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/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 319
Thread images: 44

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That's real fuckin NEET edition

Old thread: >>52519826

Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

Check out the wiki and update it yourself if you want more instead of complaining like a fucking faggot. https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

How to get into private trackers (and survive): http://pastebin.com/BFQBwQxm
Paths to get into trackers (particularly old and outdated): http://pastebin.com/D74UA1UK

What.CD Interview Notes: http://pastebin.com/Wgz6T7ta

Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.
Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned.
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview
>around 60% of posters here chat shit - don't make any claims about sites based on "something you read here once"
How to join Desi.CD?
Sorry :(
IRC -> pastebin application
Thanks sir...
Are you on h4h, Stefan?
*glass breaks*
Dude are you robbing me or my house?
runtime: 7:03:12

>year is 2016
>still no BTN
Thank you based Aza for ddosing evil Bibliotik.
if asshathoth also ddosed MAM, that might fuck things up. otherwise, we have MAM <3
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Boiiii, best OP in a while.
These OP images make /ptg/ look gay
stop posting illuminati
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Is there a distinct advantage to using deluge? Seems like everyone I see on what is using it. Makes me wonder... rtorrent user here.
it's good for ratio racing, but isn't as good for permaseeding. On a new torrent you'll see a bunch of deluge boxes on top of the list of peers because it peers up the best.

rtorrent is best for permaseeding and most trackers that's the best way to get ahead anyways.
It's for racing the initial swarm. If you aren't desperate for ratio, just use transmission or rtorrent.
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Will do, thanks.
Are those the Columbine kids?
/mu/ gtfo
too mainstream
I don't take orders from faggots.
Then you don't take orders from your dad? Or yourself?
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no it's nice here on /g/ so we're gonna stay.
thanks though.

le me just put it in yo ass
>BTN is down.
>snatching 55 torrents simultaneously was a mistake.

Well, it was nice while it lasted ;_;
>The first two Godfather films were re-edited together in chronological order with additional footage added.

It's stupid as fuck. I don't care what additional footage is added to it I refuse to watch.
I'm a Christian and this is unacceptable.
yeah, godfather 1 and 2. i haven't watched it yet, but i am about due a re-watch of the first 2 films so i'm going to give it a try. wish me luck, i'm going in.
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check this out /ptg/

I never noticed this before. Did you guys ever notice?
Yeah, you're fucking slow [and possibly retarded]
It's crying eyes right?
Loli's assholes.
I believe they are tits.
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I'm running 3 torrent clients. Should I have any concerns doing this.
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TehC down again.
Yes, when all 3 of those clients are shit.
Why are you not on PTP? It's 2016.
>Not using Halite
I'm so sorry.
I compressed it down to around 170KB for you. Wont bother posting it though and too lazy to hop on my VPN.
Don't be sorry anon. Convert me. I'm ready. I have no allegiances.

Do you use Halite on any private tracker?

Ok, cynic.
Some trackers will see it as ratio cheating if he same torrents are in 2 clients.
party pooper
Halite is discontinued.
Hot shit is shareaza
The BTN website and tracker are down right now due to a service provider outage. Things will be back online soonâ„¢ - 3m
only curry-tier trackers
though i guess that's all you're familiar with
Why would I have the same torrents running in two clients?

Keep posting.
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>he still watches cartoons
I want weebs to fuck off
>on a cantonese charcoal drawing child pornography board
>complains about the CP charcoal drawings
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BTN down too. Officially an epidemic.
>service provider outage

What does that mean? Their hoster forgot to pay the electric bill?
I told you earlier today, AHD is behind this.
best tracker for thinspiration?
>Weeb is mad
/ptg/ classic message is weebs >>>/out/ NEWFAG
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that's where the last anon sent me but it was just sweaty poo in loos sharing techno.
Every time I see these threads I'm going to report them
How about you fucking kill yourself you fucking fag.

that was only in the past few months, newfriend.

Also, it's mainly posted ironically, as this is a chinese cartoon message board.
Black Mass AHD remux is out. Fixes all the previous issues.
did Black.Mass.2015.720p.WEB-DL.H264.AC3-EVO have any problems? I downloaded that for my dad whos leaving on a trip, hope he doesn't get on the airplane and have a bad movie :/
If you just hit 1 month then it'll take time for the site to update itself
Yes, the biggest problem is resolution, which got fixed in AHD remux.
No f.am, I was just memeing, sorry. I hope your dad has a good flight.
Best weeb - mad weeb.
yeah knew it would suck but it was before the remux came out. although I guess I'm glad didn't give him that because it would have had a problem before the fix.

'wew thanks
Sweet bro. Jump on it family it's 50% Freeleech.
What does the h stand for.
waaaa! reddit! reddit! waaaa!
stay mad weeb bro
who the fuck changes the folder structure of a torrent downloaded from AHD before they upload it to PTP? WHY?
Symlink or relocate.
seems to be every fucking time, best way to get around this in rtorrent without have 2 copies of the file and without it fucking up and deleting the existing file?
download from AHD, then normally PTP there is no folder so you just dumb that folder into the main AHD one.

otherwise create a symlink.
How the actual fuck are what.cd admins thinking to check whether one is using notes on interview or not?
how do you know when golden popcorns are announced and how often are they?
They aren't announced. It's usually 5 a day around the same time.
Used to be 2300 UTC but the last few days...
thanks symlink werked
How to build ratio on WCD? Downloaded all the FL's but not much upload there. Show me your ways senpais
wait for the next staff picks and grab those as soon as possible. permaseed everything. it's a permaseeding and momentum game there, once you get enough torrents seeding it comes pretty easy.
you couldn't spend 5 mins on the site and work it out for yourself?
either wait a long time or pay some money for a seedbox or pay to fill requests
Is there a way to extend the life of my external HDD?
Yes, put it in freezer each month for 24 hours.
Use it less. If it's a WD then take it out and disable head parking and put it back together.

Don't torrent on it.
/ptg/ is turning into /r/trackers with all the repeat questions. fuck me
That used to work with older drives with less tight tolerances, I don't think it does anything to the newer ones. The moisture that condenses in the drive is probably bad for it too.
>Don't torrent on it.

Why not?
unless its one of those fancy Helium filled drives.

They're already hermetically sealed so no moisture can get in.

I wouldnt recommend it though.
The seek from torrenting is one of the fastest ways to kill a disk. Needle swinging all over it all the time like that is extremely inefficient.
Because most external drives are meant for backups every week or every month, NOT meant for 24/7 read/write operations like you get with torrenting.
>one of the fastest ways to kill a disk

How fast?
Faster. There's no way I can give you a set amount of time. Depends how much torrent activity you get, where those torrents are on the disk, does the disk have flaws etc.
35 days
So what would be better if I don't have internal space?
Just use the external and know it's going to die eventually and plan for it. Like a year later you should replace it unless you know it's fine.
>Just use the external and know it's going to die eventually and plan for it

I keep everything backed up on others anyway. But I guess I'll keep more regular backups bearing this in mind now.
should have taken that /impure/ MTV invite.
will i get banned if i use a seedbox on MAM without telling the faggots first
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>when the recruiter delivers the goods
yeah, btn backup. I got both freshon and mtv as backups, probably a bit overkill but they both suck so bad wasn't sure
It literally won't work. They need to approve the ip you give them.
why are they so weird
>using seedbox
>using a seedbox on MAM.
Why are you so fucking lazy and retarded that you can't spend literally 1 minute to check the FAQ? 1 fucking minute
mmm, i wish this was my wife
and i was helping her get ready for her date
>I'm the sole seeder
>he's the sole peer
>give him all my bandwidth
What is going on? Is someone fucking with me?
This is shopped as fuck, dress defies all physics.

Also when you really think about it asses look weird.
>what is port forwarding
What kind of retard do you take me for?
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>mfw reading this thread

Jesus Christ, the shitposting has never been this bad. Where can we go? The IRC is also shit. And forget about /r/trackers.
TehC down again? What the HECK, familia.
Did anyone ever have their hard drives fail while you still had to seed torrents, and consequently get a shit ton of HnRs?
Do cabal staff give you a chance for this shit or do they don't care and ban you right away?
we will survive this together. hold on until you get there, it will happen soon
what is it??
>The IRC is also shit.
I... I just want TehC to be back..
What's up recently with all the downtimes ?
>The IRC is also shit.
What, did someone make you
sudo rm --no-preserve-root -rf /
How many PTs is too many?
How many do I need before I am considered a "collector"?
Because I was recently refused an invite because I was on 10 PTs.
AHD is ddosing other movie and HD trackers.
IPT owner bro
>falling for the rizon meme.
they didn't when i took the interview. anyone else here /mischief/ during the interview? also i don't have toad images so if anyone could hook me up with an appropriate reaction image i'd appreciate it.
Holy shit i want to punch everyone of those goddamn sand niggers in their fucking Neanderthalic faces holy shit i dont know why i feel so raged
Curry tracker m8
That's why
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>The IRC is also shit.
>he fell for the rizon meme
MAM is comfy, and the upload can be useful there. can't spend it on requests but if you're ever in the mood for classical music or audiobooks it comes in handy.... plus if you already have one...
what is google?
This is why 4chan is a based medium.
Thanks for sharing
Yes to what?
You gotta hand it to 312c, ptp never goes down

It has literally nothing to do with him.
But I just thanked him and he took the credit. Even my wife's son is writing him a thank you card.
What kinds are there?
Agreed. PTP have upped their thing and the site is in good hands.
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anyone here using znc with hexchat? I seem to have a little bit of trouble.

I set everything up and it works great. I created several networks with my znc ip and for each netowkr I have a connect command like znc jumpnetwork <servername>

But once I start hexchat I always get connected to my first server in the znc web list (in this case AHD) and so I end up with the channels as you can see here. I'd rather they don't show up and I understand that's because I connect to AHD first and then jump that network, but how do I make it just connect to the network I want?
About to send my application for AnimeBytes.
How long does it usually take until I get an answer?
>anyone here using znc with hexchat? I seem to have a little bit of trouble.

Are you setting the user/pass correctly? Should be youruser/networktoconnect

Check the znc wiki it has an entry for hexchat.
6 months.
Yes i'm setting my password right, as you can see i'm able to connect and it works.

I just have dead channels from the first network that I'm connecting to which seems to be the first one in the list, ie. AHD

In my connect commands I just use 'znc jumpnetwork..' and then I end up on my desired network but I still have all these dead AHD channels as you can see which really bothers me.
Check the wiki. The password should just be the password with the password mode as Server Password. Username should be user/networkname
Did you send it by post or by telegramme?
Nice, faster than expected.

Both, just in case.
Is there a madokami but for tv shows?
By the way, network name is the name you gave it, not its address etc.
Faxes get processed before telegrams, surprisingly. Don't forget that.
>Both, just in case.

Shouldn't have done that, when the second one comes in they'll scrap both applications.
>Both, just in case.
>he fell for the telegram meme

I know guys b& from PTP for sending both
Like I'm saying.. I am connecting just right to my ZNC server and even to the networks. I read the wiki article but it doesn't expand much more than the simple connection..

As you can see in the image, I have several networks I'm using. My issue again is that when I connect to my ZNC server, I immediately connect to AHD first and then I jump to my desired one (PTP, AB, BTN...) which leaves the AHD channels in that network tab, indicated by (#awesome-hd)(#ahd-announce)

How do I avoid this? It has nothing to do with user/pass settings and the wiki article about HexChat isn't helpful.
PTP devs are great. The site actually receives new features on a regular basis, unlike WCD and BTN which haven't changed for a long time.
You have to add a new network for each you want to connect to even through ZNC.

Each with its own authentication to join that network.
What.CD can't change because it's so fucking fragile. Pity.
Any inviters I should avoid for AHD? Which recruiter is best?
I know.

Please look at my initial image here

Bottom right is my user configuration in ZNC. The networks are all set up. AHD is the first one as you can see, so when I connect to my ZNC network, I'm immediately logged on AHD. Then I issue znc jumpnetwork ptp and I switch to PTP.

I do this for all the networks in the list as you can see in the left side.

But I end up with several disconnected AHD channels, obviously. How do I avoid this?
PTP's site itself is just great. Best adaptation of Gazelle by far.
Got my invite after 1 hour from yur1, you mad?
Who is telling the truth? Pls no troll.
Why would I be mad?
Got the invite after 1 hour but a few months ago, nowadays he takes his time (up to a few months)
>reading up on OiNK
>after all that shit, 1 guy was charged and found not guilty, cases fell apart and a lot of money was wasted on nothing
>Even Trent Reznor had a fucking account
>gave birth to even bigger sites

What the hell were they trying to accomplish?
Then if you have set up those networks, connect to them directly instead of jumping from the AHD one
That's it, problem fucking solved
Why do you think the big PT's never go down? Hydra principle.
tehlarsie is top dog on ahd, he's reliable
>tehlarsie is top dog on ahd
Well technically he's not, but yeah tehlarsie is based.
It's obvious what they were trying to accomplish you retard. What they managed to accomplish is quite different and why PTs are safe now.
How do you connect to them directly?

Without ZNC I'd put their address in the 'servers' tab. But with ZNC I put my server's address in there. When I connect, I'm connected to my ZNC server which joins me to the AHD network because it's the first one at the top of the list as you can see in the image.

I have to jump, or how else can I tell ZNC when I establish the connection through hexchat to connect me to the network PTP, AB, HDB etc. directly?
Well done mate. You've actually taken the time to read up about OiNK. While the other 99% run around like headless chickens and shitting themselves about the next big takedown.
Well he's an admin. He's almost topdog.
>tfw you still remember being on OiNK briefly before it got shut down

WCD will never be as comfy.
hail hydra, niggas.
tehlarsie is bro
>birds of canada


So BTN is down, and considering it's never going to be fucking left alone by DDOSing cock enthusiasts, I was just wondering what the next best private tracker is. Besides that one well known for DDOSing it.
It isn't being DDOSed
Yeah I see that now. But you know it will be again and again at some point in the future, so the question stands. Who should I make my backup tracker?
HDB is the only real BTN backup. It doesn't have SD though.
>again and again at some point in the future
Oh, lord. I hope your world doesn't fall apart if you can't torrent for a day or two or a week or a month.

MTV is the answer and you know this.
I have known nothing but BTN, so I don't. But this is /ptg/, so your tirade makes no sense here. I need uptime dammit.
>want to watch a particular episode of Futurama
>BTN down
Wow, don't tell me I have to stream this now :/
It is a well known fact that many musicians and other rightholders have accounts at What and are given privileges so they don't bother the site.
so is ipt ddosing btn again?
The Games Industry DDOS'd GGn
The Book Industry DDOS'd bibliotik
The TV Industry DDOS'd BTN

Can you guess who the Movie and the Music Industry will DDOS?
>The Book Industry DDOS'd bibliotik
>he doesn't know
It's AHD.
Everyone knows Azacuck DDoS'd Bib because they wouldn't make him TC on there, stop baiting

I was under the impression that azatooth was part of the book industry due to all the textbook uploads over at OT
really? im not on OT, and there is a lot of textbook -on-OT chat at PTG, so I just assumed they started tracking textbooks too

Are you sure audiobooks isn't the code word?
careful friend, this is guarded knowledge. You should delete this post or else azatoth will ban your account (he has scripts that can identify you based on your typing "personality")
I thought he has 4chan janitors working on the inside?
He actually did it the absolute madman
Thanks to you fucking memesters everyone is going to think /ptg/ is a CP trading ring and h*h is going to garner unwanted attention

Thanks a lot fucking faggots
More like OT is a front for h4h
Members who consistently upload a certain type of content there get noticed by h4h reps who screen the potential invitee, have them come to their IRC to have a chat and make sure they're not a... well, untrusted person, then they're in.
Sure you do. Sure it's not.
What's it a codeword for? Seriously I'm very noob
Can someone repost the CP tracker screenshot?
It's code for GBTR
It isn't a code word. You are being 'meme' ed
It's codeword for >>52533449
Italian flatbread with fermented dairy products toppings on it.
Ok. well MTV is your answer. I guess you don't lurk that much on your trackers.
I'm too stupid to know that either. Obv not for me
Also the first defense mechanism from these Napolitan dairy aficionados is to dismiss any suspicions as a meme. They first tried to make it look like h4h didn't exist in the first place, now they're desperately trying to do some damage control and call anything that might draw attention to them a meme.
Italian Kitten, not Italian flatbread. Tell the truth.
Ty Segall just out

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ITT: We post our face when we realized that h4h was a CP tracker.
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If it's not another new Fuzz album then I don't care.
Why do you continue to confuse /ptg/ with /b/ ?
>Ctrl+F "(Dead)"
>30 fucking matches
Why doesn't he get a real job, /ptg/?
>no interest after 8 minutes

Email: [email protected]
Joke: 312c is such a big cunt that I throw quarters into him and make wishes.
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Step it up anon.
Btn recruitment when?
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Are you even trying?
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Ridiculously lossy you fucking disgusting redditor.
What's stopping someone from manually adding names of the biggest seedoxes out there, therefore bypassing the tracker?
>doesn't understand how torrenting works.
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>qBittorrent v3.3.3 was released. See changelog. This build also fixes a problem that requested "G:" drive on Windows.

>BUGFIX: Temporarily disable "filename" column of peers view. It has a bug that causes frequent crashes. See issue #4597.
>WEBUI: Move style of dynamic table header to CSS (buinsky)
>WEBUI: Fix unnecessary updates of torrent peers table (buinsky)

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bout to sleep
can someone make the next edition "he does it for free"
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What's stopping someone from manually adding names of the biggest websites out there, therefore bypassing the ISPs?
Because the client asks the tracker for peers, the client doesn't solicit peers from the other clients.
you calling my dad a fag, fag?
4chan version of lol. (kek?)
I will do it properly next time.
yes my friend please keep up to date on the classic 4chan memes to stay ahead in the meme game
What's up ny negro.
It's not like I already don't do that

Yeah fucking lossy bruh
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I attained 60kb lossless but too lazy to post it.
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Nothing much, you?
Any interest in setting up the /ptg/ volafile again? Looking for some ebooks
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If you make it and post it, people will come. You should maintain the room though if you want it to last.
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Come on Ed
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i fucking kekked
<shithead> he missed a thing for damaged girls, so, that was fine, then it just mean no longer pu on what for free
kek yourself to death on a donkey cock faggot
why boards of canada?
Haha tha
'haha tha'

put the same effort into your posts as you do into being an attention-whoring little slut
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>all that bloat
Where did this fucking compression meme come from? Have I been avoiding for /ptg/ for too long?
Where all these memes come from - autists minds
where you should go - six feet under
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Diddums mad?
Ignore the annons that are making fun of you.

This is a legit tactic and it is mostly prominant on what.cd. It is called ghost leeching.

I myself ghost leech off Karamanolev

Read more:
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This was my point exactly.
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Hello /ptg/ I'm curious about seedboxes, as I'm looking to expand my torrenting horizons, but with a 100kbps upload speed that would be very hard.
Currently a member in good standing with ipt, mam, animebytes, and comicbt(their new name is meh)
Used to be a member of broadcast the net, but over a year of inactivity cost me my membership.

I also already have a vpn, which I share with my friend.

Any ideas of a good affordable seedboxes for 30-60$ a year?

Would Usenet be a better option?

I'm pretty much good for anime, books, and comics.

My main need right now is games, movies, and television shows, probably music too as rutracker sometimes lacks specific albums I'm looking for
(All of which requires alot of seeding bandwidth)

I'm a bit drunk, and sleepy right now, so forgive me if my sentence structure and grammar is messed up
If you're after movies just use a tracker with a dead easy soft economy like AHD or PTP and your upload speed doesn't matter at all.
because they're great
actually, i'm up

>gif is not a perfect loop

>Uploaded: 55.910 TB
wew lad
I agree. I think their greatness warrants a donation, in fact!
>this Ed faggot

literally why?
the biggest mistake you can make with shitty trips is acknowledging them anon
so don't

It's default settings are very aggressive, but no different than what you can set up with a different program, that's literally all there is to this "deluge is fast" crap.
yeah but who is this faggot though? at least dizzy brought max level shitposting, bantz and memes. what's the deal with the ed person? this is my first time seeing him in the thread and I already want him dead.
So I've been asking this question before with no clear answer, does anyone here have Great Perv status on Emp who can show what kind of invites are given in the invite forum?
he's shat over other /g/ threads and i've only seen him today so he's clearly trying out le epic bait dude shtick
whether or not he gets tired of it, ignore him
he's just some faggot from irc, that irc is literally more cancerous than the newfags that come here everyday



He's not from IRC get fucked. If you actually looked at the fucking posts you'd see we all impersonated until he fucked off.

God damn you idiots need to lurk more before running you're retarded mouths.
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>tfw you remember Man Hunters' f-bomb was censored
wow rude :^((((
Ed is honestly the best trip to ever post in /ptg/
evil dead extended cut where anons? what tracker do i need to salivate over and join to find it?
why like Yoda talk do you?
>still no btn to get every season of iasip in high quality

feels shit man, not even a place to get decent quality eps from each season on their own
not really sure but please answer me anon. i didnt even notice
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393KB, 800x602px
Take a zip
there are great rips for the first 4 seasons, including commentary tracks on those that have 'em.
i haven't gotten the other seasons, but i don't think all of them have P2P rips with commentary tracks with 'em.
Season 10 didn't get released on bluray, it's not looking too good for them
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