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ALAC is the best current lossless codec. While it encodes the

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ALAC is the best current lossless codec. While it encodes the same way as FLAC, it has a few advantages:
1. better tags, whose can be read by practically anything and by all major OS, whose don't have predefined values
2. ability to embed cover art in the file
3. being supported by a marginally better number of applications
Why aren't you using it for lossless stuff? If you do, why won't websites?

>2. ability to embed cover art in the file
Nice redundant data and bloat. All the media players worth their dime can read images from the directory and display that.

>not having cover.jpg ONCE instead if <#songs_of_album>
FLAC is best
do you even filesystem compress
& it's nice to have cover art and song in one place, like when doing music collections
>& it's nice to have cover art and song in one place, like when doing music collections
just organize your music like any sane person instead of placing all your songs in one folder
what about portable storage devices, when you don't want to get whole albums on it
 zfs set compression=on home/music 
~/Music/<Artist>/<Album>/cover.jpg, 01 - title 1.flac
>portable storage devices, when you don't want to get whole albums on it

Maybe you should stop being a huge pleb.
what if artist didn't bother making albums
>ALAC is the best lossless codec
>because of things that aren't a part of the actual codec

Art is bloat. What kind of retard monkey stares at his player? Play the song and get back to being productive like a non-retard.
i like having album art as wallpaper so i can glance on it while checking calendar
codec as a conjunction of codec and container
>embed cover art in the file
Oh well, yet most tag editors and players still think that only tags you can add to a flac file are vorbis
>ability to embed cover art in the file

FLAC can do this just as easily as MP3 or any other format
you can't embed cover art in vorbis tags, and new ones aren't supported by most music players
and stop saying that the fourth time
I *only* listen to whole albums. ONLY. EVER.

No mixes allowed. Going on 11 years this way
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All of my lossless music has been ALAC for years, feels good to be masterrace
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what the fuck
why do you have a swastika on your desktop
I don't
vbr 256 mp3 ought to be enough for everyone. if you are downloading anything higher, you are wasting data and space.
until mp3 goes obsolete, then the quality will go to shit after transcoding
then you shouldn't bother listening to such hipster nonsense

OP you're a faggot just stick with Pandora/Spotify/Youtube
my artist isn't on pandora and spotify
i'm not too because i'm in a post 2-nd world country
youtube've got shit quality (128kbps aac)
and doesn't even have anything
>1. better tags, whose can be read by practically anything and by all major OS, whose don't have predefined values

FLAC (VorbisComments) supports arbitrary tags. Nice FUD, retard.

>2. ability to embed cover art in the file

FLAC supports this, retard. Not that anyone with taste would do this, as having a Folder.jpg file is infinitely superior.

>3. being supported by a marginally better number of applications

You're retarded. Kill yourself.

Thread over.
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>stick to streaming music
>FLAC (VorbisComments) supports arbitrary tags. Nice FUD, retard.
>ead the first part
>FLAC supports this, retard. Not that anyone with taste would do this, as having a Folder.jpg file is infinitely superior.
but it's a new addition and not supported by a lot of apps


I literally finished prototyping an upcoming album using FLAC last week, using metadata and album artwork, the CD prototypes worked even on archaic CD readers. I tested it on many players, and there had been no issues.

>FLAC not supported by lots of apps
see what I wrote above

>ALAC stable release in 2011
>FLAC was already compatible with metadata back in 2009 (maybe even before)

nice try anon
alac compatible with metadata back in 2004
hail mp4 container!
then why does op have
Well sometimes, you just have to put some songs on a limited storage device.
>ALAC is the best current lossless codec.


>1. better tags, whose can be read by practically anything and by all major OS, whose don't have predefined values
The standard for tags is supported with FLAC and always has been, on every device, and every OS (save for OSX of course).

>2. ability to embed cover art in the file
FLAC has supported this since day one as most every file format does, this is not some exclusive aspect of ALAC and not relevant.

>3. being supported by a marginally better number of applications
FLAC is supported by everything that matters (except OSx of course).

Your entire line of thought is fucked, stupid, and irrelevant, just like you, OP.

>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all
I'm using ALAC, actually, but only because of compatibility. The few extra bytes compared to other formats are not that important to me. It's annoying that people offer their rips in different useless formats anyway (in particular stuff like ape. And how I hate the whole cue bullshit. Who the fuck thinks this is a good idea in 2016?). So I need to even it out anyway, ALAC can be played on all my devices so there's that.
actually, flac is supported on OSX as well
problem juden?
>And how I hate the whole cue bullshit. Who the fuck thinks this is a good idea in 2016?
It's used to create bit perfect copies of cds.
Is OP waiting for someone to say FLAC is free so he can't ramble about how is that not important?
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twee cups in mn hand broek laag en zeg die barman ALACa
FLAC is free as in freedom.
You only need about six tags. This useless bloating has only resulted in stupid shit like on iTunes and iPods where songs from the same album will get separated because they have a different artist because some fag introduced another redundant tag.
Embedded album art is cancer.
I only need support from a handful of applications, the main one being foobar.
>The standard for tags is supported with FLAC and always has been, on every device, and every OS (save for OSX of course).
and windows. This leaves us with 1% of OS users being able to read flac tags.
>FLAC has supported this since day one as most every file format does, this is not some exclusive aspect of ALAC and not relevant.
Since day one flac used vorbis comments, which do not support artwork. And id3 doesn't too.

As I said a few times already, KYS
so is ALAC
and FLAC has album artist along with artist too - and it helps when on an album there's a feat. tag or something.

So you do like masochism?
look faggot

ur wasting ur time

apple is fucking gay and for faggots and you will NEVER change anyones mind, nobody wants to ram their ass with a spiked dildo like you do

just ffuck off idiot
ALAC was made for itunes, a cross-platform product. And free since 2009 or something. Thus, not apple.
>wonder why my ALAC files are so huge
>same 2MB .jpg in every track
>just convert to FLAC and it's fixed
do you even filesystem compress? And you have duplicate tags anyways, even though the difference is much less legible
>compressing a .jpg
>compressing a dataset which was repeated 5-20 times
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finder = :^)
>better tags
never had any problems with FLAC tags
>cover art in file
nah, brah. lets keep music files music files and image files image files.
>being supported by a marginally better number of applications
pretty sure my player does not support ALAC but FLAC

Please invest your energy in the spread of FLAC instead of trying to force a new gimmicky format to confuse manufactures.

The biggest problem is that the proprietary, limited, non replay gain format mp3 is still a thing.
Well alac is only 2 years younger than flac.
Fair enough i guess.

>choosing lossless
>not having enough storage
Oh boy
>not having enough cpu power for transcoding
just autistic
But ALAC is free as well
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1. Stop using legacy operating systems and you won't have these problems
2. Flac already can do it
3. Flac is
What is this magic? Windows 8, while being still supported, can't. So is OS X.
Or did you write ID3 tags to flac, you sick fuck?
As I said, upgrade to Windows 10 and stop using legacy operating system.
>upgrade to Windows 10
Now go tell that to the rest of /g/
Besides i should probably upgrade to linux with KDE, its file manager supports vorbis too AFAIK
Oh wait, here he is
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>flac doesn't support embedded artwork
>being this dumb
too bad only way you can view it is to open it in a tag editor
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too bad it works in foobar just fine and it works with shuttle on my android phone as well
ALAC doesn't have built-in checksum for integrity check. Enjoy your data rot faggot.
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That's a nice album right there anon!
shoo shoo fucking sucks
my fs does instead
That'll make sure the data stays the same that was written into the file system. How do you make sure you've written the correct data to the fs in the first place? I had a faulty RAM module in my NAS, and it produced bit errors during network copy. Those FLAC checksums came handy when I discovered this and had to go through ~1500 albums to find the affected ones (it turned out to be around 50 files) to rerip/redownload them.
FLAC is best compression vs overhead.
Kill you'reself.
rip your battery and cpu
and it's shoe shoe
>being a rockist
-ideology of myself and hfs users
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I like my tags simple.
While I agree that genre, composer and performer are useless or are redundant or often contain nothing, I think that date and number of tracks are really necessary. Especially good when there is month and day specified
Well what date do you set when the album has been re-released with a few added songs? Or a remastered version of a very popular album? Shit like this will have my OCD tearing my eyes out.

# of tracks is also redundant because foobar already tells you how many songs are in the folder/album so its just one column less to display on the screen.
Foobar may do, but iTunes and few other players don't. I use it for when I don't have all songs of album (like really rare stuff). I'm ok with some songs having a different date over others - foobar has a date tag for each song, not album.
Would you mind sharing the rest of your actions?
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Sure what would you like to see
All of them, if you don't mind.
I've decided to finally try and organize my mess of a music collection and the way you do it sounds really nice.

you need to put all the .mta files in C:\Users\YOU\AppData\Roaming\Mp3tag\data\actions\

I spend ages working on this a little bit at a time trying to perfect everything. It WILL remove all the featuring/produced by from the titles
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Heres an example
Thanks, anon
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one more
>blocking artifacts on your desktop
how do you live with yourself?
>better tags
I don't have a problem with flac's tags
>embed cover art in file
who gives a fuck? everyone uses a media player program. I don't look at music in my filesystem at all unless I'm adding a new folder to it.
>marginally better number of applications
I only use MediaMonkey and Poweramp anyway. I don't care.
I wish I could learn regex, it's so fucking powerful.
>confusing fs deduplication with fs compression
how did you stumble your way onto /g/?
NP, let me know if you need a regex for your album names because I barely touched that due to many artists having random CASE letters and intentional misspells
That's foobar? How the fuck?
And yet I still can't find a job anywhere in the tech field :/
>it's so fucking powerful.
it really isn't
Well, it's powerful enough.
But it's way too complicated for me.
no, codec is a portmanteau of "COder" and "DECoder"
>it's way too complicated
it really isn't
difficult to read, easy to write
well it's supposed to read written by human, read by machine
>Better because of support
>not sound

FLAC > everything
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>using compressed ""lossless""
You know there's a thing called lossless compression right? Archives like Zip, 7z, rar, tar/gz, etc do it. ALAC and FLAC both do it.
that's just what they tell you anon, I need my 60 mb music files
They're both lossless you tard
>his music files are only 60mb
Flac and ALAC even use the same compression algorithm.
i said codec as, not is.
a lot of bastardization and JScripts
some fs have deduplication as part of compression
What's the issue?
more efficient than uncompressed
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But that's wrong you dumbass
free since last decade
lel applel is for gays

not even once
if apple is gay, why do their products have russian localizations?
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