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/flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 319
Thread images: 23

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Previously on: >>55203433

Welcome to /flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Meet the /fglt/ team:

IRC: irc://chat.freenode.net:6667/flt (6697 for SSL)
If you don't have an IRC client, you can use a web client:
WEB: http://fglt.nl/

* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man <insert command here>
https://wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
https://wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)
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> Shell pasta:

The based GNU Bourne Again SHell:

The community driven BASH wiki:

The Grymoire - home for UNIX wizards:

Greg's (also known as GreyCat's) wiki:

SED and AWK; your new best friends:

Google's Shell Style Guide:

The Linux Command Line - A Book By William Shotts:

Interesting, useful and dangerous one-liners:

Great online (and offline) linting tool:

Know what you are doing:
> Tiling pasta:

Tiling Window Managers:

General informations:


Awesome + Gaps:


i3 + Gaps:




Tiling scripts (these work DE/WM independent):




Pytyle differences:

Horsefuckers tiling BASH scripts:
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Reminder we have two threads on /t/

One about ported videogames

And one on tutorial videos for system administration and IT

Also check the list of open source games
Is it just me or is Keepassx2 fucking broken?
Are these one "legal", meaning one can download these without ever possibly having issues with justice?
Please stop trolling. Come to this thread: >>55213250
Is there a way to make say 7z, read from a file which has passwords in it,which is then read by 7z,and provides passwords to the command if it finds one.
Something similar to this:
alias 7z x='7z x -p$FILE *.7z'
is the linux userbase shrinking?

i was wondering. i felt it peaked with the ubuntu hype in 2010 ish and now it's declining. probably a to do with the decline of forums and boards in general. everyone's on fagbook and tumblr and the nerds have grown up or killed themselves
I'm leaving Gentoo for various reasons and want to try BSD. Anyone know which is better, Free or Open?
this is a troll thread, made to start flamewars and ass
come to the actual thread before the shitposting begins: >>55213250
Wondering the same. Debian has lost it's charm.
Fuck off, self proclaimed king of /g/.
This. We were here first.
What is the best Linux distro for laptop?

I just came from the front page but it's obvious that the thread that was made also an hour earlier is the official one. Why would somebody start a general about something that already has a general?
As I understand it, OpenBSD is more secure. So go with it.
Does arch support steam?
Of course. Check the arch wiki on how to get steam running
pacman -S steam
Have you used it? I'd like to ask a few questions.
>Have you used it?
Not unironically.
I want grep awk database in timely manner but my pipe is not picking up the nodal timings. What should I do? Is it because of my libraries or should I do 'll'?
see >>55213774
The other thread is the troll thread though. /flt/ has been around long before the /fglt/

How can one be so butthurt? You're the one trolling here mate.
>Not unironically.
I know right

This. I've removed all gnu component's from my machines in favor of busybox.
To understand how bad BSD is, you must experience it for yourself. Also, I lack adequate whatever the opposite of superlatives is.
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Why not call it Friendly Linus Thread? :^)
Arch linux is the best linux distro of all time.
>how bad BSD is,
Worse than Gentoo? Please, you should report to the troll thread.
Pretty much.
t.debbie and sid.
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Wtf niggers? Why is this /flt/ and not /fglt/??
Because /flt/ was first
Seems this thread is about kernel development.
For GNU/Linux general discussions, go >>55213382
We didnt drink the koolaid.
We're not faglets. It's time we part ways, Stallmanite.
>tfw every time you run "Linux", you run code made by stallman and commadres
post it
>>tfw every time you run "Linux", you run code made by stallman and commadres
I don't understand why you want me to post it, but here you go.
How well do games run on Linux?
The game I play is osu and it doesn't run that great on my current hardware (i3-2350m, 6gb ddr2), I play with everything "fancy" turned off.

How much of a performance loss am I looking at when playing on WINE or PoL? 8%? 20%? 50%?
What is the best SQL database application for linux? I have gentoo.
Whats the best place for a complete newbie to start learning how to use linux? How would i switch from win 7 to linux? Also where can i learn to hack people emails, facebooks, instagram etc?
>Whats the best place for a complete newbie to start learning how to use linux? How would i switch from win 7 to linux?
I'd suggest Ubuntu as it is easy to install and well documented. Some people like Linux Mint a lot also.
Head straight for Kali in a VM, my child.
Elaborate sweet prince
Take a hike, hippie.
Force yourself to learn how to swim by jumping off the diving board into the deep end. You see kid with linux, it's either swim or die.

Good luck, you'll need it.
Install Virtualbox and within that, install Kali. The process is well documented on the official website.
so i can find out everything i need from their official website? I just donwloaded this tor browser for the first time i asm about to go on the deep web i guess.... some do's and dont's please?
When using tor browser should you be behind more proxies or vpn's ? or are you pretty well hidden ?
Yes. Usually on a particular Linux Distro's website they will have a tab called "Documentation". Click it and read up
Tor is plenty safe for your uses.
If I switch from "only alsa" to "pulseaudio + alsa", will these two interfere with each other?
pulse requires alsa,it is a layer on top of alsa
They should work
Good to know. Thanks to all.
I mean now, I control the volume with the buttons on my thinkpad's keyboard by putting on my .xbindkeysrc

# Mute
"amixer -q set Master toggle"
m:0x0 + c:121

# VolDown
"amixer -q set Master unmute && amixer -q set Master 5%-"
m:0x0 + c:122

# VolUp
"amixer -q set Master unmute && amixer -q set Master 5%+"
m:0x0 + c:123

and the GUI via the Volume Icon in my tint2 bar. As for this one, I don't know how to configure it. I remember trying months ago and it lead to the sound stopping working at all...

but I have issue with alsa fail to troubleshoot so I consider giving pulseaudio a try
I'm not really sure what you're saying.
Put the following in your ~/.asoundrc
pcm.!default {
type hw
card 0

ctl.!default {
type hw
card 0

Grabe pulseaudio-ctl
# Lower
"pulseaudio-ctl down"
m:0x10 + c:122
Mod2 + XF86AudioLowerVolume

I belive the 'up' and 'down' default to 5%
Ah, sorry. I'll try to describe better.

I am having some issue with the sound (the speaker of my laptop randomly stops. Restarting alsa does nothing. The only way to "fix" is to reboot.)

I tried looking at the logs but there is nothing interesting in journalctl | alsa , nor in dmesg.

Since I don't know how to troubleshoot, I am trying to escape. i was thinking that maybe using pulseaudio would magically solves the issue, but I'm afraid I won't be able to control the sound anymore should I do a mistake.

In my previous post, I described how I am currently controlling the sound, and that I fear about my gui volume icon to stop working.
Did you check the Arch wiki? They have a very thorough write-up on this topic. No offense, this is a very difficult topic to get a handle on when it chooses to be problematic.
I referred to it to tune my keybinds in the first place. I then tried https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Advanced_Linux_Sound_Architecture/Troubleshooting but I couldn't find something fit for my issue.

Maybe there's something behind "the speaker randomly stop working, even after restarting alsa" but without logs I'm a bit lost.
Sorry if this doesn't belong in this thread, I don't spend much time on /v/. I'm looking to make the switch to linux but still need Windows for gaming. I'm probably going to make the switch to W10 soon before the free version is unavailable, but I want to make sure that the privacy of my machine isn't compromised.

If I have W10 on my host machine and use linux in a VM, is it even worth it? Or is it worthless and all the spyware that comes with W10 will affect VMs as well. Unfortunately running W10 in a VM and using GPU passthrough isn't an option as my CPU doesn't support it, otherwise I would do that.
It's a mess that we all wish would go away.
Just fully use Linux and dont worry about it. Grow up and stop gamming
But I'm a child anon I need my video games.
You should be safe in a VM, encrypt your Linux home folder too, for added protection.
I have heard things like W10 taking screenshots of your desktop and sending it to MS servers. Is that bullshit, or something that can be disabled? If not, does that also not affect VMs?
sure summer is here

fucking trolls everywhere
Or is it one troll talking to itself? A look at the posts seems like a retarder guy spilling random shit.
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Well fuck me. Dual boot it is then.
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Can you dualboot?
It is easy to do with ubuntu, it appears more delicate on arch (dunno, I never tied). A linux parition can be quite small compared to what is needed by windows.

This, or you can have separate hard drives
(that's what I do : I have linux on my ssd, and I swap to a windows hdd when I need skype or software only available on windows)

There's a "stop liking what I don't like" retard ITT. There always one of these that come shitposting in linux threads for some reason.
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quit memeing and go back to your safe space.
Please don't derail this thread. Your trolling is obvious and unfunny.
Yeah, that's my plan now. I should be able to fit all my windows stuff onto my c:\ drive and 1tb drive and leave the 500gb drive i have for linux. Haven't decided on which distro though. Obviously Ubuntu is talked about for beginners a lot so I might go that route, or just straight Debian although I'm not quite sure what the benefit of that may be if I do.
That is plain mean. You started this thread after another was already up to start a flamewar. Accussing us of what you do is pure evil.
/flt/ was first and then trolls/literal autists started spamming /fglt/
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In case of doubt about the system's name, just ask the system itself.

You can delete this thread now and head over to the actual friendly thread: >>55213382
Some people like to call it linux for short though.
whoops, correct link:
So you ARE starting a flamewar

Apparently a mod is involved anon, because in your post it doesn't show a link to the other thread, only a link to this one. Can't you see it?
So anyway, where does all the hate for systemd come from?
If you're searching for a short name, just say GNU since Linux is just a kernel some people even don't use.
No I'm not people like this >>55215826 are
Most people don't know what GNU is so I'll stick with the more popular name, Linux.
I didn't start this thread. I simply relate to those who just want to put this GNU/ nonsense behind us.
>Haven't decided on which distro though
I've been on ubuntu myself quite long. No matter what people say, it's nice to get started.
Now, I speak for myself, but I felt like using ubuntu wasn't leading me nowhere. I then felt for the Arch meme and learned more in 6 month than in years of ubuntu. I wouldn't have been able to start directly with arch tho.
As for debian, I tried it. But my wifi needs muh non free drivers so there's almost no doc on how to set up the wifi for my case. This left me with a poor first impression on debian and hence never sticked to it.
Are you the same who missed the link before? That would make two in a roll.

No, because you are the troll who want a flamewar. Congrats asshole.
I dont use gnu userland
If you like your thread that much why don't you go back there and stop crying here?
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Sorry things turned out differently? I guess Stallman should have come up with a catchier name.
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GNU isn't only some tools buddy.
>Linux without GNU: Alpine, Android, OpenWRT
>GNU without Linux: Debian HURD
OP is a faggot who wants a flamewar. Anti-gnu trolls like the idea, be them with OP or not.
There is no right "Name", because it's simply not one single project.
This is my ultimate goal.Honestly, all of this bickering and interjection memes has driven me to a hatred of Stallman. Call me irrational, but, it's almost as annoying as using Windows.
If there is no right "name" then why does it bother you so much if people it "Linux"
It started as a single good toolset.
Now it is taking over the entire system each day

I shouldnt have to install 50 packages because it depends on systemd, when it shouldnt need to at all
>GNU isn't only some tools buddy.
GNU is nothing but tools, and Stallman is the biggest tool of them all.
>Debian HURD
Debian+Turd, anon.
Because the system is not Linux alone. Linux is only a kernel.
I am aware of this an as i stated, i dont use the gnu userland
I am in a linux thread because i dont use gnu.
Posting in a fglt thread, isnt reflective of my system, i use linux and another userland,which is not gnu

Going in to the fglt, i would have to association to gnu users
^Hurd, fucking auto-correct.
>>*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as GNU/Linux is in fact GNU. Linux is not part of the operating system itself, but is the kernel that is not covered by the naming system of an operating system as defined by common sense.

Many users run operating systems such as Windows, OSX, and a variant of BSD yet do not use a cumbersome naming system that includes the kernel, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, GNU has been the exception to this for no reason and has just been called "Linux" for no good reason, and many others use the insane, cumbersome term "GNU/Linux", mostly because the GNU project doesn't want you to think that Linux is a part of GNU.

There really is a Linux, and it's not part of GNU, but it's a kernel, and no one really specifies using it. GNU is the OS; the actual base system you interact with, and is useful with any compatible kernel; it can function with many different kernels such as GNU Mach or even kFreeBSD, so the whole system should only specify the kernel when it matters, because all these kernels are really irrelevant regarding GNU.
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The bigotry is the main reason the threads have to be named "Friendly GNU/Linux". If not the anti-gnu trolls will feel at home.
>MFW Nano beat feet on that unclean bastard.
Linux is actually the component I want. The other stuff matters but I don't really care if my userland is gnu or not. A machine might use gnu coreutils but the software that matters most to the user isn't gnu.

I have gnu systems, I have non-gnu systems. gnu is a big comfy blanket full of foot skin and plant sex, and somehow it runs really good. bsd userland is cold and well engineered, but still not any better than gnu. hardened uclibc is fun to play with but isn't appropriate for all uses quite yet.

for most lusers on Windows, they only ever use Chrome and don't touch the other parts if they can help it. Should we start calling it NT/Chrome?
>mfw you fell for /g/ trolling
nano is still part of GNU
Nope, it was in this mornings news.
That's what happens when faggots create bait threads and newfriends blindly believe.
Actually you are wrong

So you say "herd" means GNU, ok.
Read the replies of the actual thread faggot.
From Nano Homepage: And, with this release, we take leave of the herd...
Bye! And thanks for all the grass!
He really meant GNU, but he's going to create a fork of nano. With "we" he meant himself, leaving the project. Nano itself keeps being a GNU project.
>believing random shitposts
I only believe this:
>And, with this release, we take leave of the herd...
>Bye! And thanks for all the grass!
eg: nothing till we know more :^)
>believing random shitposts
Is not like there are separete GNU proects. Other projects even "leave" but to become under their own management, never actually leaving GNU.
Ok, this is enough. Your bigotry is now evident.
For everyone who is interested to know the actual nano story: >>55216236
>not from 4chan
>this information a shit
How can I fix screen flickering with Intel graphics? I can't find anything on this anywhere.
need to have multilib uncommented to work.
Bumping : Does any one is using both sound control via Volume Icon and pulseaudio?
Hey guys. I've got a really old pc in my basement. XP wont boot anymore, so I made a Mint live cd, but when I boot from it, my monitor displays "PC resolution out of range" but I don't know how to change the resolution since XP wont boot and I cant see the mint boot. Anyone know whats up?

What's the difference between apt-get update and apt-get upgrade?
you don't need to apt-get you can just use apt

update updates the repos and checks for new packages
upgrade upgrades the newly found packages
So, openSUSE vs Kubuntu as far as KDE-oriented distros go.

I've been using the latter but, hearing how often the former is mentioned when discussing KDE, I'm curious. Aside from yast, which I already know about, what benefits does openSUSE have over Kubuntu? How much more work goes into using it? (What little I do know about it suggests it isn't massively less "just works" overall. Also, I'm not opposed to putting more work into it to make it work how I want it to.)
opensuse. Kubuntu has never been a very good KDE distro due to how fast KDE changes and how the ubuntu feature freeze works. Neon aims to fix the problems with Kubuntu
Ive been using ubuntu server 14.04 on my plex/seedbox headless home server since forever. Ive been looking at moving away from ubuntu and was wondering what I should use. I really just want to set it and forget it and have it install security updates automatically. I also don't want to reinstall the whole OS when a new release comes out ive never had good experiences with ubuntu's dist-upgrade
>yfw /flt/ surprise attack

OpenSUSE, or KDE Neon in a week or so. User version has a problem with wayland that's fixed on unstable, but unstable has its own quirks due to being as bleeding edge as you can get.
fucking hell, this fucking retard destroyed chroot and replaced it with his own bullshit. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Hey folks, I'm doing a clean install of Debian on my laptop tomorrow.

I'm going to try not using a Desktop Environment for the first time (I'm not new to Debian, but I've been using it with GNOME on my desktop for a few months now)

After researching a bit I decided I'll first try i3 as my window manager. However I was wondering - what's a nice display manager to pair it up with? Does it matter at all? And how easy is it to change the default WM / DM if I want to try OpenBox, bspwm, awesome etc?
Try https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/intel_graphics#Tear-free_video
or anything of that page what is relevant. You could also try not using the intel driver and use modesetting.

Alternatively, install and configure compton.
I am using lightdm (because I don't know how to start openbox without it, I don't manage to open an openbox-session...) and I like it.
It is somewhat cutomizable.

Also, you can choose which wm to launch before you log in.
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How does marking bad sectors on GNU/Linux works? I have an external HDD with bad sectors, and want to mark bad sectors to not be used, and use the many good sectors. It's actually just like a pendrive (no OS), and it's filesystem is NTFS.
First you stop using ntfs
not using a dm is easier. read wiki articles on xinitrc
Sure, I don't want to use this format anymore because it's owned by Microsoft. Should I start formatting to FAT32? Its maximum drive size is 2TB, which is my actual drive size, so I should have no problems...
Is there a reason why linux is the part you want? A monolithic kernel isn't exactly special.
There are several way better file systems available. I would suggest you start with ext4 for compatibility reasons.
EXT are journaling file systems. This means I can't store and use encrypted data on it, because it will publish my info on journals.
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doom goat.jpg
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what's so bad about gentoo?
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I think it's because you can go farther down the customization rabbit hole. If you consider archlinux time-sink-os, then gentoo is even worse.
I say this without having used it. I have a question. One of the main advantages I've heard is memory use reduction. But the only systems I have that would benefit from that are pentium 3-4 systems. How long would it take to get a working minimal desktop at on a <1Ghz processor.
Compile time, and not having anything work. Like xorg for example.
Which is the proper way to set my system to notify me? I was thinking about something like:

IF condition=true, then create file-not

IF file-not exists, then show a message on the console and play a custom sound.
Repeat each 5-15 minutes.

For stopping the notification, delete said file.

Which is the right way to do that kind of stuff? I want to write a program to notify me about free games using websites that monitor deals as source without having to refresh said pages every 30 minutes.
Have this function. It checks the given site's md5sum, if changed, popup.

curl-notify() {

while :; do
ct="$(curl -s "$url" | md5sum)"
if [ "$ct" != "$lt" ]; then
notify-send -u critical "$url" 'Activity!'
sleep "$delay"

Usage: curl-notify <url> <delay>

A more mature way would be to call a script with cron.
So when running X11 I can do this to practically disable mouse acceleration


and enter this into the file:

Section "InputClass"
Identifier "My Mouse"
Driver "libinput"
MatchIsPointer "yes"
Option "AccelProfile" "flat"

How can I achieve this when running GNOME on Wayland?
>It checks the given site's md5sum.
I didn't even know this was possible. You've solved a bunch of questions with just an answer. Many thanks!
I was playing around with audit, and now i cannot get rid of it. The packages are uninstalled, i have rebooted since removing, and kauditd is still auditing the system, the log is still being filled.What the hell?
>use to use computer with two ethernet ports but pci filtering caps blew
>now use two computers, 1 for browsing 1 for internet routing
>hear buzzing nonstop from computer I use for stuff
>pull harddrive still hear it
>pull fan still hear it
>tired as shit and bend fan pins as I plug it back in
>keep trying
>computer restarts automatically
>computer shuts off right after bios posts
>mfw I think I finally burned out my wolfdale
>start browsing parts and put together my ws shopping list
>decide to use power supply for hecker things
>green to black
>hear buzzing
>fuck you bitch
>take power supply from internet computer and put it into first
>first computer works again but is underpowered
>spend week browsing dank memes with the second computers powersupply sitting outside the first computers case
>plan to order more power supplies
>check ancient computer pile for parts, only one even less powerful psu left
>decide to pull last power supply left from backup computer pile
>decide to put it in second computer, and use second computers psu in first computer until new psu's get here
>decide to actually put the second's psu into the firsts's case just to get it out of the way
>go to pull third psu
>mfw 20 pin
>decide to just use shit computer for internet reasons and not cut up the power supply to add the four more pins
>pull ram, hd, and ethernet card from preferred internet pc to make this one a temporary replacement
>install all that shit into the ancient pc
>hook it up
>push power button and nothing
>push 5 more times
>turns on
>mfw it wont turn back on
>mfw all my good shit was installed on that computer and now I have to pull the psu from the first computer and reassemble the second just to find out if anything is FUCKED.

So hows your nights going?

You're an idiot who doesn't even understand the articles he linked himself.
Which distro should I recommend my macfriends? I was thinking Fedora + install Pantheon DE (from elementaryOS).

>This entire post.
Slept like a pup. Might have nightmare tonight, though. Thanks, anon.
>Might have nightmare tonight
atleast youd wake up from it.
Scratching Fedora, as it doesn't have Pantheon. Ubuntu would have that, but now that Canonical fucked up I'm reluctant.

Should I just recommend Fedora with Gnome and help them get cairo dock?

Good point. Waking up into a nightmare beats waking up from one.
Was just thinking.. If I would have added those extra 4 pins to the atx connector, and put it in the computer I like, and turned it on and it blew up (making me think I fucked up by adding pins) and fryied (finished off) this computer I would have flipped so much shit.
I swear I would be throwing away everything older than 5 years and become a buyfag.
Im actually kinda glad I decided to just turn on the pos computer
As much as I hate throwing money to every little problem, a timely upgrade can save you headaches and time. And those (health and time) are 'money' as well.

Good luck, anon.

This is a DESIGNATED friendly thread. Just be passive aggressive as fuck without resorting to name calling.
Lol thanks.
For what its been worth, Ive jewed out a pretty decent setup from basic stuff for about 8 years now.
But yea, it is getting about that time to clear everything out and buy new shit.
What is a good place to start for someone with no previous linux experience?
Do you want to go balls to the wall and install Linux on your computer, or do you want to first try it on a live CD or virtual machine?

Either way; Ubuntu, Ubuntu spin-offs (Ubuntu GNOME, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu) or Ubuntu derivatives (like Mint) are probably your best bet. That's how I started anyway.

Other people recommend Fedora and openSUSE as well for beginner distros

If you don't mind doing a bit more research and reading a bit more, Debian is also a decent distro for an intermediate beginner. It's basically Ubuntu without the Canonical corporate thing.
Forgot to mention I already have Mint installed as part of a dualboot config. I just don't know what to do with it.
I have a question guys:

I wiped my laptop's hard drive with Boot and Nuke, and when I went to install Debian in UEFI mode it said it *still* detected some operating system installed in BIOS compatibility mode, and asked me if I wanted to force UEFI install

How is it possible that there's still an OS install if I wiped the hard drive clean?

I said yes to "Force UEFI install" because I don't care to boot to a non-existent OS, but I'd like to clear out the ghost entry. How do I do that?

Thanks in advance
Will look into this, thanks.
>Recommending Mint

Do NOT install Mint. It is actually so extreme shitty that it blocks upgrades so they don't break the mess of a distro.
You use it like a normal computer, amigo. You can only learn its potential and its differences and advantages from Windows/Mac by using it

On my main desktop I dualboot Debian for all my work and data, but keep a small Windows 10 partition to play games that are incompatible on Linux. Maybe one of these days I'll get off my lazy ass and execute a GPU passthrough on Debian so I don't need the Windows 10 partition at all, and can have it just jailed inside my Linux install.
>linking a github rules page that a newbie is not going to know anything about
>continuing this meme
>implying a newbie is going to care

I used Mint as my first distro and I'm now on Debian. You don't have to marry the first girl you kiss, you know.
Is there anything funnier than non arch linux users pretending they know linux?
I guess even a newbie want's a secure system.
A system that doesn't even get kernel upgrades isn't secure.
good shitposting son
run spinrite on it
>A system that doesn't even get kernel upgrades isn't secure.
when was it insecure, i.e. when was the last time the kernel did have a remote code execution flaw?
patching local privilege escalations is kind of pointless on single-user systems with X11, where the user already owns everything important and you can just ask X11 for every keyboard inputs, if you want the root pw.
Arch users feeling elitist is on par with that.
Mint also renames or uses different packages from upstream (Ubuntu and Debian) like with their flash plugin in 17.3 called mint-flashplugin-10.2.
When you actually know how GNU/Linux works, you realize that all distros are the same and only the packaging system differes.
Honestly, (x)ubuntu.

I began my linux journey 8 years ago on glorious ubuntu. Don't listen to gnu/neckbeards about it being a sub-human distro. It is quite nice to begin with. No one will expect you to edit config files and reading logs you don't understand in your first week. Choose an easy distro and take your time.
I recommend xubuntu because I think that xfce is better than Unity and gnome 3, that are "locking down" a lot of customization options.
Linux is the kernel, GNU is the basic userspace tools.
A kernel is the program (it's not really a 'program') which directly deals with the hardware, allows other processes to run, and provides services to those programs with syscalls (system calls).
GNU then implements the C standard library and other essential things on top on the Linux syscalls, and has all of the standard command line tools you have.
GNU is the software that you use like the coreutils or gcc. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Does that explain everything or are you still confused?
So the kernel talks to my hardware and I'm talking to gnu? Is that correct?
90% of all packages are not maintained (everything not in the main repo)
only Debian Stable is looked after by their security team, which will be ancient for desktop stuff
Yeah that's a way to look at it. You're not supposed to interact with the kernel, the kernel interacts with the programs and hardware, you will however interact with the GNU programs and non GNU programs.
Pretty much.
There are all sorts of possible exceptions to that way of thinking though, considering that you can replace pretty much any part of your system as you see fit.
Is it possible for a hacker to install a trojan on my laptop running Ubuntu through my Wi-Fi router and type something in my documents? Because that's what is happening to me.
Thank you kind anons! I guess I have to read more about the topic, but I think I got the basics.
Very nice digits!
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If you're logged in as a standard user and not running anything as root, it would be impossible for a trojan to be installed without permission unless you had an easy to guess or crack password.

Also, very impressive get.
calm the FUCK down
>through my Wi-Fi router
Afaik Ubuntu is configured by default to drop all incoming connections via iptables.
I think you're just paranoid and edited the document yourself, but forgot about it.
what's the encryption on the user passwords?
is it possible to directly attack it?
Did you notice you got dubs?
>Afaik Ubuntu is configured by default to drop all incoming connections via iptables.
Ubuntu comes with no firewall enabled, tho it doesn't listen on any ports by default (installing additional things might change that)
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stick a quarter in your ass because you played yourself.
Cept those distros that have a "higher view" on the tech industry and decide to limit what hardware and software is supported in the base install
man 5 shadow
man 3 crypt
I see, thanks for clarifing.
>hence the afaik
Firewall is built into the linux kernel. You can install ufw and the gui interface gufw for very simple firewall rules settings.
my mom's using windows and is on the same wifi network as me. if she is infected with the most potent trojan can it do something on my laptop running ubuntu? also what about android phones?

i am being paranoid because this has nevered happend to me. i think this kind hackers should all be jailed no matter how insignificant their victims are.

you break into someones how uou get convicted
why not when you get into someones network

well actually it happened when i was running windows. i clean installed ubuntu and today i found one of his scribbles in one document. maybe he made it before i switched to ubuntu and i didnt find that then
Nice meme, but free distros don't limit the users in any way in installing soft- or firmware. The point of free distros is simply providing the base with only free software.
How hard is arch to deal with on a daily basis? I know that I can get through the install, I have all night and I'm capable of following instructions and not retarded.

I've used Kubuntu as my primary OS for a while, how much more of a pain in the ass is Arch once I get the GUI and drivers in place? Will I be running into kernel and compatibility problems constantly or does it tend to play relatively nice once it's installed?
I'll just ask you: why do you want to run Arch
Because I want to be with the cool kids.
Arch isn't where the cool kids are
Arch is more like where the autistic kids are
The install is the most difficult 2bh. The troubleshoot can sometimes be a pain in the neck but most of the time the wiki was enough to get me back on tracks.

Also, there's quite a bunch of knowledgeable arch users in /flt/ (not speaking about the meme shitposters) and you'd often get an answer to your question.
It seems interesting. I like the idea of a very minimal installation with only what I need on it. And my new laptop apparently plays better with bleeding-edge distros because of some pretty new hardware
Arch isn't minimal.

A Debian net install is more minimal than an Arch install.

But don't take it from me, take it from one of the devs:
I've been an arch user for few months now and I don't regret the change. I'm not ready for gentoo or source based distro just yet but Arch is a good cram school sort of.
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55 dubs git
i,m having trouble with audio in debian jessie. All I get is static and alsamixer randomly mutes streams even though automute is disabled. My mobo has an onboard card. MSI B150M.

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>Arch has always been a simple distribution in terms of the developer perspective, not the user one.

>It has never been a minimalist distribution. Splitting packages is rare compared to other distributions, and dependencies aren't made optional whenever possible.

>It has also never been a distribution offering much user freedom / choice compared to Gentoo and even Debian.

>Arch is the *opposite* of a user-centric freedom. The opinion of users has no weight here. Only the developers have an opinion, and there aren't voting systems as there are in Debian.

>Arch has *never* been minimalist... a Linux kernel with every module available and every feature enabled at least when there's no non-bloat related cost, feature-packed/complex GNU tools, nearly all optional features enabled across all the packages, etc.

>Arch is the opposite of a distribution with lots of user freedom. Users will come and go based on whether they like the technical decisions made by the developers. The popularily of those decisions has no impact on how things are done, regardless of how vocal users are about it.

Wew lad.
What's the deal with systemd? What are the alternatives? I'd like to start using Linux but not be cucked by Lennart.
Anybody knows how is the support for the CH340 serial to usb chip? I kinda want to buy a arduino from /csg/, but I don't want to install weird drivers on my system. Does it work out of the box, or should I spend more on a more reliable Arduino?
Neato. Well thanks, I think I'm definitely going to give it a shot. I figure, why not? I like a challenge and even though I need my laptop for work I'll still have a Windows 10 partition to do all that in while I get Arch configured correctly
there are no alternatives unless you are living in the past
Why do Arch users claim that installing Arch tells you anything about "how Linux works"?

Arch doesn't differ with any other distro, except that you partition your drive and install your desktop and packages yourself eg: No graphical installer.

How is this 1337. Even the newest newfriend can run terminal commands from a guide.
Just let them roll with it, it doesn't affect the rest of us

Good luck mang
One everything is set-up, you don't have to do shit.
Just do a
pacman -Syu
every now and then and you're fine.
because 90% of arch users are autistic children

this wasn't always the case
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Only a few major distros force you to use systemd. Use a distro that allows you to uninstall systemd or use one that doesn't use it by default like gentoo or slackware.
Ah, well, seeing how Arch's main goal is to provide un-adulterated upstream packages, most of what you typed out there, in no way serves as a defense to your ass blasted opinion.
>replying to the systemd is bad reddit meme
What opinion? I was quoting the dev in the link the anon provided and including a frowny reaction image at my disapproval of its philosophy.

Calm your tits sparky
>Hating systemd is a meme
>Linux should not have choice, everyone should be forced into one init that has major feature creep among other problems.
Nobody is forced. Go away, memer.
On that list 5 major distros force you to use systemd. It's only a matter of time till linux has to use systemd in every distro.
Did you ever asked youself why so many distros adopted systemd and did you researches about the topic yourself? I guess not. You're just parrotting memes.
systemd fans should just use Windows, they'll feel more comfortable
Take the time to watch this


17:10 onward
And by the way, watch it all. He pulls a switcheroo on you at the end by telling you what's good about systemd.
Bribes? Threats? Idiocy? Laziness? I guess we'll never know.

Seriously, using something from the guy who wrote pulseaudio? Not funny m8
f you can't change your init system because of lacking knowlege - ok, but don't say that anything is "impossible" or "forced". Don't like that systemd is shipped with the "5 mahor distros"? Don't use them. It's the choice of the distro devels, not "the evil force of systemd".
Why do I still have the Debian 8 login screen after upgrading to Debian 9 (testing)?
systemd is already a done deal.

we are currently at phase 2 of GNOME OS, where GNOME will want you to install all your apps as flatpacks, thus making all distributions obsolete for distributing packages and all other DEs useless.
>he mentions pulse audio in a bad light
Oh, you're one of those. Everyone stop replying, you'll get nowhere
Im not going to use johnny's fork of a fork of a fork that dosent have systemd.

It's RHEL owned. It is only a matter of time.
You won't get it until Debian 9 becomes the new stable
Go away Lennart
systemd has killed Linux
You can't code for shit
I want to install Debian Sid, what's the best way? Can someone link me to a guide? All I can find are guides for installing stable (and then adding sid repos). Is this the actual way of installing sid?!
What grand things have you coded to help Linux, anon
You could spearhead a revolution
What's that? You've done nothing? Can't even code?
Oh, my bad
>Why do Arch users claim that installing Arch tells you anything about "how Linux works"?
I'd say a large percentage of the Linux community has consulted their wiki at least once to fix any number of issues with whatever distro they may be using. That being said, the Arch installation guide recommends using the wiki throughout the installation process. How is this not learning how Linux works? Are you discrediting the Wiki for whatever distro you're shilling for too? You have clearly fallen for /g/ tier memes and need to get out more. Arch's claims only pertain to installing without a gui, and in no way do they claim superiority over any other distro.
I don't like to brag
It's valid criticism
No matter by whom
Yes. The proper way of installing Debian Sid is to install Debian Stable (ideally a netinstall), and then when you boot it up, edit your sources.list file located in /etc/apt/ with the unstable repos (google how to do this, it's in the Debian wiki)

And then you aptitude update && aptitude full-upgrade and you're done, you're on Debian Sid and living the dream
Where the hell are the funtoo ISO images?
Okay, thank you. Will join the party soon!
Ubuntu does this too. It does not happen with a fresh install, only with version upgrades. Good going guys, my autism is going off the charts everytime I boot up now.
you got it 5 months before jessie became stable:
but yeah, maintainers couldn't care less about that before freeze.
There are none. You have to use that Gentoo live image and chroot to install.
What's the way of installing Testing then? I've always been told that should be in a clean install and not updating from Stable after some months as I did.

>I don't like to brag
>implying you have anything to brag about.
How does it come that a timebomb like with xscreensaver makes it into the official repos?

I feld pretty much secure with the idea in mind that thousands of people regulary dig source codes and verify that it doesn't do any harm.

Now I feel less secure.
Exact same way as I described in the post you replied to, but editing the sources.list file for testing. Check the Debian wiki for how

>"Not updating from Stable after some months"
Don't know who the fuck told you that, that's not true. You can go from Stable to Testing or from Stable straight to Unstable or from Stable to Testing to Unstable at anytime you want. You just can't go back
A non-sequitur
But it's not an argument
systemd still sucks
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this has already been patched
we know, read the original question
How do you escape the aqemu vm window?

Mouse and keyboud input locks in to the window,and i havent found a keybind to escape

It is definitely possible.

Turn off your Internet if you think you are hacked
That Jamie guy sure comes off as kind of a douche
Not sure I can help you mate, but can you post the ouptut of

systemctl status alsa-state.service

systemctl status alsa-restore.service
Will the new "snaps" thingy kill package management as we know it?
Yeah, that's what I did. But back when I updated to Stretch/Testing I fucked my system because apparently I should have removed the Nvidia proprietary drivers beforehand.

I'm on Fedora now.

>A non-sequitur
Exactly. Saying "I don't like to brag" doesn't imply you have anything to brag about. Congrats on decoding my post.

>systemd still sucks
Flash news, anon: you can pick any distro you want. This is my last (You) as I've run out of troll-chow. Sorry.
To all the systemd haters and the muh unix philosophy meme: Think about that Linux is. One huge thing that does a job that should've be done by few smaller servers (micro kernel), yet nobody is fucking about Linux, the only evil is systemd, because everyone jumped on the meme wagon.
Tannenbaum pls
root@deb1:/home/system1# systemctl status alsa-state.service
● alsa-state.service - Manage Sound Card State (restore and store)
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/alsa-state.service; static)
Active: inactive (dead)
start condition failed at Thu 2016-06-23 11:05:02 EDT; 7min ago
ConditionPathExists=/etc/alsa/state-daemon.conf was not met
root@deb1:/home/system1# systemctl status alsa-restore.service
● alsa-restore.service - Restore Sound Card State
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/alsa-restore.service; static)
Active: inactive (dead) since Thu 2016-06-23 11:05:03 EDT; 7min ago
Process: 503 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/alsactl -E HOME=/var/run/alsa restore (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 503 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Any good sources on how to submit useful bug reports? It's going to be a while until I can contribute anything of value to the FOSS community.
GNOME was created by a mexican guy that hates Linux and ended up making a shitload of money porting Microsoft shit to Linux (Xamarin).

systemd was created by a guatemalan-german keyboard "SJW" that believes he knows everything about Linux users, and so he can define what is "normal" and what is not. even worse, it started from the most retarded, insecure distro out there: Arch ( https://www.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/4lzxs3/why_did_archlinux_embrace_systemd/d3rhxlc ). thus, systemd intrusiveness and overall retardedness.

why are we Linux users letting this happen?
I remember you.
>"letting" anything happen
Free software is basically alms. Deal with it.
Hello newfriend
Thanks! I was looking for something like this.
Well, if you installed something willy nilly, yes.

Also, checked.
only 4chan could talk about operating systems like they are e-celebs. stay classy 4chan.
How well does fedora handle release upgrades? I want to move away from ubuntu LTS on my home server and don't know what to go with
smooth sailing
Actually I don't think I can help you... I am fighting a similar problem, although I use Arch.

I thought I solved it until the sound fucking stopped again !!

Anyway, here is how I intended to get started...



>open alsa-state.service,
>only add "!" as "=!/etc/alsa/state-daemon.conf"
>then,it worked!

the file is here :
sudo vim /lib/systemd/system/alsa-state.service

I hope it will work for you at least.
Is there a way to set it up to automatically install security updates without user input?
sudo dnf install dnf-automatic
sudo systemctl enable dnf-automatic.service
so my dad wants me to learn Python, that and I'm seriously at my limits when it comes to win 10 and the shitstorm that is likely to be server 2016. I already do VM for my dad pen testing labs and he pretty much now does everything on Linux.

What I'm saying is im willing to go balls deep and build a new primary personal system that's just running whatever flavor of Linux/ubuntu .
I like gaming and from what I hear running most recent games under WINE is like trying to get 600lb obese woman to run the Appalachian Trail on a scooter chair. Not sure what the truth is in that.
Some things:
- you don't need Linux to learn python
- many programs and games actually work with Wine if you set it up correctly
- there is the option to make a gpu passthrough, then you can run windows in a VM and play every game you want
- if you want to go balls deep on the first try, go with Fedora or *buntus, don't use Mint or plain Ubuntu
- better: try some distros in a VM and see yourself what makes you happy
Correction, Mint is what my dad's been using.

I have look up on GPU pass through I don't know if my i7 980 is compatible with that.
np have fun
btw, pls stop tripfagging, you're basically asking for 50 shitposts about tripfagging and why it's shit
Does anyone know how to use kdialog (kde file picker) in chromium on i3? (I'm using Gentoo)
- >
Next thread: >>55224053
- >
You can also try it from a LiveUSB for a closer to reality experience.
Live usb is usually pretty slow and a bad first experience.
my husband used to be free with everything and never kept any secret until recently everything changed so i began to suspect some foul play. he chat on phone for long and when he is done chatting he will clear his history so that i will not find anything. this went on for long until one day i decided to notify my friend about this and that was how she introduced me to her cousin who is a hacker. he showed me several other people who he helped crack password to gmail, yahoo, facebook, instagram, whatsapp and even 6 others where he hacked the account of some major corporation. he has the greatest mind because i never believed he could do it until he proved it to me by hacking into my husbands phone where i found so many evidence to proof that my husband had several affairs outside our marriage. well here is his email address if you need his help [email protected]
Hum. I never noticed it. Maybe I was running it in USB 3 ports? Or maybe I wasn't doing anything demanding.

This pasta is delicious.
I would have to recommend mint. Mint 17.3 either Mendocino or MATE or xfce, I personally dont like KDE in either appearance or functionality from the very brief amount of time I tried it on a live cd.

Basically, the different versions can be described as follows:

Cinnamon: The "standard" flavor of mint. You get a feeling that is not unfamiliar if you are used to windows 7, and you get some degree of customization potential.

MATE: The most customization flavor of the 4. Still not unfamiliar if you are used to windows 7. I have only used it with a liveboot CD, but I plan on installing it alongside windows 10 in my laptop.

xfce: My personal favorite. This flavor is the least heavy on resources, requiring less RAM and CPU/GPU power. It is also capable of heavy customization, but not quite as easily or extensive as MATE. If you have a really slow system, this will make it run beautifully while still giving you everything you want in a computer. It is also similar to windows 7. It takes some exploration to figure out how to fine tune and customize it for your personal tastes, but out of the box with no experience it is still very usable.

KDE: This is the most reasource/RAM/CPU/GPU intensive flavor, but also the most polished. By polished, I don't mean functionality, because they all are very functional, but I mean visually. It has lots of pretty effects and that sort of thing. It is the most different from the other flavors, and personally I would need some time to get used to it. It Technically is called 'Plasma', not KDE, but KDE is the one that develops it. Long story short, it has a lot of potential, but requires the most power.

I disagree with this...
Welcome aboard. Your post is appreciated.
Ok, so I am running mint 13 on a laptop and I have somehow managed to clusterfuck the thing again. I cannot connect to the main package repository (precise). Normally, there should be about 42000 total packages available via the software manager, and now it only shows about 4000. Most of those require packages that are not installed on my system and are hosted on a repository that I cannot connect to. In the past I have added ppa's and then removed them, but never messed with existing settings. anyone have any idea what went wrong? is the problem even on my end of the system?

when I run apt-get update, the last line I get is E: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 3 NODATA 4

What does that mean?
Remember to mark your post as solved if this fixes your issue. We appreciate your patronage.

Well, if the repository is not being maintained anymore, that would explain the problem... Although mint 13 is supposed to be supported until 2017, but anyway...

How do I go about marking it as solved?
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I am using the HP 17-g121wm Notebook. Trying to run Arch Linux. Has an AMD A10-8700P APU. The screen will randomly shut off 2-5 minutes after booting up, sometimes sooner. The computer will still be running, but the screen itself will be black (the backlight seems to remain on, though). No matter what buttons I press, nothing makes the screen come back on, so I have to push the power button to shut the laptop off and back on.

This problem does not occur when I boot into Windows, but when I boot into Linux (I have tried Ubuntu and Arch linux), this problem persists.

I have tried starting grub with the kernel parameter "nomodeset", but when I do this I am unable to enter a graphical environment because the amdgpu driver depends on Kernal Mode Set (KMS) without nomodeset.
just kidding about the solved thing.
>amdgpu driver
Have you tried nouveau? I don't think you should be using amd drivers on an apu.
>Have you tried nouveau

lol wtf

Anyways, I've used two other computers with AMD APU's, both of them HP, and amdgpu or ati were the only divers that worked.
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drivers goddamnit
have you checked the logs/journal for errors?
Yes, I didn't seem to find anything relevant, though I'll check again and paste here when I get home if the thread is still open.

This is the first I've heard of Neon. I'm hesitant to try it, though, as it appears the problems I've been having have stemmed from Ubuntu 16.04 itself. I've experienced the same internet issues between vanilla Ubuntu and Kubuntu, and Xubuntu as well which I was using before either of the other two.) Unless Neon manages to work out those problems - then I'd look into it.

As it stands I'm thinking openSUSE Leap would be the best choice for me.
I just started using MATE and since then, resizing the chromium window leaves leftover edges. Is there a way to fix it?
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