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/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 374
Thread images: 46

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Alright, you know the drill:

Previous thread: >>57680885

Post your questions that don't deserve their own thread here.
How do VPNS work?

What's the best paid VPN for posting on cuckchan?
Is it a retarded idea to use pgp to generate passwords?
windows 8 or windows 10 with shut up windows 10 and spybot antibeacon?
can I use a display port to hdmi for a two monitor set up? I bought two samsungs and they only have HDMI and some analog input. So it would be display port from the GPU to the hdmi in the monitors.
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My PC wont read the SD card I use for my 3DS. Tried the SD card on my sisters laptop, no cigar. Seems like no other sd cards work either
W 8.1 or W7 Ultimate.
alright thanks
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it clicking when reading some files, im backing it up now.

how fucked it is?
I had this in the other thread, but just to leave here:

Friend of mine has a HP EliteBook 840 G3 for work, and wants to use her monitors at home for more work. She has one already connecting to a VGA slot. If she gets another monitor that uses the DisplayPort, will it allow all 3 monitors (2 external and the laptop's monitor) to work? "Videocard" is the integrated Intel HD 520 (CPU i7-6600U). I have seen reports with similar situations saying it does work, but I can't confirm with hers. I checked the intel website for the i7 processor and it says it can potentially support 3 displays, so it is in the realm of possibility.

Any input or personal experience with this kind of laptop /g/?
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My font rendering is all messed up after updating FireFox, I'm using MacType if that makes a difference
Not in good shape but not in a great one.
The dont get seagate meme exists for a reason anon.

Some damaged sectors reaching the zone where you must start backing up.

If they keep increasing move it to secondary duty to something simple like non important temporary file storage.
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So I got a new PC a couple of days ago and I noticed that the USB ports left some scratches on my USBs (pic related is my Logitech Dual Action controller, which suddenly stops working, idk if from this). I also noticed some holes which I don't remember seeing. Can anyone tell me what's causing these scratches/holes. and how to fix it?

Holes are always there. I have a USB with the similar little imprints. It is part of the USB design. I believe it might be to allow for the slot to "grip" the USB and prevent movement.

You said new PC, so it could be that these slots are brand new and tight. So entering a USB and sliding it in and out might scratch the surface of the USB. It is a nonissue as long as it doesn't damage the connectors of the USB. Nearly all of my USBs have it from my new computers.

If you want some pics for reassurance, let me know.
So I just installed debian and it runs great so far, but l don't know how to install the flash package because I'm new to linux , can someone help me?

>inb4 kill yourself retard
The holes no idea but the scratches are something normal.
How would I go about partitioning and setting up the bootloader to have a Windows 10/Arch uefi dual boot?
I'm trying to setup wifi on debian. I don't have a de and only use awesome. How do I setup wifi with WPA supplicant and have it connect to wifi when I start my system?
This was reassuring enough, thanks for the help
The new drive is a WD blue,
I know about the segate meme now, but this has been going for 2.7 years so I cant really complain.

I guess it can be my dedicated torrent drive now
I've always held the belief that:
1. Torrenting new releases is totally unsafe
2. Torrenting movies released 0-2 years ago is pretty unsafe
2. Torrenting movies/tv shows/games/music older than 2-3 years old is safe

I've never thought to ask about it, but is this rule bullshit or is it generally true?

I can't say statistically if the rule has basis, but anecdotally I have my own personal experience would push me to agree with you. But I am not sure if I would agree with the ranges. I am more conservative, adding a year or two in regards to what is considered "safe". You also have to take into account the size and power of the movie/company behind it. I use to torrent without any sort of protection, and this rule kept me pretty safe for the most part. I got cocky and chased after a newer movie, and got sent a letter. It wasn't threatening or anything. Honestly, I could of probably kept with my habits, but I figured better safe than sorry, and started using a VPN. Even so, I torrent things so rarely both back then and especially now, using that rule plus protection seems to have worked well enough. No other letters since.

I don't know what your habits are and how you protect your anonymity on the internet or if you are using a residential connection or like a apartment/university connection, so your mileage may vary.
what do you mean by safe?

I just normally wait a day or two for a tv show to sort through the viruses
Honestly I've actually found seagate drives to be pretty reliable. Moreso than my WD drives.
I meant companies looking to pursue legal action.
Your computer and the VPN server do some fancy crypto to talk to each other in such a way that nobody else on the internet can figure out what you're saying to each other. Your computer sends everything that would go out to the internet to the VPN server. VPN server takes it and spits it out to the internet. When replies come in, it forwards them back to you.

If the VPN provider is trustworthy and keeps no logs and etc they provide a high degree of privacy. If they're untrustworthy they can log all your shit and see everything that your ISP would otherwise be able to see about what you're doing online. Welcome to the world of security where in the end you have to trust somebody, it's just a matter of who.

you'll have a hell of a time finding one that isn't banned, since you aren't the first person to have the idea of using some IP that isn't yours to shitpost.

Probably not. depends on how you're doing it though. Plenty of programs can generate passwords though, most password managers have a good one. and of course you can always just
head -c 16 /dev/urandom | base64

why do you want to do it with pgp?

should work fine.

just go ahead and do it, there's at least a 90% chance it'll Just Werk

no, really, you shouldn't be using flash. it's a massive security hole and last I heard it wasn't being maintained for Linux anymore anyway.
a friend overclocked his fx-8350, it sits at 4.8Ghz... ALL DAY

that shit ain't normal right? I've only ever oc'd intel, never bothered with AMD

He doesn't care as long as its cool but yeah, that's gotta be some wear and tear right...right?
>why do you want to do it with pgp?

Not so much that I want to so much as it was the first thing I thought of. From your username, to the site in question, message is the password itself. But a password manager sounds like it's ultimately a smarter proposition. Would you suggest any? I've heard good things about Keypass.
I mean as long as the voltage isn't too high it should be fine, but unless he has a golden chip, 4.8ghz on an FX-8350 probably indicates a pretty high voltage.

Gigahertz themselves don't kill a processor. It's all about the voltage. And heat—although excessive voltage can still kill a processor even with excellent cooling and temperatures.
>there's at least a 90% chance it'll Just Werk

Alright, I'll give it a shot. Got my fingers crossed when the monitor comes in. Thanks.
Can someone tell me why you'd ever want to encode your music as CBR?

From what I understand, VBR offers both better quality (bitrate can shoot above target when needed) AND smaller file sizes (bitrate can drop below target when unneeded, which is typically more often than shooting above target therefore leading to net bit savings compared to CBR).

Am I missing something, or am I right in my assertion that CBR encoding is completely obsolete outside of VOIP where an expected rate is useful?
Well, yes, that'll give you a strong password, but I wouldn't do it simply because it's like using the butt-end of a screwdriver to hammer in nails.

Keypass is a good password manager. It has a password generator and other bells and whistles. It's originally Windows software, but there are ports to Linux, Android, and I believe to Mac. It's not cloud-based or anything, the password database is just a file. This means you have to set up any syncing you want on your own, but it also means that you don't have to trust another organization with your passwords or transmit anything over the network, the file just goes where you decide to put it.

In modern times you're pretty much correct on this. For a long time though it was easy to find software and players and devices that got confused by VBR in various ways, though.
just realtime stuff (VOIP) and legacy decoders (that don't support VBR, at this point that only includes very old stuff)
Ausfag here, where's the best place to buy computer parts? Preferably retail to avoid postage.
How do you +1 threads around here? I see the catalog refreshing with different threads but I can't find an option anywhere to +1 any of the posts.
that's some advanced bait right there
Is there any way to just plug in an iPhone 7 into my desktop computer and browse/backup files manually? My computer is running Windows 7.
Is it even worth allowing DNS request to/from my VPN home server when it's only going to get connected by VPN clients for accessing the local file server?

I.e. the server has no requirement to open connections to the WAN.
What do people see in Poweramp? It's the most popular and lauded music player on Android, but I just took a look at the screenshots on the app store page and it's absolutely disgusting. It looks like something from the gingerbread era, and also like something that a Pajeet would cobble together with such a poorly designed and noisy interface.
I just watched Mr Robot and is it possible to become a cool hacker like him?

Do I need to learn how to program?
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My current build. I'm looking to upgrade the GPU.

What do you guys suggest?
sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree

Check the Debian wiki before asking: https://wiki.debian.org/FlashPlayer#Installation
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You're right, but people are slow to catch up. It's going to take a while before most people stop encoding 320k as opposed to V0. Same thing with WPS which has been proved to be completely busted security-wise five years ago, yet it still comes enabled by default on most devices.
she got wrecked by every race imaginable other than indians and im sure they wouldnt want her either
I upgraded to 1gbps internet and it randomly hangs whenever it gets close to 100% network usage (not always just sometimes). I do NOT use a router. Could this be a hardware issue or should I start complaining to my ISP?
where are you downloading from at 1gb per second?
I just did those nifty speed tests
can I simply copy all my files from old HDD data drive to new SSD drive, unplug the HDD, change the SSD drive letter to the old HDD one and everything continues to work as if nothing happend?
You probably need to upgrade the network drivers. Seen this issue on my dell precision m5510 when saturating the network connection with old intel drivers.
I'm trying to dual-boot Linux Mint and Windows 10, but I have some concerns:

>I used the Win 10 partitoning tool
>booting mint
>"something else"
Here's the part after which I didn't know what to do:
>choose "unallocated space" (don't remember what it's called), which is my 25 GB partition
>create /root, /swap and /home
>You must have at least 1mb of available "boot space" (again, don't know what it's called), because if not my system may not boot correctly
>mfw I only have an sdb partition and an sdc partition and no sda
>mfw every 20 subs Dual-Boot-Tutorial pajeet has sda
Mind that I have a Kingston SSD with the name C:\ and a Toshiba HDD with the name D:\
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Gigabyte 1060 6gb G1 or EVGA 1060 6gb SC?
pls respond
Posted this before and got some nice answers, but I want all the feedback possible and I weren't able to answer the counter questions (fucking job, seriously).

Can anyone recommend me a dumb phone? I just want it so I don't need to have my smartphone connected to the network all the time.

I've been eyeing the nokia 216, but what the fuck do I know?

/smartphone general/ is too smug to discuss feature phones. Tried there.

I just want it to be able to receive calls 24/7 without having my smartphone all the time connected to LTE.
> 9geg

Anyways, I just ordered something off of Amazon. How do I know that some of the proceeds will go to my charity once it goes through, or is that not how it works? I don't know whether or not I ordered through smile, what should I do in case I didn't? Should I just cancel the order and re-order?
144hz tn or ips monitor?
144hz ips are too expensive
What happened to desktop threads?
Ips if you can, TN if you can't.
So I have 2 HDMI monitors and one VGA monitor, all 1080P.

I have a Gigabyte GA-B150-HD3P motherboard and a Sapphire 8GB AMD RX 480.

Latest drivers installed.

I have all thee monitos plugged in, but it only detects the one connected to the RX 480, not the HDMI output and the VGA output on the otherboard I/O,

Is it a BIOS setting I have to change? If so, i can't find it for the life of me. I'm getting desperate. Please help me?

Tried /wsr/ but no dice.
Hey! Can somebody Please post the link for Daz Loader
Everything Google turns up looks shady af for me
i can get ips, but not 144hz

Who is better: a mechanical engineer or a software engineer?

Assume they have equal IQ and background.
Do you actually miss those?
What kind of teenage question is this? Study whatever the fuck you're passionate about.
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Where is are the integrated gpu settings in my bios? What the fuck?

>passion is not a meme
no I was just wondering where they went?
I want to die. I paid a lot of money on black friday to get multiple monitors and I've been trying to make them work for over two hours now. Please, anyone help?
>Nothing brings me joy.
Wow. You must be SMART and MATURE. Wow. Just wow.

They probably imploded over their own faggotry and reposting of the same shit over and over.

The first world is an implacable place to live, huh?
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can you recommend some some really small cases that can house full atx components.
I know Lian-Li has it's A-05 and it's front mounted psu. But I don't like that it has 5.25 drive thingies in the front - it looks kind of outdated.

I'm looking for something this size, under 400mm height.

You may have to use 1 VGA and 2 ((ACTIVE)VERY IMPORTANT) Displayport to make your setup work.
>that expensive CPU cooler
>no GPU to be found

what the hell are you doing that requires that kind of cooling on a CPU?
Idk friend, not my pic, maybe the guy is waiting for his new gpu to arrive
What is the advantage of compiling program with clang cl?
is it possible to have switch, router, nas, web server, database server in one motherboard?

im thinking using VM and getting a 6 core proc and putting multiple pcie network cards giving each one its own physical core

dunno but is it possible, dont mind learning
What pathname do I use to set up Java on a USB? Trying to get notepad++ running Java. Worked before but need to do it again and can't remember how.
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This is what I get when I try to set up the pathname for javac on a USB stick.
There is LITERALLY no reason why this should be happening.
Does anyone know of a way to make 4chanX NOT remove 404'd threads from the thread watcher? I want those links left up there so I can click them and go right to the archive.
try adding
before \java
Got it fixed.
Java needed to be in root for some reason.
Whats a good resource to learn OpenGL in C?
my mobo has 4 slots for RAM sticks. can i put whatever sticks i find to it or do i need to pair them or something?
you can, but you want to put the same sticks into the same colored slots.
Few days ago I was looking at some stuff in Firefox on my phone, went back to home screen and put my phone down, in the morning I found that it had used up about 40% of its battery. Is this normal behavior for Firefox? I thought it would slip into the background quietly and not do such a foolish thing.
Click the down arrow on the watcher, settings, auto prune
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I am an idiot, thank you Anon.
I have a MX600 wireless mouse the wireless adapter broke, everytime i check online they almost coast hundreds of dollars for a fucking usb stick. Is there anywhere I can buy a replacement stick that won't break the bank?
what's the deal with OP3 not wanting to connect to LTE of 4G? My signal keeps bouncing between 3G and H on Tmo but doesn't seem slow?
I work as a developer for a relatively small company, few weeks ago someone managed to break into their servers and cause a lot of problems. Was eventually traced back to a vulnerability in code that I wrote. Now my boss says that they are going to dock all of the losses from this breach out of my pay because I am responsible for the vulnerability that caused it. Can they do this? It hardly seems fair. It's not as if I'm the only person who was able to look at that code before it went live.
You're lucky they're not suing you.
consult a lawyer.
since you are supposed to have a code review on everything before it goes live anyway there's no way you are the only one at fault.

might as well look for a new job right now.
Anybody know anything about HDMI switchers? What should I look for to be sure that I don't get shit quality or something? Seems like some might introduce a few artifacts.

well not really but how do I install the latest ubuntu on windows? lxrun /install get me ubuntu 14, how do i do 16?
I am about to buy a new laptop with windows 10 on it.
I really prefer windows 7 (not just because of the interface) so I would like to install that on top of windows 10.
Though, I am not sure if this is smart to do.
Or should I just put a Linux OS over it?
I am not experienced with coding, is it still better?
Check the manufacturer's website for win7 drivers for the laptop.
If they don't have win7 drivers- don't buy it, or don't install win7.
Will generic SO-DIMM ram work in my laptop?
What's the recommended mail client? Still Thunderbird?
how do i edit a variable i from a javascript file in css?
you don't.
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I wanna fall for the Chromium meme but I don't know where to download and how to keep it updated. Care to help?
Look up your laptop on the manufacturer's site to see exactly what kind of RAM you need. You're looking for both the DDR version (for example, DDR2/DDR3) and the speed (800MHz/1333MHz). There are many different speeds possible, those are just examples. As long as you match both the DDR version and speed, any RAM will do.

Please " reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in select boot device and press a key"

Windows 8.1
Gigabyte (American megatrends) mobo.

I need files ofd my pc fast for college what do i do
How do I into OS dev? Should I learn C? I already know C++ and some Intel x86 assembly. Does anyone have any babby-tier learning resources?
There's a section for OS's and OS Development.
Here's a link to download: >>>/t/741840
"The top five tech companies Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, Cisco and Oracle [..]"

Why are Cisco and Oracle big lol? Besides using MySQL a few times which I believe is made (or bought) by Oracle, I don't think I ever use or hear anything about those companies? I guess there were some idiots in my class in highschool who needed Cisco certs for their pleb syswork career, but I always thought about these companies as some irrelevant shit that will inevitably die

Why are they still around?
So I have a file test.mkv that I want to extract the audio track from. I try
for i in *.mkv; do ffmpeg -i "${i.mkv}" -vn -c:a copy $i.mka;done

but all I get is
bash: ${i.mkv}: bad substitution

How exactly do I make it so test.mkv outputs as test.mka?
Dio cane che merda
Is the MEGA extension for firefox safe to install and use?
Here's the magnet


My Digital Life Forums is where you get it if you need it in the future.
Thanks for the advice; I tried this
 for i in *.mkv; do ffmpeg -i "${i%.mkv}.mkv" -vn -c:a copy "${i%.mkv}.mka";done

and it worked, even though it looks kind of a mess. Is there a good resource for learning bash that I could read?
>good resource for learning bash
Just use megatools on cli
Just read the source code faggot
No bully plz.

I'm not tech/computer literate, this looks way beyond my abilities.

>$i excluding .mkv with .mkv added
for what purpose
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was there no code review? also talk to a lawyer.
It's literally just

You can add a

before the link if you want to customise the download location
What's a decent Hard Drisk Drive for cheap?
I'd like around 4TB at least.
Will give it a try then.
Where do I start if I want to learn about networks, any good books or reads?
I must be retarded or something because double clicking megadl.exe open something and immediatly get closed down.
To add i have only 1ssd connected and i desperately need this stuff
The girl has thank you in japanese on her phone screen
bumping for this question.

ideally i'd like a high rpm one.

google "networking for dummies"
i'm sure you'll find something
How do I check my internet connection speed?
You need to open a cmd window in that folder (shift+right click > open command window), then do
megadl.exe 'LINKHERE'

I'm not sure if there's a difference between single quote marks and double, so try the other one if one doesn't work.
>>ideally i'd like a high rpm one.
Stop being retarded. If you want fast, get an SSD. If you want $/GB, get a HDD.

There's no middle ground.
>no middle ground.
i'm sure i can get a 7200 rpm one and call it better than a 5400 rpm one.

WD black good enough?
Thanks, it worked with double quotation marks.
And sorry for the trouble.
A 5400rpm hard drive is still like 80 MB/s dude, and a 7200 one is like 100MB/s
While an SSD is more like 350MB/s
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I'm supposed to be getting 200mbps. On speedtest.net i'm getting 94, and i think my windows is behind it (pic related) . I tried changing it to 1GB under "Speed and duplex" it didn't work. Other people in my house are getting 200.
Given that TB3 maxes out at like 5GB/s and PCIe 3.0 x16 offers 16GB/s, what're the best GPUs you can put in an eGPU enclosure that aren't entirely crippled by the connection?

Alternatively, given that I want a laptop with a quad core, will I already be able to get one with a better GPU than the non-bottlenecked eGPU alternatives for less?

I'm mostly wondering what sort of value to place on the portability.
check you're not using a cat5 cable

you need at least a cat5e or cat6 cable for gigabit

it should be printed on the cable itself
Is it possible that a virus has fucked up my wireless in my home only?
Ever since I downloaded accidentally a shady .exe the wireless signal is complete crap yet internal router page ( says it's excellent and technicians do too
On W7 what's the best software for starting programs memory limits/limiting memory after starting?
If there are ways to do it with just the command box or something then that'd be even better, but last time I asked I was told I was out of luck.
I am using Kubuntu 16 on my laptop. The damn thing (hard) freezes on seemingly random occasions (Sometimes a mere mouse move is enough). There is no way to really reproduce the freezes but I never had a single one when going to tty1-6 and just doing work from the console.

Any suggestions what to do? I updated my drivers and stuff but that didn't help. Can't run memtest because UEFI. Can someone tell me which logs I should check after the freezes?
Lads, I remember back in the day of having seen a compression format that would take a huge file, make a 'recipe' of it and then compress it to a much smaller file that to 'uncompress' you'd have to effectively remake it, thus taking a long time.
What format was it?
did you use linux for that? Windows is shit at recognizing different filesystems. Is it perhaps in f2fs?
every compression format ever
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to whoever helped me with port forwarding yesterday
i eventually got it working your efforts were not in vain
Nigger, i'm talking about making 1gb into a few mb. I know how compression works, and I suppose that anyone in here knows it too, so we can go past that and suppose together that this compression was out of the ordinary.

fucking cunt.
QTTabBar throws me a 0xC00D11B1 error for .mkv file preview. Can't get webm to preview either, anyone have this problem?
My cable is 50 feet. I looked but didn't see it.
there's limits to how far you can compress any particular file
1GB of zeroes can be compressed to next to nothing, but 1GB of random data can't be compressed whatsoever

if you're just asking for the best available formats, check out zpaq
I reinstalled windows 7 yesteday, and my volume is pretty damn low compared to before, anybody has any idea what I can do?

Google pretty much just suggests "loudness equalization" every single time
Can someone with a WD Blue 1TB post a picture of your PCB?
Im looking for another REV A to see what it looks like because mine doesn't look good.

Install sound drivers.
>still techsplaining an evidently knowledgeable interlocutor

Thanks for the tip on zpaq.
The information in the format i mention was random, it was a gayme, probably already compressed too. It was in the days of needforspeed, that's how old it was.
I tried the sound drivers on asus's site, but didn't do much, I'm waiting for windows update to finish checking for updates to see if they have newer version of the realtek drivers there.
cat5/5e/6 can do their rated speeds up to 100m (328 feet)
but cat5 is only rated for 100Mb/s, you can sometimes get 1000Mb/s with a cat5 cable if it's short, but 50 feet isn't that short

if you don't see a cat* marking on the cable, try a different cable (one with cat5e/6 written on it, or is very short) to rule it out

if your machine is old, its network card may only support 100Mb/s

are the other computers attached to the same router/switch? if not, ensure the one you're connecting to supports gigbit itself, and that it is connected to the router with a 5e/6 cable

>Serial Vector Format (SVF) is afileformat that contains boundary scan vectors to be sent to an electronic circuit using a JTAG interface.
don't see the link between that and a compression type

Maybe a misquote?
How do I get thumbnails to display in Windows Explorer for mkv/webm files? They are associated with mpv if that matters.
Dualbooting Win7 from my Linux hard drive and the download speed ranges from very poor to nonexistent.

Does anyone know why this is?
Thank you so much!
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There was a thread about a USB stick that makes your computer go faster that was just a live usb Linux. What was the name of the product?
What were you trying anon?
From what you said i'm 100% sure it's the cable, because it was cheap and really long. I didn't know that the cable mattered. Thanks
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I want to hack my children's handheld (pic related), but to do it I need "a router you can SSH into with root access"

I have no idea of what that means. I'm currently using two routers: one from my ISP that can't do anything ( just boots their wizard to configure the connection), but my second one is this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0049YQVHE/

How do I know if it has whatever I need? "Access SSH via PuTTy", whatever that is. I need to block Nintendo's servers from giving me an update

Ive tried bios settings, unplugged everything else, switch sata ports, and nothing.
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Anyone remember?
This is a question about a router, it fits /g/
>>What were you trying
As in, how did you fuck it up as badly?
What were you attempting to do?

There are a couple of things you can do
1. Boot into your system using a live distro (puppy linux was built for shit like this) and backup everything on an external hard disk/cloud
2. Use one of the "system recovery disks" and fix the startup
3. If partitions are set up right, I'd suggest you simply format everything on C: drive and reinstall windows again.. carefully
The fuck are you talking about, 3ds hacking is secons to psp hacking

The name was like "new computer" or something similar to that. I can't find it in my history but that might jog your memory.
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Black Friday Steal.jpg
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>bought new HDD (my third HDD)
>have only 2 HDD slots on my PC

What do I with my 3rd HDD? Can I put another HDD drive in my rig?
I did nothing at all, i recently installed sketchup, though i doubt thats the cause.
On 10.7, Nintendo has added something to their browser. If you are not fully updated, it'll prompt you to update your firmware before you can access the browser

There are two ways around that:
First one is being faster than update notice so you can go into your bookmarks and boot the exploit before the message pops up

The second one is doing the SSH access thing and blocking the Nintendo's servers from sending the message.

The question was if I had SSH access with the router linked about, cause I don't know shit about routers or networks or whatever. Apparently I don't, because PuTTy only gives me an error when I try to access it
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Suspend it in an optical drive
Just be faster. Was this a mario 3ds or did you update a rando ds?
Nothing. I probably browsed /g/ on my phone at the time and managed to wipe my history a while ago. I wish someone had some images of the things.
Go back to /v/
It's the white Mario 3D Land 3DS

I still didn't receive it, should be here next week. I was just trying to find the more convenient method, hacking my O3DS back when the first downgrades came out was hell, I spent about 6 hours waiting for those haunted red letters to appear
3ds hacking is easy now. Do you still have a hacked 3ds? Consider oothax, basehax, etc hax and ropehax
Assuming that you know what you are doing with the BIOS,
You probably need this

Btw, the install CD works as recovery disc too!
I tried that, it wont boot from the disk since its win 8.1, i guess i could try a live usb...

Always annoying, wonder what caused it
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What's the best Hard Disk Drive brand on the market?

I'm trying to get this add-on to work so I can watch flash streams with mpv but clicking the icon doesn't open up memepv.

I have the mpv folder containing youtube-dl in C:\Program Files so I'm not sure why it won't open.
Seagate and WD has never failed me or my friend after 7 years of use. Currently running 5 WD drives that are always on in my tower
Best fan ball bearing lubricant?

Best way to remove old lubricant?

Best way to remove old thermal paste?
I have a hacked O3DS
I might do Stickerhax but I didn't want to spend $30, at least not in a garbage game like Sticker Star. All the cheap exploitable eshop games were removed lol
FUCKING FOUND IT. That was too hard to find through google.

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I'm looking for Black Friday weekend stuff.

Basically, looking at the price of a couple things and wondering if it's 'worth it' to buy rn

I know there's a consumer goods historical price comparison site out there (grabs prices from sites, over time graphs and returns outlying low prices)... I've used it before but I can't remember the name.
>Best way to remove old thermal paste?
PC on for a bit to warm it up then use a lint free coffee filter.
Why does intel lock some of their processors? Like paying for a k makes no sense to me. Shame the cpu market has no competition.
You dont own any 3ds games with exploits? Even pokemon oras can. Also steelhax bro, then systransfer. The removed titles were dsi, which are used to write to nfirm, not as homebrew access
Also correction, just fan bearing lubricant, I only wrote ball because I usually only talk about ball bearings.
Are any of the cheaper VR headsets even worth it? Or do they ruin the experience. Especially the ones you put your phone in.
no, don't bother.
Nope, zero games. My O3DS is EU while my N3DS is NA, so while I do have a copy of OoT, it's EU. Thanks, Nintendo. Same for systransfer, different regions.

I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and either hunt down a used/cheap copy of OoT or buy Sticker Star from the eshop

Then get IPS.
Really? I was under the impression that WD was unreliable. Or maybe it was seagate, I don't remember.
Thanks either way.
Or just do browser hax and hope for the. Best
this goddamn ancient laptop is taking forever to search win7 updates on a semi-fresh install
how the heck do i speed this up? im getting mad at this
WSUS Offline Update
So I JUST started learning python, by recommendation of other anons, last night. Where is a website or program where I can type in my code and get it to execute, a console I guess?

I'm so sorry, I know I sound autistic
Does anybody know if this arm http://ergomaxoffice.com/collections/monitor-arms/products/economy-steel-lcd-vesa-desk-mount-for-3-monitors
Could support a 29' ultrawide in the center and a 24" on both sides
Read some stuff on here https://www.backblaze.com/blog/hard-drive-failure-rates-q3-2016/
I built a PC with using a Xeon e3-1231. My friend has an old i7 2xxx and his setup seems to be faster than mine. Did I fuck up somehow? I'm not really used to Windows. Running W7 with daiz loader.
Are there small inline microusb dac/amps for phones?
And also, good free ways to learn programming? I was using codeacademy but I get the distinct feeling that thats kinda shitty.
Yes, look up mobile dac. Not sure if theyre any good but the exist. Fiio makes a few.
Pick a language, go to google and search "<language> beginner tutorial", follow that until you know some basics and then figure out a small project, then code your project googling what you don't know.
god bless
codeacademy does that
also fretsonfire is built on python, maybe you can check that out
That doesnt look like a good idea at all.
Please tell me this image is real
It is.
>Am using a 65w cooler for a 120w cpu
How fucked am? The temps atm are ~35c
Would Tor be enough to go around my college filters?
They even blocked mydigitallife forums.
Daz loader*
I'm at my wits end. Just got back from the Tmobile shop after getting a new SIM. My OP3 is refusing to even recognize tmobile's 4g network. I'm stuck flipping between 3g/h . Internet works fine but it irks me not to have 4g when i just did on my moto x.

APNs correct, did them myself then reset and tmo guys did it. IMEI comes up unrecognized. 3g, mms, everything works fine except the fact the device cannot even recognize there is a tmo 4g network. I can't find anything on Google either because it's all problems with ATT. and returning it is an absolute last resort, 3t considered.
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>disassemble old pc
>realize that there is a disc in the disc drive

what is the easiest way to get this out?
how can i properly install the intel HD drivers for my laptop? i tried the auto detect tool but i think it installed the wrong thing bcuz i cant run any 3D application..
laptop is Lenovo Thinkpad R61, Intel core duo T7100 processor. any help is appreciated !!

also are there any useful wifi tools for windows? i think its not necessary but i would like soom
connect the thingy into the thing, turn on the PC, press the "open disc drive" button and take CD out
A clip in the emergency hole to make the tray go out.
I will have to see if my optical drive has an emergency hole.
They all have one.
Just look for a tiny hole in the front.

Its not called emergency hole by the way, i just dont know the name.
Hi, where do you buy laptops and electronics online in the US?

Best buy, Amazon, Barney and something are awful websites, shit are clotted. I live in a third world country and I think we got better webdesigners
I'm getting rid of my Ubuntu dual-boot. When I'm freeing up disk space, do I just delete any volume not labelled with NTFS?
Oh fuck yes, I didnt even have to open my case to get to it.
just bought a z170 pro from asus how badly did i fuck up
Amazon for safe warranty.
Microcenter for great deals.
Frys for something fast.

Newegg is an alternative.
plug into power while holding the eject button
don't need a computer for that
Depends on CPU.
how tf do you get more employable? Trying to get an entry level position as a developer but I get rejected every time, not even brought in for an interview. I already did a 3 month internship and worked at a startup for close to a year. Web dev work. Seriously how many meme frameworks do I need to know for someone to consider me?
Then meanwhile you dont have problems with it that need RMA or you bought it trough amazon you are good.

ASUS has some shitty warranty.
I'm upgrading my gpu from an ancient Nvidia card to an Rx 480.
Am I doing the right thing here?
>take gpu out of machine, boot using intel graphics
>uninstall nvidia drivers completely
>Install new gpu, boot, install Amd drivers.
Am i missing anything? Will other nvidia cap like shadowplay, geforce experience uninstall themselves when I get the drivers, or should I wipe those too manually?

And yes, I did google it first. The result was relatively helpful, most of the other ones were just retards on tomshardware bickering over brands.
You have to remove the other stuff manually too.
oh yeah i know asus has shit warranty,i just didn't wanna take a gamble on other boards being unstable for oc and other boards in the price range looked really gaudy
Would it be okay to connect my server via powerline?
What Linux distro should I install?

I'm currently using Xubuntu. Works nicely, but has quite a few bugs.

I was considering Solus or Elementary, as I'm looking for something stable and good-looking to work with.
Arch is the most stable distribution.
I really doubt it, I've never used Linux before
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What should I take into account when buying pen-drives?
My graphics card fans stop and the screens turn black after a minute or two on the desktop. Is it permanently rip?
What laptop should I look for? I need a durable one with a nice IPS screen. i5 and 8+gb of ram.
What are some of the best, nonbiased tech websites, and some of the best relating to open-source software and linux in general?
No script has started blocking a XSS from moz-nullprincipal whenever I search something in the FireFox url/search bar using Startpage.

It's only happening when I search from the URL bar, not from the startpage website or through the Firefox homepage searchbar. Can someone explain or help me with this?
I was looking around for a software connected with a camera that recognizes shapes and colours in said camera, like the ones used in the industry.

I tried for a couple of hours but i can't find anything aside unrelated shit.
Are there any good options on ~8inch OLED screen tablets? The samsung Tab s1/2 seems pretty much what I want (hardware buttons, micro sd, lightweight, high resolution) but they're way more expensive than I'd like and they're not dropping in price either.

I'm open to considering china tabs and budget line, all the ones I can find are ips which just doesn't go dim enough to not cause me eye strain when used in the dark.
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what does this mean?
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Should I avoid Sandisk when it comes to SSDs?
Your processor has 4 cpus.
Numbered 0, 1, 2, 3.
Each core has 2 threads.
Each socket (i.e. where you put the processor, meaning the processor itself) has 2 cores.
There is one socket, meaning you're not running a cluster with several processors.
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Screw tip is fucked how do I get this thing out
Just got my G403 it's absolutely fucking terrible, fuck Logitech. The scroll wheel rattles and moves around, it feels cheap (It probably is, I bet it only cost them $2 to make) The side buttons feel extremely springy and loud. It even dragged a bit on my mouse pad.

Guys stay away! If my second mouse has this same issue I am going to be fucking livid.

My Cooler Master Devastator mouse feels better than this piece of shit! And it only cost $30 (Keyboard + Mouse combo)
I thought cpus and processors were the same thing
ok, so 2 cpus per core
1 thread per cpu
Do you have access to the other side of the screw? you could try to get a nipper to pushit while trying again with your screwdriver.
I bought a micro SD card from Amazon (directly from them, not a retailer on Amazon) so I assume it's legit, but to check I would use h2testw, correct? Or is there a better tool around?
What's the best / easiest / fastest way to glean inside of pc?
Oil-less air compressor
Air can / Get a professional to do it / Smash it to fucking pieces
rubber band + drill
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So, i'm trying blender gpu rendering on my r9 280x. lateste drivers. The renders is turning out pic related. I'm using the latest dev build because stable wasn't compiling opencl. Is this because of some setting I have, a bug with the build/opencl, or something else entirely?
I'm in ait and I need to buy a projector for my ps4 so I can game. But I don't want to spend a lot of money on it. It's only me and my battle buddy who would use it, what would be a good quality cheap priced projector?
Is the GTX1070 a worthy upgrade over a 7970 GHz?

And is a 6700K a worthy upgrade over a 2500K?
Ok, thanks. Should going into my file manager and clicking "uninstall" be enough? I've heard that sometimes they "linger" and don't properly uninstall unless you force it.
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What the fuck is perfile and how do I get it?


Why the fuck doesn't Pyinstaller, "A program that packages Python programs into stand-alone executables" come with perfile, "a Python module to read and work with PE (Portable Executable) files"?
anyone good with rufus and usb iso burn?
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Do yall have a go-to brand for aux cords? I finally wised up and got a pair of headphones with a removable cord, and Ive never had to shop for aux cables before. I just need a decent 1 foot male to male cable for walking around, that hopefully wont start to shit itself after 6 months of use.

How do you take long screen shots that scroll down an entire page? I want to take a long screenshot of a comments section but I don't want to do it in parts and then paste the parts into paint.

One long screenshot please.
So an order I have on Amazon says it's been delayed by the shipping company, but it still says " Arriving today by 8pm " on the top of the screen. Is that 8pm estimate before the delay, or is it still going to come today despite the delay?
If I log into someone else's gmail account, would they be notified if its on a computer it has never been accessed from?
google sends out login warnings for new computers.
Im pretty sure yes. Ive had "hack" attempts on my throwaway gmail accounts before, and they sent me notifications that someone was trying to log-in to my account from china or wherever.

I'd rather not have to switch to DDG/Google and not have the ability to search from Firefox's URL bar
I have a macbook pro 2010.
I broke off the contact pad that connects the right speaker.
Would it be easier to find someone to re-solder it or should I do it myself?
Normally on something like that I would use the Contact Us form and talk to them over the phone or do the online chat to check, but I guess with Black Friday and all they might be a little swamped.
How do I get mp3 files and PDF files (just downloaded, not bought from any Apple store) from one iPhone to another? The iTunes backup and restore from backup only back up stuff bought from the store, and iPhones don't seem to let me browse the files manually.
I'm new to Java and I'm wondering if Micro Edition is still used or is it better to learn how to program Android?
where does /g/ get his software from?
Just want to get into Photoshop
Well I'm not THAT concerned about it, just a bit curious.
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I'm using JDownloader and I want to filter EVERY link but those from a certain website, how do I do this?
I can only find explanations to filter singular domains or extensions.
I mean worst case scenario they won't know, best case they'll give you some promotional credit because of the delay
Looking to increase my autism by virtualizing TempleOS, but it hangs at "Loading Compiler"

Wat do?
I just got a new server case from work, and I am going to move my server into it. It has 4 4 drive SAS backplanes, and I am wondering what I need to connect those. Would this card work for connecting them to my server?


It has a port that says "to controller", which makes me think that I need another card to use with it, but I am not sure. I will not be using any RAID features, because I will be setting up ZFS. Are there any better options for connecting the 4 SAS backplanes?

Here is my current server:
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Red pill me on buying a bb 9900, /sqt/. I want a physical keyboard phone and I keep reading how the 9900 has the best keyboard and most productive OS. Is it really that good?
WHen you plug any graphis card your internal gpu gets disabled.
I've never used an iPhone in my life, but what about iCloud?
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Which browser do I download to my 2gb ram Atom notebook?
PaleMoon has a version specific for Atom. If you want decent flash, you should also have chrome installed for those times.
Thanks I don't think I will go with palemoon as I won't be able myself to adjust it.. What do u recommend out of top 4?
I'm switching from an AMD 290X to a Nvidia 1070.
Do I need to uninstall my AMD drivers before I install the 1070?
I hear php is insecure because of all the vulnerabilities, but there's many versions of php. Are all these vulnerabilities being discovered in the old php, or the new php versions too?
>amiri king
>on behalf of all white people
Whats the best AV for a very sloooooooooow old PC ?
am i completely fucked if i browse the internet without AV? should i just switch to linux or stay offline in older PCs ? how unsafe is WinXP really ? is win XP 64 bit stable? why does some people say win XP 64bit isnt stable?
best regards
I've used iExplorer in the past to move things from my iPod to my computer, so I guess you could do that. But on the trial version it pauses after every couple of files so it could take a while if you have a lot.
If a chipset is 'integrated into a processor' does it mean that the processor is soldered on board?
The HP 200 g1 is very cheap where I live, i'm thinking of buying it now and upgrade it later. Is this series all soldered on/non-upgradeable?
I bought some DDR3 RAM a year ago with the intent of using it in a later build. That build ended up needing DDR4 RAM.
Can I get an adaptor, or is that RAM useless?
Read/write speeds, interface (2/3.0 USB) and size. You should preferably buy one that has enough space for your files.
wont matter, i didnt get any problems switching from AMD to nvidia and viceversa
are you selling that 290X? i could use a new GPU if ur west EU and give a decent price

I was trying to afford going through the cloud if possible, for privacy and because it's a lot of data. Might have to though.
i wouldnt recommend any of those browsers for an Atom processor
whatever you choose, install noscript
Is there a way to change how fast this thing disappears? It stays longer than it needs to and it blocks me from using other things.

Don't know what it's called or else I'd Google it.
>wont matter
Cool, thanks.
>west EU
Sorry, USA. I haven't decided what I'm going to do with it, being that its slower than the $200 1060 it might not even be worth selling. And it may or may not be dying. I have had a hardware related BSOD while playing Xenoverse 2 but its been perfectly fine in Space Hulk Deathwing, and they're both Unreal Engine 4 games so I have no idea what to think.
Around 95% of consumer laptops with power saving CPUs have the chipset and CPU and sometimes the IGPU(if not present in the CPU) soldered to the motherboard.
No, sell it and buy DDR4.

Samsung USB 3.0.

I closed out of a game after it had opened in a resolution my screen didn't support, and now the resolution of my desktop seems to have changed where it is still set to 1920x1080 but the taskbar no longer fits the screen and is just barely visible at the bottom.

If I change the resolution back and forth it just reverts back to not fitting in the screen.
Also, I have already tried restarting the computer and changing the resolution back and forth again with no avail.

Anybody know what's up?
Any help would be appreciated since I am genuinely stumped.
>Read/write speeds
As informed on the manufacturer site?
Are indentations important in coding a web page? If so, why?
>Samsung USB 3.0.
How do you affirm that USB has the best quality/reliability?
Change your resolution ratio back to 16:9(or whatever your monitor is).
Change resolution trough your GPU drivers.

Replug your monitor.

Samsung is one of the best memory makers this days.
Yes. Indentation in all code makes it structurally easier to comprehend. Code almost always needs to be changed and revised, and readability is an absolutely priority.

You could always have 2 versions, one with and one without indentation, if you're trying to squeeze every drop of bandwidth out of the site.
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I just need some opinions on what TV I should get.


The Sony is 700 at Micro Center. The Vizio is 750 at Bestbuy.
My usage will be mostly movies and TV shows with the blinds drawn, not really considering gaming or using it for my computer.

Basically if people in this thread can answer these two questions, I would appreciate it:
>Is 120hz for TV a meme?
>If they were free, which one would you take home?
Note, the blue one is made from plastic so avoid it.

Meanwhile its reliable and fast the build quality isnt great.
Get the aluminium/gray one.
don't hear your music on groove
anything over 100 bucks value is worth selling imo
why keep it when it will just lose value over time and take space ? and if you are upgrading anyway
It's Spotify.

Seems like the controls are managed by Windows itself. Seems like it's the touch volume controls from what I could find. Can't find it anywhere in the settings. Oh well.

You'd think they'd make settings for it...

>Best AV for a slow PC

You would probably be choosing between Avast Free, Panda Free, and Bitdefender Free Beta. Some people say Comodo's antivirus is light, but I have no experience with that one.

>No AV, am I screwed?

Well from your post, it seems like you are browsing with WinXP, so usually I would say not necessarily, but I don't think WinXP evens comes with a built-in real time scanner, so I wouldn't browse without one. Even if you are beefed up in other areas of prevention, you won't know if something managed to go through, so you open yourself up to being in the dark about whether you are infected. You can do on-demand scans regularly, and if you are safe, they should hopefully be coming back clean, but you are still going to miss the immediateness of a real-time scanner.

>Should I just switch to linux or stay offline in older PCs

It's up to you. Should you? Probably. You don't want to be running security risks openly and blatantly if you can help it. However, it is up to you to value the risk/benefit ratio.

>How safe is WinXP really?

I recall there being a few articles talking about the vulnerabilities still open. I don't know if they are concerns for enterprise or consumer PCs. Your concern will probably be dealing with older out of date software and the vulnerabilities they might introduce.

>Why is WinXP 64bit claimed not to be stable?

I can't say for a fact because I didn't hear about this. To be honest, back when WinXP was out, I was not at all in tune with computers. I am still nowhere near expert knowledge, but from what I remember, WinXP was Microsoft's first 64bit OS. Things may have been bumpy in regards to implications of certain software.
Just get a few of whatever cable then.
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How do I migrate my OS and files from a small SSD to a bigger SSD?
I7-3770 is still a good cpu right? Can it be OC'd?
Not sure if this is the right thread of board to ask but I figured I'd try;

How much can I sell pic related for? It's silver, 160gb, in good condition (the back looks scratched up but I'm sure someone who knows how can fix it up) and runs like the day I bought it

It's gonna suck letting this guy go after all these years but I need the cash and I heard people still buy them for $300~
Is it possible for Amazon to deliver your stuff to you before you even ordered it?
Bigger does not mean larger storage size.

Smaller can be better unless you lose them constantly.
I'll give you $50 ;)
Yes very possible

it happens to me every single day. It's such a shame.
I have a gtx 970 rn, and I basically have to use its DVI port in it for my current IPS monitor.

I want to buy a 144hz monitor to go alongside my current, but that will need to use the same port OR use the one in my motherboard.

What difference does it make connecting a monitor to the motherboard over the graphics card, if any?
I'm not homeless, pls go.
Is it a crime to take packages from someone's porch?
>is theft illegal
It's not really theft though is it? I mean you're not going inside their property, you're just taking something that's sitting there in public view.
Do it fgt
Is it safe to use a propane grill indoors?
A person is guilty of theft if he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it; and 'thief' and 'steal' shall be construed accordingly.
If a midi to usb adapter works on my PC but not on my Surface Pro 3, what would I look for to fix this? (both are on WIn 10)
Are you trying to commit suicide?
The answer to your question is the same as the answer to this.
>package was purchased and meant for someone other than yourself
>if it's on their porch, its on their property
>taking THEIR package from THEIR property is stealing
example: if a tree grows over a fence, that part of the tree belongs to the person on the other side, taking fruit from that side, despite the roots forming on your side, is still (legally) theft and can be treated as such

You're breaking the law. You may not see it that way, but the other person is well within their rights to call the police and have you arrested for theft. Don't get prison raped over an iphone case and a couple of blurays. It doesn't matter how many clauses you present to the Judge, you WILL go to jail for theft. No matter how many "buts" you throw.

Story: Down the block from me when I lived in San Francisco, a junkie stole a bag of chips. The owner caught him, called the cops, and now the thief is in jail for theft. Not drug possession

It's no t the size of the crime, it's THE CRIME.

besides, this is /g/, not /legaladvice/. Why are you here?
https fails everywhere, always sice about a week.
Doesn't matter which OS or platform, mobile data or wifi.

What do?
Is the time on your computer accurate?
If yes, then malware.
ok am lost. i used rufus to install the arch iso onto a 15g flash drive. when i cfdisk i see 2 partitions created and mounted and i still have 15g showing as free.

sdb1 797m bootable type: empty
sdb2 40m type:EFI (FAT-12/16/32)
freepsace 15G

what do i do now g?
Yes.. Malware on Android and windows, also Linux?
Your router is compromised.
any archfags here can shed some light on what2do?
Fuck. Did an update about 10 min ago. Still no safe https.

But then again, my mobile data is also screamin unsafe connection.
inspect the certificates.

Yeah, seems like a great CPU. I made a new budget recently machine, and it still isn't that powerful.

Since yours is the non "K" version, your processor is locked. I think you can mess with some things in the BIOS to make it always run at its Turbo frequency, but that's about it, except maybe for the base clock changing. Downside is everything gets sped up, so it can cause increase in errors in other components.

Unless this is a throwaway machine to play with, I would not recommend messing with the base clock.
Can I still become a good programmer even if I can't speak French?

The slot on the motherboard accesses the internal/integrated graphics card. Effectively the integrated "graphics card" will be used to display that monitor, which will put the stress of displaying on the CPU.

Using the slot on the dedicated graphics card itself will use the dedicated graphics card to render and display that monitor, which is the option you want to do because the stress of rendering will go onto the graphics card.
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Will do. Pic related is the error i'm getting btw.
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42KB, 1554x326px
Pic related is my code. Why won't the color of the links change when I hover the mouse over them? HTML/CSS.
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The other anon says router is compromised, and I would be inclined to agree, but one thing that seems off is that you say it happens even on Mobile Data. Are you making sure you cleared the browser history of everything when switching between mobile data and wifi?
Can someone please explain Docker and what it's use case is?

I thought linux containers have existed since forever? What makes docker so special?
Will Donald Trump be a good president?
I didn't, i'll try right now.
still unsafe
I get this when I connect to my Uni's wifi. It happens when I somehow connect without putting in my password

using task manager, closing the browser, and reconnecting to wifi (prompting the sing in) usually fixes it for me.
Economically, yes.

Everything else: Hell no.

He may be an "OKAY" president, but there's a good chance he'll butcher it considering we made a rich daddy's boy the fucking president

Damn. I've never heard of an issue like this, with the time being correct and everything. I had a similar issue, and the time wasn't syncing with the time server, so while it was technically close enough, it didn't work. Especially since both mobile and wifi doesn't work is what has me stumped. I am guessing a device restart doesn't work either, right?
I'm restarting my router right now, if it doesn't workboth my smartphone and my pc. Tough i did restart each i dividually during the week..

I'm scared to login to my bank account right now.
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Funposting !:).jpg
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Can I get ncmpcpp to display onscreen desktop notifications telling me the name of the song everytime it switches to a new song?

You are correct, linux containers have been around for a long time. I think what has the buzz all about it is that it is robust and ready for enterprise grade products, which is a big thing because most companies for safety reasons stick with virtual machines which takes more resources.

As for its use case, it is like other containers. Rather than using a VM to run applications in separate environments, it allows people save resources and remove bloat by having the applications run separately and share a single OS, unlike in a VMs situation where each VM has its own OS running.

So this means that companies will need less powerful hardware to run as many applications.

You might want to repost your issue and current information about the problem here when you get back.


Either my smartphone got comprimised and it spread over to my router, or it has something to do with chromium.

All i did was playing WoW like a maniac, no shady sites or anything.

But i might have a clue. On WoWHead was that google alert redirect shit. I did disable js for a while, but the website wouldn't show me the comments so i reactivated it.
I don't get this alert anymore, might have something to do with that..

Here move the discussion here, this thread is about to get bumped off.

I see. Can they be as easily managed as VMs though?

I think so. Or at least that's what Docker is saying.
Officer, listen... Look... I took the car because it was just sitting there in public view. It's on public property so therefor it's my right to take it...

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