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/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 332
Thread images: 40

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SInce the old thread was ending, I'll post again.

Is D-sub obsolete? Like when am I ever going to use it? I'm gonna build a pc, so there's no reason to choose a motherboard with a D-sub, r-right?
Is there a way to put a server in to ro mode when it hits a certain % load, while buffering/caching changes that would happen when it is in ro and writing it when the server is back writable?
If so how
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Gonna try this again and hope someone with some experience or knowledge on the matter comes around this time.

I'm trying to tweak my GPU's BIOS to enable fanless mode while idling. It's not going too well.
I've followed some guides on that there internet, set the appropriate values in the fan profile, flashed my tweaked BIOS (pic related), but my fans are still spinning at ~860 rpm despite reporting "0%" fan speed, also pic related.

Anyone know what's up with that ?
Alternatively, how much could I fuck up by flashing a BIOS from a different model of the same GPU from the same manufacturer ?
Specifically I have an MSI GTX 960 4GD5T OC, which doesn't have this feature out of the box. I've found the BIOS file from an MSI GTX 960 G1 Gaming, which does come with this feature, but I'm unsure whether flashing that might fuck everything up.

Is it possible to permanently hard brick a graphics card with this stuff, as long as I have hardware available to perform the BIOS flashing and keep a backup of a working BIOS ? If something goes wrong, can I just re-flash the working one and be back to normal ?
>Is D-sub obsolete?
what d-sub?

d-sub is a connector type.

the thing in your pic is a vga connecto,r which is a sub-type of the d-sub
How long does the average CMOS battery last for?

I have a computer that does not hold the proper date and time setting anymore, so I was wondering.
misquoted shiz
15 years
Ok, well the VGA connector then. What do people use it for? I thought displays use HDMI or DVI nowdays.
Legacy support.
they use it to connect video outputting signals to video inputing recievers
>What do people use it for?
for VGA displays, how dense are you my friend?

If you're a vidyababby you probably won't even come close to one if its a desktop.
It's useful to have it in a laptop (for plugging in old projectors that sadly are 80% of all in use that use VGA) and if you're a hobbyist that has a higher that normal chance to ever desire plugging one.
Palememe add-on support is terrible now, what channel of Firefox should I be using, dev, nightly?

Does your card have a bios switch?
You can always use another fork like Cyberfox or Waterfox.

Unfortunately no, it doesn't. If it did I wouldn't be as hesitant to just flash the bios from the :gayming: model.
When trying to launch steam in Antergos, it says I'm missing "vgui2_s.so"

How do I get this file?
from the internetz of course :)
I am looking to buy a TV for $500-700 USD. I generally use my TV for 75% TV shows, 10% movies, 10% sports and 5% video games.

Bonus points if Target sells it as I have some gift cards to use.
So on my laptop I installed linux I've tried several distros like mint/opensuse/Ubuntu/debian etc however I notice a sort of problem when doing so:

On windows when I move the cursor around its smooth and the screen just feels slick vs linux the cursor sort of "lags" and the desktop seems slow like in using a very old screen or something, is there a way to fix this?
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Please, someone can explain this joke?
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How do i fix these?
What are the best certs for someone with a degree in Computer Science to get?
I guess that it refers to templates.
burn the coating of the wires with some acid and heat and solder them.
that i can study for and shit at home
(i dont want to go back to classes)
someone please halp

Can I somehow play videos in fullscreen, but choose the size it plays in? I want windowed borderless in other words.

Like the "floating for youtube" app for chrome and removing all the UI for mphc.
But for everything playable in a web browser.

Like, virtually creating a screen within my screen, picture in picture.
Not whatsapp?
No it's google messenger
I only asked in the last thread and no one answered me faggit now GTFO
i'm running a python script that writes to file in a loop, but when i open that file in file browser it's a blank file, even though the script has written to file multiple files. Is that expected/how can i view files as it gets written?
pushbullet for android is pretty good
you can always go turboautism and start a virtual machine for every video, hit the fullscreen button and configure your host so the VM window is borderless
ok I'll try it thanks
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>open mpc-hc
>press '1'
>view > on top > while playing video

is this what you mean?
Serious question here, i just upgraded my gpu to an rx 480, its all good and the card is working but now the fan at the rear on my pc isn't spinning, any ideas of what could be the issue?
is it plugged in
pretty sure it is yes, i pulled out a cable that was in the way of sliding in the graphics card and i put it back in when i was done.
I am somewhat tech illiterate so bear with me. My ISP provides internet through some transmiter on this high up place while there is a reciever up on our roof that has a cable which goes into PC. Something like that. Basically, not a cable internet.
Now, for those who know what kind of internet this is, I want to ask whether there are any technical limitations concerning download and upload speeds, such as the case of ADSL connection that can upload at maximum of 1,4 Mbps which I have learned recently. Not sure how correct this info is.
Anywho, the ISP offers a 12/1 connection, 18/1,5 and 25/???. I would like to know whether the low upload speeds are because technology doesn't allow them to be any higher or because the ISP are jews.
how is your psu quality. is it any cause for concern when adding a power hungry GPU?
its a 600w power supply, did i fuck up?
i'm not following

is it satellite internet?
Go back and double check it.
Can I use heatsink compound as thermal paste
Alright dudes, I will get this meme monitor (LG 25' ultrawide). Unfortunately I don't have the money or space to get the 29' version but ok.
It's like the height of a 23' monitor.

Does anyone have experience with those?
I will edit videos and music, watch a lot of things and play a bit too.
Can you red pill me on the finish of them? is it matte enough so that I won't be able to see my depressed face?
no, that's most likely enough

check your fan plug, you probably accidentally pulled it out. also what type of fan plug is it? 3 prong? 4 prong? is it connected directly to the motherboard or is it connected to the PSU wires?
can't say for sure, even if I knew your computer specs, but 600W feels low
why not dual monitors? you could prob get same quality and more width for cheaper
Dunno man. I think so. Basically they set up a transmitter thing on this huge tower thing we have nearby I believe, set up a reciever thingie on our roof, pointed at said transmitter and from said reciever there goes a cable into this black box and from that into my PC. I honestly have no idea how it works and I can't find the box of the reciever to tell you the name.
I am really confused right now on whether I should build a computer or buy a "gaymen laptop". I have to move to another city in order to study EE/CE, my parents are gonna pay rent and for a new rig or whatever. Normies and family tell me I should get a "gaymen laptop" for muh portability, since I will spend many hours away from home to attend lessons but I want to build my own rig for less money and maybe get a cheapo chromebook for uni. Either way I'm gonna need to run engineering software on my pc, and maybe play a bit of overwatch which is the only game I currently like. Am I going to fuck up if I fall for the >500€ laptop meme? Even a laptop with 4gb of ram and a 950m costs like 680€ here which is ridiculous. I honestly don't want to spend a shit ton of money on something that will be obsolete in a year.
>inb4 underage b&
Any help is appreciated.
ok well if it's some wireless satellite thing, yea that's going to be slow.
I can't seem to find good monitors on those price ranges. Or at least the reviews are not well enough.
I think it is impossible to get a good monitor at £80 to do a dual setup.
im a retard.. when i cut the cable tie ive accidentally cut the thin wire connected to the fan, yep im a retard
>I want to build my own rig for less money and maybe get a cheapo chromebook for uni
You're right, this is the best option.
Though maybe a used thinkpad instead of a chromebook in case you have to run actual software.

Could be some microwave airlink thingamajig.

I don't need super high speeds. I need 3Mbps upload at least though. So how much could it be capable of?
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>when i cut the cable tie ive accidentally cut the thin wire connected to the fan


but it's not that big of a deal, just strip the wires and twist them together and put some black tape around them
thankfully it's not a serious problem, albeit an annoying one.
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IS IT true that ultra wide monitor stress the fuck out of the GPUs??

I have a RX 470 4GB NITRO+ . I don't believe that it can't handle an ultra wide monitor..
I haven't used my PS3 in half a year, and I went to turn it on today. It started up for half a second as it normally does, then switched to a flashing red light and gave three quick beeps.

Google says this is an overheating issue, but it's not super hot and I heard the fans spin on when it attempted to start up.

Any ideas?
i want delet "onclickads" on my phone? help me please.
im not an electrician so i wont even attempt it, couldnt i just buy a new fan?
There's a reason why >gaming laptop is a meme. Just get a decent light laptop for travel and build a good pc
it's not complicated at all anon, get wire cutters, strip the wired, twist the same colored wires together, put black tape around each wire so the wires don't touch anything, and bam, you have a fan
>connecting wires
>not an electrician so i wont even attempt it
BRUH all you need is scissors and electrical tape. if youre gonna get a new one anyways might as well try this first
tldr: Is there an Excel function that can add only the numbers on a specific side of a decimal point?

I'm trying to keep track of my hours at work since they sometimes fuck up our checks. Anything over five hours is overtime, which is typical for me to get per day. Sumif gives me the sum total, but I can't specify the argument to add only the decimal places of any cell over 5. I know I can just manually separate the OT hours from regular but I was hoping there would be a way to automate it.
>im not an electrician
Yeah stay safe. That 5V will knock you on your ass. My brother died that way!
I'm looking for a lightweight laptop with a decent amount of battery for <$500, but preferably not more than $300.
I don't really mind.
can i put a gtx 1080 and rx 480 in SLI?

Surely I can get the video link to work in mphc..?
Thanks anons, will consider getting a thinkpad or something similar
It sounds like you have wireless broadband, which is pretty limited. It's one of those internet technologies that you only use when something better isn't available. It's normal for ISPs to artificially limit upload speed regardless of need, but not by that much. The limitation here is that it's much easier for their bigass tower to send high powered signal down to everyone then it is for your tiny antenna to broadcast it back. Not much to be done if that ISP is your only choice. But a lot of people get by with less upload than that. Maybe look into a vps if you need to be uploading a lot of content.
where do files go when i delete it?
Does anyone remember in the late 90's all those computer convention center things? I never got to go to any, but I remember the commercials talking about everything they had at them.
>VGA displays
>hundreds of mice
On the drive it records location information about the data. Like hey I'm at x2y4 and I'm taking 8 kilobytes. Instead of deleting all 8, it just deletes the location info so anything can use that space. So generally anything you delete is still on the drive until something overwrites it.
Is this any good?
i have a 29" ultrawide 2560x1080
r9 380 4gb oc

not sure what you mean by "stress" but my gpu temps are pretty normal, of course you will get less fps running ultrawide vs regular 16:9 1080p
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Trying to make wpa_supplicant run at launch, when i run the commad it gives this feedback, but my fstab has no dupes. Any ideas?
analog or digital watch? why?
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Pic related is my fstab
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I'm trying to import my Steam games to Backloggery. I'm borderline retarded however and can't get this Btool to work. Can someone translate and walk me through what it is I do exactly?


1. Go to https://github.com/ToxicFrog/bltool/releases and download the latest release zip file.
2. Extract the zip file somewhere you can get to easily via command prompt.
3. Ensure you have a Java Runtime installed http://www.java.com/en/ and added to your PATH variable. (i.e. so you can type java -version from the command line anywhere and get a response)
4. Open a terminal and navigate to the extracted zip directory.
5. Type in the command (replacing the full $Value with your usernames and passwords) and press enter to run.

java -jar bltool.jar --from steam --to backloggery --steam-name $STEAM_NAME --bl-name $BL_NAME --bl-pass $BL_PASS

java -jar bltool.jar --from steam --to backloggery --steam-name joesteamid --bl-name joeuser --bl-pass myblpassword
I think my routers screwed, but im not sure if its my router or the exchange.

When i load a webpage i have to press f5 a few times to get it loading but when i torrent or dl a file its consistent with speed and doesnt drop from what its supposed to be (which makes me think its request part of the modem?).

Also when i host a local ftp server on my 3ds i have to close and open the server a few times before my computer will detect it.

So what specific part of the modem (assuming its the issue) is busted? Obviously ill just replace the modem right?
You have two C: drives. Try something with an installer until you know what fstab is supposed to look like
If I buy a cheap cpu cooler (LC POWER LC-CC-85), will it come with it's own thermal paste 'applied' already like the stock coolers come with? Or would I have to buy the paste as well?
Its all about the current though!
is it possible to cp from ssh to the computer that im actually using?

like im on computer A sshing to computer B and i want a file that's on computer B's network. i can only access it via ssh (unless i use some bullshit ftp client i guess), is there anyway to move it from computer B to computer A?
Is there a good way to clean windows rot? (for windows 7). I am tempted to clean my registry but doing that is supposedly destructive.
Buy a mac and an iphone
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I browse images in a directory using feh with the --auto-zoom option so that they always fit feh's window size, but each time I go to another image in a directory I briefly see the stretched image, or image artifacts. How do I make sure the image is loaded fully so I can browse a directory without getting that eyesore?
Some come with it in a tube. My 212 evo did.
nvm,. gonna use steamcompletionist instead
Repostan : >>56470022 since not the same anons in the threads probably.
Tl;DR the -5v power light won't come on with my power supply tester. Does that mean there's a problem with the power supply? Time to RMA?
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Say I'm building a PC with 64 gigs of memory, let's say for editing and rendering ultra HD video.

Is there a performance difference between a 4x16 and an 8x8 configuration?
For a bit more money you can get this, which is in full HD. I dont know very much about chromebooks though so you may want to do some research and see what is best for your needs.

Nope, but 4x16 will let you upgrade to 128 GB in the future if the need arises.
How do i get rid of burn in on my phone?
Is there any way to have a moving wallpaper in Windows 10? And is there a way I can replace the icons like icon packs or something?
Thanks, will probably go for the 4x16 configuration, though I should have probably said 16x4. You got my meaning: 4 16gb sticks. It's cheaper than the 8x8 too.
Is 2GB of ram and a Celeron N3050 good enough to stream video at 768p? Is the N2840 better than the N3050? It's 0.56 GHz faster.
Could you be a little more specific?
ccna and its variants
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How can turn pic related into a single basic partition without losing data?
I was just trying to increase the size of the big partition, but it didn't even merge and now i can't access the files from ubuntu because windows turned converted it into a dynamic partition.
welp never mind - i fucked up and deleted everything. Any way to revert this?
>You got my meaning: 4 16gb sticks
Exactly why you should be saying 4x16 rather than 16x4.
Thanks, I learned two things today.
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I'm replacing a Mini ITX motherboard with a Micro ATX because I'm upgrading my PC and the former had no PCIe port for the GPU. What precautions do I need to make on Windows? Will I have to reinstall the OS and start from scratch?
im sorry for you
rstudio for comlete recovery
testdisk for partion recovery

try testdisk first
Most dependable LGA 2011-v3 board for a 5820K?

Doesn't need to be overclocked much if at all, this is more of a workstation. Looking for reliability over vanity/extreme features.
Well, if you're having problems with local ftp sessions, that indicates a router problem, not a modem problem. Although it could just mean you have a shitty connection from your ds. The easiest thing would be to try attaching a different router, and putting the modem in bridging mode if it's a combo unit. You'll need your pppoe login if it's a dsl connection. You could also try changing your dns server and see if that helps your pages load better. Beyond that you may need to talk to your ISP and see if they're having a problem or maybe you need your gateway replaced.

"cleaning" your registry doesn't really work. Your welcome to try tools like cc and glary, but really the only way to do it on 7 is a clean install.

Yeah, even the really weak newer processors can do web browsing/video watching pretty well. Go for the N3050. It's a year newer, and so the ghz difference isn't as pronounced as it seems, plus it has twice the cache.

It's hard to say whether you'll need to reinstall and whether your license will transfer. Running a systprep can help with the former, but it varies. Make sure the pc is paired with a microsoft account. It's generally a good idea to back everything up before making major system changes.
So is this worth the money? Just need it for streaming, web browsing, maybe a few Java applications.
What are the best upload/download settings for torrent clients?
I have this computer here that's failing to post
I've unplugged all sata devices and usb devices, and switched the ram out for confirmed working ram and it still fails to post
is there any way to know whether it's the mobo or the cpu that's causing the issue?
I found this computer from my universitys dumbster and I can't find this beebcode.

Plz halp

Seed regardless of ratio always on because you don't want to be disgusting leecher.
Earphone users watch out the audio is loud
i used something that went by the name of airdroid a while back, was an app for the phone that could manage files and at the time receive messages. not sure about sending them. hope it works out for you.
do you mean android?

thanks for help
Thinking about installing CyanogenMod on my Zenfone 2, is it worth it /g/?
Well, it's a glorified tablet, but if a chromebook will run everything you want then go for it. Just keep in mind that 11.6 is a hella tiny screen for a laptop.

Answer in a can: Make sure your monitor is connected to the GPU, not the mobo, then follow this guide to the letter:


Good luck!

No, he does mean AirDroid.
Have you installed lib32-libgl (if it doesn't come with it)?

Have you looked through
ldd /path/to/steam/executable
and installed anything missing?
Something fucked up with my USB drive, when I put it in, I hear the sound, I can "safely remove" it, but it doesn't appear in "My PC". I can see unallocated space in Disk Management but every option for it is greyed out
How could I format the USB drive, maybe with some software or trough cmd promt (I don't think it has a letter assigned to it like E: or something)
Does it work if you put it in another USB slot?
i currently have 2 4gb sticks of ram, what would be the difference if i got 2 more 4gb sticks, vs getting 1 8gb stick vs replacing the 2 sticks i have and getting 2 8gb sticks? if it matters at all the sticks i currently have are Crucial Ballistix Sport ddr4 (i didnt build the computer, it was a gift)
I need a password manager.
I just found Master Password (https://ssl.masterpasswordapp.com/algorithm.html) and really liked it's concept but I also need to manage multiple logins.
Dropped LastPass cause it is not safe.
Not safe is relative. They all have their weaknesses.
No, the USB drive is fucked itself
The library is installed by default by the steam launcher, he fucked with something or is intentionally passing STEAM_RUNTIME=0
I need to record a stream of some lecture, it will take almost a full day, what program should I use so that it wouldn't be 100gb and that it wouldn't crash 30minutes in, since I'll have to leave the PC alone
Never done any recording so have no idea, fraps ?
so i just had something weird happen. i have 3 2gb sticks of ram installed, i was messing around and noticed only 2gb were usable. so i restarted, checked bios, it sees all the ram, but xubuntu couldn't use 2 of the sticks for some reason. i took them out and moved them around to different slots. it sees them all now

i had the same thing happen on windows. why would it be doing this? bios bug or something? bad sticks?
check you motherboard's manual, there are certain slots you are supposed to use depending on how man sticks of ram you have
I use passwordsafe (pwsafe.org). It's open source.

It was probably formatted in some way that Windows doesn't recognize (e.g. ext4)
Try using diskpart, and run these commands.
list disk
select disk (number)
create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs=NTFS QUICK
assign (E or something)
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I am about to start learning C++ in my class. I don't want to go at the snail pace the class goes, and I don't want to overload myself with a 700 page book.

Are there any good, recommended, light online learning resources, like codeacademy but for C++?
Fixed. The culprit was dust between cpu and the socket. Propably the reason why it was thrown out anyway.
It's possible you screwed in an additional standoff you weren't supposed to and now it's touching the mobo in bad places on the back.

Reconnect the CPU power connector and make sure if it's a 4+4pin, that they are both even. Sometimes people put them in the wrong way so one of the 4's ends up slightly higher , because they put it over the plastic nub instead of under.
Is there any way to shuffle by albums in AIMP? Ie, play through an album normally jump to a random album and repeat.
Is there a good tablet at around that price? iPad and Android do have actual app support, after all. I'd prefer iPad if possible, and I'd like to keep it under $200.
no this is a computer that was working, it's not even mine
I actually got it to post and ran it through a memtest and it didn't give any errors so I guess that means it's the mobo right?
Be intimidated by the material, not the amount of it.

Read through the Bjarne C++ book/pdf, and if you see something you already know, skim it until you see something you don't know.

I don't recommend it, but when I was in Robotics (FRC) and got a new programming member who didn't actually know how to program, I'd just stick him with the new boston (https://thenewboston.com/videos.php?cat=16) and tell him to watch through them all and I'd give him exercises to do. If you *must* have something easy to resort to, use that. His coding style isn't conventional and he isn't really the smartest, but that's what my programming lead stuck me with, so that's what I stuck future programmers with.
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I'm trying to reformat my 5TB external hard drive.

But it keeps showing up as only 561GB. When I try to format, the "Capacity" setting only lets me pick 561GB. It's not a fake 100%. I'm on Vista. Please respond.
you're formatting a 561GB partition
Is there any converter for component>one of these?
I'm assuming you meant input lag and not mouse speed or DPI. It's likely the polling rate. You could either follow https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Mouse_polling_rate or do:

#check what it currently is, read the bottom of my post.
cat /sys/module/usbhid/parameters/mousepoll

sudo gedit /etc/modules
# add following lines to end
-r usbhid
usbhid mousepoll=x

Where x is 1, 2, 4, 8, or 10.
1 means 1000hz, 2 means 500hz 3 means 250, 8 is 125, 10 which is default is 100hz. After that, reboot.
Look up VGA to component on google.

>You can now build a full mpv Debian package with the following command:
>dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -b -j4
>"4" is the number of jobs running in parallel - change it to match your number of processors. The file mpv_<version>_<architecture>.deb will be created in the parent directory.

I have a T420s with an i5 2540M. It has two cores and four threads. How many processors do I have then? What should I fill in after the "j"?
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Cool. I got it to 2TB. But Vista won't let me extend volume past 2 TB.

Am I fucked?
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>i'm on vista
I guess I have to convert it to a GPT disk. Whatever that means.

I'm building a new pc for Windows 7 literally as we speak.
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This weird strip goes across my screen. Is it dead pixels?
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Are free VPNs reliable?

Extratorrent suggests using Trust.Zone

Are there any good free VPNs?
When something is free as in free beer, the product is you. ALWAYS.
I've never heard this saying before
Wowowowow, if you don't have UEFI, booting from GPT will be an extreme asspain.
it's only for storage
Congratulations. You've just shouted "I'm a newfag" in all caps.
okay, but what about my VPN issue
Never use a free vpn. They're basically there just to mine your information.
no, they most likely sell whatever information they can get about you to the same advertisers
but it still does what it does, you get the native advantages that using a vpn give you
From your pictures it is impossible to tell what you are even talking about.
Take a screenshot and look at it on a different device. If the strip is not there then it is the pixels.
I had a problem like that with my mom's old PC. Turns out when the PSU died, it took the mobo with it. Was the mobo used?
They're also in a prime position to MITM attack you, and there's the risk of them trying to compromise banking info etc if they're especially not on the level. It's hard to know much about those people.
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You don't see it? That faint strip.
Are Kingston SSD's good? I'm not sure what SSD should I buy.
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hey /g/angstas, I'm having an issue with windows 10 (yes i know, what was i thinking?).

so basically it has been a real bitch lately and running slow af, until yesterday when it decided to explode altogether. turned on pc and it won't load the OS period.

I've created a recovery drive using my laptop and can get to the recovery options. After trying to "repair" it, I'm stuck with error: 0x0000098 and it says my bcd is corrupt. I've tried a few ways to rebuild it, but can't get anywhere.

After using the command prompt and bcdedit /export c:\bcdbackup, I get: "the store export operation has failed. the volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid."

Is there any other way to rebuild the bcd? I'd like to exhaust all possible solutions before loading ubuntu onto it, fetching my files and reformatting.
If you need it elusively to seed torrents without your ISP shutting off your service, and you only accept encrypted connections, it can be good enough. In fact, not being on the level makes them better for that purpose.
I'm trying to use a 49" tv as a monitor but 4chan and windows in general looks like complete shit. Everything is bright and fuzzy. Things like videos and games look perfect though. I've messed around with the tv settings but nothing seems to fix it. Please help.
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I want my desktop to look like this help!!!!!!!!!!
I have an internal 2tb RAID and an external 2tb USB hard drive. Is there any easy way to automatically sync these 2 hard drives?
If I put a file on the internal, I want it to be copied over or backed up periodically.

I can't seem to easily set up a RAID 1 because it is an external drive
Where to buy an Ubuntu Phone in the US?
Remove all shortcuts and toolbars, and set that image as your background.
How to install all these things????
Have you tried lowering the refresh rate on the monitor?
Didn't help.
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Is there any network mapping utility that gives me a graphical representation of the network?
As in different icons for different types of devices and lines showing what connects to what.
you sure the video games are using the same resolution as your desktop?
Pushbullet or Airdroid. Or any other of the dozen applications there are for that.
I want to learn how to program games specifically C#

initially I thought I could just learn part of it first just to use Unity but it just ended up being confusing to me.

Are there any tutorials or lessons I can torrent that explains C#, dissecting details for dummies like me?
Is the Lenovo Ideapad 700 Good?
install gentoo
How do I restore applications with Titanium Backup exactly? I created a backup of the application + data of a few apps and then put them onto a new device within the same place that TI keeps backups.

But when I go to restore them it says that there are no backups for the app. Do I need the properties and the apk? I have an apk.gz, a tar.gz (of the apk), and a properties file. I unpacked the tar.gz and installed the app, placed the properties file into the backup folder, yet there is nothing to restore.

Also what is better, zooper or klwp? I used to use zooper but it looks like klwp is the better one currently. Is it worth using the latter?
Plenty. A lot of 2013 models work great. I'd say iPads are overrated and not worth the price premium, but to each his own.

You can try the lazesoft repair cd. It has all the basic windows repair functions lined up nicely

Is the Raspberry Pi 3 able to run the full-fledged Windows 10 Pro? Linux Mint? I wanna use it to make my vanilla TV into a "Smart TV"/media player (gonna fetch the media files from my computer and play it, then display it on the TV through HDMI). What's my best approach?
D-SUB is indeed obsolete, and if you need it, there are adapters. Most screens are going for DVI/HDMI/DP these days, so as long as you don't buy old stuff, walk away from it with no regrets.
Windows 10 Pro is x86. That means it'll only run on Intel or AMD CPUs. The Raspberry Pi is ARM, which runs iOS and Android devices. You'll be able to install most Linux and BSD distributions, but no macOS or Windows.

But no, not full fleged
Thanks. Since I'm trying to convince the normie family that this is the way to go, I guess I will install Linux Mint with a minimalistic/lightweight UI to make them feel like Windows without taking too much of a performance hit. Thanks for clearing that up bro.
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I can't go to Youtube for some reason in my browser, can anyone help? My chrome's up to date
Can you access any other websites?
This has happened to me a few times, it might be that your ISP is having some issues and it will be resolved within ~4 hours.
Why not just use Kodi?
>~48 hours

>create disk primary
The device is not ready
See the system event log for more information
What do you mean? I still need a device to run it and display it on the TV, so using a Raspberry PI to do something like this is exactly what I have planned. But thanks for the tip about the program!
I need to record a stream of some lecture, it will take almost a full day, what program should I use so that it wouldn't be 100gb and that it wouldn't crash 30minutes in, since I'll have to leave the PC alone
Never done any recording so have no idea, fraps ?
Please help
What's the best way to read manga on any digital device? I'm currently using my kindle paperwhite to display the images
Are you by any chance taking Industrial ICT (Industriell IKT)? That would be cool as fuck cuz I'd know you IRL
Maybe becayse of useless copies of objects in container classes. For example, you have to pass a fully-constructed object to vector::push_back(), and that object will be copied into the vector, which is totally overkill if the argument is a temporary. This has been solved with move semantics in C++11 and the emplace* family of methods, but the arguments must support move semantics themselves... Like everything in C++, the feature is there, yet full of corner cases
No sorry, I'm doing this for my aunt since she's out of the country and I'm going to be at university at the time of the stream, I need to record it whole, the stream and the sound of it, I've never recorded anything and I need some software that would manage several hours of continuous recording without crashing or maxing out my hard drive
Maybe nVidia Shadowplay would work ?
Just install kodi, hook up a hard-drive filled with stuff, hdmi etc.

There are other options besides Kodi too like XMBC and more.
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Just bought this for $180. Did I fuck up?
I don't know about any recording software, but I do know about things having to be done right, live.

No matter what solution you go for, try it out a couple of times (on YouTube for instance) before you do the actual recording of the lecture. It's such a shit feeling to know you fucked up 10 seconds into the recording and having to stress 100% for 15 minutes before everything is in order.

Good luck.
you are supposed to ask that question before you buy it
for the looks of it though, you got lucky, although you fell for the 3d meme
You're supposed to put in the number of the disk. It'll pop up with like "disk 1 ... disk 2 ... " etc. Pick the one that has the size of your flash drive, and whatever number that is (1,2,3) select that partition. "primary" isn't a number.
i don't give a shit about 3d. got it for the the 144hz honestly, senpai
do you care about color reproducibility and viewing angles? If so, you fucked up. If all you care about is gaymen, you're good.
Just following up, did my solution work?
wew, I fucked that up
>create partition primary
was what I meant, I could see the disk as 3, select it, clean it, but at the next step (create partition primary) it says that usb is not ready
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I'm delving into SQL, but can't seem to wrap my head around this task.

When I run this query (pic related), I get the correct population and continent, but the name of the countries are the first alphabetically ordered one for each continent. How do I get the correct country names? I'm trying to understand what's happening, but I can't find a way around this.

Thanks for any help.
This is what I get when I send the query
Stupid question here.
Why are you a god damn retard OP?
Go back to FB where you got that image.
The -j(x) thing is a bit more complicated than that. It doesn't exactly mean threads, it means separate processes (correct me if my terminology is wrong). You can safely do -j4 (assuming by 2 cores 4 threads you mean each core has 2 threads). Some people recommend doing -j(threads+1) because it holds the amount of jobs or something, but in all honesty, the difference between j4 and j5 is so low it doesn't even matter.

If you do something insane like -j16, it'll throttle and it won't get anything done. It won't blow up your computer or hurt anything, but you could crash. -j6 is safe, but I don't really recommend it.

Just do -j4 for all your builds unless the documentation has a large confusing paragraph that has the word "thread" in it.
After cleaning it, try doing "exit" and closing the command prompt, ejecting your usb drive safely, reopening cmd and diskpart, then list disks (to make 100% sure), select, and create partition.
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I've been using this laptop for a few years now, but lately it has been shutting off at random, even when plugged in.
I'm pretty sure having the ac adapter plugged in should bypass the battery for system power, but I'm at a loss as for why this problem is occuring so often.

Could it be caused by the battery not matching the DC rating for the laptop?
The power dropouts happen whether it is plugged in or not. Any ideas?
Thanks a lot for your answer!
Same thing happens, could it be that the drive is just dead or something ? I only used it once and unsuccessfully, it's a pretty no name brand as far as I know (Intenso 64gb 3.0), it's just that it worked at least somewhat before plugging in my laptop that didn't have internet at the time so I just thought maybe driver download failed or something like that and that fucked the drive
I tried Lazesoft, but when booting from it, it goes to the "Loading files" page and then goes black. It's been like that for 15 minutes. Is it supposed to be?

I know typically it would probably work for problems like loading the OS and then black screen. However, my problem is that when the "Loading operating system..." page comes up, it acts like it can't even read the HD. It attempts to go right to boot from dvd/cd. (Yes, boot order was unchanged and hard drive is still first priority)
I need a browser that I can keep and run off of a flash drive. Chrome/Firefox/Edge don't work, what other browser would?
The TOR browser is portable I think, lol. Other than that, idk.
Is MPC-HC dead? Last update November 2015.
What should I be using on Windows? Not VLC.
>Intenso 64gb
Yeah, you aren't the first to have this problem.

Try following the tips in this thread:

Any time, friendo.

I'm about 70% sure it's safe. Some yellow lights are going off, like the lowercase "your browser, your way".
Use mpv.
Can anybody redpill me on monitors?

What's a good "dynamic contrast ratio"? How much does it matter? Does the IPS matter if the panel can produce X amount of colors? Is the "HP Monitor TSS-27WB IPS FHD LED 27XI any good for fps uh, games?
>While mpv has no official GUI [cit]
>"cleaning" your registry doesn't really work. Your welcome to try tools like cc and glary, but really the only way to do it on 7 is a clean install.

Man, why does windows have to be such shit.
So I had a CD copy of windows (maybe OEM) and a key, and I used it on a desktop. Shit happened to the desktop so I nuked it, but I wasnt able to deregister the activation code (because I physically couldnt, my desktop kept blue screening).

I would like to install Windows 7 on a Thinkpad once I upgrade it's HDD to an SSD. Is there any way I can use the same Windows 7 copy that I had for the desktop onto the Thinkpad, despite not de-registering it?
Call Microsoft and have them de-register it. They should be able to.
Thanks, I will try that. The entirety of google was telling me to use the command prompt, so I assumed that was the only way.
Is there any reason I shouldn't get a chromebook and install Linux on it?
I just want a cheap laptop for programming, not going to use it for anything else special.
Sure, you can do that. There's plenty of guides on it too.
PS4 isn't reading my discs, old new, dirty, clean, doesnt matter...although I was able to get Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne to work a couple times.

When I insert the discs the drive will make a quick sound like its moving the disc or trying to eject or something. then it will say disc unrecognized
install gentoo on ps4
ok..whats that
How did you even hear about this site?
Sorry for the late response it did help thank you
leave the stupid questions to me asshole, ill just google it if you dont want to tell me
>Dear Anon,
>We are writing to inform you that your GSP order is currently under review for potential prohibited items and may experience a delay of 3-5 business days.

I fucking bought a laptop battery. What's going on here?
You can get a used thinkpad for the Sam price which has a better keyboard and similar or better performance.
But you have to deal with 6h battery vs whatever CB provides.
>gentoo on ps4
i don't have time for that shit
Could be dirt on the reader. Do you have a compressor or other air-blowing devices?

Un-dust that shit!
>ill just google it if you dont want to tell me
Why the fuck didn't you do that first? Here's your solution, by the way. https://www.ifixit.com/Answers/View/245389/ps4+wont+read+disc,+just+spinning+and+stops+SOLVED!
I still want to know how you heard of this place

They probably think you're using these batteries for bombs or just something malicious. They usually do that if you've been buying weird items.

Any time.
Has anyone here used respondus lockdown browser on linux? Does it work well when run through WINE? Cause I need a laptop that can use respondus lockdown browser for a class and I need to know if it is stable enough to use on linux (my windows laptop is dead now)
i just took it to the place i bought it and they dusted it out for me. they just told me ill probably have to get a new lens which im not going to do
when compiling something with mingw32, is it fine to place the source of what I'm compiling inside its home directory? or should I keep it outside, on somewhere like desktop
how I heard about 4chan? are you fucking serious? yeah i don't browse tech all day but i know to come here if i have a question. sorry im not a neckbeard genius like you
that link isnt the answer to my problem. that guy had a sticker on one of his discs that got into the disc drive
>What's a good "dynamic contrast ratio"?
None. 1000:1 static contrast ratio or fuck right off.
>How much does it matter?
Dynamic contrast ratio ? It doesn't.
>Does the IPS matter if the panel can produce X amount of colors?
>Is the "HP Monitor TSS-27WB IPS FHD LED 27XI any good for fps uh, games?
It's probably fine. But 1080p at 27" is stupid.
How often do you find good offers for VPNs? I just bought a year of NordVPN weeks ago for a lower price but then I see a different service for an even lower price for 3 years. Should I get it?
I tend to make a build directory like this:
mkdir build-packagename
cd build-packagename
make -j8 #or whatever necessary

You're fine with compiling in the source dir, though. Generally inside the installation instructions, it will tell you to make a build dir, or to just run a makefile. If it doesn't tell you, you can assume that it compiles fine in the source directory.
There are other disks you can use if Lazesoft isn't working with your hardware. Macrium has recovery tools, and Gandalf's PE has a full portable windows install complete with easybcd. Also see if your bios is detecting that you still have a drive attached.
I guess this belongs here. I might cross post if I find a more suitable buy thread, but this is a stupid, uneducated and (like most of its nature) time sensitive question:

So I would like to play WoW on this thing. I'm looking at two laptops, linked below. One an i5 u, the other HQ and a 950m and 960m respectively. $125 gets me the upgrades as well as MSI over Acer (which I have a feeling is a good thing?). The Acer has a 128gb SSD which I believe is the only thing going for it apart from the price point.

Acer 950m: http://www.newegg.com/Special/ShellShocker.aspx?cm_sp=Homepage_SS-_-P3_34-315-423-_-09072016&Index=3

MSI 960m: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834154112&cm_re=960m-_-34-154-112-_-Product

I do not need ultra or even high settings. I want it to run at a stable fps with limited frame drops. If the 950m can accomplish that with the dual core i5 then that's precisely what I want. The most taxing thing I will do on this device is play games.

I can technically afford the i7 model @ just under $800. I don't know if intel's laptop processors are like their desktop, but I've never needed more than an i5. If that processing power is more vital for laptops to run games smoothly I'm open to spending the extra bucks but technically would love to save money.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Yeah.. I checked that about 15min ago and realized it's not even being detected. It's still spinning up, and I can't tell if the strange noise can be compared to a "clicking". It's a faint sound that repeats itself every 3-4 seconds in a 1-2 beat. "1, 2.........1, 2.......1,2"

Either way, I can already tell I'm screwed.
>I don't know if intel's laptop processors are like their desktop
They kind of are, but they kind of aren't.
Specifically, the Q suffix on the higher-end models signify that they are quad core CPUs. Anything without a Q suffix is a dual core with (i5, i7) or without (i3) hyperthreading.

You'll want the MSI for the 960m.
How does proxies work?

Or rather, when using a website like Startpage, and I visit a webpage though it using their proxy, will it essentially mean that my ISP will only know I visited startpage and not what sites(https and all)?

Obviously it's just google so there's nothing really incriminating you can use it for, but I just got a bit curious.
you must be 18 years or older to use this imageboard
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I have a few scratches on my tablet with the famed gorilla glass. Anyone know of a good compound I can use to buff them out which *works*?
Is there any program that could replace and overcome Skype?

Read it all, but the part you're looking for is at the bottom.
Thanks. It looks like a nice set up for $700, just wish it had an SSD.
Then buy one.
Yeah, sound like your drives dead or dying. On the bright side it's a great time to upgrade to SSD. You could pop that drive into another computer as a secondary on the off chance it gets detected there, but it's unlikely.

That's pretty much it. Startpage uses scrambled URLs that expire after a few minutes, and the SSL protects the contents of the pages.

I'd take the MSI with the SSD and the i5. beats the acer both in CPU and GPU, and I think you'll like the build. But none of them would be terrible. I doubt the i7 would make a huge difference for you, but you could go with that model and swap in an SSD later if you wanted to.
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You should use screen protectors.
Unfortunately I don't have a time machine, so that's not an option.
So basically the only way I can get that data back though is to send it to someone like Seagate and cough up $500+, right? There's no place that would do it for cheaper?
The manufacturers don't really do data recovery, you have to send it to a third party. Your price estimate is about right though.
i wonder what would happen if everyone like you on /g/ spent 1 day, just 1 day, and let go, if they all just installed windows, kept cortana on, used google as their search engine, no private tabs, no vpns, all that crap, and everyone just let it all go, i wonder how many people would come back to /g/ with a fresh attitude and would stop being paranoid
i honestly feel kinda bad for a lot of the people here, im no saint, but im not paranoid about everything, and i realize not everyone is the most drastic extent of paranoid either, but so many people are too afraid to let go because they are stuck in their own world where everyone is out to get them, it make me curious how many people have made themselves delusional about the real world too
i just find it funny and kinda sad
its not delusion, you're just a fucking idiot if you don't think 'the world' is out to get you
Taking a bioinformatics course. Currently using SSH secure shell and learning about basic linux commands like pwd, cd, ls, vi, etc. Was wondering if there were any good sites that list out commands and their function.
>for you to use Skype is to encourage someone else to use Skype, which means you're pressuring someone else to surrender freedom as well
>surrendering freedom by using skype
thats being paranoid
>ssh secure shell

Yeah there are, just google linux commands list.
But we do run windows 10; in VMs and secondary gaming computers. We know all about that lifestyle. You can decide that privacy doesn't mean anything to you. But you're dismissing a valid viewpoint with a great deal of merit simply because you find it easy not to care. That doesn't make you special or enlightened. You can decide that it's not your battle to fight, and ultimately contribute to problems you don't acknowledge. That's up to you. But don't come here and preach to us about how you're so much smarter for not caring.
ok. also this was glossed over pretty quick but if I want to connect to the campus files from my home how do I do that? There was a mention of needing to set up a VPN before being able to connect and access the class files but google isn't helping much
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If I buy the unlocked iPhone 7 with T-Mobile SIM will it work on MetroPCS? Yes, I've asked them... Three different people. They all said yes as long as it's unlocked.

MetroPCS uses T-Mobile so it should be fine, right? What does unlocked even mean? It says unlocked T-Mobile. Is it just a T-Mobile ONLY iPhone that is paid off?

I just wanna be sure before I shell out 3,758.25 shekels on an iShill.
I don't agree with everything Stallman says, and I think he fearmongers, or at least words it with that intent, a bit, but he does give sources.

It's not like we're saying everyone is out to get us, but Microsoft owns many things, so if their OS is shady, their products like Skype would be expected to be shady as well.

We aren't living in constant fear of the P word (proprietary), but I'd prefer open source over proprietary just because they tend not to be as full of bloat or as shady. There's obvious exceptions like sublime which is closed source and proprietary, but isn't out to get you or anything. It just doesn't make too much sense to use it over a free open source text editor.

I don't know if I fully understood what you were trying to get across, but I hope I cleared some of that up.
i agree that it is a problem that needs fixing, but a couple people using vms and vpns arent going to change anything, if you want to make change, get into politics
and i wasnt saying im better that anyone else for not using that stuff, i applaud those who have the patients for it, all i was saying was that some people go too far with it, and it would be interesting to see how many of them ease up after taking a break from that lifestyle for a day, didnt mean to offend anyone
I have an android, and Lightning just isn't working with i2p.
Every time I try to switch to it in general settings, I just get the same message, that i2p needs to be installed and running, and the asks if I would like to install it, even though it is already installed and running.
Even worse, whenever I say yes, it doesn't give me anything, just that the app or whatever wasn't found.

Also, setting the proxy to localhost and setting the port number to 4444 doesn't work very well in lightning, if at all.
Unlocked means you can take that phone to any company that has compatible hardware, meaning the same network type and frequencies. Tmobile is GSM, so it will work on any network that uses the att or tmobile towers. And since metroPCS uses the exact same network as tmoblie, you don't even have to worry if all of the frequencies are covered. In short, you're good.
did you come from reddit?
I think we were all born in reddit, a long time ago, and we just forgot.
not me faggot. I had a 4chan premium acct LONG before my reddit account (which i never use, just wanted to secure my nick)
just started c++ class in college, only cs i did in hs was using ratchet...need a basic compiler/program to code on, was recommended codeblocks, is there something better/any other program i need or should have?
Has anybody been experiencing constant/sudden black screens with the latest AMD drivers? (R9 290x in my case) I never had a problem with it until now and it's really doing my tits in. Only suspect it since I started experiencing them again with a fresh install of windows 7. Shit's fucked up yo.
Hey /g/ I'm thinking about home surveillance for my property what are some recommendations?
Unity is a bit confusing, I admit.
You could also try monogame.
Or you could find a textbook called "Visual C# Game Programming [FOR TEENS]" (Author's blog: http://jharbour.com/wordpress/portfolio/visual-c-game-programming-for-teens/)

Don't let the title discourage you. It's a book that teaches you how to make a dungeon crawler game by showing you how to make an engine.

what's the point of smart watches
To be smart

kmart smart
Where do I ask what to buy?Or do I ask here? I'm looking for a new computer but haven't looked at shit in like 7 years, pls help
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is LibertyX a good way to buy BTC if you don't have a BTC dealer near you?
Laptop, desktop, what's your budget and what do you want to do?
Insert budget and intended use, receive advice.
I was the one that posted the Windows 7 won't update last night.

To the dude who was helping me your alright I really appreciate it.

I just left it on checking for updates all night (on accident desu) and in the morning it found all 167(!) updates.

I have to install operating systems with some regularity.

Is there a way to... Sort of HAVE all the Windows updates, like on a flash drive or something? And install them manually? It pretty much takes a whole day to get a system up to date in Windows Vista/7/8.
Were you the guy that I told to just keep waiting for updates since it always takes forever to find updates the first time you update?

I swear I told someone that, but it sure wasn't yesterday.
Is constant unexpected power loss on a consumer grade SSD something to be concerned about?

Would an HDD be more reliable in this case?
Ask in the desktop build threads.

Or just go here: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Build_a_PC
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I have two tablets that have no use. I use one as a desk clock , what should I put on the other one. Or what should I put on the other one?
Yo, /sqt/, I was wondering what's the holding us back from increasing sound quality in online video stuff. Primarily Youtube, we are entering the whole 4K era of resolution but when will we be getting lossless audio on Youtube.

And I'm also wondering about this for communication: when will phone calls have high quality sound transference?
<600$ would be nice

want to make dem sweet programs, so i need compilation power

also would like to game, so i know the video card will make it more spendy, but i don't need anything crazy, just my ddr3 shit is way outdated now I guess
Does anyone have any experience with replacing the hard drive in an iPod Classic with the iFlash adapter? I'm looking to get one to replace the drive in my Classic to complement the Rockbox software I have on it right now, but I've heard several reports about FLAC playback being slow. It plays fine on my current drive, but I would like to not deal with a spinning drive.

Did anyone who has done this run into any problems with FLAC playback? Should I be okay if I use a Class 10 SD card for speed?
The performance difference between DDR3 and DDR4 is almost negligible for most purposes.
>constant unexpected power loss
I'm assuming a PSU wouldn't be sufficient to fix that?

Repeated power loss is dangerous either way, though. I might be mistaken, but I know that forcing an unexpected shutdown on older computers could really screw up the data management system. Things might've changed by now, but the type of storage device is irrelevant to that.

>what should I put on the other one
You could also use it as a remote for random stuff in your house.

I like how you replied to me even though you didn't even bother following what I suggested. Read the wiki.
What part of my post are you talking about?
What can I control with it? All I can think is a TV , and I dont own a TV as I like dick.
for gaming see
Nah it was yesterday. But I guess the advice still stands. It still seemed like installing the 3 updates in the pastebin (which i should have saved...) was able to kick start it.

But again, anyone know if its possible to just have a boot cd/usb of Windows 7 with all the updates on it? You would think microsoft would consolidate past updates into an archive for this purpose. If they don't I can't find it. I've manually updated a PS3/PS4 before no problem.
nobody gives a shit / they havent heard better
phone calls will never have good bitrate
audio scales with resolution on youtube, but only to a certain extent
Garage, lights, temperature, doors, fans, monitors, outlets, and pretty much anything electronic or involves repeated easy motion (>inb4).

It's just an idea.

>You would think microsoft would consolidate past updates into an archive for this purpose.
The problem is that whenever they come out with a new update, they might decide that this one is more important than another update, and the entire order has to be changed.

That order depends on a lot. Chipset, CPU, motherboard, etc. Of course, if you change it later, it might still work, but the purpose of the order is to get you a stable system. Could they of just built different lists for expected PC builds? Yes. Would that give them a profit? No, you already bought the software, and updates aren't a tipping factor.
>Garage, lights, temperature, doors, fans, monitors, outlets

IoT is retarded don't listen

You can integrate updates into a windows installer using dism


or a tool like rt7Lite. You can also download them into a separate install package


Microsoft did consolidate. That's what the convenience rollup was. And once you are up to date the monthly rollups will be all you need. It's still pretty messed up that they made it this hard to get current though.
y-you too
Thanks, saved and will pass on to the next poor bastard.
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I installed Boomerang for Gmail and it allows me to schedule emails to be sent later. Does anyone know if I schedule an email for 7 AM, if it uses MY timezone or not?
what is the best 64 bit debugger for windows? working with c/c++/asm.
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51KB, 661x508px
I just bought a 1070 for this setup and i'm wondering if the CPU will bottleneck it

Thanks anon. Another thing, do i really need more than 8 GB of RAM? or it's just a meme? (my PC is only for vidya)
only if you use chrome at the same time
localbitcoins is based
it isnt worth it when over half of the tubers have shit audio anyways
>making dem sweet programs
i was using a P4 as my main machine until a year ago for development. You dont need more power

thanks again friendos
Is a Surface Pro 2 (i5-4300u + 8GB of RAM) too slow in 2016? I plan to take notes in class and a bit of programming. If I need something more powerful I can use the school's PCs
Can you get any diseases from
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> implying
Not a fucking chance, faggot.
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