won't know what happenned, but it's not like it is important
It's just attention whoring 101
If I recally correctly, the only thing that degenerate does is merge other people's commits to libreboot
the thing is, even if someone at the fsf is a bad guy, leah should have insulted him instead of the whole fsf, gnu and stallman

it's pretty much possible that theres some bad guy everywhere, but what leah did is even worse
So tell me how you can trust a foundation that is closing it's eyes when transphobia happens?
>comment field is literally the same

just filter comments you ookin dooker.
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don't be blasphemic; god has spoken
I'm using libreboot however what happened. Fight me.
is freebsd the last step (aside from building your own system?
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The last step is to run a free as in freedom distro as endoresed by th FSF.
Are there any that are usable by humans?
If you like debian/apt based systems: Trisquel.
If you like pacman/arch based systems: Parabola.
I didn't try any of the other distros, next to GuixSD, which is, by the way, absolutly ebin, but not really ready for daily use.
thanks m8
can confirm, guix is wonderful (especially the package manager), can't await the first realase
sadly somehow the development seems as slow as the hurd development (?)
Nah, the HURD development isn't a primary project and not many people are working on it, they just do it for the fun. GuixSD is in active development.
what are the basic differences between guix and nixos? pleb here, I only tired guis so far
Trying to get my Radeon 6950 to work on Gentoo. I followed the guides here, https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Radeon here, https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/AMDGPU and here, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Gentoo_Installation_Guide
And while using `startx` will start an x session on my monitors, my mouse and keyboard never show up so I have to restart to close.
Anyone know how to fix this? The wiki says manual configuration should be an absolute last resort, so I figured I am missing something simple.
Nevermind, I'm retarded. I forgot to rebuild my kernel with the new config file (went with default.conf instead of radeon.conf)
Always remember to `make && make modules_install`
and also `grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg`
What's wrong with systemd again?
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This shit is what I get for installing Windows fonts on my GNU/Linux. If I hadn't, the fallback icons wouldn't look as bad as this.
People's usual complaints are that it does too much for its initial premise as an "init system"
It has had a ton of feature creep since its initial release and people don't like that breaking of "unix philosophy"
Then you have the odd memer every now and then that calls it an unauditable botnet.
it took my wife and kids then left!
which meme should i fall for?

slackware or arch with openbox?
Hello, /g/, sorry this is not my home board so apologies if wrong place...
I have a shell script, which I want to activate with touch of button(even if I am in GUI and don't have terminal open. How to make program(or any existing program) which does this?
Basically, if I press a special key on keyboard, it does "emulates the shortcut key to open terminal, it terminal types in predefined text to open script". I think in windows there is auto hot key or something, so how to make this in linux? Thankyou.
Also does everyone here use "gentoo" why here always everyone is asking to install "gentoo"?
git gud
Forgive me, but I'm afraid I'm not using Arch Linux. Is there a way to do this using Fedora?
What is the basic design intent of IPC?
Or What is the use-case of IPC where is it used.
It is one of the neccessity of video games?
How many process run when I play witcher 3?
This is imposter.
Sorry Im not very good with computers. Thank for help
Thanks anon you are life saver
So am I supposed to be clearing out the "USE=" variable in /etc/portage/make.conf every time I install something new or does it matter?
No, you add whatever USE flags you need to enable per package in /etc/portage/package.use
And have all global USE flags in make.conf - the ones you need to enable for every/almost every package that has them
you should probably read the wiki for portage, before its too late
Alright, I've been using Peppermint. We all know how if in mint, you type in Root and it'll ask for root user stuff, right?

Yeah, that doesn't work here.
So I need to ask for a netbook, yes, netbook, what would the least intensive GUI and processor intensive distro with support for Ubuntu package center and all those programs?

We're talk 2 gigs and a celeron here, with 32Gig EMMC flash. I don't exactly have a lot of wiggle room and peppermint is a shit.
Ububtu server edition -> some light WM like b2wm or i3.
ubuntu netinst + some light DE ?
Is there a difference between
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt update
? Both of them downloaded some stuff so it has to be different right?
What are the advantages of using an independent WM over a standard DE?
No difference. Apt-get and apt provide different sets of available commands (apt has something from apt-cache I think) but the same commands (update/upgrade/autoremove/remove/install) all perform the same shit in both
Well, here's the problem. If it's server I can bet it'll be Terminal. Plus netinst doesn't sound like it'd be GUI packed. So if anything i'd not know what to do if I get in.

Plus just looking at the instructions seems a lot out of my league, I just got into linux. Plus I kinda gotta agree with Stallman's point with Canonical sometimes.
I mean, I'm open to other suggestions too.
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Does anyone knows what can be problem here?
Transmission cli wont start downloading, i picked some random song which had lot of seeders and shit aint starting.
Same problem is with any file.
>I need to use program like transmission-cli, program that can run in background and it is cli
netinst has a GUI installer, you just can pick what's going to be installed, so it's a bit less bloated (probably won't save much since dependencies are still the same - but if you don't need some software that goes with Lubuntu or Xubuntu - excluding it will save space)
Tbh just try installing {l,x}ubuntu maybe (16.04 or even 14.04)
Let's assume it's too late, what can I do to restore the original USE? I have been re-writing it since the start without any errors appearing until now that I am trying to install Firefox.
I tried L.Ubuntu once and the software repositories were bare to the bones. I could look at it again but I may give X.Ubuntu a shot, since I know XFCE has a bit of lightweight to it (Used mint for a time, actually was good.)
best distro to stop gubbament?

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I'm trying out the Debian lxde live install but I cannot connect to the wifi using wicd. I'm using a campaq cq42 laptop. Can anybody help me?
Hey /fglt/, I need your expertise for a sec.

A few days ago my drive shit itself. Fortunately a few weeks back I installed Linux Mint 18.1 on a USB, so I booted from that. And by installed I don't mean burning the .iso on the USB, but actually installing the whole system on it. Only one problem - it's laggy as fuck and freezes sometimes.

Now, it can't be my specs, even if it's a laptop with i5 [email protected] and 6gb RAM it's still above Mint's recommended specs. Can't be the lack of space either, it's a 32gb drive with 5.7 assigned to swap (which as I understand is both too much and uneccesary considering my RAM).
So I tried tweaking it a bit, so far I've done:
-Installed updates
-Checked "Additional Drivers" and installed proprietary Intel microcode
-Disabled some window effects in Mint plus some other tweaks according to this guide https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/mint-cinnamon-first
-Checked System Monitor, there''s no memory or processor usage spikes at all, it's all running nicely even during the freezing.
-It freezes even when not browsing the internet, just checking local files
The only thing I can suspect is the fact that I'm running it through a USB, but that can't really be the case, as the lag here makes it unusable and pretty much every IT guy has a "portable desktop" on their keychain for troubleshooting.

Also, last but not least, I've tried switching to Ubuntu MATE, thinking it must be the DE, and I had the same problems. Switched to Xubuntu and it's still the same, even after a through wipe (and deleting the partitions of past installs) I get lag. Any ideas?
if you didn't use 'euse -E' removing all use flags should be good enough
It's probably because it's on a USB. Unless it's 3 or 3.1, you're gonna be in the shitter. Even then. the databus restrictions can cause a bad botttleneck and BAM - Overflows and crashes. You best move it over to a cheap 128GB SSD before you shit that Flash Drive out.

Also, just for a tip, if you want a rescue system, get fucking HiRens. I can't state this enough. Even my old IT teacher let me get it for testing. Hirens is the best rescue system but USB is not your friend for any OSs to run off of except ones that are extremely simple.
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can someone help me fix wine?

I installed a .msstyle theme file and got this.
The theme option only shows one thing on the list '(No Theme)' and nothing else.

I just wanna rice wine. Anyone have a working .theme / .msstyles file?
What about Emacs then?
Serious question: how do you like Gentoo compared to whatever you used to have as a main OS?
Sorry for the noob question, but how do I install wine 2.0 on Linux Mint? I added the official repository "ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa", updated, and running "sudo apt-get install wine2.0" gives me this:

E:Unable to locate package wine2.0
E:Couldn't find any package by glob 'wine2.0'
E:Couldn't find any package by regex 'wine2.0'
How do I change DE on Manjaro? I want to test out XFCE. I installed XFCE and all of it's dependencies with pacman, yet when I go to the loigin screen (restart or not) it is not giving an option to change DE. I tried installing Gnome too but the same issue arised.
Thanks, I really appreciate it.

Coming from Windows without much *nix experience it is a pretty steep learning curve, but making mistakes and fixing them is part of the fun. This is just an extended weekend project that I am hoping to turn into my daily driver.
emerge is interesting, and I don't quite grasp all of its arguments or how to read its errors yet, but it's fun!
I would only recommend it to another newbie like myself if they were in it for learning and fun though, because getting it set up coming from an ignorant background like mine makes this process very time consuming.
For instance, I am currently trying to get ffmpeg installed on my system, and it is failing to start because of "unmet requirements." I am currently going through old forum posts and trying to decipher what the man pages are trying to tell me to do, but once I figure this out everything should be smooth sailing.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for the response, anon.
Gentoo is arguably one of the hardest distros, you could have started with an easier one to accommodate yourself to the world of GNU/Linux.
I want to install a meme distro, solus or sabayon ? Or there's distros even more dank?
>ubuntu gnome 16.10
firefox scrollbars are double and are misplaced
how to make them normal
Arya from GoT?
If this only happens in Firefox, it maybe a problem with Firefox and not Ubuntu GNOME.
Way more meme-y than that
>The name Arya(pronounced ar-yuh) came to my mind because "this" was Indian, made in India and in the ancient times Aryavarth is what India used to be called because of the great aryan civilization which flourished here. In all its Indian-ness AryaLinux is my contribution to the Open Source world.
If he was going for Indian-ness, he should've called it Poo-in-Loonix.
I chose Gentoo specifically because it is said to be harder than others, for the purposes of really learning it! I think I could get up and running really quickly on something like Ubuntu or Fedora, but I would not understand remotely how it works that way and that is what I was going for. Building it from the ground up (even if just reading from the wiki and making minor adjustments) feels like I learned a lot more than just plug and play.
Plus it seems to have a better wiki than Arch. If I could learn how to make compilation run faster it would be great, emerge's load averages never go over 5.00 on my machine.
>emerge's load averages never go over 5.00 on my machine
3-4 is about 100% load for a 4-core cpu
At 5 if you have a 4-core you have stalling tasks.
NVM this guide helped me.


i suggest you use the link above if you wanna rice wine... anyway I think you should install these instead:
wine-mono (optional if you want to use wangdows dotnet)
what's your server distro of choice /fglt/?

Looking for something stable but with relatively up to date packages. I use fedora on my laptop but I'm not sure I'd want to deal with short release cycles.
gentoo, and no not calculate. plain gentoo
I have Gentoo Hardened running and so far only using dillo and fluxbox to test if it works. I'm now trying to consider which WM or DE and which web browser I should emerge. I'm thinking maybe lxde, xfce, or mate or just stick with fluxbox because its extremely lightweight. I use xfce on ubuntu lts and I like i, just wondering if Im missing out on something better.

Also why the fuck is the chromium source tar over 500MB?
it is not a problem with firefox because scrollbars are normal with firefox from mozilla's ftp on not ubuntu gnome
i think the bigger size is intentional i saw a bug reppost/complaint or two
the issue is the scrollbars are away from the screen edge
Did it work before or is this first time trying?
How does one get rid of coredumps with systemd?
On one hand, coredumpctl is kinda cool because it keeps dumps for past crashes that I can analyze later but on the other hand I've got now over a hundred of dumps that I no longer need and I'd like to purge them.
it worked long time ago, i didnt used it for a long time but now it is not.

Now i noticed something, when i specify where i want files to be saved shit aint working
>specify Downloads folder
When i just let it download without specs shit is working but it need like 2 minutes to start downloading and then speed is normal.
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I had the same problem with Transmission GTK, it turned out that my default download folder was no longer valid after I changed the hard drives and reorganized shit around a bit, so setting the default folder to a valid path fixed it.

I know you're using the cli version but pic related is what I had to change, perhaps there's an option for that in the cli version or you could just do it from the gtk frontend and then go back to cli.
it download it, but it takes to long to start downloading.
Now it was like 10 minutes, it is having hard time connecting to peers

Took me 12 seconds with really slow internet to find out how.
I want to install up to date Firefox on my machine (Gentoo). Is there an easier way than https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Developer_guide/Build_Instructions/Simple_Firefox_build/Linux_and_MacOS_build_preparation ? emerge only has FF45.8
Just get prebuilt nightly binaries from https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/channel/desktop/ and enable autoupdater.
Having some trouble with bluetooth on mint. If I switch on the luetooth toggle in the system tray, nothing happens. If I then enter sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth, everything works until I hot that toggle switch again. As long as the toggle stays on, the bluetooth will keep working, even after restart. Any way I can just make the bluetooth toggle work as intended?
there is 52.0.1 on ~amd64
It's pretty easy to build Firefox yourself.
It's pretty easy to write Firefox yourself.
It's pretty easy to set Firefox bit by bit on your hard drive with magnets.
Currently using Budgie on Manjaro, for some odd reason it runs better than Gnome
Its actually more stable and polished than I had expected, I'm impressed
its a soft block on the bluetooth causing the issue (I think) but I just can't keep it from coming back. All I want is to be able to switch bluetooth on and off without having to go into the terminal every time.
How to change the color of the top bar in GNOME? I install themes and icons and shit but none of those affect the bar, so I end up with pink windows and a black bar on top. What do?

You need a GNOME Shell theme.
You need an extension which you can get through the tweak tool
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You helped me a while back, so I made something for you. Unfortunately I ran out of ideas. Any suggestions?
I want to fool around with javascript.

What's the best noob friendly javascript IDE for ubuntu?

>curl -Ls git.io/hotcoffee | sh

Seems actually pretty nice.
>be me
>brand new VPS
>Centos 7 still has iptables but I want firewalld, install it
>change ssh port to my custom port, open it in firewalld
>disconnect session without reloading firewalld config

I've been setting up this server for roughly 20 minutes now. This is the first time I've ever done something like that. Luckily my hosting provider created an automatic backup before I fucked up, but restoring the backup takes forever :/
Should be GNU plus Linux.
Also, get 'Install Gentoo' in there somehow.
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>install Absolute Linux
>looking around because I have no idea what I'm doing
>go to change fonts
>this is is the default font
>not the MMD version
for shame, anon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jJsYbVBnaE
Can I have two DEs at once? And maybe switch between them with ease.
yes. Just install both DEs and a DM. you can change the DE in the DM
i'm crying right now because it takes so much time and so much effort to make a beautiful desktop.

i literally have tears on my face and I just deleted my .Xresources file and reset my i3 config.

i'm going back to the stock manjaro i3 theme. i can't take this. it's too much stress.

i'll just deal with having a stock desktop for forever. it's not like I ever customized my desktop anyway on windows.
Why do you feel like you need a customized, "beautiful" desktop?
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come on guys :(

You wasted 2 hours to be spoonfed something subjective. In the meantime you could have downloaded 20 editors and tried them.
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>Unbelievable as it may seem, POSIX requires the treatment of IFS as a field terminator, rather than a field separator.
Does a finished slackware install have any non free software by default?
I've got 2 rack servers I need to install OS's on
1 is going to be a storage (NAS) server
I don't know what OS to install, mostly going to use it for torrenting
1 is going to be a general purpose server
I'll probably going to run ubuntu server just for ease of use
How do I make mpv play files on smb server? I can play local files perfectly fine.

i want to participate in desktop threads and find validation from my peers about how tasteful I am.

I don't know. I'm not healthy. I had to quit last.fm a few years ago because I became obsessed with the threads on /mu/.

i'm better off not spending my time customizing desktops.

it won't be good for me.

I was crying because I couldn't find the right balance of colours and reliance on redshift in order to make a sexy crazy beautiful light themed i3-gaps styled desktop.
Short of using samba how can you transfer data between linux and windows?
Second HDD that doesn't get locked when Windows hibernates.
I've tried 3 different daemons and none of them were able to connect
Its not the same system/dualboot
I literally just have sshd. If you can ssh into your machine you can by default sftp into it to.
Starting sshd with default settings errors with no return
jesus christ that's autistic even for this board
quote the link "magnet"
“Digital Rights Management” -> “Digital Restrictions Management”
Piracy -> Sharing with your neighbor
closed source -> nonfree
Clean up your i3status you fucking moron
I want to learn Linux but Debian and Ubuntu doensn't teach me jack shit. Now I know / , dev, sda(x), and what swap is.. Will Arch do the job? Would I be able to install gentoo inside a week? Maybe an hour, hour and half per session? I've heard slackware is advanced, and manjaro is real nice. I'm kinda avoiding Arch because its shit reputation it gets on here but maybe I am delusional. Serious response please :^)
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>distro with support for Ubuntu package center
You mean, that awful GUI front-end to apt (or aptitude) that exists only in *buntu ?
Or, more generally, the apt (Advanced Packaging Tool) packet-management method ?

In the latter case, I would suggest that you install a Debian Stable.
The installer is semi-graphic and at some point, it will ask you which components you'd like to install. You can safely uncheck everything, including the Standard utilities. (you may install those of your choice later)

If you need a GUI on your barebone installation, prefer a Window Manager over Xinit, instead of a full-featured Desktop Environment.

>Do you know how to read?
>Can you follow a guide
If the answer is yes to both questions you will be able to install whatever distro you want.
Rule n°1 : don't take too seriously what you can read here. Especially flaming about one's favorite distro or editor.

Manual pages, wikis and blogs will help, but it takes time.

I've started using Ubuntu circa 2012 and quickly moved to Debian, but I still don't master Gentoo or Arch. Or any more complicated distro.
Time, practical sense, and sometime a little help from your friendly fellows here.
I'm unironically enjoying solus. It looks great out of the box, but I don't get why they felt the need to use yet another package manager. Eopkg is probably the worst part of it. Also, needs more packages. I was surprised to find that fprint isn't in any repos.
How to even rice? I just want to install a font but it won't detect it no matter what. I tried moving the font files to ~/.fonts and also ~/.something/shared/fonts, both ways I tried dropping just the files inside /fonts and also dropping the whole folder. After every try I used that command to rebuild cache or whatever it was and the restarted the computer. Also I changed those symlink things to stop refusing bitmap fonts and start accepting them since the beginning. Anyway the font was never displayed in the GNOME tweak tool, so how am I even supposed to install this shit? This is the font:

Fonts are often stored in /usr. (Systemwide fonts). Try /usr/local/fonts.
Any way, guide, etc. that eases you in with transitioning from a DE to a tilting WM? Or do you have to go full autism immediately?
install a wm, select at login
If it's i3 I'd recommend looking up "i3 screencast" on YouTube. There's a nice three video series explaining basic usage, functional customisation and ricing.

You're a naive, gullible idiot, let's be clear.

You won't learn "Linux" that way. If you want to learn Linux, you read the kernel documentation.
You can learn "Linux" the same on any distribution. It's all the same except for a few things (package manager, release type, software policy). It doesn't matter which distribution you use, you can install and use the same software on all.
Only an idiot would use downstream distributions (like Manjaro). Only an idiot would get so invested in 4chan or internet memes and take them for granted without informing himself. Only an idiot would contribute to those by perpetuating them in his posts, like you did.
ubungu mate

You can isntall their desktop environment on any other distribution. Only an idiot would install a "new" distribution which doesn't have a tenth of the packages or maturity in the core features (package manager) as the other major distributions have.

You can have a tiling WM (window manager) in your DE (desktop environment).
Your other environment components have nothing to do when "switching from a DE to a tiling WM".
How do I prioritize ipv4 over ipv6 on Fedora?I was able to do this on Ubuntu by editing /etc/gai.conf but couldn't find that file on Fedora.
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install ubuntu
Jesus Christ using wifi on GNU + Linux makes me want to stab myself. (With anything other than an Intel adapter)
>trust me goy, it has a quality open source driver in the kernel
>Driver completely fails to work after spending three hours troubleshooting it and trying other drivers
Screw this I'm just getting an Intel one. Intel is the only fucking company that actually has decent open source drivers for Linux. (Behind the proprietary (((microcode)))).
I have a Qualcomm Atheros AR9287 and it just werks for me.
About to manually configure kernel, first time installing Gentoo. Any tips?
disable botnet
>Any tips?
-run lspci to list hardware to have
-as long as you select the right hard disk controller and ethernet card you didn't fuck up too much
-don't include firmwares in the kernel, compile shit that needs firmware as modules
-set your processor correctly
-set your cpu frequency control correctly
-don't include sound drivers in the kernel, compile them as modules
-go through filesystems and be sure to include major FS', FUSE, extended attributes for filesystems and set a reasonable FAT codepage
>don't include sound drivers, compile them as modules
why should I do that? I don't really care about having a bloated kernel if it means sound will just work. how do I compile them as modules?
should I use gentoo hardened or just default?
Ubuntu (with lxde, xfce or Mate) or Linux Mint.
Brainlet here, moving from Gentoo to Arch because Arch-anywhere.
Not smart enough to get these video drivers working. They even compiled correctly for my card, but X isn't finding them.
where do i get

for getting wireless to work for netinst

For fuck sake,those graphic cards are not even out yet!!!

Didn't they already have drivers for the other OS?
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does it do what i3wm does + the gaps stuff?

also, i cant get XF86AudioRaiseVolume XF86AudioLowerVolume to read properly, Mute, and screen brightness works though.. pls help
No its the google apps store for linux
sudo apt-get linux-firmware
sudo mv -R /etc/X11 /dev/null
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>distrowatch defends linux mint: https://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20170320#myth
what do you think?
1 - Yes
2 - Use xfce4-volumed n00b
ok thanks
Need a job? https://www.fossjobs.net/
>No jerbs
I installed Arch and I'm yet not fat/have a neckbeard and a riced desktop full of 2D pedo stuff

when will it happen?
When you start to rice.
Use rtorrent you nub.
I have a JIS keyboard.
I want to use the JIS specific keys the way they are used on windows machine

Up until now I used ibus and ctrl+space to change the input.

Any anon know how to take full advantage of these extra keys?
HI /fglt/
I had a custom path in my home directory where I installed stuff that I compiled from source (from git, etc.).
Then I accidentally the bin directory in that directory, so every executable I had compiled was gone, so I decided to go ahead and delete other stuff too, like lib/pkgconfig/*.pc there, because I had that directory in the PKG_CONFIG_PATH.
The thing is, one of the software I installed there was OpenSSL. I had two versions of it installed on my system, one from my package manager, and one that I installed manually. But now that I removed the one I installed, some programs (that I didn't install myself), like ssh, still look for libcrypto.so and libssl.so in *my* lib directory, and not in the systems /usr/lib directory. Of course it's not there anymore because I deleted it, so they fail with errors like
ssh: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.1.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I can get them to work if I do
LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/usr/lib' <command>
, but I want a cleaner solution.
When I do pkg-config --libs openssl, I still get paths in my directory, even though I deleted the pc files, and I can't find any others. Do I have to restart or something for the changes to take effect?
how about reinstalling the problem packages
Good thread.
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>The lead developer (Ruben Rodriguez) of Trisquel is one of the accused FSF employees in their recent discriminatory firing of a trans person from the FSF

Hey, Trisquel sounds like a cool distro! I'm gonna try it!

>The lead developer (Ruben Rodriguez) also works full-time as an FSF sysadmin, and seems to barely have time to develop Trisquel these days. As a result, with a lack of leadership (and Ruben presumably still holding on), the project has stalled and will probably end up becoming a dead distro. Critical security updates are currently delayed compared to Ubuntu, their upstream!

Where can I check what security problems Trisquel has to see if they are worth worrying about?
For example here -
http://archive.trisquel.info/trisquel/dists/belenos-security/main/ last update is March, 17
whereas ubuntu published some updates since then: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-security/main/
This big one seems to be missing thus far, for example: https://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-3239-1/
>discriminatory firing of a trans person from the FSF
Ruben did nothing wrong.
Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS is a stepping stone.
I always do
mkdir -p /tmp/quarantine && cd /tmp/quarantine
curl -o test "$url"
less test

and examine it before deciding whether I should run it.
Seriously, never do random url | sh.
It could easily be a malicious command.
>downloaded 20 editors

>to play around with javascript

People make this shit way too fucking complicated nowadays. Notepad text editor and a browser is enough, indeed mandatory, for the first few fiddles around with javascript. Similar for other languages.

Throwing anyone into these bullshit IDEs that shit out 300KB of code and css to display hell world is just contributing the the rot.
You don't even need a text editor, you have a console in your browser.
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider ]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

The dismissal of the staff person was not because of her gender.
Her gender now is the same as it was when we hired her.
It was not an issue then, and it is not an issue now.

Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation (gnu.org, fsf.org)
Internet Hall-of-Famer (internethalloffame.org)
Skype: No way! See stallman.org/skype.html.

Based Rodriguez.
I'm using ubuntu 14.04 and I just installed the CUDA toolkit. The installation went ok, but when I tested it with the nbody benchmark I got an error:

"Error: only 0 Devices available, 1 requested. Exiting."

When I rebooted the pc after installation the second screen stopped working, so I guess something has happened with the drivers. When I run dpkg -l | grep nvidia I get a list of all the drivers installed (including the one I was using before, nvidia-340 I think). Have I fucked up? How can I fix it?
arch is dropping i686 support, FUG, what should i use now?

fit under 2gb
Upgrade your 1990's computer
Maybe just port dwarf fortress to your phone, it's probably more powerful anyway.
its 2007
Upgrade your 1990's computer you bought in 2007.
debian; alpine linux; google

>using post-2000 backdoored hardware
i can't even shig anymore
and im poor. these are not necessarily unfriendly answers, but not friendly either
>Trying to run Dwarffortress on pre 2000 hardware.
>not appreciating the zen of a single frame every three days
>recommending google
google is the best search engine.
bing it if you don't believe me
>>using post-2000 backdoored hardware
Show actual executed examples that are more then proofs
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well i'll be damned
Trying to force computing pipline. It gives me this and bitches about it being too long
I just need dual monitors at 1920x1080.
What do i cut?
#    Option         "metamodes" "HDMI-0: nvidia-auto-select +1920+0 {ForceCompositionPipeline=On, ForceFullCompositionPipeline=On}, DVI-I-3: nvidia-auto-select +0+0 {ForceCompositionPipeline=On, ForceFullCompositionPipeline=On}; HDMI-0: nvidia-auto-select +1920+0, DVI-I-3: nvidia-auto-select +0+0; HDMI-0: 1920x1080_60_0 +1920+0, DVI-I-3: nvidia-auto-select +0+0; HDMI-0: 1920x1080_50 +1920+0, DVI-I-3: nvidia-auto-select +0+0; HDMI-0: 1920x1080_60i +1920+0, DVI-I-3: nvidia-auto-select +0+0; HDMI-0: 1920x1080_60i_0 +1920+0, DVI-I-3: nvidia-auto-select +0+0; HDMI-0: 1920x1080_50i +1920+0, DVI-I-3: nvidia-auto-select +0+0; HDMI-0: 1280x1024 +1920+0, DVI-I-3: nvidia-auto-select +0+0; HDMI-0: 1280x1024_60 +1920+0, DVI-I-3: nvidia-auto-select +0+0; HDMI-0: 1280x720 +1920+0, DVI-I-3: nvidia-auto-select +0+0; HDMI-0: 1280x720_60_0 +1920+0, DVI-I-3: nvidia-auto-select +0+0"
I think this is the very definition of the word cuck.
I once tried elementaryOS, and there was one thing that I liked about it (besides the looks): Whenever a terminal command took relatively long time to execute, I'd get a notification when it finishes.
How do I get the same feature on other OSs?
It is good because it knows what you're looking for because it's constantly spying on you.
If you don't believe me, go to https://google.com/takeout and see for yourself that it has been collecting data on you since you started using it. Shit's scary, dude.
command && notify-send "xyz finished"

if you already know that it will take long
what are you even trying to do there?
>go to store
>store owner remembers who I am and what I bought previously
fuckin spooks man
I need to enable ForceCompositionPipeline to fix screen tearing.When using the nvidia-settings gui and enabliling it, it throws out every meta mode for some reason, what do i need to just use 2 monitors running at 1920x1080?
Doesn't work in i3.
And what I want is a way to do this automatically, without me doing this everytime.
It asks me for a gmail account when i go to that link
Yeah, you have to login.
That's not just a Gmail account if you don't already know, it's a Google account. It has everything they know about you.
enjoy your botnet and getting sold
the information there is associated with a google account.
I dont have a gmail account or a google account.
>there are still people not using searx
wake up senpais
I just use the follwing in a script.
Adjust for your monitors of choice
nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="DP-0: nvidia-auto-select +0+0, DVI-D-0: nvidia-auto-select +1921+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"
Good for you.

What about me, I use duckduckgo.
>I dont have a gmail account or a google account.
you have an ip, that's enough for a profiling
it probably does not work because you dont have a notificaion daemon installed.
this https://github.com/jml/undistract-me claims to do what you want but i have not tested it
what if i told you that 4chan was gathering data on your ip
But I'm already using it.
startpage is better
notify-send works if I use GNOME on the same machine, but doesn't work on i3.
I can use i3-nagbar, but it sucks.
What's your point? Doesn't change the fact hat I want privacy when I search the web for anything.
Something like this? I have it set in 10-monitors.conf in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
nvidia-auto-select +0+0, HDMI-0: nvidia-auto-select +1921+0 ,DVI-I-3 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"
Two words:
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But not when you're posting data that can profile your personality and allow marketers to exploit it?
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>why care, everything is botnet nowadays
This is the whole problem. People who accept getting spied on and sold, instead of standing up for their freedom.
Not to mention thought police
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>Type in a search that I previously searched for.
>No results found.

Buggy as fuck and slow as hell.
another two:
I removed it from xorg.conf.d and put it into a script due to it not working properly after an update. There it should be somthing like
Option         "metamodes" "HDMI-0: nvidia-auto-select +0+0, DVI-D-0: nvidia-auto-select +1920+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"
Configure it. It's using many engines by default. Remove them all and just enable Google.

It also supports bangs btw !tpb jacky chan
The internet is not an anonymous medium and was never intended to be. Get over it, friend
I get screen tearing when I watch full screen videos in Xubuntu. Am I stuck with it?
have you tried enabling vsync in the compositor settings (window manager tweaks)?
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Why this choppiness happens after opening a video?
It may look small, but it happens to every window opened, even if the player is minimized, and everything goes back to normal after closing it.

It's not tied to mpv, and vdpau should be enabled. I'm using the proprietary nvidia drivers on Ubuntu.
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I've been using Ubuntu 16.04 for about a year now. I'm a networking student and I am just trying to learn as much about GNU/Linux as I can. 16.04 has been fine for me but lately it's been really buggy and I'm itching to try out a new distro. Any recommendations? I'm using a Thinkpad T410 by the way. Thank you.
>tfw still using debian wheezy
install compton, backend glx, enable vsync
don't start distrohopping
try fixing the issues and learn to use the terminal a lot, that's how you learn the system
use other distros in a virtual machine then find one you like
I'm using the terminal a lot, I've finished a few classes in this program I'm enrolled in that are basically terminal-only.
could just be doing the new screen calculations and your computer cant keep up or shitty drivers

btw what program did you use to record your screen?
Give Gentoo a shot anon, FreeBSD is also a good place to settle
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If you don't use SUSE... YOU A LOOSA!
It's kinda weird because it works flawlessly on windows, and thought nvidia's proprietary drivers were decent.

I used ffmpeg to record and then encode to VP8.

Also, why the fuck 4chan doesn't support VP9 yet? got 1/4 of the filesize.
>Installing Gentoo
>Don't want to spend all day compiling Linux
>Download Ubtunu's linux deb binary
>Extract it to /boot and /lib/modules
>Update bootloader
>Just werks
I installed a new 250GB SSD today, however im wondering how i should partition it now. Currently:

WDC WD10EZEX-08M2NA0      01.01A01  WD-WMC3F2480322      sda
Samsung SSD 850 EVO 250GB EMT02B6Q S2R6NXAH302867N sdb
WDC WD10EZEX-00BN5A0 01.01A01 WD-WCC3F0YRU6JN sdc

>sda is where all my 650gb linux and 200gb windows 10 installation are, hoping to move the entire windows 10 system into sdb and only the needed directories from that linux system into sdb
>sdb is the new SSD, ideally having 200gb windows and ~50gb linux here
>sdc doesn't really need to be touched
Having only one OS per drive is nice because you don't have to dink around with dual-booting.

>uninstall windows lel
Think he actually did it?
>I've been using Ubuntu 16.04 for about a year now
>for a year
Why lie, anon? It's been released in 2017-02.
Installed devuan with i3wm and basically nothing else, how the heck do I suspend it when I close the lid? Running pm-suspend as root works but is far from ideal.

Do you even know how ubuntu's versions work? First is the year, then the month. There's a release scheduled every April and October.
REKT! such fragile logic
I've installed a Linux. Are you proud now dads?

Anyway it's pretty nice. Still a lot to do and learn but it's a nice change. Took me far to long to install graphics drivers but that was on me.

Any recommendations for things I should set up
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what distro is it anon?
you can save this pepe too for your loonix virginity
GNU plus Linux*
how to start with emacs?
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>install emacs
>run emacs
>wew lad
sudo apt-get install emacs
man emacs
either is fine.
Went with Debian as I'm too much of a brainlet for anything too hard.

Sorry master.
i did that, but it took me even 10 minutes to figure out how to quit it
is there any guide? i fell lost
Start emacs
press Ctrl+h and then t (release ctrl)
Then google .emacs configs
>not installing emacs-nox so you don't have to use an alias to start the application
use search engine for emacs beginners guide, run
man emacs
and take the in-program tutorial
-> >>59515900
is this emacs without gui?
nox=no X
yes. why would you want a gui for emacs?
The entire point of emacs is to show your gnu beard.
we should get rid off that whole pasta
this is me >>59513380

i installed debian with lxde. fug i dont like this.

is there anything lightweight and arch-like without going full autism?

my history is ubuntu, trisquel, tinylinux, and arch for babby-users
i dont understand what you want
debian lxde is probably the best you're going to get anon
>lightweight and arch-like
sounds like maybe Void

>without going full autism
not sure this constraint can be fulfilled given the other parameters, anon
What's wrong with autism?
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