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/csg/ Chink Shit General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 343
Thread images: 72

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Yes, we know everything already is from China but in here we discuss the no/low-name cheap shit you see on Gearbest, AliExpress, eBay and similar sites.

>IRC channel #/csg/ on rizon

>Discord channel

>Chink Shit Randomiser

>Chink Shit Wiki:

• Anon reviews the Yotaphone 2 >>56594867 >>56594948
• Anon bought a Bluetooth remote >>56595046 and a £4 VR Headset >>56595059 >>56595179
• Anon posts pic of mystery DIY kit and misc chink shit >>56595259
• Anon gets speedy arrival of a waterproof case for his Xiaomi Yi >>56595409
• Anon got two knives in 10 days >>56596655 >>56596773
• Anon bought a $1 usb cable >>56597430
• Anon got some TP4056 boards for his 60 pence 18650 charger >>56597573
• Anon complains about the 681 EVO's build quality >>56597983 another anon doesn't have the same experience >>56599233
• Anon takes apart apart his Teclast tablet in hopes of solving a charging problem >>56598926
• JJRC H31 on sale for $23 >>56598934
• Anon has a minor haul of chink shit >>56599427 Among them two Sanrenmu's 6044 (though now sold out) >>56599563
• Anon suspects a KZ Official Store employee to be flirting with him >>56598535 >>56599029
• Unbiased Tech Reviews returns with a review of the Xiaomi Yeelight >>56598230


Previous thread >>56594441
The curry nigger that maintains CM 13 for the Redmi Note 3 just started working on Nougat.

Feels good man. Chinese phones are the best.
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Well try number 2... Anyone know some good chink sunglasses?

I can't find the knockoff raybans for some reason.
Other OP here, more news

• Anon gets bathroom mat >>56595510
• Anon gets a USB lamp, car thermometer a ruler and something else >>56596113
• Anon asks what to do with chink packaging >>56597594
• Anon's friend gets USB endoscope >>56599050
• Anon gets some chink lube >>56600275
Anon reviews a bottle of dick cancer
Ali doesn't have Paypal because it's an eBay competitor

And eBay own Paypal
Use AliPay. It's the same thing as Paypal. The sellers never get your info.
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Got 3 Chink shits today, what will be inside?
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My 240gb kingdian ssd.
Works fine on my Homtom HT7 Pro. I've never used the AR though so I don't know how that works

>says what the item is on the package
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Got a Qi charger, a diy soldering kit for some circuit and 10 eeproms

Don't discuss OP, discuss Chink Shit btw
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>>says what the item is on the package
The description on the package is not really accurate, it only says things like "Integrated circuit" which could be millions of different things

Assembled the kit btw, it's a flashing heart, see webm
I got a screen protector once and it said "Mechanical watch" on the packaging.
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loot came in today...
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Why is Lithu triggered this time? No chicken tendies for dinner again?
>anon gets a huge load :^)
converted it with ffmpeg and was to lazy to set another filename
you really wanted that line to be in the thread, didn't you
Anybody want Cathy from Gearbest's Skype?
Very cheap. Very strong.
Has a good low viscosity, makes it spread nicely, thin and even. Rock solid!
Has my seal of approval
I have it already

you mean pidgeon tendies
Heart/cat face.
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I wasn't sure where I was because of all the checking going on.
Which model is that?
What you plan on using it for?

I am trying to make some sort of masturbator, using a fleshlight and 2 raspberry pi's

Will post updates
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Show us a diagram of your plan
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Guys I was going to get a Xiaomi 3 but then I saw this.

Any anon that can confirm this? You can't have a micro sim and a sdhc card at the same time?
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It has two sim slots and the second slot is shared with the SD

So you can either have 2 sim cards or a sim card + sd card

it's either a second sim or a microsd card, can't have both
Redmi 3s>Redmi 3.

Hybrid sim on both yeah.

it's for the second sim
>Xiaomi Mi Max and Mi 4c Explodes in China
fuck, I ordered a mi4c some weeks ago
Xiaomi phones exploding is because chinks use them with fake chargers that give too much voltage to the phones.
probably just to fuck around with

i only needed the logic analyzer, i bought the rest on impulse.

i might try to make some planetracker with the rtlsdr and an rpi

or make a lockbox with the rfid and the motors
why? Isn't snapdragon 616 better? Is the 1gb ram + 16 gb mem worth it?
holy shit, I'm glad I didn't fall for this meme, kek

are you sure it's not because of the high temps/high loads?
What about the dual sim + sd card mod?
>Habeeb Onawole

don't ask me, I have no idea. I'm >>56601001
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Some teasing before I'm done converting my camera raw file to something that I can read/convert for 4chan.
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I wonder which chink wizardry ended up in my package ...
I hope you can at least see one of the item in there, because otherwise you're pretty much blind.
so what are some neat /out/ tier things? like GPS, signal boosters, whatever?
>unironically being called onahole
>are you sure it's not because of the high temps/high loads?
You'll see that the phones always explode when charging.
Same CPU performance but SD430 has a newer GPU (Adreno 505 vs. Adreno 405).
What does it mean when "the seller has extended Purchase Protection"?
Shoo shoo chinky stinky.
Excellent post comrade, your vodka ration is doubled.
do you have a 3S? is it that much of a difference ?
This one wasn't charging. it exploded in his back pocket.


Warning: naked ass.
Someone stole my Clip+, and I need a new one alongside a MicroSD card, so can anyone that's owned a meme shark card tell me if they actually last, or are exactly that - a meme, because I see people gushing over them, but never really anything good OR bad
you already have that in your phone, you can even have free offline maps and map apps

>signal boosters
just go to gearbest and search for one? if you know how to use linux and follow guides, you could install openwrt in this:
and use it as a wifi repeater, powered by your powerbank..

shit, that looks terrible...
Sharkies are the best chink cards
On most dual SIM phones, one of them only works with 2G. If that helps somewhat
>sitting on your phone
Poo in the loo
Trips'o truth m80
nah, .ru is rooski cheeky breeky slavshit
>putting full body heat onto a lithium cell
Gee, I wonder why it exploded.
never using GearShit again

would rather buy fakes from Amazon
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You couldn't be more wrong.
nice finger gloves
Been getting audio distortion on music playback with screen off ever since upgrading my Redmi Note 3 to MIUI 8, anyone know of a fix for this shit?
>implying lithuanians have, care for or even know about such decadent western fripperies
There's your problem
Guess it's some $30 Kingston then
not all of them

there's just one butthurt faggot
The equalizer is broken, it might have something to do with it
How did they chink you?
Probably chinked down sharks
go to sleep, jack ma

they sold him a teclast, and he fucked it up, then wanted a refund, got offered $50 and rejected it.
The CM port didn't seem ready for daily driver usage last time I looked into it.

Thanks, I'll try fiddling a bit with it and see if there's anything that can be done there.
My equalizer crashes instantly when I open it, unfortunately I am rooted and I need FB updates
I'm on 6.9.8 Weekly
>I need FB
What? I don't mean Facebook, I mean fastboot

And currently there are no updates for Redmis 3s
>all shitposts, trolls, or posted saying things I don't like are made by one person from Lithuania
Equalizer seems to be working here so I switched a bit around there and set a different earphone for starters. Will have to see if that made any difference. (Don't really expect it though.)

The audio distortion is something that'll appear at random intervals. I've had the same issue on CM on an Xperia Z in the past so it's likely some poor optimization, like too low priority on audio playback as a background process when screen's off and it tries saving power.
hello lithu
Maybe try going into power settings and uncheck "smart" battery saving for mediaserver
Kingdian s280 240GB
ban evasion is a serious matter comfy
I'm not that pedo, lithu
I thought most current dual sim phones do dual 4G now.
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Well, I suck at finding good software to convert raw files to jpg apparently.
Fucking Samsung and their unpopular proprietary .srw shit, got to convert to .dng and then convert to .jpg.

No problem though, first one is a shit quality picture, Teclast H30. I already had a Mi Band 1S, but heart rate monitor on that was shit. I want to try this one, it's maybe better.
Didn't actually manage locating MediaServer in there (looking under system apps) but I did disable power saving for Black Player. This sounds like something that could actually fix it! Thank you!
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REEEE XML-T6, came with two ultrafire batteries. Should I ditch them already, or are they as unreliable as told ?

Also, cheapo charger.
T-that sounds kinda lewd anon.
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Tool to open a watch, and a watch screwdriver. My old Seiko 5 stopped working all of a sudden, and my guess is that it's only something which loosened, and it only needs a good screwing.
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Also, a keyboard for tablet hinted earlier. And a MHL adapter because I want to plug my phone to a screen, once in a while.
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Looking pretty good, there. Which is easy when it's turned off and it doesn't have xboxhueg bezels like some other chink tablets.
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And last pic, with the tablet fully assembled. Keyboard has 2 USB, which is nice, since I'll need one to put a fucking wi-fi adapter, holy shit that wi-fi is so slow I can't even. Possibly terrible reception, since wi-fi router isn't right next to it.

Also, the screen is fucking beautiful. Like, a solid 10/10 for me.
Got that three day ordering streak.
This is gonna be great in about a month or so.
comfy wasn't a pedo though
he just fucked his cockatiel
it's under 18 but animals grow up fast so it doesn't really count
Hey /csg/, this is my first time trying chink shit, and I thought about buying this: http://www.gearbest.com/hdd-ssd/pp_313950.html
Is that a good Idea? I could get the same thing from amazon, just for double the money. Pls don't bully ;_;
Good balance charger for rechargeable batteries?
I don't want to die, and I'm planning on buying some cells. (from inside the EU, not from ali)

Check that it's legit after buying. Just fucking do it.

Remember, like investing, buying chink shit should only be done with money that you're comfortable throwing away.
Dialy reminder that the memenote 3 pro is superior than the shitnote 4 and always will be

why the "memenote" notation ? I guess I missed the time it was considered a memephone
Xiaomi Redmeme phones have always been memes
link your REEEE seller please
been using mine for like half a year, all's good
Everything's from goyimbest.

why 2 pis?
How'd you manage that price?
A lot of goodboy points?
The memenote 3 pro is the official, approved and fully tested phone of /CSG/ it just werks©
That's basically what Amazon runs it's data centers with.
Free ultrafires are fine. You use them as backup batteries for when your real 18650s are charging.

Ditch that charger though, I can feel the heat of the flames as your house burns down from here.
Ultrafires fine with flashlights.
>A lot of goodboy points?
yup, back then there was a script which you could use to exploit a "cake cutting" minigame and mine huge amount of points. later though gearbest removed all points for those who used the exploit
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Got a bunch of new shit plus I'll shill old shit because some anon the other day asked us what is the best shink-shit we've ever brought.

Search ALI for "c10 mouse"
>totally silent mouse, use on class without disturbing anyone, great battery management, confortable. Been using for 9 months every day and going strong

>Mantistek mouse, on sale now, confy, almost the size I wanted (it's smaller than a g400), not very silent, heavy just like I wanted.

>astrolux battery charger, for those 3,7 volts batteries and have powerbank function, astrolux is the number 1 shilled brand on RC/quad forums

>The xiaomi power strip, sturdy, compact

>Usb light strip

>Kingsons's backpack, the xiaomi of the bags, doing great after a year and a half of everyday use. At the time I've done a exploit of adding a on sale ssd to reduce shipping costs, something like bag 30 + 25 shipping - add ssd - bag 30 + 2 shipping + 20 ssd, got it for free.

Promise me if you purchase a backpack it will be a kingsons and add that c10 mouse to your wishlist now!
RIP cakebux.
Forgot the baseus magnetic cable, I don't know how I was living without those, will now research for a good brand and purchase for the entire house/family.

I've seen a review and anon told us to use one that was magnetic on both ends, and this baseus brought on banggood is! Perfect so far.
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The last update is:

>2016-08-20 10:02:00 - International item has left originating country and is en route to Canada

Can't wait to smash that open dispute button, tbqh

these headphones were p. sweet but one of the rubbery things popped off as I pulled them out of my pocket and rolled away into the night. Now they are totally useless.

Lads I'm looking to make a video like 10 hours walking through X as a Y. I don't have any friends to be camera man, would the chinks be able to help me out?
Some sort of spy cam with invisible selfie stick maybe?
>Paying extra for fast 5-15 days shipping
>Not sending package for like three days already

Plz kill me, fuk u based chinks.
What quality do you want?
808#18 keychain camera with a 128GB microsd may get you to 10 hours. Around $40 on BangGood
why the fuck did you plug your mouse in the power strip?
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Anyone every try this stuff? Is this safe or should I just stick to putting non-toxic school glue on my face?

for what purpose?

i found this aliexpress coupon site, but i don't know if it's even worth it. everytime i click on a store coupon, it seems like the store owner manipulates their pricing to make the coupons pretty much worthless. maybe someone else can make it work.
I don't actually need 10 hours of time, just an hour or so, it just needs to be small and hidden. Would you be able to link? I'm on phone :3
hang on let me get my spoon

here's some jews trying black chink shit
Is this safe to click?
>mech keyboard arrives tomorrow from TB
>got slightly chinked by import fees but I chose DHL shipping all for the same price of the same kb on Aliexpress

Whole process of buying to receiving has taken about a week, I'm pretty happy tbqh.

2 hours max, 720p.
looking for 5V at least 3A power supply, anyone know 'bout something? ps:220V 60Hz if important

seen here aukey is not branded as "instant housefire" but they do not have what I need since that 18W quickcharge seems to fuck around with voltage
It's whatever the BangGood app shits or as a link because I'm also on mobile.
If you don't want to click it, open up the BangGood app, click in the magnifying glass and mash your fingers until it spells "808 camera", then pick the one that's about $40
>Anon posts pic of mystery DIY kit and misc chink shit >>56595259
looks like a magicforce 68 keyboard kit: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/memeboard/32572470432.html
Get rid of acne
Buy lot of those black things quick

I got one of these in the mail today, and god damn. That's a fucking bright light.
Thanks lads.

Ask reddit r/fashionreps, I'm not memeing you
Otherwise AOFly, Veithdia, or USAF American Optical (AO) reps all over Ali
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What did I get today /csg/???
USB cable
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It's a key knife!!! https://www.aliexpress.com/item/key-knife/32628932100.html
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Xiaomi uses an unencrypted delivery system to install packages silently


>They're sending your IMEI, MAC address, Model, Nonce, Package name and signature to Xiaomi's servers through an unencrypted channel once every 24 hours to check for an update to their analytics app.

>And if the servers see the analytics apps is out of date, they sent an APK down to your device (without you granting permission), and there aren't any verification done to make sure the APK they're sending is even an updated analytics app.

>So Xiaomi could use this to remotely install any app onto your device. Hackers could do the same if they gained control of Xiaomi's servers, and a local hacker should be able to do the same if they had control over the local network you are on.

> lol try getting that on a plane
get the new mixzas, u3

read/write 90+mb/s
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Here it is next to the more expensive key knife I got earlier. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/fancy-key-knife/32647345799.html

I like the cheaper one a lot better. Neither of them really does a good job of masquerading as a key, but the cheaper one is smaller, easier to deploy, , and of course cheaper. The blade is a bit shorter but for what you would use a key knife for in the real world I don't think that matters.
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Here are the two key knives on a keychain with a real key, for comparison purposes.
You deserve this if you do not remove bloatware or at least restrict it from running.
How about xiaomi.eu's rom?
I can't believe that I'm saying this, but aliexpress seem to do a way better job of shipping something out than many sellers on amazon do. I order stuff that I absolutely need on amazon, but lately I've noticed that sellers have been slacking with how long it takes to ship out an item.
these are legit... just like the ones staranon posts, just less useful
There's a fucking hair, dude. Disgusting
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De chink'd or something.
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>install 17track app
>add all my tracking codes
>get notification on an information update of some package
>click on it
>nothing new
>refresh list
>nothing new

Wow nice.
It's in delivery
or not
Maybe it left China, or not, who knows?

What's the point

This reminds me of some shit that I stumbled upon on amazon after looking at some Korean skin care products that I saw on /fa/. From what I remember, this shit is supposed to pull blackheads and stuff out of your skin.

I'm not sure if it's any good, but if it has the same formulation as the Korean stuff, then it most likely is good, since Koreans take skin care very seriously for some reason.
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Because you haven't forgotten me I bring you a gift.
Grab the coupon and get a MAGA hat for $1.36, a pokemon cap for less than a dollar or pic related for $0.02.
not everyone on /g/ is an obese anime obsessed ingorant neet
t-thanks staranon senpai, how could we forget you!?
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>adding a pube for absolutely no good reason

32GB Sharks on Sale for $6.99. Supply is dwindling.
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>buying from jewish chinks
>instead of Jack Ma
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Did those chink pubes come as gifts?
>14 euro

I got it for €10 some time ago.
Can you read? I clearly said that the 32GB Sharks were on sale. Only the 32GB are on flash sale.
how often does the 64gb one go on sale? i don't even need 64 fucking gigs on my cellphone but i still want it.
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Dirty Reviews - the granddaddy of them all and the man who brought us the Mixza shark meme.

Unbiased Tech Reviews - after losing his leg in an exploding chink shit accident, Unbiased dedicated his life to preventing another tragedy occurring.

Comfy Tech Reviews - bird loving Brit, most well-known for BM-800 videos and cutting peppers with chink knives.

OneBoxing Video Reviews - no narration reviews with cheesy music, pretty much a vehicle to make money off referral links

TechTablets - Still the best resource for chinky tablet and phone reviews with a ton of knowledge.

Fyodor Dostomedsky - an arthouse experiment to see how unrelated and weird video reviews can be before Gearbest rejects them. So far they've accepted them all.

Awful China Loot Reviews - famously unwatchable rambling reviews filmed by a bumbling migrant "from" Sweden

/csg/ reviews - Canadian reviewer, had to retire after his parents remortgaged their home so he could see Kanye West

SkeletonKeyStone - reviewed a chink Famicom then returned with a chink Game Boy Color clone review, soon to review Pokemon Cock edition
I'm actually blind though. These texts are spoken by the computer
damn thicc pokie hat
i was trimming and a loose hair drifted into my photography studio, it happens to all of us
how's the keyboard?
Actually pretty good. I already had a Teclast X2 Pro which I replaced my laptop with (I'm more thinking of replacing my tablet with this), and the keyboard on that is way inferior to this one.
Also, it actually holds upright without a kickstand in the back, which is a good thing.

And there's two full-size USB port in the keyboard, which is great.

I'm still ordering a bluetooth mechanical keyboard for actual typing.
the info is usually cached, at least in the website. check after some hours/a day and you'll probably get new info (or not...).
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Decisions, decisions...
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meme watch.jpg
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just got my chinkshit meme watch.
>Other chinkshit on the way, including one lemon key face and another shark
realized I forgot to crop the image
Let them send random.
>can't make a decisions
>lolita is an option

wew lad.
Not all of us are lithuanian pedophiles, anon.
So I have an item thats in the post since more than 30 days (ali), seller just extended buyer protection by another 30 days. This item also has a little icon saying "full refund if item not received within 23 days" - do I have to open a dispute for that or how do I get that?

first I was like "Why would they make a fake vagina and call it a Tgirl, vaginal absence is a major characteristic of those"

but then I was like "Oh, buttholes"

But still, I mean regular women have buttholes too

Seems to, I can't see how to disable it either
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>mfw just accidentally cut myself with a chinese knife
Rock Zircons finally came yesterday. I was worried that the box was dented on the side, but the damage was only to the packaging.

As for the earbuds themselves, I can't believe IEMs can output this level of bass.
Looks interesting desu, I'm going to try it in a few weeks, we'll see.
You must be 18 years old to post on this website.
Oops, didn't mean to call Zircons IEMs.

they're inside you now

sporulating inside your body, filling your cavities with their spawn

one day you'll burst and a thousand chinese people will crawl out of you and scurry off into the shadows
That's pretty hot.
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Should I? I already have knives but they're not purple or ceramic
lies I dont see this or maga hat
okay im retarded, so is the sorting in this shop
overpriced, bought the same set in black from amazon a while ago for 15
>tfw 25 and still get fresh pimples
>tfw too old for this dumb site
>full refund if item not received within 23 days


Get your money back.
If that's the Chuwi Hibook, all I can say is good luck trying to get the Anniversary update to work.

pray for me
It doesn't install.

Also the screen has problems with ghosting.

The metal casing is not grounded so you get the current when it's plugged in.

Also the sdcard slot shits the bed with exfat cards (such as the Shark cards)

I really wanted to like it but it's been nothing but problems since day one.
I just counted the days, guy actually has one more day. Lets see if it comes tomorrow.
soooo, this is cheaper?
I don't get it
well thats weird, in the gallery display you linked it showed up as 21 bucks and when I went back to the listing it changed to the cheaper price. my bad
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Meranti: Strongest super typhoon of the year barrels toward China, Taiwan.

"China braces for impact
While the 23 million people in Taiwan are likely to be buffeted and soaked by Meranti, the main brunt of the storm will fall on mainland China. The storm is expected to make landfall in Guangdong or Fujian provinces during the day on Thursday.
Authorities in six south-eastern provinces as well as Shanghai have initiated emergency response measures as the storm approaches, according to state run news agency Xinhua.
If the storm makes landfall in eastern Guangdong, it could be the strongest to hit the province in 47 years, Xinhua reported. "

Rdy for delays in shipping?

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First time ever buying from chink site.
Did I do good, /csg/?
Honestly, I just go to my local Frys and look at the tower cases they have on display and open the side panel and take the bag of screws inside.
frys sucks i don't blame you .
Hey guys, want to know the status of your packages in the typhoon hitting asia right now?

Here's the ship carrying your chink shit.

Even without the storm, shipping is delayed
fucking chinks can't even play legos right.

If it doesn't happen at sea, there is no excuse for it to happen in port.
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it amazes me that cargo ships can take such a beating. even a small 20 foot shipping container is close to 5000 lb when empty . and they are falling a couple stories straight down onto the ship floor one after another

then you're retarded.
Well, it's the biggest storm to hit China in 47 years.

It's also the strongest storm recorded anywhere in the world for 2016.

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For anyone that missed it in the last thread

Xiaomi Yeelight LED Lamp Review

Off to bed, happy shitposting
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Oh, I missed two items in the bubble wrap, already threw it away (was in the same package as the other kit)
While untangling the cable of my soldering iron I accidentally dropped it on the trash can and had to get the bubble wrap out again because it sticked to the iron and there were these two things still in them, LOL
668Bs came today
I like them
From goybest btw
nooooo, the shit I bought from goybeast some days ago could be there!
why are ali listings so damn missleading, want to check prices for git2 cam with all the accessory package, can't tell for half the listings whats really included

I hope chinks packaged my tablet good
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I got mine today aswell model s280
It is possible to run two Sims and and sd card with these config . You can look it up and find you can extract the sim chip and place it in your sd card . Both will be read by the device . Has been confirmed to worth on xiaomi and also other manufacturers using same config .
>tfw my ali order is probably in that truck
>ceramic knives


What would you do if you were that truck driver anons?

I'd probably just curl up and go to sleep all cosy like

the sound of the rain hammering on the door above you, the gentle rocking of the truck being hit by hurricane winds

you have a rock solid excuse for not working, because your truck fell over

absolutely cosy
Im leaving this here for other anons looking for a deal on the git2


Seller has an 5 off 99 coupon, also 64gb sd bundled costs 8 bucks, not sure how chinky tho
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My girlfriend found my channel, so I'm taking a temporary hiatus. I made all of my videos private and I'll make them public once she's forgotten about it.

I was embarrassed.
Luckily she didn't watch any of them.
>tfw never used alipay but payed directly
Should Iuse alipay from now on?
It's like a forced mix of English and Chinese accent.
tempted to buy this
>the Dong Fang
If they lose my zyclon bs I get refunded right
just add sinkable metal containers and the Dong is golden

>Oops, didn't mean to call Zircons IEMs.
what do you think they are?
I do the same thing.

Today I learn the difference between earbuds and IEMs
Kek didn't see this on my coupon before, their broken English is lovely
Most Chink stores use a horrible English grammar for their standard replies etc.
I replied to some of them with a corrected version of their text. Maybe they will be thankful and give me some coupons or so.
Nobody cares, kill yourself.
What are some recommended USB cable brands?
check the wiki
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Aukey, and something else.
Looking to buy a chinkphone around $200. Probably Xiaomi.
Anyway to make get wireless charging on them?
You can add one of these generic Qi charging things which connects to the micro USB port and can be glued on the back of the phone.

Yes. They stole Apple's wave technology
I'm bored so I'm gonna send friendly messages to all the sellers I'm waiting on goods from.

Nothing specific, just gonna try some small talk.

Wish me luck, guys.


good luck. I message vicky every so often. Never hear back
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How botnet is discord? Having dedicated servers with a mixup of IRC and voice seems to good to be true.
I think one of them was very angry or something on aliexpress, but the guy (David) told me the company failed and their project failed and that he needed to refund me money. It was kinda weird I just wanted an update on the item.
98% of these shops are just a guy on a couch
Best tablet for around $200?
Hey /csg/, give me items to put on my mantle piece.

Pubes aside, I bought the cheap key. Thanks for the recommendation, handsome. Does it cut fruit well?
>top user satisfaction is the phone without a headphone jack
Man if only it had a 3.5 jack (or even a second usb 3.0) and expandable storage that thing would have been perfect.
It even has all the bands for Rogers in Canada. So close...
>worst review ever
>$65 dollars for a disco night light
Going to be my first time ordering a xiaomi or any chinkphone.

Is this one alright?
Should I include any messages when I order? Kinda scared...

Official Global Version Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 3i pro prime special Edition Mobile phone 5.5 Inch 3GB 32GB 16.0MP
(from AliExpress Android)
>order something from my own country
>still processing a day later
the chinks have spoiled me?
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>bought mi4c some days ago
>not even in the user satisfaction list
>there are better, cheaper phones

the packager is probably some unionized foreigner on their fifteenth paid break.
ask for a sealed box
nah, it's actually just a small specialty shop
>Depart from Overseas Processing Facility

Yay gimme my tablet

Will it still ship with global rom?
im taking a break from this board. im literally getting nothing done
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What's keeping me from saying I never received my package and making a paypal claim?

Does that work?
if you do it too often your account will be suspended

i would try it just once
Also don't they test the phone before shipping? How can they do that if the box is sealed?
Tested at the factory, packed and sent to the seller.
As long as it's untracked. And like anon said, do it too much and you'll be on a blacklist.

it's EMS

It's impossible i guess
Oukitel k6000 pro or redmi note 3 pro (2gb)?
Both are similar price right now.

Which has better screen? Camera? Battery life?
>lives in 3rd world shithole
>jack ma becomes e-commerce committee advisor
i wonder if this means easier chinkshit for me
iwork 11 stylus
cheapest windows tablet with decent stylus
it uses emmc instead of ssd though..
I'm think of buying a streaming box for my TV off Gearbest anyone know if they're any good? I'm looking at the cheapest one I could find since it's what I afford. Oh yeah I'm also gonna get a Ruizu XO2 since I've heard that they're

The Redmi Note 3 Pro has a good battery life and I'm not sure about the camera.
>I hope chinks packaged my tablet good
the last time i bought tablet from them, they only put the tablet box inside another cardboard box
children aren't things, comfy
My friend got a k10000, going to see it next week if anyone is interested in a mini review.

He says it doesn't lag at all.

I know, but does the k6000 pro get better battery life with the bigger battery or does the mt6753 hold it back in that regard?
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>le comfy bogeyman
Hopefully some day soon manufacturers will realise that 'muh thin' is not what makes a phone good. Durability and strength counts too. And ofc. non-exploding batteries are a plus. All of which could be solved if they just stopped if they just moved away from muh thin...
Remember that iphone with glass all over? 'Just don't drop it - phones are not meant to be dropped' - well, shit happens and you will eventually drop your phone taking it in and out of your pocket several times a day... pig disgusting manufacturers.
Looked into getting a new phone some months ago but found no phones that lived up to what I expect in a phone: sturdiness, long battery life, small enough to fit in a pocket comfortably. Just gotta wait and hope something changes as I fear my phone is dying...
You mean like oukitel? And the new xiaomis seem pretty good too.

Also leagoo has a couple of big battery phones.

Budget phones with big batteries are becoming popular, I'm >>56608682 >>56608569
And I'm probably going to buy the k6000 pro today cause it's on sale for 185 aud and 6000mAh of pure joy sealed in a metal chassis.

Just wish they'd gone with an SD616 or 650 lmao
LOL. Woody.
This one is better
Oukitel was what came closest afair. Also remember looking a lot at Redmi 3 Pro which was just around the corner at the time. As I said it was a couple of months ago so 'new Xiaomis' prolly weren't out yet. Think
Most of what I found with decent battery life were 5+" screens which just don't fit comfortably in a pocket unless wearing camo-cargopants ofc.. Naturally it's highly subjective and depends on your normal use but in my world 5" is the absolute maximum size for a phone. And I would probably take 4" over 5" given the choice.
Bear in mind though my typical use: calls, texts, check a few emails. For any serious work I use my laptop or the proper tools for the job (eg. an actual oscilloscope instead of an app to check frequency etc.)
Anon bought a BV6000 that he liked check out that one, waterproof too
Autism Looks 2.0 (insert extremely happy smiley here)

Will look into it later today, time for uni. Thanks for the tip.
Where should I buy a kingdian 60gb ssd? Only need it for faster boot
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I can't think of any pants I own that'll struggle to hold a 5.5 inch phone.

Pic related what I'm wearing now, the bent bit at the bottom is where my fingers go to when I shove my hand in.

Maybe skinny jeans though, but I never liked those.
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Well I charged my 59 cent mp3 player overnight.

You can connect the device to your co.outer and it can act as a as card reader. It will not allow you to play music while connected to a pc but you can while charging. Mirco Usb write speed is slow so use a separate SD card reader.

When I plugged in a micro usb cable to charger the player an internal red led light up through the body.

But now that I have plugged in a micro SD card and started playing music, the red led flashes on and off. When I pause the music the red led is constantly on.

The player does have the ability to fast forward and rewind. Also if you leave it on paused for long the led light starts flashing them turns off and player goes into standby. Play back can be resumed.

If you slide the power switch to off it clears the memory and you have to start over from the first song.

Cannot play flac.
Also there is a faint hint of static. Even when playing 320 kbps songs
Any 6000mAh phones with the helio p10 instead of mt6753?
just got my hyper x clouds
fucc yiss
Got my Redmeme Note 3 Qualcomm finally. Came with a vendor ROM though, which made unlocking the bootloader kinda tricky. Also what up with the encryption bullshit on TWRP? I had to side load SuperSU because it kept asking me for a password to access the internal storage.
For Whoopi Goldberg's roast
>Helio P10

Pick one. This is the closest / http://www.kimovil.com/en/where-to-buy-gionee-m6
So glad my Xiaomi powerbank is in Czechland right now
All my chink vendor friend on Facebook are posting pictures of their offices and warehouse destroyed by the typhoon :(
wait for a sale on ali
Should we send condolences or something to chinamen sellers who were hit by the storm?
>want to buy stuff
>have no money left in bank
I guess it's time to make wish lists
post them
I will when they stop trying to chink me at every opportunity.
Honestly I have more fun browsing and adding shit to my list than actually buying anything.
I dunno like
"Hope you dry off soon Yang, your products are super acceptable"
and then get coupons in return for our kindness ;)
Kek, I mean what the hell happened? Did a typhoon hit China? Our China man seller are usually located near ports and the biggest airports
Reminder that 60GiB Kingdians are only $24USD right now
It's happening right now
google typhoon meranti
What are some cool cheap Halloween memes to buy?
And if you add 10 bucks to that you will get one with double the space so you might actually be able to use it for something.
Holy shit that's why my sdcard holder still is n China.
>he uses a solid meme drive for anything other than boot
are memedians any good?
Why would you spend money on an SDD so you can boot faster?

It takes like 30 seconds at most, even with a toaster and bloated windows. Even less on Linux. And you need to turn on your computer like once a day. If that. Some people here haven't turned off their computer in like a month.
About as good as you'd expect for a Chinese SDD. I mean, for one that actually works.
>why would you spend money on an ssd
I suppose it would be good enough for my memepad.
>okay Zhu, we need you to pose in our new Halloween collection
>"oh wow, I can't wait to show all my friends that I'm a model"
New thread
Post pics lad
Too early you idiot
Bump limit is 325 posts fucktard
Fuck you.

Original or fake?and link please
>why 2 pis?
he want threesom
Ted Danson? What are you doing on a Lithuanian shit-posting board?
Thread posts: 343
Thread images: 72

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