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Thread replies: 172
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iOS 10 has been released, be sure to update iphonefags

>tfw downloading on shit public wifi
Wrong board
>I'll call him gay xDDD
>That'll show him!
Also, you forgot >>>/hm/
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what? o.O
>poor russians need not apply
>5 hours remaining
Applels on suicide watch.
Well, I'm Ukrainian (:
Well you will be Russian once Putin is done with your country!
What are good Ukrainian porn sites my man?
Also how do I speak your language?
sweet burn dude, i bet that OPO you posted from is doing great.
Ahaa, no (:

Idk. Use a dictionary.
Now with me improved touch disease for you stupid iPhone 6 using poor fags
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got it :3
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>removed revolver emoji
>women focused emojies
>encouraging using emojies instead of words in messages
Already installing iOS 10.

Should I become a brony now?
The update is bricking all newer phones. How the hell could Apple fail this badly? And it's still up there available for download automatically, FFS.

If it hasn't installed yet but it's downloaded/ing, go to Settings->General->Storage and iCloud -> Manage iPhone storage -> delete iOS10.

This is gonna be a huge shitstorm.
>This is the maturity level of /g/.
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>installing iOS version that doesn't have a jailbreak
no multi screen view (or it's in beta i think)
multi screen view

android 0 ios 1
Didn't brick my 6S
Though I installed the "beta" yesterday

My iPad I had to connect to my computer and re-update because the update failed, but it didn't brick
I think iPad Air 2 have it as well
It's awesome, doesn't work on all apps tho (I guess the app maker have to implement it)
enjoy your water pistol iFags
No one fucking cares, tranny.
it's just memes
Might be a thing in your libtard degenerate state, but not here.
>he uses emojis

okay dude, let's go get some organic hummus and buy bear shampoo later, is it a date?
>use iMessage
>all this fucking channer tier gifs

Holy shit, soon it's gonna get ponies and smug anime girls out the ass, Apple has opened some the floodgates.
nevermind, it's all based on Bing...
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>Might be a thing in your libtard degenerate state, but not here.
Yet this is out there, representing your country: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfjHJneVonE
>representing your country
>this many assblasted macfags on /g/

What has happened to this Godforsaken place?
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>No multi screen view
Sure thing bud, and I'm on 5.1
I'm sure tweaks existed for previous iterations of iOS too.
I meant built-in, stock solution.
There's no such thing as stock Android, android is not a walled garden
>he fell for touchjizz meme
maxium kek blown de fug oud
It's not TouchWiz tho
Had it since yesterday, well actually since beta 1

It's alright, I'm running it on my iPhone 5. Shit is barely holding on, none of the super cool features are available, and there's no jailbreak to get back to because it's literally "too old".
didn't brick my 5s

shit's pretty much the same

imessage is way too cluttered with this bullshit though
>still jailbreaking your phone

For what? Shitty emulators with touch controls?

Apple has been integrating every jailbreak tweak into iOS since forever.
Themes, cracked games, tweaks that's (((Apple))) won't add, download music to your phone, free apps

I can go on probably. Buy yourself a iOS 5 iPhone 4 and be amazed with the shit you can do on that thing with jailbreak.

>Tfw Dreamboard is never coming back
Why do I have to press the home button instead of gently touching my finger print to unlock?
bulldong strim?
You can change it in settings.
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why not ios6?

>bliny captcha :^)

I think iOS 5 was far more compatible with things in Cydia, correct me if I'm wrong though.
Oh, I didn't know that. I used to jailbreak my iPhone only to install cracked ipas.
I already turn lift to unlock off.
Ah, I hope a jailbreak for iOS 10 will come out soon. It'll only make the iPhone 7 even more tempting to buy, although they'll only need clover for iOS
>he blames mac users for making /g/ shit and not:

>desktop threads
>battle station threads
>literally any general thread
>nvidiot vs amdcucks
>wincucks vs macfags
>watch threads

lmao faggot
I feel like this update makes everything have a more cluttered feel or is it just me? Also don't like how they removed the bios for albums and stuff for some artists
Are there still those awful artist photos for some artists in music? Really breaks up the flow when it's mainly artwork and then you have some shitty photograph of some cunt.
why the fuck would you update to ios 10 when ios 9.3.3 is jailbroken
What's wrong with watch threads?
Watch fags stay to themselves.
They're fashion not technology

They should have integrated the look of the iOS 9 music all with this one
>jailbroken phone
just switch to android nerd
Now that is just plain wrong
Click on the pancakes man.
Fuck off, you aren't a real woman and your faggot ass never will be.
what's new, what's removed, what's different?

All I know is the gun emoji changed
>public wifi
What did you expect?
I would take literally all of those, and weebthreads and mechanical keyboard generals, than let another Macfag post on my board.
How do I get those gifs?
Wtf iPhone 5 here and it's running smoothly nigga.
>be me

Should I even bother?
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Almost worth it for the ability to remove most default apps without having to jailbreak, but the new extra shit on the keyboard is unnecessary.

Restoring to 9 now.
>gay dog
>gay phone
It doesn't matter what version you get an iPhone 4 in because it has a bootrom exploit. You can downgrade to anything.
System-wide adblock and a math alarm integrated into the apple clock app are the key reasons why I jailbreak. Changing a few things for simplicity, clearing clutter in stock apps like Music and 3d touch on devices without it help as well.

I'm just hoping for a iOS 10 32 bit jailbreak in a month or so after a few of the inevitable entry release bugs get ironed out. Hopefully I can make it another year on my 5 until the 2017 iPhone.
agreed. jailbreaking became irrelevant when iOS7 was released. now the only thing jailbreaking is good for is installing chinese key loggers (i.e. the actual jailbreaks themselves). if you jailbreak i seriously hope you don't do online banking (or anything important for that matter!) on your phone. cracked ipa's is simply not worth it
So far so good.

Feels even faster than 9.3.5 and even more stable
>bricking all new devices

Shut up, fagdroid.

Installed it on my iPhone 5S fine. Installed fine on both of my iPad Mini 4s just fine. And it installed just fine on my 6S+.
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>downloading an iOS not designed for your generation of phone
Like, didn't you learn your lesson last time? And the time before? And the time before that? And the time before? And the time before that time?
>no such thing as stock android

>being this stupid
I have a family member's old 5 that I updated to iOS 10 during beta. It has been surprisingly smooth. My experience with iOS 9 has only been on 9.0.2 because of jailbreak, but my brother's 5 on 9.3+ has looked about the same as the 10 beta. If you want the cleanest performance. Backup your iPhone through your computer, go into settings on the phone and erase everything. Then when it's done do a DFU restore. I know it sounds excessive to erase twice but from what I've seen erasing everything through the iPhone itself causes subsequent restores to take up less space. DFU restores should always been done when doing major updates regardless. IF you wanted to go further you could start from a new backup but I don't recommend that unless you want to fiddle around in your old local backup to bring over things to the new one.

Why would a company that receives loads money from Chinese investors implement keyloggers to steal information from ordinary people who collectively do not have as much money? Doesn't make any sense. Besides all of the jailbreaks released thus far from Pangu and Taig have been reverse engineered by people from iphonedevteam and Evaders. Not to mention some of the more autistic younger people like Luca Todesco who create jailbreaks on their own and fuck around with tools created by others? Your argument holds no water.

Besides even when iOS 7 was released people widely used biteSMS (one the heavily used tweaks in the jailbreak community) not to mention the loads of GPS spoofers, dev tools, and adblockers (which Apple didn't address until iOS 8 with content blocking but only in safari).
Same is true for anything Apple.
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mfw work for applecare, preparing my anus
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Android 7.0 is Godtier
>using inferior ios 10
>not using far superior ios 9.3.5
iOS 10 looks pretty good so far.
the music app looks like dogshit
and the way the lock screen works is retarded
so glad I downgraded when I could
I want whoever designed the new Music app fired.
who cares
The music app never looked good after iOS 7
The music app had the same format and look from iOS 7.0- 8.3. Apple's injection of apple music (although not bad as a service) was what screwed up how everything works. I used to used listen to my music a fuck ton in college and early grad school but ever since 8.4+ I hardly open the damn app even when I need it to study.
it now looks even worse
I didn't even know anyone used the stock music app
i have a different sim card than the original carrier sim card, does anyone know if it will lock my phone if i update it?
looks more or less the same, icons and themes and brushed over and have a darker more 'solid' look to them, imessage has normie meme support.

app animations are faster though which is nice, also like the push home button to unlock instead of swiping right.

haven't tried any of the other features, overall feels like small refinements here and there.
fucked up mine, had to update from itunes. thankfully it didn't factory reset.
>imessage has normie meme support.
There's no iMessage on my iPhone.
I think you're looking at something else. Perhaps some cunningly crafted Chinese knock-off.
i kind of got used to it in iOS 9 (at least i liked how much of the screen album art took up, swiping up and down now playing and the next list) but all that apple music shit was annoying. music in 10 is slight downgrade. especially with the huge as fuck text. and i don't get why they removed hearts
>Why would a company that receives loads money from Chinese investors implement keyloggers to steal information from ordinary people who collectively do not have as much money? Doesn't make any sense

say whatever you want. but if you seriously think you don't have a chinese backdoor on your phone your an idiot
click the three dots on a song its at the bottom, you can even dislike now
no shit, but that's literally the only place you can see if it's liked or not. seems to me that feature is on the way out
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> tfw 4 fucking year old iPhone 5
> battery shitting itself (was probably getting less than 60% for it's original capacity)
> get brand new battery from amazon for cheap
> replace it in about 5 minutes
> phone comes back to life, kicking ass like always
> Apple keep it's legendary support with iOS 10
> I'm afraid of this update fucking with my phone, /g/ constantly talking shit about it
> Fuck this
> update anyways
> Now my iPhone is even faster than iOS 9/8 (maybe same speed as 7)
> faster camera
> Siri is even smarter
> security support is legendary
> newest apps still supporting my 4 year old hardware
> no lags at all
It's finally over /g/, you can't defend Android anymore. Wtf is going on with 7.0? It just ridiculous. Also, show me a 4 year Android officially supporting 7.0 (not some indian botnet custom rom that shits itself every 2 minutes), jesus, is there even a 4 year old android that supports 6.0? even fucking 5.0? That's a fucking joke.
This so much. Back in late '12 when my 3GS was shitting itself in terms of battery life and had practically no features that iOS 6 advertised, I got myself a 5. At the time it was fast as hell but I always had a nagging thought I should have somehow waited till fall '13. When the 5S came out it just confirmed my belief. However looking back at the entirety of me using my 5 even now, I can safely say I made a good decision back then. It's been a beast when I needed it to be, hasn't ever shit the bed, looks nice and does everything I could ever want. Even when it had a defective battery for a time, I was able to get the battery replaced by Apple for free. That was 2 years ago and I am only down to ~90% capacity. Just having jailbroken for the first time last year for iOS 8.4 and then 9.0.2, I've grown to love my device even more. It's my windows XP/7 of phones and it'll be weird to use the 2017 iPhone I'm waiting for. I can understand why people by androids. You want to be cheap at the moment but you'll end up paying more in the long run just to get a new phone because you lose support or the device just breaks easily (explodes like the note 7). Or you get one because you don't want to appear to be a richfag to your poor as fuck friends. Filesystems? What average user needs that? I bet I can ask any normal person where they even access that on their android. Bet no response. Torrenting? Only neckbeards need that on a phone. Etc. iPhones may cost a lot initially but they are an investment to use over time.
>iOS 10 is the biggest release of ios ever!
Wow what's changed?
>Send gifs through message

You again?
You had your own thread and now you shitpost here too.
Good for you with your 27 year old phone, nobody cares about it
The music app is ugly as my son.
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This update p good so far

Only irritating thing besides the overhaul to the music app is the fact that my 6S+ drains battery so god damned fast

Widgets are nice but need more configuring options
6s+ battery drains faster? If stats are right that means the 7 will too, it only gained like 1hour of battery or so, and they didn't even state if that's idle or what.
What do you mean the gun emoji
It's not consistent, when I launch an app my phone would get really heated and drop a couple of percent in the span of 2 minutes but then cool down and the battery would drain as usual

Seems like an easy fix so I'm not too worried
you mean your wife's son
Why is my background so dimmed? How do I change it?
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if iPhones are so great, then why am I using a Oneplus 3 over my iPhone 6?
you have shit taste
Thanks loser
because you're edgy and want to proclaim to the world "HAHA IM NOT LIKE THE APPLEKEKS HEHE LOOK AT ME IM EBIN HAXOR"

You're the kind of shit that opens command prompt, color 0a and types shit at school thinking you're hacking the matrix or something.
wife's son would be "MOAR APPLE DESIGN!"
Hive-mind is chuck as fuck.
How many vulnerabilities are there?
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The iPad's horizontal lockscreen is kind of shit
After owning an iPad have you noticed a drastic reduction in your Laptop/Desktop usage?

I was thinking about it the other day and if I got an iPad I honestly would have very little reason to use my PC anymore. Just as a download box to upload shit to the iPad for later like movies and shit.
>have to change appleID password
>won't let me use "Popcorn17"
>accepts "AppleID1"

Password restrictions are fucking retarded, just let people choose whatever password they want jesus christ.
>he tried to set his password to Popcorn17
jesus dude

I would use a password like this if they didn't require numbers and upper case letters as standard.


So they just windows10ed iOS. Widgets and live tiles look shit no matter what.

Wtf i hate apple now.
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>siri app suggestions
I want steve jobs back
>random album artwork
>random "suggested" apps
>news from whatever cancerous website paid them the most money

Jesus christ what is this shit?
>not using
>X:k))/?:c_Di^&[email protected]_@$$=#®©
>as your password
not op but hes right.

none of those threads actually discuss watch (time keeping) technology. they only discuss and focus on muh aesthetics / fashion.
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>Tap home to unlock

Great. Another way to wear out functionality of the one button that does practically everything important, ensuring that you'll be locked out of your phone forever should it break.

Also swiping to the right on the homescreen shows a bunch of useless shit when all it ever needed to do was bring up the news feed. Fuck. This.
Wait... Bell South is still around?
how big is ios10 this is taking me forever
>those are his playlists
>he owns those apps, it suggests them based on the time and your location
>that's a breaking news notification
Are you purposefully trying to be dense?
You can edit it to only show the news.
I know this is bait, but imagine an ever-expanding flash drive with a built-in browser, and applications to develop shit on the go. Now shrink it down to a point where I can carry it in my pocket. That is Android.

I often find myself downloading articles, logging them into a single folder, and typing about them with AndrOpen Office. Then when I get home I simply Bluetooth my folder and file to my HDD.
Worst ios10 bug is not being able to save pics on 4chan in safari without opening them in a separate tab.
Oh haha oops.
you an disable that in settings
yeah just let apple have my fingerprint instead
force touch swipe up
Oh sweet fucking Jesus I need to update to the latest version of 9 before 10 becomes the only option.

I don't want my phone riddled with issues.

Absolutely kill yourself.
how long does verifying update take omfg
No, it is an actual glitch. It sees it as a text file. I submitted and called about it, and it has yet to be fixed. Not just 4chan, any image that expands or contains a link.

And no force touch for me, I am on the latest 2 iOS devices (Pro 9.7 and iPhone SE), neither which have 3D Touch.
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Here, let me show you...

Bluetooth sucks ass though when it comes to throughput speeds.
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Notice that there is no save option as ther was in 9.
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Okay, safari ain't playing with camera roll, might as well save it to iCloud Drive...
Still on 9.3.2.

Didn't update my SE from when I bought it because I was not sure if I wanted to.

What are the advantages? So far the only thing I am annoyed by is fit notes on Android is both free and better than Strong on IOS and I don't want to pay for it.

Does jailbreaking come with a Chinese botnet?
god fuck all the colorful shit.

My notification center was so clean and simple and dark
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>tfw no dark mode
At least the clock app is dark now. It's a godsend.
iPhone SE was clearly a downgraded cheapo version of the 6S so you can't really complain about that imo.
Only if you want to use the fingerprint method, which has always been vastly inferior to swiping.

Please don't be serious.
>fingerprint is inferior to swiping

wat. swiping takes so fucking long it literally pisses me off when I have to do it on occasion
It's a more useable phone in 1 or 2 hands with the same pixel density, every so slightly higher Geekbench, and a refined 5S casing. Besides 3D Touch (which for a screen that small is kind of uncessary and not useful due to click drop downs costing screen real estate), lack of barometer, and 6's FaceTime camera instead of 6S', its superior in every way.

Downgraded? For the next 2 days, I own the fastest, most powerful handset Apple's ever made.
The last portion was shitposting bait. The rest was my genuine feel of my 5. As for you're saying about saving articles I can easily do that as well. I save them using save as pdf through safari, I then get them later on when I sync my phone. Or I can drop them into iCloud. Or I can save the link later on or keep it in my iCloud safari tabs and pull it later on within my Mac and then print/download it then. Or I can airdrop it to my Mac. I can also use apple's own productivity suite or Microsoft's free version. As for your top portion. What average user consistently expands their storage for their device with microSD? I know that when I got a PSP I sprung up for the 4 GB and never changed it. And you have to be a fool to think that the average android user does anything beyond reading shit on the Internet (memes), calling, texting or using a social networking app (tinder, Facebook, Instagram, snapchat). The average android user is as normie as an applefag. It's only that your side lauds themselves as being the enlightened portion that know everything about technology when in fact most people don't care or even uses Apple idevices (jailbroken or not) but offloads their nerdiness onto a desktop/laptop.

The only thing I will grant that is difficult to get off an iPhone and into another platform are photos. Apple has cleverly made it only work with iphoto and now the OS X/macOS Photos app with no clear option to export elsewhere. Yes you can get them off using imazing/ibackupbot/funbox or whatever but that is really user hostile.
Wow, IPhone 6 here. Not looking forward to this as the download already started.
ive letting Apple know for weeks. I am shocked this glitch made it to GM. It's not some sort of 4chan censorship shit either, it happens with any expandable image or image containing a link.
iOS 10 was made available for the SE so yes he has every fucking right to complain.
Is this mobile only for now? I only have apple tablets
Should have greentexted, I meant where he said how it doesn't have 3D touch.
even if that may be so, the iPad Pro 9.7" is a flagships device from 2016 and doesn't have 3D Touch. so, iOS 10 degrading usability if you don't have 3D Touch is retarded. especially because 3D Touch doesn't do anything that a long press couldn't do in most cases.
Maybe because you're stupid?
Don't know why this shit happens
>using apple music
fucking deplorable
so other than the updating brick problem, how's the stability? I know major updates tend to have a few bugs so I was waiting for them to be ironed out, but other than the bricking and this >>56593172 I haven't heard of any problems
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I've spent like half an hour disabling all the news and "recommended" crap in iOS 9 now after the update it's all there again
Why the fuck can't I select a bluetooth device directly from the slide up settings menu? How did Apple overlook this feature?
>used to come home with ~60% battery for one year with my 6S and iOS9 now
>install iOS 10
>come home after normal day

t-thanks Tim Cook.
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>Random rounded edges and fonts make the UI feel all over the place.
>Some fonts were made gigantic, like on a universal remote made for old people (see: Music app)
>Many UI elements are clearly meant for smaller iPhones and not "Plus" sized ones.
>Their answer to the iOS 9 music app being confusing was to make it even more confusing by randomly removing options and features. (star ratings are gone, love/dislike hearts are pushed into obscure menus, playlist sort options were removed)
>Notifications can't be sorted by app anymore
>Quick menu takes up way more space than it needs to.

Aside from just being ugly as shit, a TON of functionality was taken away from the normal UI and shoved into 3D Touch menus that people using 6 and older can't access. Also, my 6 Plus is 2 generations old now, so everything is a touch laggier.
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>mfw just downgraded my 6S to 9.3.5
Thank fuck I made a full backup literally 1 second before upgrading to iOS 10
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>"image.jpg" is no more

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Where do iToddlers get the false impression they or their fruity toddler toys are welcome on a technology board?
Thread posts: 172
Thread images: 29

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