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/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

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Thread replies: 455
Thread images: 59

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Pay-to-pirate edition



Anon's second edition pastebin for tracker paths

Encode groups

Previously on /ptg/ >>58059007

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>E**** = Exigo
>O*******e = Oppaitime
Second for AB is gay
What are your autosnatch rules for ggn?
4th for AB is Xanax-tier
5th for thepiratebay
why 312c doesn't like us?
Why the fuck did Apollo reset the download stats....
didn't that happen fucking ages ago?
what, again?
Is "Bolek i Lolek" on BTN?
what.cd dead?
Yeah that's what I'm talking about. Just letting retards off the hook, especially during open signups
nigga there was fifty years of freeleech after it, it wouldn't have mattered either way
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Is there a guide or something I can use to set up rtorrent + rutorrent for just normal home desktop seeding? I want to switch from qbittorrent and I hear deluge has problems with seeding large amounts of torrents.
these are the same idiots uploading transcodes though, ban em and move on
>I want to switch from qbittorrent
no we just moved domains
>There are people on /g/ RIGHT NOW who are too curry to set up ruTorrent without a script.
To be fair, Xanax had torrents marked as freeleech that despite it counted towards your download amount.
i've been using arch linux for 2 weeks
don't bully me, i've never used linux before
sudo apt-get install apache2
cd /var/www/html
git clone https://github.com/Novik/ruTorrent

Why would you start with Arch?
Because people tell me it isn't as aggressive with the seeding, and I could really use the extra upload on certain sites like Karagarga and PTH.
Also I tend to get a lot of torrents that aren't connecting to the tracker at any given time. Although I haven't yet figured out if this is a problem with qbit or the tracker. For example about 5 of the ~150 torrents I'm seeding on AB won't connect to the tracker, and about 10 of the ~500 on BTN won't either.
Anyone here took the MTV interview recently? When did you receive your invite? Are you still waiting for it?
You think you'll ever learn by just running some curry script?
What's the best way to get into AB from scratch these days?
thought i'd learn faster by starting with the trickiest os
I haven't been using a scrpt, been following the wiki and some random guide I found online but neither helped
Did you check the spam folder? I got it almost instantly but it was classified as spam.
i recieved my invite immediately
>Because people tell me it isn't as aggressive with the seeding
I think its just a meme.
>Also I tend to get a lot of torrents that aren't connecting to the tracker
Dont have this problem either. Maybe you fucked up some qb settings?
This. Check your spam folder.
Did you take the interview before their email system broke? Apparently you have to wait for hours for an invite to come. I've been waiting 3 hours already, dunno if its the email system or I am getting cucked by the recruiter
guys is PTH having freeleech right now??
Is it really a meme though? If I upload something and the autosnatchers get it what usually ends up happening is that I upload it to one guy and then he distributes it to the rest. So I get a little more than a downloads worth of upload and he gets 10x what I got.
No but there is a lot of FL christmas music. They add new albums every other day.
He probably has faster and better connection than you. Do you have your ports forwarded?
I do, but I'm sure his connection is faster and better considering It's my home connection vs his seedbox. But still, was hoping setting up rutorrent would help me out.
Why would it magically help out?
Its hard to compete with ultrafast ssd seedboxes, i hate them! You can give a try to rutorrent but i doubt it will make any difference.
LaZ's broken English is adorable.
I don't know, people say qbittorrent isn't aggressive with finding peers and seeding properly so I thought maybe there was some truth in that.
Such is life of seedboxlets.
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pth latest marketing strategy, spam apollo invite threads

daily reminder that pth is cancer
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Not sure if youre retarded or just baiting but its obviously someone fishing for proofs and other shit to scam. I dont think this email address has any connection to the tracker. Or maybe some mad apooloo user is false flagging.
apl latest marketing strategy, spam apollo invite threads pretending to be from pth

daily reminder that apl is cancer
maybe aliens did it ayy lmao
t. nala
It's a shame Xanax staff don't put the same amount of effort into managing their site as they do to shilling and false-flagging.
Really makes you think.
t. pth staff
it's like pth is that really hot girl and apl is her fat, ugly, slut friend desperately trying to be popular.
What's Xanax?
t. nala, the fat, ugly furfag
PtH is no friends with that curry dogs

hey folks we were working on polishing this up last night

it's a re-write of the terrible "IRC question/answer" pastebin that's been making the rounds.

it's to add to the op above the wiki link, to provide quick hits & tracker definitions.

the biggest thing i need is VERIFICATION OF INFORMATION. i'm not in the vast vast majority of these trackers, and i'm only going off information people provide in the thread

meme at each other, just not at me when giving information for the FAQ! plerase read it and offer corrections
ab is cabal, faggot
i forgot: SDBits has been rewritten as such:

not what the strong consensus was in the thread last night. as last night, if the thread convinces me otherwise i'll change it

the wiki doesn't have AB as a cabal tracker, so you're going to have to do better than calling me a faggot :^)

>SDB -- SDBits (think of it as an SD version of HDB, run by different people)
Nice work anon. I'm not sure about APL recruitment, never saw official statement about channel.
I know that Mirai from What.cd is recruiting on reddit
thepepe, aka himitsu, was cabaled by AB staff a while ago

its clear that AB is cabal, at least 4 me
>Believing the stories
Anon, you gay?
MTV should be in the "worth mentioning" section
>trackersGGN and AHD
"TV & MOVIE" should be "TV & MOVIES" or
Any of y'all using transmission-daemon or is it rtorrent only in here? I've been using the former for years but don't really know how well it scales with hundreds of torrents running.
thanks! i happen to know that APL recruitment is coming, so that section is written in anticipation of that. if it comes to "release time" i'll rewrite accordingly, including a link to mirai's post. that post may still be worth including regardless of their recruitment changes though?

the only source of AB being involved in cabal-level banning is this story circulating /ptg/ and i'm afraid that's just not enough for me

yes, MTV has gotten a huge new influx especially from /ptg/ and will be mentioned quite a bit
thanks for the editing, appreciate a worker
kg is basically cabal at this point seeing as it's the what.cd of arthouse cinema
when it goes down you will never ever see some films that were hosted on there again in any lifetime
<capa> anyone use transmission-daemon (CLI) with special scripts they'r willing to share?

hi :^)
also it's not people in /ptg/ who are joining mtv as we know it's absolute shite, people are flocking to /ptg/ to ask about it, we tell them it's shit, they join anyway then shitpost about it and the rest of us have to deal with their nonsense
btw what are you doing writing up a pastebin when you know absolutely fuck all?
How long you've waited for anon?
here's how i'm defining cabal for the purposes of this FAQ:
>Admins of cabal trackers collaborate on banning cheaters/bad users in their respective communities, along with typically restricting official recruitment threads to fellow cabal trackers.

while i 1000% agree that the loss of KG would be absolutely devastating in the way that losing WCD was for those rare media copies, that's not enough to make cabal
go to help channel
Recruitment is happening now, the queue is moving VERY slowly. Be patient, more recruiters are coming.

We're trying to hit the people who have been connected the longest.

t. recruiter
It scales terribly in my experience, tho I leave an option that my provider fucked up something with seedbox transmission setup, as I tried it on one seedbox only
>using the smiley with a carat nose
it's not cabal but it /basically/ is the same way hdb isn't cabal but is above the cabal due to just being absolutely stellar and a bastion of information plus having special status due to being run by the best encoders in the game (nick007 is the admin)
the cabal was always ptp,wcd and btn as those admins used to hang out together hence the strong relationship whereas kg and hdb are like i said, just so good they weild a lot of power
i know fucklot about formatting and delivering information in a document

i'm using /ptg/ users as subject matter experts to get the information accurate and precise

i'm a guy who showed up after WCD went down while the chaos was happening. i'm a pirate from the long long ago, recently abandoning usenet as it's become unusable and i saw how great the single private tracker (PrivateHD) i was in actually was

so in a way, i get to learn about the entire structure like it's the back of my hand and how this all ticks *and* give back to the community that taught me

i also get to shitpost like no one's business
APL, MAM and MTV are holy trinity. Has everything you ever need.

Fuck cabal peasants.
>i know fucklot about formatting and delivering information in a document
kek why are you proud of this
if you're not in every cabal tracker then don't give others advice
Z if this is you, please meme in #apollo

Thanks for the update and information. I don't expect to change the APL recruitment information before publishing
This is not Z. Type in FAQ on #apollo and I'll pm you.
AB never was, and never will be, cabal
t. yui

MTV any good?
Which CAM of Rogue One has the best quality?
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dat pic kek
>forum moderator
>banning anyone

get cucked, D

keep your bitch ass in the forums. :^)
and AlphaRatio you sperg. The holy quadrintiy of trackers
What stylesheet on BTN is best? Are any of them better than the default, and not look like an alien cum explosion?
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>D (Forum Moderator)
Beluga Caviar
I guess you could say he got D-moted.
>BTN, PTP, and other trusted TV/movie trackers. Banned countries: China, Egypt, Israel, Latvia, Turkey, Vietnam.
Is there no way getting into these trackers if your country is on the ban list? I am on PTH and GGn btw.
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PTP has no banned countries. BTN only bans Egypt.
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you're the first person that's argued for KG in the cabal period, and certainly the first to put anyone at the same point as HDB on authoritative trust

tell you what anon, i'll stick a feather in it. i think because KG is a much smaller tracker we don't have to worry about it *too* much in this sense. i wasn't sure the hdbits distinction was necessary but i was yelled at a lot when i took it out last night

not the first time i've heard this, and for a lot of /ptg/ users i do think this is a common combination

>see attached

nah thanks tho, that feels like a paddlin

ok that's it folks pack it in

get out

>giving out invites
>not being /pure/
that was like lesson #1
but yeah D was a fuuuuucking mistake
not a good look APL

that's my understanding. the original version of this spoke slightly more about this, saying something along the lines of "if you're in these countries, sorry find another way in"
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9/10 staff are demoted for incompetence.
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If it's only Egypt then I'll be fine.

>"if you're in these countries, sorry find another way in"
What did they mean by that?
No, he just asked to be made forum moderator.
faqGuy do you think TehC is worth mentioning? I see it mentioned more than SDBits for example.
And filtered
gr8 b8 m8
cleaned up the language to make sure that the banned country lists are specific to the tracker, and don't involve sites they share invites with

it was part of the invite thread text. it'd specifically say you couldn't get an invite via those threads. i don't know if that meant you couldn't get one PERIOD, but it was made clear that users from the long list were not allowed to use the site. maybe there is an exception for "received invite from member" because if you turn out to be a bad user, they ban the invite tree and the world keeps on ticking
>What did they mean by that?
Move to another country maybe.
t. D-moted
Look what you guys did

This general is so full of autism you brought an actual autism who doesn't even torrent in >>58064521
absolutely YES, i keep forgetting to add them to "worth mentioning". i guess they're a bridge from MAM to cabal right now, but no one can confirm those details for me
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>yfw reading the name on this post
TehC does recruit on MAM, and GGn recruits on TehC. I don't know what GGn's invite forums are like, but they're supposedly pretty good.
Thanks for the explanation.

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top kek
>APL, MAM and MTV are holy trinity
im on all cabal and im starting to think this
sup, D?
>tfw i don't live in US
>tfw no overdrive access
At least he admitted he doesn't even know what he's talking about instead of pretending like almost everyone else who memes here
what trackers are you even on wtf?
>get out
no u

I just want to watch this movie without paying Disney.
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keep those pajeets in check son
What the fuck is overdrive? I hear it a lot recently.
>retarded cunts actually think the hdbits internals are better than framestor encodes

Lmoaing at your life
faqGuy it's not literally an RPG, christ man
access to retail ebook
good to have if you want to join bib
Hey /g/uys, i've got a question since i move in a shit hole and got Limited bandwith. i've always use torrent and private Tracker i've always seed. is it still worth it ? our i'm just going to blow all my bandwith ? i have 300 gb per month.
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>see attached
sometimes, we don't hit the third panel

based on user responses, i would say that this is the best current bridge to cabal right now. probably the only one for an unwashed pleb

HDB has UHD. other sites will have UHD content now as well, but HDB will be the best by far. their internal rips are legendary for their quality. i'll plug a tracker i'm on, PrivateHD, which is a pleb level whatever tracker but they post BD remux all the time which is just fucking fine

no problem, happy to help

basically yeah, but i do drop the trip and shitpost


that's not what i was told
which country anon?
get a seedbox. seedhost.eu for 10 euros or less, seedboxes.cc for over that
>HDB has UHD
they are 2 different trackers
maybe you should have capitalised "FAQ" because everytime I see your name I just see "fagGuy".
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you're thinking of UHDBits, son
>UHDBits is a Vietnamese HD private tracker for movies and music in HD formats

this isn't starting out well at all
>not filtering every tripfag
I've downloaded all the ones on TPB now, if anyone is interested. These are the ones I have. Screenshot shows the one with the best quality.
1.6G    Rogue One A Star Wars Story 2016 HDCAM UnKnOwN
1.6G Rogue.One.A.Star.Wars.Story.2016.HDCAM.x264-VAiN[SN]
2.1G Rogue One A Star Wars Story 2016 HDTS UN-WATERMARKED NAKRO
2.3G Rogue One A Star Wars Story 2016 HD-TS x264-CPG
1.4G Rogue One A Star Wars Story 2016 x264 HDCAM Rip AAC 2.0 (Deflickered) -DDR
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crying this much about trips
sometimes trips are useful
>Watching a cam in 2016
kill yourself
it's mostly all on your hard drives. if they can take it, you should go ahead.

and how exactly do you need mariadb to run rutorrent? because I'm pretty sure I don't
i was following an old guide I think but even the new ones don't work
i'm stuck at this stage
why can't you just use quickbox or any other automated script?
>in a position to tell anyone anything
keep dreaming, rutorrent kid
not paying much attention if you don't know what trackers i'm on by now

please yell at me more while you can't get rtorrent running
i've tried a couple to no avail
whats quickbox?
Sorry, mpv must have changed the default format.

Better than paying Disney.
>joined all cabal trackers
>just seeding my uploaded torrents
>I don't even watch movies, tv shows or anime animore
>I just want to get epen o PTH

what is happening to me?
It's one of those auto-seedbox-scripts
Won't work on Arch though
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>not being able to configure rutorrent because i've only been using arch linux for a couple of weeks after never using linux before in my life somehow invalidates the fact i'm on every single cabal tracker including hdb and kg
but yeah take advice from fagguy who's not even on one cabal tracker because that wont go horribly wrong
>wont work on arch

t. nala
Use a fake US address and signup to a public library.
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Is anyone here on MySpleen? I'm having a lot of difficulty getting myself to be "connectable".

I've tried to set up port forwarding and my external IP is different than my IP with my ethernet cable plugged in. When I go to my router and set up the utorrent port and add it to my ethernet cable IP address, it opens up the port to my "external" IP address. And when I add utorrent to the apps list on my external IP, is stays closed.

but I am still not connectable in either situation

Any help? Or does this belong in the stupid questions general thread?
disney took a part of my childhood that had been destroyed and crafted it into something great. they can have my $10/year. bitch me out for buying into it or whatever, $10 to see a movie like this on a big screen with huge speakers is worth it. not some shakycam cap on my tv while my mom makes dinner upstairs

don't worry. i'm looking up from the bottom still, i really only want BTN. i'm set on music and movies, and basic TV is set too

so many words to say
>i can't google rtorrent install scripts
please tell me some public libraries to register
>>not being able to configure rutorrent because i've only been using arch linux for a couple of weeks after never using linux before in my life somehow invalidates the fact i'm on every single cabal tracker including hdb and kg
>but yeah take advice from fagguy who's not even on one cabal tracker because that wont go horribly wrong
- It took me 10 minutes to install rutorrent THE FIRST DAY I used Linux
- KG isn't cabal
- You can get invited to places without having the requisite technical knowledge (see: demonotaku | you)
>>wont work on arch
I told you to use Debian or Ubuntu but you're steadfast on using Arch to be some fucking ricer kid
Who's the real fag guy?
>and crafted it into something great
Kill yourself. You probably enjoy capeshit as well.
so you're not on any cabal trackers but think you can give out advice?
i bet you don't use rutorrent + rtorrent either as you can't seem to distinguish between the two (I use rtorrent)
there are no rutorrent install scripts that work on arch btw
i like using arch despite it being cumbersome
kg is above cabal as is hdb
How is this relelvant at all? Install arch right now and install rutorrent on it dickhead
don't know what you're doing but this is how you should do it:
easy mode:
if available, enable UPnP on your router and utorrent
don't set the utorrent IP address at all

more complicated mode:
enable port forwarding on your router, select the port(s) to forward,
associating them with the LAN IP address of the computer running
utorrent and set the port accordingly in utorrent
did you load all the modules for PHP on

including the SCGI module.
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>being mad at someone for enjoying something

i know it's really tough for you autists at this point, but i'm organizing information from /ptg/ threads into this faq. it started as a faq copy/pasted from HDB IRC and has evolved from there. the formatting was crap, it was over 100 lines to answer 15 "questions" that were really just "How can I get into <tracker>?"

sorry i'm getting in the way of your memeing sir! taxi to pth?
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You're purposefully handicapping yourself and crying about it, which is fine if not a bit a bit autistic
But the real gripe here is that you come to /ptg/ and waste our time trying to get us to help you, when in fact you're just a retard
KG has nothing to do with cabal - AT ALL - it doesn't interact with other trackers, apart from the occasional invite thread. KG has zero cabal drama and there's no thread of being cabalbanned on KG

>How is this relelvant at all? Shoot yourself in the foot right now and run 5k on it dickhead
boston los angelos new york
Don't use some curry install script. Set it up yourself.
>no thread
no threat*
>I just got on MTV
>When he asked "what trackers are you on" I said "none"

that'll just result in more of his autism here though
So, what is the current situation with uploading non-english music to PTH?
Better than the years of autism if he never learns.
middle east folk is fine

don't think so, is it a terminal command?
no i'm annoyed because you're doing the equivalent of taking a teaching job without having a degree in maths or whatever then asking the other teachers what the awnsers are then putting them on the board
sure some of them are correct but when they've all gone out for lunch and you start asking the burnt out teaching assistants to help you end up spouting complete and utter nonsense
stupid cunt
I like doing things the hard way and i'm allowed to vent/ask for help about torrenting in a thread about it
Also kg has a special status just like HDB, like I said they aren't cabal but they are above it
that's what i'm trying to do reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Is MTV really a good BTN backup? Isn't most of the P2P content there just a mirror of BTN? If BTN goes down, MTV will just have the same shitty scene releases that other general tracker have.

HDBits is the better BTN backup, right /ptg/?
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>don't think so, is it a terminal command?

KG has no special status. It's absolutely the best tracker of its genre but THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CABAL

I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what cabal means
Now stop asking how to get Overdrive if you're not in the US. Thanks!
i need to pay?
I got a what.cd account a long time ago and now I don't know how to get music, please help me.
mtv is shite, no one used to talk about it except to laugh at that gypsie until they started interviewing people and now all the curries have come out of the woodwork asking if they can use it to climb the ladder whilst trying to validate all the other curry trackers because they're 'backups'
the bus is a backup when you can't drive to work but it doesn't change the fact that it's full of non whites who stink and that you wont hear english or see blue eyes until you arrive at work although most people here don'thave a job so the only time they see blue eyes are when their mum cries at the state of them
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Picture. I could swear I attached it the first time around.
how many times do i have to say it's not cabal but it has special status? go re-read all my posts itt while I figure out this module stuff
MTV is very disorganized and doesn't have all the content BTN has.
i thought youre supposed to leave enable upnp unchecked
NoS is cabal
>i'm on every single cabal tracker including hdb and kg
you're some type of special retard, aren't you?
I just dont want to be out of a TV trracker when BTN goes down. I'm already on HDBits, so I hope that it serves as the better backup over MTV
not him. no anon.
you can also join bexley library in uk with a uk ip address. you'll have to use a uk ip every time you access it
it's obvious from the other posts I think kg and hdb are seperate from the cabal and you can easily infer from the syntax of that sentence that that's what I was inferring especially like i said, if you take them in the context of my other posts
yeah hdb is a good backup for ptp and btn
i say backup because ptp is basically ratioless and btn is ratioless so you only really use hdb when either of those sites go down
>bexley library
hey, that's neat. I guess I'll need some random address, right?


you seem to be annoyed that i'm collecting the knowledge of experts and assembling it in an easy to digest fashion, and that i'm taking my free time to do so?

you must fucking hate wikipedia. why are you even here? aren't you doing the same exact thing as me, except i'm releasing what i find back out so people can benefit?

i don't take every suggestion blindly, you dense fuck
you don't know who's an expert and you're not fact checking or anything, just wasting people's time by telling them to join shit sites like tehc and mtv
and know i'm not doing what you're doing as I actually give out concrete advice as I know what i'm doing unlike you
you still haven't said you're on any trackers except pixelHD which is absolutely pathetic
feels good knowing you wont be getting into PTP even when they start recruiting again next year and as such wont be getting into btn or hdb or any other cabal site you fat stupid cunt
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welcome, brother
Please stop posting



pretty close on the information at this point, no one is hollering about specifics anymore like invite userlevels, most of that has been worked out. there's a guy who tripfagged last night and said he'd post some information & screenshots about invite forums, but haven't seen it around in the archives yet.

for those still pissy that i'm doing this: lol u mad bro
Is there a /ptg/ IRC channel? I feel like I need something like this in my life.
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>tfw seed points on MTV
Do I have to go through levels of e-peen with effort to get my music now? wtf. Can't I just cram random numbers about music files and do an IRC interview, then proceed to get a ratio of .04?
you tryin to trick me?
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Don't do it 312© will ban you.

Real channel at irc.rizon.net
>you don't know who's an expert and you're not fact checking or anything
i'm asking you, the users, to do that for me. i know it continues to be tough for you to understand how collective knowledge works but you're on the internet, you have to have some basic concept of this by now man

>just wasting people's time by telling them to join shit sites like tehc and mtv
haven't told anyone to join those sites? mtv has been popular this weekend as they are open for recruitment, but it's clear they're letting everyone in at this point the interview is a cinch

>you still haven't said you're on any trackers except pixelHD which is absolutely pathetic
you keep being stunned at how i keep "not" saying what trackers i'm on, but did you stop to think that maybe i haven't mentioned because i'm not on them? PrivateHD is absolutely fine for what I want, sure HDB would be nice but I'm not going to spend years on BIB just to get in there when PHD covers me. You'll notice that PHD isn't even on the FAQ I'm making because I'm aware of the curry level tracker it is

>feels good knowing you wont be getting into PTP even when they start recruiting again next year and as such wont be getting into btn or hdb or any other cabal site you fat stupid cunt
i'll see you on PTP eventually i'm sure :^)

no u


apollo recruitment is opening soon. you don't have to do the cabal climb to get to pth. apollo is definitely the lower of the two, no question. but it's much easier to get into for the average user and with open recruitment starting in their irc, it'll be similar to getting into what.cd was i think in the end -- that seems to be the goal anyway
hi 312c
it's going to take you at least a year and a half to get onto ptp and i'm already on it :3
and hdb
and btn
and kg
and so on and so on..
Got in hdb, it's fucking shit. Fuck all of you memers. I can literally get better shit from ip torrents and I can just pay for upload instead of wasting my time. FUCK YOU
I wonder if tracker staff are all sitting in an irc somewhere laughing as /ptg/ argue relentlessly over what is cabal or not.
btw AB is most definitely cabal, and GGn probably are too (based off actions staff have done)
Rude truedread
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i'm aware. i didn't know that when i first came to /ptg/, which was in the immediate aftermath of what.cd going down (wasn't a user, just have bad timing)

the good news is of those you mention, btn is the only one that kind of piques my interest. hdb would be awesome of course but BIB is a climb... i don't know that HDB is worth it for me personally. time will tell. it's an rpg after all, right guise?

kek you weren't even on what.cd and you have the audacity to trip
any of you on bB despite never ever having a reddit account?
i'm not on bB despite having a reddit account ;_;
>boo assembling information
sounds about right
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Who's winning?
lack of comment on the last draft means it's ready.

thanks folks. i'll check in periodically, which is sure to rustle the jimmies of most of you
How do you get into ADC now that applications are closed?
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<FierySoul> If I edit filenames does that impact log score?
<sf08d76bg> FierySoul: Do not edit logs
<FierySoul> Apparently EACs pulled metadata had a typo'd artist...
<sf08d76bg> For any reason
<FierySoul> not logs
<FierySoul> just files and cue
<FierySoul> But does the logchecker check if filenames are the same as during rip?
it's nothing special anyway.
explain yourself
yeah i buy it desu
i'm on hdb anyway but i still wanna be a bigboy :<(
it was the final draft before publish, one last sweep for typos and adding a link to a list of encode groups that's in the current /ptg/ op
>he's not a BigBoy
>have vpn with uk exitpoints
>hope their security is incompetent
>I R C
irc.rizon.net #ptg
SSL ONLY 6697 or 9999

Join under an alias for fear of the 312c marking
I'll consider setting up a znc instance for those of you wanting an anonymous bouncer if there's enough demand for it
If Apollo wins I will kill myself on cam. I've wasted way too much time uploading to PTH.

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>hey guys just connect to my znc bouncer
get out 312c
sorry for delay. yes anon, random address.
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wow what a legend AzzA
wtf is going on here? only this tracker. can they actually configure that?
how worth to join is Karagarga? is it cabal as HDB ?
use uk ip address and follow above link
>this shit again
which tracker? also check that the announces didn't simply fail
Do you like to watch video art and pretentious YUROPOOR cinema? Then yes.

It's not cabal.

they verify shit about address?
how much time I have to wait before receiving numer/pin?
I'm already /marked/ by 312c so I don't really care if he connects my domain to my username on PTP
There's really no way to get around the whole "huhuhu need anonymity but 312 is in on everything" maymay.
Would you prefer if I set up an IRC network just for /ptg/? I could anonymise hostmasks/user idents/realnames on connect and remove CTCP functionality which should pretty much make everyone reasonably unmarkable
That'd be nice of you anon.
Fuuuck how do I get upload on bib.
Am willing to pay2pirate
312c will find a way.
Ive uploaded a ton of shit, mostly from MAM but no snatches
so theres really no reason to rank up on mtv right?
verify address? no
the library staff will be at work tomo. It's the week before christmas so they could be busy, but I think they took a couple of days to email me my login.
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Cant trick 321 like that.
how much fucking longer until my TORRENT GETS APPROVED ON PTP FUCK ITS BEEN A MONTH
Hey Voltaire,
Don't you have some sex fantasies to be writing about on reddit?

Please fuck off
Are you in rush?
Hey man Voltaire's always been a cool guy
>azza cucked by his wife's son

seems about right
You expected your upload to be checked after a month? Jesus christ anon. Please check your privilege and re-set your time frame to around Easter, if you're lucky.
here's a (You)
>mostly from MAM but no snatches
because most Bib users are on MAM
as the other anon said, see>>58065849
What tracker is this?
do you know more libraries like that one?
What movie did you upload? Ill see to it that it gets checked.
/marking/ like this
BTN, AzzA used to run that joint
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>invite forum on PTH finally
how does one get an account on either of those?
Just trying to help. Dont be so paranoid.
Apollo IRC #recruitment
anything good?
Only SDBits atm.
no, the only others I know require a real uk address but see >>58065079 for us libraries
It's always cute when someone from /g/ wanders in here.
Not yet, it just opened. But I'm hoping for some decent invites at some point since pth is cabal
anyone help me out, any idea why peers/seeds show up like this? specific to this tracker
isn't this on /g/?
>since pth is cabal
oh boy please don't start this discussion again.
I thought you mean upload more shit. Why specifically overdrive?
better look out the window for the party van, friend!
Ptg had dinner more damage TO the tracker community than 10 billion raids.

Congratulations you pricks
no, we're a separate entity inside /g/ like Puerto Rico
No, this is /ptg/.
fuck off 312cuck
youre cancer
312c has some more good for the community than anybody here.
/ptg/ is great at dinner.
you can not build a successful tacker around music

both will fizzle out
i'm 5000 miles away from this server's window :^)

badly configured tracker i imagine
I tried visiting this webpage but it says I need a PassTheHeadphones to login. Where can I find a PassTheHeadphones "invite"?
>Congratulations you pricks

You're welcome friend. :)
PTH is rolling out a lot of new forums right now.
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It's not worth it!.png
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[email protected]
what've we got there? apl still largely ignoring forums and irc
Okay cool, what do I say for the apollo interview? Is there a cheatsheet like for the what.cd one?
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I'm glad you got that off your chest mate, thx for sharing
pm 312c on reddit with "cuck" in the subject line

you have to try

but the wcd cheatsheet will help[
just a reminder that nala is 312c
Why should anyone try to impress curries?
how large is sdbits? anything that is not on btn?
Apollo has no standards, they're not asking you to identify transcodes or anything.
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curry detected
What is TTN
SDBits is entirely irrelevant if you're on BTN or PTP.

It's 2016, who's still downloading SD content anyways?
>apollo interview
my fucking sides

old shit
Delete the you fucking retard part it sounds like you are trying too hard, also ggn elite -> pth is possible
uhdbits is good if youre not in hdbits or want to cross seed
I'll send you an invite. What's your email?
[email protected]
sent ;)
protip: if you climb high enough there, you can reach a magical place
I really don't know what I'm doing. Is there an easier way to get in or a different tracker to be trying for? I just want to get free music in good quality.
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So if I get Elite on Pass the Headphones, can I get into Apollo? The problem is everyone died at the end of Rogue One.
easiest way to get access to music tracker right now
Use rutracker. Apollo has curry standards but they're to much for people like you. You're not prepared for the private tracker rabbit hole, need to at least be on the spectrum.
Thanks for the non-spoiler kek.
>telling people about the UHD backdoor

please stop
apollo is fine for that, they're just memeing
So PTH pretty much has everything AB has invites-wise.
Is that more or less than the invite forum on PTP?
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AB better recruit on PTH
pth have ptp?
I thought g********s.ru was the backdoor?
ab has fuck all so who cares
the real question is will it get as good as wcd?
ptp is the only place btn recruits so it wins by default
holy shit the pth invite board is crazy good
There's literally nothing there at the moment. It opened less than an hour ago.
that backdoor is closed
You're like 3 weeks late buddy.
ptp is closed f.am and you wont be able to get in till summer 2017 at the earliest
they're 5k over the user limit
can we put this shit in the OP?
so nothing since AB closed ranks
they have over 10k disabled accounts though
How is that relevant?
>user limit 30k
>Users active this month: 30,427 (86.19%)
either way no one is getting in for a looooooooooooooooooong time
search "All Lights Fucked on the Hairy Amp Drooling"
thanks, anon.

now its time to get ripping and reach Elite on AB
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should lower it to 20k imo

right now there is some what useres that sent pm requesting invite to ptp and will never get one
312cuck has been a busy bee!
dude just lurks on irc nonstop
>there are people on the internet RIGHT NOW who joined what.cd just to get onto ptp and sent chunky a pm request right before the site died
D A I L Y R E M I N D E R:

> do not post on forums
> do not use IRC
> use your buffer
ptp is overhyped af
> use your buffer

its the only thing that makes me happy
PTH Invite Forums will be the same as WCD was.
Is KG worth getting into? Is there a way in from PTP?
doubt it
desu i don't like movies, but I want to join BTN
that's cause he's got other people to do the dirty work and bring him all the info in one place
yes, no

KG is probably a top 5 tracker when you consider how much rare shit is on there
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please stop posting pics of sementaco
PTH invite forum has been open for a little under an hour. So far:

Only if they do interviews imo
it has recruiters from every tracker
give it time
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>refresh apollo homepage
>upload goes down 0.10GB
Seeder/leecher ratio: 85.67

Seeder/leecher ratio: 112.05

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xanax staff on suicide watch
>> do not post on forums
>> do not use IRC

There is nothing wrong with using IRC or fourms, provided that you are not autisitc
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So true, people only say that because they sperg out on the forms and are shocked when the offend someone
I once got muted (couldn't comment) on a tracker for pointing out the uploader broke the rules. turned out he was super extra important.
just post thanks when you download a torrent, nothing more.
I had a what account.
yes but many autists aware of their level disability.

>all i did was call the sysop a faggot why did he le ban xD
For the next community challenge, you will receive the following Christmas reward:
200,000 perfect FLACs - 1 day Freeleech*
225,000 perfect FLACs - 2 days Freeleech*
250,000 perfect FLACs - 3 days Freeleech*

Deadline: 23/12 23:59 UTC (8 days)

>"Perfect" FLACs: 163,184

Apollo has had just over 10k perfect FLAC uploads in 3 days. They have failed a challenge AGAIN.

Staff are gonna give FL anyways, right Z?
when do you think apollo is gonna go full 32p, anons?
Congratulations. If you're a "I just want to share the music maaaaaan" person, use Apollo. If you're an autist who cares about quality and organization, use PTH.

Why didn't you use the report function?
exactly the same happened to me on ipt years ago
I moved on to niche tracker not long after
Ok. How do I get into PTH?
Invites are disabled, so you don't.
Your best bet is to work on your ratio on AB and get into U2 if anime is your thing. U2 isn't a stepping stone to ADC (you can get an invite through), but it's pretty much the sister site to ADC and will show your interest and capability to throw around full DVDs and Blurays.
If you want ADC for non-anime, I'd be looking for some good stats on AvistaZ before I'd invite you. I wouldn't invite someone just collecting trackers.
AlphaRatio now recruiting on PTH.
there's someone on APL and PTH who uploaded a few torrents on APL but hasn't uploaded anything on PTH. even though the same stuff is missing on PTH.
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>on apooloo
>see this

*(you can get an invite through AB)
that tracker had a shit interface, not even sure if it had a report button. I just left a comment.
False flag another rogue moderator and announce another weeklong FL?
thx for sharing. please keep us updated of any further developments.
Willing to trade Xanax invite for Art of Misdireciton anons
I really really really need an UK ip address?

I have an VPN, but its US only
Does U2 have non-anime content?
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>when sarek is this triggered
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I've got you beaten by a bit.
They'll get to it when they get to it. Don't sweat it.
The one thing Apollo had going for it is now gone. Who would've thought, the never-ending global freeleech was artificially keeping the economy alive
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>yfw apollo staff hosted Post Office officially.
I can help you out
[email protected]
t. UK VPN fag
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632KB, 1080x720px
pretty sure this guy isn't fazed by anything
/ M A R K E D /
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Did sarek get banned from everywhere?
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>the curries are starting to realize that nobody actually cares about their 2003 swedish pop core album.
are you kidding me?
this post is a gift to 312cuck
what the FUCK were you thinking?
literally just queue up some torrents you actually want you retard
it takes forever to download them anyway...bloAtzone amirite?
Nah I can create an account for you, who cares, it's two minutes of my time
enjoy your ban
/ h a r d c o r e /
you do, but if you only have us vpn, then see >>58065079
sarek keep it to one thread you dumb fucking nigger
sending this to 312c as we speak
>thinking that is his actual upload
>thinking that 312c doesn't check who opened this torrent
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uhhh the torrents i want have been sitting there for months with no upload.

bloatzone is a meme ZQ and D-ZON3 are better than most groups

youre just jealous AHD isnt recruiting. Go on, find someplace it is
its just sarek bitching that people are using his stylesheets
I have no idea who that is but will probably rig my setup with torrentToMedia (part of nzbToMedia) if anything. Transmission seems pretty limited irt category support though; not really exposed at all in the upstream interfaces and on finish script execution being an "all or nothing" type of deal.

Guess I'll find out in a few years if I ever scale up my torrent use. For now it's performing fine with ~100 torrents, but anything else would be pathetic.
All these new ptg people after what.cd went down

Can't we just go back to shitposting sent ;) like the old days?
I don't want to bother you sir
I'll get some free trial vpn

do you use this overdrive to download shit? https://bexley.overdrive.com/
hahaha... jokes on you because i'm already hdmaniac lmao
but anyway, the reason i say don't autodl is because simply seeding yields enough upload credit by exchanging the BP
why /pyramid/ when you can get comfy and download the things you want

anyway, i actually think ahd is the comfiest tracker and im just trying to help you bro

Maximum users: 15,000
Enabled users: 13,124 Details
Users active today: 7,936 (60.47%)
Users active this week: 12,123 (92.37%)
Users active this month: 13,135 (100.08%)
Torrents: 482,943
Releases: 340,638
Artists: 246,409
"Perfect" FLACs: 225,887
Requests: 3,028 (56.08% filled)
Snatches: 961,399
Peers: 1,278,497
Seeders: 1,263,746
Leechers: 14,751
Seeder/leecher ratio: 85.67


Maximum users: 40,000
Enabled users: 33,061 Details
Users active today: 13,345 (40.36%)
Users active this week: 24,895 (75.30%)
Users active this month: 32,908 (99.54%)
Torrents: 443,833
Releases: 214,568
Artists: 179,773
"Perfect" FLACs: 163,338
Requests: 4,333 (52.83% filled)
Snatches: 2,950,396
Peers: 2,230,661
Seeders: 2,210,930
Leechers: 19,731
Seeder/leecher ratio: 112.05

Apollo on suicide watch now that they've found out their economy doesn't work without freeleech.
at least their seed count hasnt dropped dramatically; it hasn't even gone down 10% yet
I hasn't updated in a few days.
>your ratio will become 5.94
Its very easy to calculate your buffer and find your profile. Better delete the picture.
It is. It's no secret that I occasionally post here, in /djt/, and the Vocaloid thread on /jp/.
>not at 500 posts
get out

and fucking serious with that op

Maximum users: 40,000
Enabled users: 33,066 Details
Users active today: 13,391 (40.50%)
Users active this week: 24,899 (75.30%)
Users active this month: 32,928 (99.58%)
Torrents: 444,104
Releases: 214,782
Artists: 179,835
"Perfect" FLACs: 163,338
Requests: 4,333 (52.83% filled)
Snatches: 2,951,730
Peers: 2,202,867
Seeders: 2,183,286
Leechers: 19,581
Seeder/leecher ratio: 111.50
meant for
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>Apollo on suicide watch now that they've found out their economy doesn't work without freeleech.
you are aware that apl off freeleech numbers are twice better than pth off freeleech?
Im there. u2 has no invites available and usually never does
>using the smiley with a carat nose
: ^ ) wrong thread kiddo
>using the smiley with a carat nose
lmfao keep dreaming buddy
We don't plan on it, no.
i'm not revealing my home ip sorry mtv :^)

>comfy setforlyfe on "pleb" trackers
>has everything i want

keep climbing anons
wjat "pleb" alternative do u have?
>failed another challenge
well when the challenges are retarded like that, yeah

like the original original extension was "300,000 uploads, and 100,000 "Perfect" FLACs by December, 8th 23:59 UTC"

eventually we just kinda forgot about that total uploads number lol
It's the first they've failed.
all this shit back and forth

apl staff needs to wake the fuck up and try a little harder

enough with the single letter names, no one fucking thinks it's cute. no one knows who the fuck the others are. who is in charge, X or A? who knows?!

pth also needs to get their recruiting house in order. that invite forum is a meme inside two weeks unless they can add something of note. doesn't have to be cabal but path up isn't a bad start
isn't mtv a dead end?
they biffed that one, they biffed this one, and they bifffed community challenge #2 of the last round

i'm not saying
i'm just saying the goals that get set, such as the 300k goal and this current 200k perfects were laughably high for what the user base was actually outputting
so you failed the interview?
backup is nice, i want btn but have no path
didn't bother, they're pretty clear that you can't use VPN in interview
No, I thought the same thing (but I wasn't having tracker connect errors), so I set up rtorrent and the same thing occured. It's just most people have super fast seedboxes so their connection is prioritized over yours, nothing you can do about it (except get a better connection or buy a seedbox).
>inb4 pay2pirate
seedhost.eu under 10 euro
seedboxes.cc over 10 euro
Thread posts: 455
Thread images: 59

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