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/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

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Thread replies: 339
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Old thread at >>51412882

The "I don't know C but I try really hard" edition

void float_as_u(float f, unsigned *u)
if (sizeof f != sizeof *u) {
memcpy(u, &f, sizeof *u);

int test(void)
float f = 1;
unsigned u, *p = malloc(sizeof *p);
if (!p) {
float_as_u(f, &u);
float_as_u(f, p);
printf("u = %u\n", u);
printf("*p = %u\n", *p);
Can anyone provide a detailed tutorial about breaking out of loops? They seem to have me stumpt.
What is the most complicated/largest program written in Python?

I just want to know if its babby language or is serious business.
What is best resource for learning Python
>Can anyone provide a detailed tutorial about breaking out of loops?

Can you dumb it down a notch?
Daily reminder that '[...] SEXP-Syntax is neither sufficient nor necessary' for a language to qualify as Lisp. Sources: C2.com. LispFamily wiki-article C2.com/LispFamily (accessed 19th November 2015), McCarthy, J. (1960). LISP 1.5 Programmers' Manual (The MIT Press) doi>10.1145/359545.359566

Valutron is my my project to build a Lisp that provides an alternative syntax, known as V-expressions, for code. S-expressions are still usable, as the core is in fact a typical Lisp interpreter that passes code through the same stages. The V-expressions are implemented with what is essentially a reader macro. V-expressions support macros with a similar expressivity to Scheme's syntax-rules, as well as reader macros.

Valutron draws mainly upon Common Lisp for inspiration, with some degree of Scheme ideals. It implements an object model which is similar to CLOS, with some SmallTalk characteristics.

The emphasis upon VOM (the Valutron Object Model) and V-expressions are what set Valutron apart from other Lisps.
#define b break;
>People who cant read a question
Its cool. I've confirmed what I want to do isn't possible.
c2.com is more like an anti-source: anything said there is the opposite of reality.
Still not following. Please explain thoroughly!
Vom? More like vomit am i rite?
openstack would be a good candidate

django is quite big too

quartz from bank of america is know to have +10 000 000 lines of code.
Thanks m8
as credible as suckless
c2 is way more relevant than /dpt/ or wikipedia.
A b c d e f g, h i j k l m n o p. Q r s, t u v, w x, y and z; Now, you know your ABCs, Next time, won't you sing with me?
c2 is about as reliable as oracle software.
>c2 more relevant than wikipedia
lol k
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So, I made the colorscheme generator fall back to search for the nearest color to the terminal color if it doesn't find any that match the terminal color normally. I still feel like the colors are too close to the original colorscheme, but at least the program is operational now.
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And the image the scheme was generated from, for reference.
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hey all


ive been doing some haskell tutorials from learnyouahaskell

any recommendations on other haskell books?

im thinking about asking my boss if we can go full haskell at our next startup. anyone know some successful business cases?

here is a list of what i have:

- facebook (all backend tech)
- john cartwright (mentioned it at a conference)
- pandoc

there is likely many more, but the issue is haskell programmers are humble so don't feel the need to brag - they're too busy focusing on coding
any concurrent programmers in here?

In specific semaphores? They have me stumped right now.
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And another result.
>haskell programmers are humble so don't feel the need to brag

I always had the impression that haskell programmers are the vegans of the coding community.
ocaml has plenty of success stories in industry, unlike hasklel.
you're being glib and not thinking about problems deeply. you dont need to worry about semaphores to begin with

you don't need semaphores if you're using Haskell.

if you really are not smart enough to program haskell - you have a toy language called go.

it was made for special people like you not enlightened enough to grasp fp concepts
What exactly is stumping you? Imagine a clerk at a lazer tag place who hands out the guns. He only has N guns. If you come to play lazer tag and he has a gun available, you can play right away, but if there are N people already playing lazer tag, you'll have to wait until one of them is done playing before you can get your gun and start playing lazer tag. This ensures that there are never too many people in the lazer tag arena at once.

In this metaphor, the clerk is a semaphor, the guns are permits, the players (including those who are waiting to play) are concurrent processes, and the arena is a resource.

In this metaphor, the clerk is the semaphore

swiss banks are moving from ocaml to haskell due to parallel computing limitation of ocaml (still no parallel multi threading)
have you ever wondered why golang has a bunch of cartoon beavers for a logo?

because no one takes them seriously

if you can't understand fp - you're going to be treated like a child.

and you deserve it - because anyone who is legitimate knows fp.

thank you.

google, ibm, boeing, etc.

Haskell is running everything that matters. Full stack.

if anyone here wants to hate on haskell, go back to reddit.
Use the flint union you spastic.
Does anyone know why the OP code has undefined behavior?
>he fell for the meme

I found this to be extremely helpful: http://ptgmedia.pearsoncmg.com/images/9780131774292/samplepages/0131774298.pdf
where's your header file?

where's your includes in the .c file?
>because anyone who is legitimate knows fp
legitimate faggot that is
>Full stack
hahahaha, the full stack meme
because you're copying the bits of a float onto an unsigned's store.
They'll probably regret it. Better to go from ocaml to F#.
that's not undefined; copying with memcpy is ok
mate, do you even C?
It's fine if you're retarded, just don't bother posting.
why do you think memcpy is undefined behavior, anon?
there no such undefined behavior in the standard.
>you're copying the bits
That's the purpose of memcpy, you dumb cunt!
>i don't know what the fuck i'm talking about
>i'm a web developer
>trying to make a graph out of data in ASP.NET MVC
var db = Database.open("SQLServerConnectionString");
var data = db.Query("SELECT userIP, userCountry FROM user_stats");
var myChart = new Chart(width: 600, height: 400)
.DataBindTable(dataSource: data, xField: "userIP")

>'The name 'database does not exist in the current context'
WebMatrix is added. I can't find a solution online.
>daily reminder that everything is a lisp because it's parsed into an AST during compilation!
please leave here for reddit where they'll upboat your amazing insight into programming

>yeah, those stupid parentheses am I right?
>They should all be replaced with tabs, semicolons, newlines, and ``end'' statements, then it'd be a good lisp!
>150000 thumbs up
>reading about the purpose of (void)
> implying a function either is or isn't undefined behavior
> why do we even have those functions then?

Just for you sweetard :
printf("%d\n", 42);

Learn the difference, it could save your li... wait what ? No, you're already doomed, now off yourself, the sooner, the better.
this is saying nothing since wikipedia is a hive of sjw scum
>discussion about memcpy
>presents printf
thank you for confirming that you have mental issues.
That has nothing to do with the code being talked about. Why do you insist on proving beyond any doubt that you're a moron?
Functional programming would be better if it was more focused on using faster data structures like plain arrays, instead of slow as fuck linked lists.
well, yeah? how about:
int a = 1;

there's no undefined behavior here, you ignorant fuck!
maybe you should learn functional programming mate
not sure if trolling, or damage control, or retarded at this point. Again, off yourself, I won't bother explaining to you how beyond wrong you are, I mean do you understand illustrating with examples??? Failed kindergarten or what???

samefagging, right? If you're really >>51421744
please think about whether it seems, I dunno, trivially true, that some uses of memcpy lead to undefined behavior, while some don't, which is precisely the point of reading the standard and REASONING FFS!
how about no
>while some don't
Like the one in the shown code. Please quote the relevant part of the standard to support your claim, or just gtfo if you're too stupid to discuss C.
>i don't know what the fuck i'm talking about
>i'm a web developer
The break keyword is used to exit any enclosing loop immediately.

Most programmers use it to stop the computer from unnecessarily iterating (e.g. you're searching a list and you found what you were looking for. You don't need to keep searching)

Now my question is, why don't some language allow to use "return" in a void method? Isn't it beneficial to stop executing a method partway through occasionally?
well, I was asking in context; let me rephrase so you understand this time: "why do you think memcpy is undefined behavior in the OP code?"
I wasn't referring to all possible uses of memcpy, just the way it's used in >>51421139
>why don't some language allow to use "return" in a void method?

Which don't? It works in C#, works in Java, etc.
The standard doesn't agree with you: it says it's ok to copy the bits of an object of type float into an object of type unsigned. Anything else?
>picks on a technicality of how the question was phrased instead of the heart of the matter
>being this autistic
The result is undefined you mong.
>i'm a web developer
anon, please, the adults are talking!
No. The standard says it's defined.

I need a way to schedule clients and provide them a direct "client" area that includes documents created (images, photos, emails, facebook, video) and provides modular, extension functionality.

These clients may not be literate, so a single entry point would be preferred. If it could begin at a URL they navigate to and be customisable for each unique scenario based on factors like operating system, method of contact, age, etc that would totally solve my problem.

How do I do this in Haskell?
[citation needed]
>contradicts the standard
o-ok, a-anon...
I just looked it up and you're right.

I could've sworn I've had a compiler complain about using return in a void.
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how do you do error handling in sepples while avoiding exceptions?
Return codes?
The C standard doesn't provide a lot of guarantees on the representation of the data, so I think the abstract standard C machine would not know what to do. When you start posting things assuming 2s complement integers in there you get huge backlash, so do this : write down the IEE floating point representation of 1, then convert it to an unsigned value *assuming little-endiannes OMG OMG OMG OMG*, assert that the program is by definition going to print it and flee before the wave of angry autists hits you.
Spotted the web developers.
Reminder that if you can't extend the syntax of your language you might as well be using BASIC.
Maybe you tried to return a value instead of just having the return keyword
I actually thought you were one of those nonthinkers that assume that a particular function - strcpy, scanf, fgets, und so weiter - is unsafe no matter what the context is, so don't use it Rajeev, or you'll get fired and end up pooing in the streets... Well you already do ^^
Heil hitler!
Why Mozilla got sjewed? Rust is good, but this hypocritical politeness in the "community" kills all.
>abstract standard C machine would not know what to do
In this case, it does.
>assuming 2s complement
No such assumption is made.
The guy does have some point, writing everything purely usually complicates things a lot for practically no benefit, but he also seems unnecessarily bitter.
are you really this retarded ? please don't be this retarded.
>still no citation
>damage control over nine thousand
why isn't python being abandoned for haskell?

haskell is as easy to use or easier, more powerful, and much faster.
>I have no answer
So what does it print? You won't be assuming 2's complement, but you're still going to make an assumption on endianness, aren't you?
2's complement was part of an example, just so you know
Alright, you fucking guys, I've had it with the trolling in /dpt/! You have 10 seconds to prove the code you idiots have been arguing for half the thread contains or not undefined behavior: with actual references from the standard!
Do you know C or fucking not?
That's like asking why people aren't abandoning bash for Haskell. They're not competing in the same field.
Why isn't haskell being abandoned for go?
go is as easy to use or easier, more powerful, and much faster.
fuck off

i'm asking why they're not competing in the same field
Why isn't meme being abandoned for meme?
meme is meme to meme or memeier, more meme, and much meme.
Nobody asked what it prints. The question was whether it contains undefined behavior or not.
What it prints is irrelevant when talking about undefined behavior. The result is implementation defined, but that's not what's being discussed here.
There are no assumptions made in the code about 2's complement that would render the code undefined on implementations with a different representation.
>released in 2016
Goddamnit OP.
No we don't
>So what does it print?
>what is implementation defined
>what is unspecified
>what is undefined
m8, get them str8
this t᠎bh s᠎mh f᠎am
You're right kid, I don't know that, I don't care. Now start being practical so you can get out of autismbux.
probably something to do with allocating *p with the size of *p.
>You're right kid, I don't know that
>I don't know that
>I don't know
how else would you allocate it?
>don't know
>muh assumptions
>muh practical autism
Guys in java how do you initialize a ton of number arrays??

i want from 1-365 days and all i know is
 int days[] = {1,2,3.....,365}; 

is there a way were i can just type 365 and it generates 365 arrays for me??
I would define it explicitly like sizeof(unsigned).

Besides it's a pointer, so you're allocating a pointer with a pointer's size instead of allocating it with the type's size, e.g. sizeof(int) vs sizeof(int*)

since *p is an unsigned pointer, the *p references to just p and yada yada yada -- it just seemed like it would produce undefined behavior.
/g/ everyone: the place where "programmers" don't even know how to use memcpy! keep asking them for advice, what could possibly go wrong?!
int days[365];
for loop. days[i] = i;
int days[] = new int[365]
for(int i = 0; i < 365; i++) days[i] = i + 1;

dunno java syntax for array declaration tho
>I would define it explicitly like sizeof(unsigned).
yes, that's how people that aren't sure of themselves to know C would do it
>you're allocating a pointer with a pointer's size
>instead of allocating it with the type's size
but that's what the code does: sizeof *p == sizeof (unsigned); do you even C?
>since *p is an unsigned pointer, the *p references
the word you're looking for is "dereferences" and no, the argument of sizeof is not evaluated

I can believe there are some languages which don't allow it, I just don't know which they are.
then where's the undefined behavior
this guy >>51421666 thinks it's got to do with memcpy but seems unable to provide any reasoning
>Guys in java how do you initialize a ton of number arrays??
Unfortunately java has no way to extend syntax to cover cases like this.

The best way for large static arrays is to write a little program which prints out the initialization and then you just copypaste it into the file.

But, um, can you let me know why
1) days is signed
2) why this is an array? If days[i]=i then just have a variable days?

Anyway that's my advice for fuckhuge static arrays.
>days is signed
not a java expert mate, java really doesn't have an unsigned type? That's terrible.
Is it something they may have updated in C#? Because I've been using it since 2008/2009 and if anything complained to me I'm pretty sure it was c#. Or like the other anon mentioned, it could've been complaining about a value return.
it is
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I find Linux to be a much better programming environment
>no unsigned
>can't pass by reference
What else can Java not do?
I like learning about the machinery behind programming languages. Is there any resources where I can read more?

Also two unrelated questions:

1. In c#, I've heard that "new" doesn't actually instantiate an object rather it increments a pointer and then a group of objects gets instantiated when the garbage collector runs. In Java does "new" create the object immediately?

2. In dynamically typed languages is there a bottle neck by not declaring your types initially? Wouldn't be a lot of work for the interpreter to guess what type it should be and then cast the object to that type?
unix was designed to be programmer friendly from the getgo, most linux distros even include everything you need to write C out of the box.
go find a stdlib function you like a lot and look up it's implementation
then try to make your own
can't optimize even the most trivial tail call because
>muh stack security inspection
even though when you force the programmer to make tail calls into explicit loops there's no stack information either (which is also why guido is an enormous faggot but whatever)

But overall Java is really not bad. Granted, now that Microsoft had a second go at it, C# is better (for windows). It used to be an easy choice because Sun was a good company but now that it is Oracle versus MS you might as well just use racket.
The line with the second "printf" has undefined behavior because of *p.
>The "I don't know C but I try really hard" edition

new fag here,
if I want to use cout & cin in c programs, should I name the files as "examples.cpp" and do the compilation with g++ instead of gcc.

#include <stdio.h> with

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

I learned how to use printf & scanf, but I think


is saner than

malloc (sizeof(itself))???

what the fuck?
I don't know one where a "return statement" exists for subprograms that return a value but is specifically disallowed as a way to exit early from ones that don't, but Pascal is an example where "return statements" don't exist so subprograms only have one exit, though pretty much every extension besides the ISO one added such a statement.
standard C
Have you ever tried any actual formatting with the stream operators?
It's fucking unreadable.
Just use printf for anything complex, or better yet, just use printf for everything.
In fact, why the fuck are you using C++?
That's C++, not C.
>is saner than
It's not. It's tricking you because at first it looks like it's simpler. Shit breaks down fast when you need custom formating.
I wasn't really talking about implementation. I'm more curious on how features of languages are actually handled by the compiler/interpreter. (E.g. when you make a delegate in c# what is happening that lets the compiler call one method signature and execute another) stuff like that.

Eve Online

Ask a C expert anything!
can /dpt/ riddle me this

>295.0 / 32 => -536 mil
>295 / 32 => 9

why do i need to cast lhs to int when rhs is an integer and thus it should assume int division (as opposed to float division with 32.f)

What are some most significant projects you've done?

Recommend me something to do in Python. No games.
wen i get thing an put to six, it com back fouty six n i dont no why is hapen, u help pls
Why has C lasted so long? It seems to do a lot wrong, but what are all the things it does right?
second is integer division, everything past the decimal point is discarded.
Cast them as floats if you want floating point values.
You're pretty much asking "should I use c or c++?" And the only answer to that is learn more.
>Non power of 2 textures crash my opengl 2.1 application where they should be supported.
>This is another side effect of using amd videocards and processors isnt it?
>non power of 2
>opengl 2.1
found your problem
>side effect of
you don't knowing what the fuck you're doing

Non power of 2 textures crash my opengl 2.1 application where they should be supported.
This is another side effect of using amd videocards and processors isnt it?
>Non power of 2
>opengl 2.1
found your problem
>side effect of using
>EVE Online
I always forget it is written in Python, the codebase is apparently a clusterfuck.
not that dipshit, but...

undefined = mechanics are implementation specific and not part of the language standard so nobody can guarantee (i.e. define) what you'll get with a particular code when compiled/interpreted in a particular environment.
>second is integer division,
yes, but so is first

>everything past the decimal point is discarded.
yes, and that's what i expect

>Cast them as floats if you want floating point values.
i don't, i wanted integer values, i'm asking why do i get that bizzare result with integer division in the first place
>Recommend me something to do

No point, unless you want to do it you won't finish it. My advice, find something you want to make
Simple language to implement. Performance.
C is still in use because:
It's pretty tiny
It's blazingly fast (and not filled to the brim with crap like c++)
It's high-level enough to be useful
There is a c compiler for every architecture imaginable
pls respant >>51422896
most programming languages assume that the result of mixed operations yield a result which is the smallest value that can hold any individual terms

Since you can't hold a float in an int, the terms are all converted to floats and then the arithmetic is performed.

I'm going to be honest I really hate this feature in programming languages. Implicit conversions are shitty. I try to use rationals whenever feasible, which is 99% of the time.
Then any program involving floats has undefined behavior, since the standard says nothing about the encoding of float and double values.
well, when every other language has their compilers implemented in C, why would you use anything else?

I was thinking of starting python/django and build some web apps. I'm already doing android but I need to learn at least another language or two well.
>undefined = mechanics are implementation specific
that's called implementation defined.
>not part of the language standard
the standard tells what is "undefined behavior"
git gud anon!

I recommend flask instead
>yes, but so is first
>i wanted integer values
then use integer values
seconding flask

Isn't flask a lower level framework? I chose Django for employment prospective as well.
>employment prospective
>what is node
>what is mongo
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>I chose Django for employment prospective

Is nodejs still relevant?


I don't understand what it is you're trying to say. I'm European and Flask is used very little.
>doesn't know C
>unqualified to discuss the standard
>talks about bits
>meme "unsigned's store"
>proceed to get told by everyone
shyggy diggy /g/
>Is nodejs still relevant?
compared to django? it's like windows vs gentoo in terms of popularity

Not in Europe.
Is using multiple design patterns in one codebase bad design? (I.e. if I implement an observer pattern for one feature and use composite design to achieve another feature)
you're drunk
>get buttrekt hard
>display his lack of knowledge for all to see
>proud to having to resort to samefagging to get anywhere
>doesn't even know how to fizzbuzz
SJW everyone!
>multiple memes
>bad meme
>meme pattern
>meme design
>achieve meme

Just look at job sites, it's very easy to get an idea even if you don't live here.
>There is a c compiler for every architecture imaginable
Except for mine.
>he mad for getting told
go back to writing fizzbuzz in the absolete garbage that c is
>doesn't know C
>mad when proven with facts that he's a moron
back to css!
stay pleb
>doesn't know how to fizzbuzz in superior Go
I don't believe that...

which architecture is it? Im pretty sure there's a c compiler for my microwave.
I just came across some C tutorials, the author is explaining everything in specifics related to C, he just uses cin and cout instead of printf and scanf but everything else in the program is c and not c++
which language should electic/machanical engineers learn in their degree, in my university they have to do a c++ class
C and C++
so C++
Made you my bitch, didn't I, you autistic fuck? Schooled you hard on undefined behavior. Everyone knows how shit you are at programming now. Just git gud and maybe next time you'll do better.
Truth be told, you had no change against a based C god like me that knows everything there is about the fucking language in my 30+ years of high-profile advanced C programming. You gonna be jelly forever? Read a book or keep flippin' dem burgers, your call.
That's messed because cout is in the standard library iostream. Which as you know is a c++ library.

printf and scanf are part of the c library stdio.h

This is an important difference because c needs the dot h to find header files, you couldn't compile a working program without it. The reverse is false though (you can use printf in c++)
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>which architecture is it?
I haven't given it a name yet, but the assembler language for it is called vasm (virtual assembler) so i guess I'll go with that for now.
There is no C compiler for the platform in pic related.
I will stick to printf & scanf then
It is now my mission to build a c compiler for your architecture

Give me OP codes
>no c compiler for the platform in pic related
>pic related is gnu/linux
Good god you sound like a pretentious faggot.
You need to be 18 to post here.
>so it must be gnu/linux
Fuck off
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I'm usually a sepples man but I'm willing to learn webdev(because no webassembly) to do the following: interactive infographic framework/editor thing with easy localization(think of xkcd's rocket or the rendering equation explained in 100 words being easier to popularize)

Am I being silly, is there something like this out there already, or should I start learning me some java scripts?
nice quads m80
>I want to be you
>why did you have to destroy me like that
Suck it, fag!
No such requirement. You don't know even that, how did you think you'll ever be good at programming of all things?
> Does anyone know why the OP code has undefined behavior?
Because it uses memcpy(), abort(), malloc(), free() and printf() but doesn't include <stdlib.h>, <stdio.h> or <string.h>?

Other than that, I don't see any reason for UB in the code itself. However, the fact that the return type of test() is int but it doesn't return a value may result in UB if whatever calls test uses the return value (there is no UB if the return value from test() is ignored).
it is tho
I'm not him. Just a random person watching you shitpost. Believe me, the last thing I want to be is you.
>Other than that, I don't see any reason for UB in the code itself.
see >>51422823
Yeah, I might not have explained the program well enough. The way the algorithm works favors featuring prominent colors over making the color choices as accurate to the base colorscheme as possible.
Okay, but i won't be able to give you anything very useful, and by the time you finish this compiler i can assure you that instructions would have been added, removed and semantics changed.
And if your going to compile down to my assembler language, then that would be even more unstable since the language changes pretty much every commit.
Also i have not documented it at all.
Good luck though.

opcodes.h: http://pastebin.com/LKBH3aiC
Sample assembler code: http://pastebin.com/Yy1H8G83
Floats are supported, they're just not shown in the sample code, it uses the same syntax as byte/short/word/double just with a float keyword instead.
>I want to be you
I know. I also have a big dick. That's right, I'm a big dick playa! We're talking "swinging past your knee" big dick here.
Was just bustin' yer chops; sounds like a neat project.
Look at the text in the terminal fucktards.
so you don't have a "platform" you have a "project for a platform", like all tards on /g/.
got a logo yet?
Use a trip so I never need to read your inane bullshit please. Better yet, off yourself.
> see >>51422823
Doesn't give any reason for UB. "Because *p" isn't a reason for anything, let alone UB.
I have a working assembler, a working linker, and a working vm.
It's in early development but it works.
I do not have a logo for it.
umad, poorfag? ever got on a G5, playa? or do you rack them frequent flyer bitch miles?
>I do not have a logo
why don't you start with the important things, anon?
Because I'm not a typical /g/tard like you claim.
I don't give a shit about logos.
...He said to the guy, sitting in his office making bank to argue with a faggot. Unfortunately, a client arriving in 12 minutes had this man too distracted to continue arguing with the mentally challenged child. From that day on, there were no more (You)'s to be had.
depends what kind or programs you intend to write, anon
>This may sound stupid since I am kinda directionless but what is the basic math knowledge I should have if I want to get more creative with a calculator?
>"Because *p" isn't a reason for anything, let alone UB.
"*p" is "dereference of p" which is a read access on the object at address "p" as unsigned.
That's undefined behavior. Got it now?
>I'm important
Not important enough to be a big dick playa, are you, pecker?
>a client arriving in 12 minutes
Prepare your anus, fucboi!
>doesn't know C
>unqualified to discuss the standard
>talks about *p
>meme "UB"
>proceed to get told by everyone
shyggy diggy /g/
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Thanks a lot m8, nearly squirted soup out of my nose
But you didn't "tell" anyone anything. If you consider the post you quoted to be "meme" then I have bad news for you: it's the terminology used in the standard which apparently you've never seen.
Guess who's the unqualified now.
Oh, you meant to say that the explanation is too scientific and you want it dumbed down further? Why don't you just say so?
Git gud.
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I am so sorry.png
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I am trying to download
but when I do
git clone --recursive https://github.com/dmanning23/BulletMLLib.git

I got this error on the last external three times in a row.
http://pastebin.com/StfpTMLg (pastebin cause 4chan thinks it is spam).

Not sure where to really go from here cause I'm reasonably new at github.
Put -Wall somewhere in the gcc command line, it enables A LOT of very helpful warnings about what you're doing wrong. I think it should be mandatory for learners, along with -Wextra and -Werror, just like the wheels on the side of your children's bicycle. ("The little wheels", but no one was going to get it ^^
>I'm not a typical /g/tard
that's exactly what all /g/tards say: they're special snowflakes
Isn't there a autosprintf function by GNU somewhere that does printf-like formating?
> "*p" is "dereference of p" which is a read access on the object at address "p" as unsigned.
> That's undefined behavior. Got it now?
Nope. If it's actually UB (and I still don't think it is), you're going to need to cite chapter and verse, or at least be explicit enough that it's possible to deduce which of the many specific reasons for UB you're actually referring to.

p has type unsigned *, it is initialised from malloc(sizeof *p) which will either return NULL (that case is checked and handled with an abort()) or a valid pointer to storage of sufficient size and alignment. Dereferencing it yields an unsigned, which is what printf() expects.
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Clone of '[email protected]:dmanning23/MonoGame.git' into submodule path 'externals/MonoGame' failed
Discrete math is useful no matter what. Linear algebra is useful if you're doing anything with graphics. Statistics is useful for a lot of kinds of programming, especially programming involving modeling or machine learning. Calculus is useful for physics and math-y programming
I'm pretty sure the .h is just a convention
stop posting
github is a nigger, what else is new.
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>feeding the shitposter
please also kill yourselves
Couldn't figure out what to do but it's an external to monogame, which I not only have is part of my project. So the library should work fine no?

Honestly this has just been a frustrating venture and setting up github and getting it to finally work and failed at the end, I honestly probably could've made my own parsar (albeit probably shittier).
How do I achieve something like Boost.Python except in D? I want to be able to expose D functions to D and load Python scripts and call them from D (I /do not/ want to write a separate Python module in D like the DPython binding does).
What projects do you recommend for mid - advanced programmer , beyond loops and pointers , text editor ?
build a neural network from scratch

classify the MNIST dataset
>mid - advanced programmer , beyond loops and pointers
>mid - advanced programmer
>beyond loops and pointers
anyway, something related with your interests? A simple 3d game, small irc client, scheme compiler, or just study some algorithms
>beyond loops and pointers
>mid - advanced programmer
>mid - advanced programmer
>loops and pointers
>text editor
Alright, your post is coherent to warrant a serious explanation (as opposed to wasting my time with idiots that don't even know what UB means).

>p has type unsigned *, it is initialised from malloc(sizeof *p)
That is correct.

>Dereferencing it yields an unsigned
Unfortunately, no; not in this case. Instead, it's UB.

Paragraph 6.5p7 of the C standard defines all valid accesses to objects and it says (in short, discarding the details irrelevant to our case) that objects must have their value accessed only by an expression with a type compatible with the ***effective type*** of the object.

"Effective type" is defined in 6.5p6 and contains this interesting bit
If a value is copied into an object having no declared type using
memcpy or memmove, or is copied as an array of character type,
then the effective type of the modified object for that access and
for subsequent accesses that do not modify the value is the effective
type of the object from which the value is copied, if it has one.

Also, it says that "allocated objects have no declared type" which is the case of "*p" in the discussed example.

- "*p" has no declared type because it's an allocated object
- "memcpy" from a float to "*p" makes "*p" have an effective type of float from that point onwards (until the next write access, of course)
- dereferencing "p" with "*p" is an invalid access, because it is an expression with type "unsigned" but the object stored at address "p" has type float; the correct dereference would be "*(float *) p" (which obviously would result in a float value, that still can't be printed with "%u").
>*p has no declared type
Found the inbred!
You literally do not know what an effective type is, nor what a declared type is. Nice try though, kiddo.
Coding newfag here

Any recommendations for sites or books with practice problems similar to FizzBuzz?

I'm already balls deep into Project Euler and I'm looking for some more resources to supplement my learning.
Are you seriously this dumb? Did you miss the "allocated objects have no declared type".
Read the standard and apply yourself, retard. You just got told.
You should go back to kindergarten where you belong. Maybe this time around you'll get the hang of reading comprehension.
what are they, anon?
lol butthurt
Tornado text.
>so mad for getting owned on a chinese site
>Read the standard and apply yourself, retard
Oh the irony
lmfao @ the senpai and the end.
I'm lost. Only know basic C++ but I'm in college learning. What language we speaking /g/?
Are you retarded or do you honestly believe that code exists in a vacuum?
>get BTFO by so many people
>still act smug
inb4 >I was just pretending to be retarded
>samefag getting rekt hard and mad as fuck
hahahaha, ebin ownage!
Shit nigger, programming language senpai.
I wonder...
>I got rekt with references from the standard
>better use some damage control memes
>he knows more than me so he's smug
>why isn't everyone just as dumb as me
>pls no bully
>samefag getting rekt hard and mad as fuck
hahahaha, ebin ownage!
/g/ get's told: The Post
>replacing text in code tags
Where? All I see is a retard who literally doesn't comprehend what he quotes, but samefags and acts like he's right anyway.
>I'll say he's rekt even though all I have to post are memes and he destroyed my ass
>I don't understand half of the words in his post
>I'm afraid of his big dick
>pls no more rape
b-but anon, those are the words from the standard. what is not clear for you?
Wow buddy, slow down there. You might need to use some buttcream before proceeding, and maybe a buttplug to ensure you don't drop.
What did you comprehend?
Yeah. I also didn't know f4ms was a filter.
senpaitachi senpaitachi senpaitachi. baka desu.
The part where an object with a declared type somehow doesn't have a declared type because "he said so" and fuck the standard even though that's what he's quoting.
Now you ask for a buttplug? After you got plowed like mad?
rate my command-line calculator
$ calc 26^5
╺┓ ╺┓ ┏━┓┏━┓╺┓ ┏━┓┏━┓┏━┓
┃ ┃ ┣━┫┣━┫ ┃ ╺━┫ ┃┣━┓
╺┻╸╺┻╸ ┛┗━┛┗━┛╺┻╸ ┛┗━┛ ╹┗━┛
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UKIP platform.jpg
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>26^5 = lleelelelel
>The part where an object with a declared type
You mean the part where the object doesn't have a declared type because it's an allocated object? Yeah, the standard seems to say the same thing.
Can you even into reading?
kinda shit desu senpaitachi.
rate my number outputerator.
$ ./ascii 80085
|8.--. ||0.--. ||0.--. ||8.--. ||5.--. |
| :/\: || :/\: || :/\: || :/\: || :/\: |
| :\/: || :\/: || :\/: || :\/: || (__) |
| '--'8|| '--'0|| '--'0|| '--'8|| '--'5|
>literally can't read the part you yourself quote
>can't read
>proceeds to make a fool of himself
/g/ everyone
>doesn't understand what he's quoting
>gets BTFO
>n-no, u-ur rong ;_;
6.5p6: "allocated objects have no declared type"
see >>51424661 for the quote from the standard
>unsigned* is not a type
Only on /g/
Thread is fuckin' cancer.
Two or three idiots arguing over nonsense.
Hiroshima, can you please secretly bring /prog/ back?
Who said that? "unsigned *" is a type, you baboon. The discussion was about objects. Get with the program, autistic web faggot.
Correction: idiots arguing over imagined shit, getting owned with quotes from the standard and then continuing with mad faggotry.
>discussion about C objects
>hey, I know a type in C
/g/ everyone
>W-who said that?
>I-I never said that
>wh-where's the delete button again?
>"p" is a magic entity which transcend code therefore it's not a C object and also it has no declared type because I say so
Only on /g/.
>maximum damage control
why don't you say so, m8.
speaking about types, is "==" the assignment operator or not?
>confuses p with *p
>doesn't know they are both objects
>one with a declared type, one without because it's allocated
>he thinks *p refers to the object p
>argues like a moron the whole time that p has a declared type when everyone else is talking about *p
>think printf prints p instead of *p
really, /g/? it should be clear to any monkey by now
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Hi /dpt/, I want to code a wav to mpeg-1 layer 2 converter but I can't find good documentation of how mp2 works. There is an ISO but I only have part of it and it's unintelligible.

Anybody knows where I can find info about mp2 encoding?
Big dick playa right here, owning dem fags! G5, motherfucker!

That's a footnote. L2readTheSpec

> In accordance with Part 3 of the ISO/IEC Directives, this foreword, the introduction, notes, footnotes, and examples are also for information only.

Note the "for information only." That statement is not normative.
Not sure if clinically retarded or just pretending.
B-but anon, the object that >>51424120 talks about is "*p" not "p":
>- "*p" has no declared type because it's an allocated object
Which is correct. He didn't say anything about the type of "p". R-Right?
What's unclear to you? I could try to explain it (no guarantees, I'm not certified to work with the handicapped, but I'll do my best).
The part that's unclear to me is how you could misunderstand one of C's most elementary concepts.
>That statement is not normative.
Yes, it explains to idiots what the "if any" part of the discussion on "declared type" means.
You should be capable of understanding the standard even without it, but alas, you don't even understand it when it's spelled for you in the footnote. You must be really dumb, huh?
what if there was a language without casts
and no religion too.
It might look like that to morons. The kind of morons that can't understand the spec even with a shitload of references explaining every phrase.
Remember: it's not smug language or arrogance when you don't understand the words used; it simply means you're too stupid to understand it yet.
no man, like
*huffs pipe*
what if there was no
*wipes red eyes*
no casting, like, what if
*masturbates to pictures of dynamically-typed abortio- "languages"*
what if there were no
*starts laughing uncontrollably, hitting a blunt*
types, and no casts because there are no
*huffs from pipe*

yeah man that would be rad *starts giggling uncontrollably*
While I don't approve of your drug use, I recognize your right to do such senpaitachi.
I was not trying to take the spec-is-silly-lol-all-is-ub nor the waaaaa-types-are-hard-waaa-reading-is-hard side here. I just dislike when people base their arguments on informational parts of the spec.
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so as as thing for fun I'm doing quakec to have fun doing modding for quake, how heavy is the math going to get? linear algebra?
>That statement is not normative.
Do you even know what that phrase means? Let me explain it for you, because you need serious spoonfeeding to get even the simplest concepts: "not normative" means that if a footnote makes a claim that's incompatible with the rest of the official standard document, the footnote shall be ignored and the claims in the standard prevail.
This footnote simply explains why some objects might not have a declared type as mentioned in "[...] is the declared type of the object, if any."
Did you find something else in the standard to invalidate the footnote? Did you find some definition of "declared type" that includes allocated objects? No, you didn't, because there isn't.
Get bent.
oh man you're totally missing out
*hits blunt*
*passes you blunt + copy of JavaScript: The Good Parts*
I'm more of a.. Do a bunch of blow and adderall, program some C and spend the rest of the night drinking and playing CSGO while hitting ridiculously farfetched shots due to massive reaction time increase and good mood.
>n-no u
How cute.
>linear algebra

Woah anon, no need to break out the big guns.
then how math heavy is quakec?
>then how math heavy is ti-83?
Not surprised /g/ doesn't understand the concept of objects in C nor the semantics of malloc and memcpy considering these faggots don't even know how to average 2 ints in C. They were rekt hard a few weeks ago on that topic too.
there is
>muh comebacks
>pls no bully with your big dick
/dpt/ a shit
You need to have a firm grasp of advanced differential equations.
not even the right title why do you suck so bad
virtual machine.
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Working on an assembly for a theoretical computer and so far it is harder to use than Brainfuck.
~ Recursion Example 2
~ Increment Register 1 to Infinity
A:1 <- (+) ~ Set Register 1 to Apply (+) in Series A
A:2 <- (y1) ~ Set Register 2 to State (True,1) in Series A
\\ 2,2 -> 1 ~ Connect Register 2 and 2 to 1
\\ 1,2 -> 1 # 1 $ A ~ Connect Register 1 and 2 to 1 when Register 1 Signs A
~ Brainfuck equivalent
But within the function float_as_u, the object "*u" has declared type "unsigned". As such, it's effective type will remain unsigned when memcpy'd to and thus printing its value is not UB.

Prove me wrong. Protip: [spoiler]no spoilers on /g/ ;_;[/spoiler]
It's shit.
They're called assembly languages.
Give me a more desirable number you'd like to see.
int days[] = new int[365]
for(int i = 1; i < 366; i++) days[i] = i;
"*u" is an allocated object, it has no declared type.
"u" has a declared type of "unsigned *" but nothing is done to "u";
proven wrong.
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>aren't *u and u the same thing?
no, anon, they're not; you don't know C
>>>/mental institute/
>mentally challenged
Thread posts: 339
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