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>linus >not a spoiled child Can't wait for him to

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Thread replies: 115
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>not a spoiled child
Can't wait for him to drill a bit into an active power supply line and kill himself.
he's married, has a child, and is worth millions of dollars

what about you?
How do 4 people being authority cucks make him a spoiled child?

lmao bootlicker
I'm going to move to Canada and fuck his wife
don't forget he also created linux
I'll fuck the sister
He's habitually uses outdated memes.

Typically shills for companies. He's the equivalent of a child blowing up fireworks in his locker for attention.
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>married, has a child, and is worth millions of dollars
>the equivalent of a child blowing up fireworks in his locker for attention
All you can hope is sloppy seconds after Luke.
He's Linus' favourite bull
Show us your business anon
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anyone know if this is this also his wife? legit can't tell...
arr rook same...
Have you seen his wife? That is not the woman you get when you have social intelligence and charm. That is the wife you get when you want to produce an Elliot Rodgers 2.0.

>worth millions of dollars
Yes, companies are too eager to put their product advertisements on videos which mostly garner views from children. He's definitely exploiting ignorance... just as a child does when he pulls some grade school shit and gets detention.
>pink tie

what a faggot
linus looks like an albanian porn star

I'm a biostatistician.
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He's a closet homo who uses his wife as a beard. His kid is adopted. He's hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.
I think we can all agree that linus is terrible
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>Pfzer earns perfect score on LGBT ranking
source: my ass
t. jealous neckbeard
>ITT: People jealous of Linus
t. A guy who doesn't like LTT but doesn't get jealous.
I asked about your business not the fucking company you slave for wagey.

I got paid by Pfizer too, for conducting clinical tests, on one of your new cytostatic drug.
Not her
>married to female
>fucking faggot
He met a girl and wasn't thrown to the side which is more than neither I or half this board can claim
There's not a single person on earth who is jealous of linus
except for the people in this thread apparently
That's mostly HR's doing but quite honestly most people here are too autistic to care. We're too busy making Xanax bars. It's oddly satisfying seeing fresh pills pop out of the press and lead into quality control.

>kid is adopted
Lol really? I can't imagine him being in debt though. How?
Fags get married all the time, it's their cover
I'm envious of his success and happy life. He's done well for himself. You sound like a bitter faggot.
>thinks homosexuality isn't a choice
stop derailing this thread with /pol/ stuff please.
beard is for lesbians, it's something else for gays
>you slave for wagey
Hey you'd be surprised with the opportunities you can get in the pharmaceutical industry. Lots of backs you can stab.

>your new cytostatic drug
Uh do I know you? I might know you.
here have an upvote for that
Was he trying to see the pixels on that screen?
I mean I can kinda understand that curiousity.
>beard is for lesbians, it's something else for gays
lesbians don't marry hetero men though
>tfw you will never be married to a lesbian who will let you watch her fucking around
Feels good man
Linus is a great person to work with.
>Uh do I know you? I might know you.
The only pfizer rep I talked to was the one who brought us food.

Glad all of you pharma corps learned.
Ah never mind then. I'm just going to shut up before I seriously break my work contract.
>Ah never mind then. I'm just going to shut up before I seriously break my work contract.
Damn, you sound important. I'm impressed.
He has lost his connection with the common /g/ populus for sure. Hubris incarnate!
Look at that smile as the people yell at him. Arrogance.
You know pharmaceutical companies sperg over this shit all the time. Executives act like every clinical trial or R&D initiative is INNOVASHUN that must be protected.
Post contract or gtfo
We had this thread a few days ago and it had the exact same first responses.

fuck this place
>be linus
>created linux in my uni years
>freed millions from the evil of non-free software
>upload informative and entertaining videos on YouTube when not improving my kernel
>only want to share the truth in my reviews, so step on stage to take closer look
>kikes try to stop me from seeing their tricks
>well, at least I'll have support from the people I saved from Microsoft and Apple
>see this thread

Enjoy the backdoor I'll put in the next kernel release.
Luckily mother nature won't care about his antics or guanxi when he decides to start nailing into a power or gas line.
>could be anyone
German pls go

wat ?
I like him. He behaves exactly as how I would like to if I were stinking rich.
>being butthurt enough to make this thread again

Why don't you just kill yourself, you pathetic loser.
IDK man. The way he treats his employees on camera is kind of harsh. He'll directly criticize any mistakes they make while trying to cover up his own. He constantly makes fun of his employees but gets all defensive if anyone teases him back. You know that, as shitty as he is in front of the camera, he's gotta to be way worse when the cameras aren't rolling. IDK if it's true, but I read that he pays everyone minimum wage.
I just can't imagine working for him and having the server fail because he insisted on using consumer grade hardware and a dumb setup.

>he's married, has a child, and is worth millions of dollars

So every married and rich person is a nice person?

Cool logic, bro.

I don't care about this guy, but to pull a "hehe, you're jelly, fish?" when someone just doesn't like him is kinda stupid, you know?


what is funny about adoption?
hi linus
So what he's doing is so simple a child could do it, and he's made millions..

yet you haven't?

Makes you think
>So every married and rich person is a nice person?
>Cool logic, bro.

where did you pull "nice person" out of? kek
Wow, what a way to put words into my mouth. No, idiot. What he is doing is analogous to a child blowing up firecrackers in a hallway at his school. I'm not saying a child could do what he's doing.
hi shit for brains
>is worth millions of dollars

Highly, highly doubt that. A couple of hundred grand in the bank, at most. LTT the company may be worth 1 mil in assets.
is she an alien?
she looks like an alien.
>tfw even if he dies today he would have accomplished more than you in the rest of your life lmao
Hey when you're as much of a sperg as Linus, you take what you get.
If you were stinking rich you would marry a shovel faced gook?
LinusShillTips isn't /g/. It's >>>/biz/.

He is a dumb label reader.
He doesn't know even basic physics, math, or coding.
He doesn't have, and never had, a legit tech job.
He doesn't have any tech related degree/diploma/course certification.
His Linkedin is full of management bullshit, swimming instructor, and boyscout.
Yet in spite of all of this he acts as if he knows anything, and as if he represents the tech collective.

He is a fucking marketer. His hardware reviews are about as informative as reading the fucking PDF.
The average Joe is more likely to get fucked over by listening to his idiocy.
His "humor" is 9gag level.

He is so fucking tech illiterate that he had to employ a special writer for his TechQuickie channel because he's too stupid himself.
The same faggot who tried to push a spiritual book as a solution for Carpal Tunnel or something.

His group is a marketing group, not a tech group.

He had to Internet beg for money in order to move to an office, which he managed to get ripped off on because he is a dumb faggot (admits it).
A fucking hotel cleaner in Las Vegas who gets paid on average $2400-$2700 a month can sooner or later afford what Linus has to beg for on the Internet, or beg to the manufacturers and labels.
He depends on his wife's BJ income, and she looks like those roach monsters from Terra Formars (pic related).
He pays his faggot employees minimum wage [admitted in the WAN show discussion between him and Luke], his ad revenue has halved in the meantime, and YT revenue is shit in the first place.

If you want computer case angles and proper feature description with objective reviews, you watch those faggots HardwareCanucks, who even go as far as reviewing fucking dust filters.
If you want to post on-topic /g/ related YouTubers, you post people who actually have tech jobs, tech education, and practical application; like Wendell from TekShitdictate, or Louis Rossman for board repair and reading blueprints.

Fuck off to >>>/biz/. fag
>He pays his faggot employees minimum wage [admitted in the WAN show discussion between him and Luke], his ad revenue has halved in the meantime, and YT revenue is shit in the first place.
So basically he's a poorfag with a lot of donation items?
Why is his only skill talking like a fag?
If this is a serious post, you know Linus is heavily in debt because he has such a huge operation, many employees, and. company for such a (relatively) small YouTube channel.
I thought it was the same thread, still up, made me question my own sanity for a second.
>a whole thread discussing a homosexual, irrelevant Canadian and his Armada of Asian editors (read:sex slaves)

Wow /g/, didn't know you guys were such cucks
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kekd hard!
>there are children on this board who will actually believe this
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Note how you can switch "linus" with OP and it still werks

>tchh nothing personal ancestors
She's from NCIX, she's not his wife
His wife looks like alien./

Anyone who reposts their own thread has a 100% chance of dying slowly and with great pain.
Underrated post
>He doesn't have, and never had, a legit tech job.
Any Link to where he says he pays minimum wage?
>ITT: Poor anons make claims they have no evidence for

Never change, 4chan
fuck off race traitor
It makes me physically angry how poorly he treats the hundreds of thousands of dollars of stuff companies throw at him
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this summs it up.... You faggots
sauce on him being hundreds of thousands in debt?
The companies don't care, it goes into the trash after he sends it back regardless.
Thats as stupid as saying suggesting people start a gaming channel on youtube as their job because other gaming channels have gotten big

Its simple and profitable, but whether or not it works out for you is basically luck
God damn she is thin as fuck but has Hulk Hogan tier neck muscles.
This board is 90% recycled content anon.
I'm just waiting for his last vlog on the server room.

What an atrocity.
She ages like a milk.
Nice goals you share with a total stranger.
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Legend has it, he wore sandals and socks for his wedding.
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>people will defend this
kek'd their different people m8
Haha. Lol.
haha :)
if they let him up there then what's the issue
:D xD (;
from which video is this
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Yeah he's definitely not gay
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