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Anon, show us your music player

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Thread replies: 170
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Anon, show us your music player
Amarok, I guess. I don't listen to music on my desktop often. Usually just Spotify.

I know, I'm a fraud, I don't belong on /g/, etc...
Amarok, I guess. I don't listen to music on my desktop often. Usually just Spotify.

I know, I'm a fraud, I don't belong on /g/, etc...
foobar2000 if you want to be old school

anything else is shit
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I don't use one. Music is for retards.
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i'm just too lazy to configure mpc commands for karabiner
The mast majority of ncmpcpp fags are shit-tier ricers that claim, "Uh, well I'm a truly enlightened keyboard user, so it is much faster for me to browse my music library through a CLI interface! I'd have to use my mouse for a GUI!"

Admit that you fucks use it solely for aesthetics. It's fine to use it for that purpose, but stop pretending like you type > 140 WPM.
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No, you're retarded. The only scenario where ncmpcpp is efficient for managing music libraries is when shit-tier ricers distro-hop and only have 3 albums on their system.
>so it is much faster for me to browse my music library through a CLI interface!
>CLI interface
>not global hotkeys
sucks to be you
Let's a screenshot of your Music folder. Guarantee you have < 1,000 songs.
What if you're not so fucking autistic that you spend hours tagging everything

What then
Why don't you kys, nigger?
It's pretty trivial to bind global hotkeys to invoke mpc.

You would have the advantage of not needing ncmpcpp to even be running to skip songs, pause, etc.
Would still love to see a screenshot of your music folder with 8 albums inside.
It doesn't even fit on the screen

mpd+nincompoop is the best light solution for managing something that's organized with a directory tree instead of metadata

guys chill ffs, it's just a matter of tastes. GUI is for GUI people and text uis are for text ui people
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GUIs are for people with good mice

TUIs are for laptops
Alright lads
>Best light solution

So ncmpcpp is for NEETs using Pentiums and 2GB of RAM. Real music players use hardly any memory on any somewhat modern system.
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ready to get shat on
phonogram right? It looks better than the last time I used it.
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Dat sexy album view I never use...
Looks great. One of the thing that I'll always miss from windows is Foobar. But deadbeef is still a nice player.

I understand why people hate itunes but I still like the look of it and all the features it has.
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Yeah it looks good but j cannot get it to work with .wma or .flac
>Doesn't want to means can't

How I know you're a retard
It doesn't use the android music api iirc the player that I know that uses its own api and can play flac is Black Player,that's the one I used. I never listen to flacs but I know that black player can play flacs.
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There's not much to see
im too lazy to steal all my music and i dont want to buy music, so im going to instead just use pandora
>too lazy to download shit for free
This truly is the downfall of piracy (and of humanity)
its just so much working finding quality mp3's, renaming and labeling them all, and then organizing them

its easier to buy something but again, shits expensive, paying 5$ for some electrons annoys me even though i know its supporting the artist
Homogenic is dope,
Just find a few artists you like
Download the first mp3 album you like from Kat tpb or rutracker
Then slowly delete the ones you don't like

That's what worked for me
>download album
>put in folder with artist name

wow that was hard
Yeah, I every song on the album is great for different reasons.

I have her entire discography but for whatever reason I only listened to Joga and Hunter and never gave the album a chance until recently.

I can see why it's considered to be her best album.
>its just so much working finding quality mp3's, renaming and labeling them all, and then organizing them

wtf are you talking about? Just use fucking kat.cr if you dont want to go through all the hassle of getting in what.cuck and just bulk rename the files with foobar.
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use what.cd for quality downloads, then beets for consistent tagging
>its just so much working finding quality mp3's
Wait, this is 2016 right? Holy shit, I just had a blast from the past

Also, if you need to manually tag and rename the shit you download, you're doing it fucking wrong. No wonder you think you're too lazy - it's not that you're too lazy it's just that you're absolutely fucking incompetent
Clementine running.

but I like Vlc, Audacious and Cmus
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>click on [DL] next to the version you want
>move into your music folder when done downloading
wow truly hard
Based clementine
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senpai let me get your css tho
Winamp is all you need.

Low profile, doesn't hog resources, tons of plugins, big community.
that's not a theme that's just what my browser (firefox) looks like by default

there's no way w.cd looks like that by default yo, what theme / custom css u using
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you smooth motherfucker
to get into what.cd? yeah it kinda is.
I'm telling you, I'm not using a theme - that's just what my browser looks like on every website
>implying i don't bind my keys
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I cannot fucking pass the interview
If you don't know the difference between a lossless audio codec and lossy audio codec, you don't belong on /g/ because quite frankly you probably don't understand very much else about technology.
Not him but I know all the basic shit but everytime I try to take the interview it takes 30 mins of stupidly detailed questions and then I get one wrong and then bam

Your done
I have failed twice and cannot muster the strength to go back due to the possibility of failure
I just want moosic
>needing to pass interviews to be allowed to waste your bandwidth on seeding

Jesus, what kind of hipster music do you guys listen to, that isn't available from public sources? Do you really need to have FLACs?
Holy shit. I didn't know people this bad at life existed. That's actually sort of sorry. I'd feel sorry for you if it wasn't so hilarious.

If you can't even answer basic questions like "what is a torrent client" without spilling your spaghetti then I hope you absolutely never accidentally end up in a job interview or something else where big boys are expected to know what they're talking about instead of farting out of their arse all day long.
there are plenty of good soundtracks that have shit quality on all public sourced torrents. see: the pillows.
I converted my mp3's to flac. can't hear any audible difference
It all depends on who you get
I got asked what a LAME is and apparently i answered incorrectly although Google agrees with me
Honestly ru tracker is good enough for me
bad bait
Personally, I just can't be bothered to constantly hunt down releases and find torrents that aren't shit.

Even if everything on what.cd would also be available on rutracker.org or whatever, you'd still need to go through more hoops to download it.

On what.cd I can just use a common interface for high-quality torrents of pretty much anything I want. That alone is worth the price of a seedbox to me. (but I just seed on my server, so I don't need to pay anything on top of what I already have)

more importantly than simply downloading music, what.cd is a platform for discovering music - staff picks etc. are great sources of new songs, on the artist page I can find a detailed and neatly sorted list of all albums, singles, EPs, etc. ever recorded by an artist, along with every release thereof - I can see a map of related artists which lets me explore new music, etc.

I would trade an arm and a leg for it, but the best of all is that it's completely free - with the only signup process being a short interview to weed out mouthbreathers and normies who don't know shit about technology
I can tell by the fact that you used "a LAME" that you probably don't know what LAME is. Also please, if you don't know what LAME, or x264 for that matter are, you must either be underaged or have seriously been living under a rock for your whole life to be this clueless about contemporary technology.
u were supposed to laugh at satire
>You need to know useless knowledge to have access to exchange 1's and 0's

I'd rather spend my time on other things
Like going to clubs and posting on facebook? Keep living the good life anon, I'm sure you'll achieve satori someday
Their discography on kat seems to be at least 192kbs, would it really be that much of a torture listen to it instead of going through the whole interview process?

Thought guess I am just too different from their target audience to understand, being the guy who converts FLACs of classical music into 192kbs and all.

>a platform for discovering music - staff picks etc. are great sources of new songs, on the artist page I can find a detailed and neatly sorted list of all albums, singles, EPs, etc. ever recorded by an artist, along with every release thereof - I can see a map of related artists which lets me explore new music, etc.
Sounds pretty fancy indeed, though all the info is available with wiki/itunes alone, sans staff picks of course.
Both of the activities add more benefits, since networking and all. Also going to clubs might get him laid, provide access to drugs and of course keep his social skills up to date.
>WINAMP. It really kicks the llama's ass.
It's not the bitrate that's the problem, I have a 320kbps rip. it all just has static in the background the whole time. you can go on YT even and find what I'm talking about. Ride on Shooting Star is a prime example.
I would think a FLAC version wouldn't have it, but I would need to join to find out.
>life is defined by your ability to intoxicate yourself and chase tail
good one anon

Honestly more fun than posting on a Mongolian basket forging imageboard
>Thought guess I am just too different from their target audience to understand, being the guy who converts FLACs of classical music into 192kbs and all.
Yeah, I can tell that you really, REALLY don't understand two shits about audio technology.

Also, enjoy wasting space. Opus at 96 kbps is almost surely better than whatever garbage you're using at 192 kbps. Let me guess, you're using a 20-year old codec like MP3.
Then why don't you go >>>/out/ and go to a club or something, if you so much more kicks out of it than by browsing 4chan.
I'm on vacation at the moment and there are no clubs or bars around
4chan and Reddit are my fall back when I have no plans and it's raining
> it all just has static in the background the whole time
Ah, though this might be just part of the source too. I had some FLACs with it too, while some cancerous 128kbs mp3s without. Best of luck getting in to find out.

I don't exactly need to understand shit, you either hear the difference or not; just like you don't have to understand a thing about video encoding to see whether the quality is good enough or not.

Not compatible with most popular players and devices, so even if you decide to be a hipster, sending music to your friends would be a pain.

Besides, 190gb for 31k tracks isn't that bad.
At this point I'm convinced you're just making shit up that you know will piss /g/ off in an effort to troll me.

If so, well done. If not, kill yourself.
I send music to my friends all the time and they've never been unable to open it. Most browsers support opus, most mobile devices support opus, most players support opus.

The only stuff that doesn't is probably some shitty hipster dedicated audio device like the Sansa Clip+ and only if you're too incompetent to install rockbox on it.

>Besides, 190gb for 31k tracks isn't that bad.
Yeah, good luck fitting that on a 128 GB SD card. I use 96k opus on my phone for a reason.

>just like you don't have to understand a thing about video encoding to see whether the quality is good enough or not.
This is pretty much the complete opposite of the truth. Whether you perceive something as good enough or not depends solely on how much you know about video encoding.

If you don't believe me, learn about video/audio encoding - or don't, you won't be able to enjoy content anymore.

Pls gib invite
>Most browsers
Who the fuck listens to music in browsers sans jewtube and soundcloud?

>most players support opus
Does iTunes?

>Yeah, good luck fitting that on a 128 GB SD card.
>still using micro SD cards
Besides, if you really have to, there are 256gb ones.

>Whether you perceive something as good enough or not depends solely on how much you know about video encoding.
So instead of enjoying the picture (and even the actual movie) I would go full autism about OMG IT'S NOT EVEN H.265 ... mhmm, no thanks I am fine.
>hours tagging everything

Do you get your music from youtube2mp3 or something?
>Who the fuck listens to music in browsers sans jewtube and soundcloud?
Person A: Hey, check out the first 10 seconds of this song [link.opus]
Person B clicks on the link. It opens in their browser, and they can listen

>Does iTunes?
No idea, because Apple made it and Apple is generally pretty incompetent at writing software. If you use iTunes you have only yourself to blame.

>Besides, if you really have to, there are 256gb ones.
Yes, spend twice as much so you can use a 20-year old codec instead of something from the year 2016. Good job idiot

>So instead of enjoying the picture (and even the actual movie) I would go full autism about OMG IT'S NOT EVEN H.265 ... mhmm, no thanks I am fine.
Haha, it's amusing about how clueless you are about video technology.
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>Person A: Hey, check out the first 10 seconds of this song [link.opus]
Would be simpler to link a jewtube video. I meant something like a friend asking you for the new album from X, and you being able to send them the thing right away, which they will play in their player ... like iTunes, or won't if you use a hipster codec.

>Yes, spend twice as much
It's like 100 or 150 bucks difference for convenience, practically nothing.

>Haha, it's amusing about how clueless you are about video technology.
Well, some people are easy to amuse indeed.
Not him but 256gb micro SD is $250
That's a lot for moosic
Here you go:
mpv Sidera\ Final-\ from\ the\ movie\ \'Lou\ \!\ Journal\ Infime\'.mp3
Playing: Sidera Final- from the movie 'Lou ! Journal Infime'.mp3
(+) Audio --aid=1 (mp3)
AO: [pulse] 44100Hz mono 1ch s16
A: 00:00:04 / 00:02:25 (3%) Cache: 10s+3MB
I like your taste in vaporwave and memes, friend. Keep it up, proud of you.
>Would be simpler to link a jewtube video.
And that's what I'd do if they were available, but sometimes the thing I want to link isn't on youtube.

>I meant something like a friend asking you for the new album from X, and you being able to send them the thing right away, which they will play in their player ... like iTunes, or won't if you use a hipster codec.
My friends don't use iTunes. I'm sorry that yours do. Maybe you should find better friends?
It's full of All Star remixes, Nightcore, Nasheeds, and video game OSTs
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>not playing music from terminals
It's like you guys aren't even hackers
Yeah, my bad the difference is a bit bigger, didn't realize that 128gb is just 40 bucks now. The prices sure went down.

Though in the end it's the same thing,,,

A: roll with what you have, which means not getting your entire library on the phone (besides, even with OPUS it'd be very unlikely that 31k tracks would fit on a 128gb card in a decent quality)

B: spend a bit more (even a $210 premium is nothing after 2-5 years, no matter how poor you are) and don't have to worry about size limits

>Maybe you should find better friends?
Do you suggest handing them a paper to sign where they have to confirm their PC using habits before we can begin friendships? What would be other critical criteria beyond Opus, FOSS? Screens above 1080p?

Stop being such a terrorist.
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fuck me for linking to reddit but, reddit.com/r/iamverysmart
>besides, even with OPUS it'd be very unlikely that 31k tracks would fit on a 128gb card in a decent quality
128 gb / (31k tracks * 96kbps) = 4-5 minutes per track
Yukari? Mai nigga
>4-5 minutes per track
But muh symphonies. Many classical pieces got four 20+ minutes parts, some directly from CDs run for 90 minutes and some operas are even longer.
And you have 31k of these 90 minute LP tracks?
Nah, only about 5k if we include the 20+ minute ones too.

Ain't no fitting this on a 128gb card, that isn't even 128gb.
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If you aren't fitting your songs on 128 GB at 96kbps then you aren't fitting them on 256 GB at 196kbps

ergo you're a lying sack of shit
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iTunes Library.png
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iTunes' smart playlists are actually really useful. You can do some cool shit with them.
>Woods of Ypres

I think we established that they are 190gb overall, so no problems with a 256gb card. Some are 192kbs, others 320, and couple in between.
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Woods of Ypres is one of my most favorite bands of all time.
Wow it's ncmpcpp only you wasted entire minutes of your life configuring it to look minimal

>Configuring the appearance of a program
>Configuring anything but the functionality

You could have spent those minutes having sex. Ricer faggots. How's that optimizing a workflow for you?
190 GB * 96 kbps / 192 kbps = 95 GB

If some are 320 kbps as you say then it would be even smaller. So again, you'd only win by moving to 96k opus. Half the price for better quality.

Feel free to keep using shit though.
I can rice while having sex, where does that leave you?
Humping anime body pillows doesn't count.
Music is for children and teens. Most people grow past it.
no bro you're just confusing your clinical depression for maturity

read fewer animes and comic books about dark and edgy heroes
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it just works
i replaced my hard drive recently so im rebuilding my music collection, any recs?
very nice player and artist
got to see him live a few months ago, great show
Well, that'd be lovely. The only issue left is that nobody supports it.
Go listen to some Death Grips fag.
Please tell me what piece of shit obscure audio player you are using that doesn't support opus in 2016
So this is what autism looks like
Foobar2000 Master Race
The only most normal people use, see...

Homosexuals using 10% market share: the OS aren't "normal"
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It's pretty widely used on Windows too.

Only pedo OS with 1% of the market share doesn't support iTunes.
How can linux be a pedo OS when it supports 0% of anime pedo hentais?

Checkmate, christians.
Kek, don't worry anon, I actually laughed
But I believe...
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I don't bother with downloading music anymore.

pic related does the job 99% of the time.
FUCK off normalfag
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>being this ignorant of vim
I'd rather have there be an aesthetic modern mpd client but (mpd+)ncmpcpp is simply the only reasonable choice (foobar is bad because it's closed-source and Windows only)

mpd has some other advantages like being easy to hotkey and being remote controllable from my phone.
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+1 for obscure gook dream-pop
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only mpd users will understand the feeling of having a 5-digit library
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Wherever I shill, I shill for kikecloud. Get on with the times.
The fuck is it? All the white and grey looks very Apple-isque but the icons are way too clumsy and look like some kind of freetard software.
I use foobar but I only listen to like 40 songs regularly so there's actually no need for me to use foobar
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Anything else is horse shit
looks shitty desu
looks a million times better then all the alternatives
i disagree
well you're wrong.
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Just smack that lama's ass
i don't care enough to change any of the settings
it's their default web ui. it's shit, but works everywhere.

on home desktop, use any modern audio player which can deal with streamshit (ie has a youtube-dl plugin).
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one of such players on desktop, a bland copy of itunes or whatever. its not as great as it used to be now that grooveshark went under.
I had the same problem and figured it I only got issues with 24bit flac. 16 works, give that a try
You do not belong on this board
Do you have some examples? Musicbee has had auto/smart playlists for awhile now
And I'm wondering how similar in functionality they are
how do i get that shit
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Mopidy on a Raspberry Pi
i dont like listening to music
Thread posts: 170
Thread images: 53

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