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programming thread
old thread: >>51421139
newfag here, what language would you guys recommend for a newbie programmer? no memes pls
So /dpt/, how about them allocated objects in C?
Do they have a declared type?
Do you know how to write a function to average 2 int objects?
Do you even know what C calls objects?
Are you "a shit"?
why can't you make a proper thread?

umarufags are fucking cancer
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>this thread won't appear when someone searches for "daily"
You had one job, and you still failed miserably at it
just learn python
It doesn't matter, programming is about logic and solving problems over knowing language syntax.
>people search for daily
They should be shot,desu
how hard would it be for a beginner to get into quakec?
>searching for "daily" "stupid" "headphones" etc.
>Literally retarded
What's a good resource for preparing for a phone interview that will last under an hour that anyone here has used?

Like a book/website that gives you sample problems to solve in under 15 mins or so
Fuck off, cancer.
You idiots ruined the last thread.
python, simple enough and with plenty of libraries to do whatever you want.

Anyone who recommends you anything that isn't Java, C or C++ as a first language wants you to be a NEET for life and unemployable.



help me solve dis
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System Topology Evaluation and Reconfiguration Notation
~ Increment Register 1 to Infinity
A:1 <- (+) ~ Set Register 1 to Apply (+) in Series A
A:2 <- (y1) ~ Set Register 2 to State (True,1) in Series A
\\ 2,2 -> 1 ~ Connect Register 2 and 2 to 1
\\ 1,2 -> 1 # 1 $ A ~ Connect Register 1 and 2 to 1 when Register 1 Signs A
~ Brainfuck equivalent
Don't listen to this guy, I know both Java and C and I am a NEET.
'ur a faget'
Want to use meteor to make a fairly complex website, is it a good framework?
This made me laugh senpaitachi.
>I can't answer any of those questions
>I don't know C
>I got embarrassed in the previous thread
o-ok, a-anon
I wasn't apart of your straight-jacketed retard club conversation, assume some more, kikebucket.
>>I can't answer any of those questions
>>I don't know C
>>I got embarrassed in the previous thread
>o-ok, a-anon
>wasn't apart
m8... you're too dumb to be anything
And you invalidate something based on a typo.
Who else /highschool/ here? Raise your hands. Better yet, get your wranglers over here so they can drag you back. God forbid you don't eat your elmers glue.
>I got rekt
>I'm this mad
top cuk
All you do is assume. That's literally all you have, and the majority of the time (read: all) you're wrong and just make yourself look dumb.
My shift is over now, have fun being retarded; I'm out.
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>you rekt me over and over again with no lube
>my ass can't take it anymore
>you've made a fool of me with all your well-reasoned arguments
>now I look like a retard
>I'll take my toys and go
sounds good to me
Why does Ruby need 20 fucking ways to do the exact same thing?
It just makes it a pain in the ass to read other people's shit.
don't listen to >>51425377 if you want to learn those languages you can always do so later. the first language you learn has no effect on employability. just pick a language that looks nice/easy and stick with it until you can solve some basic problems or make some small software
>tfw new to C
>code gets long as fuck because I'm not good with functions

I want to git gud but I feel like I don't get enough practice with them

That's just C.
>just pick a language that looks nice/easy and stick with it until you can solve some basic problems or make some small software

Such bad advice. My word.
does dealing with strings in C ever stop being a huge pain in the ass? i'm fine with pointers in general but i prefer C++ for anything involving string manipulation.
Do most languages let you call functions within functions? I hear you can't do that in C which kinda fucks up some ideas I had
>I hear you can't do that in C which kinda fucks up some ideas I had

You wot, m9? Yes, you can call functions in functions.


Look at bstrlib.
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strings manipulation in C is a pain in the ass, end of story. I often just call a python script when I need to do it.
I like C, but I have to agree that strings in general are just fucked up.

If you are new to C, I recommend to read and think through the interesting arguments and the good-natured discussion in the previous thread. It'll give you just a little taste of the beautiful language C is.

C can do that. However, you can't declare functions inside of functions (there is no function nesting and there are no function literals). So
int addOne(int x) {
return x + 1;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return addOne(-1); // Returns 0

is okay but
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int addOne(int x) {
return x + 1;
return addOne(-1);

will not compile, since that declares a function inside of another function.
It's more important to understand programming concepts than it is to understand the arbitrary syntactic or semantic choices of a programming language. Once you know how to think about programming, you can generalize that knowledge to any language.
that book title kek

Nested functions are a Ganoo extension, actually. Not that anybody would recommend that.
oh okay I see, I'll try that out
>strings manipulation
Why would you ever need that?
It really comes down to the application, sometimes your forces to do it.
Strings are not objects or arrays.

>strings are useless

Come on, it's 2015.
well in C they are a array of characters...
well in Java they are an object...
Laravel or CodeIgniter?
Golang is pretty nice, but not really used much. Ruby or PHP is nice you want a job
>PHP is nice
meme hate incoming
i didnt say it was nice, i said it was nice you want a job. BIG difference
It sucks and it's gonna suck until you write a macro library for doing C++-like things.
Jai when?
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>be truSTEM
>don't' have to deal with the retarded millennial bullshit of a meme profession like CSfags do
Why is D such a heap of steaming shit?

>Create a dub project
>Keeps complaining that package.json cannot be found even though the documentation tells you to use dub.json (and so does every other project)
>Rename dub.json to package.json because fuck your errors
>No errors now until it scans for dependencies
>Now it creates a new folder for dependency, then it complains that it cannot place dependency in the folder because the folder exists
>Remove folder manually
>Same shit

Holy fucking dicks. Why is it so inconvenient?
Use C++, C#, Rust, or wait for Jai.
Blow will probably put it on Github within a week or two of The Witness's release.
Why are you on /g/?
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>only CSfags can post on /g/
>no other STEM members allowed
Python, Java, or C (if you want to go bottom up). Assembly would be depressing and tedious for a beginner. I recommend you get a book for your first language (if you are going top down) it should get you get the basic concepts down quicker, then learning your next only from documentation.
>not learning both hardware and software
shitskin engineer detected
>Do they have a declared type?
I would assume so?
>Do you know how to write a function to average 2 int objects?
If I can assume certain things about the target architecture, yes.
>Do you even know what C calls objects?
An object in C is a "region of data storage in the execution environment, the contents of which can represent values"
They are and they are.
I use C++ for my daily drive. I just wanted to get back to D because despite of all the clusterfuck in the ecosystem it was a pleasant language to write in but I guess it's still a clusterfuck that's not easy to work with.
>I would assume so?
You'd assume wrong.
>If I can assume certain things about the target architecture, yes.
It's impossible to have "int avg(int a, int b)" that works on all architectures without assumptions? How hard can it be? The average is just a number somewhere between the other 2 numbers, what corner cases are there?
>An object in C
Well done, looks like you know how to look stuff up.
Will never happen.
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Who is your langfu?
No Rust.
Why don't you use python in the first place, you fucking degenerate?

That's right. This place is for computer scientists, not glorified electricians or mathematicians.
>You'd assume wrong.
Elaborate please.
>It's impossible to have "int avg(int a, int b)" that works on all architectures without assumptions?
Yes, it would be very annoying though.
I'll come up with a solution.
>Well done, looks like you know how to look stuff up.
Thanks, master.
I'm not mentally ill, thanks.
even if he were to just drop the current compiler and post the source online I'm sure some people would revive it and develop it into a finished language, although it already seems to be usable enough
s-she's not in there ;~;
Come on, it's 2015.
you should consider going out and getting some fresh air
>s-she's not in there ;~;
What's her name?
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>Elaborate please.
It's literally in the standard. Search for "Allocated objects have no declared type", you have the document because you quoted the definition of an object from it.
>Yes, it would be very annoying though.
C might be a simple language but it's not the right language for "easy to implement without thinking too much".
OCaml (for now)
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
>I'm sure some people would revive it and develop it into a finished language
It's biggest problem is that it doesn't have a direction/roadmap/target/goal. No, "I want to make a language for making games" doesn't count as a goal. The guy doesn't yet know what he wants to do and makes huge swings in one direction or the other on a whim, depending on what could be "a cool feature to demo in the next podcast". I doubt it will ever reach stable. But maybe someone will pick some useful ideas from him, it does have some of those.
Know nearly nothing about it.
>Yes, it would be very annoying though.

doesn't seem that hard (psuedocode):

return min(a, b) + (max(a, b) - min(a, b)) / 2

am i missing edge cases?
1.5/5 bretty gud
>any language
>catching up to lisp
No, no, no, no, no.
I think the whole point of Jai is to have a "programming language designed by one person" with the goal of "easy to write correct code for, but easy to deliberately write wrong code for". The whole point is that it doesn't have any other big ideas or goals. Seems legit.

A roadmap should happen after/when it goes public.
>but easy to deliberately write wrong code for
the fuck...
>am i missing edge cases
yes, it doesn't work for the arguments 0 and INT_MIN
This. He also has a pretty poor understanding of what he's talking about, for example blaming a data layout scheme rather than a usage pattern on poor locality properties. He also wholeheartedly believes that he's an AAA dev with lots of experience when in reality he's only made one shitty, trivial indie game and has been attempting to develop the second for what, 8 years now.
>It's literally in the standard.
I see, what exactly does it mean though? That the underlying data behind a dynamically allocated object does not adhere to the objects type? If so, how is this not true for statically or automatically allocated objects?

Not being easy to implement without thinking too much should be the norm for any program.
Games programming, dude.
It's meant to be another take at C, including all its flaws.
So I'm a programmer turned DBA trying to help some retarded Indians with an app that they A) did all of their "logic" in SQL using 100s of undocumented links/accounts, B) insisted on restoring production to staging instead of using a staging backup to restore staging, and C) did this during a hurried move from one datacenter to another that's already a mess without their "help."

Somebody please shoot me.
god damn INT_MIN that always catches me out
Looking for something to fill the next couple hours. What's an easy programming task I can do.
Preferably web based.
int scrap = a/2 + b/2;
if(a&1 or b&1)
scrap += 1;
return scrap;

How'd I do? inb4 rounding direction
Write a flash cards drilling program.
Forgot the case where both a&1 and b&1.
That is also just += 1.
no, it would be += 0.3728847662736. Lrn2IEEE757
u wot m8

>That the underlying data behind a dynamically allocated object does not adhere to the objects type
It means that when you do "malloc(4)", there is no object type to speak of, only storage space for an object of 4 bytes. It doesn't matter to what variable you assign the return value of malloc. What matters is the type of the thing stored in those 4 bytes. And until you store something, it doesn't have a type. When you DO store something, it will gain the type of the thing you stored. Seems logical, no? The standard says the same thing (read 6.5 about expression, paragraph 6 and 7).

Most make some mistakes regardless (in the following, I'll assume sizeof (unsigned) and sizeof (float) are both 4, in order to simplify stuff and not say "sizeof blabla" everywhere):

void *p = malloc(4);
unsigned *u = malloc(4);

In the above, neither the object pointed-to by "p" nor "u" has a declared type. (Don't confuse the objects: "p" and "u" are themselves objects and they DO have a declared type; they are pointers and point to some other objects; those, the targets, have no declared type).

Now, if you do
unsigned x = 0;
memcpy(p, x, 4);
memcpy(u, x, 4);

both objects (the ones pointed-to by p and u) have an "effective type" (concept also defined in the standard) of unsigned.

If you keep the same declarations for "p" and "u" but you do the following
float f;
memcpy(p, f, 4);
memcpy(u, f, 4);

both objects will have an effective type of float. This is where almost everyone makes a mistake: they agree that the type of the object pointed-to by "p" is float, but they'll say the type of the object pointed-to by "u" is unsigned simply because "u" is declared as a pointer-to-unsigned, ie. they draw conclusions about the pointed-to object based on the type of the pointer.
That is simply not true (it's explained in 6.5 paragraph 6 in the standard) and trying to read "*u" after the "memcpy(u, f, 4);" results in undefined behavior.
>mfw this could have been a blog post
>mfw I have no face
sleep tight hammers
>Do allocated objects have a type?
What is stack allocation
>float f;
That should be initialized to something, sorry.
>Implementing AVL trees
Too many rotates within rotates make JOHNY GO INSANE
No, I didn't mean allocated memory. I meant allocated objects, it's C terminology. There's no stack allocation in C because C doesn't have a concept of stack.
And allow me to interject:
What you refer to as "stack allocation" is in fact "automatic storage" and is not what C considers "allocated".
The section of the standard that was posted last thread only applied to a call such as float_to_u(malloc(4), ...); and not to something of the form
sometype* t = malloc(some_size);
because this causes an implicit cast, forcing the object being pointed to to have a declared type.
>. There's no stack allocation in C because C doesn't have a concept of stack.
Someone post a computer_science_graduate.jpg on top of that.
>C doesn't have a concept of stack.
Tell that to goto
No, the cast is made from (void *) to (sometype *); nothing is casted to (sometype). Only pointers are converted, not the contents of the pointed-to objects.
That's with regard to the effective type, not with regard to the declared type. The declared type of the deference of a pointer is, if the pointer is not void*, the type of the base type that the pointer references; the operation is invalid on void* because then there is no declared type.
fun and games until you learn C and find out that's true
comedy gold
>stack overflows don't exist
Why does python have the best libraries?
Oh the irony
>People still discussing the C standard
This has been going on since yesterday. Is this /dpt/'s kryptonite?
union {
unsigned u;
float f;
} var;

var.f = 10.5;
printf("%u", var.u);

Under the same assumptions, if I declare such a union and read it whether as an unsigned or a float, is it still undefined behavior to you?
Because it doesn't
Are you expected to be 100% proficient with every language you put in your resume?
hell no
>not with regard to the declared type
But allocated objects have no declared type. Do you agree that malloc creates an allocated object? That object doesn't have a declared type.
Oh, and malloc doesn't return to you the value of the object; it returns a pointer to the object. And you can assign that pointer to a pointer object that may or may not have a declared type.
>The declared type of the deference of a pointer is, if the pointer is not void*, the type of the base type
6.5p7 disagrees with that
It doesn't. It has a lot of libraries but they're usually of very poor quality.
I would say that you can't claim that you're 100% proficient in a language.

I've heard horror stories where someone looks at your resume and says, "Okay reverse a binary tree in Python"...but the guy is only really good at C, and since they can't do it in Python then it means they lied on their resume.
i think that it is considered undefined behaviour in c++, but specifically allowed in c

source: googled "union undefined behaviour"
I think it should be fine if you can describe the operation and shit. It's the idea which count, the implementation is quite trivial.
>is it still undefined behavior to you
No, because the standard explicitly allows it in the same 6.5p7 I was talking about: "An object shall have its stored value accessed only by an lvalue expression that has one of the following types". It lists character types and unions containing a compatible effective type as valid accesses. All the others allowed accesses are through compatible effective types.
>to you
Are you under the impression I have my own undefined behavior? We're talking about the standard's definition of undefined behavior.
If you can't do data structure in a language you don't really know it
it doesn't as far as C is concerned

Two conflicting opinions
Spotted the retard.
Really? You consider you know a language if you can't make some variable assignments?
>it was me all along

Knowing =/= proficient.
What can you possibly know if you don't know how to assign a variable? That the language exists? In that case, everyone should have 300 languages on their resumes.
>tfw you need to be proficient to assign variables
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write a function to reverse a linked list

>We're talking about the standard's definition of undefined behavior.
Then, if it's the standard's definition, why does the construct we discuss for two threads now is still allowed by compilers? As for encoding of floats, type assumption of dereferenced pointers is implementation-dependent. And in GCC case, this type is assumed to be the same as the declared type of the pointer.

Well, I learned something, that's for sure, but it doesn't absolutely change how programs are compilated and run in the general case.
but what if the list has a loop
also never used code tags
think for yourself... wouldn't you get pissed off as an employer if some cunt said they knew some language but it turns out they're full of shit? there's no way you'd give them the job
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Hello fuccbois. I know visual basic and I'm moving on to python. What ide should I use?

I know English and French. I can understand when someone speaks French but I can't talk French back to them, doesn't mean I can give a speech in French or write a story in French but it also doesn't mean I don't know French. I'm very comfortable communicating in English, so am I full of shit if I say I know French?
68k ASM
so you can make sonic romhacks
tell me about it
try reading an utf-8 file and manipulating it
such a headache

Look, we run a brainfuck shop here. If you can't assign a variable in brainfuck, you're out.
Wait. Do you have to normally pay for ide's?
Do I win?
*Komodo edit.
Yes. Understanding != knowing.

That's not a variable, son. You're fired.
Sorry, I know variables, not pointers.
then you don't really know french imo. i wouldn't claim to know german even though i can more or less understand what people say when they speak german
Why is working in Go so nice, everyone keeps saying it's shit, and for all I know, it is, but it's a joy to work with.
for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
System.out.println("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tDo your own homework, faggot");
Come back when programming means more than fizzbuzz to you.

So let's say you can "assign a variable" in language 2. What if someone asks you to go beyond that, and you can't do it, where does the line end between knowing and not knowing?
you should be able to write at least a decent program in that language. you don't have to know as much as stroustrup about C++ to put it on your resume but you should be able to write a functioning program with hardly any difficulty.
If you can do arbitrary operations idiomatically in a language, then you know the language.
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You still can't have the job.
Implementing normal data structures.
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>not being able to reverse a linked list
>reverse a binary tree in python
This a feminist twitter meme. Regardless, and giving you a proper answer: It depends on what you're asked to do. Implementing your own linked list would be expected/an okay question. Asking you to implement red/black trees would be overkill. It also depends on the language itself (it's much more painful to implement data structures in C than in something like Java).

There's no single answer to your question.

>a decent program

This is a subjective term.
Ouch, you sure got me bro
Live and learn.
>still allowed by compilers
Because compilers can't solve the halting problem. They can't proactively detect cases of undefined behavior and even if they do they are not required to warn about it. They trust that you won't cause undefined behavior and their optimizers are tailored to that.

All it boils down to is that you must read an object using the effective type suitable for the value stored in that object. The compiler won't go out of his way to forbid you from reading an unsigned through some float pointer aliasing (eg. float f = 1.0; unsigned u = *(unsigned *) &f;) but the standard says it's undefined behavior and what you get has no guarantees with regard to portability on other conforming implementations. (as a side note, float f = 1.0; unsigned u; memcpy(&u, &f, sizeof u); is well defined because the value is required to be "blessed" -- for the lack of a better term, I'm borrowing this one from perl -- by the standard; whether what you obtain in u is what you expected or not is implementation defined however, including stuff related to padding bits and whether accessing the value afterwards raises a trap or not).

There's a lot of shit you can get away with, for example all object pointers have the same size on mainstream implementations so you can sneak in stuff like:
void null_this_ptr(void **x)
*x = NULL;
void test(void)
int *x;
null_this_ptr((void **) &x);

but this is still undefined behavior because sizeof (void *) is not guaranteed to be equal to sizeof (int *); what is happening (in null_this_ptr) is that you're writing the object *x through an expression that has an effective type of "void *" while the underlying object has the effective type "int *". This is exactly the same kind of violation that 6.5p7 forbids.
It's more obvious here, because you can easily point out the flaw by referencing the sizeof (void*) != sizeof (int*) relation. It's less obvious in the original case with allocated objects.
if you can't even do fucking fizzbuzz or any other bottom tier interview exercise you're a retarded fucking spic for thinking you know that language. if you're able to do those you should be able to work on any other program if you're a decent human being that dares to call himself a programmer. being able to assign a variable? that's fucking nothing FUCKING RETARD
It is 100% well-defined. Since you don't know a single thing about C, fuck off.

>Hurr fizzbuzz

This is the kind of stupidity I'm talking about.
>I've been fizzbuzzing since 2007
>being this assmad
>le simpsons meme
spic detected

Back to your "which phone should I buy?" general dumbass. Adults are talking.
nice projecting stupid kid
It should be a bannable offense to talk about C in these threads.

Not because I hate C, but because people cannot stop arguing about it.
In Notepad++ how do I quickly change a single Character of a ton of variables? Clearly the character I want to change is unique in each of them to the variables
spics are possibly even worse at programming than the plebbiest of curryniggers
>projection meme
time for a homescreen thread!



Did one of them become your step-dad? You sound awfully bitter.
Is there a full version of the guitar jingle in the SICP lectures?
i gave you solid advice and it's on you if you don't want to listen. don't put a programming language on your resume if all you know is how to assign a variable. but that's your culture in india, where lies and deception is completely normal, and we must accept our cultural differences because equality is such a great thing :^)
>people cannot stop arguing about it
>synonyms: discuss, debate
not good? how about a headphones general? generic animu maybe? are you in the right thread? intel vs amd? finished and bankrupt?
really, what's your level? what kind of posts would you be comfortable with?
stupid tripfag
tell me how the code in the previous OP had undefined behavior tard
C strings are such a pain in the ass.
Why does this segfault every time?
I even made sure that len isn't zero.
I literally cannot write to this char array.
char *arr = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * len);
*(arr+0) = 'A'; /* test write */
someone was saying >>51421139 had undefined behavior
>stupid tripfag

I've been posting in dpt longer than you have, scrublord.

undefine yourself.
you don't have to cast the return value of malloc
you don't have to write sizeof (char), it's always 1
what's len and what's its value?

Thanks for your opinion Jebadiah
and why do you ask me?
well len in this case is 4 right now.
>I even made sure that len isn't zero.
Could it be negative, or stupendously huge (more than, say, a hundred million)? That may cause the allocation to fail.

Note that in general, you need to check malloc() calls for returning NULL. Always, without exception.

Assuming you checked that it does *not* return NULL, that code should be perfectly fine and should NOT segfault. Are you sure this particular piece of code is to blame? It really shouldn't be.
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I'm making a VN. You're Lain Iwakura, a Japanese transfer student to MIT! You meet some really interesting people, form some important bonds and most importantly, create some life-long relationships. <3
I don't think it's a guitar, just some kind of electronic piano, but the song is Bach's Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, and I'm sure you can find a guitar version to your liking if you search.

how about desktop threads? watch threads? /sqt/? c'mon brainless tripfag, don't hold out on us now! is this more like your level >>51428602 of posts? or >>51428581 ? you understand those?
This. They are linked lists.
I checked, it's not returning null.
I just can't write to it.
if ((arr = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * len)) == NULL)
printf("arr points to null\n");
*(arr+0) = 'A'; /* test write */

u r 2 mad m8
>I just can't write to it
you have undefined behavior in the parts of code that you're not showing
>computer """""""""""scientists""""""""""""
>not glorified codemonkeys and autismo neets
oop in loo
It's been already explained, evaluating *u has undefined behavior under the standard because u gets the float * effective type after memcpy whereas the declared type of *u is unsigned. The standard doesn't tell whether you should assume that *u is a float or an unsigned. That's what is this fuss is about. Implementation breaks this indecision.

I'm making a binary search tree for class, and whenever I move down the left or right pointer of my parent, the pointer moves to the spot I am at and doesn't move back up to the parent...
As an example, say I insert a 10, then a 5, then a 3. They all move down the left side of the tree as expected. Then say I add a 4... instead of being attached to the 5's right child, it is attached to the 3's right child instead...

Any ideas, comments, trolls?

void BST::insertHelper(Node*& nPtr, int item) // insert an item into BTS, do not allow duplicate numbers
if (root == nullptr) // if nothing in tree - insert node
cout << "Made a new node";
root = new Node<T>(item);
// if something in tree - check to see if less or greater than node you are on
else if (item < nPtr->data)
if (nPtr->lchild != nullptr) // if left child has a value, traverse left once
insertHelper(nPtr->lchild, item);
cout << "Made a left node, attached to " << nPtr->data << endl;
nPtr->lchild = new Node<T>(item);
else if (item > nPtr->data)
if (nPtr->rchild != nullptr) // if right child already exsists, traverse right once
insertHelper(nPtr->rchild, item);
cout << "Made a right node, attached to " << nPtr->data << endl;
nPtr->rchild = new Node<T>(item);
else // parent has no place for item to go
cout << "The input " << item << " has already been added to the tree." << endl;

>EEfag troll got accepted to some engineering degree

You know, I've been waiting for someone to respond to that shitpost. I'm glad you finally did. Thank you.
I laughed. Keep on going.
I do not.
I haven't even touched *arr anywhere else in the code.

i turned on -Wall and now i'm getting this
warning: format '%s' expects argument of type 'char *', but argument 2 has type 'int' [-Wformat=]
printf("arr contains %s\n", *arr);
so this is your level.
here goes:
it's happening
why is this allowed
cá Žuck
this sá Žmh tá Žbh fá Žam
You know what, you've motivated me to push through!
I got it wrong, it's not evaluating *u, but evaluating *p that undefined in >>51421139.
>web developers think they are programing
>they will never know what they are missing....

I hear this quite frequently. do you agree, /dpt/?
(define (reverse lst)
(if (null? lst)
(add-to-end (car lst) (reverse (cdr lst)))))
(define (add-to-end item lst)
(if (null? lst)
(list item)
(reverse (cons item (reverse lst)))))


Mention a few things about Object Oriented Programming and I'm good.

After all, it's the one true paradigm.
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lol why u mad tho.jpg
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big dick playa!

Why don't you go ask them?

in haskell:
web dev is for fegs
void insert(int x, Tree& T)
if(T == NULL)
T = new Node(x, NULL, NULL);
else if(x < T->item)
insert(x, T->left);
else if(x > T->item)
insert(x, T->right);
>waah people are discussing! ban them!!!
I'd guessed that it was something by Bach. Thanks.
i++ or ++i which one is better
Does anyone know a good site to learn math starting from the basics?

People should only talk about OOP languages in this thread.
i++ if you intend on evaluating i before incrementing it. ++i if you intend on incrementing i before evaluating it.

Neither, they do different things
>I haven't even touched *arr anywhere else in the code.
Yes you have -- you touch it in that printf call. And *that*'s where it segfaults.
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What if I don't? What're you gonna do about it, faggot?
they're completely different
Should be:
    printf("arr contains %s\n", arr);

But agree with everyone else, you're obviously doing something fucked up elsewhere in your program, and just not showing it to us because you're embarrassed. And rightly so.

#include <stdio.h>

int main (int argc, char ** argv)
int len = 10;
char* arr = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char) * len);
*(arr+0) = 'A';
*(arr+1) = '\0';
printf("arr contains %s\n", arr);

arr contains A

Then you are part of the jewish conspiracy.
How do you call this function? And why does it have this strange pointer to reference thing?
>As an example, say I insert a 10, then a 5, then a 3. They all move down the left side of the tree as expected. Then say I add a 4... instead of being attached to the 5's right child, it is attached to the 3's right child instead...

Not following you... shouldn't the tree look like this after inserting the 4:


Sounds like it's doing the right thing. It would be wrong for 4 to be the right child of 5. But 6 would be a different story.
What you are talkign about is called a self-balancing tree. However what this anon said is right
I'm guessing what you want it to do is something like this. Sorry ahead of time if the format is super fucked.
/ \
3 5
Best ide for python?
OOP is a faggot

But seriously
>generics without specialisation
Why live?
I call it from this insert function passing it the root.
    void BST::insert(int item)
insertHelper(root, item);
Objection! OOP is an objectable faggot.
I'm not sure, I was just feeling the concept out to be honest, is it not good practice?
You're faggot oriented, aren't you?
No. That parameter should just be a pointer.
How do I into structs in lua? I can't get any output from

struct.Alice {
x = 1;
y = 2;

a = Alice {x = 10, y = 20}

b = Alice {x = 10} -- y will be set to 2

print (a)
print (b)

I just copied it from the wiki, it just gives me

attempt to index global 'struct' a nil value

I'm just trying to save time in making a permanent variable transfer to a temporary one for a game
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Alice = {}
Alice.__index = Alice

function Alice.new(a, b)
b = b or 2
return setmetatable({
a = a,
b = b,
}, Alice)

setmetatable(Alice, {
__call = function(_, ...)
return Alice.new(...)

a = Alice(10, 20)
b = Alice(10)

ya, tables, I'll just brute force it for now until I get how tables function
How bad is this?

std::vector<BaseClass*> vectorOfObjects;

/* Then in some function using this */

vectorOfObjects.push_back(new DerivedClassA);
vectorOfObjects.push_back(new DerivedClassB);

I've heard people talk about memory leaks and dangling pointers etc.
Please and thank you.
Not at all, as long as you take care to manually delete everything you put into that vector.
very, don't listen to >>51430047
lookup RAII
I'm gonna need to micro manage the objects anyway so that wont be a problem.
God damnit
>look up this meme
the c++ community is toxic af

Any nimfriends?
>being a nimrod
might as well call yourself "imbecil" unironically.
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So I'm trying to test out using a getter/setter in C#. For some reason it tells me:

the name 'get' does not exist in the current context

I googled this and found one SO thread but the guy's problem was declaring the property as a method with () at the end. I'm obviously not doing that. Do you guys see a problem with what I'm doing?

Here's the whole file:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace budget
class Account
private string name;
private string currency;
private decimal balance;

public Account(string name, string currency, decimal balance)
this.name = name;
this.currency = currency;
this.balance = balance;

public void MakeDeposit(decimal deposit)
if (deposit > 0)
balance += deposit;
Console.WriteLine("You can not deposit a negative amount");

public void MakeWithdrawl(decimal withdrawal)
if (withdrawal <= balance)
balance -= withdrawal;
Console.WriteLine("You're attempting to withdraw more money than is in the account.");

public void Transfer(decimal transferAmount, Account account)
if (transferAmount <= balance)
Console.WriteLine("You can't transfer more money than is in the account.");

private string _private;

public string Private;
return _private;

_private = value;


I figured it out. I'm incompetent. There's not supposed to be a semicolon after the public string declaration.

Once again, posting makes me suddenly realize what the problem is.
Use auto properties.

How is nim? I've look at it a bit, but I ultimately started toying around with Vala instead.

I am aware of those but I specifically wanted to test what would happen in a specific setting scenario where I did something to the passed in value.
>There's not supposed to be a semicolon after the public string declaration.

They're typically one-liners, which makes the design choice more apparent.
I've never used it. I just promote it in the threads because I like the name.

That definitely would've been more clear I'm sure.

Out of curiosity, do people really not write their own setters frequently? I feel like there's a lot of use in being able to run it through some kind of verification (isnullorempty etc.) and throwing an exception if it's not. Is that normally just done before setting the variable?
4/10. Still has potential.
>I feel like there's a lot of use in being able to run it through some kind of verification (isnullorempty etc.) and throwing an exception if it's not.

There is, people do that within the properties. Take a look at the MSDN article, which should make that a bit more obvious:

>do people really not write their own setters frequently?
as you say, validation of the input value is the main thing setters are used for
the other, I guess, would be transforming the input - e.g. hashing a password. But nowadays since that takes 500ms or longer, using an async method instead of a setter would be a better idea.
What's the point of properties that only contain get; set; ?
Why do people often do this instead of using variables?
I'd play it.

I haven't even gotten into async stuff yet. What I've heard about it makes it seem difficult though. Is C# async relatively reasonable to wrap your head around?


Thanks very much for the article. I'm gonna read through it and mess around with setters/getters a bit.

How often would you say getters/setters are used? I don't wanna overdo it with my use of them.
It's faster than creating a variable + get/set methods. You can also edit the get/set when necessary (although you can only modify one get/set, any more and you have to do it the normal way for some retarded reason).
It also works well in Visual Studio, you can do some [shit] and the property will appear under the controls properties in the gui builder.
>Is C# async relatively reasonable to wrap your head around?
I'd say it's mostly easier than other languages. Most of the time you can write code as if it _wasn't_ async, but it still is actually async.

it makes intellisense put a different icon next to the variable, and I can name my variables using PascalCase instead of camelCase.
I realise this is incredibly abusive.
Why would you need "get/set methods" if you can already read/write the variable?
- I don't know if this is true of C#, but in the related Delphi, you can't take the address of (get a pointer to) a property directly, so its meant to protect them
- Adding behaviour to get and set is easier later since you don't have to rewrite the variable and all usage of it into a property
- Hopefully empty get/set is optimised in to a direct access anyway by the compiler.
>How often would you say getters/setters are used?

Here, we should refer to them as properties. They are rather special in that they don't require the creation of getter/setter methods.

This is why C# takes a fat dump on Java.

(Just kidding: reified generics, operator overloading, real value-type structs, etc are all better reasons)
Just bought this

h-how did I do?
another factor is for compatibility for future versions
say you want to add some business logic to the getter/setter. If you initially had them as a field, then you're fucked - any libraries using your class will have to change their code.
If you originally used a get/set property, you can freely add in custom code which won't affect anyone.
This is mostly used in interfaces. (also, fields can't be in interfaces)
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Also, in other news, I finally fixed something that was pissing me off. Now search keywords are searched for independently, so they don't need to be in any particular order, or even next to one another.

Feels pretty good.
Because allowing full public access is retarded, you don't do that in OOP.
It also allows stuff like this:
public Name
private set;

So you can only modify it within that class.
doing pretty good.

bump limit is 310 you fucktard.

Does anybody know why Haruki raised to 310? It seems ridiculous.

350 would have been appropriate, but 310 is so arbitrary.
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yeah I have no clue dude
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jeb why.jpg
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I'm very happy with C# so far. I was debating between it and Java a couple weeks ago. I had a bit of familiarity with Java from a CS course I took in high school but I didn't really enjoy it.


Could you explain private set a little bit more? Does that mean you can only call the setter from a method already within the class?
It's really so non weebs can enjoy it as well without being inundated with this Chinese cartoon garbage you fuckers love to spam. Stop weeb posting, this is /g/
>Does that mean you can only call the setter from a method already within the class?
>310 --> 500

Hiroshi is an absolute madman.
Looks like it didn't matter you fucking nerd

That's interesting. Thank you guys for all the information. I'll keep pestering as time goes on tonight and for a while I'm sure.
>Chinese cartoon garbage you fuckers love to spam

You must have me confused with other people. The only thing I've spam-posted here is black women.
I think someone should make a github repo that tracks changes to the boards.json, similar to something like https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamTracking
Even worse.
get; set; are just automatically generated methods, they're basically:
private set;

//same as

public [type] get()
return [var];
private void set([type] value)
[var] = value;

Actually, not too sure if it automatically sets it to the type or if it just uses Object.
How do you not get how tables function? They are just associative arrays. If a key doesn't exist in the table the associated value is nil. Creating a new table by using {} results in an empty table, no keys set. Using {5, 6, 4, 3} sets the values to integer keys starting from 1 so table[1] = 5, table[2] = 6 and so on. Or you can specify a key in construction by using {key1 = "lol", key2 = function(x) return x end, ...}.

If you want a struct you just initialize a table with a particular key
alice = {x = 1, y = 2}

or if you want to wrap it up for convenience for supplying default value like you have it
function Alice(t)
local new = {}
if t.x then
new.x = t.x
new.x = -- default value here
if t.y then
new.y = t.y
new.y = -- default value here
return y

a = Alice {x = 10, y = 10}
>> a = {x = 10, y = 10}
b = Alice {x = 10}
>> b = {x = 10, y = default}
Because I simply don't get it, I'll read more about it later
In fact I'd do it something like this.
local function Alice_tostring(self)
return "{x = "..self.x..", y = "..self.y.."}"

function Alice(x, y)
if type(x) == "table" then
return setmetatable({x = x.x or 10, y = x.y or 20}, {__tostring = Alice_tostring})
return setmetatable({x = x, y = y}, {__tostring = Alice_tostring})

Anyone who has ever written anything for web back end?
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Is it really a meme book /g/?
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Is there any way I can find and replace things in my selection while only selection a single column?
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