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/fglt/ - Feelgood GNU/Linux Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 47

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Previously: >>57201427

Welcome to /fglt/ - Feelgood GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Feelgood" in every Feelgood GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

* Resources:
$ man <insert command here>
$ info <insert command here>
$ help <insert command here>

Your friendly neighborhood search engine:
Try to use a search engine that respects your privacy such as searx, ixquick or startpage.

Check the Wikis (Most troubleshoots work for all distros.)

What distro should you choose?

Break out of the botnet:

Learn more about Free Software:

/fglt/'s website:

/fglt/'s copypasta collection:

>>>/t/707928 - /t/'s GNU/Linux Games
>>>/t/713097 - /t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos
I wanted to update my intel gpu drivers on mint, so I went to dl the intel update util from intel's site. They have an updater for ubuntu, seeing as mint is just a flavor of ubuntu I went with that, but the installer refuses to update drivers because mint isn't supported. Any other way to update intel drivers (the repo is oldish)?
Pls send help
Use a theme that is supported.
It's the official distro theme.
Use a theme that is working.
That's not a valid solution
It is broken then. Use a theme that is supported.
It's the official distro theme.
And this is why people think manjaro is shit.
That's not a valid solution
Yes, you said. It is evidently not updated and is broken.
A valid solution is filing a bug report and telling the incompetent devs that they didn't update their theme.
Is it the official theme?
Just use a theme that is oficially working.
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Yes it is!
Which is what I originally suggested but apparently that is not a valid answer. He wants some magical solution.
It is broken then. Use a theme that is working.
what's a good link for advice on how to make IceWM usable
>inb4 wiki.installgentoo
Usually the manpage.
Is it officially supported?
>>57208767 here,
I installed mint since it was already being rufus'd to the flash drive as I posted. My sound's RIP and I don't know what the fuck I'm looking at when I 'alsamixer'. Any of you kind folks have any spoons you can feed me with?
Maybe your soundcard is muted. Happens often.
Check the archwiki for all questions. It's great.
how do i nc to a port once, and then repeatedly send it info in a bash script doing a for loop?

e.g. i want to send it the numbers 1, 2, ... 10000 and capture what it outputs when it receives all of those. how should i do it? right now, i connect to it, send the number, capture the output, end the connection. and that's way too slow
got it. literally every time i post for help here i get it seconds after i post for help. and i dont post for help that often. idk what it is
The next one will drive you insane. Post when you got it.
uhhh, it was in the repository, but it's not a "flavor"
so yes, it is officially supported i'd say
I'm going to try this on my trisquel partition; considering it's from intel as well, you could give it a go with your drivers to update them manually.

https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=209410 (post by willix)
>The MM label below a channel indicates that the channel is muted, and 00 indicates that it is open
It's above the channel for me, guess it's a mint thing, but they're all green double 0's. Problem lies somewhere else.
i ended up using C for the past level lol
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void){
int a, b, c, d;
for (a = 0; a < 10; a++){
for (b = 0; b < 10; b++){
for (c = 0; c < 10; c++){
for (d = 0; d < 10; d++){
printf("UoMYTrfrBFHyQXmg6gzctqAwOmw1IohZ %d%d%d%d\n", a, b, c, d);
return 1;

then i did ./a.out | nc localhost 30002. i did it in bash too to where it worked but i wanted to do it in C as well just to C if i can compile everything and all that. i don't like bash much at all. think i'll stick to C where i can. and also i'll look at it now
Reminds me that bash also supports c-style loops: for ((i=0; i<10; i++)); do echo $i; done
>when you take a screenshot on mint it just lets you save it.

Anyway, I swapped to the correct Intel sound card, I'm assuming, since this is the only thing with master sound/all these other channels. When I try and
~ $ amixer sset Master toggle
I get
amixer: Unable to find simple control 'Master',0

I know it's already unmuted but I'm wondering if all that other shit that's muted is the problem, and I don't know the hotkey in mint's alsamixer interface shit to unmute them.
>tfw it was on line out
man I'm too retarded for CLI, thank the GUI gods.
Use your audio with pulse.
amixer -D pulse set Master toggle
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is there a way to make gsimplecal not look like complete shit?
you're right about this one being a doozy. when i do
'echo $SHELL' | ssh -i bandit26.sshkey bandit26@localhost

it told me
so i assumed that was what the bash was.

ssh -i bandit26.sshkey bandit26@localhost /home/bandit26/text.txt <<'EOT'
cat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit26

and i really thought i was on to something but nothing
True, but a general CLI help menu popped up and I didn't want to try navigating to the alsamixer portion. Anyway, shit's fixed now, I hit GUI buttons.
Everytime you get a new idea you end up in front of another wall in that fucking labyrinth of server and no progress was made after all. That's the actual horror, kek.
Just a hint. Don't try to run commands with ssh, it's a dead end anyway. Search elsewhere and you'll see why.
i ended up googling it and finding out the answer. or, AN answer at least. there's no way in hell i would've come up with that. i was about to start writing C programs and trying to feed it into it. got the password to level 26, not much i can do with it since it still has that script running. and there's apparently no level 27 so i guess i'm putting bandit down as done. this level was the first one whose solution seemed like a real "hack" in the truest sense
I was fooling around about 4 hours till I gave up too.
>this level was the first one whose solution seemed like a real "hack" in the truest sense
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Redpill me on Manjaro.
Literally "Arch for babies"

Use a different GTK theme.
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Is this a linux approved battlestation?
is the fan running linux?
its running on UV rays powered by cultured microorganisms connected outside my window
i am trying to install ks, but it isn't working for some reason
initially it couldn't run the shell script because there was a space in one of the filenames on the path to it, so i renamed that, now every time i try to run ks.sh it just opens the terminal then instantly closes it
could someone help me out?
How to install themes from file in plasma desktop?
what the hells been going on with these threads this last few days, so much shitposting way more than usual
Every time I see a new Stallman pic here, each one weirder than the last, I think that there can only be so many Stallman pics and surely these people must be running out of them by now and we'll start to see them repeating, but nope, there's always another Stallman, eh.
Anyone got experience with samba? I have a UNIX account created with the same name as my Windows account and have added it using smbpasswd. I have a few directories shared, some of which are accessible by the guest user and any bad username attempt is mapped to said guest. For one, I'm only allowing my user to login, but windows/samba is still putting me as "nobody", which is the mapped guest account when I connect to the shares, and so I can't access my folder.
I'm attempting to install arch on my computer right now, but i can't seem to install grub
my windows efi is on sda1 and my / is on sdb2, pls advise

Don't use grub for EFI, it's not worth the hassle. Use systemdboot.


Haven't used arch with it but I've used gummi boot which it's forked off of, and basically just ran the generation and wrote the quick config sample you can see in that wiki. Use UUIDS, btw. blkid >> /boot/efi/loader/entries/arch.conf and remove the shit
I have a problem that when I boot into linux then back into windows it changes my time! (to utc)
how do I fix this? It's really inconvienient having to change the windows clock!

Make Windows use UTC instead of localtime. Set hardware clock to UTC.
lsblk started printing information in reverse order suddenly. I looked and there's no flag. Was there a change in lsblk which would cause this?

sdb 8:16 1 3,8G 0 disk
└─sdb1 8:17 1 3,8G 0 part
sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom
sda 8:0 0 232,9G 0 disk
├─sda2 8:2 0 4,1G 0 part [SWAP]
└─sda1 8:1 0 228,8G 0 part /
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>Lecturer uses Ubuntu
Googled it, seems to be something related to Linux 4.8, potentially.

Where did you find it? All I found was a thread on the Arch forums and an unanswered question on Stackexchange.

Can someone else not using Arch's kernel/utils confirm this with the 4.8 kernel?
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>Xfce will never get wayland
>Xfce will never get rid of screen tearing
>Xfce will never get KDE file picker
>tfw still love Xfce
Am I slowly becoming one of those obnoxious oldfags?
hay i just put on linix on my computer how to do i share things on facebook? like i installed a solitaire game and i beat the computer is there a share with friends button or something, im completely lost

Xfce is being ported to GTK3 currently (check the progress on the Wiki or blog). After that is done, they "just" have to write a Wayland compositor and it should work, I guess.

>>Xfce will never get rid of screen tearing
It will when it becomes a Wayland compositor.

>>Xfce will never get KDE file picker
Doesn't have to once the GTK one gets improved.
>solitaire game and i beat the computer is there a share with friends button or something
1. Take a screenshot with Prntscrn, save it in your "Pictures" directory
2. Open a web browser
3. In the address bar, type www.facebook.com
4. Give your login details
5. Click Photo / Video at the top of your Page's Timeline
6. Choose an option:
6.1: Upload Photos/Video: Add photo from your computer. The photos you publish will be added to your Page's Timeline Photos album.
6.2: Create Photo Album: Add photos from your computer to a new album.
7. Select the photo(s) you want to add
8. Write an optional update and click Publish
9. Enjoy your existential validation
10. Ask your parents to install windows for you
Should I do anything before sticking a new nvidia gpu into my fedora box?

Take it out on a date.
His disgusting smell must be kept in place
Do fedora boxes like ethnic food?
Please respond >>57215372.

The GNU parts of it, yes.
>Doesn't have to once the GTK one gets improved.
GTK doesn't want to add features. That means they have to maintain it.
They don't care that their file picker does not have thumbnails, filters and settings to adjust the layout.
The only way to save the toolkits is to make them call a separate application that uses a compatible API, eg an array of strings or something like that.
That way, you can use a system default file dialog which will be the same for all applications.
GTK may recommend theirs, Qt theirs, and KDE theirs.
I know that it makes it a bit more complicated, but if changed at the toolkit level, it wouldn't affect the people who write the applications.

>GTK doesn't want to add features
[citation needed]
I suggest you read the bug report. Someone posted a patch for gtk2, but that won't get merged since feature-adding is "frozen" in gtk2. That person was asked to work on the gtk3 version. Apparently he did start working on it, but there have been no more messages or patches posted.
Please point out where you saw a "we won't add this stop sending patches" in that bug report.
Have already installed ubuntu through the usb, the installation is done but even after disabling Secure Boot the laptop still boots up to winderps 10, and disabling UEFI, the thing just wrote 'Operating system not found'

Enable both of them and windows boots instead

wat do?
Let's say I have a choice between installing just an nvidia package and
As far as I see, there are only benefits to installing DKMS versions (compatible with multiple kernels, isn't dependent on one version).
But are there any drawbacks to them?
f12 at boot and see if you get a OS selection.
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What do you use to fix HDD?
Like is there away to fix the corrupted sectors?
And what to use to see the SMART data?
>Like is there away to fix the corrupted sectors?
overwrite them
>And what to use to see the SMART data?
>overwrite them
With DD?
How do I know where?
>With DD?
>How do I know where?
by reading them
put on a skirt and sit on my lap and I'll teach you anon chan
It's OK.
Is it possible in i3 to have different workspaces on different screens?
Say I have two monitors and on one monitor I want a fullscreen videoplayer, while on the other monitor I'd have other shit which wouldn't fit neatly on it in one workspace. So I'd like to switch betwen workspaces on other monitor while the videoplayer is still kept on the primary one
Don't listen to those >>57216253

You can fix HDD with this
badblocks -svn /dev/sdx
This would exclude the bad/sectors sectors, then format the HDD.
Writing 0s to HDD is not different from copying data over to it.
What do you want to know?
All devs are idiots, though the idiot with the SSL issue got kicked out.
>Arch without autism
In a way yes, but it doesn't makes it better than antergos
It's an illusion
>Community builds + HWDT
That's the only good merits it have.
To bring up the BIOS menu, yes? I think I've already hit what I think is on my laptop, the F10 key, which didn't work, but I'll do what you suggest later

By the way, the VAIO have an ASSIST button which when long pressed from off brings up it own recovery environment which is why I can still boot windows when both UEFI and Secure Boot is disabled
On my laptop I had to keep UEFI enabled and disabled just secure boot.
Then on power up hit whatever your laptop key is to select a boot option which brings up a list like: Windows, USB, CD-, FDD ect.
should add, In the bios under boot priority if you select ubuntu as the first then if should boot into the grub menu and have windows listed there. Then you won't have to hit the boot selection key everytime.
I'm not sure if I misunderstand you but that is the default behavior unless you mirror your screens.
Use xrandr to setup your screens and i3 will open one workspace for each screen.
oh that's awesome then.
Not at home so I wasn't able to test, thanks
i was going to make a post about screenfetch not showing gtk/de/icon/font but i figured it out.

if anyone else has had that problem, download screenfetch-dev (https://github.com/KittyKatt/screenFetch/blob/master/screenfetch-dev), chmod +x it, then remove the old screenfetch from /usr/bin, rename screenfetch-dev to screenfetch and stick it there.
I'm switching distros on my dual boot setup on a Mac. How the fuck do I easily delete all of the non-Mac partitions? The swap space is the real bitch since OS X's Disk Utility apparently can't touch it. Is my only option GParted from a live Linux USB (my random Ubuntu one Apparently kernel panics on this laptop so I'd have to make another)?
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Is there any benefit to using Debian over Ubuntu/Mint for a desktop system?
Mint is horrible and I wouldn't trust them after their recent security fucking anyways.

Debian is the server king with its stable build. If you don't like the Ubuntu devs it's definitely the way to go and it also "respects libre software" more.

That said, since you're looking at that set of distros, I'd say that you'd fall under the "Ubuntu is the best choice for personal use" camp. It "just werks" far better than any other distro and has way better firmware support so you don't have to fuck around as much.

iirc ubuntu/mint/etc are just built on debian so if you want it all preconfigured nice and fancy go for the first two. if you want it slimmed down and want to sped time configuring go with debian.

id say debian though.
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Use the cat command to enter the following text into a newfile named lab5-list.txt as if is shown below (use the same case).

hard drive















Help please?
please reiterate
lshw , ifconfig, free , lspci and lsusb
I got it. It's cat > filename then list the categories
I installed Nouveau on Gentoo but it's not being used.
Should I compile Nouveau (NVIDIA) cards as a module instead?
Do your homework
lsmod to check if the nouveau module is running in the kernel.

Did you do the Kernel and Driver sections?
Did you already recompile your kernel?
Did you configure X?
lsmod doesn't show nouveau. I have installed the drivers and configured the kernel as told on the wiki. What kind of config should be done for X?
if you stuck at tty run:
 # Xorg :0 -configure 

 # cp /root/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/ 

that should give you a basic config to modify
otherwise in xorg.conf, devices section; card change driver to nouveau
I can run X11, it's just that it uses shitty Intel HD. When I set the driver to nouveau in 20-nouveau.conf, I get this:
[ 58728.566] (II) LoadModule: "nouveau"
[ 58728.566] (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/nouveau_drv.so
[ 58728.566] (II) Module nouveau: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[ 58728.566] compiled for 1.18.4, module version = 1.0.12
[ 58728.566] Module class: X.Org Video Driver
[ 58728.566] ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 20.0
[ 58728.566] (II) NOUVEAU driver
[ 58728.566] (II) NOUVEAU driver for NVIDIA chipset families :
[ 58728.566] RIVA TNT (NV04)
[ 58728.566] RIVA TNT2 (NV05)
[ 58728.566] GeForce 256 (NV10)
[ 58728.566] GeForce 2 (NV11, NV15)
[ 58728.566] GeForce 4MX (NV17, NV18)
[ 58728.566] GeForce 3 (NV20)
[ 58728.566] GeForce 4Ti (NV25, NV28)
[ 58728.566] GeForce FX (NV3x)
[ 58728.566] GeForce 6 (NV4x)
[ 58728.566] GeForce 7 (G7x)
[ 58728.566] GeForce 8 (G8x)
[ 58728.566] GeForce GTX 200 (NVA0)
[ 58728.566] GeForce GTX 400 (NVC0)
[ 58728.566] (--) using VT number 7

[ 58728.570] (II) [drm] nouveau interface version: 1.3.1
[ 58728.570] (EE) No devices detected.
[ 58728.570] (EE)
Fatal server error:
[ 58728.570] (EE) no screens found(EE)
[ 58728.570] (EE)
Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
at http://wiki.x.org
for help.
[ 58728.570] (EE) Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information.
[ 58728.570] (EE)

According to lspci, my graphics card is this:
>04:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK208M [GeForce 920M] (rev a1)
Is it just incompatible with Nouveau?
What would be the result of typing cat file1.txt > file1.txt ?
nice homework faggot, didn't they give you a book?
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How do I get serbo-croat digraphs in mpv subs?
That's step three of a Gentoo installation
kindly fuck off
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>Is it just incompatible with Nouveau?
nouveau should run it , but cause stupid shit like freezing graphics card.

you might need to enable kernel modesetting. but it's likely set by default

you could try Nvidia driver or vesa
epic dude
whats sumatra pdf alternative in linux? i cant find anything as lightweight and good
>two (You)'s
it must be love

now help me pls
only if you stop living in the past

there also an /mpv/ thread up so post the question there as well
mupdf has decent functionality
just use calibre
4 >>57218448
but it doesnt have tabs
for what purpose?
switching between several books and some pdf from my prof
then use your web browser or >>57218471
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thanks but i just googled and found qpdfviewer
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not 100% linux related (im on debian/ffox esr) but i made one of those start pages like every other fucker (still wip), any way i can remove the /home/dave/etc stuff from the url bar when it loads?
I was a long time Linux user until I switched to OS X about 4 years ago. I've been trying to find reasons to ditch macOS on my MacBook Air but haven't been able to do so. What are some things that Linux does better than macOS? To me macOS is not only as powerful as Linux but looks better and adds a ton of ready to go options for you. What am I missing here?
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Choice in release cycle, free by default with deblobbed kernel, nice community...
and because this is /g/: decent logo
>pube hair
>decent logo
only on 4chin
/g/ I heeded your advice and installed Linux. Started with Ubuntu and it's pretty comfy I guess but I am always having little problems and finding good advice online is often crap shoot, usually making things worse than better. Every "project" I've attempted, from configuring wine to uninstalling bloat, has not worked out. Even though I followed the directions perfectly.

Should I move to Arch? I'm willing to put in the work to learn, but only if I get a better result. It might be a hassle but it seems like a more coherent distro with actually rational people behind the wiki and what not.

I literally refuse to use Win10, so I'm all-in with Linux now.

Hit me with the hard truths /g/. My body is ready.

if you cant do ubuntu you definitely cant do arch

thats like trying to learn to drive automatic, sort of getting to grips with it then going to a manual. tldr youll crash and burn.
link in root (file:///index.html)
or use apache (localhost)
I want to clear my default playlist in mpd/ncmpcpp. When I reboot and I start mpd, there is an old playlist. I want it to start empty, how would I do this?
So when the app store wont ever open that's my fault?

When Civ5 crashes on PlayOnLinux that's my fault?

When the WiFi stops working when my machine sleeps and I have to restart to get it back online it's my fault?

When there are 40 trillion package dependencies preloaded from God knows where its my fault I can't sift through them all in a reasonable amount of time?

My competence is unrelated to the majority of such cases.

It literally just won't werk.

arch is in some ways easier than ubuntu tho

no unity/botnet distractions

comprehensive wiki
yaourt makes life much easier

don't listen to him, get arch-anywhere on a stick, install it and enjoy life

also, keep the stick and don't do pacman -Sc so you can at least try saving yourself from kernel panics after pacman -Syu

and keep your shit in the cloud

yeah probably your fault literally a kid could set up ubuntu
Civ 5 runs natively on Linux, idiot.
you could do this as an alternative
>ubuntu botnet meme
Even on old versions it takes literally one command to remove.
you know how many it takes on arch
Why do I have to
 $ stat /vol/cuda 
on the system I ssh to before seeing the cuda directory? I also tried adding that line to my .bashrc but it doesn't show it by default

$ man stat
says "display file or file system status"... Why is it hidden by default? My end-goal is to have cuda running as soon as I ssh in the system
Thank your time senpai
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Guy from last thread who was having trouble installing Manjaro on my X220--getting an error when creating the new partition over empty space.
Pic related.
Use the following command:


At your terminal, use the command to suspend the gedit program

Enter the command as your answer to this step and explain the results.

Okay. Here is the scenario. When I open gedit through the terminal, it doesn't go back to the command line. I then press CTRL-C to get back to the command line and it exits gedit. What am I doing wrong? I'm using fedora if it matters.
Press Ctrl+Z to stop the task and then bg to background the task, this lets you continue to use the terminal, you can also use fg to bring it to the foreground again.
how do i use this from the command line to accept something from standard input and then run on that?

(define (rh s i) 
(if (< i 10)
(display i "/n")
(rh s (+ i 1))

(define (repeater s) (rh s 0))

>echo "hello world" | scheme -load repeater.scm
doesn't work, just says unbound variables hello and world
Drop it into /var/www/, start apache, connect via: http:// localhost.

If you use Ubuntu, apache should be already running.
>Drop it into /var/www/, start apache, connect via: http:// localhost.

>If you use Ubuntu, apache should be already running.

Drop it into /var/www/, start apache, connect via: http://localhost

If you use Ubuntu, apache should be already running
But that's wrong. Also why would he use a full featured web server just for a start page. If he was going to use a web server just to display a single page he could just use "python -m http.server 8000" or an equivalent of whatever language he prefers.

>yaourt makes life much easier
Totally, like that guy from last night who doesn't even know what the AUR is or the basics of his package manager and who installed everything from the AUR while being clueless about his issues.
found your problem
Post your dick.
$ alias updick='uptime | perl -ne "/(\d+) d/;print 8,q(=)x\$1,\"D\n\""'
$ updick
this works to some extent but when I check the jobs command, it doesn't say suspended. Also, gedit still shows on the GUI. Is that supposed to happen?
Meant for >>57219539 or whoever else has input.
I was thinking of choosing either mate or ubuntu studio to pop my cherry. Does anyone have any experience, tips, or advice for these? Is there another one I should choose instead?
Ubuntu Mate is arguably the most polished *buntu release that isn't unity, and comes with a lot of useful software and firmware.
I'd say for almost every case download Ubuntu Mate, and install a DE that suits you later down the road.
Didn't see anything like that
My bios only allows either starting from external devices or enabling / disabling those uefi things.
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You know how many it takes to install it.
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Is stop essentially the same thing as suspend? I can't get jobs to say suspend using the CTRL-Z to bg method.
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>tfw too dumb to use a tiling wm
i can't do anything right
i finally got dwm working and i tried to change the tag names but i can't recompile because it says there's no pkgbuild
should i just stick to gnome
>he needs a pkgbuild to compile
Dude. did you ever hear about a nifty little program called make?
(sudo checkinstall on best distro)
i tried makepkg -fi and it doesn't seem to do anything
Did you just blindly copy that?

Why is hidden and what type of "hidden" is this that's not dot-prefixed
you're bringing shame to x220
>he fell for the suckless meme
i found it on the arch wiki

i really did, dwm, dmenu, and st
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How is my font rendering? Default Xubuntu-core, it certainly looks different than Windows, kinda "soft".
Looks fine to me, Have fedora gnome to compare.
Can't tell the difference. But the longer I stare, the more it looks like utter shit; the font is so fuzzy that it looks like it's bleeding softness.
>linux has superior font rendering
Why do you all lie so?

You don't even know what "good" font rendering is. All you want is someone to approve of your choice and to tell you that you're using "the best", so you can feel good about it.
Linux and macOS have similar font rendering and they look better than Windows imo but I guess it's subjective.
>vim slows immensely down when you use that feature that highlights your current line

How is that allowed? It's 20 years old, how come there are still issues like that? It seems rather simple and other text editors can pull it off effortlessly.
Doesn't happen to me.
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Here's the partition table screen

Im just using Manjaro because I dont have much experience and its fast and looks nice
If you have any better option then I'm open to recommendations :^)
Well shit, I tried it with some YUGE files with cursorline on and off and there's definitely a diference. Does neovim have this problem?

It depends on the files you open.
Once I had to edit a large HTML file with lines that had 300+ characters and it shat itself.
>4 partitions
how many of them are primary and how many are logical?
>You don't even know what "good" font rendering is
Yeah, so? I never said I did, only that I could tell the difference between this and Windows.
>your choice
I haven't made any, which is why I state "default". Which begs the question: why is the default in two different distros and DEs so shit compared to the clean sharpness of Windows?

I read that it's slightly better, but still affected.
Why is it that every other time I boot it says "cable disconnected" and I have no internet and I need to reboot to have internet? Any idea what it could be?

Font rendering is environment independent.
Using ubuntu mate, by the way.
Does anyone just use Linux (for work and personal use) in the command line without any any desktop or GUI?

What are the advantages of such a setup?
>What are the advantages of such a setup?
you never have to worry about X breaking
fuck you! my family died after running this!
That doesn't do anything.
Doing a new arch install.
How advisable is it to go zsh instead of bash?
Does it have a step learning curve?
Will I be unable to do stuff I could on bash?
If you don't know shit about shells, why would you want to change it?
Can't argue against that. I'll KISS, then.
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How do I put a non-functional icon at the start of a tint2 panel?

I need it for reasons.
zsh has everything bash has plus some other things and their syntax and configuration are slightly different. However, zsh is mostly a meme, just use bash and later on when you know what you're doing maybe you'll find a reason to use another shell.
Try fish if you don't know anything about shells
It has god-tier auto-completion and shieeet
don't do that unless you want a broken shell
Thanks lads, went with good ol bash
>zsh has everything bash has
Lmao no. There's still a load of shit bash has, scripting wise that zsh doesn't

Although "bullet train" theme +Oh-My-Zsh is fucking comfy as fuck
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Is there a way to get new packages in Ubuntu LTS like the way Debian has back ports?
>There's still a load of shit bash has, scripting wise that zsh doesn't
>What are PPAs
If you don't find a package backported you have to compile. But only the obscure one don't get backported
Honestly, I could never understand why people like the font rendering on Windows. I had some trouble with it a few years back, really wanted an alternative but everytime Microsoft decided to bring a new OS they would bring the same exact font rendering.

On PPI under 100 it really shows, Windows fonts are overall way too fucking sharp. If people bitch about OSX having these blurry fonts, they are damn more readable than the headache inducing shit that's on Windows.
does no one know?
I don't remember exactly, but I remember having to troubleshoot a scripting issue involving math. I looked it up and it told me it was a bash only feature.

I'll try to find it
Linux is a kernel;; it doesn't render fonts.

What is this?
>using a task bar
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>using Tiling WMs just to be 1337
The living meme.

Not even fully POSIX compatible.
Why would anyone use a shell that cant even do basic things like && ?
I use bash family
I just suggested fish because it's a good user friendly shell
If all you want to do is use basic commands/rarely do anything scripting related, then fish is a good choice
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Isn't it ironic that the proprietary software developers call us communists? We are the ones who have provided for a free market, where they allow only monopoly. … if the users chooses this proprietary software package, he then falls into this monopoly for support … the only way to escape from monopoly is to escape from proprietary software, and that is what the free software movement is all about. We want you to escape and our work is to help you escape. We hope you will escape to the free world.
People who think oh-my-zsh is any good are either new or to stupid to set up own aliases.
Also zsh is a shell for people who don't read manpages.
Can a PPA be used to upgrade your kernel?
A PPA can be used to remoutly rm -rf your home directory.
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Why can't I give myself permission execute/enter this file, when I am the owner?? I simply want to delete the file, but I am not sure why it will not let me.
>he doesn't use MS Linux
It's WinSCP
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Well I might as well add onto my post
There is an invisible whisker menu on the top left
(XFCE panel graphics are incompatible with the tint2 panel I would like to have, so I made it invisible)
I would like to add a launcher that doesn't do anything, with an icon of my choosing, to fill in the blank part of tint2, that I added to fit over the hidden whiskermenu panel
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>new to linux
>look up command

what the fuck? why is this a thing?
Actual, no-jokes Linux newfag here. Arch seems interesting, would throwing it on a Live CD and attempting to figure it out as a "trial by fire" be a valuable learning experience or just a shit idea?
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If you're new to Arch, I suggest just using Antergos or an Arch installer

Read tutorials and install it in a virtual machine first instead of doing the method you described if you still want to install it the normal way
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forgot to add this part to my post

that is all
Dive right in with that Arch install buddy. Just go through the general recommendations article on the Arch Wiki and you should be good to go. For some reason they removed the Beginners Guide. not sure why
How else can I quickly check if my VPN is still connected?
It's okay. Honestly you'll learn quite a bit about CMDL usage, TTYs, terminal emulators, maybe a bit about how a linux system is built up from a basic perspective, and users/groups. You'll still learn the most from just practicing.
I checked it out on a VM before I went dual boot (Win 10 for gaymen, Arch for everything else), I recommend you do the same.
Everything is very well documented, you can use Jewtube guides for your first install on a VM if you don't know how to partition and install. Using a custom installer is not necessary, everything is quite intuitive if you think about what you are doing/is being done.

I was gonna use Manjaro as a stepping stone to Arch.

Good idea or no?
Antergos my nigga

See this is what I like about Linux, I got choices.

Also some distros are just great tools for specific things.

Windows wouldn't shrink it's partition size no matter what I did so I booted up Gparted and forced the partition shrink (thank god it didn't fuck shit up).

meant for
>not overclocking your monitor(s) by forcing a custom refresh rate above stock
Why not? It's literally a couple commands with xrandr.
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what's a good terminal emulator without a menu bar? (for muh minimal look)

There's urxvt and xterm, but there's also terminology (Bloaty as fuck, but tries to emulate xterm and urxvt's appearance most of the time.)

anything else?

The reason I don't want a terminal emulator with a menu bar is because they just look wrong to me.
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could someone help me write a super simple bash scrip or point me in the direction of a book that could teach me the basics?
all i want it to do is execute this

so i don't have to type that out every time i want to run it

thank you
Do you think he'll ever look back on his life and think "Damn, I should have cleaned myself up"
well perhaps I should rephrase that
what are ALL the terminal emulators without a menu bar, so I could try them out myself
Xfce Terminal has a toggle setting to show or remove menu bar, as well as window borders.
thanks family, will try that as well
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alias game='cd /home/name/folder/other_folder/; ./game.sh; cd -'

Check the shell pasta from OPs copypasta link for more.
Can anyone give me advice or a link to a guide, I'm using eclipse CDT to debug postgreSQL for a school project but I'm just a rookie and not really familiar with linux. I need to import another C library but I have no idea what to do, I tried several things or guides.
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many thanks, anon
Oops, I got it. Thanks anyway.

So why does everyone hate transparent terminals?
Does anyone know how to get rid of the need of a boot cd for debian? It keeps asking for a cd rom for packages, but I do not have one on hand.
How do i get Netflix to work on my Mint?
not sure if this goes in stupid questions or here but I think lustre is linux related.

Project due tomorrow and I got an email saying the scratch file system is fucked up.

All class work is being done in lustre/scratch/user so I'm pretty screwed right now.

We also have a lustre/work/user system though and I'm wondering if I could transfer everything over and just work from there.

So basically what is the difference between lustre/scratch and lustre/work?
Chrome or Firefox 49
If using Firefox 49 make sure DRM content is enabled in settings
with firefox 49 enable DRM content.
addon: User Agent Switcher. Set it to chrome
Then set the environment variable


in /etc/environment

I'm switching over from BSD, what are some good distros that are like it?
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Portage is similar to BSD's ports system
Trying to boot lucid puppy 5.2.8 on my PC. Used YUMI to make a bootable OS(I'm on wangblows 10, trying to try out GNOO + Linux)

I can boot from the USB fine and get the yumi OS Selector as usual but as soon as I actually choose lupu to boot my keyboard cuts out. Did not have this issue with Mint, but have had the issue with any puppy linux distro that I've tried.

After some googling I saw that it would require a PS/2 kb, which i do not have, because >current year
Anyone else had this issue? any advice? is puppy linux just shit?
Also, boot won't complete because it says it cant find the .sfs(which looking at my USB, its definitely there) but I can't do any further testing cause no kb...
puppy works for me on a non yumi flash drive.
Try that if all else fails
Why is OpenSUSE such a piece of shit
The package manager sucks and none of the config files are where they should be
They spend all their resources making videos like these:

t. germans
yo these aren't real right
this thread is just a dream
Is there any better documentation for IceWM?
The included manual is shit
I just want to make it usable, but I can't even get icons to appear in my toolbar
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It's as real as Stallman's foot cheese.
please tell me Red Hat doesn't have any of these
I'm so sorry bro...


At least it's on a secondary channel.
debian run by sjws
ubuntu botnet
suse and rh autism
is arch the only option?
>debian run by sjws


>ubuntu botnet


>suse and rh autism


>is arch the only option?

Comment out the cd entry in the sources/lst

Then run sudo apt update
Install Gentoo
>debian run by sjws

>ubuntu botnet
Amazon spyware is removed in newest Ubuntu versions to my knowledge

>suse and rh autism
every distro is autistic except Windows and macOS :^)

>is arch the only option?
I'm trying to use Fedora 25 on my computer and I'm running into an issue. On my display it says 'input not in range'. I have an HD 5850 which I believe is the cause of the problem since it also does it with Ubuntu, but I plugged in an old display and it works fine.

Any ideas?
Suse and redhat, well at least suse, are espescially autistic
What distro would Carl Sagan use?
>ubuntu botnet

>Amazon spyware is removed in newest Ubuntu versions to my knowledge
debian with openbox
>Amazon spyware is removed in newest Ubuntu versions to my knowledge
It's just disabled.

I don't even know why they implemented this. Why would I need search results from Amazon and other unrelated crap when I search for programs or files? What's the next step? Amazon alternative results in case grep can't fine something?
ls ~/Downloads/
[ubuntu] Would you like to share this result on facebook? [y/n]
Please respond
Does it show you the GRUB bootloader? Or just load right in to windows?
>Waste all my time playing gayms on windows
>think switching to linux will give me the push to learn to program
>just waste all my time fucking around with config files instead
what do gee
just stick with it for a while, fix little things every once in a while.
idk faggot, write simple programs that do simple things? start with python. dl some example scripts and modify them
try to reconfigure X
>waste all my time playing with configs on linux
>get a tech job
>spend 8 hours a day playing with configs for 'muh server optimization'
It is better than windows.
Read the sticky and make it better though.
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Best libre distro /g/?
>pic unrelated
Ganoo slash Linuks... Not even once.

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How can I do that if I can't use my display?
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
pianobar : Depends: libao4 (>= 1.1.0) but it is not installable
Depends: libavcodec-ffmpeg56 (>= 7:2.4) but it is not going to be installed or
libavcodec-ffmpeg-extra56 (>= 7:2.4) but it is not going to be installed
Depends: libavfilter-ffmpeg5 (>= 7:2.4) but it is not going to be installed
Depends: libavformat-ffmpeg56 (>= 7:2.4) but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

Trying to install pianobar for some tunes, but I keep getting this error.
I've tried apt-get install libao4, etc, but they are indeed uninstallable for some reason
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Does gentoo with non free packages disabled count?
Not him, but couldn't get this to work without installing 93 MB of gstreamer-codec bloat for browser H264 playback. Also, works without disabling sandboxing, but maybe that's already disabled on Ubuntu's kernel.
I have a large folder I need to transfer from one harddrive running windows, to another running linux. Unfortunately, my backup drive is fucked up, how on earth should I try to copy the files? Zip it and upload somewhere?

On a side note, I fucked up an external drive and /dev/sdb doesn't even show up when I plug it into the USB port, dmesg shows some text indicating that not everything went correctly. How difficult will it be to just wipe the sucker?
Maybe if they added that as a feature, more people would be compelled to learn unix / bash scripting.
I am able to look past the petty drama conjured from literally nothing, because Libreboot is the last bastion of freedom for the x86 platform.
This can't replace a GUI file manager. It's actually less productive searching for something command line than doing so visually.
Why is it so hard to install grub on efi for arch? If I were to install ubuntu grub will just work
Sure, but I know where most of my files are, and ls comes right alongside most of the other tools I use (REPLs, compilers, vim, etc.), so it's worth the discomfort.
If I'm really fucking lost I'll use a file manager. Also, file managers make mounting drives a lot fucking easier.

It's working fine for me, but I know jack shit about EFI. What's the issue?
>$ locate something
>get all results instantly
compared to:
>open up file manager
>endless searching for the right file
>get results in the next 10 minutes, one by one


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