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/csg/ Chink Shit General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 330
Thread images: 55

In /csg/ we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

>IRC channel
#/csg/ on irc.rizon.net

>Discord link

>Chink Shit Randomiser

>Chink Shit Wiki:

>Check Price History

>Chink Shit Infographic v1.4

• A bunch more Zuk Z2 Pro photo samples taken by anon get posted >>58131796
>>58131804 >>58131837 >>58132770 >>58133051 >>58133103
>>58133122 posts battery stats >>58133359 >>58133377 >>58133749
• Nice little challenge for the BM800 mod doubters, which sounds better? >>58131992 >>58132449 >>58132086
• Anon posts update on his fake benchmade knife >>58132141 >>58133145
• Chinese sellers get half of anon's orders wrong >>58134246
• Anon worries if his USB 2.0 hub is one of those laptop killing ones (it does look awfully similar) >>58134679
• Some Gearbest coupons worth using are posted, a JJRC H36 quadcopter for $10.99 >>58136753 Xiaomi touch screen useable wool gloves for $10 >>58137098 a bunch more powerbank coupons >>58137172
• BM800 mod for dummies >>58138026

Previous thread >>58131489
Sorry I haven't been following the BM-800 goings-on; what does this mod do?
Anyone ordered Kingspec SSDs?

I'm wondering if they're on par with Kingdians but most reviews are in Chinese
You know this isn't a Trump rally, right? This is /csg/, not /pol/.

So far there's only been reviews of Kingdian and Netac SSD's.

What a nice chink.
Is the red rice thing still the best bang for the buck phone?

I kinda want to upgrade from my huaway p6 since the screen is all fucked up
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Don't even start your autismo fights lads, I got a few packages, what could it be?
this isn't /g/ related but which chink site is the best for dakis?
Mini strip lights and a t-shirt
The preferred term is Chinese-American. Please avoid racially insensitive terminology like "chink" in future. Thanks in advance for helping to make this general a more inclusive, welcoming place for everyone.
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has anyone tried this mic? i need a desktop mic for VOIP but don't want to fiddle with the power requirements of a BM 800

Strange accent that guy has.
You're narrow imperialistic view is insensitive to other cultures.

Is that weed or tea?
The Chinese and American empires never overlapped so it's not a culturally bigoted term.
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H-how in the fuck did you knew about the strip lights?
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So are you able to flash Lenovo's official ROM to the ZUK Z2, like you are with the Redmi Note 3?
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$14 ($10 + $4 shipping) HP 39gs came
>it works
>it's cheap
>packed safely in a Styrofoam package

>it smells bad
>doesn't come with batteries
>shipping took over a month (that's longer than usual for me)
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Oh shit you're right I didn't notice that part.
Anyway this's how the clip tie looks.
How bad does it smell?
It's actually pretty faint. Ignore that con point.
so I finally got my own pair of the meme rock zircons to see what all the hype is about

after reading what people here say about it I thought it would be full of nigbass but its actually very balanced. The audio quality is amazing for the price
Does it have RPN?
Need a flashlight. Anyone have the Cree XML-T6? How long can I expect it to last?
Depends on the kmAh rating of the battery you put in it
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Banana arrived
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Best tech purchase ever
I meant before it breaks. How cheap is the build?
Now That's What I Call Chink Shit
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/easy-stomach-cancer/32598447297.html cop or not?
That is very very cute.
Depends on how much pineapple you eat
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>thousand thousandth
use Ah or mAh
depends on how often i get blowjobs from my gf
Yes. Worth it if you eat enough pin e apple.
Holy shit das cute
does gearbest ship 18650 batteries to europe? fasttech doesn't do free shipping on 18650s.
I've been out of /csg/ for a while. Hope all you /g/oyim are doing alright.

Any new essential memes? I've been thinking about a GPD Win for no good reason. Has there been much feedback on that?
ok what the fuck man? you spent buckaroos on some shitty stuffed banana that took a month to arrive and is made by child labors?
Both linustechtips and techtablets have done a review on it
It cost practically nothing. 30 cent or so.
>order chink shit from ebay
>forget about it
>the date reminds me that it should be here any time now
>think I got chinked
>check the date range
>I wont know until February if I got chinked or not
>mfw the seller only had 45 sales
She gives me one every Tuesday afternoon, she needs to use less teeth and more chin lift. Sort her out!
Buy chink shit headphones, dont buy a chink shit mic.
Nobody else wants to hear your budget shitty as mic fucking up, spamming garbage electric noise, or have to hear you though a tunnel or just sound like youre miles away.
After dealing with people with shitty mics for years, Ive began to actually hate people with shit mics.. dont be that guy.
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NW-800 with a UMC204HD


I bought a chink phantom power first, but I should have heeded the mod guy's warning and just bought an interface from the get go. Much better
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This won't open some backdoor to my network r-right?

I got 2 of them 2 years ago, still working. Great build, and got some hefty weight to it. You can break some skulls with it and it will still work. They take 3 AA batteries, but 18650 batteries work better.javascript:;
Why do "regularOP™" threads always end up so shitty?

I wish he'd just fuck off already. Things were better when he was gone.
You know that everyone uses the links beside the post number to find their replies right?
Whats the point in doing this @ meme?
Why would you use @ if you're still gonna give a (you) anyways?
that was a chink (you)
No, it was a nog (you) because there is no fucking point to it.. its broken. The poster looks at his post, sees noone replied, and moves on.
wena wena wena

It's like regular op just brings a load of autists from discord or pol or wherever and just fucks this General up.

He's made multiple threads before, like the last one we just had. He's the cancer we need to cut out.
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>not using @-posting
still gonna get my (You)s bby
Fellow audists I need about 5 microsd cards (32 or 64GB)
What is the best deal right now?
Best choice of IEMs for someone who doesn't care about bass, but wants clarity?
I got a pair of KZ ATE earlier, they're a bit bassy to my tastes.
Eiaosi x6
spanish mod guy has a sexier accent and a bigger black capacitor
top fucking kek
is that an addon or is that custom
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wena wena
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So you lil fuckers I just replaced the fucking screen on my fucking ZUK Z2 to phoneshitpost again.
Chinks didn't include a fucking adhesive sticker for screen or backplate in the screen kit. Had to buy 2.5$ 1mm double sided tape.
Fucking ZUK assembly slaves used a ton of glue to slap the screen on the fucking body. Had to use much force to fucking brake it out.
At least everything fucking works again. Not going to drop that shit from 3m height again. Still surprised that only the digitizer broke. ZUK build a fucking sturdy thing. Xiaomi shills can remove le shit build quality from their list.
I only took a few pics. Not very interesting. Will follow.
bumping because I need this too
Use a tempered glass screen protector, and at least a tpu case, if not a heavy duty one.
it's a greasemonkey script
post it?
oh also I have this one that is suppose to change the is server to the normal i.4chdn server but it wont load, do you know anything about it
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As i said the digitizer broke not the screen. I use a silicon case the display didn't had a scratch.
Idiot me didn't even took pictures of everything taken out.
anyone have any experience with this controller?


seems good enough to me looking at the reviews, just thought a second opinion would be nice
Eiaosis have less clarity than my nig bass zircons
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Anyone have any experience with shoes or the like? Worth buying?

I figured they're all being made by the same Chinese child slaves anyways.
Didn't the mi5c drop today?
I spent some time looking around on ali & various chink sites, and somehow amazon is cheaper than all of them. Gonna grab them off there
H-hey, they're child workers not slaves.
>Anyone have any experience with shoes
I have been wearing shoes most of my life and consider myself pretty experienced at them, what do you want to know?
All workers are slaves under capitalism. Communist revolution now.
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>commie trying to take away the merits of the hard working children that's puts shoes on his feet and just credit it to the state instead
Monsters. Have you no soles?!
>worth buying shoes?
Yes I'd say they're a sound investment. Tends to get you further on the social ladder. Prevents disease and infection which no doubt would cost you more than investment with most jobs.
At least don't make the same joke twice.
I meant buying shoes through the internet from Asian salesmen, of course.
Amazon employs lots of Asians if that's what you mean, though I'm not sure what brand of chauvinism requires your salespeople to be male
This is why /csg/ is regarded as the worst of the cancerous generals on /g/.
For you
Thanks m8
Best (Budget) Google VR Model ?
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On topic; aside from the cameras and more internal storage, why buy the Redmi Pro over the Redmi 4 Prime and vice-versa?

Pic unrelated.
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This tablet/tablet cover worth a damn? The price is certainly right.
just buy a decent brands tablet at that price.. what the fuck are you doing?
I'm open to suggestions if you can show me another tablet with similar hardware for a similar price.
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Go to flgt.
They're way worse.
Yes, for "food"
are usb scales a thing that exist?
i need them to weight "food" at a counter.

actual food tho.
hey csg
What is the cheapest way to power the BM-800 with phantom power and a good sound card?
Id help you out but Im not too big on tablets and as a result dont know much about the current market.
All I know is spending 200 on chink shit is usually a bad idea unless you are getting 200 of them all for that price.
link? I'm looking for a precision scale (to the 0.1g), and they are fucking expensive in retail stores.
u sellin some dank brownies brah?
but i want the purchase to go directly to a CRM i have somewhere
Jam some lamp cord in a wall socket and splice a 62V resistor (US) or a 172V resistor (EU) onto the live wire
I dont know shit about that,
but what I do know is when you are running a business, you dont want a chink shit scale.

Just a quick google search though will show usb scales exist, here is one by dymo

Isn't this phone supposed to have a Li-po battery? It's listed as Li-po on GSMarena.
nevermind, just saw it's stated correctly on it's upper part
that's nice, yeah i guess getting a chink scale is too risky if i'm running a business.
it's solid metal case, nice weight in hand, didn't tried to break it yet but it looks like it could survive a lot, also anon saying it can take 3xAAA is either lying or have different model than me (the same as your picture) since XML-T6 is model of led used, not flashlight
as for battery life I am using recycled laptop battery cells that have around 1,5MμAh, on full brightness it lasts around 18kiloseconds (5hours for normies)
one more thing: flashlight either doesn't have cell protection or I have been too much of a pussy to run the battery toooo low, but it still worked on 2,9V even tho at that moment hi-mode looked like low-mode
Fuck, I just spent $50 on an HP50g. W2C?
But why?
stupid is the one who doesn't understand it
should I use GnAh from now on? is that easyer? it certainly better than kmAh because of capital letter not allowing you to mistake it for kilometer
What about just 1,5Ah ?
>it certainly better than kmAh because of capital letter not allowing you to mistake it for kilometer
the fuck kind of unit would kilometer Amper hour be
it's not fun to post (kind of) interesting info for free, little shitposting and memeing never hurt anyone, not to mention it is ironic shitposting from my side since I hate that kmAh meme
For the BM-800, do the capacitors have to be polar, or can non polar?
You're a meme.
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not really a very A E S T H E T I C battery, xiaomi uses classy black batteries. Checkmate.

And here's a picture I took with my mi max as a response to the guy in the previous thread. cropped for filesize.
If you have a 5V battery of 8.6Kcal and you run for about 1500 light-nanoseconds then you have covered approximately 1 kilometer Ampere hour

It's mostly used for portable music players and other devices you use while jogging
So somethings confusing me. I placed my order for a GPD WIN on 11/23 and it SUPPOSEDLY shipped out that night with a shipping number. So, its been a month and the shipping numbers been stuck on "Origin post is preparing shipment" and Ive been in contact with banggood about it. Now they give me a tracking number that is completely different from the CN number (It is a RS number) coming from the Netherlands and the destination is spain (I live in the US) Did I get chinked?
Forgot to mention that it says the package is in the country, and that it was shipped out on the 12th of december
The 50g has RPN, this one is cheaper but does not have RPN functionality. Most people buy the HP's just for that feature m8. If you don't need RPN, you could have purchased the Casio graphing calculator.
Just bought a Xiaomi Redmi Pro/Prime 4, can I get OTA with Xiaomi.eu's ROM?
No, Xiaomi.eu rom doesn't get updates.
then how do I update it
the same way you get it in the first place
download the new one and flash it
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What did they mean by this?
why would you want to use non polar caps?
>that's nice
whats nice?
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Rate my cart
You're nice
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>10/10 for jumping on the Audiotrip train
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im still considering getting those more expensive ones instead, which have the removable cable and different earpads, but i havent completely made up my mind as to if i should spend the extra ~$15
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Any non-backlit chinkanical keyboards, pref black, with numpad around? best I've found is this on ali but fuck man these leds
At the rate this is going, looks like he 3100mAh in my zuk z2 pro could match, or beat, the 4100mAh in the Redmis.

Is it because the display is AMOLED? Or the SD820? Or just a combination of higher quality/more efficient/better parts being used in the phone?
Just because I was thinking of using some film caps I have leftover from some other stuff.
10 rs has been donated to your LeAccount
you can always disable the leds anon.
Zuk != LeEco
Le novo starts with Le too ret*rd
It's Lenovo you idiot.

You're not making any sense, just stop before you embarrass yourself even further.
It is your money and by extension your prerogative.

Get the more expensive ones and review them for us desu

Or get the cheaper model and we get a 2nd/3rd opinion on the subject.
lmao, you're severely retarded

start practicing for the special olympics
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aww, thanks anon :3
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Why are Americans so damn lucky?

Shit ships from the US but can't even ship to Canada. Fucking shit...

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When is Christmas for the chinks since they have new years on a different day? Pretty sucky and fuck if they have to slave away in sweatshops during Christmas.
I don't think they celebrate Christmas like us or on a religious reason. They have Christmas decors only on tourist spots and such.

Although I heard Christianity is getting popular again with the Chinese so who knows.
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Do you like it?
Nah the Chinks dont celebrate Christmas
Only Christian Cucked Chinks celebrate Xmas
It is Boxing day rmb?
Is there anything I should know before buying gunpla off AliEx so that I don't get chinked
If I remembered my Chink Holis,
There is the recent Winter Solstice Festival.
But Right now, they are awaiting the CNY.

Look at the sheer number of Public Hols
I trade Christmas and Thankgiving for that
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
Imagine being this autistic
If you can ask for an actual pic. At least that's what I do when I buy chink figmas
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What's the cheapest 2.5" 60-64gb SSD out there? Need it for a crap netbook so I can use it properly on the train.
Maybe he should ask them to assemble it for him too, while they're at it
Kingdian is /csg/'s brand but it's not the cheapest.

My advice, don't skimp on it so I'm going to shill Crucial instead.

I bought a generic one and it only lasted a year. I ran it 24/7 tho.
Thanks but I really don't mind even if it lasts 6 months. Just need something cheap and a bit quicker than an old 2.5" HDD
Maybe I should try Kingspec?
Anyone else have any input on the Teclast x98?
Ship it to me then I'll ship to you
what does /csg/ think about this?
qt model

would you trust the chinks to critical automotive parts?
I'm in so deep that I honestly think I would
But check rockauto first desu
>doesnt work with Apple devices

Fruitfags btfo once again by the valorous chinks
Are there any /csg/ approved capture cards?
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Just got these in the mail, and they're not bad. I could get music to play through them at about 10 meters away, which is just what I had hoped for, since I got them for my mom who works from home and takes calls all day.

The only problem with these is that she has small ears and they're not very snug.

Does anyone have some recommendations for bluetooth headsets or something like these kz hdses but with earloops?
I don't think rockauto would have what I want. I need long braided stainless steel brake lines for my motorcycle.
Only buy chink routers that have DD WRT support
We don't celebrate Christmas, but we do celebrate lunar new year. It lasts like 2 weeks in China.
t. Chink
Updating from previous thread on my Redmi Note 3 Pro headphone jack.

I installed CM 14 and it is still fucked. Hardware issue. Purchasing a headphone jack replacement part from aliexpress and planning to fix it.

How much did that cost in human currency?
its ~$48 AUD, but you also have to pay 65 yuan (13 AU) for the 1st KG of shipping, then for every 0.5kg, you pay 20 yuan (~4 AU)
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>order shit from ebay a month ago
>keychains, some kitchen crap, pouch, battery
>items did not arrive by due date
>send a series of emails to sellers informing that my items did not arrive
>they ask: gweilo you want reship or refund?
>gweilo respond: refund!
>a whole crapload of refunds received on my account a day later
>five days later postbitch arrives with all of my missing shit
You're the chink now. Congrats!
what are some good chink headphone recommendations? looking to replace Sennheiser hd180.
Also does buying a wireless mmcx cable degrade audio quality?
install soundabout, dumbass. that'll fix it.
Enjoy worshipping a Hippie Jew Idol
>Chink Shit Infographic v1.4
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The tables have turned, nigga! Time for slant-a-fucks to pay up!
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Is there anyway I can buy just the USB heads for these? I wanna get one cable and just leave the usb parts in my devices
No, it is a hardware issue. I just tried that. The sound comes in and out as I twist the 3.5mm headphone connector in the jack. The jack is fucked.

Maybe running and listening to music had something to do with it, I don't know.
Takstar Pro80s (If you can find them cheap)
Takstar Hi2050s
Superlux HD 681
Edifier H850
Somic ST80

And the newmemes
Garine Max (If you can stomach Taobao)
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Wrong, it is a hardware issue. Already tried that.
Because we won't bend over and "help" every anon who asks questions? 3/4 of the question in here are already answered in the infographic and wiki. We don't recommend buying chink clothes in the first place.
They are generally the same quality as the low-range Adidas/Reebok etc. But you have to get your sizes right, down to the exact measurements.

For Winter sizes, always buy 2 sizes above your regular size.

Try These:





Never pay more than 10 bucks for Chink Shoes
and never make that purchase unless the
ratings are 4.7 and above,
my best purchase on AE
comfy as fuck
R8 my chink calculator drawing
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Forgot pic
Yes there listings that sell only that
So now that there are actual zuk owners ITT, how's the quality and rom?

Are they a buggy mess like anons keep spamming on /g/ about or actual stable and usable devices?

Is it a worthy upgrade from a Nexus 5?
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Review of the xiaomi pen from goybest for 4USD:

Nice ink that is a step above rollerball shit
Looks modern and nice
Matches your Redmeme 3
Twisting the pen up and down is satisfying

White gets dirty easily
Not ergonomic at all
Have to order ink from aliexpress

All in all 6/10. Maybe you're better off with one of those Jinhao fountain pens that are around.
technomoan says most of those magnetic cables are shitfuck and rarely go in on the first try
just FYI
I bought counterfeit yeezy boost 350s for like 20 bucks
almost identical except for a small discoloration mark on the bottom of the rubber sole

worth it imo
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I bought a stitch-on steering wheel cover and a puzzle ball. Puzzle ball is pretty neat and took me a bit to figure out. I like it.\

Steering wheel cover feels pretty cheap but it should be better than the one I have as my current one slips in the cold. I'll report back in a few days when I finally get around to installing it.
Quality was rly surprising imo. My sony m2 was like 20 shekels cheaper and its dogshit compared to it. Im the anon who threw that thing from a ladder at about 3meters height. Posted about a screen replacement itt. Thanks to a bumper only the digitizer broke.
i didnt bother to use the stock ROM so im on official MoKee after using unofficial Resurrection Remix and CM. RR got discontinued and cm had little bugs like no mobile data connection after switching of wifi, switching on and off airplain mode 'fixed' it. MoKee is so far a bugless experience after one week.
I dunno man i didnt run into a bug that rly bothered me, even after ripping of the old screen and taking every single part out of it to plug it from the mainboard.
Battery life is okay. Nothing special and not comparable to Xiaomemes at all.
The wifi antenna is actually much better than the one in the sony m2 or htc m7.
Keep in mind that the internal storage isnt ufs. So still the old emmc copying speeds.
Audio jack output is decent, an 5.5gen iPod classic has better mids tho, speakers are fine.
I dunno if it really has quickcharge™ but with a samsung charger its fully charged in about one and half hour. The charger ot came with isnt compatible with local wallplug things and the adapter is worst tier shit that doesnt work.

Ah and it comes with a matte anti glare screen protector that looks super disgusting after four weeks and is grainy af. Looks like a 720p screen. Just remove it.
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It's about what I expected quality wise. It feels like some parts may split down the grain if mishandled but all the pieces are cut appropriately so that shouldn't happen unless dropped onto a hard surface or forced to move in a way that it doesn't.
Turn off the LEDs. All mechs allow you to do that.
Got a link to a good one of these? Im looking for several for around the house and in the truck.

Anyone buy any good chink /out/ stuff? Things like flashlights or headlamps, paracord or camping supplies?
Thanks friend :^)
WSKEN Mini 2
Cheers anon.

It's nice seeing its popular enough to have rom support. I might get one. My Nexus is really showing its age.
>Stupid Zuk cuck
Excuse me?
Hey anons, what's your experience on losing packages? I ordered two packages two months ago and they still haven't arrived, what do you think happened to them? Tracking information doesn't show shit.
I got a free redmi note 3 pro that way, arrived after four months
Geez, I wonder what's happening behind the scenes.
Probably gathering dust somewhere or hidden under a mountain of chinkshit.

I got refunded after two months because of the aliexpress policy and then forgot about it until the thing arrived.
top lel
do you have 2 now?
So if they said that shit is gonna come in 12-20 days, it's been 30, can I get a refund and still get my shit when it eventually comes in the mail?
Don't be a faggot. If there is no tracking, wait until the protection is almost expired and submit a dispute. If there is tracking and the package is just taking longer, ask the seller to extend protection until it arrives.

If you people keep pulling this shit, you're going to ruin it for all of us.
I did exactly that and got a 30 day extension on my protection. That's all cool and stuff, but it irks me that they went far enough to lie to me and say that they're going to contact the post office. I know they're damn well not going to, and I don't like being lied to.

I'm not enough of a dick to do it unless they REALLY tried to fool me, but it's neat to know that it can be done.
No only that one since i went with the "eh isn't a big deal, my old phone still works anyway" mindset and just forgot about it after Ali refunded me.
It is a culturally bigoted term to use against someone who is Chinese. Most people in the world would be completely disgusted to have a "-American" after their ethnic background. For example Africans always warn their children not to be mindless criminals, disinterested in school and drug users like African-Americans. Describing them with a "-American" is offensive and implies that they are disinterested in school, hard work and other virtues that they value.

The imperialist view that all ethnic groups are a subset of Americans is narrow minded and offensive
>sound comes in and out as I twist the 3.5mm headphone connector
I hope you did try with different headphones, didn't you?
Anyone here using an orange pi? How do these things fare against the raspberry pis?

I want to set up a file server with an external hdd connected to it and also use it as a seedbox, would it work?
Oh, ok. I thought you were one of those assholes who orders stuff specifically to scam by saying it never arrived. Yeah, if it says that it is supposed to arrive after x days and it still hasn't after a reasonable amount of time and after contacting the seller, then it is fine to get that shit refunded and enjoy your free shit when it arrives next year.

I ordered something from amazon and I paid for next day shipping (well, I paid for prime and next day was free with prime for this item) and it took like a week to arrive. The day after I ordered it, the shipper marked it delivered (and signed for) so you best believe that when it wasn't there I got it refunded. I never told amazon that I got it eventually though.

My shit usually gets to me before the protection expires. For untracked shit and shit where the tracking hasn't been updated in a while, I just open an item not arrived dispute and let it escalate on its own if the item doesn't arrive. Every now and then, something gets held up at the post office though and it needs an extra week or two.
The tracking has been saying it's preparing to leave China since November 30. I mean, really? Come on.

The seller told me that it's definitely in the US, even if the tracking says otherwise. I don't really know what to believe as far as that's concerned. I'm not out to fuck anyone, but I'm making minimum wage and the $20 that I paid would be nice to have back. I'll give it some more time before opening a dispute, I guess.
seems decent, got a link ?

there was an anon with ornage pi pc 2 or some similar shit, but haven't seen him since like 10 threads... He said the had a lot of feedback, but was at work.

also, are the rock zircons still the best normal placed headphones ? or were they the monks ? Need them for a normie friend, who bitches about his handsfree from his lumia
Eiaosi x6 or remax 610D deserve that crown now.
Not after the Eiaosifag stole a frequency response chart from $60 headphones and claimed that's how good Eiaosi X6 are. Lying fags cannot be trusted.
Oh shit, it's nearly january. I probably would have jumped straight to the dispute instead of asking for an extension. Oh well. Good luck, anon and happy christmas.

Sure: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3D-Wooden-Interlocking-Burr-Puzzles-Game-Toy-For-Adults-And-Kids-wholesale-2016-New-Excellent-IQ/32663350079.html
He did?
Link to the post.
Well, how long would you suggest I wait before opening a dispute? I don't want to be a dick, but I would also like to either get my item, my money, or both.
thanks, completely missed the 610ds

thank you too!
Kek. That was me. Got you good.

But still, they offer 90% the quality of the zircons/pistons at 25% the price.
[citation needed]
Hold on. I'll find another random chart.
Did you just get it extended? If so, just forget about it until after the holidays.

If it's already been two or more months since you ordered, just open the dispute. The seller either lied about sending it or it got lost in the mail and it isn't coming.

>thank you too!

Probably never used Zircons or Pistons. Only proof we have Eiaosi X6 are any good is some lying faggot who can't afford more than $3 for earbuds.
It's only been one month, so I guess I'll just sit on it for now. I sure hope it's still coming!
It's only 3 dollars, just try one.

I'd buy you one, but I'm not going to ask you to give your address to some stranger over 4chan.
Already have Pistons and Zircons, not going to fall for your retarded ruse meme. All you want is to get other people to buy into your shit meme so you can rub your nipples when they unbox them. That's why you feel the need to lie and make them out to be better than they are. Fuck off.
If you have both, doesn't that make you the ideal /csg/ to buy it and compare it for the rest of us?

Not the guy you're replying to btw, just someone interested to see how well these cheap ones hold up to a more expensive but still budget alternative.
No way
Not when the Kzs are already dirt cheap
Kz ED2s probably destroys the Eiaosi.
I ended up just getting the cheaper ones
I dont know enough about audio to be able to give a review of the actual audio quality.
I'd happily try them out if some retard in here didn't make them out to be "90% of the quality of zircons/pistons at 25% of the price" despite never using zircons or pistons. Then acting proud of his fucking obvious lies.

No way, there's not a shred of truth in this lying, if they were genuinely good he wouldn't need to do this. All he wants is to have someone buy them so he can laugh in his tiny mouldy room about how he "got us good".

I bet it's the same guy that bragged on Discord (before being banned) that he can single-highhandedly destroy /csg/ by shitposting if he wants and that 60% of the memes come from him.
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>90% the quality of the zircons/pistons at 25% the price.
I have both and no, about 60%.
Any news about Mi5C?
>I could but I just don't want to also that other guy is a fag for making claims that I could easily disprove
how did you get them? yupoo or taobao?

I've got one, sounds fine, never had any complaints.

Ignore the turbo autist having a meltdown. If you can get it cheap, go for it.
>wasting money on things recommended by a liar
No thanks, even if I buy them and they turn out to be shit you'll just act like the post never happened and go back to shilling them for keks in future threads. Like you did when you were exposed for lying.
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>please buy my shit memes please I've wasted my life shilling them daily to trick people into buying them please I need this I need to cause a meme movement please
I have the eiaosi x6 and the rock mula.

The eiaosi definitely sounds better. Not sure about zircons or pistons though
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Free 50p Totoro plush! I ordered it in October but it didn't turn up during the protection window so Ali refunded me. Now it's here! Nice Christmas surprise.
Show pics of your Eiaosi X6 with your other IEMs.
Yeah try out a Kingspec for us, seems to be cheaper than Netac (which have already been reviewed)
Quality chinkshit
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I order so much shit spread over several weeks that I have no idea what items are missing. I haven't opened a package in 3 weeks now, so I reckon I've received the things I ordered.
Does anyone know how to disassemble a Chuwi HiPen H2?

I want to try to fix it somehow. It starts drawing when it's 3mm apart from the screen and that is a terrible thing. It's already awful that it won't be detected as an actual pen.
>Ctrl+F Vivo XE800
No mentions about it in this thread? I ordered the $3 X6 because why not. Is Vivo XE800 worth wasting my $15 on?

I own these earphones kz ed3, kz ed9, kz hds1, lg quadbeat 3 tuned by akg, monoprice 8320, panasonic hje120, philips she3590, rock zircon. Thoughts on ordering the Vivo XE800?

This. >>58147748 & >>58147479 Show us pics. I have X6 on the way. I'll be dissapointed if it sounds worse than monoprice 8320's.
There's never going to be pics because it's more lies from the Eiaosifag.
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See? This is what we're dealing with here. He's a compulsive liar and thinks tricking people into buying memes is funny. Keep in mind the Eiaosi guy is also the same guy who aggressively shills the Zuk Z2 daily and calls people who disagree with him "paid shills" and you start to connect the dots.
Prepare to be disappointed then.
Not the same one
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I wish i could afford more than clones
looking to get a simple smartwatch meme. Is this good or will it explode in my hand?

tinyurl hubyp5e
I would like to rephrase that, i think he won't use ones that go in the ear, so I guess I need something like the monks, are they still memes?
Link please!
Yep still meme

Venture Electronics VE MONK Plus earbud earphone (Still 5USD )
(from AliExpress Android)
Does Xiaomi.eu ROMs come with google play?
>tfw want to start using RDAs but afraid that i'll get frustrated trying to screw in a coil and wick it
I think he means if they're bad? Someone had a bitch fit over the meaning of meme in /hpg/.
You sound paranoid.
Seek help.
>Still 5USD
+3.60USD Shipping :^)
Is it better or should I use the global dev ROM?
idk desu, I don't like either because I don't like MIUI

but .eu has more languages, I guess

it's also got the search bar in the notification area that I dislike
I use a custom MIUI8 ROM, that is free of Chinese apps and letters. Don't have updates, that's the only thing.

Don't see a need to flash anything else until the MIUI global rom comes out. Xiaomi.eu doesn't really provide any benefits over what I currently have.
Best would be if you use Cyanogenmod, like any sane person.
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>air purifier
unless he went full retard and got a mediakek
Global isn't out nor is Cyanogenmod for the Xiaomi Redmi Hongmi Pro/Prime 4
cyanogenmod is kill

Not everything that looks triangular is meant to be shoved up your ass, faggot.

Yeah, that's why I'll keep using this custom MIUI8 until the global rom comes out.
>he bought a phone without CM support
no, cyanogen inc. is kill

cyanogenmod is community driven, so is no kill
the custom rom is a vendor's malware adware virus though?
it'll come out eventually and i just broke my old phone
>Not everything that looks triangular is meant to be shoved up your ass, faggot.
I'd rather have every feature on my phone work flawlessly as it has so far with MIUI8, than to deal with bugs and have some things not work (like fingerprint sensor).

Oh OK, thanks for clearing that up.

I'm actually using CM14 on my old Moto G. They still have a ways to go. Adaway doesn't want to update the hosts file, for example.

>the custom rom is a vendor's malware adware virus though?
Haven't really experienced any malware, viruses or ads.
>I'd rather have every feature on my phone work flawlessly as it has so far with MIUI8, than to deal with bugs and have some things not work (like fingerprint sensor).

werkz fine here

and I got the worse revision (Goodix sensor + different FFC module)
what's a good phone holder for my desk

I don't need it to charge, just hold my phone up at an angle
just buy a chink clone, Goons have an easy deck to build on (clamps).

Wicking is easy, twisting wire isnt hard if you buy some tools, or you can get premade coils on ebay i bought 10 for £3.50.

to put it into perspective, the coils, cotton and goon clone cost about £2 more than id pay for 3 tfv8 coils
The wall
Which phone? RN3P with CM13?
I installed the china dev rom and it works fine
>he fell for the meme
Should have bought LeEco 2bh
enjoy your chinamen botnet
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I can keep going if you want.
Well, when CM14 comes out for Redmi 4 Prime I might give it a go.

But MIUI8 is so comfy.

China dev of the MIUI8?
as opposed to the chinamen vendor botnet?

also no CM support

also battery isn't godlike like it is on my RN3P

also I got my RN3P off a local retailer, so no LeGem phones on there
yeah, you can flash it without unlocking the bootloader which fails because the vendor's ROM doesn't allow flashing anyway.

Use MiFlash Beta and download the recovery ROM. Put your phone in EDL and flash it.

global rom has less chinamen botnet

>oh wait you got a chinamen phone that has no global rom :v)
>I found the eiaosi x6 meme, but the xiaomi shills kept lying
By all means, keep going.
Post the review again.
He's not wrong though. It's always piston 3 meme or hybrids or what not
>He's not wrong
"I'm not wrong" FTFY
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don't delet this
Is there a reason why this thread is getting bumped?
because autism
It's literally impossible to bump the thread when it's past its post limit
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