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floens, new clover release when?

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 132
Thread images: 18

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floens, new clover release when?
Floens gets a notification any time his name is mentioned on /g/.

Reply to this post with "Floens". To summon him to this thread.
Why? The current stable release is fine.

t. Debian user
/g/ should ban Clover clients to reduce cross-board shitposting
This board is beyond redemption. Also, someone else has to wait a little for webs and images to show? My connection is fine.
wish mobile google play apps would get banned like with iOS

would reduce the cancer
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kc macs.gif
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>Floens gets a notification any time his name is mentioned on /g/.
He couldn't be that egocentrical, right?
Clover is banned from the google play store, but thankfully installing from other sources is a checkbox away on Android.
So 4chan should ban clover clients
latest builds are here: https://github.com/Floens/Clover/tree/dev/releases (v2.1.3)
Why not just use ChanU?
Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my best to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
There is a bug that I have BECOME aware.
When I'm browsing /csg/ if I want to go to a previous thread to a specific post through the news link it won't do it if that thread is being watched
He's shown up in the past multiple threads spanning the last month or so claiming that he's really close to pushing out an update but nothing has come of that.
I know some anon on here forked a version and added some features but I don't have the link to that. If someone could post that it would be much appreciated.
Tfw the fdroid version is still 1.2
update your repos, it is not 1.2 my brother
Dashchan is better in every way
I have a new release scheduled for next Tuesday.

- f
It's called "a web browser."

Oh wait, I forgot your little toys can't even use a real web browser effectively and you need dedicated "apps" for every single site that are dumbed down, break all the goddamn time, and aren't nearly as effective as just browsing the goddamn site.
>jelly iphone user spotted
>calling phones toys
>iphone has the exact same shit
>still some little underage sperg that is sensitive about his little garbage toy still accuses me of liking the ishit for some reason
Take your little toy devices and put them in the garbage. Right now. Please, let this fucking stupidity and abomination end and let's get technology back on track again.
Why do I always have to scroll the captcha? It's annoying as fuck. Is it common or just my phone fucking up?
you should disable 'use new captcha' in advanced settings. old captcha is much more phone friendly
But the web browser doesn't give notifications. It doesn't have a button to save all the photos in a thread to a folder. It doesn't provide a cleaner interface than the app. Clover provides most if not all of the features of the site in a convenient package.
>get technology back on track again
Because an app for a garbage image board is an abomination and is stopping the progression of technology completely
>Using reverse psychology to keep Floens away
Thanks. I don't know what's more annoying though, having to scroll or having to type the captcha.
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>Using anything but 1.2.11
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Why are you using NSFW board color as your theme while browing a blue board?
why would you use this over dashchan? they're about equal in features at this point. the only reason I could see anyone using clover is because it's prettier.
I think Clover doesn't change theme depending on the board. Only see one global theme selection option. And if it does then I don't care, I'm used to this one.
Clover loads the catalog in under a second, Dashchan takes over 5. I have no fucking idea why this happens.
that is true... I forgot about that, sorry. I've gotten used to the horrible load times
>not building clover from GitHub releases
iirc if /f+l+o+e+n+s+/i matches something in the catalog, he gets notified somehow. He never went in to specifics in the threads I was participated in.
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>not using dashchan
Which board does Clover default to when you install it? It seems some people on /diy/ are having an issue with it.

You have to manually add and arrange your list, the top entry being the default
Has the small ass reply box been fixed?
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>mfw I like version 1.2.11 more than 2.1.3

Don't like some of the ui changes. I like the boatload of new advanced options (including theme customization) and webms having controls, but catalog mode cards feel too cluttered for me and you can't change those. I get that it allows to fit more threads on the screen, but you see less of the thread title and get a smaller image in return. Not a fan of the wasted space between thread cards in catalog mode either, as well as the little shadow effect.

Would rather see the words reply and images instead of R and I. I like seeing anonymous under every post. Individual Posts have also gotten slimmed down which feel a bit cluttered especially if you enable any of the image title, format, or advanced date options.

I see my yous as


Which looks worse than

1 reply

In my opinion.

Overall 8/10 bretty gud keep up the good work.
You have to click off the keyboard to post sometimes
Floens used some random boards as example templates when setting up your custom board list

/diy/ and /ck/and a few others show up as the default, which apparently increases shitposting on those boards.
now that the play store banned it, he should just make it /b/ or /a/ or even /g/ or /v/. that way the new fags don't flood the niche boards. FLOENS YOU BETTER FUCKING READ THIS YOU FUCK
Wow such a cool guy, fuck off back to /pol/ you edgelord

Was the last decent version

>everything i hate is /pol/
>tfw 2.1.3 crashes constantly
Not fun
tfw i only use clover when i'm not at home or i see a god tier thread on /gif/ and want all the webms downloaded in one go.
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Guess how faggots like me ended up here.
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I get a notification if the OP has some of the keywords, not when someone mentions me in the thread itself, please don't go spamming the threads.

It randomized between 4 boards the first time. I'll increase this number again since it doesn't matter anymore now, it adds all boards including nsfw on startup on f-droid.

You're going to like the newer version then. Catalog mode is fixed, you can re-add anonymous to the names.
That was a bug, should be fixed.

Give me the crash logs and make an issue on github to let me fix it.

I've got more time on my hands since yesterday so I hope to get shit fixed for the release. It's been ages unfortunately.
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h-hey floens. just wanted to say thanks for making clover, it's seriously the most nice looking material chan browser there is imo.
Thanks for answering. And thanks for the software, keep up the good work, it's the slickest dedicated client I ever used.
Thank you based floens for making the best 4chan client I've ever used.
That is all.
36th July
I love you daddy.
when swiping away a thread, could you make it so that it can be swiped back again also? like it was on 1.2.11 .
I have had this exact problem
where to find
thanks for all the work youre putting in mate.
Floens here

Clover is officially going closed-source from now on and I demand the return of the source code for all previous versions IMMEDIATELY! (or delete it if you have it on your PC)

Please be b8.
It's not
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I hope this bug gets fixed someday, it happens too often for me
Same here. Can't be my connection because it works fine on my desktop.
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Why not just use the superior Dashchan?
Clover is faster, uses less data and notifies me when someone replies to me.
He should have it start with no boards added, and make them add the board first, so they know where they are posting.
Just use the slide layout in settings.
You have to scroll to the bottom for it to register that you read all the new posts. Kinda stupid, but it works.
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That doesn't work, it's not disappearing no matter what I try. Even killing the app process and reopening it doesn't do shit
Go back to >>>/b/ since you obviously can't read floens's post here >>55265297

But good work with the app floens, my problem is that the number on the back arrow like in >>55267005 should disappear after visiting the thread and not when you scroll to the bottom
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Still using playstore version
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Wait... Is there a new version of Clover that i've missed?
From what I understand, fdroid to get ez updates (infrequently) and github to get bleeding edge but only manual updates. Play store version doesn't update if you have it still, because it was pulled.
Oh fugg, I sometimes forget i have to manually do that with fdroid because they dont spy on me and run their shit in the background. Truly the price of freedom is too high.
i love your work man
i wouldnt mind if you cuck me and unload your semen to my gf's vagina, i'd raise your offspring without a doubt.
I love you floens, I'll donate when I get paid tomorrow
Hey floenns do you know more or less when this update will be put out? It'll be version 2.1.4 correct?
>12 day issue
>Still left open
I love clover and overchan because it's much more convenient and the UI is so much better.
Click Raw (top right) or look at >>55270286
Are apps allowed to access other apps like my Gmail for example? I'm paranoid if everything outside of the play store is malware.
Thanks senpai, is there an estimated date when next clover comes out?
android lists out the permissions needed for the app when you install. apps can only do what they have permission to do
(they changed it recently so that apps will ask you for a permission when you do an action that requires it, ie: clover asks for permission to read sd card only when you tell clover to save to the sd card. prior to that, it doesn't have permission)

if you really want to make sure, you'll can to dive into the code
Where in settings is this?
Settings -> Appearance group -> Layout -> Slide mode
below Themes, above Font size
Chances of adding image sauce search from Google/archive?
Image search already in for google, iqdb, saucenaw, tinyeye

view image -> top right -> Image share
*image search
Is this on the version compiled from github? I don't have a settings menu anything like that (2.1.3)
yeah, 2.1.3. Settings is accessed at bottom of hamburger menu (top left)
shit actually, I think the slide mode was developed after 2.1.3 release. My b anon

I build latest with android studio, so that's how I see it
Yeah was about to say. Nothing in my appearance does that.

Maybe I'll build it one of these days but I'm not particularly hurting.
floens, can we have an fdroid version that builds latest from dev branch? have stable/unstable versions?
Web browser is a pain to post on
daiz has the same type of script for /a/
He's a popular developer on /g/, I would do the same thing if I was him
Is there a way for you to mark the captcha field as similar to passwords, where it puts the numbers on top of the keyboard instead of the word suggestions?
>purple theme
WTF? Why do I still only have 6 themes?
Floens, I'm not getting all the themes
go to themes, tap the top bar in the theme switcher

or just read the shit on top
Where can I get such a script?

I don't want to write my own crappy version.
Will the new version have preload feature? I hate having to wait for the picture to load each time I swipe to next picture. And between transitioning, it always blurred out for half a second before it's clear
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What top bar?
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Tap the colored portion of the theme you picked and there is a drop down menu for different colours.
I can't wait for the new version, ability to clear out replies is a feature I've been waiting a long time for.

Thanks, I didn't even know about that
Floens is not Daiz.
Why's your screen all retarded and shit?
Hey is there any chance of a feature being added that lets you refresh all threads in your thread watcher at once?
As someone who constantly goes on and offline during the day, it really is a pain having to open each thread again to get a reply count and reply notifications instead of just an E
literally says it right there on the screen
It'll be f.lux or something similar.
My comments:
- the new version removed the button in the bottom right corner to scroll to the bottom. I want it back optionally because the other way is too long (two presses)
- displaying images and webms takes too long. The download speed is very slow compared to the Android browsers available.
Thread posts: 132
Thread images: 18

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