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>no DVI

It's just the reference card. Once we have custom cards it will be $100 cheaper and we get different video connectors.
there will be all kinds of models with all kinds of connectors

delete your shitpost thread now please
Yeah and no cinch nor scart i mean what where they thinkin
>what are adapters

Also, after market cards will have whatever they feel the market wants/needs. Including DVI.
Come on, single link DVI only goes up to 1920x1200 and dual link only goes up to 2560x1600.
Even if you're using an old monitor or some shit, DP to DVI adapters are cheap as fuck.
>using dvi
>no DVI

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That's actually a fair point.
Considering this will be the card of choice for poorfags everywhere it's crazy to expect them to own a new display.

>It's for cheap VR I swear it on Kamadenus own dung - signed Raja Pajeet Puinlu
>Once we have custom cards it will be $100 cheaper
>$100 cheaper
Are Ayylmaos this delusional?
If they're targeting the "mainstream"(tl note mainstream in this use case means poorfags) then expect their market to be mainly using DVI and VGA.

Does using those adapters add latency/make response time worse?
"mainstream" fags use HDMI though.
HDMI to DVI is just single link
DP to DVI can have all sorts of problems
It's like 80 bucks to get a usable 1080p hdmi monitor. Even the poorfag excuse doesn't cut it.
Is this theoretical or something you have personally experienced?
>250$ for 8 jijibits
>50$ for aftermarket cooler
>100$ for new monitor

Might as well buy a 1070 at that point.
>DP to DVI can have all sorts of problems
Like what?
I've use a passive (mini) displayport to DVI adapter before, and it worked perfectly fine.
Might as well get a job stop playing videogames

Damn, AMD is far behind nowadays. I still remember my gtx480.
you posted this joke hours ago
I did not, I've just woken up. I was just posting this to see if I was the first person to come up with it.
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I'm buying a 1080 because I have a job and a card with CUDA makes sense for someone with my job.

AMD is the hardware of choice for the gaymen kids. Not the other way around Pajeet. Check your poorscum privilege.
Well of course you still remember it, it burned down your mom's house.
Well then good fucking thing it has an HDMI port on the card. LIke seriously are you even looking at the picture in the OP? Its 3DP and 1 HDMI.
Must take a lot of power to render hours upon hours of gay porn
Single link is shit.
Must take hours to shovel the shit off your doorsteps to go out and buy an AMD card from the local poorfag charity shop.
It's not a limitation of the tech, it is 100% possible to have dual link DVI from HDMI 1.4 or newer. The problem is no one makes an adapter because most people have newer monitors with HDMI or DP.
My current monitor has a DVI-D and a D-SUB connector. It currently uses the DVI-D and I don't have a cable for the D-SUB thing.

Do I have to buy a new monitor if I buy a RX 480?
Install Gentoo
No you retard, HDMI to DVI, its already posted here.
What resolution and frequency?

if it's 1920x1080 60hz then you're fine and dont have to worry, you just need an adapter.

If it's 2560x1440 or 1920x1080 120hz+ then you will need to buy a non-reference RX 480 and make sure to buy an aftermarket one that has DVI built in.
I don't really mind this at all. I'd have to use an adapter, but using displayport and hdmi outputs means they can fit more outputs on the same card without blocking those air vents.

The only downside to this is the lack of VGA or DVI-I/A. But I can get an adapter or a different card for my CRT.
So any valid criticism or just stale maymays?
>That's actually a fair point.
Litearlly how? It's a reference card, just look at ANY reference card compared to the aftermarket cards, you'll always find aftermarket cards with whatever connectors you need. I wouldn't be surprised to see an aftermarket card that has VGA/DVI and HDMI for the poorfags with older monitors.

It's not exactly difficult to change those things out.
>implying anyone on this board uses a GPU for actual compute work
A valid criticism is to wait and see how it does in a non meme benchmark and to wait and see how Nvidia drops their prices.

In the end of the day all of you retards buying this shit are poorfaggots so yo might as well wait and buy the best you can instead of getting hyped of a card with a NDA until release day.

I do.
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no vga either....WHY DO THEY DO THIS???
Not unless they are active like hdmi <--> vga
you like deprecated technology, do you?
>le poorfag meme
99% of people are using 1080p monitors. A Fury performance card for $199 is more than adequate for that. a 480 will easily max 1080p games for years, at a very low price, with low power consumption.
are you serious? VGA is completely deprecated and it would be a waste using that card with the limited bandwidth vga and DVI has
>99% of people are using 1080p monitors
Not quite that much, at least of the market who are buying aftermarket GPUs.

Of those it's probably 75-80% are 1080p,
Currently, I'm actually a little upset that Asus changed the ports from the reference GTX 780 to cram 2 DVIs on there. I would welcome 2-3 DPs.
i do prefer me some non built in drm connectors.
99% people are not playing gaymen.
And more importantly what the fuck have were you doing in the last 5 years if you're just now buying a card for 1080p gaymen.

That's the sad truth of it, if you own a 970, or hell even a 960 already - a lot of gaymers do - there's no fucking point to buy a card that will give you a negligible boost in performance even if it's cheap.
No one gives a shit if they get 60 or 80 fps in the game as long as it's around 60 they won't upgrade.

So stop being retarded and thinking this will safe AMD and everyone will throw away their 970s to "upgrade" to pretty much the same performing card.

Fucking dropping the reality check on you fools.
>but muh DX12 games
Yeah, feel free to wait for those.
pardon? are you really that stupid. The custom cards will be $100 cheaper????

Holy shit I think this is the most deluded post of the week
I honesty have weren't don't know
all these video cards are nice and dandy but we need some fucking GAMES to go with it

AAA titles in the last year have been TERRIBLE. They are all disappointing as hell, even Far Cry 4 was bad. Watch Dogs sucked. That Tom Clancy game sucked. Too many shitty ports and hollow games. Sports games get worse, theres fucking 3 autism racing simulators that people play, Overwatch is hot garbage, CSGO is a RNG meme game, there is literally nothing good to play right now

>tfw not in the 2002-2008 garrys mod, half life-2, counter-strike source, tf2, battlefield 2 era

bring me back

gaben pls, gib us HL3, make pc gaming great again
Nah get ready for those $99 RX 480s. I'm buying 6 of them. GTX 1080 will never be able to keep up.
>get destroyed with logic
>notice I didn't spell check
>CSGO is a RNG meme game
t. silver 2

tell me why the game encourages jumping around corners and spraying with pistols then

t. supreme
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I think you need a dictionary there my good chum

Here is a handy link to help you out my friend

no DVI in fucking 2016

holy shit kekelord

AMD convinced me that they actually poo on the street and afterwards assemble their GPU's at the next toilets door

>Be poorfag
>buy shit tier gpu for 199$ second hand shop
>no dvi
>no hdmi monitor

can't make this shit up AYYMD
Touche good sir. I doth my cap
Not everyone makes >$300K a year

Some of us make only $299K a year.
>he doesn't have a Ph.D in Math
Maybe stop playing shit games
Those better be Displayports and not HDMI.
I make 350K a year. Or if you like, 3.5kx10

what games are you playing right now that aren't shit?

enlighten me
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Quite honestly if you have a job and the price of the 1080 is giving you pause ... why the fuck are you even working?!

I understand buying mid range cards if you're a kid but a grown man? Are you serious? Buying winter tires for your car is easily 5 times more than a 1080.
>instead, he has a job
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>Buying winter tires
literally worse than eu4
It's not optional in Europe.
Neither the law nor the weather allows it.
Many places in the US as well, he probably just lives in the south and laughs at people in colder climates because he's never experienced more than a half inch of snow/ice.
are u guys fucking serious? my old dell 24w have like hdmi dvi and vga port. I bought it in 2008 and cost me $200. is every here on /g/ still running crt display ?
I live in New Hampshire and have never bought winter tires once.

Then you either dont drive much in the snow or you're retarded. It has nothing to do with "learning to drive" and has to do with having tires that give you traction.

Can I drive in the snow without snow tires? Of course I fucking can, so can anyone else. But you're dreaming if you think your summer tires or all season are going to give you the same traction winter tires will give you.

The argument isn't you CAN'T drive without them, the argument is you SHOULDN'T
>New Hampshire
>same latitude as Spain
>he thinks he knows cold weather

Only in Northern Europe.
Are you implying they are a scam and do not work, or are you laughing because you live in a podunk town in Louisiana where you have never experienced snow?

Because I hate to burst your bubble but they work, and pretty much all of Europe needs them because without them you have situation like this one
Eastern as well.
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I understand Europe's need for winter tires.
Most of Central Europe and any country with mountain ranges as well.
some of us live in eastern european shitholes
because living near ahmed and muhamad on the west is so much better :^)
>genetic disorder island
pick none
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>you in charge of forming a coherent sentence
>>genetic disorder island
is enough. eu is irrelevant shit

Thread derailed, take the bus and buy 5 gtx 1080's
Cars and amd is now irrelevant
DVI HDMI Cable is 5 bucks.
>Cars and amd is now irrelevant
Not entirely untrue to be quite honest with you.
Buses are even bigger deathtraps than cars.
>No PS/2 Connection

>Taking the bus
Just walk or take a bicycle, you lazy fatty.

>What is the Gulf Stream?

I know that's bait. I couldn't resist.
>using dvi in 2016

Fucking kill yourself
You still ate it like a champ.
So it doesn't matter.
Does crossfire make a huge difference in rendering? Maybe I can buy 2+ RX 480's for my render/gaming rig. Is it worth the upgrade over a 270x?
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>using dvi

>willingly limits himself to 59hz

kill yourself indeed
at least you have normal salary, I have 3.5$ per hour
I wish nvidia would have done that too. There's just that stupid DVI connector hanging off the top side.
I play games at 4k in 60hz fag. Waiting for evga gtx 1080 ftw and gonna put them in sli.
This was a weak ass reply and you know it.
>limits himself to 59hz
If you're pedantic enough to call it 59hz at least call it the proper 59.94hz
Are you high. You can grab winter tires easily for around 100€.

Passive only works for single link max resolution of 1900x1200

For Dual-Link DVI needed for anything above 1900x1200 you need an active converter from DP and most of them are shit, and expensive to boot (~80USD)
>no DVI
Finally, I can throw out my dinosaur cables and go totally digital. Thanks AMD!
Do the new 144hz monitor not need dvi anymore?

you could do that way before this card you fucking illiterate AMDegenerate
No, HDMI 2.0/2.1 and DP 1.3/1.4 support high resolution and high refresh rates.
Not him, but I'm pretty sure it was a play on Nvidiots thinking the 1080 and 1070 with custom coolers would actually sell for the MSRP and not more expensive than the FE. Can't see anyone being stupid enough to actually believe what he said, to be h
But now there is no excuse, like USB c
Not enough for you to notice or care.

If you're really that anal about that shit, stick to VGA and a CRT display like the rest of the hipster fags keeping themselves in the dark ages.

>its ok when Nvidia does it
>in need DVI port

woah welcome to the future, just kys. You can also get an adapter, retard
>using a gaymen card for work that has been specifically mutilated for gaymen

sure body
You need to have a talk with whoever sold you those tires. I bought mine for 500 bucks brand new.
That shit is rare in Nordic European countries you know
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that's a nice meme shithead but if you were an actual professional you'd be using opencl and a card that doesn't suck at async compute
dp -> vga adapters are cheap as shit
probably will bundle a hdmi to dvi converter.
my sapphire does.
>going for gayming card
>posts pic of the only professional application of GPUs that he knows

Sure thing, my 12 year old gaymerfriend
I'm not sure what the current status is, but my impression is that you can't get a DP to Dual Link DVI adapter for cheap.

Important for older Korean monitor, the newer ones have adopted DP.
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Wow, great gif Reddit
nvidia shills sure are getting desperate.

loving every laugh
The problem is that you can't get Dual Link DVI that way.
>old display
Most developed countries get snow Pajeet
not using superior display port
>I'm buying a 1080 because I have a job
And yet you have a DVI monitor.

what is /g/'s obsession about legacy technology? DVI is shit anyways
>have 144hz monitor that requires DVI port
>oculus rift for hdmi

>tfw red team for life until this very moment
>sell monitor
>get 28in freesync 144hz dp monitor for <$300
Stupid people don't deserve to be the same team as me.
>buy "cheap card"
>need to buy extra parts because it's incompatible with an old standard for literally no reason
AMD just keeps on winning today!
Wouldn't DVI bottleneck this card? why add it?
Or is this just your average shitposting?
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Use displayport

If you don't have a monitor with a connector, you can buy one with all the money you saved buying this card.

Try living in Australia where everything costs 3x more than in the US.
even if its $350 AUS doesn't it even out in your currency?

$1USD is most definitely not the same as $1AUS
>discussing games on tech board
Off to /v/
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I had to do it.
Aus niggers don't know their own currency
Finally that deprecated old junk can die. Long live DP and HDMI2.0.
Thats the price per tire right? Even then I don't think its 5x more than the 1080.
>>DP to DVI can have all sorts of problems
It's been a while since I had to buy a new videocard, but don't all cards from midrange & up have a dongle included? Either a hdmi->dvi or a displayport one?

HDMI and DVI use the same video protocals, so there is no active conversion. You could make your own DVI/ HDMI adapters with small wires and soldering skill.

As for DP? I'm not sure, since I don't really use it.

If anything, you can get a cheap HDMI to DVI adapter for a few bucks online... obviously the audio portion of HDMI can't go over DVI.
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kek, looks like the supposed polaris card AMD demoed back in march was just a 390x after all
Or maybe they decided only recently they don't want DVI on their reference model.

But I think I'm giving AMD too much credit, in actuality the RX 480 probably just wasn't ready in March.
Dual link DVI can pass audio right?
Gtx 1080 $1179 AUD
Which is 855.94 US.
700 us price + your 10 percent tax on everything is 770 us, so the card is ~80 us dollars more than it is in the states. WOW, you guys are really getting ripped off huh? With all the bitching I hear you would think it costs twice as much or something. Why can't Aussies understand exchange rates? Its like the think their money is worth the same as Burgerdollars and they get incredibly angry when prices are not the same number as they are in america.
>make $2300 a month
>all bills only come to $345 before food
>still too frugal to buy a 1080

Why am I such a jew. I know I can't take it with me but I still just want to fill my bank account for whatever reason.
Might as well ask here since there's some DVI/DP/etc discussion going on:

I have a laptop with a DP port and a television with an HDMI port, are there any DP <-> HDMI adaptors which will carry audio?
Pass to what?

The V isn DVI stands for video.

The video pins of the HDMI port are connected, properly to the DVI cable.

The audio is left untouched.

There might be some cheap boxes on Amazon than can strip out Dolby Digital/ DTS (not lossless versions)/ PCM Stereo from the HDMI signal and through it over optical toslink with the video still going over DVI.
If your laptop actually uses DP for audio, there should be a solution.
Never mind, Displayport can pass audio but not DVI
>fewer than 8 available
>using DVI
RIP you

nah, fiji didn't have DVI either. the demos were straight up lies
So...what can vee do wit a $700 solution? What can vee do?

Vee can POO IN THE LOO POO IN THE LO-I mean vee can buy two cards.
Retarded AF nBitch
What kind of ghetto ass monitor doesn't have a DisplayPort? Fuck, even my Dell laptop from 2008 has a DisplayPort. Stop using monitors from 1982 and/or purchased from Barney's Bargain Basement
>having anything above 1080
I think you people just like to say poorfag without knowing what it means
>Dual Link DVI capable of 1080p 144Hz

>using anything above 1080p 144Hz
Are you guys fucking retarded?
No VGA is understandable. Get a monitor made this century please

No DVI is weird though.
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desu DVI has been pointless since DP was popularized, buy a fucking adapter if your monitor can't handle DB or HDMI. The monitor will die soon anyway if it has a DVI port, it must be old as fuck.
Hdmi 1.4 and hdmi 2.0 is inferior to dvi at least in my exp

Just buy this adapter, I use it @ 4k, I get full range rgb and ycbcr 444

Amazon updated for hdmi 2.0, instant best seller when it was released:

"The AmazonBasics HDMI to DVI adapter cable meets the latest HDMI standard, which means it considerably expands bandwidth up to 18 Gbps, offers 4K@50/60 (2160p) video resolution (four times more clarity than 1080p/60), and supports the wide-angle theatrical 21:9 video aspect ratio."

And yes the audio option shows in nvidia cpanel but I dont use it.

DVI is vastly superior to HDMI... No kidding.

Total non-issue, you can always buy other cables

LOL our poorfags can't even 1080p they are still on 720p so is adpaters going to go like hot cakes then lol.

my old 720p monitor i'm going to get adapter for it just in case my 1080p one packs a sad.
So... 35000$?
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>using a display standard with DRM built into it
2004 called, they said you're a faggot
Is it possible that the reference card is pushing display port for free sync?
>Anything under 30 fps is shit!
>Anything under 60 fps is shit!

When will it end? Anons?
>no DVI

There's a freaking HDMI connector right there on the picture you posted. Are you fucking blind?

HDMI isn't DVI.
Damn busrider.
HDMI is DVI but with more pins and a different connector. however it is directly compatible with DVI and requires no active converters to use.
It is electronically compatible, it just needs a 10 cent adapter.
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