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/flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 36

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Previously on: >>52846437

Intended for users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are four ways to try Linux, you can:

1) Install a Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
2) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full Linux experience".
3) Dual-boot Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about Linux)
4) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with Linux (not recommended)

Before asking, please search for answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe wine can make up for it.

man <insert command here>
your friendly neighborhood search engine
What is Linux (or GNU/Linux for Stallmanists)?

Various helpful Linux pages from your friends at /g/

Check out this page for any updates on the OP

Beginner tips/guides

A script designed to ease the transition from Windows to Debian
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I'm on a Fedora 23 install. For some reason I need to be root to configure network connections.

My regular account can use the internet but I need to be root to connect to a network or to edit the settings. I've gotten it to the point where my regular account can turn wireless off and on but that's it.
i'm currently installing fedora on a vm right now. will i run into the same issue?
Hey hey, at least OP's image is free from your shit. :^)
run groups and compare it to mine

クロな@Takao ~ 
$ groups
users lp wheel floppy audio video cdrom plugdev power netdev scanner
Probably not; I'm running a custom Kernel too. Just some security enhancements.
Posted in the other thread, but i'll ask again?

Any active preconfigured Openbox distros? I like Openbox but it takes way too much time setting up the config and utilities of it.
plugdev, power, netdev, and scanner do not exist.

Everything else I've been added to. Still can't edit connections.
Oops. Disregard the accidental question mark. Makes me look like a douche, my bad.

This was one of the very few I found online, unless I wanted to delve into LinuxBBQ. Have you any experience with it? Sounds silly asking, since it's just Debian with some custom configs and shit. Regardless, haven't used good ol' Deb in awhile.
I've heard of it, but I never have any interest of it.
strange that netdev doesnt exist

# groupadd netdev 

# usermod -aG netdev <user>
No dice. I still can't adjust anything.
I bought a used thinkpad off ebay and it came with win 10/ubuntu dual boot.

does anyone know a tutorial or can tell me how to uninstall ubuntu from dual boots so i can reinstall it to wipe it clean
did you log out and log back in?
I did. No dice.

Just load up an Ubuntu CD and reinstall it. If you're really paranoid you can load the LiveCD and do

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda

To overwrite everything on your HDD with zeros. You could also do it from /dev/urandom, which would take longer, but it would fill your drive with pseudorandom data, which is recommended for encrypting drives in Gentoo installs and such.

Make sure you encrypt the drive, too.
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Is there anything similar to VisiPics for identifying similar images, but for linux?

I've got a bunch of duplicates, but find each and every one of them takes a lot of time.
guess i forgot to ask this, are you using nm-applet?
$ ls -l test
ls: cannot access 'test': No such file or directory
$ touch test
$ ls -l test
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user games 0 Feb 8 00:00 test

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I'd like to revive this old as fuck laptop. Is it possible to run and use a linux distro smoothly on it?
Currently it's laggy when scrolling down a site in the browser or moving windows around. Also the fan is going like a jet engine.
How can I configure it to be more efficient? Does it help to look for better graphics drivers?
Planning on wiping out my Win7 Ult and replacing with with Ubuntu 14.04. This is for a T420 Thinkpad.

Any known way to make Optimus work without it exploding into a million pieces and/or fucking up the OS? Will Bumblebee work correctly (only solution I saw that should work)
I believe it would be helpful if you'd state the laptop's model and specifications.
Off the top of my head antiX 12, Tiny Core, and Puppy Linux all work pretty well on old-ass laptops.
Tiny Core is the lightest among the 3 but it's REALLY bare bones.
Wait woops nevermind
Go Tiny Core
Which distro is closest to OS X? I'm too poor to afford a mac so I want to install something on my shitpad that makes me at least feel like I own one.
Elementary OS or Macpup
How do I choose the Nvidia GPU as the primary GPU?

I need it to render the desktop or rather, I need the hd 530 to stop interfering with the Nvidia driver.
>Is it possible to run and use a linux distro smoothly on it?
Due to that GPU, it might be possible, but very difficult.

>Does it help to look for better graphics drivers?
The only better graphics driver you're going to find is AMD's legacy fglrx driver, and the version that supports your GPU won't be supporting the current Linux kernels. Debian uses an old kernel, so I guess you can try installing it on that, but don't get your hopes up too high.

I wasted months trying to get a Linux distro running smoothly on an old laptop with an HD45XX GPU, and it was awful. Legacy fglrx driver broken on current kernels, open-source driver only supported 3D acceleration on that GPU, and because of this the entire desktop was running entirely off the CPU with no 2D hardware acceleration whatsoever.

Chances are your laptop is better off running Windows.
I guess when you set up bumblebee you can optirun startx or smth, don't know how efficient that is though
something with gnome, modify it a bit and it can kinda look like Mac OS 10
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I have a question regarding ssh keys.
If I set up a ssh key on my computer and then copy it to f.e my pi in my local network and then disable password login on the pi how am I going to add another computer/key to the Pi without enabling password login again to copy the key?
Or maybe my understanding of ssh-key is totally wrong from the start...
You log with the old key, and once logged you can add any key you want.
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How can I start virtual box from TTY? I want to use maximum resources for my VM
sauce or i'll not answer
you didn't even know the answer anyway you perverted degenerate
Just fucking use KVM Passthrough.
but the new computer has a new key, do I have to copy the key from PC1 to PC2 so PC2 can log in and then copy a new key from PC2 to the pi?
But why if PC2 can already log in just fine. And what if PC1 dies?
still post it anyway you ignorant luddite
Gpu passthrough. Virtualbox needs X.
Now give sauce.
How do I create a graphical installer for Arch? I want to make "my own" arch distribution with a simple graphical installer along with the full install having all of my custom packages, window manager, software utilities, etc... Right out of the box. Just as a little side project to dick around with and get experience. I've got my own arch setup but I don't know how to repackage all of my configs and stuff into an installer let alone add a bootable GUI installer. Can I use archbang or something? Never used it before but doesn't it just accomplish a blank arch install but with a GUI?
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No. What exactly are you looking for? It's a fucking cat
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Sup Linux nerds. Is there a way to figure out what the kernel config is for this bzImage? I don't know if it has /proc/config support built in.
I'm using Lubuntu 14.04 but installed fedora 23 (LXDE) to try it out. I wanted to switch but VLC and SMPlayer aren't using my gtk theme even though I have "use native style" checked; and some videos that I played just fine on Lubuntu are desynchronized or lagging.
Why are you asking for sauce?

The title is literally right there in the image

On the cover!
too lazy to google it
>google it

You don't google it you mongoloid. You look the title up on sadpanda.
What's the best #! replacement for my old, slow shit comp.

debian with openbox/bunsenlabs
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That's because they're Qt apps not GTK.

Add this to your ~/.config/trolltech.conf if you're using Qt 4

Export this for Qt 5 (I added this to my .xinitrc so it gets exported everytime I startx)
capital T
that's the fucking problem, sadpanda gave no result
It's on nhentai, but it's pretty shitty so don't bother.
>masturbating to 10 year olds
>masturbating to expired grannies
>masturbating to porn
My mouse "escapes" my monitor that i start up steam games on.
I went to play CSGO and Portal, and everytime i move my cursor to the right to turn, it pops off of the game monitor and goes to my non-game monitor.
I used to have 2 xservers(one per monitor).I moved to 2 monitors on one physical device and it still goes this.
I made sure each game is in fullscreen mode.
What do?
Adding that to trolltech.config worked to change the theme.
Some videos are still lagging though, i had this problem with Xubuntu too, but it worked right out of the box on Lubuntu.
does it work with mpv?
just follow this https://askubuntu.com/questions/549915/how-to-install-nvidia-drivers-with-bumblebee-on-ubuntu-14-04
only thing that worked properly for me. you dont want to install nvidia prime, it will fuck up your temps. just use optirun <program> when you need to
Yes but that doesn't even have a playlist or volume slider
you have lots of volume sliders in pavucontrol. here's a manual, there is nothing you will miss when using mpv https://mpv.io/manual/master/
That's overly complicated dude. I really have to read a manual to use it?
what's complicated? you just need to read about stuff you actually want to do. usually with mpv you just select a few files and right-click open with mpv
It's 2016 and it barely got an user interface.
you can use smplayer with mpv as backend and add settings of mpv via gui
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I mean, I'm not using the command line to play videos that's fucking retarded.
it's a video player, how would it even need an UI? use kodi or something else retard proof. you don't need to use a terminal for 95% of features.
I have VLC 2.1.6 installed on Lubuntu, the one I have on Fedora is 2.2.2. How can i downgrade to 2.1.6? Maybe it will work. I can't find 2.1.6 on yum extender though.
should i bother switching from ubuntu 14.04 to 15.10
just wait for 16.04 instead or switch to debian.
does this helps?
try with digikam
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Recommend me a easy install/maintenance for a noob that wants to get away from noobunutu
what is the stock de?
I'm on a crappy laptop with i3 processor
there is no stock de, the netinstall can be installed with no de, lxde, xfce, gnome and kde, it is possible that i missed one.
Arch. And no I'm not fucking with you.
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awesome also checkd,
I'll look into those de's ty
what de is this?
i support >>52865573. try it.
maybe archbang w/ openbox would be ok
if you are not sure, go for manjaro + openbox, get to know with the arch way and install arch afterwards
that's GNOME3, it's not exactly lightweight. i recommend xfce or lxde if your laptop is crappy.
this is gnome with dash to dock extension and numix theme
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>suggesting manjaro
>arch way
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>love live
Have you tried blacklisting the intel device/driver ?
> using GUI installers is for babies
i just fucking hate gui installers. it became when i was using ubuntu software center years back, then synaptic manager. there is nothing wrong with cli

your autism level has increased, this couldn't be typed by anyone normal
A software I need for school says it supports "Ubuntu Linux". Is it really possible it won't work on other distros?
What software is it?
it depends, but in 99% of cases it will run. because ubuntu is debian-based, debian will have very good support. fedora is also quite frequent
which software are you talking about?
Packet Tracer
the cisco one?
as long as you have the dependencies, it should compile, but unless its a .run file you'll have to manually compile
> wiki
i think there will be no problem.
however, it's hard to tell, i don't know in which way you can download it
There is nothing wrong with CLI and i like using it aswell but there is also nothing wrong with the option to use a GUI one. or at least make a TUI one like aptitude provides.
having no choice is never a good thing.
The Glorious AUR has it.
> no choice
there is always a choice
gentoo is another choice in this case
If its associated then you can just just double click that shit to run it.

Its not hard man.

If you want good quality all you have to add is vo=opengl-hq to the config file.

Its still in development, so a GUI tool would be extra cruft to maintain.

I would have several scripts installed by default, like the stats and autoload scripts.
then tell me the choice for a TUI or GUI frontend for pacman.
Are there any reputable free as in freedum keyloggers for Unix derivatives? This is strictly for academic purposes and evaluation
>the arch way
this is a completely community made concept
lmaoing at your community
i dont get what im supposed to learn by manually building packages desu
that's why i'm using pacman
i just stated that there is alternative to anything
I suppose that was the right thing to do from the beginning eh...
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root   145 Dec 31  1969 shadow

o my kekkers
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yeah and it's nice that there really is a choice but the way the arch community treats this is beyond autistic. they just want to lock out normal users because they are not autistic enough. this is okay for a community like 4chan, but for an OS?
What's the most "complete" DE? something that comes close to windows in terms of having a menu for everything.
>menu for everything
probably KDE or XFCE, but since there are a lot more options than in windows, it's harder to make a gui for all of them.
arch community is as same autistic as is 4chan community
and you don't see a problem there?
KDE, fuck everything else! go bloat or go home!
idk, i don't talk to them
my system works, so i don't care
how do I loop a video or music on mpv?
Also if I open an Youtube video through terminal how do I change the quality like 1080p60 or 720p
I need some help with VPN's.

I'm using Gentoo Linux, and I'm using NetworkManager. My workplace uses VPN Access Manager.

They supply a .vpn file, which I have no idea to use for anything but Windows.
I can't even figure out what type of VPN they have.

jesus christ
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>install ubuntu
>set up some themes
>install some bitmap fonts
>doesnt work
>figure out, it's disabled by default
>ask myself why
>tinker throu system settings
>privacy tab
>"Send error reports to Canonical"
>"Error reports include information about what a program was doing when it failed. You always have the choice to send or cancel an error report."
>checkbox checked by default
>ask myself why
>welcome back to windows

GNU/Telemetry when?
man mpv
and visit some mpv thread if it's up again.
it's not like we didn't warn you
shift+L to loop the entire thing. Or L once for the starting point and L again for the end point to loop
ubuntu is botnet. use debian instead
>using Ubuntu
use Xubuntu instead.
>>"Send error reports to Canonical"
>>"Error reports include information about what a program was doing when it failed. You always have the choice to send or cancel an error report."
This is common practice.

There's a deamon running in the background (on fedora called abrt) that notifies you when program suddenly ends in a crash and prompts you if you want to ignore it or report it as a bug.

I actually reported a bug in Fedora's Xfce spin where xfce4-powermanager crashed upon attempt to control brightness from the applet.
And some time ago I received an email from redhat's bugzilla that this issue was fixed.
So yeah it's kind of nice to have, especially when you can turn it off
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Dumbfucks like >>52866823, >>52866864, >>52866873 are ignorant though.
The thing is, it's enabled by default.
Normie will maybe use the OS for years until he finds out.
>checkbox checked by default
that's the issue with *buntu and should not be common practice. same goes for the amazon thing, if it was disabled by default and opt-in it would not have been a problem.
>The thing is, it's enabled by default.
It says right there >>52866823
>You always have the choice to send or cancel an error report."

Implying that everytime there's a crash you will be prompted to send a report.
>implying useful
>implying I want canonical reading why my browser crashed when visiting site www.hot-gays.com
>what are issue/bug trackers
>>what are issue/bug trackers
You're not too bright aren't you?
God you have no idea what that crash report do. You are a fucking disgrace to the Linux community. Go back to Windows you filthy sperg.
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>subtile racism
Do you know what exactly will be sent?
No? Knew it.
>Do you know what exactly will be sent?
You do.
How to cp/mv to the pwd (cp from-somewhere to-here) without typind the to-here part?
>he never saw the dialog which shows EXACTLY what will be sent to the fucking bugtracker
>he never checked the source code for the bugtracker

Seriously, you're dumb. Go back to Windows.

it doens't work that way and you know it
>saving your password in a fucking txt file
ID 10T.
>using gedit
>not using vim, which is tested for years with a good stability
is only plain ubuntu bad or every *buntu?
only plain ubuntu
The only bad thing about Ubuntu is the amazon shit which can be deactivated with two clicks.
Suggest for me a GNU/Linux distro for me - a first time user.
I'm totally new, I'm tech-illiterate concerning advanced CLI stuff.
Although I hope to start here, and steadily become proficient using Linux-based OS.
Most of all, I value efficiency and fast responsiveness, because I'm using old hardware.
I don't want any bullshit. No hideously drab UI also.
Lubuntu is my current pick unless someone can persuade me there's a better first-choice.

I've used Windows for eight years, and Mac for the recent eight years.
To begin with GNU/Linux I'm going to dual-boot from OS X to Linux using rEFIND.
The GPU in particular is very shitty - NVIDIA GT120.
>Win10 isnt bad, just run these anti botnet scripts and everything is fine
Gentoo Linux
lubuntu is a good choice i guess but debian with openbox would probably be better but harder aswell. you posted the same yesterday. just do it already.
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supporting the debian + openbox idea
Pulseaudio is fucking cancer jesus christ.
>I don't know how to use program X
>program X is shit
we hate him for a reason you know.

I am about to uninstall pulseaudio (too many software I need doesn't work), using lubuntu, any advice?
Start over with Gentoo and use alsa.
How do I navigate my folders and archives in the terminal? If I Type
i get
>bash: /home/lohroc/Music: Is a directory
I wanted it to display folders and files there.
cd to change directory
ls to list, ls -a to list all
>Fedora 23
>GIgabyte Z170X
>Want to update BIOS

Efiflash.exe + autoexec.bat + Z170XG5.F5h

this isn't windows, what do i do now?
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But I want to experiment to know if it is possible.
Is this our future? Having to migrate to other distros away from pulseaudio/systemd...
That, or start your own distro.
No, fuck that, I'm the type of autist that actually reads the manuals or in this case the wiki page which I've done for the past few hours. Why the fuck does it mute channels when you replug something by default? I've tried for a while to make the configs work for me, but there's so many better just werks alternatives.

Just fucking -Rsc that shit honestly.
ubuntu based is distros are a good place to start.
They have a lot of support and your hardware is likely to work.
as for DE, that comes down to personal preference.
Some prefer to have a "full DE" where everything is easy to configure and use like gnome and kde, some prefer something light like a wm and the tools they need, yet doesn't want to call that a DE because of /g/ cred.
Some want a light DE like mate or xfce. You have to figure out for yourself what you prefer.
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Is there any reason at all to switch to linux if I use my computer mainly to play video juegos? I do some programming now and then as well, since I'm studying IT, but I really only use my computer for games and anime.
Not really, if you want to look like a le hacker in front of your friends just down a nice looking cmd terminal.
then there is no reason. well, maybe boredom
>pirated gaymes blocked in windows
>having even more videogames thanks to playdeb
>unmatched programming environment
>fuckton of programming tools
>learning new stuff
>looking good

All of which is a topic of its own, pick one and ask.
just dual-boot, do your gaymen on windows and everything else on GNU/Linux, that's what i do but i pretty much stopped playing recently.
I'm on mint mate. It suddenly stopped generating webm thumbnails. Any ideas why? I cleared ~/.cache/thumbnails and ~/.thumbnails, but it didn't help.
/usr/share/thumbnailers has atril.thumbnailer mate-font-viewer.thumbnailer totem.thumbnailer inside
Got it. I somehow uninstalled totem thumbnailer.

now i got
fwupdmgr get-details ~/Documents/mb_bios_ga-z170x-gaming5_f5h/Z170XG5.F5h
cannot load .cab file: The input is not of cabinet format
>"Traditionally firmware is packaged up in a cab file which includes an inf"
none of my 2 files are .cab
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Guise, can I launch Firefox inside a VNC display from SSH?

I've got my VNC display on :3, but this doesn't seem to work.
>using cd
How's life in 1992?
>what it shopt -s autocd
DISPLAY=:3 firefox
I just installed infinality, how 2 proper font rendering? I used styl 'linux' and it looks like ass.
>install Wine
>run game
>works perfectly EXCEPT no audio
>look up what card is being used
>doesn't even show my actual soundcard
>go into alsamixer
>change to my soundcard and exit
>open alsamixer again
>defaults back to PulseAudio

You don't need infinality tbqh.
>Install Openbox after irl friend tells me how customizable it is
>"Ah well, might as well try to build my own shit"
>Default openbox is blocky as fuck and looks like Windows9x
>Download and set Numix up
>Still blocky
>Try other themes

Hmmm... Was my friend rusing me or am I being retarded? How do I make the windows and such look different?
thx bby <3
make yourself a theme the way you like it
i like it WXP-style, so I wrote my own
>none of my 2 files are .cab
So you don't have proper update files
>i like it WXP-style
>has it looking like Windows 98

top kek
>download file
>put it on usb file
>reboot to uefi
>choose update from usb device option
make your own theme.
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So I'm using a VM client to load up various distros, and I've found that anything but Ubuntu requires that I add and state a resolution using xrandr, however having to input this each time I load up my client is getting tedious. Can I create a script that auto loads whenever I boot?

How much of a pain in the ass would that be?
How do I switch to a different package manager? How much pain am I in for?
use lxAppearance to choose the one you like the most, then open it with text editor and modify file themerc as you want
use wiki if not sure what to type
install firmware-linux-nonfree
fuck, i forgot i use w95 theme in my wxp
a lot, your OS resolves around the package manager
or 98 theme
i dont give a fuck, i just like it
How can I check my VPS for active intruders?
I have followed most security measures, but I'm still a bit anxious.
What if my OS doesn't? I'm on OS X and want to start using Homebrew rather than Macports.
(Unix is welcome, right?)
not really
pain doesn't matter, just install it.
What's the fastest way to launch firefox from the tty?

Like if my DE crashes and I want to look for help on the internet and restart the shell what's the best way to do that?
you would need to startx before that, just use wget for these things or another computer/phone
i meant w3m, sorry
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fucking just...
I ordered 5 10zig thin clients to feed my server with random data with their via hwrngs. How can I make them shit the data into my server's /dev/random pool? Does writing directly to /dev/random work?
if your DE crashes, push Ctrl+Alt+F1-6 to open text interface of your os. log in and (install) start lynx. it's text-based browser; using it you should be able to find solution (assuming your pc is only internet connected thing, there are obviously other solutions otherwise)
>not installing a small fallback WM like i3
that won't help you if X is fucked
Valid point. Touché.
what are the differences between w3m and lynx?
There's a "libalsa-pulseaudio" bridge or something similar of that name, with that and setting your system to use ALSA as the audio service provider rather than PA you should be good to go
w3m can display images
Thank you Anon. I look super pro browsing the chans in a tty, but I kind of meant if xorg is still working and I just want to use something else to browse.

w3m doesn't javascript unfortunately otherwise I would be replying to you in tty2.
i found myself more comfortable w/ lynx
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Holy shit please help.
Settings > Quotes & Replying > Legacy Captcha
i bet it's about his utter shit font rendering
Is there a way to install Fedora without a desktop environment? I don't want to install bloat only to remove it afterwards
Confirmed! Help!
Dont use fedora, a bloat os
>installing hat joke OS
Never mind, I figured it out.
Who knows, I dunno about fedora, but most distros got a netinstaller.
use this or one of these:
Thank you!
guys, no idea if linux related (using debian), but I use middle click a lot in firefox to open links and sometimes I need to click a few times until it gets regonized. doesnt happen in other applications. any suggestions?
use infinality
Trying to install 32-bit puppy linux (slacko 6.3.0) on an old computer of mine. Currently booted from USB. It booted fine and is running fine, the only issue is that fonts aren't rendering. Almost none of the system fonts and the occassional characters in firefox are missing. Hoping it isn't the computer itself, can provide specs if necessary. Thanks in advance
Firefox being firefox

Xft.autohint:   0
Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault
Xft.hinting: 0
Xft.hintstyle: hintnone
Xft.antialias: 1
Xft.rgba: rgb
Did you,you know, install the fonts?
Xft.rgba:       none
Use wine-staging or wine-multimedia that has pulse support
So does links2.

Support "hacked links" browser!
>optional display of pictures
>all of the elinks funtionality
install system first. live iso is not the same as installed os. try google. install some font libraries. report back after that
What's a good graphical WBFS manager for Linux? I really can't get wwt to work
Just rekt my ubuntu gnome install when I tried to install some new nvidia drivers for moar fps in xcom 2. Doesn't matter much, it was already full with errors from other shit I fucked around with.

So I'm guessing I'm looking for a new distro. Should I grab ubuntu gnome again or try arch?
How secure is the default Arch installation?

Do I need to install a firewall etc?
Downgrade the package?
Even ubuntu can do that.

But yes use arch
>buntu or arch
both shit, funtoo, debian or fedora are good
I truly fucked, I thought removing gdm and installing lightdm would fix it. Now I cannot even get into those ttl screens, just the root promt which doesn't allow me to install shit because "cannot access /tmp". I just gave up at that point.

Ill check out arch and debian.
Debian testing is the only sane answer
>Do I need to install a firewall etc?


The default Arch installation is extremely minimal. Nothing is included by default that isn't absolutely needed to run the system.
Im using MonoDevelop on Kubuntu. on error msgs the text is white text on white background, how can i fix this?

Also, whats the best screenshot program for Linux, on windows ShareX was the best, but whats the counterpart?
Everything you just said makes no sense
If you're behind a router no.
You dont even need a stateful firewall.
install a proper theme that will fix it most likely.
shutter, scrot, xfce-screenshooter...
there's lots of them, i like xfce-screenshooter best
>screenshot program for Linux
Is the KDE one not cutting it?
>screenshot program
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>install debian
>took forever to install
>accidentally installed gnome
uninstall one piece of gnome then do autoremove
everything will uninstall including x
Install Cinnamon and remove GNOME shell
im havin hard time configuring it so i can select the region + auto upload it somewere so i can just paste it wherever

A better approach is to generate pseudo-random passwords with tools like pwgen or apg: for memorizing them, one technique (for ones typed often) is to generate a long password and memorize a minimally secure number of characters, temporarily writing down the full generated string. Over time, increase the number of characters typed - until the password is ingrained in muscle memory and need not be remembered. This technique is more difficult, but can provide confidence that a password will not turn up in wordlists or "intelligent" brute force attacks that combine words and substitute characters.

Peopel actually do this for a password on a single system? Christ.
>Peopel actually do this for a password on a single system? Christ.
no but people will happily write it on the arch wiki as if it is something people do
Hi guise, first time posting here.
I recently setup an orangepi at home to fuck around with (it was 15$ on aliexpress). I put ubuntu server 14.04 and ssh on it, works fine over the ethernet.

I'm trying to setup a dynamic dns for it and I can't get to connect to it.
Here's what I did
>give eth0 a static local ip
>go to dns panel of my domain (bought it on namecheap)
>create an A record for a subdomain (home.mydomain.com) pointing to as the guide says
>install ddclient
>configure as the guide says
>sudo ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet
>ddclient correctly changes the dns ip to my external ip, can see the change on namecheap panel
>forward port 22 to the orangepi's ip
>ssh [email protected]
>doesn't fucking work
What to do. I can paste configs if needed.
When i click magnet links on chrome,it makes its own instance, from the one that firefox creates.
They are both set on xdg settings to launch transmission.
How possible
>What to do.
install gentoo
unistall chrome
install gentoo
What's the difference between all the different distributions?
Literally none. Install gentoo and see by yourself.
Package managers, and packages
whoa bud, youre taking that meme too far

package managers or lack of, and default DE
Alright, so how different can the package managers actually get? Should I just decide by ricing potential instead?
Package managers and the packages itself
Each distribution follows it's own principles (Ubuntu = everything just works out of the box, Arch = A minimal, bleeding edge system, where you have to configure everything to your own needs)
Uh... Is Debian better than Ubuntu in any way? How bloat-free is it? Is there any OS that is bloat-free but comes with the necessary drivers? Already tried Arch but it just refuses to work with my ancient computer (Possibly has something to do with the graphic drivers. Any other linux distro so far worked.).
Ubuntu is Debian with shit added on top of it.
The package managers aren't all that different. The packages are though (Debian has very stable but very old packages while Arch has bleeding edge packages which also means that they're not as stable). Every distribution has pretty much the same ricing potential.
You should look at the distros package manager and make your own decision based on your needs/preferences
Every distro can be riced, you are not limited to what programs you can use
Just tried to install arch in a UEFI system. When I launched the boot manager after what I thought was a successful install it only gave me the option for a UEFI boot loader and then back to firmware. Is it because I have Ubuntu and Windows on another drive with UEFI? Is it because I used a CD instead of a USB? I used a 512mb boot partition in fat 32 with boot and esp flags; 40gb root, 16gb swap and rest was home on a completely separate drive.

>Is Debian better than Ubuntu in any way?
Yes, Ubuntu is basically a more bloated version of Debian.
>Is there any OS that is bloat-free but comes with the necessary drivers?
Literally any bloat-free distribution (you may have to install them manually but come on, it's literally one package for video card drivers).
What benefits do I get from Linux/GNU in general versus Windows 10? Except botnet of course.
You dont put uefi on a disk. Uefi is what is on your mother board. And most likely you should let windows control the boot manager cause it loves to throw fits
release model
package manager
amount of precompiled packages
default software
Yeah. My motherboard is on UEFI mode. I have Windows and Ubuntu installed to my SSD and they work happily.

I'm trying to install Arch on a separate 320GB HDD. I used a CD to to the install which I thought worked fine compared to my last experience. But it didn't boot when I launched the drive. So sup?
>full control over your system
>you can install and uninstall literally any package (which leads to a faster, more lightweight system)
>you can choose one of many desktop environments or only use a window manager which are far better than the one windows uses (again, this can even lead to a faster system)
Redo the bootloader installation

Alright. Sorry for the stupid question, it's just that I'm rather new (Not a complete newfag, but still new) and I wanted an OS that not only isn't bloated but also includes some sort of "DIY" thing (Like Arch, where you only get the basics and have to install the WM, DM, and such yourself)
debian expert install, don't install a DE
No problem. Arch is a great distribution but I would strongly advise against using it if you're new to GNU/Linux. Use one of the Ubuntus (I started with Xubuntu and I loved it because I like Xfce but you should try the different DEs and make your own decision)
I'll look at that, thanks.

Already used Xubuntu and also liked it, but I feel like everything is getting done for me and I disliked that. Even when I take that in mind it's really great and I still use the "core" as my main OS in my dualbooting computer.

I already installed Arch on my "testing" ancient notebook (And it worked, so I didn't fuck up the install) but there were some driver-related problems and I just decided to go back and use Xubuntu Core.
If you have some experience with Xubuntu and you know what DE and applications work best for you then you can definetely go for Arch.
As I said, Arch had some driver related problems on my ancient netbook which I couldn't fix and just decided to go back to Xubuntu. I already tried several ways to fix it for a week and still nothing. That's why I'm asking for other alternatives to Arch (Excluding Gentoo. I like DIY software, but I'm not a masochist)
Maybe try >>52872190 then
I would go for Debian testing instead of stable though
Is Arch really a meme?
It's also the best distro
seconding this, debian testing minimal is great
Did you do anything more then "i give up nothing will work"?
Or did you search the forums or google your device problems and how to get it resolved. You might need to recompile the kernel to get the device support
Arch isnt the problem, its your inability to want to fix it
As I said, I spent a week searching for help and even asked in this thread without an answer. Arch is great, but it doesn't work on my device.
So, I am a embedded systems student and I want to switch to linux on my school laptop.

Which distro is recommended for those purposes? Keep in mind that at least this semester we will be programming with arduino and Visual studio 2013 so those need to be able to run on the distro.

I personally was thinking about ubuntu or mint. Good/bad?
Yes, I am.
Also something to note, I am a total newbie to linux.
>visual studio
nah, sorry
> trusting software off switches put in by Jews
> ever

That's not how privacy works.
>Visual studio

Do you HAVE to run this? Or would any IDE be acceptable?

Because otherwise, that's a no. You shouldn't run Linux.
> what is Funtoo with no-systemd profile
I don't know. I may ask around at school. What distro would you recommend where I can program in C#?
>program in C#
Literally every single one of them.The packages are the same no matter which distro you use.
Literally better off installing a different OS with a different Package Manager.
She is 15
You know what. It would be more of a pain in the ass to work with linux and anything other than VS2013 due to incompatibility with classmates. I'll just stick to windows for now.

Thanks anyway.
>What distro would you recommend where I can program in C#?
At first you need to understand one thing:


The distro only differ in package management and pre-installed packages and DE's. Also the plain packages themselves are interchangeable, means, what you can run on Linux Mint, you can also run on Linux for Niggers or whatever obscure distro you ca think of.

>program in C#
Not that it wouldn't be possible on any linux distro, but srsly nigger, what the hell.
Do you feel better now? Do you feel better for getting angry at an anon who just wanted an answer to his question in a supposedly "friendly" thread?
Go fuck yourself. You could have said all of that without judging.
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literally >>>/r/eddit
Except that is not, just the amount of packages available varies.
What's bothering you anon, want to talk about it?
Seriously though, what's wrong and we can see if we can work it out together.
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Yeah, what's your skype?
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Careful guys.
I don't have a skype. I have a few hours to talk about it here though. It seems there's something deeply wrong with you.
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